An Artificial Neural Network Based MPPT
An Artificial Neural Network Based MPPT
An Artificial Neural Network Based MPPT
Abstract—The need of renewable energy integration with power The objective of this paper is to develop an artificial
system is shooting up day by day. Solar PV generation has an network based MPPT algorithm and to compare with other
important role for battery charging, grid tied applications etc. In peak power point tracking algorithms.
order to intensify output power of a solar photovoltaic
arrangement, it is imperative to find the maximum possible II. EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT AND CHARACTERISTICS OF PV
energy harvest from photovoltaic panel. In this paper Maximum A solar cell consists of a current source parallel with
Power Point Tracking (MPPT) controller for solar photovoltaic a diode [3]. Since solar cell is not an ideal one, a shunt and a
system is developed by practicing artificial neural network series resistance are connected. Series connected resistance is
(ANN). Also the performance of an ANN based MPPT controller
to oppose the electron flow. The equivalent circuit diagram of a
is compared with Conventional MPPT methods. In particular hill
climbing method (perturb & observe), Incremental Conductance solar cell is shown in Fig. 1
method and fractional open circuit voltage method. Simulations
are done by using MATLAB/SIMULINK to analyze results.
Due to environmental and economic benefits solar
photovoltaic (PV) system is considered as more efficient over
the other renewable energy sources [1]. Since photovoltaic Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of a solar cell
electricity generation is clean, inexhaustible, pollution less and
ሺ ౚሻ
requires less maintenance they are the most promising I = ୱୡ Ǧ ሺ ౡ െ ͳሻሺͳሻ
renewable energy source. The main advantage of using solar
Rearrange equation (1),
PV system is that it does not consist of any moving parts and it
does not produce any noise. Solar photovoltaic array converts శ౩
I =Ȃ (ሺ ౡ
െ ͳ)+ୱୡ (2)
solar energy obtained from sun to electrical energy. The
efficiency of solar PV system is low while comparing with Where, I is the solar cell current, V is the solar cell voltage, T
other renewable energy sources but it would be more beneficial is the temperature in Kelvin and n is the ideality factor. A
if it can track maximum power continuously for any change in typical I-V and P-V curve of a solar PV cell can be seen in Fig.
environmental conditions like solar emanation and 2.
temperature. That is why the concept of tracking maximum
possible power from solar PV arrangement is established. The three important parameters in P-V and I-V curve is
Therefore it is essential to track MPP online. Thevenin voltage (୭ୡ ), short circuit current (ୱୡ ) and
maximum power point (MPP) [4]. At both ୭ୡ andୱୡ points
Solar power mainly depends on temperature and solar the power generated is zero. The short circuit current ሺୱୡ ሻ is
emanation conditions [2]. For slight change in solar emanation defined as it is the current at V = 0 and Thevenin voltage is
and temperature values maximum possible energy extraction defined as it is the voltage at ୱୡ = 0. The maximum energy
from solar PV arrangement is different. MPP can be obtained harvest by solar cell is only at a unique operating point of the
from PV curve of PV arrangement. DC-DC boost converter P-V, I-V characteristic, where the power is maximum at that
helps to achieve MPP of PV array. The most popular MPPT point, known as the MPP and can be seen in Fig. 2.
algorithms are hill climbing method, Incremental Conductance
(IC) method, fractional open circuit voltage (FOC) method
fuzzy logic based MPPT, ANN based MPPT etc. [5].
978-1-5386-3695-4$31.00 2018
c IEEE 375
The different algorithms found to track the MPP of solar
PV system are:
1) Hill climbing method (P&O)
2) Incremental Conductance method (IC)
3) Fractional open circuit voltage method (FOC)
4) Neural networks
A. Perturb & observe method(P&O)
Fig. 2. I-V and P-V characteristics of solar PV system Since P&O is simple and easy to implement, it is the
commonly using technique [5]. The peak power point is
ୢ ୢ
obtained when the condition = 0. The descent ( ) of the
ୢ ୢ
power can be written as follows
ୢ ሺ୬ሻିሺ୬ିଵሻ
(n) = (3)
ୢ ሺ୬ሻିሺ୬ିଵሻ
The basic block diagram of the proposed system is given Where,୭ is the load voltage of 24 V. From the relation, the
in Fig. 6. The PV array converts solar energy to electrical
energy and is given to boost converter. ANN based MPPT is duty ratio is, d = 0.2467.
used in the proposed system. ANN control will change the
duty ratio to get maximum power point. ୱכୢ
Inductor value is given by ୫୧୬ = (9)