Family Budget
Family Budget
Family Budget
Avoid Family Conflict
Finances are a common source of conflict between couples, often because their spending styles
differ or they're at odds over managing debt. Creating a budget starts you on the same page by
giving you an objective view of how much money is coming in and how much is going out.
Knowing where you stand is the first step toward reaching an agreement about how to
manage your finances with the resources at hand.
4. If the members of the family do not co-operate with the home maker, the
budget is becoming a failure.
5. The housewife becomes tensed when her plan of budget cannot work
B. Surplus budget:
In this budget, the income is more than the expenditure. The family is able to
save more in this budget.
C. Balanced budget:
This is a good budget. In this budget, income and expenditure are equal and
the estimated income meets the estimated expenditure.
The first step in creating a budget is to identify the amount of money you have
coming in. Keep in mind, however, that it’s easy to overestimate what you can afford
if you think of your total salary as what you have to spend. Remember to subtract
your deductions, such as for Social Security, taxes, 401(k) and flexible spending
account allocations,
It’s helpful to keep track of and categorize your spending so you know where you
can make adjustments. Doing so will help you identify what you are spending the
most money on and where it might be easiest to cut back.
Before you start sifting through the information you’ve tracked, make a list of all the
financial goals you want to accomplish in the short-and long-term. Short-term goals
should take no longer than a year to achieve. Long-term goals, such as saving for
retirement or your child’s education, may take years to reach. Remember, your
goals don’t have to be set in stone, but identifying your priorities before you start
planning a budget will help.
Step 4: Make a plan
Use the variable and fixed expenses you compiled to help you get a sense of what
you’ll spend in the coming months. With your fixed expenses, you can predict fairly
accurately how much you’ll have to budget for. Use your past spending habits as a
guide when trying to predict your variable expenses
Fuel 54.00 6%
Lighting 18.00 2%
Children’s 36.00 4%
Miscellaneous 36.00 4%
Total Rs. 900.00 100%