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Annex, Circulars, Definitions

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1) Annex 1--personnel licensing

2) Annex 2--rules of air

3) Annex 3--meterological service for international air navigation

4) Annex 4--aeronautical charts

5) Annex 5--units at measurements to be used at air and ground operations

6) Annex 6--operation of aircraft

7) Annex 7--aircraft nationality and registration marking

8) Annex 8--airworthy of aircraft

9) Annex 9--facilitation

10) Annex 10--aeronautical termination

11) Annex 11--air traffic service

12) Annex 12--research and rescue

13) Annex 13--aircraft incident and accident investigation

14) Annex 14--aerodrome

15) Annex 15--aeronautical information circular

16) Annex 16--environmental protection

17) Annex 17--rescue

18) Annex18--the safe transport of aviation goods

19) Annex 19--safety management


1) Rule 2--nationality of aircraft

2) Rule 4--use and operation of aircraft

3) Rule 5--registration and nationality registration marking

4) Rule 5A--prohibeted areas

5) Rule 6--licensing of personnel

6) Rule 7--documents to be carried on board

7) Rule 7B--carriage or cockpit check list

8) Rule 9--radio telegraph apparatus

9) Rule 12--prohibited areas

10) Rule 15--conditions to be compiled with by aircraft in flight

11) Rule 17--production of licenses

12) Rule 19--cancelation,suspension or endorsement of licenses,certification,approval

and authorisation

13) Rule 25--smoking in the aircraft

14) Rule 25A--fueling of aircraft

15) Rule 25B--housing of aircraft

16) Rule 26--droping of articles and decent by parachutes

17) Rule 29--acts likely to imperial the safety of aircraft

18) Rule 29B--prohobation of portable electronic devices

19) Rule 29D--safety management system

20) Rule 30--certificate of registration

21) Rule (1)30-temorary certification of registration

22) Rule 31--nature of application

23) Rule 32--aircraft imported by air

24) Rule 33--change of ownership

25) Rule 34--aircrafts destroyed or withdrawn permanently from use

26) Rule 35--fees for registration of aircraft

27) Rule 36--register of aircraft

28) Rule 37--nationality and registration markings how to be affixed

29) Rule 37A--use of state marks

30) Rule 42--licenses and renewal

31) Rule 44--aircrafts not registered in India

32) Rule 45--validation of foreign licenses

33) Rule 47--minimum age of holding license

34) Rule 47A--minimum education qualification to hold license

35) Rule 48--fees and charges for examinations and tests

36) Rule 49--type certification of aircraft,component and item of equipment,design or

manufactured in India and issue of type certificate

37) Rule 49A--issue of type certification of aircraft,component and item of equipment

imported in India

38) Rule 49B--validation of type certificate of aircraft,component and item of

equipment imported in India

39) Rule 49C--type certificate of aircraft categories

40) Rule 49D--suspension,cancellation or endorsement of type certificate

41) Rule 49E--recognition of type certificate of an aeronautical product by a

contraction state

42) Rule 49F--issue of supplemental type certificate in respect of an aeronautical


43) Rule 49G--recognition of supplemental type certificate by a contracting state

44) Rule 49H--regulation and control of aircraft components and item of equipments

45) Rule 50--certification of airworthiness

46) Rule (6)50--CofA is not in force until valid ARC is present

47) Rule 51--flight manual

48) Rule 52--modification and repair

49) Rule 53--use of material,process,parts and periodical overhaul of aircraft

50) Rule 53A--manufacture,distribution and storage of aircraft

51) Rule 54--persons authorized to certify

52) Rule 55--suspension or cancellation of CofA

53) Rule (3)55--no aircraft shall be flown if CofA is suspended

54) Rule (4)55--special flight permit

55) Rule 56--indian aircraft operating outside india

56) Rule 57--instruments and equipment fitted on aircraft

57) Rule 58--weight and balance

58) Rule 59--defects and defective parts

59) Rule 59A--defects and defective parts in foreign aircraft

60) Rule 60--maitenance standards and certification

61) Rule (5)60--minimum equipment list

62) Rule 61--lisencing aircraft maintenance engineers

63) Rule 61A--validationof foreign aircraft maintenance engineers

64) Rule 62--fees for license

65) Rule 63--aircraft for which radio apparatus is obligatory

66) Rule 64--suspension of rules

67) Rule 65--aeronautical beacon and landing lights

68) Rule 66--false light

69) Rule 67--log books to be carried on board

70) Rule 67A--log books of flight crew personnel

71) Rule 67AA--log books of aircraft maintenance personnel

72) Rule 67B--destruction,mutilation etc of any entry in log book

73) Rule 68--notification of accidents

74) Rule 69--report on accidents

75) Rule 70--removal and preservation of damaged aircraft

76) Rule 77B--notififation of incidents

77) Rule 77C--investigation of incidents

78) Rule 133A--directions by DGCA

79) Rule 133B--approved organizations

80) Rule 133C--fees for approved organizations

81) Rule 134--schedule air transport service

82) Rule 134A--non-schedule air transport service

83) Rule 134B--aerial work

84) Rule 134C--fees for non schedule operation permit

85) Rule 140--minimum requirements to be compiled by the operator

86) Rule 140B--operation manual

87) Rule 140C--route guides

88) Rule 155--private aircraft owner

89) Rule 155A--operator of approved maintenance organization


1) CA Form 1---authorized release certificate

2) CA Form 2 -- Application for initial, variation renewal for AMO (CAR145)

3) CA Form 3--maintenance organization approval

4) CA Form 4--Application Format for Nominating Post Holders

5) CA Form 6--Approval Recommendation Report (Appendix VI) shall be used for

grant/ change/ continuation to a maintenance organisation approval.

6) CA Form 12--Application for Initial/Change of Approval

7) CA Form 15--airworthiness review certificate

8) CA Form 19-01--Application for Initial Issue of CAR- 66 Aircraft Maintenance

Engineer’s Licence

9) CA Form 19-02 --Application for Extension of CAR- 66 Aircraft Maintenance

Engineer’s Licence

10) CA Form 19-03--Application for Renewal of CAR- 66 Aircraft Maintenance

Engineer’s Licence

11) CA Form 19-04--Application for Conversion/ Removal of Limitations of CAR- 66

Aircraft Maintenance Engineer’s Licence

12) CA Form 19-05--Application for Issue of Duplicate CAR- 66 Aircraft

Maintenance Engineer’s Licence

13) CA Form 19-06 --Medical Certificate

14) CA Form 19-07--Application for allottment of Computer No. for appearing in

AME licence Examinations

15) CA Form 19-08A--Application for appearing in written Paper(s) of CAR 66

Basic Knowledge Examination

16) CA Form 19-08B--Application for appearing in CAR 66 Type Examination

17) CA Form 19-09 --Application for appearing in skill test of CAR 66 AME Licence

18) CA Form 19-10 --Format of Aircraft Maintenance Engineer Work Record/ Log

19) CA Form 19-11--application for issue of Basic Knowledge Examination Certificate

20) CA Form 20--Permit to Fly

21) CA Form 21--Flight conditions for a Permit to Fly – Approval Form

22) CA Form 22--Approval Recommendation Report

23) CA Form 23--Certificate of Airworthiness

24) CA Form 24--Restricted Certificate of Airworthiness

25) CA Form 25--issue of certificate of airworthiness

26) CA Form 28--Application for Registration of Aircraft

27) CA Form 30--Application for Type Certificate (TC)/ Restricted Type Certificate
28) CA Form-31--Application for Approval of Major Change / Major Repair Design

29) CA Form-32--Application for Approval of Minor Change / Minor Repair Design

30) CA Form 33--Application for Approval of Supplemental Type Certificate (STC)

31) CA Form-34--Application for Indian Technical Standard Order Authorisation


32) CA form-35--Statement of Compliance for Indian Technical Standard Order

Authorisation (ITSOA)

29) CA Form 45--Noise Certificate

30) CA Form 2006-1--Application for Issue of Noise Certificate

31) CA Form 45A--Noise Certificate

32) CA Form 2006-1A--Application for Issue of Noise Certificate

33) CA Form 50--Application for production organisation approval under CAR

21,Subpart G

34) CA Form 51--Application for significant changes or variation of scope and terms
of Production Organization Approval under CAR 21, Subpart G

35) CA Form 52--Aircraft Statement of Conformity

36) CA Form 53--Certificate of Release to Service

37) CA Form 55--Production Organisation Approval Certificate

38) CA Form 60--Application for agreement of production under CAR 21 Subpart F

39) CA Form 65--Production without POA, Letter of Agreement

40) CA Form 80A--Application for Design Organisation Approval (DOA) / renewal of

DOA under CAR 21, Subpart JA

41) CA Form 80B--Application for Design Organisation Approval (DOA) / renewal of

DOA under CAR 21, Subpart JB

42) CA Form 81--Application for Alternative Procedures to Design Organisation

Approval (ADOA)

43) CA Form 82A--Application for Significant Changes to Design Organisation

Approval (DOA) under CAR 21, Subpart JA

44) CA Form 82B--Application for Significant Changes to Design Organisation

Approval (DOA) under CAR 21, Subpart JB

1) AAC 6 of 1998-- Grant of approval to Foreign Flight Engineer's Licence

2) AAC 7 of 1998 - Guidelines for procuring parts manufactured by parts manufacturing
approval holders (PMA)

3) AAC 3 of 2000 - Good Maintenance Practice

4) AAC 6 of 2000 - Handling of Electrostatic devices.
5) AAC 8 of 2000 - Refresher training for AME licence/ Approval & Certificate of Competency
6) AAC 3 of 2001 - Banner Towing Operations
7) AAC 4 of 2001 - Reserved
8) AAC 5 of 2001 - Engineering Statistics Report

9) AAC 4 of 2003 - Return to Service of Aircraft Items - Recovered from aircraft involved in
Accidents/ Incidents.

10) AAC 2 of 2004 - Routine Readout and maintenance of FDR/DFDR units installed on
11) AAC 3 of 2004 - Routine readout and maintenance of CVR Units installed on aircraft

12) AAC 3 of 2006 - Authenticity and Serviceability of Aircraft Parts

13) AAC 4 of 2006 - Airworthiness Approvals for Exports

14) AAC 2 of 2007 - Certification of transit inspection of an aircraft by other organisations.

15) AAC 2 of 2011 - Categorization of Surveillance/ Audit findings.

16) AAC 1 of 2012- Duty Time Limitation – Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (AMP)
17) AAC 2 of 2012 - Maintenance of aircraft under CAR 145 approval and availability of
certifying staff

18) AAC 3 of 2013- EDTO Airworthiness Approval

19) AAC 4 of 2013 - Engine oil loss due to damage of 'O' ring of oil cap.
20) AAC 5 of 2013 - Validity of Certification Authorisation and AME license

21) AAC 1 of 2015 - Coding and Registration of ELTs

22) AAC 1 of 2016 - Check List of Current Airworthiness Advisory Circulars

23) AAC 2 of 2016 - Import/Export of Aircraft Spares, Items of Equipment etc. for use on
24) AAC 3 of 2016 - Direct Approval of Aircraft Maintenance Type Training
25) AAC 1 of 2017 - Procedure for approval of Modification and Repair


1)"Cockpit Check list" means a list containing items of inspection/action to be performed

by the flight crew, in the order as listed, and in the circumstances as indicated for ensuring safe
operation of aircraft.

2)"Emergency Check List" means a list containing items of action to be performed by

the flight crew in the order as listed, whenever emergent situations develop in flight on account
of failure/malfunction of aircraft systems/components and requiring extra alertness on the part
of flight crew, for ensuring safe operation of aircraft.

3)“Electronic Checklist (ECL)” means checklist that is displayed to the flight crew by
means of some electronic device. Cockpit and emergency checklists may be presented in an ECL

4)”Aircraft component”means any part, the soundness and correct functioning of which,
when fitted on an aircraft, is essential to the continued airworthiness or safety of the aircraft,
or its occupants

5)”Defect”means a condition existing in an aircraft (including its systems) or aircraft

component another aircraft component from performing their intended functions or would
reduce the expected service life of the aircraft or aircraft component.

6)”Major Defect” means a defect of such nature that reduces the safety of the aircraft or
its occupants and includes defects discovered as a result of the occurrence of any emergency or
in the course of normal operation of maintenance.

7)”Repetitive Defect”means a defect in an aircraft (including its components and

systems) which recurs, inspite of rectification attempt, on the same aircraft.
8)”Maintenance” means the performance of tasks required to ensure the continuing
airworthiness of an aircraft including any one or combination of overhaul, inspection,
replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of a modification or repair.

9)”Repair”means the restoration of an Aeronautical product to an airworthy condition to

ensure that the aircraft continues to comply with the design aspects of the appropriate
airworthiness requirements used for the issuance of the Type Certificate for the respective
aircraft type, after it has been damaged or subjected to wear.

10)”Major Repair” means a design change that is intended to restore an aeronautical

product to an airworthy condition.

11)”Minor Repair” means a repair other than a major repair.

12)”Operator”means a person, organisation or enterprise engaged in or offering to engage

in aircraft operation

13)”Scheduled Operator”means an aircraft operator which operates its fleet, whole or

part of it, as per a published schedule.

14)”Approved Organization (AO)” means an organization approved by DGCA engaged

in manufacture, maintenance, processing, testing, storage and distribution of civil aircraft,
aircraft components, items of equipment, aircraft goods and Training School.

15)”Approved Maintenance Organization (AMO)” means an organization

approved by DGCA in Category “C”

16)”Aircraft Fleet” means minimum Three aircraft of a particular type / Model shall
constitute a fleet for the purpose of this CAR.

17)”Accountable Manager” is the manager who has corporate authority for ensuring
that all tasks as per the scope of approval of the approved organization can be financed and
carried out to the standard required by DGCA.
18)”Aircraft Goods “means aircraft components or materials, including paints, dopes,
thinners, fuels lubricants and special petroleum products, intended for use in civil aircraft and
which are required to be produced and certified in conformity with an approved specification,
drawing or process.

19)”Certificate of Approval” means a document issued to an organizationapproved by

DGCA and defining the scope of approval granted.

20)”Psychoactive substances”means Alcohol, opioids, cannabinoids, sedatives and

hypnotic, cocaine, other stimulants, hallucinogens, and volatile solvents (coffee and tobacco
are excluded).

21)”Quality control”is a management system for programming and coordinating the

ongoing quality and improvement efforts of the various groups in an organization in accordance
with the requirements of DGCA and any specific requirement of the organization or customer.

22)”Quality/ Manual” is a document, which describes the organisation’s procedures and

practices in detail, the observance of which will ensure compliance with the airworthiness
standards and safety requirements of DGCA as per the scope of approval granted.

23)”Quality Control Release Certificate/Document” means a document

accompanying the delivery /stock transfer of aviation fuel, aviation lubricant and special
products meeting the airworthiness requirements of the DGCA.

24)”Delivery Voucher” means the document relating to fuelling/ defueling of aircraft

which includes and meets the airworthiness requirements of the DGCA.

25)”Batch number”means the identification number allotted to a quantity of aviation fuel,

lubricant or special petroleum product which is considered as one lot for Sampling and testing
for compliance with the relevant specification.

26)”Fuel, lubricant and special products organization”means an organization

approved for any one or more of storage, compounding, blending, testing, distribution, supply
(including fuelling and defueling of aircraft) of Aviation fuels, Aviation Lubricants and Special
27)”Special Products”means those fluids and compounds manufactured/prepared to
approved specification for use in aircraft.

28)”Petroleum in bulk”means petroleum contained in receptacle exceeding 900liters in


29)”Testing Lab”means the laboratories of the organisation for carrying out

physico-chemical testing/analysis of Aviation Fuels, Aviation lubricants, Water Detecting Device
and Special Products as per standards and certifying / issuing Test Reports.

30)”Test Report Signatory”means qualified personnel approved by DGCA for carrying

out testing and certifying of Aviation Fuel , Aviation Lubricants and Special Products.

31)”Quality Control Signatory”means qualified personnel approved by the QCM of the

organization as per the laid criterion documented in Aviation Quality Control Manual.

32)”Nationality or Common Mark”means a group of characters affixed on aircraft

surface to identity the country to which the aircraft belongs.

33)”Registration Marks”means a group of characters affixed on aircraft surface

following Nationality marks to identify a particular aircraft.

34)”Fireproof Material”A material capable of withstanding heat as well as or better than

steel when the dimensions in both cases are appropriate for the specific purpose.

35)”Special Flight Permit”is a permission granted by the Director General of Civil

Aviation to fly an aircraft that may not meet current applicable airworthiness requirements but
is capable of undertaking safe flight

36)”Single Seat Microlight” aircraft means a fixed wing aircraft with maximum all up
weight of not exceeding 330 kg. with a wing area not less than 10 sq. meters and designed to
carry not more than one person.
37)”Two Seat Microlight aircraft” means a fixed wing aircraft with a maximum all up
weight of not exceeding 450 kg. with a wing area not less than 10 sq. meters and designed to
carry not more than two persons.

38)”Permit to fly” is a document issued to an aircraft that do not meet or have not been
shown to meet, applicable airworthiness requirements but capable of performing safe flight
under defined conditions

39)”Unusable-fuel”means it the quantity of fuel supply remaining in each tank under the
most adverse feed condition in intended operations and flight maneuvers, at which the first
evidence of engine malfunctioning occurs

40)”Fuelling”- shall mean dispensation of fuels and power boost fluids into an aircraft for
the generation of engines power and augmentation of thrust, and shall include both fuelling
and defuelling.

41)”Fuelling Zone or Precautionary Area” is regarded as the area extending

6metres radially from the aircraft fuelling point, venting point and fuelling equipment.

42)”Aerial work”means an aircraft operation in which an aircraft is used for specialized

services such as agriculture, construction, photography, surveying, observation and patrol,
search and rescue, aerial advertisement, etc but does not include an aircraft used for public

43)”General Aviation Operation”means an aircraft operation other than a commercial

air transport operation or an aerial work operation.

44)”Glider”is a non-power-driven heavier-than-air aircraft, deriving its lift in flight chiefly

from aerodynamic reactions on surfaces which remain fixed under given conditions of flight

45)”Flight Recorder”is Any type of recorder installed in the aircraft for the purpose of
complementing accident/incident investigation.

46)”Commercial Operation”is an aircraft operation involving the transport of

passengers, cargo or mail for remuneration or hire.
47)”Cockpit Voice Recorder (CVR)” It is a flight recorder installed in the aircraft for
the purpose of recording the aural environment on the flight deck during flight time for the
purpose of accident/ incident prevention and investigation.

48)”Cockpit Audio Recording System (CARS)”It is a lightweight flight recording

system installed in the aircraft for the purpose of recording the voice communication
transmitted from or received in the aeroplane by radio and also the aural environment on the
flight deck during flight time for the purpose of accident/ incident prevention and investigation

49)”Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS)”is an equipment installed in an

aeroplane for the purpose of providing automatically a timely and distinctive warning to the
crew when the aeroplane is in potentially hazardous proximity to the earth's surface.

50)”Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS)”is an aeroplane system based

on Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR) transponder signals which operates independently of
ground-based equipment to provide advice to the pilot on potential conflicting aeroplane that
are equipped with SSR transponders

51)”ACAS I” is an ACAS which provides information as an aid to 'see and avoid' action but
does not include the capability for generating resolution advisories (RAs).

52)”ACAS II” is an ACAS which provides vertical resolution advisories (RAs) in addition to
the traffic advisories. TCAS – II with change 7 is equivalent to ACAS II.

53)”Intruder”is an SSR transponder-equipped aeroplane within the surveillance range

of ACAS for which, ACAS has an established track.

54)”Resolution Advisory (RA)”is an indication given to the flight crew recommending:

a) a maneuver intended to provide separation from all threats; or

b) a maneuver restriction intended to maintain existing separation

55)”Secondary Surveillance Radar (SSR)”is a surveillance radar system which uses

transmitters/receivers (interrogators) and transponders.

56)”Traffic Advisory (TA)” is an indication given to the flight crew that a certain

intruder is a potential threat

57)”Mandatory Modification” means the modification incorporated in an aircraft,

aircraft component and items of equipment after type certification to maintain it in an
airworthy condition.

58)”Airworthiness Directive” means a document issued or adopted by DGCA which

mandates actions to be performed on an aircraft to restore an acceptable level of safety, when
evidence shows that the safety level of this aircraft may otherwise be compromised.

59)”Foreign Airworthiness Authority” means the airworthiness authority of the

country responsible for the issue of type design certification for the aircraft including their

60)"Acrobatic flight" means manoeuvres intentionally performed by an aircraft involving

an abrupt change in its attitude, an abnormal attitude or abnormal variation in speed.

61)”Air Traffic Control Clearance" means authorisation by an Air Traffic Control unit
for an aircraft to proceed within controlled airspace under specified conditions.

62)"Controlled Airport” means an airport at which an Air Traffic Control unit is provided.

63)”Controlled airspace" means airspace of defined dimensions within which Air Traffic
Control service is provided.

64)”Exit Seat”means each seat having direct access to an exit i.e a seat from which a
passenger can proceed directly to the exit without entering an aisle or passing around an

65)”Auto Land System”is the system which provides automatic control of the aeroplane
during approach & landing.
66)”Alert height (AH)”An alert height is a height above the runway threshold based on
the characteristics of the airplane and its fail operational landing system, above which a
Category-III operation would be discontinued and a missed approach initiated if a failure
occurred in one of the redundant parts of the landing system, or in the relevant ground

67)”Empty Weight”Means the measured or computed weight of an aircraft, excluding the

weight of all removable equipment and other items of disposable load, but including the weight
of all items of fixed operating equipment or other equipment which are mandatory for all
operations like fixed ballast, engine coolant, hydraulic fluid and fuel and oil quantities (both
trapped and unusable) in the aircraft and engine system.

68)”Limits of Centre of Gravity” Means the most forward and most rearward Centre
of Gravity position within which an aircraft may be operated safely. These limits are specified in
Certificate of Airworthiness/Flight Manual of an aircraft.

69)”Maximum Take-off Weight”Means the maximum weight, according to its

Certificate of Airworthiness or Flight Manual, at which an aircraft is permitted to take-off.

70)”Removable Equipment”Means items of equipment which are carried on some of

or on all flights, but which are not included in Empty weight and which are not mandatory for
the type of operation being conducted

71)”First-aid kit”is a kit containing such items which can be used for the purpose of
first-aid treatment of injuries which may occur in flight or as a result of minor accidents.

72)”Medical kit”is a kit containing such life saving drugs intended to be administered only
by a qualified medical practitioner if and when available.

73)”Universal precaution kit”is a kit for the use of cabin crew members in managing
incidents of ill health associated with a case of suspected communicable disease, or in the case
of illness involving contact with body fluids.

74)”Large Aircraft”means an aircraft, classified as an aeroplane with a maximum takeoff

mass of more than 5700 kg, or a multi engined helicopter.
75)”Certifying staff” means personnel responsible for the release of an Aircraft or a
component after maintenance.

76)”Maintenance”means any one or combination of overhaul, repair, inspection,

replacement, modification or defect rectification of an aircraft or component, with the
exception of pre-flight inspection;

77)”Organisation” means a natural person, a legal person or part of a legal person. Such
an organisation may hold more than one CAR 145 approval;

78)”Pre-flight inspection” means the inspection carried out before flight to ensure that
the aircraft is fit for the intended flight;

79)”Component”means any engine, propeller, part or appliance.

80)”Human factors”means principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification,

training, operations and maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and
other system components by proper consideration of human performance.

81)”Human performance”means human capabilities and limitations which have an

impact on the safety and efficiency of aeronautical operations

82)”unforeseen” means that the aircraft grounding could not reasonably have been
predicted by the operator because the defect was unexpected due to being part of a hitherto
reliable system.

83)“Support staff” means those staff holding an aircraft maintenance engineer licence
under CAR 66 in category B1 or B2 with the appropriate aircraft ratings. working in a base
maintenance environment while not necessarily holding certification privileges.

84)“Relevant aircraft and/or components”, means those aircraft or components

specified in the particular certification authorisation.

85)“Certification authorisation” means the authorisation issued to certifying staff by

the organisation and which specifies the fact that they may sign certificates of release to service
within the limitations stated in such authorisation on behalf of the approved organisation.’
86)“aircraft or component maintenance” means that the person has worked in an
aircraft or component maintenance environment and has either exercised the privileges of the
certification authorisation

87)”authorised person”means the officials of DGCA, who has responsibility for the
oversight of the maintained aircraft or component

88)”sign-off”means it is a statement issued by the ‘authorised person’ which indicates that

the task or group of tasks has been correctly performed. A ‘sign-off’ relates to one step in the
maintenance process and is, therefore, different to a certificate of release to service.

89)”‘independent qualified person”is the person who performs the independent

inspection and attests the satisfactory completion of the task and that no deficiencies have
been found. The ‘independent qualified person’ does not issue a certificate of release to service,
therefore they are not required to hold certification privileges;

90)“Endangers the flight safety” means any instances where safe operation could not
be assured or which could lead to an unsafe condition

100)”The sample check of a product” means to witness any relevant testing and
visually inspect the product and associated documentation. The sample check should not
involve repeat disassembly or testing unless the sample check identifies findings requiring such

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