Marxist and Liberal Theories On Property
Marxist and Liberal Theories On Property
Marxist and Liberal Theories On Property
i. Introduction
The Marxist theory understands the evolution and development of property through
and property.
iv. Conclusion
The success of property in creating social order rests in its production and safeguard.
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in the society, a property owner virtually has all the rights to a property including selling,
renting, exchanging and such like privileges without having to consult anybody.
Common types of property include real, private, intellectual and public properties but
their enforcement in law is very different. Property owners usually establish their
relationship with property through titles but some philosophers are of the opinion that
property owners establish their relationship with property through social convention
(Kilcullen 2).
benefits are derived while others consider it as a factor of production. However, most
people relate to property in different ways. This definition is what characterizes property
rights which individuals have towards ownership. Nonetheless, the right to property is
sometimes defined by the societal perception of it. In fact, this is what determines the
law to property because law defined by the kind of perception the society holds towards
interesting, despite the various ways of analyzing property, is the fact that people tend
to lose their control of property if the society’s perception towards the property, what is
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This study analyzes the origins and evolution of property and how they are
evaluated from the Marxist and liberalist points of views. The Marxist theory is
while the liberal theory majors on the equality and inequalities of property rights. These
through society’s level of materialism. More or less, this is the kind of relationship
people usually have towards each another while trying to fulfill their material needs and
wants. This may involve the need to supplement daily needs like clothing, food, shelter
and the likes. Proponents of the Marxist theory, therefore, view property as a factor of
other words, according to the Marxist theory, private property is a productive resource
which has returns to the owner. Such can be equated to the ownership of slaves
because slaves have a profit element to them, which is service or labor to the master.
With the above facts as its framework, the Marxist theory categorizes the origin and the
First, the Marxist theory identifies the communal sharing of property as one of the
first stages to property ownership. This was identified as one of the most primitive form
450). This stage of property ownership can be attributed to the first stages of humanity
and communal living which was preferred to personalization of resources. This type of
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system, however, succeeded because there was a dismal population in the world at the
time and the survival of humanity largely depended upon the nature. During this time, a
man lived like an animal and he had not devised the ways of making the environment
cattle and even slaves. This new age marked the second step in the Marxist theory
because from here onwards, class differentials set in. Private property later started
becoming quite popular. Class differentials first developed from the ownership of slaves
because there was the class of people who owned slaves while the slaves formed
another lower class of people altogether. This was among the earliest forms of private
property (Bottomore 450). Also, during this time, the state developed and its systems
were more puppet-like because they were used by the elite to justify their actions and
control their property (slaves). Also, at the same time, a man learnt the art of controlling
large-scale farming. This was also another level of private property development.
When all these developments were taking place, democracy and authoritarianism
was also taking shape but they represented different opposites. Democracy evolved out
failure of democracy to take shape (Bottomore 450). With the advent of private property,
citizens were noted to have a lot of land in their possession when compared to public
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The elite of the society who owned slaves as their secondary property also had a
lot of land in their possession as a primary source of property (where the slaves
worked). This population group, therefore, established its source of production and
created wealth, although a greater majority of the population had nothing in terms of
property. Those who never had any form of property majorly included slaves and
sometimes, they were forced to work for meager or no pay at all. Also, a greater
majority of this population group included women who never had much regard in the
society back then (Smith 250). Slave ownership as a major form of property is analyzed
by the Marxist theory as a system that exhausted itself until its collapse. In fact, there
was an increasing need by the ruling class to acquire more slaves which caused a lot of
problems in the society in controlling the vast empires that consequently arose. Such
was the case with the Roman Empire. In this manner, aristocracy was born and a new
This point outlines the third stage in property development which was widely
known as feudalism. This system was especially noted in the European Dark Age which
hereditary classes, and nation states (Bottomore 452). This period saw the aristocratic
rise to power of individuals through monarchs or intermarriages and also the rise of
religion to control most aspects of economics, social and political compositions of the
society. At the same time, the hereditary class system developed and it retained wealth
and property within specific classes (such was the case with India). Later fallen states
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transitioned into nation-states, like the in the case of England which transitioned from a
province to an empire.
During this period of feudalism, there developed different types of classes in the
society and the top most people were referred to as Lords, Kings, Serfs and the Likes,
but the lowest people were in the slave class (although there was another social class
slightly above the slave population). As the society adopted these new class structures,
the level of trade between nations-states also surged and a new type of class (merchant
class) was formed (Bottomore 452). With the growth of the merchant class, the
capitalistic system developed; still within the feudal system, conflicts started to emerge
within the aristocratic system. These conflicts were primarily brought about by the
development of the capitalistic system which threatened the position of the later ruling
class. Other concerns were not necessarily tied up to property, money or power. The
motive to make property is the main characteristic of the capitalistic society but its goal
of profit making is limited to a significant degree by the feudal system. For instance, the
serf class could not advance into another class and become merchants because their
role was primarily to work on the land. From this point, the Marx theory notes that since
the capitalistic system was restrained from fully achieving its potential (making profit),
there was a series of social revolutions which ensued. This encompassed the French
revolution, the English Civil War and the Glorious revolution (Bottomore 454).
From this point onwards, the Marxist theory notes that capitalism took a deep
approach afterwards. This is where the bulk of the Marxist theory centers on because
the theory thoroughly explores the system by which capitalism developed. Also,
capitalism marks the fourth process in the evolution of property because it is the system
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that followed the feudal system. In the capitalistic system, private property is no longer
in the hands of the monarchs or the Lords who used to hold on to power in the feudal
system but in the hands of capitalists. The capitalists, therefore, hold the power of
property as a means of production but they operate in a free market economy where
market forces determine the power of property. Many economists argue that a high level
of government involvement in this system may prove disastrous in the long run
(Bottomore 456).
exertion of influence and authority over people who relate to the factors of production at
a lower level. The Marxist theory identifies that capitalists are always under the urge to
exert their influence in the society and their possession of property is one way to do so
(Bottomore 455). Through their control of property, they can control the state and exert
their influence on others. However, the existence of financial institutions reduces the
influence of capitalists through private property because banks are in the position of
taking large amounts of unused capital and advancing them to poor people in form of
mortgages. The poor can, therefore, have an opportunity to own property just the same
way the rich do. This is a way in which banks and financial lenders are able to improve
the class mobility. However, the Marxist theory purports that in as much as banks and
financial securities increase class mobility, the drive to make more profits is likely to see
In the capitalistic system, property is the tool to which capitalists use to make
profit and exert influence over others while people work for the factor of production
(land) to make a living (wages). The power of capitalists through the control of property
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can then be safeguarded through legislations which are also in the control of capitalists
to protect their wealth (property). A change in tax policy is one way through which the
rich are able to safeguard their wealth. However, the current systems in place, under the
necessarily prevent a universal suffrage. In fact, for a long time, the capitalists have
used the law to exclude a section of people in the society from having access to
property. The population groups which have historically fallen victim to capitalists are
women, children, colored people, poor people and other marginalized groups (Smith
215). In this kind of system, therefore, it is apparently clear that the government works
first place.
However, in as much as the Marxist theory derives its authenticity from capitalism
systems, it goes without saying that capitalism can also lead to its own downfall. This
happens because capitalism created a new class of working class people whom it made
a profit out of, depending on the relationship with the factors of production. However, the
working class has forced capitalists to lower their profit levels through an increase in
competition and this has created class conflict. Nonetheless, the Marxist theory does
not outline how the working class is able to achieve a state of class-consciousness but
some scholars have noted that they are able to achieve this through suffering in the
hands of capitalists (Bottomore 454). Such sort of resistance can potentially lead to the
emergence of revolutions against capitalism and often, this is expected in the third world
countries. Nonetheless, we can deduce the fact that since most capitalists hold
property, property rights are entitled to them, but the current social consciousness
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demands a transition of these rights so that other people can also control property. If
analyzed critically, this is one of the elements for socialism and it may mark the end of
If the working class is able to cover ground, to the disadvantage of the capitalists,
has been potentially divided into two phases of socialism and stateless communism
capitalism while stateless communism may be achieved when capitalism has already
died. This will be the period when property is communal. However, by property being
communal, it does not mean that property will be controlled by all, it means that property
will be in the hands of the working class. This will be the new dawn of the democratic
communities because they will now own property as a factor of production (Bottomore
The liberalist view on property is largely based on the principles of John Locke
and Thomas Hobbes who were advanced in the 17 th century (Zucker 27). According to
the liberal view, the existence of government is motivated by the goal of protecting
personal security and property. This function of the government is very important
according to the liberal view because without the protection of property, productive
benefits derived from property would not be worthwhile. In other words, the government
prevents an individual from unlawfully taking someone else’s property without their
consent or taking someone hostage to work as a slave. Everyone is, therefore, a danger
to each other (Zucker 27). Property can never produce returns if people believe that the
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benefits to be derived from it can be potentially taken away. However, the liberalist
theory does not just single out the need to protect productive labor only because it
identifies that people also have to work to stay alive and more work is needed if one
protecting property, property would be of no use at all. Life would also seize to be good.
“In such conditions, there is no place for industry, because the fruit thereof is
uncertain; and consequently no culture of the Earth, neither navigation nor use of
the face of the Earth; no account of time; no arts, no letters; no society [human
companionship]; and (which is worst of all) continued fear and danger of violent
death, and the life of man solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short”.
makes survival possible because it protects the right of people to own property and
indeed even other resources. With this analysis as the framework, the liberal theory
does not, therefore, see how universal suffrage cannot be possible as advanced by the
Marxist theory because the government will protect everyone equally. In the same
manner, civilization can also be realized by all and the well being of the society will also
property did not necessarily mean the safeguard of property to which a person worked
for (Kilcullen 2). The system back then stipulated that since people were employees, the
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fruits of their labor were subjected to their employers’ ownership (Kilcullen 2). However,
proponents of the liberal theory note that this is not essentially true or fair because even
the right of the employer to claim what the employee produces is derived out of the
virtue of owning what one produces (Kilcullen 2). The only way they could, therefore,
own what the employees produced was through voluntary consent because employees
were at liberty of giving away their property or do anything with it. However, inequality is
likely to be created because people have different capabilities in production while others
are in a better position of acquiring more property through gifts or rewards. In this
manner, some people may accumulate so much property that some people would find it
justifiable to work for such people. The liberalists, however, note that the right of the
employer to own property is only derived from his/her privilege in controlling the gifts or
rewards accumulated and this includes voluntary exchange of property, from workers
his/her property. This is the principle which according to liberalists, the free trade thrives
These factors withstanding, the liberalists were always afraid that with the advent
of democracy, people would not respect the right of the employer to own property, just
like other people (Kilcullen 4). This fear came out of the observation by liberalists that
people were sometimes shortsighted and they would never understand the fact that
employers also had a right to own property. Partially, they attributed this observation to
people’s ignorance, hunger and the strong perception among many people that the
property of the rich should be confiscated and distributed to the poor. The liberalists
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noted that if this were allowed to happen, it would spell disaster to a lot of people and
indeed the society at large (Kilcullen 4). The accumulation of capital would consequently
decrease because people who would have the capability to do so would be discouraged
out of it by socialism. In turn, people would starve or be unable to fend for themselves
because a lack of adequate capital would mean that there would not be enough for
everyone to survive. This is the reason why the liberalists emphasize a lot on the
Political economists also came up with the principle that when input is doubled,
there was no way the same level of double output can be achieved. They, therefore,
noted that if the input were tripled, the output would be less than triple (Kilcullen 4). This
outlined the principle of diminished returns. Its relevance is that it requires more capital
per head in the society for enough capital to be accumulated for everyone’s comfort. If
those who have accumulated a lot of capital, then some people would starve. Kilcullen
gives an example that “millions of human beings crowded in a narrow space, deprived
of all those resources which alone had made it possible for them to exist in so a narrow
space" (9).
Capital accumulation is, therefore, very important for everyone in the society
including the rich and the poor but more so, for the poor. The burden of tax on the poor
must therefore be reduced while taxation should also be kept at operable minimums.
Attempts to artificially increase wages should also be totally discouraged. This is true
because if wages were allowed to artificially increase, property ownership would shift
and the prices to own assets would be unreasonable. Unemployment among other
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social unrests would also set in. This is also a part of the reason why proponents of the
liberal theory have been against the existence of trade unions because they often
free exchange of labor between employers and employees (Kilcullen 6). However,
political economists note that this attempt will not reduce the inequalities in property
ownership. Instead, they advance the fact that the working class population needs to be
To a great extent, the liberalists propose that property needs to be protected from
shortsighted people because it is in the great interest of the majority that this is done.
“Since men usually do what they like, often being perfectly aware that it is not for
their ultimate interest, still more often that it is not for the interest of their
posterity; and when they do believe that the object they are seeking is
permanently good for them, almost always overrating its value; it is necessary to
consider, not the permanent interest, but the immediate interests and habitual
feelings that are likely to be most in accordance with the end we seek to obtain”.
(Kilcullen 10).
With a lack of clear foresight among most people, Mill, therefore, proposes that
even if there was a common institution which was to oversee justice to all, and people
did not appreciate its role, it would be more prudent to give political power to the few
who owned property so they might protect themselves from the majority (Kilcullen 10).
This has been the main argument why the liberalists are against the democratization of
democratization policy obviously belonged to those few people who owned a lot of
property and they were possibly acting selfishly. However, it is also important to
understand that the institutions they were protecting were to serve the interests of
everyone and not just a given group or class in the society. The protection was also
against only short sighted people in the society who never realized that their interests
were interestingly very similar to the rich or the people who were in possession of a lot
of property.
limitless for all people because it is a part of their liberal right (Francione 45). This
system is also the best way to create wealth to all people in the society according to the
liberalists. Through the liberty to be given to the people, many will be motivated by the
property and given the right conditions; many will find it easy to derive a lot of benefits
from it. To create a friendly environment, the movement and security of property ought
to be guaranteed. For this system to work as well, the level of government regulation
In contemporary policy debates, both the Marxist and liberal theories apply to a
significant extent. The Marxist theory identifies that property moved from the socialist
system to capitalistic systems because of the creation of class barriers. In this regard,
we can be able to deduce the fact that property perpetrates the class differentials and it
majorly serves the wishes of the rich. Also, property seems to be an agent of influence
to which property owners derive their control from. This changes the perception of
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property because in as much as we can see its benefit to other people in the society, it
through which the rich keep to themselves and safeguard it through existing laws as
Marx advances. Since property ownership seems to be the key to class progression,
according to the Marxist theory, this concept should be applied to contemporary debates
about property because it is the key to a just society where people of all classes can get
an opportunity to own property. One way of doing so is through the support of financial
institutions which collects unused money especially from the rich and advances it to the
poor so they may also have the opportunity of controlling property and improving their
status. Secondly, a policy change can be advanced through the tax system where the
poor can be taxed less than the rich to empower them more. However, this needs to be
done with tact so that the fears advanced by the liberalists of infringement of property
rights are not witnessed. This system is likely to transfer property rights from oppressive
capitalistic systems to a more social and fair manner of property ownership. In fact,
according to Marx’s evolution of property, this will be the next frontier after the
capitalistic system.
However, as all these factors are being observed, the liberalist theory warns
against a lack of safeguard to private property which also needs to be enhanced or else,
capital creation may fail altogether and massive poverty is created. The liberal theory
can, therefore, contribute to contemporary policy making; in that, certain policies need
This will also safeguard property rights. Nonetheless, the power of free will is also
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brought to fore and the policy planners should acknowledge the importance of
properties. The success of property policies in creating social order, therefore, rests in
Works Cited
1991. Print.
Francione, Lawrence. Animals, Property, and the Law. Temple: Temple University
Smith, Barbara. The Reader's Companion to U.S. Women's History. London: Houghton
2003. Print.