Reducing The Stigma of Mental Illness
Reducing The Stigma of Mental Illness
Reducing The Stigma of Mental Illness
The stigma attached to mental illness is the main obstacle to better mental health care and better
quality of life for people who have the illness, for their families, for their communities and
for health service staff who deal with psychiatric disorders. Stigma is pernicious and there are
indications that, despite advances of psychiatry and medicine, it continues to grow and have
more and often terrible consequences for patients and families.
In 1996, the WPA began an international programme to fight the stigma and discrimination
associated with schizophrenia. The ‘Open the Doors’ programme has been implemented since
then in more than 20 countries and has involved about 200 different anti-stigma interventions.
This book details the results of these international efforts and provides recommendations and
guidance for those seeking to join this initiative or to start similar efforts for dispelling stigma
and discrimination.
Norman Sartorius is one of the most prominent and influential psychiatrists of his generation.
He has served as Director of the Division of Mental Health at the World Health Organization,
and subsequently as President of the World Psychiatric Association. He is a member of the
Council of the World Psychiatric Association and of the Expert Advisory Panel of the World
Health Organization. He is an honorary professor of the University of London, a professor at
the Universities of Zagreb and Prague and has held or holds professorial appointments at the
Department of Psychiatry of the University of Geneva and at several other universities in Europe,
the USA and China; he is a senior associate of the Faculty of the Johns Hopkins School of Public
Health in Baltimore. He has written over 300 scientific papers and has authored, co-authored or
edited more than 40 books.
Hugh Schulze is President and CEO of c|change Inc., a marketing communications company
in Chicago, USA. His 25-year career in the communications field has included work in many
industries, including healthcare and experience in all media. For the last 10 years, he has served as
Communications Consultant for the ‘WPA Global Programme to Fight the Stigma and Discrim-
ination because of Schizophrenia’ and has spoken at conferences and congresses internationally.
He is also Consultant for the WPA Global Child Mental Health Programme.
Reducing the Stigma
of Mental Illness
A Report from a Global Programme
of the World Psychiatric Association
Norman Sartorius
Hugh Schulze
cambridge university press
Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
Cambridge University Press has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of urls
for external or third-party internet websites referred to in this publication, and does not
guarantee that any content on such websites is, or will remain, accurate or appropriate.
Preface page xi
Introduction xiii
Structure of this Book xix
Participants in the Programme xxi
Acknowledgements xxv
Phase II 33
3 Spain 35
Working from the inside out 37
Interventions for individuals living with schizophrenia and their families 38
Health care institutions 38
An approach to the public 39
Results 40
Bibliography – Spain 41
4 Austria 42
Establishing a benchmark 43
Targeting journalists 43
Educating high school students 44
Broadening the audience 44
Mental health services 45
Conclusions 45
Bibliography – Austria 46
Phase III 47
5 Germany 49
Düsseldorf 51
Interventions undertaken since 2000 52
The first ‘Anti-stigma Prize’ in Germany 52
Anti-stigma Training Modules 52
Competence Centre for Destigmatization of People with
Schizophrenia 53
Hamburg 53
Itzehoe-Steinburg and Kiel 54
Leipzig 54
Interventions based upon Focus Group results: secondary school
students 55
Adult education 56
Media 56
vii Contents
Munich 56
Conclusion 58
References – Germany 59
Bibliography – Germany 59
6 Italy 62
Research 63
Stigma and high school students 63
Stigma and journalists 64
Working with employers and their employees 65
Conclusion 67
References – Italy 68
Bibliography – Italy 68
7 Greece 70
A unique national opportunity 71
Mental health professionals 72
Working with the media 72
Expanding the volunteer network 73
Stigma and the arts 74
Support materials for communication 75
Stigma and high school students 76
Individuals living with schizophrenia and families 76
Local networking and awareness 77
Conclusion 77
Bibliography – Greece 78
8 United States 80
Employers 81
Criminal justice system 82
Media and the general public 84
High school students: reaching beyond schools 84
Conclusion 85
Bibliography – United States 86
9 Poland 88
Putting the structure in place 88
Assessing needs 89
A national perspective 90
A non-governmental organization dedicated to schizophrenia 90
Teachers and students 91
viii Contents
Employers 91
Church and clergy 91
A Day of Solidarity 92
Conclusion 93
Bibliography – Poland 94
10 Japan 95
Follow-up research on effectiveness 96
Study 1: Japanese psychiatrists 96
Study 2: Individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia 97
Study 3: Family members 97
Study 4: General public/college students 97
Study 5: Psychiatric professionals in universities 98
Guidelines for the future 98
Working in the community 99
Tokachi 100
Sendai 100
Okayama 101
Moving forward 102
References – Japan 103
Bibliography – Japan 103
Phase IV 105
11 Slovakia 107
Starting in Michalovce 107
Changing, not fighting, the system 109
Working with and through the media 109
Conclusion 110
References – Slovakia 111
12 Turkey 112
Building a programme and a non-governmental organization 113
General practitioners 113
Working with the general public 114
Consumer and family members 115
High school students and teachers 115
Conclusion 116
Bibliography – Turkey 116
ix Contents
13 Brazil 117
Establishing the programme 117
Targeting two communities 118
Objectives, target audiences and research 119
Educational initiatives 120
Building a coalition 120
Cultural activities 121
Conclusion 121
Bibliography – Brazil 122
14 Egypt 123
Research 123
Primary care physicians 124
Individuals living with schizophrenia and family members 124
Journalists 124
Interventions 124
Working with medical students 125
Secondary school students 125
Broadening the programme 125
Bibliography – Egypt 126
15 Morocco 128
Research 128
Family members and individuals living with schizophrenia 128
Medical professionals 129
Interventions 129
On-going focus on medical professionals 131
Conclusion 131
Bibliography – Morocco 132
Afterword 172
Appendix I 175
Appendix II 215
Appendix III 223
Appendix IV 229
Index 234
The Second World War is now becoming a dim memory for all but those who lived
it. Among them, those who were not soldiers by profession, civilians caught in the
maelstrom of misery, death, terror, starvation and suffering also remember it with
particular clarity.
In that war, my mother, a pediatrician, joined the partisans in Yugoslavia and
took me along. Although this has been more than half a century ago and I was only
8-year old I still remember the time we spent with the resistance movement with
extraordinary clarity: the years immediately before and after have long receded
into vague landscapes of time. Among the memories of the war is one of the nasty
winter of 1943 when I had an experience that gained in significance over the years.
We had completed many hours of enforced march and had come to a road
that we had had to cross: it was well guarded and it was necessary to wait for a
period between the enemy patrols to get to the other side. Everyone had to remain
absolutely quiet. We held that position for hours waiting for the signal to proceed.
It was there that I saw a cortege, a carriage with six white horses, with attendants
dressed in eighteenth century costumes and finery pass by on the protected road.
It was quite beautiful and I remember how extremely clear it seemed to me. I
heard the sound of the hoofs and muted voices of the attendants. The carriage was
moving slowly and once it passed another came along. This hallucination lasted
for what seemed a long time. When I pointed to the sight and described it to others
they looked at me puzzled and ordered me to stop talking about it.
Over the past few decades a number of new findings contributed to our know-
ledge about schizophrenia. Some of these relate to morphological changes of the
brain observable by the increasingly powerful investigative techniques. Others
relate to the nature of the schizophrenic experience, to the importance of main-
taining the patients’ self-esteem for the process of recovery and to the positive role
that families can play in helping the patient if properly trained.
And yet, for all the advances that have been made by the neurosciences, by
the social and behavioural sciences, by studies of treatment and by public health
investigations the mystery of the brain–mind barrier seems as impenetrable as
it always was. Jim van Os and others demonstrated that typical symptoms of
xii Preface
psychosis appear in people who never consulted a doctor for it with a surprisingly
high frequency (Verdoux and Os, 2002): why some of these experiences appear
and vanish while others stay or keep coming back and occupy one’s mind is still
unclear. Why did I see the cortege with white horses when no one else saw it and
why did this type of experience never come back even though there were many
other situations in which I was exhausted, hungry, sleepy and frightened? And
what would have happened to me had I been brought to a hospital, kept there for
observation and maybe given some treatment? Could the label of being kept for
observation in a mental institution have changed my subsequent schooling, social
relationships and working life?
The level of our ignorance is such that it is safe to predict that much more time
is necessary before we learn enough about schizophrenia to be able to prevent it.
We can however provide care to people who suffer from schizophrenia and know
what could enhance the probability that our treatment will be successful and that
patients will find their place in society. We know what obstacles stand in the way of
recovery and rehabilitation. Among these obstacles undoubtedly the most serious
and difficult is the stigmatization of mental illness and of all those in contact with
it – the sufferers, their families, the medications used for treatment, the institutions
in which treatment is provided, staff in mental health institutions and even the sites
on which they are located.
This book is about stigma and ways of fighting it. It reports on what we and the
other participants in the WPA Global Programme against Stigma and Discrimina-
tion because of Schizophrenia have learned from it. It also contains our thoughts
about ways of intensifying the programme and making it an essential part of health
services, equivalent in importance to training staff about ways to treat diseases.
We hope that this volume will make readers aware of the nature of stigmatiza-
tion of mental illness in different cultures and of the consequences of stigma and
discrimination for all concerned. We also hope that it will make readers eager to
join those who fight these because they are awesome obstacles to progress not only
for mental health programmes but also for progress towards the creation of a civil
Norman Sartorius
Geneva, Switzerland, 2005
Verdoux, H. and van Os, J. (2002). Psychotic symptoms in non-clinical populations and the
continuum of psychosis. Schizophrenia Research, 54(1–2), 59–65.
The stigma attached to mental illness and all that is related to it – patients who
suffer from mental disorders, their families, psychiatric institutions, psychotropic
medications – is the main obstacle to better mental health care and better quality
of life of people who have the illness, of their families, of their communities and of
health service staff that deals with psychiatric disorders. It is a basic component
of the negative discrimination that people with mental illness experience every
day. It blocks access to facilities and options that, in principle at least, have been
created to help people impaired by mental illness. Stigma is pernicious and what
is worse there are indications that despite advances of psychiatry and medicine
stigma continues to grow and has more and more often terrible consequences for
patients and families.
The stigma associated with schizophrenia is particularly harsh. A person diag-
nosed with the illness will be seen by most of those around him or her as dangerous,
lazy, incompetent at work, unable to be a family member that fulfills his or her social
obligations. Different fears and prejudicial judgments may be in the foreground of
stigma in different cultural settings: what is common is that the negative opinion
will stay stable even after all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared and
after it has been possible to show that the individual concerned can work and fulfill
his social roles at least as well as his fellow citizens.
That stigma exists and that it is pernicious is gradually becoming accepted (Link
et al., 1992). This growth of awareness is however only rarely accompanied by the
commitment or at least willingness to do something about diminishing stigma and
its consequences.
The reasons given for inaction by mental health workers (and by others who
should be concerned with stigma) are varied. Some say that they are too busy,
others that individuals cannot change stigmatization. Still others state that stigma
linked to mental illness is not very different from the stigma attached to other
illnesses and therefore only a comprehensive programme which is beyond their
reach can make sense.
xiv Introduction
From India: ‘My parents support me but we can’t tell any of our neighbors. It
would hurt my sister’s chances of being married.’
From Canada: ‘If I apply for the job and tell them I have schizophrenia, I won’t be
hired. If I don’t tell them and they find out, or I suffer a relapse later, I will be fired.’
From Japan: ‘Women with an illness like this will be kept at home to do domestic
chores, while we men are sent out of the house.’
From the United Kingdom: ‘[T]he only way I found out the doctors had diagnosed
me with schizophrenia was because I managed to read it upside down on my
medical notes! No one had told me and finding out that way was very frightening.
I felt very alone.’
From the United States: ‘The doctors left me waiting in the emergency room,
fighting my delusions for six hours; they said other people’s problems were more
serious than mine.’
The Treatment Committee was charged with compiling the latest information
on the illness and the variety of treatment options available. For the first year,
the head of this group was the Italian psychiatrist, Mario Maj. In 1997, Wolfgang
Fleishhacker of Austria stepped into that role.
The Reintegration Committee, chaired by Julian Leff of the UK, was to examine
results of research done on reintegrating individuals back in society.
The Stigma Committee, the largest of the four groups, surveyed the manifest-
ations of stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia in different cultures
and countries. Richard Warner from the US directed the efforts of that group.
Finally, while the programme’s Steering Committee oversaw the interworking of
the groups, the Review Committee would review the documents produced by the
After reviewing the evidence and relevant facts, the groups produced a single vol-
ume on schizophrenia. The volume was written in the style of an encyclopedia entry,
easily readable and based on evidence. The volume was annotated with remarks
indicating sections particularly relevant to fighting stigma. This volume was meant
to provide a central compendium of the latest scientific information on schizophre-
nia for the media and programme participants. This volume has been translated
into Spanish, Polish, Italian and Japanese. In Spain, it has been published as a book.
The groups next produced a step-by-step guide for implementing an anti-stigma
programme. The group understood that most of the implementers of the pro-
gramme in individual countries would have had little or no experience in addressing
public awareness or changing public opinion and wanted to provide guidance on
social marketing efforts. That volume was drafted by Dr Sartorius and Dr Hugh
Schulze with the help of Dr Warner, and reviewed by the Steering Committee and
other experts, such as communication professionals. It is designed to assist psychi-
atrists and other mental health professionals in assembling a Local Action Group,
setting measurable goals and objectives, and identifying key target groups for the
programme. The guide includes suggestions on how to hold a press conference,
write a press release, and numerous other practical tips. After years of its use, the
volume has been further developed through the creation of a Manual with prac-
tical suggestions based upon the experiences of the programme and use of the
The steps outlined in that initial volume take Local Action Groups roughly 12 to
18 months to implement – from initial planning meetings to full implementation.
Over the years, a number of general principles have emerged that have applied in
all countries:
The volume also contained practical suggestions such as the creation of a project
log, establishment of regular meeting times and other suggestions for maintaining
group cohesion. Examples from both volumes are listed in the appendices of this
Since that first meeting, more than 20 countries have undertaken nearly 200
anti-stigma interventions. As we will see, these interventions were directed towards
well-defined target groups in an effort to address different parts of the vicious
cycles that lead to discrimination and prejudice.
The WPA and Local Action Groups in different countries have published journal
articles and reports on the on-going efforts around the world. They have also made
presentations at major scientific meetings, conferences and congresses. This book is
intended to gather the latest data from all of these efforts and provide insights into
how each initiative was developed in a particular country through the cooperation
of men and women from a wide variety of backgrounds.
What sets this programme apart from other anti-stigma initiatives is both its
international nature – whereby groups in different countries were able to share
best practices – and the collaborative nature of the Local Action Groups. Following
guidelines set out by the WPA Global Programme and refined in other countries,
these groups bring together psychiatrists and other mental health professionals,
xvii The Global Programme of the World Psychiatric Association
The opening chapter provides an overview of the challenge and methodologies used
to fight stigma and discrimination. The following chapters provide country-specific
reports on interventions undertaken following the WPA guidelines. These have
been organized more or less chronologically in four phases. Phase I, which involved
the first use of Volumes I and II of the programme materials, was undertaken in
1997 in Calgary, Canada. Phase II was an extension of the programme to Spain and
Austria. Phase III included other European countries such as Germany. Phase IV
was programme implementation in other countries.
Each chapter concludes with a list of articles relevant to the anti-stigma efforts
in that country. The final chapter includes a list of recommendations and cautions
relevant in undertaking such a programme. In Appendix I, the reader will find
Volume I of the programme – a step-by-step guide to planning and implementation.
Appendix II contains sample pages from Volume II, which contains information on
the diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, along with a section devoted to the
stigma and discrimination associated with the illness. We have also included the
instruments for surveys of knowledge and attitudes that were used in the Calgary
Pilot Study in Alberta, Canada.
Additional information is available at the programme web site:
Those interested in starting a programme against stigma should contact:
Professor Dr Norman Sartorius
14 chemin Colladon
1209 Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: 41 22 788 2331
Fax: 41 22 788 2334
Please note that those who join the WPA network will be expected to share the
data that they obtain in their work with other participating sites and to follow the
guidelines of the programme. In turn they will be given access to all of the sites’
materials and will be kept informed about the development of the programme.
Participants in the Programme
Steering Committee
Norman Sartorius (Switzerland): Scientific Director
Juan J. López-Ibor (Spain)
Julio Arboleda-Flórez (Canada)
Ahmed Okasha (Egypt): Chairman
Hugh Schulze (United States)
Costas N. Stefanis (Greece)
Narendra N. Wig (India)
Treatment Committee
W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker (Austria): Chairman after 5/97
Juan J. López-Ibor (Spain): Steering Committee Representative
Timothy J. Crow (United Kingdom)
Paramanand Kulhara (India)
Jan Libiger (Czech Republic)
Michael G. Madianos (Greece)
Mario Maj (Italy): Chairman through 5/97
Michael O. Olatawura (Nigeria)
Reintegration Committee
Julian Leff (United Kingdom): Chairman
Costas N. Stefanis (Greece): Steering Committee Representative
Marina Economou (Greece)
Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany)
Ulf Malm (Sweden)
Vincent B. Wankiiri (Uganda)
xxii Participants in the programme
Stigma Committee
Richard Warner (United States): Chairman
Narendra N. Wig (India): Steering Committee Representative
Anthony W. Clare (Ireland)
Sue Ellen Estroff (United States)
Julio Arboleda Flórez (Canada)
Robert Freedman (United States)
Semyon Gluzman (Ukraine)
Trisha Goddard (Australia)
Driss Moussaoui (Morocco)
Michael Phillips (China)
Everett M. Rogers (United States)
Corinne L. Shefner-Rogers (United States)
Review Committee
Wolfgang Gaebel (Germany): Chairman
Heinz Häfner (Germany): Chairman to 2001
Norman Sartorius (Switzerland): Steering Committee Representative
Istvan Bitter (Hungary)
Giovanni de Girolamo (Italy)
R. Srinivasa Murthy (India)
Ahmed Okasha (Egypt)
Charles Pull (Luxembourg)
Wulf Rössler (Switzerland)
Pedro Ruiz (USA)
Mitsumoto Sato (Japan)
Harold M. Visotsky, deceased (United States)
Greg Wilkinson (United Kingdom)
instrumental in bringing the results to this book. Contact information for individ-
uals and Local Action Groups are given at the end of appropriate chapters. (Like
the chapters themselves, the countries are listed in chronological order roughly
corresponding to when the initiatives were begun.)
This programme would not have been possible without the generous support of
many people living with schizophrenia and their families in more than 20 coun-
tries around the world, including the family associations that support them. The
programme has also been supported by medical and psychiatric institutions, and
other agencies many of whom are listed in the appropriate country reports.
We would also like to thank Eli Lilly and Company who have generously
supported both the international effort and local initiatives in some countries.
The authors would also like to thank Josette Mamboury in Geneva, Switzerland
and Melissa Woods in Chicago, United States for their invaluable assistance in this
programme over the years.
1 Among them Mr H. Schulze who remained fully involved with the programme throughout and is a
co-author of this book.
2 Developing the programme
Since the early work by Erving Goffman on stigma (Goffman, 1963), many defi-
nitions of stigma have been put forward. For the anti-stigma work of the WPA,
elements of earlier research and experience were synthesized into an operational
model that describes the vicious cycle of mental illness, its stigma and consequences
(Sartorius, 2000).
This model has several advantages. First, it acknowledges that ‘stigma’ should
be viewed as one of the important disadvantages created by illness and making it
more severe. Second, it stresses that stigma is part of a vicious circle and that it will
continue to grow unless the circle is interrupted.
Third, and this is perhaps most important, the cycle identifies access points
where interventions might be undertaken and where there is room for action by
professionals, social services, hospitals and community agents. The model further
shows that there is no one who could not contribute to fighting stigma and its
Once the marker is loaded in this way, it becomes the stigma and anyone who has
it will be stigmatized. Stigmatization may lead to negative discrimination which
in turn leads to numerous disadvantages in terms of access to care, poor health
service, frequent setbacks that can damage self-esteem, and additional stress that
might worsen the condition of the consumer, and thus amplify the marker, making
it even more likely the person will be identified and stigmatized.
This cyclical model also implies that an intervention at any point might stop
that process. Thus, if it proves impossible, for example, to remove stigma it is often
possible to focus on removing discrimination by legal and other means.
In other instances, it might become possible to improve treatment and rehabili-
tation services to a level at which they can offer help to the consumer and the family,
and support them in living with the illness. Sometimes it is possible to remove the
marker – as in the case with extra-pyramidal symptoms that can appear as side-
effects of certain type of medications, but do not appear with other treatments. In
some instances, there is enough time and opportunity to educate the community
in a manner that will decrease the negative loading of the marker.
A similar cycle can be constructed for families and caregivers. Yet it differs in
significant respects.
The shame, guilt and worry that family members can feel adds to stress on the
group. This might be just the parent and the child with the illness or encompass
a much larger extended family, close friends, coworkers and/or neighbours. The
increased stress may reduce the individual’s or group’s reserves – in terms of emo-
tional and often financial resources, and in terms of time that can be spent with
members of the family who are not suffering from the illness. The reduced reserve
4 Developing the programme
means that family members will have less support in times of need and that as a
consequence links among family members can be broken or perhaps even irrev-
ocably severed. This increases the stress for all members of the family or social
unit which may lead to a relapse or reappearance of the stigmatized illness. In a
manner similar to the circle described for the person with the illness, the family
may also lose self-esteem and confidence in itself which makes care more difficult
and possibly less effective for those members of the family with the illness.
Mental health professionals may not be surprised to see this vicious cycle
mirrored in the area of mental health services as well.
Family members and those who have developed early symptoms of the
schizophrenia, may avoid seeking psychiatric help for a variety of reasons. This
may be due to misunderstandings about the illness, its course or the treatments
that might be used. But as a number of groups in the WPA programme found in
country after country, this may also be due to previous stigmatizing experiences
(e.g. dismissive treatment in a hospital emergency room that might include
accusations in front of family members of the use of illegal drugs).
Whatever the reasons, by not seeking early treatment, patients may later be
admitted involuntarily often with severe forms of acute psychosis. As a conse-
quence, the psychiatric unit or emergency room can come to be seen by other
hospital officials and by the population as a holding area for ‘problem patients’
for whom psychiatric care can do little.2 The deterioration in reputation of the
services in the hospital leads to a reduction of funding.
With a reduction in funding comes a deterioration in services and increasing dif-
ficulty to maintain or hire good-quality staff. Poor performance by staff contributes
to the overall negative perception of the psychiatric service. As the reputation of
the service deteriorates, as word spreads of these poor services, those who may
be experiencing early symptoms – or their family members – further stigmatize
psychiatric services and delay treatment, perpetuating the vicious cycle.
The impact of the cycles we have described extend beyond those immediately
involved at each stage. These cycles reinforce stereotypes, increase cynicism in
members of the community, and further diminish hopes of those living with mental
illness that things will improve.
These cycles of stigmatization are not isolated from each other. A family that has
lost hope and self-esteem will find it more difficult to seek help and realize its right
to help. This will not only worsen the situation but also contribute to the perception
of weakness of the family and all of its members, and lessen their ability to become
active participants, along with the healthcare professionals, in the recovery of the
family member with schizophrenia.
These interrelated cycles of stigma and discrimination because of mental illness
illustrate specific points for intervention. The next question becomes one of how
finely focused the interventions should be.
2 With the current tendency to reduce the number of in-patient facilities, it is often necessary to admit
severely disturbed chronic patients with comorbid conditions, both physical and mental (e.g. drug abuse).
This further reduces the number of beds available to the service and heightens the threshold for admis-
sion for those with early forms of illness who would particularly benefit from appropriate help and
6 Developing the programme
There are strong arguments for either of these two options. It could be argued that
taking all mental illnesses as a target might – if the programme is successful – help
incomparably more people than the prevention or removal of stigma concerning a
single disease such as schizophrenia. A point in favor of the broad focus could also
be that the general public does not make a distinction between mental illnesses
and that therefore engaging support of a wide section of the population might be
more difficult if a psychiatric label is used in defining the focus of action. Targeting
many mental diseases, it was felt, might help to engage a larger number of patient
and family organizations. The question of equity also arises if only one disease
is selected as a target for action: why should other illnesses not receive the same
benefits of a campaign?
The WPA programme decided to take only schizophrenia as a focus for the
programme. The arguments for it are numerous and seem to prevail over the
reasons for taking all mental diseases as the target. Schizophrenia as a syndrome
is a paradigm of mental illness and the general public when asked to describe a
mentally ill person invariably lists symptoms such as delusions and hallucinations –
hallmarks of schizophrenia – as the defining features of a ‘madman’. Stigma related
to schizophrenia is more pronounced than the stigma attached, say, to anxiety states
or dementia of old age. A success in the prevention or removal of stigma related to
schizophrenia would show the way to those fighting to remove the stigma of other
mental illness and indeed of other stigmatizing illnesses (e.g. leprosy or syphilis).
7 How should the activities of the programme be selected?
persons, of whom one was the Scientific Director of the programme. The Office
of the programme maintained close collaboration with the Secretariat of the WPA
that was also keeping the accounts and ensured auditing. The Steering Committee
created four working groups (listed on page xv) dealing with:
1 the distillation of knowledge about schizophrenia and its treatment,
2 the rehabilitation of the patient, and the diminution of stigma and discrimina-
tion in the immediate surroundings of the patient,
3 stigma and discrimination in society at large,
4 the review of materials produced by the other three groups.
A web site was created in 1998 to leverage the information already developed and
also to provide a global ‘brand’ – a unified look-and-feel – for the overall effort.
The chairpersons of the action groups in the countries functioned as the parlia-
ment of the programme in that they examined, discussed and approved proposals
for programme activities reaching across the sites.3 An instruction guideline was
drafted giving a sequence of steps in the programmes at country level. (See
Appendix I.) The sequence – for example concerning the formation of the action
group, the collection of information, the establishment of the Advisory Group –
was recommended for all sites: the timing of the steps as well as the selection of
activities at country level was left to the decision of the Local Action Groups and
their partners. Annual meetings of all the Heads of sites and biannual meetings
of the Steering Committee often together with the Chairpersons of the working
groups also served to facilitate the coordination and conduct of the programme.
The Geneva meeting was divided on that question: while some thought that the
programme should have the nature of a campaign lasting at the most 2 to 3 years,
others felt that the programme should have a longer perspective. The advocates
of the former drew attention to the fact that the funding available to the pro-
gramme were very limited and that planning for a long-term project without a
secured source of funding and a strong institutional backing would be an exercise
in vain. The advocates of the longer perspectives drew attention to the need for a
lasting engagement in all efforts aiming to change attitudes and to the fact that the
initiation and conduct of international projects takes a much longer time than
activities at a one-country level.
In reality, and to the surprise of many, the programme continued growing and
becoming stronger over the years. Now in its tenth year of existence the programme
3 For a listing of members of the Steering Committee, Working groups and Heads of sites, see xxi–xxiii.
10 Developing the programme
still strongly attracts new groups and is expanding its activities. In some of the sites
the tempo diminished, for a variety of reasons – personal, financial and political.
The unavoidable attrition has however been much less serious than feared. The
recognition of the fact that the decrease of stigmatization and discrimination needs
a long time and that short campaigns can bring more disappointment and problems
than no campaign at all also contributed to the credo that a programme against
stigma must be planned to last for a number of years, much longer than other
activities in the field of health.
The question of evaluation of success attracted much attention during the Geneva
meeting. The usual comparisons of achievements with the objectives seemed
appropriate in some instances but not in others. The essence of the WPA
programme was that it was not a multinational study but an action programme
and a model from which others could learn. The second of these aims imposed the
need for evaluation of the success of each of the component activities so that those
who wanted to learn from the WPA effort could select those of proven usefulness
11 References
Goffman, E. (1963). Stigma: Notes on the Management of Spoiled Identity. Engelwood Cliffs,
Prentice Hall.
Lauber, C., Diebold, H.S. and Rossler, W. (2001). [Attitude of family of psychiatric patients
to psychiatric research, especially to early detection of schizophrenic psychoses.] [German].
Psychiatrische Praxis, 28(3), 144–146.
12 Developing the programme
Lauber, C., Nordt, C., Falcato, L. and Rossler, W. (2004). Factors influencing social distance
toward people with mental illness. Community Mental Health Journal, 40(3), 265–274.
Nordt, C., Muller, B., Lauber, C. and Rossler, W. (2003). Increased stigma through a former stay
in a mental hospital? Results of a public survey in Switzerland. Psychiatrische Praxis, 30(7),
Sartorium, N. et al. (1996) Long-term follow-up of schizophrenia in 16 countries. [A description
of the International Study of Schizophrenia conducted by the World Health Organization.]
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 31(5), 249–258.
Sartorius, N. (2000). Breaking the vicious cycle. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities Care,
4(3), 80.
Sartorius, N., Helmchen, H. (1981). Aims and implementation of multicentre studies. Modern
Problems of Pharmacopsychiatry, 16: 1–8. Basel, München, Paris, New York: Karger.
WHO (1979). Schizophrenia: An International Follow-up Study. New York: John Wiley & Sons.
Zogg, H., Lauber, C., Ajdacic-Gross, V. and Rossler, W. (2003). [Expert’s and lay attitudes towards
retrictions on mentally ill people.] [German]. Psychiatrische Praxis, 30(7), 379–383.
Phase I
Calgary, Alberta
Calgary is located in the Western Canadian province of Alberta. In 1997, its popu-
lation was roughly 900,000 – most of those are descendents of immigrants from
Europe. The rest being immigrant communities from the Asia-Pacific region. Situ-
ated east of the Rocky Mountains and west of the badlands and hoodoos of
Drumheller Valley, the city was completely transformed when oil was discovered in
the region in the 1970s. Within a decade, the town that had been known primarily
for its annual rodeo, called the Calgary Stampede, became the Canadian centre for
the energy industries and the financial centre of Western Canada.
16 The Canadian pilot site
Calgary was selected as the Pilot Site of the programme for programmatic and
pragmatic reasons:
• Canada has well-developed mental health services. Groups in Canada such as
the Schizophrenia Society were already involved in combating discrimination. It
was thus reasonable to expect that success of the anti-stigma effort would mean
that the WPA programme has the potential to make a positive impact even in
highly developed countries with well-organized services.
• Professor Julio Arboleda-Flórez, the Local Action Group leader, and his wife,
Heather Stuart, were both members of the Stigma Committee and held posts
at the University of Calgary. Dr Arboleda-Flórez was Professor and Head of the
Forensic Division and Dr Stuart was Associate Professor in the Department of
Community Health Services and Epidemiology.
• The educational and healthcare systems were deemed strong. Literacy rates are
generally 99% in the urban regions.
• Local consumer and family support systems were also present and strong.
• It was easy to identify a control group to examine whether the programme in
areas with fewer health services. A collection of nearby communities to the east
in Health Region 5 afforded an excellent opportunity. The town of Drumheller,
located in Health Region 5, has a population of 5000.
• Representatives of the Drumheller area and from the provincial capital of
Edmonton were also active participants in the Local Action Group. Those from
the Drumheller area would help implement the programme in their community;
those from Edmonton would prepare the province for expansion of the pro-
gramme to another major urban centre and facilitate work with the provincial
• The city also had a variety of media outlets with some national exposure to
reach the general public: more than 30 radio stations, three broadcast television
stations, cable television, local and national newspapers, as well as opportunities
for billboards and transit cards.
The Canadian Local Action Group first met in June 1997. Over the course of
the next 18 months, the group would number 28 members. At any one meeting,
however, 14 to 18 members were in attendance.
Professor Arboleda-Flórez assembled individuals from a broad range of areas:
two Faculties of Medicine in the Province, academicians associated with the local
Day Hospital, officials from the Department of Health of the Government of
Alberta and the Alberta Provincial Health Board, as well as Regional Mental Health
Service advisors. He also invited a journalist from Calgary’s largest circulation
newspaper. The involvement of a member of one of the target groups would become
an important factor in the success of this and other country interventions. A local
17 Calgary, Alberta
representative from Eli Lilly and Company, which provided some funding for the
programme, volunteered his time as did all the members of the Local Action Group.
Individuals living with schizophrenia from the Schizophrenia Society of Alberta,
the Calgary Clubhouse Society, and the Canadian Mental Health Association par-
ticipated in the Local Action Group. Representatives from several of these groups
were meeting for the first time. As part of a global initiative, groups that had not
been actively working together had found common ground, after many years of
working separately and sometimes at cross purposes. This would be a dynamic of
programmes in other countries as well (e.g. the UK).
The first major task undertaken by the Local Action Group was the development
of a survey instrument. The goal was to establish benchmarks for knowledge and
attitudes before and after the initial intervention. This research would also serve to
shape messages and media selection.
Results from the pre- and post-test results have appeared in several academic
papers. One point to stress in the strategic approach to addressing the stigma and
discrimination because of schizophrenia was that in Canada a focus was placed on
measuring and changing attitudes. In subsequent interventions in other countries,
focus shifted to assessing the experiences of those living with schizophrenia and
on actions to directly diminish discrimination and its consequences rather than
changing attitudes.
A telephone survey was conducted in August 1997 of 600 households in
Calgary, and 400 households in the Drumheller region (98% of the homes have
telephones). The questionnaire (presented in Appendix III) inquires about an
individual’s knowledge of the causes of schizophrenia and his or her attitudes
toward that individual through questions of social distance. This includes ques-
tions such as ‘Would you feel afraid to have a conversation with someone who had
Eighty percent of those surveyed said that ‘schizophrenia did not touch’ their
lives. Overall, however, the Calgary population appeared knowledgeable about
schizophrenia and expressed generally low-perceived stigma, a fact which ulti-
mately may have made the efforts of the group more challenging. The programme
began with the bar already set high.
With results of the research tabulated and the official announcement made at
the press conference, the group was ready to create a communication plan.
First, the Calgary Local Action Group identified specific target groups. The tar-
get groups were: Health Care Professionals (including emergency room personnel,
medical students, senior health care policy-makers and general health profession-
als); Teenagers in grades 9 and 11; Community Change Agents (such as the clergy,
business community leaders and journalists); and finally, messages directed to the
general public through the mass media.
18 The Canadian pilot site
Among the 20 different countries that have already undertaken the WPA anti-
stigma programme, the Calgary group began with one of the largest collection of
target groups. While this was in part due to the large size of the group that would
develop and the three regions represented (Calgary, Drumheller and Edmonton),
as a Pilot Programme they also sought to gather as much experiential data as
possible for other groups.
The Local Action Group then split into subgroups to address each different target
audience and the various components of that target audience. These subgroups
were asked to undertake a ‘Zero Budget Exercise’ to explore various communication
channels for their target audiences that did not require a financial investment, such
as the purchase of a mail list or media buy.
At the end of a 4-month process, by December of 1997, the Local Action Group
had mapped out specific interventions for each target audience and a timeline
for intervention. With this communication plan in place and with specific targets
and outcomes identified, individuals of the Local Action Group were then able to
approach potential sources for funding.
In March 1998, Beth Evans, a Local Action Group member who also worked
with the Provincial Mental Health Advisory Board (PMHAB), was able to secure
government funding ($75,000 Canadian). Eli Lilly Canada provided funding for
media purchases. In addition to all of the time volunteered by the group members
(including travel and meetings), Professors Arboleda-Flórez and Stuart provided
meeting rooms and clerical support through the University of Calgary.
The following results are organized relative to the target groups chosen. To better
describe the overall effectiveness of these interventions, we will outline the results
of the efforts within subgroups.
and emergency room directors. Members of these subgroups discussed the find-
ings with these individuals and then followed up on the progress of these
These recommendations were also submitted to the Canadian Council on Health
Services Accreditation. Today, those five recommendations have been integrated
into the country’s national accreditation process.
Medical students, senior health care policy-makers and general health professionals
While the results of the intervention in hospital emergency rooms have been clear
and quantifiable, results among the other subgroups of health care professionals
were less pronounced but still positive.
Medical students in Edmonton were exposed to an educational intervention that
featured an anti-stigma video (developed by Johns Hopkins University). The goal
of this intervention was to assess the change in attitudes after approximately 2 h of
instruction. There was an increase of 10% in knowledge and attitudes as measured
by pre- and post-test results. Work to assess whether an increase of knowledge can
be obtained in other ways and whether it is accompanied by changes in attitudes
is still being conducted before full integration of this educational component into
the medical school curriculum.
20 The Canadian pilot site
Two interventions were aimed at senior health care policy-makers. First, a pre-
sentation of the efforts in Calgary and Drumheller was made to the PMHAB, which
resulted in additional funding to continue the anti-stigma work.
The second involved presentations and efforts to achieve at least one policy
change in each of the following areas: housing, employment, income and the
availability of proper drug treatment. As these were not more thoroughly defined
(e.g. what kind of change in employment?) and because numerous groups lobby
both the Regional and Provincial Advisory Boards for such changes, the impact
of the Local Action Group is difficult to assess. For example, while availability of
proper drug treatment has been achieved, whether this was the result of private
company lobbying or the Local Action Group’s efforts is difficult to determine.
For general health professionals, members of the Calgary Schizophrenia Society
had written and produced a play which is performed by individuals living with
the schizophrenia. The drama is called ‘Starry, Starry Night’ after the song by
Don McLean about the life of Vincent Van Gogh. All of the roles – doctor, nurse,
‘The first performance was huge because we did not know if we could do it.
The cast members were all very nervous and I was really afraid of the scene where
David is crushed by the voices. We had only rehearsed that scene once and every
member of the cast was in tears.
Two other performances stand out in my mind. On October 22, 1999 we
performed the play for 480 people who were attending the Schizophrenia
Conference in Edmonton. Our players were rewarded with a loud standing
ovation that lasted a very long time. This performance brought tremendous
recognition in Alberta for our programme and for our members.
The other very important performance was the performance in Kingston,
Ontario at the international conference in October 2003. This invitation to perform
came at a time when our group really needed a lift. To be invited to perform our
play for people from different countries has given all of our members a sense that
our efforts are worthwhile.’
21 Teenagers: students in grades 9 and 11
mother, girlfriend and the main character, David – are played by individuals living
with the illness. Players read from a script which reduces the stress associated
with memorizing dialogue. The production follows David through the course of
dealing with his hallucinations (a scene in which all the players surround David as
the voices oppressing him), to speaking to the doctor and dealing with side effects
of his medication, to conflicts with his girlfriend and family.
Working with the Schizophrenia Society, the Local Action Group was able to have
the play presented in eight Calgary hospitals and one in the Drumheller region. Six
years after those performances, ‘Starry, Starry Night’ is still performed in hospitals
around the province. It has not been possible to quantify the effect (e.g. changes in
attitudes) of the play in these settings. What is certain is that the performers report
that the participation in the play has given them much in terms of self-esteem and
friendship with other players.
The players also travelled to Kingston, Ontario and presented the play at the Sec-
ond Annual Conference on the Stigma and Discrimination because of Schizophrenia
in October 2003. Attendees assessed it as one of the highlights of the conference,
highly praised by all.
usually have open, frank and respectful dialogues with presenters on issues ranging
from sexuality and the effects of medications to feelings of loneliness (for both the
consumer and family member) and social policy (such as issues of institutionalized
discrimination in housing or health care).
However, getting into schools was at first not an easy proposition. ‘When I first
began calling schools to discuss an educational programme,’ Fay Herrick, Director
of the Calgary Schizophrenia Society, recalls, ‘people would listen politely but when
they heard the word “schizophrenia” they couldn’t get off the phone fast enough. It
took time but gradually, as the good news about the presentation spread, it became
a little easier.’
Affiliation with the WPA global programme helped open a few more doors. The
number of speaker’s bureau presentations in Calgary increased from 10 to 15 per
month. The number of participating junior and senior high schools increased from
31 to 44. While there had been no presentations by the Partnership Programme in
the Drumheller area up to that point, through the efforts of Local Action Group
members Monica Flexhaug, Maureen Drake and Marian Ewing, by fall of 1998, the
Partnership Programme was making five presentations a month. By January 1999,
twelve schools in the Drumheller area were actively participating.
These presentations achieved significant changes in knowledge and attitudes.
In Calgary:
• The proportion of high school students expressing no social distance increased
from 16% to 22%.
• The proportion expressing the highest degree of social distance fell from
13% to 8%.
• The median knowledge score increased from 7 to 8 on a 9-point scale.
• The proportion of students achieving a perfect score increased from 11%
to 19%.
In order to actively involve teenagers in the anti-stigma effort, the Local Action
Group held a competition for junior and senior high school students. Students
were challenged to develop media materials that would inform other teens about
schizophrenia and the effects of social stigma on those living with the illness.
Competitions were held in the Spring and Fall of 1998. (See the sidebar for more
information on the messages and communication tools used.) Students wrote
poetry, shot videotaped vignettes, painted posters and created a web site. During
the Fall of 1998, 35 students from Calgary high schools submitted entries. Teens in
Health Region 5 entered 25 creative presentations.
The mayor of Drumheller and a representative from the Calgary Regional Health
Authority attended the awards presentation in the Drumheller area health region
Figure 2.1 Two of 12 poster concepts presented for a competition in Calgary junior and senior high
schools. The poster on this page was the one chosen by adults on the Local Action Group.
The poster on the next page was chosen by teenagers in the target audience
25 The Teens Talking 2 Teens Competition
in January 1999. Winners of the contest received plaques and cash awards of $100
and $50 (for first place and honourable mentions, respectively).
Six years later, the contest continues in Calgary junior and senior high schools.
Winners are awarded their prizes during Mental Health Awareness Week, when
public figures, such as the mayor participate in the formal ceremony.
26 The Canadian pilot site
The ‘Teens Talking 2 Teens Competition’ was also adopted by the Local Action
Group in Boulder, Colorado. As we will see, winners from this competition have
had their artwork featured on transit cards, placed inexpensively in public buses
along routes to and from area schools as well as on the web site of the Boulder
Community Mental Health web site.
The Calgary Local Action Group sought to target change agents in three groups:
clergy, business community leaders and journalists.
For clergy in Calgary and Drumheller areas, the goals were well-defined: Part-
nership Programme presentations to 20 church congregations and youth groups;
presentations by ten youth groups to their congregations; placement of phone num-
bers for assistance in 30 church bulletins along with a 250-word description of the
stigma campaign; and presentations given to minister groups. The outcome objec-
tives were: to have 10% of congregation members and youth group respondents
report a significant improvement in knowledge and attitudes; for ministers of these
congregations to know the principle symptoms of schizophrenia and to know where
to refer someone with possible schizophrenia or other mental illnesses.
Unfortunately, the results were mixed at best. Presentations were given to five
congregations, six ministers’ groups in Calgary and one large ministers’ meeting in
Drumheller. Pre- and post-testing was inconsistent and ultimately measurement
of how well ministers understood and recalled the information that was presented
is unclear.
Results for business community leaders were disappointing as well. Goals were
set to target both chief executives and human resource departments to make pre-
sentations in their companies and solicit contributions for the anti-stigma effort.
While presentations were made at two Chamber of Commerce meetings and human
resource directors of 15 corporations were contacted, it proved impossible to recruit
a business leader to the Local Action Group, and little or no real measurable progress
was made.
The third target, journalists, achieved significant results. Forty press kits were
mailed to journalists in the region and personal contact was established with 30
of these journalists in Calgary and seven in the Drumheller area. The goal of
27 Who is the general public?
the group was to increase positive news coverage by 10% between calendar 1997
and 1998.
When the final results were assessed, the actual outcome was an increase of 35%
in the number of positive news stories in the local paper with the largest circulation,
the Calgary Herald. A comparison was made in two consecutive 8-month periods
following the campaign, compared to the 8 months prior to the campaign. The
average length of those positive stories increased 16%.
All of this happened in spite of two high-profile headline stories with negative
content associated with schizophrenia: the Unabomber trial in the United States
and a story in the Canadian press of a man who pushed a commuter from a subway
platform in Toronto. During the two 8-month periods following the start of the
programme, stories with negative news coverage associated with schizophrenia
increased 44%.
What accounted for the marked difference between these three groups of opinion
leaders and change agents? The most important reason was the presence of a
representative from the target audience on the Local Action Group. Bob Bragg, a
journalist from the Calgary Herald, worked closely as part of the group, helping to
shape messages and make contact with other journalists. In a series of columns that
immediately followed the press conference in September 1997, he related the first-
person stories of Michelle Miserelli and other individuals living with the illness
and worked to dispel some of the myths and misunderstandings that surround
schizophrenia. In a later chapter, we will see how a journalist had a different kind
of impact on efforts in Saõ Paulo, Brazil.
Neither clergy nor local business leaders were represented in the planning group.
Despite the best efforts of those in the Community Change Agent subgroup, access
to these individuals was limited.
Dr Richard Warner, who would start a programme in Boulder, Colorado a year
later, was able to apply lessons learned in Calgary and achieved good results with the
local business leaders. The results of that intervention are presented in Chapter 8.
In the early planning stages of any Local Action Group, it is not uncommon for a
discussion to turn to an anti-stigma programme complete with an all-out media
barrage on television – 30-s commercials produced by directors who have won the
Palme D’Or, speaking engagements with talk show celebrities, news segments on
Fuji Television, CNN and Al-Jazeera. Certainly the dream of broad reach and social
impact is part of even the smallest Local Action Group effort. The efforts of the
Greek Programme in hosting a major concert event with the international diva,
28 The Canadian pilot site
Nana Mouskouri, would never have occurred if the group had not aimed high. But
the realities of financial and human resource limitations often rein in such dreams.
As we will see in the case of Austria, taking a public awareness programme to
television can achieve some tangible results. However, before engaging in such
activities it is important to keep one key point of social marketing in mind: there
is no such thing as the ‘general public’.
Advertisers of consumer products have long understood that the more targeted
the message and media choice, the more likely they are to achieve their goals.
Hence the choice of some commercials (e.g. beer and sports utility vehicles) placed
during football games and others (e.g. financial services and cars) during news
programmes. While this may seem at first to be self-evident, the discipline of
staying ‘on message’ and the practice of pre-testing with an intended audience has
only been applied in the last few decades to everything from the promotion of
movies to political campaigns.
In Germany, the Local Action Group involved with the WPA anti-stigma pro-
gramme used focus groups, small group discussions conducted with a moderator.
Focus groups have been used extensively in consumer advertising for many years.
The goal is to more effectively gather qualitative research and explore how products
and messages might be refined.
Having said all of that, the question becomes: is the use of mass media (e.g. tele-
vision, radio, billboards) a cost-effective expenditure for social marketing efforts?
With the WPA anti-stigma programme, the results have varied from country to
country. In the case of Canada, where 60-s messages were broadcast on three radio
stations, the group was effective in creating Awareness but changes in Attitudes were
disappointing. (The cost of a 60-s spot in radio during drive time was a fraction of
the cost of a 30-s spot in television’s prime time – both in terms of production and
media placement.)
The radio spot featured the voice of Dr Ruth Dickson (chair of the programme
from September 1998 to December 1999) and one of three individuals living with
schizophrenia. In industry terms, the 60-s recording was a ‘doughnut’, a standard
opening and close to bookend the spot, and an open centre in which alternate
messages could be placed. This structure allowed the placement of alternate mes-
sages to reduce the cost of production, and also increased the recognition of the
overall series. Dr Dickson recorded an opening and closing message on stigma and
discrimination against those with schizophrenia, along with a phone number that
listeners could call for more information. At the centre of the ‘doughnut’ was one
of the three recorded first-person accounts of those living with schizophrenia.
The radio spots were played on three local stations, CKIK, CJAY and CKRY, for
2 weeks in the morning and afternoon as commuters were on their way to and
from work in the last 2 weeks of January and all of February 1999. These three
29 Conclusion
stations were chosen because their formats skewed to younger adult audiences
(which research showed was less stigmatizing and include teenagers who had seen
Partnership presentations in their high schools and young adults of an age more
likely to develop early symptoms of schizophrenia). The music formats of these
three stations also differed (e.g. CKIK featured ‘adult contemporary’ pop and rock
and CKRY is a country music station), allowing the group to reach more listeners.
Additional funding allowed the commercials to be run again later in the year
for Mental Health Awareness week. However, post-testing needed to be conducted
after the first placement in January/February for data to be collected and submitted
to the Steering Committee.
Anecdotally, for members of the Local Action Group, the results were ‘over-
whelmingly positive’. In the first 2 weeks, the radio spots generated dozens of
phone calls. Members reported colleagues in hospitals and in health agencies relat-
ing that they had heard the messages. Dr Ruth Dickson reported that a year after
the last spot had been aired patients or family members entering the clinic still
mentioned they had heard her on the radio.
Post-testing in March indicated that between a quarter and one-third of those
surveyed (28%) recalled hearing the messages. Extrapolated to the population
of Calgary, roughly a quarter of a million people heard, and remembered, the
And yet, research on attitudes showed no statistically significant shift in public
attitudes. It should be noted, however, that in addition to research being conducted
after only the initial flight of messages, as we saw earlier, during the course of the
Pilot Programme negative news coverage by journalists increased 44%.
In future chapters, we will deal with the use of mass media by Local Action
Groups in other countries.
The number of target audiences (and the groups within those categories) chosen in
Canada exceed those of nearly all other Local Action Groups involved in the WPA
global anti-stigma campaign. By engaging in more activities, this group was able
to learn lessons which would prove instructive to later efforts (e.g. the importance
of a member of a target audience within the Local Action Group).
The effort in junior and senior high schools achieved significant, measurable
change in knowledge and attitudes in both urban and rural settings. As of this
writing, presentations by the Partnership Programme continue in these schools,
as does the ‘Teens Talking 2 Teens Competition.’ (Artwork of the winning efforts
of students have been featured in a calendar distributed during Mental Health
Awareness Week.)
30 The Canadian pilot site
Significant, national change in policy was achieved when focus was placed on
emergency room admission procedures. While results with medical students and
general health professionals have been less dramatic, the existence of on-going
informational presentations within these influential groups is clearly a positive
Among opinion leaders and change agents, efforts directed toward journal-
ists yielded more positive press coverage. Much work is still needed to eliminate
misconceptions and misunderstanding (such as the routine use of ‘schizophrenic’
for inconsistent behaviour from everything from sports teams to politicians)
perpetuated in newspaper headlines and on television.
Finally, in the use of mass media for broader reach in the city and outlying
areas, messages by the Local Action Group were heard – and recalled – by an
estimated quarter of a million people. While generating community awareness is
one way to build public support that will move politicians and other civic lead-
ers, more study will be required to see how these messages affect attitudes in the
long term.
All of these changes were achieved in the 2 years after Michelle Miserelli spoke
to the press. More continues to be done by individuals who were involved in the
Local Action Group as well as by Fay Herrick and her group with the Calgary
Schizophrenia Society.
Before all of the Canadian results were tabulated, two other initiatives of the
WPA’s global anti-stigma effort had begun. The next two chapters will examine the
efforts and results in Spain and Austria.
• Heather Stuart
Department of Community Health and Epidemiology,
Abramsky Hall, Queen’s University
Kingston, Ontario, Canada K7L 3N6
Phone: (+1-613) 533 2901
Fax: (+1-613) 533 6686
Spain 35
Austria 42
In 1997, a celebration was held in Madrid to mark the thirtieth anniversary of the
Clinica Juan Jose López-Ibor. The clinic’s founder, J.J. López-Ibor had achieved
considerable notoriety in the 1950s for a publication on human sexuality. A decade
earlier, he achieved a different kind of celebrity when he and other Spanish intellec-
tuals were placed under house arrest by Francisco Franco. In 1964, 3 years prior to
the opening of his clinic in Madrid, he was voted the third president of the World
Psychiatric Association (WPA).
That evening, his son Juan J. López-Ibor Aliño, addressed the gathering of
psychiatrists and dignitaries. Professor López-Ibor Aliño and several of his sib-
lings had followed their father into psychiatry and 2 years later, in 1999, he would
step into his father’s former position as president of the WPA.
Also speaking that evening was a representative from the Vatican in Rome,
Dr Joaquin Navarro-Valls. Statistics place the number of baptized Catholics in
Spain somewhere between 96% and 99% of the population. While the presence
of such a high-ranking member of the Catholic Church was one reason for the
attentiveness of the audience, another was the subject of the talk: social stigma
and the depersonalization of the individual as major impediments to treatment.
Navarro-Valls spoke to those assembled at the clinic of the need to see the face of
God in the faces of those living with mental illness.
That same year, the Local Action Group, assembled by Professor J.J. López-Ibor
Aliño conducted a comprehensive survey among the general public, and more
specifically, among patients, family members and mental health professionals. The
survey was conducted by a professional research firm and the findings caused the
group to take a very different approach to addressing stigma and discrimination
from the Canadian pilot test.
Research with the general public revealed that only 17% had heard or read some-
thing about schizophrenia in the previous 6 months. A surprising 83% reported
that they knew nothing about the illness. One-third of the remaining group said
they did not know the causes of schizophrenia and 44% said there was no cure.
36 Spain
While knowledge and awareness were low, so too was the public’s reported
stigma and discrimination. Eighty per cent of those surveyed, for example,
would be in favour of having a treatment centre for schizophrenia in their
Yet, those living with schizophrenia, their family members and health care work-
ers all reported high levels of stigma and discrimination. Forty-two per cent of the
families said that the individual could not marry; 52% said they could not have
children and nearly one-third (29%) said they could not have a relationship with a
member of the opposite sex.
In contrast, no psychiatrist questioned, denied the ability of those living with
schizophrenia to have a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. Only 2%
said they should not marry and 5%, that they should not have children.
When the individuals themselves were asked, 8% believed they could not
have a boyfriend or girlfriend. Ten per cent said they believed they could not
On the question of schooling and study, 95% of the psychiatrists responded that
those living with schizophrenia could study. Yet 33% of the people living with the
illness reported that they had a limited capacity. The rates were even higher for
family members: 69% believed the individual could not study.
Although a majority of those living with the illness believed they could recover,
78% of family members said this was not possible. Equally disturbing, 60% of
psychiatrists consider it unlikely a patient will improve. For this reason, those
living with the illness are treated as highly incapacitated, chronic patients needing
a great deal of assistance.
Given these statistics, it is not surprising to learn that the majority of people
with schizophrenia feel rejected because of the illness and reported feeling rejected
by their psychiatrist.
Psychiatrists in turn felt rejected by the families of those with the illness (52%)
because families see no improvement and do not accept the diagnosis. They also feel
rejection by the patients. Fully 30% of psychiatrists surveyed felt rejected by other
health care professionals because they ‘provide few solutions’ and that psychiatry
itself was ‘not very useful.’
A survey conducted by the Madrid Association of Friends and Families of those
with Schizophrenia confirmed the social impact of such fatalistic thinking: 62%
of those living with the illness engage in no type of productive activity. Eighty
per cent live with their families, but do not provide any financial support. While
family support appears to be higher than in many industrialized countries, the
illness disrupts the relationship with the family and others in the community in a
significant manner.
37 Working from the inside out
Based upon these findings, the Local Action Group in Madrid developed what it
called an ‘inside-out’ strategy for addressing the stigma of schizophrenia. That is,
they would begin the anti-stigma interventions working with those closest to the
illness. Given the disparity of knowledge and attitudes among patients, their family
members and psychiatrists, the group developed an educational program to address
the myths and misunderstandings of the illness, and the stigma that can arise from
this lack of knowledge. With each target audience, the circle would be expanded
outward to increase knowledge among other health professionals (including the
staffs of hospital emergency rooms, a focus of the Canadian intervention), then to
legal, labour and educational decision-makers.
The Madrid approach may be instructive for countries where, stigma and dis-
crimination in the general population is relatively low, compared to that reported
among members of the immediate family or health care professionals who are in
direct contact with the individual. The concern of the Local Action Group was that
with such little public knowledge about the illness, its course and outcome, a public
awareness campaign might actually increase stigma.
The Local Action Group was, however, able to receive funding for a public
relations (PR) initiative to disseminate information about schizophrenia, and the
advances in treatment to the scientific press and the news media. Before addressing
that effort, we should examine the coalition of both groups in the public and private
sectors who supported the program.
Before initiating any intervention, the planning group in Madrid secured sup-
port from the Ministry of Health and Human Services (Ministerio de Sanidad y
Consumo), the Ministry of Work and Social Policy (Ministerio de Trabajo y Asun-
tos Sociales) and the National Drug Policy Plan (Plan Nacional Sobre Drogas). In
addition the Federation of Patients and Family Member Associations (FEAFES),
the Association of Health Journalists (ANIS), and the pharmaceutical company,
Eli Lilly and Company, leant their support. After initial implementation in Greater
Madrid, the group would refine the programme based upon feedback and take it
nationally into all 14 autonomous regions of Spain.
One of the first actions taken with the funds raised was to translate Volumes I
and II of the programme materials into Spanish. Volume II would later be edited
and printed in book form, given the title: Qué es y cómo se trata la esquizofrenia
y cómo combater el stigma. This book would serve as the support text for the
educational programme for psychiatrists, individuals living with the illness and
family members. After an initial publication and distribution of 1000 free copies,
the book was offered for sale.
38 Spain
The Technical Secretariat of the Local Action Group worked in collaboration with
consumer and family organizations to develop informational presentations. In
Madrid, 78 psychiatrists participated in a programme entitled‘Schizophrenia With-
out Stigma’ during which individuals living with the illness and members of their
family were given a choice of 49 different informational presentations. Today, sev-
eral thousand Spaniards living with schizophrenia and their family members have
participated in educational programs akin to that programme.
In the 3 years, from 1999 to 2002, more than 178 psychiatrists participated in lec-
tures, conferences, and other media events with persons living with schizophrenia
and family members throughout all regions of Spain. The goal of these pre-
sentations was to develop a more open dialogue among all the parties in this
inner-most circle of influence with the illness. Psychiatrists have been better able
to share the latest information on schizophrenia and new treatment regimens,
while individuals living with schizophrenia and their families have been better
able to educate psychiatrists on the lived experience of schizophrenia and the var-
ious manifestations of stigma and discrimination they encounter, often during
Professor J.J. López-Ibor Aliño and the programme’s technical secretary coord-
inated presentations for the ‘Open the Doors’ anti-stigma programme in two state
and six regional institutions during 2000. Such presentations, detailing the stigma
and discrimination faced by those living with schizophrenia, were also given to
officials in the Health and Consumption Ministry (General Secretary of Sanitary
Cooperation) and in the Work and Social Affairs Ministry (General Secretary of
Social Affairs).
The group also made presentations on the local level to the Consejería de Sanidad
(Local Health Authorities) in Madrid, Castilla y León, Baleares and Comunidad
Valencia. In addition to the authorities who participated in the programme in
Andalusia and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, presentations were given in 14 other Spanish
cities: Barcelona, Badajoz, Burgos, Cádiz, Logroño, Lugo, Murcia, Oviedo, Palma
de mallorca, Pamplona, Segovia, Valencia, Valladolid and Zaragoza.
In follow-up research conducted in 14 of the 17 autonomous regions in Spain, the
Local Action Group found a decrease in the shame expressed by families regarding
a son, daughter or sibling’s schizophrenia. The ‘inside-out’ strategy appears to have
been effective in addressing the stigma and discrimination expressed in the closest
circles of influence.
39 An approach to the public
Unlike the other pilot sites, Canada and Austria, the group in Spain decided to
work with a PR firm rather than an advertising or marketing agency. As discussed
earlier, one of the reasons for this is that given the low awareness and knowledge
of schizophrenia, its treatment and outcome, the group feared social marketing
might generate more questions and raise more fears than it answered or eased.
In the private sector, most companies and corporations with significant mar-
keting budgets pursue both advertising and PR. For non-profit organizations with
limited budgets working with either communications channel can be a financial
hardship. However, each has its relative advantages.
Advertising allows a group, the greatest control over message content and place-
ment. This control comes at a cost of both time and money insofar as placement
of a single 30-s television spot on prime time television in the United States costs
thousands, sometimes tens or hundreds of thousands, of dollars. But most coun-
tries have broadcast guidelines that mandate networks broadcast a certain number
of hours of public service advertising for free or discounted rates. (Even this option
can prove problematic if television stations relegate these commercials to late in
the evening when airtime is less expensive and less of a financial loss.) Depending
on the magazine, newspaper, or radio station, other advertising media can be far
less expensive and allow for longer messages.
PR firms have established relationships with members of the press. These firms
can be effective in pitching stories to editors or broadcasters. These stories can
range from brief interviews with professional psychiatrists in conjunction with a
new story or event (e.g. providing a balanced, medical perspective if an individual
with mental illness is involved in a crime) to entire news segments or informational
programs. Perhaps more important than any single story are relationships PR
firms can establish with reporters and editors who may be seeking intelligent (and
sometimes photogenic) sources for comment.
As with media purchases of advertising, PR access is more or less directly pro-
portional with a group’s financial investment. One other trade-off to consider is
that messages disseminated through PR channels gain editorial credibility by being
reviewed and published (or broadcast) by a reputable news organization. However,
the trade-off for this editorial credibility compared to advertising is some loss of
control and repeatability. The most brilliant interview can be bumped from the
evening news by a breaking story. Similarly, interviews may be fresh news today
when they are relevant to a local conference or event, but by week’s end it may be
old news.1
1 We should mention one other recent media development in this area which may be useful for some anti-
stigma programmes. Video News Releases (VNRs) have become packaged ways in which pre-scripted
40 Spain
Working with one of Spain’s leading PR firms, Llorente y Cuenca, the group was
able to place more than 184 journal and newspaper articles, during the first 3 years
of the programme. In 2003, roughly two dozen more articles appeared.
Broadcast media coverage, including interviews and news segments referring to
the stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia totalled 1 h and 30 min of
television coverage and 2 h of radio time. The firm has estimated that an equivalent
amount of air time (purchased as advertising) would have cost 212,715,905 pesetas
(1,376,700 USD). Combining the reach of both the print and broadcast exposure,
the group calculates it reached an accumulated audience of 91 million, adding up
to multiple exposures in a country with a population of 34 million people over the
age of 15.
The anti-stigma programme itself,‘Open the Doors’, has been featured in medical
journals, and radio and television programmes. Working with Llorente y Cuenca,
the group has held press conferences in 13 cities across Spain.
The group also arranged media events during the release of the film A Beautiful
Mind. Like other groups in other countries, the Spanish Local Action Group sched-
uled meetings and symposia to coincide with the release of this award-winning
film, based on the life of Nobel Prize winner John Nash. Public events, such as
these afford an opportunity to encourage further discussion of issues and answer
questions raised in such films.
The ‘inside-out’ strategy of working with those closest to the illness was effective
in reducing the shame reported by family members with a son, daughter or sib-
ling living with schizophrenia. On a national level, the Local Action Group was
especially effective in recruiting the support of psychiatrists nationwide to imple-
ment the educational programme – a data point other programmes may wish to
consider, whether the community of change agents be psychiatrists, journalists or
some other profession.
Results from the PR effort, however, revealed an interesting and challenging para-
dox. In research conducted in 14 of the 17 Spanish regions, knowledge and attitudes
about schizophrenia increased. In 2000, 26% of those surveyed said that an individ-
ual with schizophrenia could have a normal job. In 2001, that number rose to 48%.
However, when asked in 2000 if they would allow a day centre in their neigh-
bourhood, 81% said they would. In 2001, that number fell to 76%.
video footage can be provided to news outlets. Based on the same principle as a press release for the print
media, a VNR allows an organization to prepare its own news segment which might then be edited by a
television or radio station. With greater production control over the creation of the VNR, the group can
hone interviews and other footage as necessary, complete with a voice over narrator. For better or worse,
corporations and political groups have begun to use this communication channel more often to better
polish their messages.
41 Bibliography – Spain
The increase in reported social distance is cause for further investigation and for
consideration by other groups where knowledge about schizophrenia is low.
In March 2004, Professor López-Ibor and Dr Olga Cuenca met Fernando Lamata,
the new General Secretary of Health (Secretario General de Sanidad) to discuss
government involvement in fighting the stigma and discrimination because of
mental illness. In June 2004, initial planning was begun for a national programme
to address issues of stigma and discrimination.
In the midst of frenetic commercials selling soaps, jeans and politicians, the tele-
vision screen is held in seeming freeze frame: a close-up of a telephone answering
machine. An incoming call activates the tape recorder and we watch the wheels
spin. But for the duration of this spot, no voice speaks. The phone is not hung up.
The mysterious caller appears to be unable to say what he or she wanted to say. At
the machine switches off, the titles appear:
Establishing a benchmark
Unlike Canada and Spain which conducted research and then defined target audi-
ences based upon that research, the group in Austria identified four target audiences
and then conducted knowledge and attitude surveys among these groups. The tar-
get audiences chosen were: public schools, general mental health assistance services,
psychiatric institutions and journalists.
Using the instrument developed in Canada, they interviewed roughly 2000 adults
with representative samples from each target audience. While each of the groups
expressed varying levels of stigma, journalists demonstrated significantly higher
levels of stigma to the illness.
While 80% of the doctors surveyed identified genetics as the main cause, 70% of
the general population listed stress as a probable cause and 60% thought that head
trauma could cause schizophrenia. A surprising 84% of the general public said they
were not interested in hearing more about schizophrenia, indicating a high social
Targeting journalists
Based upon the findings, the Austrian group developed an approach designed to
simultaneously use the media to disseminate information and change the know-
ledge and attitudes of print and broadcast journalists. Working with the Austrian
Society of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, they approached the country’s largest
newspaper, Kronenzeitung. The newspaper agreed to run a weekly page covering
mental health issues.
In addition to this regular column, the group pursued an extensive public rela-
tions campaign with other newspapers, magazines and the broadcast media. From
1999 to 2002, articles appeared in Neue Zeit, Die Furche, Salzburger Nachrichten,
Tiroler Tagezeitung, Medical Tribune and Der Standard.
Overall, more than 100 articles and news reports appeared in both the print and
broadcast media. Articles also appeared in scientific and medical journals, such as
Neuropsychiatrie, Jatros Neurologie u. Psychiatrie, Medical Tribune and Ärtzwoche.
44 Austria
Brochures and press kits dispelling popular myths associated with schizophrenia
were distributed to the press. More than 75,000 folders, booklets and newsletters
have been distributed to the general public as well.
Like the Canadian pilot programme, the Austrian group decided to target high
school students. In part they chose these teenagers because the first symptoms of
schizophrenia commonly occur during the mid- to late-teen years. However, the
group also wanted to address myths and misunderstandings early in the classroom
setting. In this way, they hoped to avoid the development and entrenchment of
stigma and discrimination.
Between 1999 and 2002, more than 130 presentations and educational work-
shops were conducted in high schools across the country. By developing a teaching
curriculum that could be used in health or science courses at the high school level,
the Austrian programme was able to establish regular, on-going presentations in
many schools across the country. In 2004, the group then initiated a Campaign for
Prevention and Reduction of Suicides – another urgent mental health crisis for this
age group in many countries.
As noted earlier, unlike other initiatives that may approach such programmes as
short-term ‘campaigns’, the WPA emphasizes long-term commitment of groups.
In this way, educational initiatives that are undertaken in order to fight the
stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia can be both updated with
new information and broadened to include such topics as teenage suicide or drug
As the pilot sites in both Canada and Spain found, individuals living with
schizophrenia often identify mental health professionals among the sources of
stigma and discrimination. The Canadian programme recommended guidelines
for dealing with acute cases in emergency rooms. The Spanish initiative fostered
greater communication of information between mental health professionals and
the consumer.
In several provinces in Austria, small discussion groups were established for
people working in the health and social services. After an initial informational
presentation – by psychiatrists and individuals living with the illness – the group
engaged in conversation about issues they faced concerning the stigma and dis-
crimination associated with schizophrenia. This participatory approach engaged
the attendees in something more than a didactic lecture of information and also
allowed them to voice their own frustrations or concerns.
In 2003–2004, the focus of these efforts with those involved in mental health
services was expanded to include vocational needs of those living with schizophre-
nia. Working with the Ministry of Labour, the group is hoping to support those
living with schizophrenia already in the workforce with regular intervention and
While a follow-up national survey still needs to be undertaken to determine if the
stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia have been lowered, numbers
do indicate that the message was received by millions of Austrians. The results
described above were also published in the scientific journal Neuropsychiatria. The
group continues its efforts, building on its earlier successes and currently looking
for ways to fight institutional discrimination through the legal system.
• Fritz Schleicher
Pro Mente Upper Austria
Figulystrasse 32, A-4020 Linz, Austria
Phone: (+43-732) 65 13 55
• Werner Schöny (Coordinator)
Österreischischer Nervenärzte und Psychiater
Wagner-Jauregg-Krankenhaus, A-4020 Linz, Austria
Phone: (+43-732) 65 61 03
Fax: (+43-732) 65 13 21
Angermeyer, M.C., Liebelt, P. and Matschinger, H. (2001). [Distress in parents of patients suffer-
ing from schizophrenia of affective disorders.] [German] Befindlichkeitsstorungen der Eltern
von Patienten mit schizophrenen oder affektiven Storungen. Psychotherapie, Psychosomatik,
Medizinische Psychologie, 51(6), 255–260.
Freidl, M., Lang, T. and Scherer, M. (2003). How psychiatric patients perceive the public’s
stereotype of mental illness. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 38(5), 269–275.
Gutierrez-Lobos, K. and Holzinger, A. (2000). [Mentally ill and dangerous? Attitudes of female
journalists and medical students.] [German] Psychisch krank und gefahrlich? Einstellungen
von Journalistlnnen und Medizinstudentlnnen. Psychiatrische Praxis, 27(7), 336–339.
Holzinger, A., Angermeyer, M.C. and Matschinger, H. (1998). [What do you associate with the
word schizophrenia? A study of the social representation of schizophrenia.] [German] Was
fallt Ihnen zum Wort Schizophrenie ein? Eine Untersuchung zur sozialen Reprasentation der
Schizophrenie. Psychiatrische Praxis, 25(1), 9–13.
Merl, H. and Schöny, W. (1983). [The psychiatrist’s basic attitude in the treatment of acute
psychoses.] Die Grundhaltung des Psychiaters bei der Akutbehandlung von Psychosen. Wiener
Medizinische Wochenschrift, 133(12), 311–313.
Schöny, W. (1998). [Schizophrenia – an illness and its treatment reflected in public attitude.]
Schizophrenie – eine Erkrankung und ihre Behandlung im Bild der Offentlichkeit. Wiener
Medizinische Wochenschrift, 148(11–12), 284–288.
Phase III
Germany 49
Italy 62
Greece 70
United States 80
Poland 88
Japan 95
In 2002, the movie, A Beautiful Mind, John Nash won the Academy Award for the
Best Film and Ron Howard won for the Best Director. The movie followed the life
of mathematician John Nash from his days as an undergraduate at Princeton when
he first developed symptoms of schizophrenia to his Nobel speech in Stockholm.
When the film was released in Germany, another film was receiving a great deal
of attention though its international distribution would be far more limited. Das
Weiße Rauschen (The White Noise) is the story of a Lukas, a 21-year-old college
student who develops schizophrenia. The film won the Max Ophüls Newcomer
Prize at the Saarbrücken Film Festival. When word spread of the film at the Berlin
Film Festival, the single screening – put on for distributors and the press – was
standing room only. Exhibitors had to set up a second screening to accommodate
those who could not attend the first screening.
Despite the similar subjects of the films – two first-person perspectives on the
thoughts, delusions and hallucinations of a person living with schizophrenia –
the presentations were dramatically different. A Beautiful Mind ends with the
central character receiving the Nobel Prize, while Das Weiße Rauschen ends more
enigmatically with the protagonist standing alone a beach, listening to the roar of
the ocean.
How do such powerful depictions of the inner life of those living with schizophre-
nia alter public stigma and discrimination? Might the frightening and emotional
portrayals instill more fear and social distance? Or does a realistic presentation
of the experience (at least as realistic as the presentation of an interior experi-
ence can be) allow the viewers to better empathize with an individual living with
schizophrenia? As we will see later, these were just two of many questions that have
been investigated by the different regional groups who have participated in the
National Programme in Germany.
Like the Austrian programme, the effort in Germany was undertaken as a
national effort with multiple centres – but that’s where the similarities end. While
German geography (Germany being ten times as large as Austria) made this
50 Germany
Each Programme Director then assembled a Local Action Group consisting of:
individuals living with schizophrenia, relatives, journalists, health professionals,
politicians, opinion leaders and representatives from relevant target groups. Each
group operated independently, assessing needs in a particular community and
appropriate responses. All groups then reported their findings back to the coord-
inating centre in Düsseldorf. These research results are being collected and analysed
for presentation in 2005/2006.
For that reason, we will report the efforts of each centre separately. Although
some anecdotal results can be reported from individual interventions, the larger
report has yet to be written on the effects of this initiative nationwide.
In a coordinated effort with other centres of the German Research Network, the
centre in Düsseldorf conducted a survey of knowledge and attitudes in: Düssel-
dorf, Munich, Köln, Bonn, Berlin and Essen. Following this survey, the centres in
Düsseldorf and Munich conducted an anti-stigma intervention. The groups in Köln
and Bonn conducted an awareness programme on schizophrenia, its treatment and
outcomes. Berlin and Essen were the control sites.
A pair of other surveys were conducted. One of the general public, the second a
quality of life survey of those living with schizophrenia.
Using an instrument based upon the Perceived Stigma Questionnaire (Link,
1989) and the Alberta Pilot Site Questionnaire, each centre surveyed 1175 members
of the general public via telephone.
More than 80% of those sampled stated that more positive media reports, more
occasions for personal contact with mentally ill people and more public infor-
mation about mental illnesses would be useful possibilities to improve the public
acceptance of mentally ill patients. Eighty per cent of those surveyed thought that
patients suffering from schizophrenia suffer from a ‘split personality’. The post-
survey with the same interviewees has been conducted in summer 2004, the
assessment of the data is currently underway.
The second survey was a quality-of-life survey conducted with 109 inpatients at
the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. The survey was based upon: the
Stigma and Discrimination Survey (Wahl, 1999), Lancashire Quality of Life Profile
(Priebe and Kaiser, 1999), Global Assessment of Functioning Scale (Endicott, 1976).
People living with schizophrenia reported that most of the discriminating situ-
ations they faced were at the workplace. Colleagues or employers were rated as
supportive, but this group is also rated as the highest discrimination source.
The national group decided that results of both surveys demonstrated the need
for additional information and training activities. The Local Action Group decided
52 Germany
These modules will allow individuals and institutions to develop their own anti-
stigma interventions to target groups they specify (e.g. journalists, law enforcement
officers, schoolchildren psychiatric hospital ward staff and the general public). All
of these efforts would be conducted in cooperation with the national ‘Open the
Doors Society’.
The Local Action Group in Hamburg chose high school teachers and students as
their target audience. In 1998, they founded the society ‘Irre Menschlich’ composed
of professionals and individuals living with schizophrenia. Their mission was to
coordinate education within schools.
In 2003, 20 schools with 35 classes (from 5th grade to 12th grade) were visited,
each by a team of one professional and one consumer (a patient or family mem-
ber). During the first year, the project concentrated on psychoses. In addition to
schizophrenia, bipolar disorders, eating disorders, cannabis abuse and borderline
disorder were also topics of increasing attention. At each of these educational ses-
sions, participants were given a media package with age specific materials about
mental illness, stigma and discrimination.
More specialized courses were also offered in cooperation with the Hamburg
Institute for Advanced Training of Schoolteachers.
In an effort to determine the kinds of messages being communicated to school
children regarding mental illness, the group conducted an analysis of German
books for children and young adults.
Since 1999, an ‘Open Door Day’ has been organized each year, again focussing
on information for schools and the general public. About 3000 pupils and 2500
adults are reached annually.
One pilot project concentrated on personnel managers of medium- and big-sized
companies in Hamburg, establishing contacts and inviting them to informational
events. This project received major attention; 50 companies are already involved.
The two most recent projects are the information of local journalists (of print media
54 Germany
and of television) and the support of a stage production written and directed by a
former psychiatric patient.
The Local Action Groups in Itzehoe and Kiel joined forces in their efforts to
involve community leaders in an existing consumer organization: ‘Verein zur
Förderung der Integration psychisch Kranker und Behinderter im Kreis Stein-
burg e.V.’ (Society to Support the Social Integration of Mentally Ill and Disabled
People in Steinburg County).
An informational campaign was undertaken in this rural region, enlisting area
residents in the support of mental health initiatives. In addition, booths were set
up at community meetings, discussing health topics and upcoming events showing
support and solidary for those with mental illness.
Like both Hamburg and Itzehoe-Steinburg and Kiel, the Leipzig group worked
closely with a consumer group. They founded the society ‘Irrsinnig Menschlich
e.V.’ which focuses on public relations in the field of mental health and psychiatry.
Its aim is to counteract stereotypes about schizophrenia and other mental illnesses
and prejudice towards those suffering from them, by informing people about men-
tal illness and treatment opportunities. It also facilitates greater communication
and contact between people with schizophrenia, family members, social scientists,
journalists and local politicians. During the course of this programme, they hired a
journalist to write press releases for the press as necessary (e.g. to describe activities
of the group itself or to correct misreporting by the media).
The projects and activities of the association were developed on the basis of the
results of a focus group study assessing the concrete stigmatization experiences of
people with schizophrenia and their families.
Focus groups
Focus groups have been used as a qualitative research tool for many years in
consumer marketing. Only recently has this technique been applied to the social
sciences. Focus groups have been used successfully in countries such as Germany,
Brazil and Japan despite cultural difference. Discussions involve 8–12 participants
and are guided by a facilitator. Participants discuss a limited number of issues in
order to identify a range of opinions and ideas for specific groups.
55 Leipzig
In the final analysis, focus groups produce a rich body of data expressed in
participants’ own words. In Leipzig, Dr Matthias Angermeyer and Beate Schulze
made significant progress in developing more finely honed methodological tools
for using focus groups and realizing the benefits listed above.
Adult education
The Leipzig group also developed an adult education course. The series of evening
courses and discussions on mental illness is taught jointly by mental health profes-
sionals, people suffering from a mental illness and family members in cooperation
with the Leipzig Adult Education Centre. Enrollment in these courses has steadily
increased since they were first started in 2002.
Through ‘Irrsinnig Menschlich e.V.’, the Local Action Group has produced
anti-stigma messages in virtually every medium, for example, television reports
such as the report ‘I Am Schizophrenic, but Not Crazy,’ which was awarded the
‘Schizophrenie und Stigma’ prize for journalism in 2001.
One of the programmes that received a great deal of media attention is a TV
documentary film, The Boss is the Patient. The film focuses on one of the mem-
bers of the international anti-stigma movement, Dr Petr Nawka, who has been
instrumental in establishing the programme in Slovakia. The film was developed
in collaboration with the Slovakian anti-stigma initiative.
This same partnership between Leipzig and the Local Action Group in Slovakia
has been responsible for Media Cell Michalovce – Against the Images in the Head, a
film workshop in Michalovce. The workshop included people with schizophrenia
and media professionals from Slovakia and Germany, and was held in July and
August of 2002. Eight women and men, diagnosed with schizophrenia, from Slo-
vakia and Germany worked as a team with four media representatives. The media
project is a model for future workshops designed to mitigate social conflict between
those in the media and those who are often marginalized or excluded from the
media process. The film developed in this workshop has been shown to audiences
in Slovakia, Germany and other countries at international festivals and showings. A
companion book documents the workshop and the working relationship of people
living with schizophrenia and media professionals as part of Media Cell Michalovce.
Two anti-stigma efforts have been undertaken in Munich. The first is through the
Ludwig-Maximillian University (LMU). The second involves the Munich Tech-
nical University (TU). The LMU centre is part of the German Research Network
and both work in close partnership on anti-stigma events such as regional press
The LMU group organizes events for the general public such as monthly lectures
and readings with well-known authors, art exhibitions, cinema shows that include
panel discussion and poster actions such as ‘Artists Against Stigma’. At many of
57 Munich
these activities surveys are conducted, measuring the knowledge and attitudes of
the relevant target groups.
Those involved in anti-stigma work at the TU are working in cooperation with
‘BASTA’ (Bavarian Anti-Stigma-Action). This effort focuses on:
1 educational work in schools;
2 education of law enforcement officials for dealing with the mentally ill in
stressful situations;
3 the development of art and cultural projects.
BASTA has also founded ‘SANE,’ an Internet-based, ‘stigma-busting’ network
designed to fight discriminating advertisements. SANE works with direct mail
campaigns to the originators of discriminating publications (e.g. advertisements,
TV series, movies and press reports).
Then as you start to recognize the ‘symptoms’ you virtually feel as if you yourself
are experiencing the attack. It was very frightening. The middle-aged man sitting
next to me during the screening, for example, hunched over his head between
his knees every time an attack started.
In Frankfurt, the Düsseldorf Local Action Group used both films as part of an
anti-stigma intervention and investigated data on the effectiveness of two very
different styles of presentation. The group hosted two cinema shows and two
panel discussions with individuals living with schizophrenia, medical professionals,
and the director of Das Weiße Rauschen. Roughly one thousand people – ranging
in age from 13 to 98 years of age, with a median age of 31 – attended. Fifty-seven
per cent of those attending were female and 43% were male.
Roughly 149 of those in attendance responded to pre- and post-tests on
knowledge and attitudes. In their self-assessment, 98% reported that they felt
58 Germany
better informed about schizophrenia and 94% believed that they had a better
understanding about people living with schizophrenia. Roughly nine of ten
(91%) said they empathized more with the people with schizophrenia.
However, when asked questions about specific aspects of the illness and
individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia, the results were more complex.
Significantly more people reported that they would ‘be able to maintain a
friendship’ with someone with schizophrenia (74.8%, pre-test; 89.1%, post-test).
However, when asked about marrying someone with schizophrenia, 23%
responded they would not consider marrying someone with schizophrenia in the
pre-test; in the post-test 31.6% responded they would not.
Overall, when effects were compared between the two films, it was found that
both films heightened the awareness and increased the knowledge of the illness.
However, these films can also increase fear, negative attitudes and social distance.
Having an opportunity to discuss the movies with people living with the illness
helped further the understanding and reduce social distance.
When the two films were compared for their effectiveness in addressing stigma
and discrimination, A Beautiful Mind – with its upbeat Hollywood conclusion –
had a greater impact in reducing social distance.
Because many of the anti-stigma efforts described above are part of the German
Research Network (supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research),
national results of these efforts will be part of research presented in 2005/2006.
However, preliminary research has already pointed to the importance of four
The importance of focus groups in providing qualitative data (e.g. the specific
content of stigmatizing language and behaviour, as well as the subjective experience
of the stigmatized) that supplements quantitative data on knowledge and attitudes.
The potential for transnational/transcultural stigma work, such as the documen-
tary films developed between the groups in Leipzig, Germany and Michalovce, Slo-
vakia. This is being enhanced further by technological innovations such as the use
of the Internet and low-cost digital video production. In addition a joint research
project between Düsseldorf, Germany and Skopje, Macedonia is investigating
difference between health care systems between the countries.
As with the interventions in Canada, the Local Action Groups in most German
centres sought to balance carefully targeted interventions (such as those to high
school students or mental health professionals) with broader, more ‘public’
activities such as cinema presentations.
Of the 20 WPA programmes underway internationally, several of the German
Local Action Groups are notable for their close working relationship with consumer
59 Bibliography – Germany
organizations such as BASTA and Irrsinnig Menschlich. These groups are actively
involved in further empowering individuals living with schizophrenia socially and
Endicott, J., Spitzer, R.L., Fleiss, J.L. and Cohen, J. (1976). The Global Assessment Scale: a proced-
ure of measuring overall severity of psychiatric disturbance. Archives of General Psychiatry, 33,
Kaiser, W. and Priebe, S. (1999). The impact of the interviewer–interviewee relationship on sub-
jective quality of life ratings in schizophrenia patients. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,
45(4), 292–301.
Link, B.G., Cullen, F.T., Struening, E., Shrout, P.E. and Dohrenwend, B.P. (1989). A modified
labeling theory approach to mental disorders: an empirical assessment. American Sociological
Review, 54, 400–423.
Wahl, O.F. (1999). Mental health consumer’s experience of stigma. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 25,
Schneider, F., Harter, M., Kratz, S., Bermejo, I., Mulert, C., Hegerl, U., Gaebel, W. and Berger,
M. (2003). [Subjectively-perceived inappropriate treatment of depressed patients in gen-
eral and psychiatric practice.] [German]. Unzureichender subjektiver Behandlungsverlauf
bei depressiven Patienten in der haus- und nervenarztlichen Praxis. Zeitschrift fur Arztliche
Fortbildung und Qualitatssicherung, 97(Suppl. 4), 57–66.
Schulze, B. and Angermeyer, M.C. (2003). Subjective experiences of stigma. A focus group study
of schizophrenic patients, their relatives and mental health professionals. Social Science and
Medicine, 56(2), 299–312.
Wahl, O.F. (1999). Telling is Risky Business: The Experience of Mental Illness Stigma. New
Brunswick, Rutgers University Press.
Wolwer, W., Buchkremer, G., Hafner, H., Klosterkotter, J., Maier, W., Moller, H.J. and Gaebel, W.
(2003). German research network on schizophrenia-bridging the gap between research and
care. European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 253(6), 321–329.
The Brescia Local Action Group first surveyed 280 members of the general public
using several different instruments:
• Community Attitudes to the Mentally Ill (CAMI) Inventory
(Taylor and Dear, 1981).
• Fear And Behavioural Intentions (FABI) Inventory (Wolff et al., 1996a).
• Semi-structured Interview (Wolff et al., 1996b).
The group also conducted pre- and post-tests of the knowledge and attitudes of
high school students before and after presentations given by a psychiatrist and
psychologist. By the end of 2002, about 500 students had been surveyed.
A series of six focus group discussions were also organized – three with individ-
uals living with schizophrenia, three with family members – to better understand
the experience of stigma of mental illness by those directly affected by it. Forty
individuals participated in the research (described below). Working with Beate
Schulze from the Leipzig Local Action Group, the Brescia team compiled the data
using a computer program called WinMax.
On the basis of this data, the Local Action Group developed interventions and
messages for key target groups. In 1999, the group identified high school students,
people living with schizophrenia and family members for their initial work. Once
these efforts were successfully underway, in 2001, the programme selected two
public target groups – employers and journalists – for anti-stigma activities.
questionnaires prior to the intervention and again 1 and 3 months after the 2½-h
educational programme.
Before starting work with the students, the psychiatrist and psychologist team
met with the teachers. In this initial 1-h presentation, teachers received information
on mental illness, the stigma associated with mental illness and the goal of both
the local education programme and the objectives of the WPA global anti-stigma
programme. Each teacher was given two brochures:
• The first was a general overview of the myths and misunderstandings regarding
mental illness and information designed to address negative stereotypes.
• The second was a more detailed and specific presentation of mental illnesses,
their causes and their treatment.
The presentations to students were 2½ h in length. In these presentations, a
consumer joined the psychiatrist and psychologist. Together the team presented
information on a wide range of topics including aetiology and treatment of psy-
chiatric disorders, as well as issues of stigma and discrimination. Students watched
a videotape on the WPA global anti-stigma programme and were given a brochure
on the local initiative in Brescia.
The control group of students did not participate in the intervention and did not
receive any information about mental illness or the stigma associated with it. Both
groups were then asked to complete survey instruments measuring knowledge and
The results showed significant changes in attitudes towards people suffering
from mental illness. Students in the experimental group were more willing to
accept someone with mental illness in their class after the intervention. This same
group of students also expressed less fear in speaking with someone suffering from
a mental illness. The intervention team speculates that this reduction in fear is
directly based on already having had a personal interaction with an individual with
mental illness.
This particular target group has proven to be challenging for the Brescia team.
While the Calgary intervention had been able to achieve greater reach into the
community of journalists by including a member in their group, the journalist
on the Brescia Local Action Group was not able to establish a broader network of
colleagues. In 2003, the group approached other journalists to have them assist in
the intervention.
In 1998, focus groups with journalists were conducted to assess knowledge and
attitudes. The Local Action Group also sought a deeper understanding of the
65 Working with employers and their employees
origins of stereotypes and ways in which negative images are perpetuated in the
media. Based on the results of these focus groups, the Local Action Group created
a media kit and series of articles to better educate journalists about schizophrenia,
and the stigma and discrimination associated with it.
The group conducted a pre-intervention survey of one of the leading newspapers
Il Giornale di Brescia in 1998. Articles were evaluated as to the negative and positive
images portrayed regarding mental illness.
In 2002, a second evaluation, using the same criteria, was undertaken. In the
4 years during which the anti-stigma effort was undertaken, the number of articles
presenting positive messages of recovery and available treatment had increased.
While the group believes its efforts have had some impact on this change, it con-
tinues its analysis into the many different reasons the shift may have occurred in
the media.
to assess levels of satisfaction among those who have received support – and their
overall assessment of social integration. This study will be followed by an analysis
of the family members and relatives. The final phase will then be an analysis of the
employers themselves regarding the services provided by NIL.
The Brescia group will continue to use this data in its efforts to integrate those
with mental illness into the workforce.
For example, they report that the doctor’s recommendations are often at odds
with what they feel they can do or provide. They were given little guidance in how
to care for the individual and were told they simply ‘must tolerate’ the burden of
the illness.
Overall, the qualitative research found that those living with schizophrenia and
their family members consider stigma a major obstacle to reintegration into the
community. At the same time, they acknowledge that they themselves may
contribute to the process of stigmatization by accepting the public stereotypes
and anticipating rejection based on those stereotypes.
The study also highlighted the importance of health care professionals involving
both their patients and their family members in a dialogue of care to ensure
greater involvement and compliance. Both groups reported markedly negative
stigma and prejudice from medical professionals.
The results of these focus groups have been shared in two courses
presented for the Italian Association of Psychiatry and Psycho-social
Rehabilitation. Overall, this investigation demonstrated that focus groups
are effective in gathering important qualitative data on the experiences of
those living with mental illness to the medical professionals who are treating
them. Relieved of the defensive posturing that can occur in the doctor–patient
or doctor–family dyad, professionals may better understand the challenges
patients and their families face, and conversely, individuals living with
schizophrenia and family members may feel more empowered to become active
participants in the treatment.
The Local Action Group in Brescia continues its anti-stigma work. In addition, it
has expanded its educational efforts to other parts of Italy, assisting and consulting
with groups interested in implementing interventions of their own.
Unfortunately, the further expansion of the programme into other hospitals in
the international network of the Order of Saint John of God has not happened. This
is due in part to a reorientation of the hospital’s mission and greater investment
in laboratory and diagnostic apparatus, which has led to a reduction in the budget
set aside by the hospital for anti-stigma work.
In 2003, the group began working with the Catholic Church in Italy. Twenty
seminarians agreed to participate in a study of knowledge and attitudes among the
clergy. The intent, in a country where the population is nearly 99% Catholic, is
to add the clergy to the growing list of target audiences that include: high school
students, individuals living with schizophrenia and family members, journalists
and business owners.
68 Italy
aylor, S.M. and Dear, M. (1981). Scaling community attitudes toward the mentally ill.
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 7(2), 225–240.
olff, G., Pathare, S., Craig, T. and Leff, J. (1996a). Community attitudes to mental illness. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 168(2), 183–190.
olff, G., Pathare, S., Craig, T. and Leff, J. (1996b). Community knowledge of mental illness and
reaction to mentally ill people. British Journal of Psychiatry, 168(2), 191–198.
Casacchia, M., Rossi, G. and Pioli, R. (2001). Schizofrenia e cittadinanza. Il Pensiero Scientifico
Magli, E., Buizza, C. and Pioli, R. (2004). Malattia mentale e mass media: una indagine su un
quotidiano locale. Recenti Progressi in Medicina, 94(6).
Magliano, L., Fadden, G., Economou, M., Xavier, M., Held, T., Guarneri, M., Marasco, C.,
Tosini, P. and Maj, M. (1998). Social and clinical factors influencing the choice of coping
strategies in relatives of patients with schizophrenia: results of the BIOMED I study. Social
Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 33(9), 413–419.
69 Bibliography – Italy
Magliano, L., Guarneri, M., Fiorillo, A., Marasco, C., Malangone, C. and Maj, M. (2001a). A mul-
ticenter Italian study of patients’ relatives’ beliefs about schizophrenia. Psychiatric Services,
52(11), 1528–1530.
Magliano, L., Malangone, C., Guarneri, M., Marasco, C., Fiorillo, A. and Maj, M. (2001b).
[The condition of families of patients with schizophrenia in Italy: burden, social network and
professional support.] [Italian] La situazione delle famiglie dei pazienti con schizofrenia in
Italia: carico familiare, risposte dei SSM, sostegno sociale. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale,
10(2), 96–106.
Magliano, L., De Rosa, C., Guarneri, M., Cozzolino, P., Malangone, C., Marasco, C., Fiorillo, A.
and Maj, M. (2002a). [Causes and psychosocial consequences of schizophrenia: opinions of
mental health personnel.] [Italian]. Cause e conseguenze psicosociali della schizofrenia: le
opinioni degli operatori dei SSM. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 11(1), 35–44.
Magliano, L., Marasco, C., Fiorillo, A., Malangone, C., Guarneri, M. and Maj, M. (2002b).
Working Group of the Italian National Study on Families of Persons with Schizophrenia. The
impact of professional and social network support on the burden of families of patients with
schizophrenia in Italy. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 106(4), 291–298.
Magliano, L., De Rosa, C., Fiorillo, A., Malangone, C., Guarneri, M., Marasco, C. and
Maj, M. (2003). [Psychosocial causes and consequences of schizophrenia: opinions of Italians.]
[Italian.] Cause e conseguenze psicosociali della schizofrenia: le opinioni degli Italiani.
Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale, 12(3), 187–197.
Magliano, L., De Rosa, C., Fiorillo, A., Malangone, C. and Maj, M. (2004a). National Men-
tal Health Project Working Group. Perception of patients’ unpredictability and beliefs on
the causes and consequences of schizophrenia – a community survey. Social Psychiatry and
Psychiatric Epidemiology, 39(5), 410–416.
Magliano, L., Fiorillo, A., De Rosa, C., Malangone, C. and Maj, M. (2004b). Beliefs about
schizophrenia in Italy: a comparative nationwide survey of the general public, mental health
professionals, and patients’ relatives. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry – Revue Canadienne de
Psychiatrie, 49(5), 322–330.
Mangili, E., Ponteri, M., Buizza, C. and Rossi, G. (2004). Atteggiamenti nei confronti delle dis-
abilità e della malattia mentale nei luoghi di lavoro: una rassegna. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria
Sociale, 13(1), 29–46.
Rossi, A., Amaddeo, F., Bisoffi, G., Ruggeri, M., Thornicroft, G. and Tansella, M. (2002). Drop-
ping out of care: inappropriate terminations of contact with community-based psychiatric
services. British Journal of Psychiatry, 181, 331–338.
Vezzoli, R., Archiati, L., Buizza, C., Pasqualetti, P., Rossi, G. and Pioli, R. (2001). Attitude towards
psychiatric patients: a pilot study in a northern Italian town. European Psychiatry: The Journal
of the Association of European Psychiatrists, 16(8), 451–458.
Warner, R., de Girolamo, G., Belelli, G., Bologna, C., Fioritti, A. and Rosini, G. (1998). The quality
of life of people with schizophrenia in Boulder, Colorado, and Bologna, Italy. Schizophrenia
Bulletin, 24(4), 559–568.
areas, with little education, little knowledge of schizophrenia and no reported per-
sonal contact with individuals with schizophrenia. While 51.2% of respondents
were in favour of small group homes in the community, 19.9% were opposed –
and slightly more than half (56.6%) said they would actively resist them being
The majority of all respondents said that television was their main source of
information about schizophrenia. Media portrayals of those with schizophrenia
were reported to be generally negative.
Compared to similar surveys on social distance done in Germany and Canada,
social distance in Greece was considerably high.
Based on the results of these surveys, the Local Action Group decided on a
two-pronged approach:
(a) to address issues of stigma broadly, through the media;
(b) to develop more focused interventions with specially tailored programmes that
would promote personal contact with individuals living with schizophrenia.
The Local Action Group selected a number of target audiences, similar to those
chosen in other countries: high school students and teachers, individuals living
with schizophrenia and family members, and mental health professionals.
• The intervention committee supervises and coordinates direct contacts with state
and municipal authorities.
• The review committee is charged with monitoring and evaluating the overall
efforts of the group, and reporting to the core Local Action Group.
The Local Action Group selected a number of target audiences similar to those
chosen by other initiatives already described: mental health professionals, individ-
uals living with schizophrenia and family members, as well as high school students
and teachers. Given the national scope of the programme, the group also sought
to communicate its message broadly to the general public.
Once the first three volumes of World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Pro-
gramme materials were translated, the initial planning was completed and
interventions were undertaken with each of these groups.
From its earliest work in 1999, the Local Action Group has maintained a training
initiative for those in the mental health profession. The first of these involved 180
nurses, social workers, occupational therapists and others working in residential
This programme placed an emphasis on facts concerning schizophrenia, its
aetiology and treatment. Based on pre- and post-test assessments of knowledge
and attitudes, this approach has proven successful in dispelling misunderstandings
that surround the illness.
Records were kept of the requests for information so that the group might better
assess the most urgent needs. Requests identified needs chiefly in three areas:
1 About mental illness in general, the service available and issues surrounding
welfare, finances, legislation and consumers’ rights.
2 Improvement in existing services.
3 Empowerment and support for individuals living with schizophrenia and family
Initial research with the Canadian Pilot Programme raised questions about the
effectiveness of broad interventions to the ‘general public’. Yet the experiences with
other programmes such as the effort in Greece may indicate a need to reassess how
we measure the impact of an anti-stigma campaign.
In Calgary, the post-test measure of attitudes undertaken 10 weeks after a radio
campaign showed results that were inconclusive at best. However, in Greece, the
initiative to the general public was clearly effective in helping to create a network
of volunteers to assist in the anti-stigma efforts.
Similarly, a series of public events, involving the arts earned the programme
a good deal of press, addressed the myths and misunderstandings surrounding
mental illness in general and schizophrenia in particular. Like the programmes
in Spain and Germany, the Greek Local Action Group organized a special event
to coincide with the release of the film A Beautiful Mind in July 2002. Prominent
political, social and intellectual figures attended a special screening of the film at
a large cinema in Athens. The event was covered by the press. Stories from that
coverage appeared on television, the radio and in the print media for the next
several weeks.
The following March, another event was organized around the first staging in
Greece of the play Proof. The play, which won a Pulitzer Prize in the US, has played
internationally in New York, London and Paris. The drama concerns a young
woman whose father, a professor of mathematics, suffered from an unspecified
mental illness. During the course of the play, she seeks ‘proof ’ of her own math-
ematical genius, the possibility of her own mental illness and her affections for a
young grad student.
Actors, journalists and politicians were invited to a special performance of the
play. A lively conversation, involving members of the audience, followed the per-
formance. Actors, people living with schizophrenia and other attendees spoke in
dramatic and sometimes emotional terms about schizophrenia and the stigma
associated with it.
75 Support materials for communication
Later in 2003, two other major events were held. The first, a benefit concert, is
described below. The second was a 4-day film festival on mental illness and stigma,
part of the popular Thessaloniki Film Festival in November. Two halls were used
for film screenings and a series of related cultural events. One criterion for the
selection of the films was that each should deal in some way with the stigma and
discrimination experienced by those with mental illness. Another was that it must
address one of the commonly held myths regarding mental illness. The films were
presented with discussions that included psychiatrists, film critics, directors, actors,
as well as consumers of mental health services and family members.
The films selected fell into three categories:
1 Those dealing with stereotypes of violence (Repulsion; Fight Club and Through
a Glass, Darkly).
2 The stigma experience in the family (Shine; I am Sam and Frances).
3 Issues of rehabilitation and social integration (Girl, Interrupted; Elling and
Angel Baby).
The festival was intended as more than public education on mental illnesses, but
as an investigation into the realities of mental illness, its treatment, the challenges
of recovery, and the stigma and discrimination experienced by individuals.
The Local Action Group established six psychoeducational programmes for rela-
tives and four programmes for individuals living with schizophrenia. The train-
ing package included: videotapes, brochures and informational booklets about
schizophrenia. As these programmes have been established, they can be easily
replicated and extended further out into the community.
77 Conclusion
The work was done in collaboration with Associations of Patients and Families
and included the creation of a seminar on the stigma associated with schizophrenia.
A special family support group for those with relatives living with schizophrenia
was also established.
At the start of this chapter, we described the research undertaken following the
Athens earthquake. Research indicated that those who had had contact with indi-
viduals with mental illness were likely to be more tolerant and have a greater
positive attitude. In light of those findings, the Greek Local Action Group set up a
programme designed to improve attitudes towards those living with mental illness.
The Local Action Group works in partnership with consumer and family organ-
izations to organize presentations about schizophrenia in the community. The
presentations are conducted with the support of the three main psychiatric hos-
pitals of Athens and take place in neighbourhoods where group homes for those
with mental illness already exist or are scheduled to be opened in the future. The
goal is to establish a social support network within the community and creates a
neighbourhood branch of the consumer–family associations.
To date, Greece is the only Local Action Group in the global programme to have one
of its key participants elevated to Minister of Health of the country. Undoubtedly,
the active involvement of such a major political figure did much to advance the
anti-stigma effort in the country.
Having that opportunity, however, is not the same thing as effectively acting upon
it and certainly every Local Action Group through the careful selection of its initial
members has its own unique opportunities. As noted with other programmes, it is
important to include members of your target audience in the Local Action Group.
Other learning points from the Greek experience include:
• The building of a volunteer network to expand the reach of the programme,
provide support for events in the community and assist in efforts such as the
‘Stigma Watch’.
• The involvement of high-profile members of the community and celebrities to
draw media attention to the effort.
• Recognizing that television was the primary medium through which people
said they received information on schizophrenia, the Greek Local Action Group
created public events to attract those community leaders and celebrities, and
achieve a great deal of press coverage.
78 Greece
• Working in partnership with other groups is also important to the effective distri-
bution of information and communication materials. Working with the Ministry
of Education the group was able to establish a curriculum for high school
students. Working with the utilities industry, the group effectively distributed
hundreds of thousands of flyers to virtually every household in Greece.
The effort in Greece is an example of a programme that has been able to build
national profile and maintain momentum. The programme continues on a national
level as of this writing though there is a new Minister of Health.
Daskalopoulou, E.G., Dikeos, D.G., Papadimitriou, G.N., Souery, D., Blairy, S., Massat, I.,
Mendlewicz, J. and Stefanis, C.N. (2002). Self-esteem, social adjustment and suicidality in
affective disorders. European Psychiatry: The Journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists,
17(5), 265–271.
79 Bibliography – Greece
Madianos, M.G. and Economou, M. (1999). The impact of a Community Mental Health Center
on psychiatric hospitalizations in two Athens areas. Community Mental Health Journal, 35(4),
Madianos, M.G., Madianou, D., Vlachonikolis, J. and Stefanis, C.N. (1987). Attitudes towards
mental illness in the Athens area: implications for community mental health intervention.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 75(2), 158–165.
Madianos, M.G., Economou, M. and Stefanis, C.N. (1998). Long-term outcome of psychi-
atric disorders in the community: a 13-year follow-up study in a nonclinical population.
Comprehensive Psychiatry, 39(2), 47–56.
Madianos, M.G., Economou, M., Hatjiandreou, M., Papageorgiou, A. and Rogakou, E. (1999).
Changes in public attitudes towards mental illness in the Athens area (1979/1980–1994). Acta
Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 99(1), 73–78.
Magliano, L., Fadden, G., Economou, M., Xavier, M., Held, T., Guarneri, M., Marasco, C.,
Tosini, P. and Maj, M. (1998). Social and clinical factors influencing the choice of coping
strategies in relatives of patients with schizophrenia: results of the BIOMED I study. Social
Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 33(9), 413–419.
Magliano, L., Fadden, G., Economou, M., Held, T., Xavier, M., Guarneri, M., Malangone,
C., Marasco, C. and Maj, M. (2000). Family burden and coping strategies in schizophrenia:
1-year follow-up data from the BIOMED I study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiol-
ogy, 35(3), 109–115.
Tomaras, V., Mavreas, V., Economou, M., Ioannovich, E., Karydi, V. and Stefanis, C. (2000).
The effect of family intervention on chronic schizophrenics under individual psychosocial
treatment: a 3-year study. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 35(11), 487–489.
United States
In 1999, the US Bureau of Justice Statistics estimated that 283,000 jail and prison
inmates suffered from a serious mental illness. One in four female inmates is
reported to have a mental illness. Nearly half of the mentally ill inmates had
been imprisoned for a non-violent crime. Twenty per cent of those with mental
illness (male and female) had been homeless during the year before their incar-
ceration, according to a study by the Center for Mental Health Services. In 2003,
Human Rights Watch reported: ‘all-too-often seriously ill prisoners receive little
or no meaningful treatment. They are neglected, accused of malingering, treated
as disciplinary problems’.
Two other statistics further underscore the challenges for the mentally ill in the
US. First, only 60% of the mentally ill in state and federal prisons reported receiving
mental health treatment since incarceration. Second, the US remains one of the few
countries in the world that executes the mentally ill if they commit a capital crime.
One explanation often given for such shocking statistics is that: in 1955, 560,000
men and women were in US State Psychiatric Hospitals; in 2004, there were fewer
than 40,000. While the doors of institutions have been thrown open, public mental
health services have been grossly inadequate to address the needs of the mentally ill.
The Local Action Group working in Boulder, Colorado sought to disrupt the
vicious cycle that sweeps many of the mentally ill into the justice and penal systems
where their illnesses continue to go untreated, and they emerge with a double
81 Employers
While the results from the Canadian programme were being analyzed, Professor
Warner organized a Local Action Group that included: psychiatrists, people living
with schizophrenia and family members, a schoolteacher, a judge, a journalist and
a representative from a local media agency. One of the first tasks was to conduct a
survey to gain a better first-person perspective on stigma and discrimination.
Of the 56 individuals living with schizophrenia that were interviewed, 32 (66%)
reported that stigma is a major, very severe or overwhelming problem in their lives.
The groups seen as most stigmatizing are ranked here in descending order with the
most stigmatizing first:
• employers or potential employers;
• general health physicians, emergency room staff and hospital staff;
• family members;
• police;
• television news and programmes, as well as newspaper reports;
• co-workers and neighbours;
• the general public.
A majority of family members also identified stigma as a major, very severe or
overwhelming problem in their lives. The groups they identified were:
• family members;
• employers or potential employers;
• co-workers, friends and neighbours;
• newspapers and television;
• the general public.
Based upon these findings, the target groups selected were: employers; the media,
including journalists; police and members of the criminal justice system. With
experiences gained from working with the Partnership Programme in Calgary, the
group also selected high school students as a way to change attitudes of the general
public over time. In April 2000, Eli Lilly and Company awarded a financial grant
to the campaign.
The Calgary group had encountered challenges in addressing this target group, in
part, because they had not reached key change agents in the business community.
For that reason, the Boulder Local Action Group met early in their planning process
with the president of the Boulder Chamber of Commerce. Fifty per cent of all of the
jobs in Boulder are with just 12 companies, including the University of Colorado.
Developing a strategy to reach and mobilize these 12 companies was seen as having
a great deal of potential for achieving change in employment.
82 United States
Professionals in law enforcement and the judiciary often encounter people with
mental illness in acute crisis situations. Surveys in Boulder showed that only a few
of these professionals believed people with mental illness can recover from them.
Working together with the Local Action Group, the Chief Judge of the district
court has held task force meetings with managers and leaders of all the local
criminal justice agencies, including the judiciary, the county sheriff ’s department,
the Boulder city police department, the county jail, the probation department,
community corrections, the district attorney’s office, the public defender’s office,
the mental health centre, the public health department and the alcohol recovery
centre. The goal of the meetings has been to reduce the number of people with
mental illness who are jailed. Police officers, other law enforcement personnel and
members of the judiciary have received training on recognizing mental illness and
have been given ways to deal more effectively with individuals in a crisis.
To date the anti-stigma efforts to this target audience have been extremely
effective. Products of this group include:
• A new multi-agency community monitoring and treatment programme. The
goal of the programme is to assist people living with schizophrenia with
83 Criminal justice system
concomitant substance abuse problems and reduce the possibility they might
end up in jail in the future.
• A training programme for professionals. Targeted to police officers, probation
officers, corrections officers, attorneys and judges, the programme is designed to
reduce fear of the mentally ill. After an initial pilot test with veteran and rookie
police officers, the programme has been broadened to others.
Following lessons learned from the Calgary Pilot Programme, the Boulder Action
Group also included a representative from one of the city’s largest newspapers
as one of its members. A media consultant was hired to work closely with the
A number of articles, editorials, letters and guest opinion columns have appeared
in local newspapers on the anti-stigma campaign, the stigma of mental illness and
other related issues. This included a front page article on stigma in the Longmont
Times-Call newspaper.
The Local Action Group has provided journalists of all the Boulder County
newspapers with a resource list of individuals living with schizophrenia, family
members and professionals who can be called upon for information or background
on a variety of mental health topics. This information packet also included sugges-
tions for reducing stigma in reporting news and other stories that refer to mental
During the initial implementation phase of the programme, as news spread
through the community of the effort, call-in radio programmes have also dealt with
the issues of stigma and prejudice. When Otto Wahl, the Director of the National
Stigma Clearinghouse and author of Media Madness was invited to Boulder by the
Local Action Group to give a public workshop on combating the stigma of mental
illness in the media, he was also featured on one of these call-in programmes.
Working with the Department of Journalism of the University of Colorado, a
content analysis of the Boulder Daily Camera is being conducted to assess media
coverage before and after the campaign. Today, articles, editorials and letters con-
tinue to appear in the local media, keeping the public informed about the impact
of stigma and discrimination on those living with mental illness.
with personality disorders are often not admitted to hospital. ‘Because they may
not recognize symptoms of mental illness and how these relate to suicide attempts,
police officers,’ Dr Warner explains, ‘are likely to complain about a patient whom
they brought in for evaluation after a suicide attempt – was treated, then released.
They will tell us: “She got home before I did” ’. Understanding the reasons behind
a psychiatrist’s decision to discharge a patient can also address some of the stigma
these officers may feel toward the medical establishment.
They also learned the importance of the endorsement and presence of the police
chief and other senior officers in sending a message about the value of the training.
(Often these senior officials are not present during training of the night shift.)
Most important of all is the involvement of people living with the illness in the
training. For many officers the only exposure they may have had with individuals
with mental illness is in a crisis situation. This is true for members of the judiciary
as well. Not only did knowledge of schizophrenia improve from 47% to 74% after
the presentations, some judges reported immediate changes in their sentencing
practices for adults and juveniles.
More information and training resources are available on-line at: www.
Corrigan, P.W. (2004). Don’t call me nuts: an international perspective on the stigma of mental
illness. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 109(6), 403–404.
Priebe, S., Warner, R., Hubschmid, T. and Eckle, I. (1998). Employment, attitudes toward work,
and quality of life among people with schizophrenia in three countries. Schizophrenia Bulletin,
24(3), 469–477.
Thompson, A.H., Stuart, H., Bland, R.C., Arboleda-Florez, J., Warner, R., Dickson, R.A.,
Sartorius, N., Lopez-Ibor, J.J., Stefanis, C.N., Wig, N.N. and WPA, World Psychiatric Asso-
ciation (2002). Attitudes about schizophrenia from the pilot site of the WPA worldwide
87 Bibliography – United States
campaign against the stigma of schizophrenia. Social Psychiatry & Psychiatric Epidemiology,
37(10), 475–482.
Wahl, O.F. (1999). Mental health consumers’ experience of stigma. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 25(3),
Wahl, O.F. and Harman, C.R. (1989). Family views of stigma. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 15(1),
Wahl, O.F. and Kaye, A.L. (1992). Mental illness topics in popular periodicals. Community Mental
Health Journal, 28(1), 21–28.
Wahl, O.F. and Lefkowits, J.Y. (1998). Impact of a television film on attitudes toward mental
illness. American Journal of Community Psychology, 17(4), 521–528.
Warner, R. (1999a). Environmental interventions in schizophrenia. 1: the individual and the
domestic levels. New Directions for Mental Health Services, 83, 61–70.
Warner, R. (1999b). Environmental interventions in schizophrenia. 2: the community level. New
Directions for Mental Health Services, 83, 71–84.
Warner, R. (1999c). Reducing the stigma associated with schizophrenia. In: Maj, M., ed. Evi-
dence and Experience in Psychiatry: Volume 2, Schizophrenia. John Wiley & Sons, New York,
pp. 284–286.
Warner, R. (1999d). Schizophrenia and the environment: speculative interventions. Epidemiolo-
gia e Psichiatria Sociale, 8(1), 19–34.
Warner, R. (2000). The Environment of Schizophrenia: Innovations in Practice, Policy and Com-
munications. London: Routledge (Lithuanian edition, 2003. Russian and Greek editions,
Warner, R. (2001a). Combating the stigma of schizophrenia. Epidemiologia e Psichiatria Sociale,
10(1), 12–17.
Warner, R. (2001b). Community attitudes towards mental disorder. In: Thornicroft, G. and
Szmukler, G., eds. Textbook of Community Psychiatry. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Warner, R. (2001c). The prevention of schizophrenia: what interventions are safe and effective?
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 27(4), 551–562.
Warner, R. (2003). How much of the burden of schizophrenia is alleviated by treatment? British
Journal of Psychiatry, 183, 375–376.
Warner, R. (2004). Recovery form Schizophrenia: Psychiatry and Political Economy, 3rd edn.
Brunner-Routledge, Hove and New York.
Warner, R. and Mandiberg, J.M. (2003). Changing the environment of schizophrenia at the
community level. Australasian Psychiatry, 11(Suppl.)
Warner, R., de Girolamo, G., Belelli, G., Bologna, C., Fioritti, A. and Rosini, G. (1998). The quality
of life of people with schizophrenia in Boulder, Colorado, and Bologna, Italy. Schizophrenia
Bulletin, 24(4), 559–568.
established a four-step plan for its nationwide effort. The success of each step was
in part dependent on the successful implementation of the one that came before:
1 Assess the needs of individuals living with schizophrenia and family members
to identify areas of stigma and discrimination.
2 Prepare information about schizophrenia and the stigma associated with it.
This approach presents the perspectives of the consumer, family and mental
health professionals to be distributed nationally to both print and broadcast
3 Develop an educational programme based on the experiences of individuals
living with schizophrenia and professionals, including psychiatrists, teachers,
journalists, priests and clerics.
4 Hold a series of symposia on schizophrenia at both the national and local levels,
bringing together psychologists, general practitioners, social workers, people
living with schizophrenia and family members.
Assessing needs
A number of surveys have been conducted in the first 4 years of the initiative in
Poland, using both qualitative and quantitative methods.
The first round of research included focus group interviews with people living
with schizophrenia and family members. While the information collected gave
Local Action Group members first-hand accounts of the stigma experienced by
those living with schizophrenia, the data was somewhat limited in scope and
its applicability to the programme. In 2004, in the southern Malopolska region
of Poland, the subjective experiences of a larger group of 200 individuals were
In 2001, Jacek Wciórka and Bogda Wciórka organized a national survey of public
attitudes towards those with mental illness. The researchers sought to investigate:
• the public’s understanding of the term ‘schizophrenia’;
• the degree to which is it used in the social experience;
• the social perception and position of schizophrenia;
• factors which might affect how individuals view medical treatment of the illness
and the social climate that surrounds individuals diagnosed with the illness.
The research team, working with CBOS (Public Opinion Research Center), sam-
pled 1000 adults from all over Poland. Individuals were selected at random and
interviewed by telephone.
The survey found that the majority of the general public lacked sufficient
information and knowledge about schizophrenia, and had negative stereotypes
90 Poland
of those living with the illness. Most expressed stigmatizing beliefs (e.g. people
with schizophrenia are violent) and held overall ambivalent feelings towards those
with mental illness.
In July 2003, a study of the opinions of young Poles (ages 15–35 years) was
conducted. A number of clear conclusions could be drawn about this group:
• Roughly one in four reported that they knew nothing about schizophrenia.
• The self-reported level of social acceptance of those with schizophrenia was high;
a majority declared openness and support for those living with the illness.
• Those with higher education (18%) and living in larger metropolitan areas
(22%) had better knowledge about the illness.
• Individuals with elementary school education (34%) and living in smaller vil-
lages (33%) reported no knowledge about the illness.
• A majority of young Poles knew little about the age groups typically at risk and
were unaware that first symptoms appear in younger adults.
• 80% reported that those living with schizophrenia should not be isolated and
that if properly treated, they can return to the community.
Overall social distance was small with a majority being open to individuals with
schizophrenia living in their neighbourhood, and said that they would study, work
and socialize with those having a mental illness.
While reporting that they would like to know more about the illness, 49% said
they wanted the information to come from television compared to 41% reporting
they wanted their information from newspapers, and 24% interested in learning
about the illness from a meeting with someone with the illness. Only 17% reported
wanting to learn about it in school or university.
A national perspective
The national programme in Poland approached the challenge of covering the coun-
try using a strategy different from that used in other programmes. The National
Steering Committee of four and the fifteen regional representatives developed a
series of programmes and agreed to replicate each in different cities or regions
after initial pilot testing in one or two towns or villages. The result is a programme
that has gradually built up a consistent momentum over time.
Presentations to these groups focus on issues affecting the lives of people living
with schizophrenia. These presentations allow individuals living with the illness to
share information with other consumers on the illness itself and on the self-stigma
that can keep many from taking a more active role in their treatment. Professionals
often participate in these seminars and some of these presentations involve lessons
the medical professional has learned from hearing the stories of people who live
with the illness about the stigma and discrimination they experience first hand.
The overall goals of the ‘Open the Door’ Association are:
• to increase the number of educational seminars at psychiatric conferences
regarding the subjective experience of illness and recovery;
• to become educators for politicians, clergy and other groups at seminars about
mental health problems on the local and national levels;
• to increase participation of NGO spokespersons in the press, as well as in radio
and television.
A national magazine produced by individuals living with schizophrenia entitled
‘For Us’ further helps unify the national effort. The magazine contains stories of
those living with schizophrenia, as well as resources available for those seeking
treatment or support.
Cities and communities in which Local Action Groups have been created have
established programmes for sheltered employment. Those living with schizophre-
nia are employed in jobs at a hotel coffee-bar. The hotel project is the model for
setting up other ‘social firms’ projects in Poland.
area has been slow given complexities and approval processes within the institution
of the Church.
A Day of Solidarity
In an effort to further unify efforts on a national level, the group has worked to
establish September 15 as‘Day of Solidarity with People Suffering from Schizophre-
nia’. As noted earlier, the event in 2002 was held in 16 towns and cities. In 2003, this
network had expanded to smaller villages as well and totalled 32 communities.
Across the country, mayors of cities and villages, bishops and other clergy,
members of the press, and representatives from various NGOs stepped through
doorways erected in public squares to show their solidarity for those living with
schizophrenia. Cultural events held in many of these locations were broadcast on
As a result of this national effort, Polish television produced an educational
programme with the active participation of individuals living with schizophrenia.
Overall, the Local Action Group has also presented anti-stigma activities as part
of cultural events:
• from 2001 to 2003, more than 10 exhibitions and poetry readings were presented
by people living with the illness;
• in 2001, the City of Lodz hosted a theatre festival organized by those with mental
The national effort in Poland continues as of this writing. In 2004, the group
held the third National Day of Solidarity with People Suffering from Schizophre-
nia on 12 September. In Kraków, an exhibition entitled ‘Art Against Stigma’ was
held in the National Museum. A ‘Poetry Night’ was held in the Slowacki The-
atre. During that event the Polish actress Anna Dymna read the poems written by
people with schizophrenia and by others, such as Emily Dickinson and Friedrich
Again, the symbolic door was featured in town centres through which individuals
step to sign a petition of solidarity.
Compared to other initiatives in the WPA Global Programme, Poland differs in
three notable ways:
• Coordination from a central organizing group extending outward, in collabora-
tion, with regional groups, as opposed to regional activities developed independ-
ently and reporting back.
• The creation of a high-profile ‘National Day of Solidarity’ which drew significant
attention of the media and generated camaraderie among groups who were
geographically distant but working on a common event.
• Its collaboration with religious clergy on the local and national level.
Chadzynska, M., Spiridonow, K., Kasperek, B. and Meder, J. (2003). [Quality of life of
schizophrenic patients and their caregivers – comparison.] [Polish] Porownanie jakosci zycia
osob chorych na schizofrenie i ich opiekunow. Psychiatria Polska, 37(6), 1025–1036.
Dabrowski, S. (1998). [Specialist community social services as a form of community social sup-
port.] [Polish] Specjalistyczne uslugi opiekuncze jako forma oparcia spolecznego. Psychiatria
Polska, 32(4), 443–451.
Kucharska-Pietura, K., Grzywa, A. and Debowska, G. (1998). [Attitudes of Polish and British
high school students towards the mentally ill and their beliefs in the causes of mental illness.]
[Polish] Postawy licealistow z Polski i Wielkiej Brytanii wobec osob psychicznie chorych i ich
przekonania na temat etiologii chorob psychicznych. Psychiatria Polska, 32(6), 711–722.
Prot-Herczynska, K. (1998). [The study of the costs of schizophrenia.] [Polish] Badanie kosztow
schizofrenii. Psychiatria Polska, 32(3), 307–318.
Wojciechowska, A., Walczewski, K. and Cechnicki, A. (2001). [Correlations between some fea-
tures of social networks and treatment outcome in patients with schizophrenia three years
after initial hospitalization.] [Polish] Zaleznosci miedzy wlasciwosciami sieci spolecznej a
wynikami leczenia chorych na schizofrenie w trzy lata od pierwszej hospitalizacji. Psychiatria
Polska, 35(1), 21–32.
In 2002, the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology (JSPN) and the national
family organization, Zenkaren, succeeded in changing the name of ‘schizophrenia’
in order to diminish its stigmatizing effect. The event was unprecedented. There is
no other example of a joint effort by psychiatrists and family members to change
the name of an illness to reduce the stigma associated with it.
The change of the term ‘schizophrenia’ has a different significance in Japan
from what it might have in most other countries. In 1937, the terminology
committee of JSPN translated the term schizophrenia into , seishin-
bunretsu-byo, and reported it as new name of Kraepelin’s dementia praecox (i.e.
schizophrenia = Dementia praecox). At the time, the concept of schizophrenia
was almost identical to dementia praecox and effective medications were unavail-
able. They believed , seishin-bunretsu-byo, to be untreatable with
no chance for recovery and with progressive deterioration. In addition, because
, seishin-bunretsu-byo literally means ‘split mind’, Eugen Bleuler’s
attempt to describe the individual as ‘cut off from’ or ‘dissociated from’ affect
became in the translation a description of an individual cut-off from the essence
of his or her humanity. As one individual living schizophrenia put it speaking at
the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Congress in 1998, ‘This term tells me I
am cut off from my soul’.
Earlier, we described attempts to disrupt the vicious cycle of stigmatization with
interventions at different points on the cycle. In the case of efforts in Japan, by dis-
rupting the stigma of the name itself, the Japanese hope to reduce the downstream
social consequences of the labelling.
In 1993, Zenkaren, the National Federation of Families with Mental Illness, had
made a formal request to the JSPN to change the Japanese term for schizophre-
nia. The JSPN organized a Committee on Concepts and Terminology of Mental
Disorders to look into the problem.
In 1998, the JSPN began working with the WPA Global Programme against
Stigma and Discrimination because of Schizophrenia. The efforts to possibly
change the terminology – and change the associated stigma – were of considerable
interest to the global effort. If effective, a similar change might be promoted in other
96 Japan
To measure the effectiveness of the diffusion of the new term, the Japanese
government supported five studies.
reply were sent to the association list. Researchers received 4027 responses (47.3%).
The research found:
• The new and old names were being used together.
• The older the doctor, the more negative the attitude towards informing the
patient of the diagnosis or using the new name; compared to those in outpatient
clinics, psychiatrists affiliated with university and psychiatric hospitals were more
likely to use the new term and inform patients of the diagnosis.
• Results varied in different regions of the country in terms of psychiatrists
tendency to inform the consumer or family members.
A study was also conducted of the frequency of its use in official documents –
as required by the Mental Health and Welfare Act – and for medical fee invoicing.
In the period from April 2002 to January 2003, 2812 documents in the Miyagi
Prefecture were examined. By December 2002, use of the new name had increased
to 76%. A second survey of 61 Prefectures in Japan found the term used an average
of 78% of the time (Sato et al., 2004).
Both groups watched the movie, A Beautiful Mind, the story of Nobel Prize
winning mathematician and consumer, John Nash. The first group of 133 students
were given a pre-test using the older, traditional term. The second group was given
a questionnaire using the new name.
The two groups showed marked differences in their responses:
• before watching the film, those given the newer term reported a lower negative
image of the term than those in the group using the traditional term;
• after viewing the movie, the new name had a further positive image;
• the effect upon attitudes after viewing the movie was lower among those using
the older term;
• the group given the older term showed improved attitudes regarding social
disadvantages after viewing the film;
• both groups showed improved attitudes towards the efficacy of treatment after
viewing the film.
Overall, one major challenge in the transition to the new term is that those who
have lived in the community in the past have received pensions of 83,000 yen per
month from the government for the diagnosis of ‘severe schizophrenia’. Individuals
living with schizophrenia and their families have expressed concern that changing
the diagnosis may lead to a suspension of government funding.
The Japanese Local Action Group is currently investigating ways to help, make
the transition in the terminology without jeopardizing benefits.
In addition, the group has recommended guidelines for describing the illness
to various target audiences. These guidelines call for using the new term without
99 Working in the community
explaining it in relation to the older term. Guidelines are being developed for:
medical specialists, people living with the illness and family members, and the
general public including journalists and the media.
In 2004, the Local Action Group began examining ways to further involve psy-
chiatric professors in the active dissemination of the new term. Because of their
distance from the clinical setting and influence on students at both the under- and
postgraduate levels, the Local Action Group sees this as an especially important
Through their continued efforts at all levels – from the individual consumer to
society, from teacher to student – the Japanese Local Action Group is working to
implement the new term and in turn, achieve a reduction in stigma and prejudice.
Understanding that this second goal would require more than a word change, they
have pursued additional anti-stigma interventions.
The northern island of Hokkaido has a total population of 5,702,000 yet the Pre-
fecture of Tokachi alone is geographically 5 times the size of metropolitan Tokyo.
Obihiro, the capital of Tokachi, has a population of 171,557.
The Local Action Group assembled there consisted of 11 members, actively
involving people living with schizophrenia in research design and programme
preparation. The group selected high school students as the first target for their
Pre- and post-tests were conducted in two high schools. Of the 303 students,
174 were male and 129 were female. The group used the Alberta questionnaire
translated into Japanese with slight modifications.
In one class a member of a consumer advocacy group shared his own experiences
of schizophrenia and the associated stigma. In the second class, a psychiatrist
presented a medical explanation of schizophrenia, which included information on
the ratio of in- and outpatients, the number of psychiatric beds, comparison of the
average length of hospitalization between Japan and other countries.
Pre- and post-test results indicated that students rated the time spent with
the person diagnosed with schizophrenia more effective than the time with the
psychiatrist. Measurements of knowledge and attitudes bore out this claim.
In August 2003, a focus group intervention indicated that individuals diagnosed
with schizophrenia find family members, medical staff, employers and co-workers
among the most stigmatizing groups.
Based on these finding, the group developed additional interventions. The first
of these were events and meetings at which people with schizophrenia and their
families meet with other families as well. These individuals are encouraged to share
their experiences and discuss strategies for developing the communal support that
may be lacking in their neighbourhoods.
To address the issues surrounding challenges to employment, the group has
made contact with labour unions. The plan is to present educational programmes,
which include interactive games and group discussions with members of these
unions to decrease the stigma associated with schizophrenia and enlist the support
of unions for those living with the illness.
The city of Sendai, located in the northeast of the central island of Japan, has a
population of 1,024,80. It is the capital of the Miyagi prefecture.
In 1982, the Japanese government introduced statutory home help service for
individuals with physical disabilities. In 1999, an amendment of the Mental Health
101 Okayama
and Welfare Act endorsed home help services for individuals living with mental
illness. Research by Zenkaren found that a significant number of home-helpers
expressed anxiety about working with individuals with mental illness (Maruyama
et al., 2001.)
To change this, two different interventions were conducted. In the first, home
helpers were segmented into discussion groups based upon the number of patients
in their charge. The groups discussed:
1 the kinds of stigma and discrimination, which mentally ill patients face;
2 the causes of this stigma and discrimination;
3 what is needed to reduce that stigma.
Okayama Prefecture is located in the western portion of the central island of Japan.
The population of Okayama City is 626,642, roughly one-third of the population
of the overall Prefecture.
The Local Action Group, led by Dr Kenzo Fujita, consists of nine professionals,
family members and individuals living with the schizophrenia. The educational
format used was similar to that in both Tokachi and Sendai; however, the target
group chosen was different.
Local welfare commissioners are retired and elderly members of the commu-
nity charged with assisting neighbours in receiving welfare services they may
require. Given the tendency for more elderly men and women to display greater
102 Japan
social distance towards those with mental illness, this was viewed as a particularly
challenging target group.
A total of 234 local welfare commissioners participated in the research. They
were divided into three groups of 78 each. The first group was given conventional
training of a lecture by a psychiatrist. The second group received a similar lecture
which was then followed by a ‘get-acquainted’ session involving five-to-seven com-
missioners, one or two mental health professionals, and two or three individuals
living with schizophrenia.
Results from Okayama reinforce the importance of personal contact with an indi-
vidual living with mental illness in overcoming stereotypes and stigma. Following
this intervention, patient’s advocates were recruited publicly and they continue to
assist in ongoing anti-stigma efforts with this target audience.
Moving forward
The finding of the three Japanese Local Action Groups confirmed long-standing
research from other countries on the effectiveness of personal contact in improv-
ing attitudes towards those with mental illness. More important, however, is the
momentum generated through the coordination of the three centres.
In 2003, a Local Action Group was established in Ichikawa. The groups consist
of the president of the district association for medical doctors, a staff member of
the health centre, a city hall officer, a journalist, a consumer and a family member.
The group has conducted five focus groups to identify sources of stigma and
discrimination which has mirrored findings from Tokachi.
The Local Action Groups are also meeting regularly with members of the Diet to
make them more aware of legislation and government action that can reduce stigma
and discrimination, and provide greater support for those living with mental illness.
The web site,, has also been translated into Japanese
and is routinely updated with information for those living with schizophrenia, their
families and professionals:
Sato, M., et al. (2004). Correction of stigma against schizophrenia by renewing the name and dis-
ease concept of schizophrenia in Japan. [Japanese]. Journal of Comprehensive Welfare, 2, 17–33.
Maruyama, Y., Taira, N., Mita, Y. and Oshima, I. (2001). The role of people with mental disorders
to reduce discrimination and stigma. Society for Disability Studies 2001 Conference Proceedings,
p 33–37.
Anzai, N., Yoneda, S., Kumagai, N., Nakamura, Y., Ikebuchi, E. and Liberman, R.P. (2002).
Training persons with schizophrenia in illness self-management: a randomized controlled
trial in Japan. Psychiatric Services, 53(5), 545–547.
Chong, M.-Y., Tan, C.H., Fujii, S., Uang, S.-Y., Ungvari, F.S., Si, T., Chung, E.K., Sim, K.,
Tsang, H.-Y. and Shinfuku, N. (2004). Antipsychotic drug prescription for schizophrenia in
East Asia: rational for change. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 58, 61–67.
Hershey, L. (2001). Researchers find limited support for independence in japan: people with
physical and mental disabilities face two distinct sets of obstacles. Disability World, Issue no. 9.
Ito, T. (2004). [Medical, practical and sociocultural significance in changing the disease name
for schizophrenia in Japan.] [Japanese] Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi – Psychiatria et Neurologia
Japonica, 106(3), 321–325.
Nakane, A. (2004). [Influence of changing the disease name for schizophrenia on Japanese
patients’ quality of life.] [Japanese] Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi – Psychiatria et Neurologia
Japonica, 106(3), 326–331.
Ono, H. and Nishimura, Y. (2004). [Change in the disease name for schizophrenia in Japan and
its effect on informed consent given by physicians.] [Japanese] Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi –
Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica, 106(3), 313–316.
Pearson, N.O. (2004). Suicides in Japan hit record high in 2003. The Washington Post, The
Associated Press.
Sato, M. (2004). [Changing the disease name for schizophrenia in Japan.] [Japanese] Seishin
Shinkeigaku Zasshi – Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica, 106(3), 311–312.
104 Japan
Takagi, S. (2004). [Process and future tasks in changing the disease name for schizophrenia in
Japan.] [Japanese] Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi – Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica, 106(3),
Takei, N., Inagaki, A., and JPSS-2 research group. (2002). Polypharmacy for psychiatric
treatments in Japan. The Lancet, 360, p 647.
Uranaka, T. (2000). Local autonomy put to test by new nursing care program. The Japan Times.
The Japan Times Ltd.
Yamakado, T. (2004). [Influence of changing the disease name for schizophrenia on clinical prac-
tice of psychiatry in community psychiatric hospitals in Japan.] [Japanese] Seishin Shinkeigaku
Zasshi – Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica, 106(3), 317–320.
Phase IV
Slovakia 107
Turkey 112
Brazil 117
Egypt 123
Morocco 128
United Kingdom 133
Australia 139
Chile, India and Romania 142
‘The boss is the patient.’ It is a phrase that Pětr Nawka uses in his talks on fighting the
stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia. ‘Real reform,’ he adds, ‘arises
from the needs of the patient.’ The Boss is the Patient has also become the title of
a film developed in a collaboration between Dr Nawka and Irsinnig Menschlich
(Madly Human), the consumer activist group in Leipzig, Germany.
Prior to organizing the Local Action Group in Slovakia with Charlene Reiss,
Dr Nawka had already begun to develop innovative ways of engaging individuals
living with schizophrenia in confronting the self-stigma that can accompany the
experience of schizophrenia. In Slovakia, he introduced the concept of stigma-
journaling, having individuals record their experiences of stigma. The video project
in Leipzig was conducted in the same spirit of empowering people living with the
illness, using the video camera as a kind of electronic journal to record thoughts,
ideas and experiences.
A centrepiece of Dr Nawka’s presentation and approach is his reliance upon a
‘tetralogue model’ in addressing issues related to treatment of psychiatric illnesses.
The four components of this model are individuals living with schizophrenia, pro-
fessionals, family members and caregivers, and society. Only by addressing the
needs of all four constituencies in the ‘conversation,’ Nawka maintains, will effective
treatment be possible. Opposition from any one area – a lack of funding, insufficient
support from physicians or family, or an absence of active involvement from the
individual living with the illness themselves can doom the most well-intentioned
effort. As Dr Nawka puts it: ‘consumers, their relatives and professionals com-
ing together to form a trialogue, makes the possibility of bringing society into
tetralogue easier – demonstrating the ability of the trialogue’s participants to
overcome self-stigma and mutual stigma as well.’
Starting in Michalovce
The city of Michalovce, located in Eastern Slovakia, has a population of 40,000.
The first meeting of the Local Action Group included the President of the
108 Slovakia
The group agreed upon the name Otvorme dvere – otvorme srdcia (ODOS)
(Open the Doors, Open your Hearts). They established the group as a new Non-
Governmental Organization (NGO) to address the goals of the World Psychiatric
Association (WPA) global programme for Slovakia and determined the need to
bring on new partners. ODOS is now a member of the Slovak League for Mental
Health. With the assistance of Eli Lilly and the League of Mental Health, the group
was able to hire a director and secretariat for the program and successfully expand
their efforts to the country’s capital of Bratislava.
The four goals of the Local Action Group have been:
Key to the group’s mission is an effort to help individuals living with the illness to
overcome self-stigma and become more actively involved in their own treatment.
For example, members of the Patients’ Advocates Club visit individuals during
hospitalization to address the questions and fears they may have.
Working with the Slovak League of Mental Health, the Local Action Group has
been successful in keeping the issue of stigma as a focus of professional conferences.
Stigma has also become a subject of discussion and action with patient advocacy
groups and events on Mental Health Day.
ODOS has also formed a partnership with the Slovak Association of Relatives,
Opora. In cooperation with the European Federation of Associations of Families
of Mentally Ill People (EUFAMI), an educational project was developed for people
living with the illness, family members and medical professionals. The programme
trains educators who will work in different regions of the country.
109 Working with and through the media
In a further attempt to educate health care professionals, the Local Action Group
used the focus group method to discuss coercive measures in treatment. Based on
the findings from this study, ODOS is bringing researchers and clinicians together
with individuals living with schizophrenia, relatives, mental health advocates, and
legal experts to assess the issue of coercion in psychiatric admission and treatment.
By examining those areas where consumers’ rights may have been violated, the
group will develop recommendations for reforming the process and avoiding the
negative therapeutic effects of the process itself.
From July 2002 through May 2003, Irrsinnig Menschlich worked with the Club of
People with Schizophrenia in Slovakia and a local television station. Club members
from Slovakia and consumers from Leipzig received training in film-making,
learning narrative and technical skills to best communicate their stories.
The workshop was entitled ‘Against the Images in our Heads.’ Together the
group wrote, directed and produced the feature film, The Boss is the Patient and
debuted the film at the Second International Conference on Stigma and Discrimi-
nation because of Schizophrenia held in Kingston, Canada in October 2003. On 19
March 2004, the film aired on the European television channel, ARTE, as part of
an evening devoted to the subject of schizophrenia.
From the first meeting of the NGO, ODOS, the Local Action Group has
been working to develop an ongoing dialogue with the media. Media contact
lists prepared for journalists have led to interviews with individuals living with
schizophrenia, relatives, and health care professionals appearing in magazines and
newspapers, as well as on national and local television. A three-page article on
people living with schizophrenia appeared in Slovakia’s most popular weekly mag-
azine with a circulation of more than 100,000. The article included interviews with,
and photographs of, individuals living with the illness and their families.
The network of people living with schizophrenia, family members and men-
tal health professionals has been invaluable for ensuring stigma remains a topic
presented at professional conferences, schools, and the annual national meeting
of Slovak mental health users. Members of the Local Action Group were also
invited by the Slovak Humanitarian Council to speak with the president of the Slo-
vak Republic about stigma and other mental health issues. This meeting received
extensive coverage in the media and has helped publicize the national anti-stigma
ODOS established a local club in Michalovce for people living with schizophrenia
that focuses on educating the public and the media. Club members meet weekly
to discuss schizophrenia and stigma. They also receive training in public speaking
and some individuals now speak regularly to high school students about mental
health issues.
What is the tipping point of a programme? When can it move from a local initiative
in a city of 40,000 to a national campaign with an office in the country’s capital city?
Clearly the dedication of Pětr Nawka is one important element. But a programme
might just as likely become bogged down in local details if the lead organizer
becomes the lone spokesperson or face to the media.
111 References – Slovakia
Nawka, P. and Reiss, C.M. (2002). Integrating people who are stigmatized: the tetralogue model.
World Psychiatry, 16(1), 1.
Nawka, P., Reiss, C.M. and Dolobac, L. (2002). The antistigma action programme in Slovakia: a
catalyst to integration. European Psychiatry, 17(0), 81.
In 2003, a study of public attitudes in rural Turkey towards those living with
schizophrenia revealed that half of the 208 adults in a village near Manisa believe
that persons with schizophrenia are aggressive and should not be free in the com-
munity. Manisa is 30 km North-east of Izmir on the Aegean coast. An even greater
number said they would be irritated knowing that a neighbour had schizophrenia
(61.5%). A similar number (61.1%) said that they would not rent their home to
a person with schizophrenia and 85.6% said they would not marry someone with
At the same time this study was being conducted, Dr Alp Üçok, head of the
Local Action Group in Istanbul, was conducting another survey on the attitudes
of psychiatrists towards those diagnosed with schizophrenia. Questionnaires were
distributed to 100 members of the Schizophrenia Section of the Psychiatric Asso-
ciation of Turkey. Sixty psychiatrists (40 men and 20 women) from five cities
responded. Twenty-three of the respondents worked in a university hospital, 22
in a general state hospital and 15 in a psychiatric hospital. The mean age of
the psychiatrists was 37 and the mean duration of practice in psychiatry was
9.8 years.
While the sample size may at first seem small, it represents 5% of all psychiatrists
(including residents) in Turkey. World Health Organization (WHO) statistics
currently place the number of psychiatrists in Turkey at 1 per 100,000.1
Forty-two per cent of the psychiatrists surveyed responded that they never
informed patients of the diagnosis of schizophrenia. Roughly 17% said they always
informed patients and 40.7% said they did so on a case-by-case basis.
Among the most common reasons given was that patients and family members
could not understand the meaning of schizophrenia (32.6%). (This in contrast to
the study by Taskin et al., which found that respondents in the rural villages claim
to understand the term ‘schizophrenia’.) They also believed patients and/or family
members would drop out of treatment (28.3%) or become demoralized (13.5%) if
they learned the diagnosis. Slightly more than half (55.2%) expressed discomfort
when meeting a patient with schizophrenia at a social event.
Can an anti-stigma campaign succeed against such strong social stigma when
the psychiatric community itself holds such negative attitudes? A third study from
Turkey published in 2003, found that the attitudes of non-psychiatric physicians
towards the mentally ill were worse than those of the hospital staff in an university
General practitioners
Given the relatively low number of psychiatrists per capita and the negative attitudes
uncovered by the research, the Local Action Group has focused much of its efforts
on general practitioners.
Copies of Volume II of the WPA materials, dealing with the latest scientific
information on schizophrenia and its treatment, were translated into Turkish and
114 Turkey
with the NGO, Association of Friends for Schizophrenia, the group distributed
information brochures as well as caps and keyholders imprinted with the logo and
motto of the family association.
One result of the media interest has been a pair of meetings held with jour-
nalists in October 2002 and April 2003. Members of the Association of Health
Reporters attended both meetings. At these meetings, a family member recounted
her experiences with stigma and professionals provided medical information on
schizophrenia and its treatment.
In early 2004, a media kit was developed for journalists. The group is also
supporting the dissemination of information on web sites of a consumer associ-
ation. The programme now has an official journal, entitled Kapıları Acin (Open
the Doors). It features information regarding on-going activities and contact
A film by family members appeared on 10 television stations across Turkey. Six
other television programmes – specifically dealing with schizophrenia and the WPA
anti-stigma efforts – appeared in May and June 2001.
The Department of Communication of Bilgi University prepared 10 short video
clips – containing anti-stigma messages – which aired on national television stations
in late 2001. This media effort, in turn, generated more publicity on national radio
and television programmes.
The NGO, Association of Friends for Schizophrenia, was created in part to address
the need of individuals living with schizophrenia and family members for organized
The group has helped assemble five informational booklets for individuals living
with schizophrenia and family members: ‘What is schizophrenia’, ‘Schizophrenia
and the Family’, ‘Legal Issues’, ‘Therapy’ and ‘Course of the Illness’. In addition to
distribution to family members, the brochure ‘What is Schizophrenia’ is used at
public meetings and events on stigma. Ten focus groups were conducted to explore
the needs of the caregivers in the period of 2001–2002 in Istanbul. A survey on the
level of stigmatization by the family members and caregivers is also underway.
In March 2002, the Local Action Group began an educational programme to teach-
ers and counsellors in high schools. Members of local action team reached about a
1000 students and 100 teachers in 2002. The following year, a study was completed
in two of the main high schools on the Anatolian side of Istanbul. Based on these
116 Turkey
results, the Local Action Group has developed a curriculum for use in high schools.
This programme was put into action in Izmir in 2004. Several meetings were held
in high schools: two of these high schools are being evaluated for the outcomes
in developing curricula to improve knowledge and attitudes about schizophrenia.
Recommendations for this curriculum accompanied a report to the Ministry of
Education, evaluating health and psychology class materials.
Both the interventions in high schools and general health care setting were encour-
aged and faced little opposition. Today, anti-stigma education modules are part of
internship training in both Istanbul and Marmara Medical Schools.
When asked to cite the major accomplishment of the programme to date,
Dr Üçok discusses the way in which ‘psychiatrists and other mental health pro-
fessionals have become part of the health promotion activities in different regions
(Erzurum, Ankara, Urfa, and Izmir). And as a result several studies and research
proposals are now focusing specifically on stigmatization because of schizophrenia’.
He also sees a strong, on-going exchange between the Local Action Group and the
association, Friends for Schizophrenia. Working together, they continue to broaden
the reach of the programme and its message to politicians and the general public.
Aydin, N., Yigit, A., Inandi, T. and Kirpinar, I. (2003). Attitudes of hospital staff toward mentally
ill patients in a teaching hospital, Turkey. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 49(1),
Project Atlas: Country Profile: Turkey. (2002). World Health Organization.
Taskin, E.O., Sen, F.S., Aydemir, O., Demet, M.M., Ozmen, E. and Icelli, I. (2003). Public
attitudes to schizophrenia in rural Turkey. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology,
38(10), 586–592.
Üçok, A., Polat, A., Sartorius, N., Erkoc, S. and Atakli, C. (2004). Attitudes of psychiatrists toward
patients with schizophrenia. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 58(1), 89–91.
The poem above was written by Arlindo da Cunha Campello. Entitled ‘My ego
and the desire’, it is based on a poem by Ricardo Reis and was written as part of a
Writing Workshop in 2002 as one of the many activities of the Local Action Group’s
efforts in Brazil.
social support are some of the major issues related to stigma and discrimination
experienced by people diagnosed with schizophrenia and their caregivers’.
In 2000, the WPA Steering Committee began conversations with the Brazilian
Psychiatric Association and its then President, Professor Miguel Jorge, regarding
the start of an anti-stigma effort in his country. In early 2001, a planning group met
in São Paulo to discuss preliminary steps for the development of the programme.
The planning group agreed to form two executive committees: the Coordinating
Committee and the Local Action Group. The Local Action Group was comprised
of nine members that included mental health professionals and a journalist. Each
member of the Local Action Group was responsible for helping to coordinate
specific interventions.
Estimates place the population of the Greater São Paulo metro area at 20 million
people, making it the most populous city in the Southern Hemisphere. To imple-
ment a programme in an urban centre with the population greater than the country
of Chile, the Local Action Group directed its efforts to two communities.
First, the Psychiatric Department of São Paulo Federal University
(UNIFESP) already had an established Schizophrenia Programme made up of
patients, family members and professionals. The group known as Programa de
Esquizofrenia (PROESQ) provides outpatient services within the hospital and
has become a centre for graduate and post-graduate training and research on
Patients from every region of the city as well as outlying districts utilize these
services due to their comparatively high quality of care and the multidisciplinary
nature of care. The established strengths of PROESQ and its proximity to the
University community of students, professors and employees made it an ideal
incubator for generating community action and actively involving those living
with schizophrenia and their family members.
Second, the UNIFESP also runs the psychiatric services at Pirajussara Hospital, a
200-bed hospital with ten psychiatric beds, a day hospital and outpatient services.
The community of the Pirajussara Region within the São Paulo metropolitan region
is made up of two neighbouring urban centres, Embú (population: 207,000) and
Taboão (population: 198,000). Both areas have a high density of lower income
families and served as models for other urban settings in Brazil. A community
centre was scheduled to be opened in Pirajussara in 2002 and the group felt
that successful interventions in this community could be replicated in other areas
119 Objectives, target audiences and research
Educational initiatives
Throughout 2002, a team of mental health professionals, individuals living with
schizophrenia and family members met and developed content for a series of edu-
cational meetings. These included a 12-week educational programme for families
and caregivers, which included 15 participants. A larger, open Educational Meet-
ing involved roughly 250 people – those living with schizophrenia, their family
members, caregivers and representatives from the clergy.
Partial results from the 222 evaluation forms completed at three educational
meetings of these groups showed that:
• 63% reported a significant increase in knowledge;
• 33% reported an increase in knowledge;
• 1% reported no change in knowledge.
In terms of self-reported attitude change:
• 86% reported a more positive attitude;
• 14% reported no attitude change;
• And no one reported a negative change in attitudes.
With the successful establishment of ABRE, the team began implementing
educational/support meetings for families and caregivers twice a month starting in
March 2003. These meetings and presentations continue to this day.
A Communications Team developed an informational folder and Treatment
Resources Directory for patients and relatives, as well as a shorter informational
pamphlet that could be used with the general public. The group also developed the
S.O.eSq web site,, and a booklet for journalists.
Another on-going informational tool targeted to mental health professionals
is the ‘S.O.eSq Corner’, a regular column in the Brazilian Psychiatric Association
Quarterly Bulletin (Psiquiatria Hoje).
Building a coalition
Health in Brazil. The groups began meeting on a monthly basis and continues
to build strategies for improving the awareness of mental health issues in both
the larger health care community and government. The group was also able to
extend its working partnership with UNIFESP to include the Human Resource and
Training Center at the State Health Department (CEDRHU).
With financial support from Eli Lilly Brasil and the Brazilian Psychiatric
Association, S.O.eSq established an office, staffed by volunteers, in São Paulo.
Cultural activities
In 2001, the Local Action Group initiated the ‘Book Project’ designed to com-
pile stories from those living with schizophrenia, their families and mental health
professionals. Authors described the onset, crisis and diagnosis, treatment and
recovery from their own perspective. Targeted to the general public, the book is
designed to inform and describe pathways for assistance and support.
In 2002, Dr Cecilia Villares, Rita Narciso Kawamata and Luiz Ribeiro a Brazilian
journalist, established the S.O.eSq Writing Workshop to help potential contributors
to the Book Project develop their writing skills. The coordinators brought in a vari-
ety of different texts, including poems (from authors, such as Carlos Drummond
de Andrade, Manoel de Barros and Fernando Pessoa), memoirs (from Fernando
Sabino), folklore (Patativa do Assaré) and more informational articles about
schizophrenia. Song lyrics, short stories and Japanese haikus were also presented.
Workshops were held between February and November of 2002 with patients
and family members. Workshops typically began with distribution of a photocopy
of the text. The participants first read the text in silence. Then, the text would be
read out loud by all participants. Following that reading, the coordinators posed
questions and encouraged open conversation about their interpretations of the
text. Insights from this discussion were then applied to the final step during which
each participant writing his or her own piece. Some workshops dealt with special
topics, such as the movie A Beautiful Mind.
In May 2003, members of the workshop extended their exercises to meet, discuss
and develop a movie screenplay. These and other workshop participants have
spoken of the positive effect the writing exercises have had on reducing self-stigma
and giving them a greater feeling of empowerment in their day-to-day life.
The efforts in São Paulo have yet to be fully analyzed though some research has
been published. What is clear, however, is that the Local Action Group has:
(a) built upon and extended an existing infrastructure through UNIFESP;
122 Brazil
(b) applied the talents and skills of its volunteers in shaping anti-stigma initiatives,
such as the Book Project and Writing Workshop.
The ABRE support group has grown in membership to 125 and it continues to
establish new partnerships with other family associations and NGOs. Working in
partnership with Familiae, a family therapy institute in São Paulo, the groups have
developed an 8-week workshop which involves mental health professionals, those
living with mental illness and their family members.
Ludermir, A.B. and Harpham, T. (1998). Urbanization and mental health in Brazil: social and
economic dimensions. Health & Place, 4(3), 223–232.
Moreira, M.S., Crippa, J.A. and Zuardi, A.W. (2002). [Social performance expectations in psychi-
atric patients of a general hospital ward.] [Portuguese] Expectativa de desempenho social de
pacientes psiquiatricos internados em hospital geral. Revista de Saude Publica, 36(6), 734–742.
Villares, C.C. and Sartorius, N. (2003). Challenging the stigma of schizophrenia. Revista Brasileira
de Psiquiatria, 25(1), 1–2.
Much of the early work in Egypt was conducted to assess the knowledge and
attitudes of a wide range of groups. Focus groups and small-scale surveys were
conducted with: individuals living with schizophrenia and family members, com-
munity leaders, primary health care physicians, family physicians, mental health
care workers, undergraduate medical students, nurses, psychiatrists, social work-
ers, students and teachers, media personnel, and religious leaders and clergy (both
Muslim and Christian).
124 Egypt
In five rural and urban health care centres in Ismailia, 56 primary care phys-
icians were surveyed regarding their knowledge and attitudes regarding psychiatric
medication. While 73% of the general practitioners (GPs) surveyed considered
anti-psychotic drugs to be the best method for treating severe mental illness, 64%
reported fear that patients might become dependent on these drugs. A full 77%
avoid prescribing these medications.
Two hundred individuals diagnosed with schizophrenia and their families were
interviewed. They reported neighbours and the community in general as stigma-
tizing. Even among family members – while 87.5% expressed support – 62.5% said
they would not marry someone with mental illness. Seventy-five per cent of family
members believed anti-psychotic medication led to addiction.
A similar proportion (77.5%) reported having made use of traditional treat-
ment methods. For 59%, these non-psychiatric methods were the first attempt at
treatment. Among the cultural and traditional interventions reported were: use of
the Qur’an (82.7%); herbs and plants (25.8%); Hegab (the practice of writing on
pieces of paper; 20.7%) and dietary restrictions (15.5%). Nearly one-third (31%)
reported using cautery with hot iron.
Focus group discussions with 49 people working in local media found 79.6%
would refuse to marry someone with schizophrenia. Seventy-three per cent said
they would probably be afraid to speak to them; while 55% said they would not
offer them a job.
To provide people living with schizophrenia and family members with the latest
information on the diagnosis, management and treatment of the illness, a ‘Patients
and Family Guide’ was created. The brochure also addressed relapse prevention. A
booklet entitled ‘Dignity of Patients with Schizophrenia in the Bible’ was created
for, and distributed to, Christian clergy. A companion volume, ‘Dignity of Patients
with Schizophrenia in Islam and Qur’an’ was developed for Muslim clergy.
The group also held seminars with key religious leaders and clergy. Members of
the media were invited to these seminars which resulted in coverage in the Egyptian
print media and on radio and television.
125 Broadening the programme
Another unique aspect of the Local Action Group efforts in Ismailia is its reliance
upon the involvement of medical students in anti-stigma research and interven-
tions. These medical students participated in a survey of a group of Bedouins,
carried out in 2001. Researchers found that 89% did not recognize the term
Al-Fusam, used for schizophrenia and 66.6% refused to work with a person known
to have a mental disorder.
Students have assisted in developing educational materials, such as videos,
brochures, posters and a web site in Arabic. The active involvement of med-
ical students with individuals living with schizophrenia and family members was
useful because it:
(a) helped a programme with limited resources that relied upon voluntary
(b) also reduced fear and stigma of the medical students.
In Ismailia, medical students are encouraged to participate in a 2-week health
education project, Schizophrenia Awareness and Reducing Stigma, in local sec-
ondary schools. Research still needs to be conducted as to the long-term impact of
these efforts.
In 2000, the Local Action Group in Egypt launched three mental health ini-
tiatives to secondary school students in Ismailia and surrounding regions. This
educational effort, promoting schizophrenia awareness, reached more than 3000
students, roughly 25% of all those enrolled in grades 10 and 11.
Using research instruments similar to those used in Canada, post-test results
showed a remarkable increase in knowledge about schizophrenia from 31% to
84%. Knowledge of treatment options rose from 32% to 69%. In the post-test
analysis, students who considered people with schizophrenia dangerous dropped
from 81% to 26%.
The departure of the director of the Local Action Group in 2001 caused a sig-
nificant disruption in the anti-stigma efforts. This is one example of why the WPA
Global Programme recommends a leadership structure for Local Action Groups
that are not solely reliant upon a single individual for internal organization and
external relationships (to professionals and organizations).
Through the efforts of Dr Tarek Okasha, the programme continues to broaden
its reach.
El-Shatury, M.H., Ghada, S., Eldin, A.H., Abdelimoneum Maram, M., Radwan, M.A., Elabban
Monira, T., Ismail, M.M., Ellabban Nahla, H., Kebeer, A.A., Abdalla and Hassib El-Defrawi, M.
(1999). Knowledge and attitude of Bedouins of Saint Catterine towards mental disorders. The
Egyptian Journal of Psychiatry, 22(2), 287–294.
Okasha, A. (1995). Settings for learning: the community beyond. Medical Education,
29(Suppl. 1), 112–115.
Okasha, A. (1997). The future of medical education and teaching: a psychiatric perspective.
American Journal of Psychiatry, 154(Suppl. 6), 77–85.
Okasha, A. (1999a). Comments on teaching psychiatry to undergraduates. Israel Journal of
Psychiatry & Related Sciences, 36(4), 293–296.
Okasha, A. (1999b). Mental health in the Middle East: an Egyptian perspective. Clinical
Psychology Review, 19(8), 917–933.
127 Bibliography – Egypt
Okasha, A. (1999c). Mental health services in the Arab world. Eastern Mediterranean Health
Journal, 5(2), 223–230 [erratum appears in Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal 2000, 5(5),
Okasha, A. (2001). Egyptian contribution to the concept of mental health. Eastern Mediterranean
Health Journal, 7(3), 377–380.
Okasha, A. (2003). Psychiatric research in an international perspective. The role of WPA. Acta
Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 107(2), 81–84.
At the Northwestern corner of the African continent, Morocco, half the size of
Egypt (446,500 km2 ) is home to roughly 30,000,000 people. Ninety-eight per cent
of the population is Muslim. Fifty-three per cent live in urban centres. However,
the country has just 300 psychiatrists working in academic, as well as private and
public hospitals.
To implement an anti-stigma programme in a country where psychiatric
services are so heavily burdened, the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Advisor,
Dr Driss Moussaoui, and Local Action Group Coordinator, Dr Nadia Kadri,
enlisted the services of a variety of different professionals, including a mem-
ber of Parliament, a key representative from the Moroccan Ministry of Health,
a psychologist, psychiatric nurses, and representatives from non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) such as Chourouq (a family support group for relatives of
those living with mental illness) and Nassim (a group dedicated to prevention of
substance abuse).
In December 2000, the group established itself as a national programme, called
IDMAJ. Both the medical media and pharmaceutical industry have provided
support for the initiative in the last 4 years.
they had been hospitalized three times or more. A majority reported having lost jobs
and friends. Of the 100, 95 reported that they lived with their families throughout
the duration of the illness (more than 10 years).
Three of four family members (76%) knew nothing about the diagnosis of
‘schizophrenia’ or its Arabic counterpart ‘Al-Fusam’. Half (53.1%), however,
reported that the illness of their family members was organic or due to brain
disease. Many reported that they would not let their family members leave the
community or hold a job. Like family members in Egypt, Moroccans reported that
neighbours were often the most stigmatizing and difficult to deal with.
Medical professionals
Based on these results, the members of IDMAJ reasoned that information alone
would not be sufficient to fight the stigma associated with schizophrenia. One of
the first interventions was the creation of weekly meetings with patients in in-
patient settings in hospitals to explore the topic of stigma and how best to fight it.
The groups explore coping strategies for both patients and family members.
In 2002/2003, focus groups were conducted at the Ibn Rushd University
Center in Casablanca to explore the first-hand experiences of stigma and its effects
on prognosis of the illness. The focus groups revealed three dimensions of the
• The image of the illness itself. For example, ‘aggressiveness’ and ‘dangerousness’
were traits often associated with schizophrenia.
130 Morocco
From this data, IDMAJ concluded that it must first educate individuals living
with schizophrenia and family members about the illness, about available treat-
ment regimens and about ways to improve the quality of life of those living with
schizophrenia. Part of this effort includes social activism. IDMAJ has written to the
Chairman of the Moroccan Parliament concerning the availability of medications,
the rights of the mentally ill, and their treatment by police and officials in the penal
IDMAJ also works in close collaboration with two family associations specifically
focused on schizophrenia. Together the groups sponsor a seminar on the stigma
associated with schizophrenia.
In December 2001, the ‘Lingue Casablancaise pour la santé Mentale’, a meeting
on mental health in Morocco was held for the twenty-third year. The subject of
that year’s meeting was ‘NO to discrimination against people with schizophrenia’.
Five hundred people attended, including: mental health professionals, people living
with schizophrenia family members and representatives from associations as well
as members of the general public. Many family members spoke publicly for the
first time about the suffering caused by the stigma and discrimination because of
Since that meeting, efforts in Morocco have been expanded to include Marrakesh
and Rabat. A 90-min television programme was broadcast on the main network of
Moroccan television. The programme included participation of family members
who have shared their experiences publicly, as well as more general information on
mental health, mental illness and its associated stigma.
In 2002 and 2003, the Local Action Group also conducted a study of written
media for the general public. They analysed three daily newspapers – two of them in
French (Le Matin and L’Opinion) and one in Arabic (Assabah). They also analysed
two weekly newspapers (Gazette du Maroc and Aujourd’hui le Maroc) and two
magazines (Femme du Maroc and Tel Quel).
Of the 11,600 articles analysed, only 56 (less than half of one per cent, 0.48%)
discussed mental illness or mental health, and 14 of these (0.12%) described those
with mental illness as being aggressive and unpredictable.
131 Conclusion
Recognizing the strong stigma that exists in the medical profession, IDMAJ has also
developed a series of interventions including a journal article that has appeared
in Esperance Medicale, a journal for general practitioners. Other journal articles
on the work conducted in Morocco have appeared in the international journals
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, the Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, as well as Social
Psychiatry and Epidemiological Psychiatry.
To expand the dissemination of the anti-stigma message beyond the pages of
professionals journals, IDMAJ hosts an on-line Forum Discussion at the web site
of the Maghrebian Journal of Psychiatry. The group has also sought involvement
from other associations providing support and services for the mentally ill (e.g.
ambulatory mental health care).
Both of the examples from Africa point to the importance of further educa-
tion to the medical community. At the same time, support networks need to
be strengthened for individuals living with schizophrenia and family members,
given the current burden on psychiatric services in these countries. Clearly stigma
and discrimination are placing pressure on families where the understanding of
schizophrenia, its course and treatment is limited.
Green, C.A., Fenn, D.S., Moussaoui, D., Kadri, N. and Hoffman, W.F. (2001). Quality
of life in treated and never-treated schizophrenic patients. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,
103(2), 131–142.
Moussaoui, D. (2000). What do we gain from collaboration between developing and indus-
trialized countries? Seishin Shinkeigaku Zasshi – Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica, 102(12),
United Kingdom
Phase One
West Kent is a county in Southeast England. Three target groups were selected from
the community of 1,329,652 (2001 census):
• secondary school students averaging 14 years of age;
134 United Kingdom
• police officers;
• other groups including Citizen Advice Bureau volunteers, school nurses and
Local Borough Council staff.
The Local Action Group worked in partnership with Maidstone Mental Health
Awareness Group, Sevenoaks and Area Mental Health Awareness Group, and the
local chapter of Rethink Severe Mental Illness. A systematic training programme
was developed and presented to 600 secondary school students and 200 police
Before training was undertaken, however, focus group research was conducted
to establish a set of core messages for the systematic training. These core messages
• People do recover from mental health problems.
• We all have mental health needs.
• One in four people in a lifetime will seek help for a mental health problem.
• Schizophrenia is not a split personality.
• Anyone can be violent – violence is not a symptom of mental illness.
• Mental health problems differ from learning difficulties.
The programmes were evaluated using pre- and post-test survey questionnaires as
well as subjective evaluation forms.
Police workshops were designed to provide officers with the skills and confidence
necessary to support people with mental health problems who are in distress.
Using case studies, participants discussed how to handle particular incidents. Once
exercise simulated the experience of ‘hearing voices’.
Individuals living with schizophrenia and family members spoke to officers
about how the police helped them. They described how the police can be viewed
by people with mental illness and what they can do in addition to help people with
mental health problems in a variety of situations.
Phase Two
Having assessed the efforts in West Kent, the Local Action Group then approached
Mental Health Awareness Groups in Southern England and extended an offer to
implement the educational programmes with their target audiences.
One of the goals of Phase Two was to develop new evaluation tools to assess
changes in attitudes, knowledge and behaviour. Another goal was to assess the
impact of programmes undertaken by other groups. To date, work has been com-
pleted on programmes with the Citizens Advice Bureau, Housing Association and
tutors in a London College.
As part of the on-going effort to assess the most effective anti-stigma inter-
ventions, the Local Action Group organized a national UK stigma conference on
26 June 2003 in Birmingham, England. The conference was entitled: ‘Reducing
Psychiatric Stigma and Discrimination: What Works?’ and showcased best prac-
tice examples of anti-discrimination projects in mental health. People living with
schizophrenia and family members, policy makers, researchers and professionals
working in the field of mental health gathered to share examples of current best
Finalization of Phase Two and implementation of Phase Three were sched-
uled for 2004. As of this writing the group continues to seek funding to carry
on its efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of anti-stigma initiatives. Working with
Rethink and a consumer-led project based at mental health media, the Local Action
Group continues to develop proposals, pursue grants, and work in partnership with
other European initiatives to develop tools and methodologies for more effective
In the UK, anti-discrimination campaigns, such as the one sponsored by the
National Institute for Mental Health in England ( and the Royal
College of Psychiatrists ( had already been established
when the WPA programme began. A national policy framework was already in
place, requiring all health and social care agencies to strategically promote men-
tal health for all. This same policy directly calls upon these agencies to combat
137 Bibliography – United Kingdom
Becker, T., Knapp, M., Knudsen, H.C., Schene, A., Tansella, M., Thornicroft, G. and Vazquez-
Barquero, J.L. (1999). The EPSILON study of schizophrenia in five European countries. Design
and methodology for standardising outcome measures and comparing patterns of care and
service costs. British Journal of Psychiatry, 175, 514–521.
Becker, T., Knapp, M., Knudsen, H.C., Schene, A. H., Tansella, M., Thornicroft, G. and Vazquez-
Barquero, J.L. (2000). Aims, outcome measures, study sites and patient sample. EPSILON
Study European Psychiatric Services: Inputs Linked to Outcome Domains and Needs. British
Journal of Psychiatry, Supplementum, 39, s1–s7.
138 United Kingdom
Canvin, K., Bartlett, A. and Pinfold, V. (2002). A ‘bittersweet pill to swallow’: learning from
mental health service users’ responses to compulsory community care in England. Health and
Social Care in the Community, 10(5), 361–369.
Hatfield, B., Shaw, J., Pinfold, V., Bindman, J., Evans, S., Huxley, P. and Thornicroft, G. (2001).
Managing severe mental illness in the community using the Mental Health Act 1983: a com-
parison of supervised discharge and guardianship in England. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric
Epidemiology, 10, 508–515.
Huxley, P. and Thornicroft, G. (2003). Social inclusion, social quality and mental illness. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 182, 289–290.
Leff, J. (2000). Family work for schizophrenia: practical application. Acta Psychiatrica
Scandinavica, Supplementum, 102(407), 78–82.
Leff, J. (2002). Science and society: the psychiatric revolution: care in the community. Nature
Reviews Neuroscience, 3(10), 821–824.
Pinfold, V. (2000). ‘Building up safe havens ... around the world’: users’ experiences of living in
the community with mental health problems. Health and Place, 6(3), 201–212.
Pinfold, V. (2002). ‘Inclusion in the whole of life: community safety’. In Bates, P. ed. Working
for Inclusion: Making Social Inclusion a Reality for People With Severe Mental Health Problems,
London, Sainsbury Centre for Mental Health.
Pinfold, V. (2003a). Awareness in action: challenging discriminatory and negative attitudes to
mental illness should start at school. Mental Health Care Today, 24–27.
Pinfold, V. (2003b). How Can We Make Mental Health Education Work? Example of a Successful
Local Mental Health Programme Challenging Stigma and Discrimination. London, Rethink
Pinfold, V. (2004). Anti-discrimination actions in mental health. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental
Health Nursing, 11(3), 250–252.
Pinfold,V., Bindman, J., Thornicroft, G., Franklin, D. and Hatfield, B. (2001). Persuading the
persuadable: evaluating compulsory treatment in England using supervised discharge orders.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 36(5), 260–266.
Pinfold, V., Huxley, P., Thornicroft, G., Farmer, P., Toulmin, H. and Graham, T. (2003a). Reducing
psychiatric stigma and discrimination – evaluating an educational intervention with the police
force in England. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 38(6), 337–344.
Pinfold, V., Toulmin, H., Thornicroft, G., Huxley, P., Farmer, P. and Graham, T. (2003b). Redu-
cing psychiatric stigma and discrimination: evaluation of educational interventions in UK
secondary schools. British Journal of Psychiatry, 182, 342–346.
Ruggeri, M., Lasalvia, A., Bisoffi, G., Thornicroft, G., Vazquez-Barquero, J.L., Becker, T.,
Knapp, M., Knudsen, H.C., Schene, A., Tansella, M. and EPSILON Study Group. (2003).
Satisfaction with mental health services among people with schizophrenia in five European
sites: results from the EPSILON Study. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 29(2), 229–245.
van Wijngaarden, B., Schene, A., Koeter, M., Becker, T., Knapp, M., Knudsen, H.C., Tansella, M.,
Thornicroft, G., Vazquez-Barquero, J.L., Lasalvia, A., Leese, M. and EPSILON Study Group.
(2003). People with schizophrenia in five countries: conceptual similarities and intercultural
differences in family caregiving. Schizophrenia Bulletin, 29(3), 573–586.
The Schizophrenia Australia Foundation was founded in 1986. In 1996, the same
year the World Psychiatric Association (WPA) began its global programme to fight
the stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia, the foundation changed
its name to SANE Australia. Recognizing the value of sharing information and best
practices in their efforts, the WPA global programme and SANE Australia have
worked in partnership for nearly a decade, promoting anti-stigma strategies and
tactics at seminars and congresses around the world.1
Barbara Hocking, Executive Director of SANE, has worked in collaboration with
Dr Alan Rosen of the WPA on a variety of initiatives. The goal of SANE Australia is
to: ‘promote the interest of people with mental illness and educate the general com-
munity through the media.’ They have established their own information resources
for the media, as well as for those living with mental illness, their families and care-
givers. They have also achieved significant success in working in collaboration with
the media.
1 The Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand has also had a successful long-term programme to fight
stigma and discrimination. Called ‘Like Minds Like Mine’, the programme is targeted to all mental illness
and is a government-funded campaign managed by the Ministry of Health.
140 Working in Partnership – Australia
Many of the elements described above are designed as correctives for the mis-
information disseminated by the media. However, another strategy that SANE
Australia has employed has been the active promotion of a realistic portrayal of a
character with mental illness in a popular television series. SANE Australia worked
with writers of the series on accurately portraying symptoms of the illness and
describing various treatment options. The actor and his character were featured on
information booklets and pamphlets. The network also provided a link from the
programme’s website to the SANE Australia website.
Award-winning efforts
In December 2003, SANE Australia received the Human Rights Community Award
from Australia’s Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission for the efforts
described above. In September of the same year, the group received the Award for
Exceptional Contribution to Mental Health Services at the Mental Health Services
Conference in Canberra.
SANE Australia, its Executive Director, Barbara Hocking, and Board Member,
Alan Rosen continue to join the WPA in presentations around the world on the
fight against the stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia.
141 Award-winning efforts
Not every Local Action Group secures the funding it seeks. Not every programme
coordinator is able to stay with a programme for 2, 3 or 4 years. People move.
Alliances shift. Some programmes may stall as new funding or personnel are
In this chapter we will examine three countries where programmes have yet to
achieve the kind of critical mass other programmes have achieved for sustained
anti-stigma efforts. One feature stressed over and over by members of the Global
Programme Steering Committee is that the Open the Doors programme is not a
Campaigns tend to be short-term initiatives – limited in scope, time or funding.
Unfortunately, the stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia is not a
short-term problem. One very real negative of campaign approaches is that they
can raise hopes of the participants in the short term. Consumers and family mem-
bers, who commit to these effects and see initial interest from politicians or the
community at large, may watch as the course of a ‘campaign’ ends and things return
to status quo.
The following examples are of Local Action Groups that have begun ini-
tiatives (e.g. executed the first phase of research with focus groups) but have
been unable to develop beyond a geographic area, link up to other efforts in
other parts of the country, or sustain the initial momentum. All three of these
initiatives prepared reports and presentations for the World Psychiatric Asso-
ciation (WPA) World Congress in 2002 but have since undergone significant
In the late 1970s and 1980s, the dictator Augusto Pinochet dismantled the Chilean
National Health Service. During the decades that followed with the introduction
of the privatized Isapre health care system, service for low-income families fell
precipitously and mental health services overall declined.
143 Chile
With the passing of Pinochet, a number of health care reforms have been under-
taken. A report by the World Health Organization (WHO) found that relative
to the published national plans for mental health in other countries in Latin
America: ‘Mexico and Chile are, so far, the best examples of the use of more
thorough indicators, and scientific and technical foundations’ (Bulletin of WHO
2000, 784).
In 2001, initial efforts focused on two districts in the metropolitan centre of San-
tiago, including the San Joaquin district (population: 114,017) and the Santiago
district (population: 229,596). A Local Action Group was formed including repre-
sentatives from the Health Services of both San Joaquin and Santiago, the University
of Santiago, the Association of Families, the Mental Health Unit of the Ministry of
Health, and the Chilean Society of Neurology, Psychiatry and Neurosurgery.
One of the first decisions of the group was to undertake surveys of knowledge
and attitudes from a wide range of groups: high school teachers, offices of the
General Hospital, officials from non-governmental social organizations, police,
Ministry of Health officials, medical students at the University of Santiago and
family members.
One measure of the public attitudes – or at least of the media’s influence on
those attitudes – was an analysis conducted by two newspapers in Chile: Las Últimas
Noticias and La Nación. In Las Últimas Noticias, a newspaper with a daily circulation
of 150,000, 2555 news items were reviewed. Researchers found 157 texts directly or
indirectly related to persons that suffer from mental illness.
In La Nación, with a daily circulation of 30,000, 2598 articles were reviewed with
99 (3.4%) involving individuals that suffered from mental illness.
Researchers found that in terms of context of the stories these items fell into one
of five categories:
Alarcón, R.D. and Aguilar-Gaxiola, S.A. (2000). Mental health policy developments in Latin
America. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, World Health Organization, 78(4),
Navarro, V. (2000). Assessment of the World Health Report 2000. The Lancet, 356, 1598–1601.
Vicente, B., Vielma, M., Jenner, F.A., Mezzina, R. and Lliapas, I. (1993a). Attitudes of professional
mental health workers to psychiatry. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 39(2), 131–141.
Vicente, B., Vielma, M., Jenner, F.A., Mezzina, R. and Lliapas, I. (1993b). Users’ satisfaction with
mental health services. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 39(2), 121–130.
145 India
Santigotimes, Public Health Care system in the spotlight study reveals performance often does
not meet international standards, 8 May 2001, CHIP News.
The Times of India, Wealth of Ill-Health, 24 June, 2000, Bennett, Coleman & Co Ltd.
Santiago Times, Over a Third of Chileans Suffer from Mental Illness, 3 July, 2001, CHIP News.
While a few of the programmes in this volume have been ambitious enough to start
as national initiatives as opposed to expanding outward from a single metropolitan
area, the challenge of initiating a national programme in the second most populous
country on the planet begs for a word beyond ‘daunting’.
The country is divided into 28 states – each with its own health care delivery ser-
vice. The population in India now tops 1 billion – served by fewer than 4000 psych-
iatrists (and many of these in private practice). Today there is roughly one mental
health worker (psychiatrist, clinical psychologist or nurse) for every 250,000 people.
In terms of government support of mental health, a report in the Psychiatric
Bulletin in 2002 notes: ‘Although there is a Mental Health Act, use of mental health
legislation is virtually non-existent’ (Das et al., 2002). Development of community
services furthermore ‘appear to be low on the priority list of the government and
funding is a major issue’.
to development of the Local Action Groups in each city was the involvement of
consumer and family support organizations.
In Chennai, for example, SCARF is a voluntary organization that has been
working with consumers living with schizophrenia and their families for more
than 15 years. Another group, AASHA, is a family support organization that has
developed a self-help approach with city officials.
RAHAT, a volunteer organization involved with issues concerning mental illness
and drug dependency, provided support to the local action group in Delhi.
PRERANA is a voluntary support organization in Mumbai involved in suicide
prevention. Working with MAITHRI, an initiative that was begun by psychiatrists,
the Local Action Group has begun to develop more family support structures within
the Mumbai community.
Funding limitations, however, have precluded any epidemiological data from
being gathered and compared among the centres. This is not to say that efforts in
India were unsuccessful.
From 25–26 May 2001, family members and caregivers from two dozen centres
across India participated at a conference in Chennai. The object of this meeting
was to provide support and networking so that consumers and family members
move from recipients of services to active participants, from being the object of
stigma to active, organized opponents.
These family organizations have begun to work with international service organ-
izations such as the Rotary and Lions Clubs to develop further employment
opportunities for consumers. These family groups now run special awareness pro-
grammes on stigma during events such as World Health Day, Mental Health Week
and World Disabled Day. Family groups have also become more active in public ral-
lies, seeking improved services for individuals with physical and mental disabilities.
New initiatives
On 6 February 2004, Dr Abdul Kalam, President of India, helped launch a renewed
anti-stigma effort in India – that includes a collaboration between SCARF and the
WPA Global Programme. The President spoke to university students gathered at
the Music Academy in Chennai. At the event, he asked students to take an oath not
to stigmatize or discriminate against the mentally ill.
The event was covered by both the print and broadcast media. Since then, a
short film has been developed in Tamil and English for educating students in high
schools and universities.
In recognition of World Schizophrenia Day on 24 May 2004, SCARF organized
a number of other activities for the public:
• Articles on schizophrenia were published in newspapers that included: The
Hindu, Anna Nagar Times and Dina Mani.
147 India
• A message about schizophrenia was printed on milk packets sold in markets for
the general public.
• Pamphlets about World Schizophrenia Day and schizophrenia were distributed
at hospitals and shopping malls.
• A programme of interviews of psychiatrists and those living with schizophrenia
was broadcast on Podhigai television in prime time. The participants dis-
cussed the first-hand experience of the stigma and discrimination because of
World Schizophrenia Day also marked the start of a new support programme
called SHAPES (Society of Hope, Action, Empathy and Regard for Schizophrenia),
started by patients and family members.
Educational initiatives
Awareness programmes on mental health and mental illness have been conducted
in 10 schools and colleges in Chennai. Working with Sowmanasya Hospital, edu-
cational programmes were held in 13 other colleges (including the Colleges of
Nursing, Social Work and Engineering). To date, 4000 students have participated
in these programmes.
Das, M., Gupta, N. and Dutta, K. (2002). Psychiatric training in India. Psychiatric Bulletin, 26,
Harrison, G., Hopper, K., Craig, T., Laska, E., Siegel, C., Wanderling, J., Dube, K.C., Ganev, K.,
Giel, R., an der Heiden, W., Holmberg, S.K., Janca, A., Lee, P.W., Leon, C.A., Malhotra, S.,
Marsella, A.J., Nakane, Y., Sartorius, N., Shen, Y., Skoda, C., Thara, R., Tsirkin, S.J., Varma,
V.K., Walsh, D. and Wiersma, D. (2001). Recovery from psychotic illness: a 15- and 25-year
international follow-up study. British Journal of Psychiatry, 178, 506–517.
James, S., Chisholm, D., Murthy, R.S., Kumar, K.K., Sekar, K., Saeed, K. and Mubbashar, M.
(2002). Demand for, access to and use of community mental health care: lessons from a
demonstration project in India and Pakistan. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 48(3),
Mojtabai, R., Varma, V.K., Malhotra, S., Mattoo, S.K., Misra, A.K., Wig, N.N. and Susser, E.
(2001). Mortality and long-term course in schizophrenia with a poor 2-year course: a study
in a developing country. British Journal of Psychiatry, 178(1), 71–75.
Murthy, R.S. (1998). Rural psychiatry in developing countries. Psychiatric Services, 49(7),
Murthy, R.S. (2000). Community resources for mental health care in India. Epidemiologia e
Psichiatria Sociale, 9(2), 89–92.
Murthy, R.S. and Burns, B.J. (eds) (1992). Proceedings of the Indo-US Symposium on Commu-
nity Mental Health, Sponsored by National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences,
Bangalore: NIMHANS.
Samuel, M. and Thyloth, M. (2002). Caregivers’ roles in India. Psychiatric Services, 53(3),
Schulze, H. (1999). Schizophrenia stigma and discrimination: an India perspective. OpenDoors,
The Newsletter for the Global Schizophrenia Awareness Program, Vol. 2.
Sethi, B.B. and Chaturvedi, P.K. (1992). Family and social support systems in the case of the
mentally ill. In: Murthy, R.S. and Burns, B.J., eds. Proceedings of the Indo-US Symposium on
Community Mental Health. Sponsored by National Institute of Mental Health, Neuro Sciences.
Bangalore: NIMHANS, pp. 277–288.
149 Romania
Srinivasan, T.N. and Thara, R. (1997). How do men with schizophrenia fare at work? A follow-up
study from India. Schizophrenia Research, 25(2), 149–154.
Srinivasan, T.N. and Thara, R. (1999). The long-term home-making functioning of women with
schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 35(1), 97–98.
Srinivasan, T.N. and Thara, R. (2001). Beliefs about causation of schizophrenia: do Indian
families believe in supernatural causes? Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 36(3),
Thara, R., Kamath, S. and Kumar, S. (2003a). Women with schizophrenia and broken marriages –
doubly disadvantaged? Part I: patient perspective. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,
49(3), 225–232.
Thara, R., Kamath, S. and Kumar, S. (2003b). Women with schizophrenia and broken marriages –
doubly disadvantaged? Part II: family perspective. International Journal of Social Psychiatry,
49(3), 233–240.
Thara, R., Padmavati, R. and Srinivasan, T.N. (2004). Focus on psychiatry in India. British Journal
of Psychiatry, 184, 366–373.
Thara, R. and Srinivasan, T.N. (1997). Outcome of marriage in schizophrenia. Social Psychiatry
and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 32(7), 416–420.
Thara, R. and Srinivasan, T.N. (2000). How stigmatising is schizophrenia in India? International
Journal of Social Psychiatry, 46(2), 135–141.
The WHO Report on Mental Health in Europe (2001) reported that ‘in the last
5–6 years there has been an increasing acceptance for both patients’ rights and
psychiatric ethics (in Romania)’. However, the ‘list of shortcomings which need to
be addressed’ was formidable:
• Lack of up-to-date comprehensive studies on morbidity or studies evaluating
population needs within a definite area or with certain risk factors.
• Lack of (or only a rudimentary level of) multidisciplinary teams for out-
patients, due to the reduced number (or even absence) of persons and/or
necessary positions (psychologists, social workers, vocational therapists and legal
• The development of social protection and non-medical ways of helping some
categories of mentally ill patients and some populations with a high risk for
mental illness.
• Insufficient day centres and counselling services (of various types).
• Lack of effective coordination of the care services at the national level.
• Postgraduate specialist training is still based on an excessively biological and
reductionism model, which seems to promote pharmacotherapy as the only
really effective and credible therapeutic approach. Continuing education is
150 Chile, India and Romania
WHO (1996). Health Care Systems in Transition: Romania. Copenhagen: World Health
Organization Regional Office for Europe.
WHO (2001). Mental Health in Europe. Country reports from the WHO European Network on
Mental Health.
One of the key, and compared to many other anti-stigma efforts, unique elements to
the success of the local action initiatives described in this volume is collaboration:
that is, collaboration among those living with schizophrenia, their families and
support groups, medical professionals, government officials and other experts.
From the first-person perspective of the patient or family member to the expertise
of a public relations professional, each Local Action Group brings together a variety
of perspectives.
As an international initiative, the anti-stigma programme of the World Psychi-
atric Association (WPA) has been able to offer its participants four advantages.
First, Local Action Groups in 20 countries have developed nearly 200 interven-
tions to a wide range of target groups. As we will see in comparisons later in
this chapter, results from these interventions can be compared and contrasted to
determine new, more effective ways forward.
Second, the WPA Programme has allowed each new group that joins to learn
from earlier efforts following the same methodology. For example, members of
the Partnership Programme from Calgary, Canada have met with groups in Europe
and Latin America to develop strategies for educating and changing attitudes of
children in secondary schools. Similarly, the family support group, Schizophrenia
Research Foundation (SCARF), in Chennai has been able to share its experiences
with other nascent family support groups in other countries. In addition to these
exchanges, there were two International Conferences focused on the Stigma and
Discrimination because of Schizophrenia – the first held in Leipzig, Germany
and the second held in Kingston, Canada – have served as instructional forums
and networking opportunities for the diffusion of best practices.
Third, intra-country cooperation has also benefited from the WPA international
alliances. By joining the WPA global effort, Local Action Groups have been able
to extend their own reach and involvement and, in essence, to broaden the
table for participating groups in a country. Governmental and non-governmental
organizations that had not worked together found common ground in this inter-
national programme. In West Kent (UK) and Calgary (Canada), family support
153 Structure and flexibility
organizations that had worked separately in the same city (in one case, across the
street from each other) came together and worked side-by-side for the first time.
Fourth, all of the material prepared by the global programme – from the step-by-
step guide in Volume I to the stigma bibliography – have served as central resources.
The experience gained and tools used in earlier interventions were applied to later
efforts. In their work with medical professionals in Spain, the Local Action Group
there published Volume II as a stand-alone reference book on schizophrenia, its
treatment and issues surrounding stigma and discrimination.
The global web site,, has been translated from English
into Arabic, German, Greek, Italian, Japanese, Portugese and Spanish. This web site
provides an overview of the objectives and participants in the programme. More
important, it also contains information from Volume II of the programme materials
described above. For those living with the illness and their families, the web site
also contains educational material taken from a training manual developed by the
Local Action Group in Calgary, Canada. Visitors to the web site are also able to
download electronic versions of the programme volumes as well as informational
brochures developed for different target groups. A password-protected Intranet
site was also made available for programme participants to share information in a
less public forum than the Internet.
Statistical analysis of web site traffic from 1999 to 2001 found that visitors from
different countries increased dramatically – sometimes 100-fold – when a Local
Action Group was established in that country. Factoring out the disproportionate
traffic from the US during the first few years of the programme, the greatest number
of visitors were from Canada, Spain and Germany, where Local Action Groups were
in place.
In Boulder, for example, the training course for law enforcement officials and
judges is being used in other communities in the US.
Since those guidelines were first developed, the WPA Anti-stigma Programme
has also developed a training manual to help countries interested in starting their
own programme. This training manual has been distributed at workshops at sci-
entific conferences and contains more specific information on such topics as: ‘How
to conduct focus group research’ and ‘Selection of target audiences’.
Overall, the model of successfully implementing a local initiative before extend-
ing that work nationally is the approach recommended by the authors of this
volume. How one diffuses the programme nationally is a function of resources and
time. Initiatives of this programme that have a national reach are generally of three
Both Poland and Greece began with strong organizing groups in a major
metropolitan area – Krakow and Athens, respectively. While few anti-stigma efforts
will have the advantage of having one of its chief organizers appointed Minister of
Health, as in the case of Greece, what both of these nationally successful groups
share is a central organizing committee with more than one individual responsible
for key decisions.
The national anti-stigma effort in Germany benefited from the fact that one of
the chief organizers, Professor Wolfgang Gaebel, was also a member of the National
Schizophrenia Research Network. His office in Düsseldorf was the central reporting
centre for seven other sites in this network, each site developing its own unique
intervention. The collective results from the nationwide initiative have yet to be
compiled and published, but preliminary results from some of Professor Gaebel’s
work and others are available. (See references for Chapter 5 on Germany.)
Austria and Romania are examples of a third type of national effort which relied
upon a central organizing group to implement a single, coordinated national initia-
tive from the very outset. In the case of Austria, the national effort was implemented
through the development and distribution of mass media messages, followed
by more targeted interventions in select high schools. Romania took a national
approach, distributing its messages in pamphlet and booklet form, through the
established national network of a family support organization.
When and how to move from local intervention to national initiative will vary
from country to country and rely upon available structures, such as the reach of
national support organizations or governmental assistance. However, five things
appear to be necessary to make a successful transition:
1 An established model, tested on a local level which can be implemented in other
communities (e.g. education of psychiatrists in Spain).
2 A central organizing group to whom regional teams report on a regular basis.
155 Target groups
Target groups
Table 19.1 is a compilation of target groups identified by various Local Action
Groups of the WPA Programme. General practitioners and other health care pro-
fessionals were chosen by every country save Poland, US and UK. As the first point
of medical consultation for both patients and their families, they have been clearly
identified as being one of the groups most in need of anti-stigma interventions
(with psychiatrists and mental health professionals not far behind).
A close second was the target group of journalists and the media. These choices
are notable both because the target groups are sources of information to others
(e.g. family members or the general public) and because how they speak about
the illness and the individual can have an impact on self-stigma as well. (For more
evidence of the importance of these target groups to those living with schizophrenia
and their families, see the Focus Group.)
Another target group identified by 13 of the 18 sites listed in Table 19.1 was
secondary school students. Reasons cited for this choice include the fact that first
episodes of the illness may appear in the late teens and that this group can be reached
through educational programmes in schools. Other reasons for selecting this group
were the inverse relationship between age and attitudes regarding mental illness
(older adults showed greater social distance and were more difficult to reach as a
group) and the fact that younger individuals often become enthusiastic supports
of work against stigma (e.g. as students demonstrated in Egypt).
Table 19.1 Target audiences
General Judicial
Family Primary Psychiatrists practitioners Government and law
members and/or and mental and other Journalists workers and Religious Businesses enforcement
and secondary Medical health health care and the General non-governmental communities and officials,
Consumers friends education students professionals professionals media public agencies and clergy employers lawyers
Austria ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Brazil ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Canada ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Chile ✓ ✓
Egypt ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Germany ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Greece ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
India ✓ ✓ ✓
Italy ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Japan ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Morocco ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Poland ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Romania ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Slovakia ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Spain ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Turkey ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
UK ✓ ✓ ✓
US ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
157 Target groups
Due to the global nature of this programme, when early evidence from the
Partnership Programme in Canada showed marked improvement in knowledge
and attitudes with this target group, other groups used the model and adapted the
methodologies to their own cultural realities. Fay Herrick from the Partnership
Programme in Calgary has served as a consultant with other centres over the
As explained in Chapter 4, the Local Action Group in Spain developed the‘inside-
out model’ for implementation, working with the immediate circle of influencers
on the patient and his or her family. For that reason, the group chose psychiatric
professionals as one of their initial target groups. The goal would be to extend
efforts outward over time as stigma is reduced and as resources allow.
This concentric model showing families and psychiatrists as closest to the patient
influence and gradually radiating out to more distant influencers (and potential
stigmatizers) may explain several relationships between the choice of target groups
and socioeconomic data. That is, the nine countries with the lowest Gross Domestic
Product and fewest psychiatrists per capita chose families as targets for anti-stigma
interventions and support.
Conversely, four of the seven countries with the highest Gross Domestic Product
per capita targeted businesses and employers. In the case of Boulder, Colorado,
working with the local Chamber of Commerce, the Local Action Group had access
to the 10 companies employing 90% of the community’s workers.
Success of work with any of these selected target groups is dependent upon three
1 The assessment of the first-hand experience of those living with schizophrenia
and their family members – or any other group, including medical professionals
who may be the objects of stigma and discrimination. Looked at from the point
of view of expertise, these individuals and their experiences can provide powerful
insights into how stigma is manifested and how it may be addressed. The Focus
Group section below outlines findings from seven countries where focus groups
were used to assess qualitative information.
2 The involvement of at least one member of the target group in the intervention.
By involving members of the target group, these initiatives were able to gain
access to other members of the target group as well as develop more effective
message and media strategies.
3 The more defined the target audience, the more directly the message and media
strategies will address that audience. While most groups identified the ‘General
public’ as one of their targets, placement of messages in any mass medium
immediately implies some form of segmentation. For example, radio formats
(e.g. talk shows or hip-hop music) and television programmes (e.g. soap operas
158 Conclusions and recommendations
or the evening news) skew to certain demographics. The better defined the target
audience – for example, 18- to 24-year olds with a high school education – the
more effective your message and media choices will be.
in the WPA Programme, three key messages become apparent from the many
suggestions made in the focus groups:
These themes imply the desire to highlight commonalties between those with
schizophrenia and the general public, to focus on family roles, hobbies, music
preferences, favourite dishes or special sporting successes rather than only on the
illness in their public portrayal, and to create an awareness that schizophrenia can
affect anyone – something many of those living with the illness would not have
believed themselves before the onset of the illness. The focus of the messages
also indicates that hope and a perspective for improvement or stability are of
great importance in coping with schizophrenia and its consequences, and that
achieving a kind of normality seems desirable – both in the patients’ own lives
and for the image of schizophrenia they would like to see advanced.
stigma and know best what stigma means in practical terms. The method with its
non-directive approach stimulates communication among group participants
rather than predominantly between the facilitator and individual group members.
It has also helped to encourage people with schizophrenia and their families to
articulate grievances and negative experiences which may otherwise have
remained hidden from the views of programme developers due to social
In addition to understanding the demands on an effective anti-stigma effort,
focus groups have also helped to involve service users and families from the start
of the programme. The participation of all relevant partners is crucial for
programme sustainability and the credibility of communication messages. In
addition, some focus group participants stayed with the project and have joined
the local action committees and project teams.
Finally, as it appears from the first feedback of service users
and family members actively supporting the project, basing an important part of
the needs assessment on the perceptions of people with schizophrenia and their
carers has helped to ensure that those at the receiving end of stigma benefit from
the programme, continue to support it and have developed a sense of ownership
which is so important in sustaining a continuous programme to fight stigma and
A question of media
Table 19.2 presents a list of almost 200 interventions undertaken in the various
countries participating in the WPA effort. Nearly half of these were educational
programmes targeted to children and adolescents, psychiatrists, general practition-
ers and other health care professionals, journalists, clergy and family members.
Research from these initiatives supports earlier findings that targeted community
educational efforts are most effective at changing knowledge and attitudes (Wolff
et al., 1996).
Nearly every Local Action Group was also able to generate press coverage in news-
papers and magazines, both local and national. Editors of these publications are
often looking for news stories. Similarly, many reporters are interested in having
experts they can contact for news stories that involve mental health issues. Finding
these editors and journalists can prove invaluable in future presentations of stories
in the news as well as with the effectiveness of stigma watch or stigma-busting
Table 19.2 Global Activity Report 2003
Austria Brazil Canada Chile Germany Greece Japan Italy Morocco Poland Slovakia Spain Turkey UK US
Survey of ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Speaker’s bureau ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Primary and/or ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Educating ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Educating GPs ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Educating other ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
health care
Educating ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Stigma Busting/ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Stigma Watch
Educating clergy ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Publications in ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
scientific journals
Publications in ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Table 19.2 (continued)
Austria Brazil Canada Chile Germany Greece Japan Italy Morocco Poland Slovakia Spain Turkey UK US
Radio ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Television ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Anti-stigma ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Theatre/ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Story workshops ✓ ✓ ✓
Art presentations/ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Educating families ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Other Education Open-Door- Benefit: Focus Educating Day of Media Web Site Short Books
with public Day in the Nana groups with patients solidarity cell Educating films Cinema
hospital Mouskouri patients and with people patients for TV slides
(every year) family suffering Public Bus Ads
Movie Benefit: members from lectures Public
screening/ Jazz concert schizophrenia Media lectures
festival guide
165 A question of media
Roughly half of the countries also developed some form of public, cultural event.
These included plays, poetry readings and dramaturgical workshops, the joint film
project between the German and Slovak groups, as well as high school art com-
petitions in Canada and the US. Brazil, Germany, Greece, and Poland had events
corresponding to the release of the movie, A Beautiful Mind, specifically.
In Calgary, research indicated that nearly one-third of the respondents to the
post-intervention survey recalled having heard radio messages played on local
radio stations. In terms of reach of the message, roughly 300,000 people recalled
hearing these anti-stigma messages. Dr Ruth Dickson, one of the coordinators of
the programme, whose voice was featured in the commercial, reports that a year
after the messages were broadcast, patients and family members she met for the first
time would comment that they had heard the messages and remembered her name.
However, research conducted soon after the broadcast saw no measurable change
positively or negatively in attitudes. Some reasons for this might include the nega-
tive media coverage of two significant news stories running at the same time (i.e.
a subway incident in Toronto and the trial of the Unabomber in the US).
In the case of mass media, two questions remain: while messages such as those
created for television in Austria have won awards from the broadcast industry, do
messages in the mass media help change public attitudes and improve the lives of
those living with schizophrenia?
The second question is a bit more complicated and has to do with the cumulative
impact of multiple interventions in the community. How might messages work
across media? Put a different way, how can messages within a community or country
work together and achieve certain synergies?
For example, in Boulder, Colorado, to supplement the educational programmes
conducted in high schools, the Local Action Group also conducted art competitions
with students and featured winning entries on buses students took to and from
school. In the summer months, anti-stigma messages were featured in cinemas on
slides shown before the feature films.
Consumer advertising research has demonstrated a ‘multiplier effect’ – where
message effectiveness increases when multiple media is used (Smith, 2002). While
there is less research on this for social marketing efforts (in part because of the
comparatively small amount of money spent on social marketing compared to con-
sumer), it is reasonable to assume the multiplier operates for this form of marketing
communications as well.
As the earlier, anecdotal story of Dr Dickson showed and as reports from par-
ticipants in Local Action Groups indicate (e.g. participants in the film project in
Germany and Slovakia), the development of supporting mass media programmes
can be both memorable and foster a greater sense of empowerment among those
living with the illness and their families.
166 Conclusions and recommendations
Can we allow targeted educational efforts to tell the whole story? How effective
can these efforts ultimately be if a teenager or law enforcement official then leaves
the presentation only to receive contrary messages in the media and hears stigma-
tizing comments from their peers? Certainly, the groundwork made by many of
these Local Action Groups to foster deeper relationships with journalists and the
media will help ensure continuity of the anti-stigma message. The work being done
by media watchdog groups and ‘stigma busters’ has also put pressure on the owners
of print and broadcast media to be attentive to the content of their publications
and programming.
Development of messages
Focus groups (described in the sidebar above) helped some of the Local Action
Groups identify key messages to communicate. Other groups also used qualitative
research to examine knowledge and attitudes of their target audiences in order
to identify what myths, misconceptions and discriminatory ideas their audience
Communication professionals working in the field of consumer marketing know
that it is not enough to simply state a fact or competitive benefit of a product or
service. They need to answer two other questions: ‘Why should I care?’ and the call
to action, ‘What do you want me to do?’ These questions are just as important to
social marketing.
The figure above shows one of the cinema slides used in Boulder, Colorado
during the summer of 2001 as part of the anti-stigma intervention targeted to
teenagers. The primary message is that ‘Mental illness is treatable’. But this is fol-
lowed up with a simple question: ‘Why should I care?’, and the answer is: ‘The
words you use can help or hurt someone with mental illness’, accompanied a series
of common, derogatory words for those living with mental illness.
167 Development of messages
The message to teenagers presented these commonly used words for what they
were: derogatory, insults and epithets that constitute a form of discrimination
to those with mental illness. The message was crafted in such a way to present
the viewer with a choice to assist or continue hurting those with mental illness.
The cinema slides also featured a call to action, contact information of where the
teenagers might find more information on mental illness.
The following year, winners from the art competition poster contest were dis-
played on public transportation that students took to and from school, often these
were schools where presentations had been conducted on the stigma associated with
mental illness. The artwork and messages were prepared by teenagers for their peers.
Research in countries such as Spain raised concerns that brief 30- or 60-s
messages might raise more questions and concerns about schizophrenia than they
answered. Of all of the factors involved in development of anti-stigma inter-
ventions, the development of messages has some of the greatest variability. Not
only between countries considering cultural differences, but between target groups
within a single country where the differences in knowledge and attitudes may be
As the programme continues in other countries, the library of anti-stigma mater-
ials will continue to grow. A few elements such as the programme logo described
below have had a resonance that has translated from one language to another.
168 Conclusions and recommendations
A Global Identity
The WPA Global Programme to Fight the Stigma and Discrimination because
of Schizophrenia, while being an accurate and descriptive title of the initiative
undertaken in 1996, is also a bit unwieldy. Following the first meeting in Geneva,
Switzerland, the graphics designer, Mark Jones, working with the authors of this
book developed a series of logotypes to work with several different, shorter names.
The Steering Committee of the programme reviewed the names and logotypes
and selected, Open the Doors, and the logos shown below for several reasons.
The door is a universally recognized symbol for access and admission. There are
many different types of doors: to employment, to hospitals, to the homes of both
families and friends. The experience of stigma and discrimination for those living
with the illness and their families is in some way that of doors once open, now
The active verb ‘Open’ can be read as request or even command to give access
to someone who previously has been shut out.
The brevity of the statement made it more easily translatable than other, longer
The name and logo were successful beyond expectations. The logo has been
translated into 12 languages. It serves as a simple mnemonic for the global web
site: It has helped countries with limited resources to
use a theme and graphical element to easily identify the programme and the
communication materials in a professional manner and through repeated use
built greater recognition.
It has been featured on T-shirts and commemorative stamps in Greece. In
Poland and Turkey, it has been used as a rallying image for Open the Door Days.
In the case of Poland, a large door, set in the main square of Krakow, has served
as a gateway through which supporters pass to sign a petition of solidarity for
those living with schizophrenia and their families.
In a century when so much information (and some would add: disinformation)
is disseminated through so many media, a simple memorable phrase and
image can help develop greater recognition and quickly identify disparate
communication materials as part of one, unified global effort.
169 Recommendations about principles of programme development
Over the years, learning from experience and research done in this programme
and elsewhere, the WPA has formulated the following principles which are also
recommendations to those starting new programmes.
First, the programme has to be long lasting and not a campaign. Profoundly
imbedded attitudes and social arrangements including laws cannot be expected to
change overnight. Short-lasting paroxysms of public education often leave people
who expected a great deal from a campaign more unhappy and dissatisfied after
it than before it. Long-lasting special programmes usually become impossible to
fund after a while. An anti-stigma programme not only needs to last over time, but
also has to devote some its energies to becoming a routine part of health and social
service plans and institutions.
Second, a programme against stigma must be successful if it is to retain the
loyalty of those who work on it. That means that the goals of the programme
have to be stated in broad, overarching terms but that specific plans for immediate
application have to be modest in size and ambition. That also means that the goals
of the programme must have local relevance.
Third, the programme must deal with the problems experienced by the people
who have the illness and their family. While the process of stigmatization is similar
in different settings, what bothers people is different. The only way to identify
what is the most bothersome – and should therefore be among the goals of the
programme – is to ask those who are most directly affected about their experi-
ence and about targets that they would see as being most important in terms of
improving their situation.
In most parts of the world, there are not systematic studies that document
consumers’ everyday problems and experiences: yet without such data, it is likely
that much energy will be spent in action that will give more satisfaction to those
who have undertaken it than those whom it was supposed to serve.
Asking consumers and their families about their problems before starting a
programme gives the programme the support of those who have been stigmatized.
It gives them an opportunity to become actively engaged in efforts that directly
affect them.
Fourth, the programme should not be an affair of the mental health service
system alone. The participation of others – representatives of different sectors of
government and of community members – is not only important because it leads to
programme strength. A broad involvement allows interventions in different walks
of life by those involved.
In addition, it brings people who are not directly concerned with mental illness in
contact with mental health service personnel, with consumers, with their families
170 Conclusions and recommendations
and with others who are concerned with mental illness. The narrowing of the gap
that exist between psychiatry and the rest of medicine and society is of great
importance for the survival of the programme and for an improvement of mental
health care.
Fifth, the programme should employ those who have had the experience of
schizophrenia and their families in day-to-day functions of the programme. As
examples from the participating sites show, the active involvement of people who
have the experience of having the illness can reveal areas of need that medical pro-
fessionals might not otherwise have given the greatest priority. Just as important,
their active involvement in the programme acts against the loss of self-esteem, a loss
that represents a great obstacle and increases self-stigma in any effort to rehabilitate
a person who suffered from a mental illness.
Sixth, it has been critical to develop a model that can be easily understood and
used both in planning and evaluation of the programme. The vicious circle model
that was developed for the WPA Programme is presented above. Its advantage is
that it can be used to counteract the reluctance of those involved in supporting a
programme against stigma because its main message is that there are numerous
entry points. Potential partners in fighting stigma can be shown concrete areas
where their expertise can apply in breaking the vicious cycle and different stages of
Seventh, one of the many enemies of long-term projects is the fatigue and
burnout that leaders of the programme experience. Every effort should therefore
be made to add a component to the programme to prevent burnout.
An alternate and additional antidote employed by the WPA Programme has
been the involvement of a large number of centres in the programme. Variations in
output and energy available to move the programme along, differ among centres
and within a single centre. By having multiple centres, it becomes possible to have
some of them active and leading at a time when other sites are going through a
fallow period.
The fact that the WPA Programme had 20+ centres also contributed energy
to the programme by offering possibilities for small-scale collaboration among
groups that would otherwise have had difficulty in identifying partners among
professional groups (e.g. organizations of patients and their relatives).
Eighth, in addition to using modern technology and linking sites electroni-
cally via a web site, the WPA also invested in organizing face-to-face encounters
among participants in the programme. Heads of a site that had already completed
work served as consultants for new sites. They were invited to report on their
experiences at scientific meetings and at annual meetings of participating sites.
Newsletters and annual reports were used to record and publicize the work done
171 Reference
Smith, A. (2002). Take a Fresh Look at Print, 2nd edn. International Federation of the Periodical
Press (FIPP) and Alan Smith.
Wolff, G., Pathare, S., Craig, T. and Leff, J. (1996). Community attitudes to mental illness. British
Journal of Psychiatry, 168(2), 183–190.
173 Afterword
The collective and international effort of so many people has made this pro-
gramme unique. Journalists, government officials, police officers, medical students,
an international opera diva and others worked together with those living with
schizophrenia and their families. Through that collaboration and communica-
tion, significant changes are taking place. Families have found support where none
existed before. Judges have changed sentencing guidelines. High school students
are telling their parents about the conversation they had in school with someone
who had struggled with mental illness. Small support groups have suddenly found
themselves linked to a global network working towards the same goal: to eradicate
the stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia.
Hugh Schulze
Chicago, US 2005
Appendix I
Volume I: Guidelines for programme
This part of the programme document describes how to develop and implement
a local programme as part of the international effort undertaken by the World
Psychiatric Association (WPA) to combat stigma and discrimination because of
The following chart lists all the steps involved in developing, implementing and
evaluating a local programme along with a proposed timetable for completion.
Steps that have to be undertaken simultaneously are listed together at the same
point on the timetable.
It is anticipated that the implementation of the programme, as indicated in the
timetable, will take approximately 2 to 2½ years. It is, of course, recognized that
the actual time needed to complete each step may vary from site to site; however,
it is recommended that local groups complete each step in the order specified. The
timetable is divided into the following major phases:
I. Preliminary steps
II. Collection of information about programme site
III. Designing the programme
IV. Adaptation, development, pre-testing and revision of programme tools
V. Implementation and monitoring of the programme
VI. Evaluation of the programme
VII. Planning action after programme ends
176 Appendix I Volume 1: Guidelines for programme implementation
Check Date
Weeks Step box completed
0–6 1. Site Selection ____________
7–10 2. Identification of Local Project Coordinator ____________
11–12 3. Briefing of Local Project Coordinator ____________
13–20 4. Establishment of Initial Planning Group ____________
21 5. Planning Group Meets with WPA Representative ____________
22–24 6. Production of First Draft of Local Action Plan ____________
25–28 7. Nomination of Local Action Team Members ____________
29–32 8. Invitation to Local Action Team ____________
33–34 9. First Meeting(s) of Local Action Team ____________
35–38 10. Review of Draft Action Plan ____________
Check Date
Weeks Step box completed
60–64 26. Baseline Survey ____________
27. Selection of Available Media Materials ____________
28. Agreement on Central Theme and ____________
Programme Concepts
65–68 29. Development of Message Concepts ____________
30. Decision on Production of New Materials ____________
69–70 31. Pre-test of Message Concepts ____________
71–78 32. Development of Media Materials ____________
79–80 33. Pre-test of Materials ____________
81–84 34. Finalization of Communication Materials ____________
I. Preliminary steps
There are two options for using the instructions outlined in this document. In
some cases, local groups, psychiatric societies or institutions may want to tailor
this programme to their own needs and use it without officially participating in the
WPA Programme. We request that groups wishing to use the programme in this
way inform the WPA about their efforts and provide appropriate acknowledgement
of the WPA materials while conducting their project. Groups interested in becom-
ing an official participating site in the WPA Programme should contact Professor
Norman Sartorius at the Département de Psychiatrie, 16–18, Bd de St Georges, 1205
Genève, Switzerland. Being recognized as an official participating site requires an
undertaking that:
(a) the programme steps outlined in this document will be followed;
(b) the results of the programme and the experience gained will be fully shared
with WPA Member Societies and with other participating sites;
(c) the published materials created as part of this programme should be submitted
to the WPA to become a part of the archives of this worldwide programme;
(d) whenever possible, the Local Group should consult with WPA about publica-
tions destined for very wide distribution. When more than one programme
is operating in a country, consultation between such programmes concerning
publications is obligatory;
(e) the use of the WPA programme materials and all help received from the WPA,
from donors and other participating sites will be fully acknowledged in all
presentations of the programme.
1. Site selection
The following factors should be considered in selecting a site for the programme:
• Geography: A working group’s efforts should be able to cover the area/region
under consideration. Other questions to consider: Do local media cover this
specific region? Are there times when the geographical or climatic conditions
divide the area or disrupt communication? Are media from other regions likely
to disrupt the programme?
• Language: Can materials be cost-effectively developed in a single language? Will
programme participants be able to communicate using the same language? Are
there significant minority group influences? Is the area socially cohesive?
• Political and economic situation: Is the site politically unified? Is the central
governmental ready to support the programme? How willing are local political
and financial entities to initiate and sustain the programme? Are there significant
economic variations between different parts of the area?
179 Preliminary steps
• Long-range potential: Does this effort have a chance to continue in the area and
to radiate to other sections of the country? Factors to consider in evaluating
this question include: similarity of language; acceptability of results (cultural
relevance); the existence of traditional exchanges between the programme area
and other areas of the country or other countries.
• Availability of support: Are a sufficient number of individuals likely to remain
interested in the programme over a long period? Are there institutions or
organizations likely to support the programme?
to the group when they are gathered together and sufficient time should be allowed
to arrive at a common understanding of the project.
• a letter from the representative of the WPA Task Force welcoming the member
when the invitation is accepted.
The Local Action Team should also begin to develop a wider network of advisors
and consultants whom they can call on.
some of the information gathered with mini-surveys, focus group discussions and
other methods of qualitative research. (See Volume I, Appendix A for a sample of
the types of information that might be collected.)
After the information is collected, a narrative should be developed. This narrative
should be an engaging profile and not simply a list of facts and estimates. It should
include reasons for the programme as well as pointers for action (e.g. for selecting
target audiences).
The site description should include:
• demographics,
• education,
• economic features,
• geography,
• social characteristics,
• cultural characteristics,
• attitudes toward people with schizophrenia.
13. Review of Institutional Capabilities (including currently available mental health services)
During the implementation of the programme, it may be possible to involve existing
institutions. When this is undertaken, it will be important to establish who is able
and willing to speak to target audiences (e.g., an educational authority might speak
to teachers; the director of a hospital might speak to the doctors or gather them
together for instruction).
Overall goals
Determination of messages
Determination of media
clearly identified. In the process of identifying messages, the group should explore
the following:
• Frequent causes of stigma or discrimination (in the setting in which the
programme will take place). Some examples of the kinds of stigma and discrim-
ination that occur because of schizophrenia are given in Volume I, Appendix E.
• Reasons for not getting treatment or other help.
• Common myths and misunderstandings.
Four categories of messages should be considered:
• Messages to provide accurate information (e.g. schizophrenia is treatable).
• Messages targeted at an attitude, not a fact; these messages will have a more
emotional component (e.g. acceptance of people with schizophrenic illness).
• Messages to improve people’s skills in handling situations in which they may
encounter people with schizophrenia (e.g. situations in which they would cur-
rently be unable to cope with unusual behaviour such as acute excitement in a
public place).
• Messages intended to change behaviour (e.g. providing increased access to
emergency care or employing a person who has had schizophrenia).
22. Preparation of Work Schedule for Overall Programme and Team Members
The work schedule should be organized to include the timing and sequence of each
proposed action and a schedule for each Local Action Team member. The work
plan should also be structured to allow flexibility in implementation. The schedule
should include personnel, materials, production schedules, fieldwork training,
equipment, travel and evaluation.
The Local Project Coordinator and Action Team should consider ways to ensure
that their initial enthusiasm and motivation are maintained. For example, they
should identify feedback mechanisms, set up regular meetings and give members
full responsibility for specific tasks so that they can feel true ownership of tasks
they consider important. Using members of the Action Team as consultants for
programmes at other sites may also help maintain motivation. Once the schedule is
186 Appendix I Volume 1: Guidelines for programme implementation
developed and agreed upon it may be helpful to hold a press conference to announce
the programme to representatives of the media. Appendix G of Volume I provides
samples of materials that can be used for such a press conference. Members of
the local team should be given an opportunity to speak about the tasks they have
the WPA, and request recognition as an official participating site in the Worldwide
Programme to Fight the Stigma and Discrimination because of Schizophrenia.
The proposal will then be considered for WPA sponsorship by the Steering
Committee (during the trial phases of the programme) and by the Executive Com-
mittee (once the programme is released). Groups who would like to implement
the programme without WPA Programme Sponsorship should also contact WPA
to acknowledge that they are using material produced by WPA and inform WPA
about the outcome of the programme.
The proposal should be sent to: Professor Norman Sartorius at the Département
de Psychiatrie, 16–18 Bd de St Georges, 1205 Genève, Switzerland.
Many of the steps described in the following section will be undertaken at the
same time. For example, at the same time as the baseline survey is being done,
the Action Team will also be reviewing the central theme and specific objectives of
their programme in light of the results being obtained from the survey, deciding
on the specific messages that will be central to the programme, evaluating existing
media materials and determining which important messages are not included in
the existing materials.
and considering whether the material they have found will be useful and usable in
the programme.
39. Monitoring
The group should compare project outputs with the original work plan and budget.
This will help project leaders identify and correct problems before they become
obstacles. Monitoring should cover:
• the volume of materials produced (e.g. quantities of brochures and newsletters
• the distribution in media (e.g. ensuring advertising spots are run as agreed);
• the attendance at presentations and verifying that training sessions were
• the function of the teams, and adherence to work schedule and budget;
• the relationships with other agencies, including service providers and cooperat-
ing or hostile organizations;
• the quality of the products and process.
191 Evaluation of the programme
The Local Action Team should conduct the analysis jointly. This analysis should
include the following.
Examination of linkage to other mental health and health care initiatives locally and nationally
Are there ways we can disseminate successful interventions to other areas, such as
providing high school teaching materials to teachers over a broader area?
Wolff, G. (1997). Attitudes of the media and the public. In: Leff, J., ed. Care in the Community:
Illusion or Reality? Wiley, New York.
194 Appendix I Volume 1: Guidelines for programme implementation
Appendices to Volume I
Appendix A
(a) Demographics
• Age and sex. The distribution of the population of the site by age and sex should
be ascertained, using the age groups: 0–15 years; 16–29 years; 30–65 years; 66+
(b) Education
• Structure of the educational system.
• Proportion of the population in school (at all levels).
• Differences/profile of those in various levels of school.
• Methods for communicating with teachers and administrators.
• Social class distinctions in the educational system.
• Literacy rates.
(d) Geography
• What is the geographical distribution of the community (e.g. urban versus rural
• What are the climate and topography of the region and how do they affect accessi-
bility (i.e. are all areas equally accessible to health services and media year round)?
• letters to various users of psychiatric services and their relatives asking for
instances in which they have experienced discrimination.
Since attitudes may vary from one social group to another, it will be necessary to
evaluate attitudes on a group-by-group basis according to a distribution of groups
that is relevant to the particular community.
Appendix B
Appendix C
• print media;
• national daily newspapers and their circulation;
• consumer magazines and their circulation;
• comic books sold;
• other popular media;
• attitude to foreign media;
• influence of foreign media and media from neighbouring areas.
Appendix D
Project assessments should be undertaken in terms of realistic measurable out-
comes which are spelt out in the project objectives. These can be seen as a
continuum affecting knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of members of the target
audiences, including service providers and influential groups. Outcome assessment
steps include:
• measure and track audience’ awareness, recognition, comprehension, recall and
practice using appropriate and affordable research techniques to obtain rapid
• analyse results in terms of specific objectives;
• make necessary revisions in project design.
Outcome measures will have to be designed locally, at least in part. The basis
for this formulation will be the listing of examples of discrimination by the Local
Action Group and the ranking of the challenges in the daily life of people living
with schizophrenia and their families. The Local Action Group will need to record
changes in the lives of these individuals that have most probably been related to
the programme.
In addition to measuring outcomes based on these indicators, it will also be
necessary to assess success in changing some of the processes underlying discrim-
ination. The list given in this appendix presents suggestions in this regard. The
Local Action Group should rate these suggestions from most to least relevant and
then assess the difficulty of obtaining the necessary information at the site.
Overall goals
• To increase knowledge and understanding of schizophrenia among the general
public, key community figures and policy-makers.
200 Appendix I Volume 1: Guidelines for programme implementation
Each subcommittee of the project should develop its own overall goals and some
examples of measurable objectives. Below, we list goals and some possible objectives
for the anti-stigma group. Each subcommittee’s list of goals and objectives should
be sent to the group chairman.
number of work schemes that bring patients into contact with the general
Appendix E
Examples of the kinds of stigma and discrimination that occur because of schizophrenia
Stigma and discrimination because of schizophrenia can take many forms. It is
important to obtain local accounts in each of the programme sites of ways in
which stigma is expressed, as well as the ways and places in which discrimination
In producing this account, the Local Action Group should rely upon information
obtained from patients and their relatives. Human Rights activists should also be
Health care workers (including psychiatrists, family physicians and social work-
ers) should also be consulted, particularly those who practice in the community and
are in regular contact with patients. Observations from social scientists should be
taken into account, particularly if they have been active in this area (e.g. dealing with
the plight of the homeless). Theoretical and overly general formulations should
be avoided and an inductive method, beginning with the personal experiences of
those most concerned, is recommended.
In considering stigma and discrimination, the Local Action Group should
be aware that positive as well as negative stigma and discrimination should be
recorded. An example of positive discrimination might be the protection of people
with schizophrenia from losing their employment when an industrial plant is
Discrimination based on fact should be distinguished from discrimination based
on prejudice and various false beliefs.
202 Appendix I Volume 1: Guidelines for programme implementation
Appendix F
• Relatively low cost.
• User familiarity with the technology.
• Dependent on slide projector and presentation environment.
• Less uniformity of presentation.
• Dependent on availability of knowledgeable presenter.
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203 Appendix F
• One person, one book.
• Static presentation.
Comic books
• Popular and widely read in some countries.
• Of particular interest with larger populations of lower socio-economic
• A challenge to produce so that the message is creatively and effectively embedded
in a popular story.
• Culture specific, idiom dependent.
• The verisimilitude and emotional power of audio.
• A controlled presentation.
• No visuals (or limited to explanatory companion brochure).
• Linear format, does not lend itself to quick access.
• High visual content for even greater verisimilitude and emotional impact.
• Higher learning with greater sense stimulus.
• Dependent on variety of videotape technologies.
• Language barriers (overdubbing or subtitle).
• Near encyclopedic content with easy access to necessary information.
• Synergies of video, text and sound with multiple language capability.
• Active participation versus passive learning.
204 Appendix I Volume 1: Guidelines for programme implementation
• Dependent on personal computer availability.
• Relatively higher cost for fully realized video input.
Web sites
• Zero postage for distribution of materials.
• Readily lends itself to constant updating and active data gathering.
• Dependent on computer and phone lines.
• Information content may be limited.
• Reaches a limited group of the population.
• A national or worldwide event.
• High visibility for conference participants.
• A one-time event.
• Highly dependent on logistics for presenters and viewers.
• Logistical problems of immediate translation.
Media matrix
Reach is defined as the number of people who will receive and be able to use the
materials based on technological (not language) considerations.
Information content is defined as the amount of information that will ‘fit’ in a
particular medium.
205 Appendix F
Gench, D.H. (1970). Media factors: a review article. Journal of Marketing Research, 7, 216–225.
Appendix G
1. News conferences
The news conference is an opportunity to provide timely, relevant and important
information to the media. It is important that your message or event be of major
importance. A mistake many communications teams make is the overuse of the
news conference, which will only result in journalists and media representatives
coming to view subsequent press events (which may, in fact, be more newsworthy)
with scepticism.
Speakers should be chosen carefully. Two speakers will provide a focus for
attendees, with other sources available to the press for comment after the confer-
ence. A notable person with credentials upon whom the press can rely for reliable
information will increase attendance and coverage.
The conference should be limited to 30–40 min with at least 20 min allotted for
questions. Speakers should be available to the press for individual comment after
the conference itself.
The following guidelines based on experience in the US, Canada and some
European countries may help you organize a successful press conference:
• Schedule your news conference for mid-morning. This allows reporters time to
meet afternoon deadlines.
• Choose a familiar site that is centrally located in your community to hold your
conference. Or choose a prestigious setting that is relevant to your event/message.
• A Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday is the best day to schedule a press conference.
• If your news conference allows for advance notice to the press, send out media
advisories 1 week prior to the event. Always include the address of a contact
person and a phone number for more information.
• If your news conference is being held in response to a breaking event or news,
your issue will be of major significance to the media. If you do not receive
a significant amount of interest from the media (in the form of some verbal
acknowledgement from representatives of both print and broadcast media), you
should reconsider holding the press event.
• Use your local news advisory services. In many countries, the wire services run
listings of news events so that the press can determine what to cover. Find out the
207 Appendix G
deadline for inclusion in the Daybook and send written notice to the Daybook
Editor prior to the deadline. (A Daybook is a document that is updated daily
and lists new stories that are being considered.)
• Hire a photographer to cover the event. Many local publications will be unable to
send a photographer, so your ability to provide the reporter with a photograph
will improve the reporting and your relationship with the reporter.
• Provide press kits. Press kits should include fact sheets and background infor-
mation about schizophrenia. Also provide a copy of the prepared remarks of the
speakers. Include biographies of your speakers in the press kits.
• Prepare your speakers for dealing with the media. Give each speaker a time limit
for his or her remarks. Hold a mock press conference to practice and ask the
speakers questions you believe are likely to arise. Rehearsal is very important.
Schedule time for it.
• Make follow-up phone calls to the press (1–2 days in advance for newspaper
editors, 1 day for radio news directors and the same day for television assignment
editors), since television schedules change frequently.
• The venue for the press conference should be large enough to accommodate all
press and camera crews. The room should have good lighting, even though most
camera crews will bring additional lights. Position the podium or head table
to allow an unobstructed view from anywhere in the room. Chairs should be
arranged to provide the media with a clear view of the podium or head table.
Supply a remote box for multiple sound output for recording devices. Arrive at
the site at least 1 h in advance to make sure every last detail has been arranged.
• Have a press registration table complete with sign-in sheets and press kits, which
will allow you to survey the media attendance for the conference, further cultivate
your relationships with the press, and enhance your ability to follow up with
reporters after the conference.
• Provide refreshments for the press, especially if the conference is mid-morning.
• Start your news conference on time and end it when scheduled. Reporters have
very tight schedules and you can damage your reputation with representatives
of the press by not being punctual or letting your speakers talk too long.
Note: As mentioned above, if you cannot gather enough attendees together for
the press conference or if the announcement is an update of information previously
released, you may want to send a press kit to appropriate editors in the print and
broadcast media.
Prepare extra kits and keep them on file to send to reporters who request additional
information. (A sample is included in the media toolkit and a list of contents is
given below.) The press kits should include:
• news release (for specific event);
• fact sheets on schizophrenia (usually one to two pages): focus on key points
concerning the personal and social impact of the stigma of schizophrenia;
• the programme’s goals and objectives;
• background information on the WPA and the organizations involved in your
local effort;
• brochures, newsletters and other outreach materials;
• questions and answers document to answer some of the commonly asked
questions about schizophrenia and the stigma surrounding it;
• resource materials might also include articles about schizophrenia, information
on your Local Action Group or speeches given by someone in your group.
The media kit folder is usually a two-pocket folder, which has the news release on
the right-hand side to ensure visibility. All materials should carry a date of printing
at the bottom of the last page to avoid old releases being picked up and rerun.
Whether you have held a full news conference or have sent out a press kit to editors
and reporters, follow-up is key. Out of respect for their time, keep your follow-up
call brief. Ask if any more information is needed and what kind of coverage may
be expected.
Appendix H
Fund-raising guidelines
Obtaining funding for printed materials, seminars and other expenditures in a
public communication campaign is a challenge. Ultimately, proper funding can
make or break a programme.
Several guidelines are important to keep in mind as you develop a fund-raising
• Develop a clearly defined goal. The more specific the request (e.g. raising money
for a specific seminar or educational programme), the more likely you are to
receive a positive response.
• Set a specific monetary goal. Estimate all costs in your programme so that you
can give potential donors a clear understanding of your ultimate target.
210 Appendix I Volume 1: Guidelines for programme implementation
• Identify in-house resources. Are there members of your Local Advisory Group
who have access to funding?
• Develop a list of potential outside resources.
• Consider the following options (depending on local restrictions in the donation
of money, your programme options may be more limited than those listed
– Annual campaigns, so that potential donors can plan their giving in advance.
– Planned giving programmes. This term is used to describe pre-planned forms
of donation such as wills and bequests (often as a per cent of the estate of the
– Pooled income funds (a trust agreement in which money is transferred to the
organization’s pooled income fund directly).
– Trusts: some individuals may choose to make your programme the beneficiary
of a life insurance policy which will transfer funds on the owner’s death.
• Your programme may use some of the following fund-raising strategies:
– Personal solicitations: members of your group may approach individuals on a
one-on-one basis.
– Direct mail: this will allow you to reach a larger number of potential donors,
although less personally. (The fund-raising letter is particularly important. It
should get directly to the point and present a clear plan of action.)
– Telemarketing: like direct mail, this allows you to reach a broad number of peo-
ple with the added benefit of a phone conversation. However, it may be more
difficult to reach people as directly as mail. Calls will also need to be repeated.
– Special sponsored events: these can include awards programmes or dinners
that might include a ‘silent auction’ for donated materials.
Corporate recognition
Corporations and foundations often respond well when their company achieves
greater visibility from the donation. A ‘Corporate Giving Plan’ establishes tiers of
potential donations and might be constructed this way:
• Corporate Sponsor: $15,000 and higher.
• Corporate Benefactor: $10,000–15,000.
• Corporate Patron: $5000–10,000.
• Corporate Donor: $2500–5000.
• Corporate Contributor: up to $2500.
Appendix I
Costs Low per-person cost. Modest per-person cost. Higher per-person cost.
Appendix J
• Students should be taught not to laugh at or ridicule those who are different.
Theme: Schizophrenia. Open the Doors.
• Sample messages to police:
• Bizarre or abnormal behaviour may be a symptom of mental illness.
• When you see someone who is behaving very oddly, consider having a doctor
evaluate them or take them to the emergency room, but not to jail.
Theme: Schizophrenia. Look closer; you’ll see the human being.
Appendix K
• give enough information in the headline so that the prospect who reads it learns
Russell and Lane give the following guidelines for reviewing advertising copy:
• Develop a copy strategy: what to say and to whom.
• Does the message position the problem and its solution clearly?
• Does the message promise a benefit for the prospect?
• Does the message tie to the overall strategy?
• How strong is the execution of the ‘big’ idea? Is it bold and unexpected? Is it
visually arresting? Is it single-minded?
Kaatz (1995) presents a checklist that the team can use to review the messages it
has developed:
• Have you learnt everything you can about the problem and solution, or service,
• Have you clearly defined your target audiences and their needs?
• Have you written to your target audiences as you would to a real-life person and
not a research statistic?
• Have you promised a real benefit and backed it up with a reason why the person
will receive this benefit?
• Have you recognized that the prospect’s time is valuable by getting right to the
• Have you made certain that what you said relates to your unique challenge and
cannot be easily transferred to another?
• Have you avoided saying more than necessary?
• Have you written with excitement and enthusiasm so your prospects will say:
‘They really believe in what they are saying’?
• Have you rewarded your prospect by making it easy and fun to take time with
your message?
• Have you remembered that the message is the centre of the advertisement, and
not the advertisement itself?
Kaatz, R. (1995). Advertising and Marketing Checklists, 2nd edn. NTC Business Books.
Russell, J., Lane, W.R. (1996). Kleppner’s Advertising Procedure, 13th edn. Prentice Hall Press,
pp. 516–517.
Sissors, J. (1997). Advertising Media Planning. NTC Business Books.
Appendix II
Decreasing stigma
(Note: The following is an excerpt from Volume II of the programme
materials. The full volume is available electronically and can be
downloaded at
schizophrenia, and even the hospitals and other institutions in which those with
schizophrenia are treated.
who do not perceive the mentally ill as violent are relatively tolerant (Link et al.,
1987; Penn et al., 1994). Residential facilities for the mentally ill are better accepted
in downtown, transient districts with low social cohesion, while they are less well
accepted in single-family neighbourhoods (Trute and Segal, 1976).
A survey in England, Scotland and Wales (MORI, 1997) seemed to indicate an
improvement in public attitudes towards schizophrenia, at least with regard to
treatment possibilities and integration into the community. In this study, 59%
of those surveyed felt that schizophrenia can be treated effectively while only 10%
disagreed; only 18% said that they would not be willing to work alongside someone
with schizophrenia while 54% disagreed; 12% felt that people with schizophrenia
should live in institutions for the mentally ill, not in neighbourhood areas, while
64% disagreed; and, finally, 72% felt that, with careful support and appropriate
treatment with modern medicines, people with schizophrenia can live successfully
in the community. However, when questions about more personal issues were
posed, the public’s tolerance appears to change to a more neutral or negative
feeling, with only 13% saying they would be happy if their son or daughter was
going out with someone with schizophrenia, while 47% disagreed.
family members as pissu (crazy) and show no shame about it; tuberculosis in
Sri Lanka was more stigmatizing than mental illness (Waxler, 1977).
The lower level of stigma in parts of the developing world may be a result of
different folk-diagnostic practices. Throughout the non-industrial world, the fea-
tures of psychosis are likely to be given a supernatural explanation (e.g. people
with these symptoms may be considered the victims of witchcraft, shamans or
spiritualists (Warner, 1974)). When urban and rural Yoruba with no formal educa-
tion from Abeokuta in Nigeria were asked their opinions about profiles of mentally
ill people, only 40% of those questioned thought the person described with symp-
toms of paranoid schizophrenia was mentally ill (Erinosho and Ayonrinde 1981),
whereas nearly all Americans labelled the subject of this vignette as mentally ill
(D’Arcy and Brockman, 1976). Only a fifth of uneducated Yorubans considered
the person described with symptoms of simple schizophrenia to be mentally ill,
versus three-quarters of American respondents (D’Arcy and Brockman, 1976).
A third of the uneducated Yoruba would have been willing to marry the person
with paranoid schizophrenia and more than half would have married the per-
son with simple schizophrenia. However, when skilled workers from the area of
Benin in mid-western Nigeria were asked their opinions about someone specific-
ally labelled a ‘nervous or mad person,’ 16% thought that all such people should
be shot and 31% believed that they should be expelled from the country. These
educated Nigerians conceived of mad people as ‘senseless, unkempt, aggressive and
irresponsible’ (Binitie, 1970).
The World Health Organization (WHO) multicentre study in four developing
countries studied community attitudes using seven case vignettes in Columbia,
India, Philippines and Sudan. This study found that the community differentiated
the different disorders in terms of severity, treatability, marriagiability and desir-
ability as neighbours (Wig et al., 1980). The respondents placed greater emphasis on
external behaviour rather than internal symptoms experienced by the individual.
Indian mental health professionals have conducted many studies on the attitude
of the general public towards mental illness. Again, earlier studies found higher
levels of tolerance than in developed countries. A survey of Indian professionals
(Sathyavathi et al., 1971) found that they were willing to interact with the men-
tally ill in various aspects of life and would not feel the need to conceal the illness
of someone in their own family. Similarly, most adults in Vellore, India, when
interviewed, were sympathetic towards mental patients and accepted modern treat-
ment methods available in hospital (Verghese and Beig, 1974). The respondents
expressed optimism about the outcome of treatment, especially if provided dearly
in the course of the illness. However, nearly two-thirds of the respondents felt that
the cure could be only partial and also opposed marital alliances with families in
which there is a history of mental illness.
220 Appendix II Decreasing stigma
The authors of a WHO follow-up study of schizophrenia suggest that one of the
factors contributing to the good outcome from schizophrenia in Cali, Colombia,
is the ‘high level of tolerance of relatives and friends for symptoms of mental
disorder,’ a factor that can help the ‘readjustment to family life and work after
discharge’ (WHO, 1979). In an Indian 5-year follow-up study of persons with
schizophrenia, 80% of families preferred that the person continue to stay with the
family (ICMR, 1988). Another study found home care treatment for persons with
schizophrenia was more accepted and less disruptive for families than hospital care
(Pai and Kapur, 1983).
More recent findings, however, have shown that with increasing urbanization
and the breakdown of traditional values and social structures, there has been a
decline in tolerance for the mentally ill in industrializing parts of the developing
world. In a review of public attitudes towards mental illness in New Delhi, India,
Prabhu et al. (1984) concluded that ‘the lay public, including the educated urban
groups, are largely uninformed about the various aspects of mental health. The
mentally ill are perceived as aggressive, violent and dangerous. There is a lack of
awareness about the available facilities to treat the mentally ill and a pervasive
defeatism exists about the possible outcome after therapy. There is a tendency to
maintain social distance from the mentally ill and to reject them’.
It is clear that attitudes to the mentally ill vary from culture to culture and are
influenced by the label that is applied to the person with psychosis.
R E F E R E N C E S – A P P E N D I X II
Bentinck, C. (1967). Opinions about mental illness held by patients and relatives. Family Process,
6, 193–207.
Binitie, A.O. (1970). Attitude of educated Nigerians to psychiatric illness. Acta Psychiatrica
Scandinavica, 46, 391–398.
Brockington, I.F., Hall, P., Levings, J., et al. (1993). The community’s tolerance of the mentally
ill. British Journal of Psychiatry, 162, 93–99.
D’Arcy, C. and Brockman, J. (1976). Changing public recognition of psychiatric symptoms?
Blackfoot revisited. Journal of Health Social Behaviour, 17, 302–310.
Crumpton, E., Weinstein, A.D., Acker, C.W., et al. (1967). How patients and normals see the
mental patient. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 23, 46–49.
Erinosho, O.A. and Ayonrinde, A. (1981). Educational background and attitude to mental illness
among the Yoruba in Nigeria. Human Relations, 34, 1–12.
Giovannoni, J.M. and Ullman, L.P. (1963). Conceptions of mental health held by psychiatric
patients. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 19, 398–400.
Hall, P., Brockington, I., Eisemann, C., Madianos, M., Maj, M. (1991). “Difficult to place”
psychiatric patients. British Journal of Psychiatry, 302, 1150.
221 References
Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR). (1988). Multicentred collaborative study of factors
associated with the cause and outcome of schizophrenia. New Delhi, India: ICMR.
Lamy, R.E. (1966). Social consequences of mental illness. Journal Consulting Psychology, 30,
Link, B.G., Cullen, F.T., Frank, J., et al. (1987). The social rejection of former mental patients:
Understanding why labels matter. American Journal of Sociology, 92, 1461–1500.
Manis, M., Houts, P.S. and Blake, J.B. (1963). Beliefs about mental illness as a function of
psychiatric status and psychiatric hospitalization. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology,
67, 226–233.
Miller, D. and Dawson, W.H. (1965). Effects of stigma on re-employment of ex-mental patients.
Mental Hygiene, 49, 281–287.
MORI. (1997). Attitudes Toward Schizophrenia: A survey of public opinions. Research study
conducted by Fleishman Hillard Eli Lilly, September.
Page, S. (1980). Social responsiveness toward mental patients: the general public and others.
Canadian Journal of Psychiatry, 25, 242–246.
Pai, S. and Kapur, R.L. (1983). Evaluation of home care treatment for schizophrenic patients.
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, 67, 80–88.
Penn, D.L., Guynan, K., Daily, T., et al. (1994). Dispelling the stigma of schizophrenia: what sort
of information is best? Schizophrenia Bulletin, 20, 567–578.
Prabhu, G.C., Raghuram, A., Verma, N., et al. (1984). Public attitudes toward mental illness: a
review. NIMHANS Journal, 2, 1–14.
Rabkin, J.G. (1980). Determinants of public attitudes about mental illness: summary of the
research literature, presented at the National Institute of Mental Health Conference on Stigma
Toward the Mentally Ill, Rockville, Maryland, January 24–25.
Rin, H. and Lin, T. (1962). Mental illness among Formosan aborigines as compared with the
Chinese in Taiwan. Journal of Mental Science, 108, 134–146.
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. (1990). Public Attitudes Toward People with Chronic Mental
Illness. New Jersey, The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Program on Chronic Mental Illness,
Sathyavathi, K., Dwarki, B.R. and Murthy, H.N. (1971). Conceptions of mental health.
Transactions of All India Institute of Mental Health, 11, 37–49.
Scheper-Hughes, N. (1979). Saints, Scholars and Schizophrenics: Mental Illness in Rural Ireland.
Berkeley, University of California Press, 89.
Swanson, R.M. and Spitzer, S.P. (1970). Stigma and the psychiatric patient career. Journal of
Health Social Behaviour, 11, 44–51.
Tringo, J.L. (1970). The hierarchy of preference towards disability groups. Journal of Special
Education, 4, 295–306.
Trute, B. and Segal, S.P. (1976). Census tract predictors and the social integration of sheltered
care residents. Social Psychiatry, 11, 153–161.
Verghese, A. and Beig, A. (1974). Public attitude towards mental illness: the Vellore study. Indian
Journal of Psychiatry, 16, 8–18.
Warner, R. (1974). Recovery from Schizophrenia: Psychiatry and Political Economy, 2nd edn.
London, Routledge.
222 Appendix II Decreasing stigma
Waxler, N.E. (1977). Is mental illness cured in traditional societies? A theoretical analysis. Culture
Medicine and Psychiatry, 1, 233–253.
Wig, N.N., Suleiman, M.A., Routledge, R., et al. (1980). Community reactions to mental dis-
orders: a key informant study in three developing countries. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica,
61, 111–126.
Wolff, G. (1997). Attitudes of the media and the public. In Leff, J., ed. Care in the Community:
Illusion or Reality? New York, Wiley.
World Health Organization. (1979). Schizophrenia: An International Follow-up Study. Chichester,
England, Wiley.
Appendix III
Presentation evaluation
(Used in Calgary, Canada to assess presentations of the Partnership
We would appreciate your time in answering the following few questions about
the presentation. Your responses will help us evaluate whether we are meeting our
goals and will help us to improve our performance.
1 Has your knowledge about schizophrenia improved as a result of this
Not at all Somewhat Considerably
2 Has this presentation changed your attitude towards people with schizophrenia?
My attitude has become more positive
My attitude has not changed
My attitude has become more negative
3 Has your knowledge about other mental illnesses improved as a result of this
Not at all Somewhat Considerably
4 Has this presentation changed your attitude towards people with a mental
My attitude has become more positive
My attitude has not changed
My attitude has become more negative
5 What part of this presentation had the most benefit for you?
6 What part of this presentation would you improve?
224 Appendix III Presentation evaluation
7 Do you think that you will now act differently towards people with a mental
illness as a result of this presentation? Please explain.
8 To further help us with our analysis, will you tell us how old you are?
_____ years
9 Are you?
Male Female
10 What are the first three digits of your postal code? ____ ____ ____
Community pre/post-survey
Hello, this is (name) calling for the Calgary Regional Health Authority. We are
doing a short 10 min survey about mental health. Could I speak to someone in the
household 15 years of age or older?
In which of the following categories does your age fall? Read list
15–29 years old
30–59 years old
60 years of age or older
Male Female
Calgary area
Drumheller area
1 In the past 6 months, have you seen, read or heard any advertising or promotions
about schizophrenia?
Yes No
(1a) If yes, where did you see, read or heard the advertisement or promotions?
Do not read. Record all responses. Probe with anywhere else? (List up to three
225 Appendix III Presentation evaluation
4 Have you or someone you know ever been treated for an emotional problem or
a mental illness?
Yes No Not sure
(4a) If yes, was that … Read list
Other relation
5 Have you or someone you know ever been treated for schizophrenia?
Yes No Not sure
(5a) If yes, was that … Read list
Other relation
6 Schizophrenia can touch the lives of many people, often through close friends
or relatives, but also through work, volunteerism or life in general. To what
extent does schizophrenia affect your life? Read list
Not at all
Quite a bit
All the time, that is, you deal with it almost daily
7 To the best of your knowledge, what causes schizophrenia? Do not read. Probe
with anything else? Record all responses (List up to three responses)
Physical abnormalities in the brain
Chemical imbalance in the brain
Brain disease
Virus during pregnancy
Genetical inheritance
Other biological factor
Poor upbringing by parents
Physical abuse
Drug or alcohol abuse
227 Appendix III Presentation evaluation
9 To the best of your knowledge, what per cent of the population suffers from
schizophrenia? Round off percentage
_____ per cent
Don’t know
10 Please tell me how you would feel in each of the following situations using the
scale …
(1) Definitely (2) Probably (3) Probably not (4) Definitely not
Read each statement. Record one answer per statement.
Would you feel afraid to have a conversation with someone who has
Would you be upset or disturbed about working on the same job with
someone who has schizophrenia?
Would you be able to maintain a friendship with someone who has
228 Appendix III Presentation evaluation
Would you feel upset or disturbed about rooming with someone who has
Would you feel ashamed if people knew someone in your family has been
diagnosed with schizophrenia?
Would you marry someone with schizophrenia?
11 How would you feel about having a group home for six to eight people with
schizophrenia in your neighbourhood? Would you be … Read list
In favour
In different, that is, it doesn’t matter
Finally just a few questions to help us classify and better understand all of the
survey results.
14 What is the highest level of education you have completed? Would it be … Read
Elementary or up to and including Grade 6
Junior high or Grades 7–9
High school or Grades 10–13
College or technical school
Well, that’s the last of my questions. Thanks so much for answering this survey. We
really appreciate the time you took.
Appendix IV
ER recommendations and survey
(Includes surveys done with Alberta, Canada hospitals to evaluate
emergency room (ER) treatment on those with schizophrenia, and
recommendations submitted)
The questionnaire
The questionnaire was designed to elicit information on matters thought by the
Sub-Committee to be highly relevant to the treatment of people with schizophrenia.
These included privacy, security (for patients and staff), policies on patient rights
230 Appendix IV ER recommendations and survey
and the use of restraints, staff training in mental health and crisis manage-
ment, waiting times and patient/family satisfaction with services. Questionnaires
were completed by the respondents at their leisure and mailed or faxed to the
research team.
The responses suggest that the ERs at the Peter Lougheed Centre and the Rocky
View General Hospital have adequate rooms for the provision of secure and private
services for the mentally ill patients but the Drumheller General Hospital and the
Foothills Medical Centre do not. Upcoming planning and development activities
may improve the situation at the Foothills Medical Centre.
All the Calgary hospitals report having good access to security staff but the
Drumheller General Hospital appears to have such staff only available during
restricted hours and without ready access in any case.
Patient rights
Policies governing patient rights are formalized for all the Calgary hospitals, but
apparently not at the Drumheller General Hospital. In no case is a statement of
rights presented to patients with schizophrenia (or their families) as a matter of
course. The Peter Lougheed Centre will provide this upon patient request.
The Calgary hospitals have a policy on the use of restraints, but the opinion is
mixed among the respondents for the Drumheller General Hospital.
All the ERs in the Calgary hospitals reportedly provide onsite psychiatric staff
who had received specific training in the handling of mental health emergencies.
However, these individuals are not available at all times. For the Peter Lougheed
Centre, such staff are onsite for 60 h/week (1 week + 168 h).The figure is 112 h for
both the Rocky View General Hospital and the Foothills Medical Centre. In all
cases, specialists are on call at all times. Continuing Medical Education (CME) in
this topic area is not required, although some is offered in Calgary.
ER staff, although not always formally trained in psychiatry/mental health will
have received some expertise in the handling of mental health crises as part of
their formal education. They may be selected for this attribute by the Calgary
hospitals who also require in service in this area. However, the respondents for
the Drumheller General Hospital provided the opinion that their staff are not well
prepared. Notably, in service is not required at the Drumheller General Hospital.
231 Additional respondent comments
According to the respondents, none of the hospitals have data that would deal with
the question of whether psychiatric patients have to wait longer for services than
others, although a study is about to be conducted in Calgary. Several respondents
noted that all patients are treated equally, and there should thus be no differences.
Similarly, no data were presented that reflected client satisfaction with services.
The consensus appeared to be that no such data exists, although one respondent
noted that a number of ‘local’ studies might have been conducted in the past.
Planned improvements
The aforementioned Foothills Medical Centre planning review notwithstanding,
none of the respondents noted the existence of any firm plans to address any of the
ER issues noted above.
Among the Calgary respondents, there was a stated belief that ER psychiatry is
neglected to some degree by ‘mainstream’ psychiatry/mental health and marginal-
ized by the ER departments. The resource issue that was identified pertained to
‘backing up’ in ERs due to non-ER beds being full. One respondent pointed out
that members of her psychiatric ER team are ‘excellent’. The Drumheller General
Hospital respondents almost unanimously identified a need for more staff and
more training.
While the differences across the hospitals are important and interesting, in many
aspects, they are not the most important issue in the long run. Rather, what is
important is whether or not psychiatric patients in emergency departments are
treated appropriately. A key to this is the adoption of acceptable standards and
practices by each hospital with an ER. Perhaps the best way to achieve this is to have
suitable questions added to the accreditation process that each hospital in Alberta
is engaged in on a regular basis. To this end, preliminary discussions have been held
with the Canadian Council on Health Services Accreditation (CCHSA), which is
the accrediting body that surveys all Canadian hospitals. Furthermore, appropriate
staff from both the Drumheller and Calgary Regional Health Authorities have
requested copies of this report as an aid to their approach to future accreditation
reviews. In support of this, the items from our ER survey have been recast in the
CCHSA questionnaire format in order to facilitate this kind of use.
232 Appendix IV ER recommendations and survey
It should be noted that we received very good support and cooperation from the
ER staff at all the hospitals that we approached. They would be very interested in
feedback from us on this activity.
Thus, our recommendations are:
1 That the ER guidelines as formulated in be sent to the CCHSA for consideration
for adoption by that body and for inclusion in their survey instrument.
2 That we provide copies of our findings and recommendation to the partici-
pating ER Directors in Drumheller and Calgary, the Managers of Patient Care
for the Calgary Regional Health Authority and Health Authority #5, and the
Provincial Mental Health Advisory Board.
Prepared by
The Sub-Committee on Health Care Professionals Target Group for the Local
Advisory Committee of the WPA Global Project on Stigma and Schizophrenia
Gus Thompson, Chair
Roger Bland
Michelle Misurelli
233 Proposed summary accreditation guidelines
Marian Ewing
Beth Evans
Julio Arboleda-Flórez
Laurie Beverly
Ruth Dickson
psychiatrists see mental health professionals, Teens Talking 2 Teens competition, Canada
as target group 23–4, 25
television coverage see media coverage
radio coverage see media coverage tetralogue model 107
Romania 149–50 Togo-shiccho-sho 96
Tokachi, Japan 100
SANE Australia 139–40 Turkey 112–16
São Paulo see Brazil NGO creation 113
schizophrenia surveys 112–13
as focus of WPA programme 6–7 target groups 113–16
cultural differences between developed and consumer and family members 115
developing countries 6, 218–20 general practitioners 113–14
stigma and 216–18 general public 114–15
school children see high school students; school children and teachers 115–16
teenagers, as target group
school teachers, as target group
United Kingdom 133–7
Germany 53
findings and recommendations 135–6
Poland 91
target groups
Turkey 115–16
police officers 134
Sendai, Japan 99–100
school children 134–5
site survey guidelines 194–7
United States 80–6
see also programme site
criminal justice system 82–3
Slovakia 107–11
employers 81–2
changing the system 109
high school students 84–5
media coverage 109–10
media and the general public 84
Michalovce 107–9
Spain 35–41
approach to the public 39–40 vicious cycle of stigmatisation model 2–5
awareness 35–6 volunteer work, Greece 73–4
informational presentations 38
‘inside-out’ strategy 37, 40 World Psychiatric Association (WPA) Global
presentations to health care institutions 38 Programme against Stigma and
results 40–1 Discrimination because of
working with PR firm 39–40 Schizophrenia 1–11, 152–5
‘Starry, Starry Night’ production, Canada activities of 7–8
20–1 administrative structure 8–9
stigma 2, 215, 216–18 conceptual framework 2–5
dimensions of 159 duration of 9–10
examples of 201 evaluation of 10–11
extent of 217–18 flexibility 153–5
suggestions for anti-stigma interventions focus on schizophrenia 6–7
160 global identity 168
vicious cycle of stigmatization model 2–5 recommendations 169–71
relationship with other programmes 10
target groups 155–8 responsibility for at country level 7
selection of 184 see also programme implementation
see also specific countries and specific target guidelines
groups 153
teenagers, as target group
Austria 44 Zenkaren, Japan 95–6
Canada 21–4
see also high school students