Elizabeth CC 2019/2020: Week Timeline Story of The World Book/ch. Activity IEW Medieval History

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Elizabeth CC 2019/2020


Week Timeline Story of the World IEW Medieval History

Book/ch. activity Reader 4th Grade Who was/ What was
Week 1 65-Charlemagne
Crowned Emperor of Vol. 2. Ch. 13 Lesson 1, 2- Middle - Magic Tree House- Viking Where Is Easter Island?
Aug. 26-30 Europe Dec. 800 Activity: Make crown or Ages, Anglo- Saxons Ships at sunrise and Vikings
puppets (shelf).
Look at charts A, B
The Story of King Arthur and
His Knights-

Week 2 70-71 East-West Schism of Vol.2 ch.15

the Church, Norman Lesson 4: Justinian the The Door in the Wall (need Where were the Great
Sept 2-6 Conquest and Feudalism Activity: make Alfred Great to order) Pyramids
in Europe 1000AD cakes
MTH- Afternoon on the
Week 3 Where Is the Taj Mahal?
Vol. 2 Ch. 18 Lesson 5: Beowulf Finish the Door in the Wall
Sept. 9-13 Free read-
Activity: Learn to play
chest Maybe story on Beowulf
Week 4 One Thousand and One
Vol. 2 Ch. 19 Lesson 6: The Arabian Nights Who was George
Sept 16-20 Activity: Make Magna Archbishop of (McCaughrean) order Washington Carver
Carta for bedroom Canterbury
Week 5 Imagination Station:
Vol.2 Ch. 25, 26 Lesson 7: Mohammed Revenge of the Red Knight Who was Joan of Arc
Sept. 23-27 Activity: Cycle of the #4 (shelf)
Plague Wheel and
Get rid of the fleas
Elizabeth CC 2019/2020
Story of the World Who was/ What was
Week Timeline Book/ch. activity IEW Medieval History Books
Reader 4th Grade
Week 6 Vol. 2 Ch. 35,37, 39 Who was Leonardo da Vinci
Lesson 9: The Inquisitor’s Tale (in shelf)
Sept. 30- Activity: Be a Charlomagne Shakespear
Oct. 4 Renaissance Architect, Stage Fright on a Summer
Make eye of newt stew Night (shelf)
Week 7 Vol. 2 Ch. 34 Who was Rachel Carson?
Activity: take a vow of Lesson 10- the Vikings
Oct. 7-11 silence
Week 8 Vol.2 Ch. 31
Activity: Sweet Lesson 11: Alfred the Ferdinand Magellan and
Oct. 21 - 25 Potatoes and make Great Jacques Cousteau
hydro jet boat
Week 9 Vol. 3 Ch. 13, 1, 4 Robin Hood Queen Elizabeth (in shelf)
Activity: make a ball Lesson 12: The Battle
Oct. 28 – mask of Hastings
Nov 1

Week 10 Vol.3 Ch. 17 Imagination Station: Voyage

with the Vikings (Erik the Who was Leif Erickson
Nov 4 - Nov Activity: Dream up a Read and Leif Erik) (shelf)
8 City
Week 11 Vol. 3 Ch. 25 Midnight on the Moon (shelf) Who was Marie Antoinette
Nov. 11-15 Activity: make red
Citizen Cap Catherine Called Birdie

Week 12 Vol. 3. Ch, 33 Napolean

Activity: write journal Imagination Station: Peril in
Nov.18-22 entry about Napoleon’s the Palace (Marco Polo)
Elizabeth CC 2019/2020
Week 13 Vol 3 . 27 Henry Ford
Activity: Write a patent

Nov. 25-29

Week Timeline Story of the World IEW Medieval History

Book/ch. activity Reader 4th Grade Who was/ What was
Thanksgiving Breal Request second set of
No school 25-29 books from library
Week 14 Vol.4 Ch. 20 Nikola Tesla
Activity: Cryptography
Dec. 2-6
Week 15 Vol. 4 Ch. 21 Charles Monet
Activity: Make Own
Dec. 9-13 Passport
Week 16 Vol. 4. 28 Imagination Station: Escape Charles Monet
Activity: make a to the Hiding Place
Dec. 16-20 wartime poster
Read: Adam of the Road
Christmas No school Dec. 23-
Jan. 10
Week 17 Vol. 4 Ch. 29 Tuskegee Airmen
Activity: identify war The Kite Rider
Jan. 6-10 planes,
Week 18 Vol. 4 Ch. 29 Winston Churchill
Activity : March Air
Jan. 13-17 base
Week 19 Vol. 4 Ch. 33 Wright Brothers
Activity: Latitude and
Jan. 20-24 Longitude
Week 20 Vol.4 ch. 37 Hindenburg
Activity: research
Jan. 27-31 Vietnam Vet
Week 21 Vol. 4 ch. 35 Eiffel Tower
Elizabeth CC 2019/2020
Activity: What would
this weigh on the moon
Week 22 Vol. 4 Ch. 41 Coretta Scott King
Feb. 10-14 Activity: Tiananmen
Week 23 Vol. 4 Ch. 42 Marie Curie
Feb. 17-21 Activity: Monuments

Week Timeline Story of the World IEW Medieval History

Book/ch. activity Reader 4th Grade Who was/ What was
Week 24 Vol. 4 Ch. 42 Nelson Mandela

Feb. 24-28
Week 25

March 2-6
Week 26

March 9-13
Week 27

March 16-20
Week 28

March 23-27
Week 29

March 30-
Aprl 3


April 6-10
Week 30
April 13-17
Elizabeth CC 2019/2020
Week 31

April 20-24
Week 32

April 27-
May 1
Week 33

May 4-18
Week 34

May 18-22
Week 35

May 25-29
Week 36

June 1-5

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