Applied Thermal Engineering: Orhan Ayd In, Burak Markal, Mete Avc I
Applied Thermal Engineering: Orhan Ayd In, Burak Markal, Mete Avc I
Applied Thermal Engineering: Orhan Ayd In, Burak Markal, Mete Avc I
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: In this study, a new geometry is introduced for the cold end side (i.e. where the swirl flow is introduced
Received 30 March 2010 into the tube), which is called ‘helical swirl flow generator’. Effect of the helical length of the swirl flow
Accepted 24 June 2010 generator on the performance of the vortex tube are investigated for varying values of other geometrical
parameters as a function of the cold mass fraction, yc. Finally, it’s disclosed that the effect of the helical
length on the performance changes critically according to the value of L/D.
Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
RanqueeHilsch vortex tube
Vortex tube
Energy separation
Helical swirl flow generator
1359-4311/$ e see front matter Ó 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2506 O. Aydın et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2505e2511
2 2
P P 8
5 6
1 3
1. Compressor 12 7
2. Pressure gauge
3. Air tank
4. Valve 14 9
5. Dehumidifier
6. Pressure regulator P 10
7. Thermocouple 11 7
8. Rotameter
9. Conical valve
10. Tube 8
11. Digital manometer
12. Inlet nozzle
13. Hot end nozzle (hot exit)
14. Cold exit
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of the helical vortex generator (a) control valve (b).
The compressed working fluid supplied from the compressor (1) there is a digital manometer (11). The pressure of cold air leaving
passes through the air tank (3) and the dehumidifier (5). After the from the vortex tube is measured using this manometer. Volu-
dehumidifier, it passes through a pressure regulator (6) where its metric flow rate values are then calculated. The characteristics and
pressure is adjusted to desired level by reading from pressure gauge uncertainties of the measurement instruments are given in Table 1.
(2). Before the working fluid enters the test section (from inlet The experiments are performed in a tube (10) with inner diam-
nozzle, 12) tangentially, its temperature is measured with ther- eter of 10 mm made of plexiglass. Outer surface of the tube is
mocouples (7). By moving the conical valve (9), mass flow rate of covered with an insulating material to prevent heat loss to the
the working fluid in the cold (14) and hot exits (13) can be adjusted. environment. The inlet nozzle, the outlet nozzle and the helical swirl
Outside of the hot and cold exits, temperature of the working fluid flow generator are made of brass. The inlet, cold end and hot end
is measured by thermocouples which are located 1 cm beyond chambers are made of delrin. Various values of the lengthediameter
exits. Volumetric flow rate of fluid is gauged by rotameters (8) ratio (L/D) and the length of the helical swirl flow generators are
which are located outside of the both exits. Also, out of the cold exit, tested to investigate their interactive effects comparatively. Then
optimization is sought over these results. The effect of these
geometrical parameters is investigated in three different values of
the inlet pressure: 3, 4 and 5 bar (absolute). In the experiments, inner
Pi = 3bar h = 10mm
diameters of the inlet nozzle (din) and hot end nozzle (dhot) are 5 mm
60 Pi = 4bar L/D = 30
and kept constant. Diameter of the cold exit equals inner diameter of
Pi = 5bar φ = 30o helical swirl flow generator (d) and is 4 mm. An exploded view of
Temperature difference (oC)
vortex tube tested are shown in Fig. 3.
The parameters mentioned above are examined for varying the
gas inlet pressure and the cold mass fraction.
The cold mass fraction is defined as follows:
20 yc ¼ (1)
ΔTh where m _ c represents the mass flow rate of the cold stream released,
while m_ t represents the inlet or the total mass flow rate. For every
0 different configuration, the temperature values just before the inlet
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
nozzle and just after the outlet nozzles are measured for any value
Cold mass fraction, yc
of the cold mass fraction tested.
Fig. 5. Temperature differences DTh and DTc as functions of cold mass fraction, yc, for
The performance of the vortex tube is marked by cooling effect
different inlet pressures at h ¼ 10 mm, L/D ¼ 30. (DTc) and heating effect (DTh) [4], which are defined as follows:
2508 O. Aydın et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2505e2511
Fig. 6. Temperature differences DTh and DTc as functions of cold mass fraction, yc, for different values of L/D in different pressures for h ¼ 10 mm (a) and h ¼ 30 mm (b).
of the helical vortex generator and the control valve are given in
DTc ¼ Ti Tc (2) Fig. 4 a and b, respectively.
To calculate the cooling efficiency of the vortex tube, the prin-
DTh ¼ Th Ti (3) ciple of adiabatic expansion of ideal gas is used. As the air flows into
the vortex tube, the expansion in isentropic process occurs [3]. The
Summing Eqs. (2) and (3), the total temperature difference
isentropic efficiency can be written as follows:
(DT ¼ DTc þ DTh) is obtained as in the following:
DT ¼ Th Tc (4) Ti Tc
his ¼ (5)
Each of the helical swirl flow generators is designed in different Ti 1 ppai k
length but in the same helical pitch (one pitch). Schematic diagram
O. Aydın et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2505e2511 2509
Fig. 7. Temperature differences DTh and DTc as functions of cold mass fraction, yc, for different values of helical vortex generator length, h, at different pressures for L/D ¼ 30 (a) and
L/D ¼ 10 (b).
where, Pi, Pa and k are the inlet air pressure, the environment where, Q_ c is the thermal power in point of cooling side and can be
pressure and the specific heat ratio, respectively. defined as follows:
The vortex tube can be considered as both a cooling machine _
and a heat pump. The efficiency of a cooling machine can be Q_ c ¼ m
_ c cp ðTi TÞc (7)
expressed in terms of coefficient of performance (COP) [23] and it is Wm is the required mechanical energy to supply cooling or heating.
defined as follows: Since compressed air has been used in this experiment, the input
power can be found as follows [11].
Q_ c
COPCM ¼ (6) _m ¼ m P
_ m W _ i RTi ln i (8)
W Pc
2510 O. Aydın et al. / Applied Thermal Engineering 30 (2010) 2505e2511
60 Using Eq. (7) and Eq. (8) in Eq. (6) and rearranging the expres-
h = 10mm = 30 sion, Eq. (9) can be obtained:
h = 15mm L/D = 30
50 h = 20mm
Pi = 3bar 1 yc ðTi Tc Þ
h = 25mm COPCM ¼ (9)
h = 30mm G T ln Pi
i Pc
expressed as follows:
20 1 ð1 yc ÞðTh Ti Þ
COPHP ¼ (10)
G Ti ln PPci
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