Distillation Operations: Methods, Operational and Design Issues

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Distillation Operations: Methods, Operational and Design Issues

Conference Paper · September 2009

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3 authors:

Dr.Kiran D. Patil Pankaj Choudhary

Dr Vishwantah Karad MIT World Peace University Pune India Bechtel Corporation


Tanvi Bhatia
University of Technology Sydney


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Theme: Distillation Operations
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Distillation Operations: Methods, Operational and Design Issues

Kiran Patil1,∗∗, Pankaj Choudhary2, Tanvi Bhatia3

Department of Petrochemical and Petroleum Engineering,
MAEER’S, Maharashtra Institute of Technology, Paud Road, Pune- 411 038, India
1 2 3
E-mail: kiranpatil@mitpune.com, pankaj.chemical19@gmail.com, tanvibhatia86@gmail.com

Distillation is one of the oldest and most common methods for the purification of
liquids. It has been used for centuries to concentrate dilute alcoholic beverages and to
obtain perfumes from fruits and flowers. In this paper various methods of distillation,
operating principles, equipment for distillation are discussed in detail. Various design
and operating policies for binary distillation columns are discussed with objective of
maximizing production rate. Significant increasing in capacity can be realized by
optimum design of column-i.e. number of trays, trays hold up, reflux drum hold up etc
and optimum operation- i.e. reflux ratio and start up procedure. Equipment and
column size issues discussed here may be useful to practicing engineers in early
stage of distillation design. Some issues in the design and operation of a batch and
continuous distillation column are addressed.

Key words: distillation operations, methods, distillation equipment, operational and design

1. Introduction temperature is needed to avoid thermal

Distillation is by far the most predominant decomposition.
separation technique used in the chemical process (ii) Distillation column is above atmospheric
industry (CPI). Distillation is a cascade of pressure: Column shell should be thicker to
equilibrium stages at which the vapor mixture is in withstand pressure of the column.
equilibrium with the liquid mixture. An in-depth (iii) If the column pressure required
understanding of vapor-liquid equilibrium (VLE) is accomplishing overhead condensation with
therefore essential to the understanding and cooling water is less than 250 lb/in , then the
design of distillation processes. column pressure should give an average
temperature driving force of 5-15 C in the
2. Rules of Thumb for Feasible Distillation overhead condenser.
Operation (iv) If the column pressure required
accomplishing overhead condensation with
a) Azeotropes: If the mixture is azeotropic, then 2
cooling water is greater than 250 lb/in , then
more advanced types of separation must be consider an alternative of using a refrigerant on
considered. [1] the overhead and running the column at a lower
b) Solids: If the material to be separated is high in pressure.
solids, or contains tars or resins that could plug or
foul a continuous unit, then a batch separation d) Optimum Temperature Differences in
should be considered ([2] Reboiler and Condensers
(i) Reboiler temperatures should be kept low
c) Optimum Pressure
enough to avoid bottoms degradation and/or
(i) Vacuum operation: Use of a vacuum should be
fouling. (ii) Common temperature differences
considered for heat sensitive compounds or
used for heat exchange across reboiler and
polymerizable materials. Vacuum is usually not
condensers are shown in the following Table 1.
used unless required [2,3] e.g. a low bottoms

Corresponding Author
Tel.: +91-20-30273497. Fax: +91-20-25442770
E-mail: kiranpatil@mitpune.com
National Conference on Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer, FAMT, Ratnagiri, 30-31 October 2009

Table 1 Common temperature differences for Heat 3.2 Basic Operation and Terminology
exchange [2,3]
Temp, K Condenser
Refrigeration 3-10
Cooling Water 6-20
Pressurized 10-20 Reflux drum
Fluid 20-40
Boiling Water 20-50 Reflux
Process Fluid 10-20
Steam 10-60 Fig. 2 Batch Distillation with Rectifying Column
Hot Oil 20-60
The liquid mixture that is to be processed is
3. Basic Distillation Equipment and Operation known as the feed and this is introduced usually
somewhere near the middle of the column to a
3.1 Main Components of Distillation Columns tray known as the feed tray. The feed tray
Distillation columns are made up of several divides the column into a top (enriching or
components, each of which is used either to rectification) section and a bottom (stripping)
transfer heat energy or enhance material transfer. section. The feed flows down the column where
A typical distillation unit contains several major it is collected at the bottom in the reboiler.
components: Heat is supplied to the reboiler to generate
a) A vertical shell where the separation of vapour. The source of heat input can be any
liquid components is carried out. suitable fluid, although in most chemical plants
b) Column internals such as trays/plates this is normally steam. In refineries, the heating
and/or pickings, which are used to source may be the output streams of other
enhance component separations. columns. The vapour raised in the reboiler is re-
c) A reboiler to provide the necessary introduced into the unit at the bottom of the
vaporization for the distillation process. column. The liquid removed from the reboiler is
d) A condenser to cool and condense the known as the bottoms product or simply,
vapour leaving the top of the column. bottoms.
e) A reflux drum to hold the condensed The vapour moves up the column, and
vapour from the top of the column, so that as it exits the top of the unit, a condenser cools
liquid (reflux) can be recycled back to the it. The condensed liquid is stored in a holding
column. vessel known as the reflux drum. Some of this
liquid is recycled back to the top of the column
The vertical shell houses the column internals and this is called the reflux. The condensed
and together with the condenser and reboiler, liquid that is removed from the system is known
constitute a distillation column. A schematic of a as the distillate or top product [2]
typical distillation unit with a single feed and two
product streams is shown Fig. 1 3.3 Batch Distillation with rectifying column
Batch distillation is an unsteady state
operation and carried out in a batch still to which
Reflux drum
a column equivalent to a number of equilibrium
Enriching stages is attached. The Fig. 3 shows a typical
section { Reflux

set-up for batch distillation with rectifying column.
During distillation, the vapour passes
section { Heat in
upward through the column. The whole column
is an enriching section. The vapour is condensed
Reboiler into liquid at the top of the column. Part of the
liquid is returned to the column as reflux, and the
remainder withdrawn as distillate. Nothing is
Heat out
Bottoms added or withdrawn from the still until the run is
completed. As distillation progress, the MVC in
Fig. 1 A typical Distillation column
the batch still decreases.
National Conference on Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer, FAMT, Ratnagiri, 30-31 October 2009

Overhead condenser
substances, and these mixtures will boil at a
temperature below that of either water or the
other materials. This is a very desirable feature,
accumulator especially if the organic compound has a high
(reflux drum)
boiling point at which it may be unstable or
decompose. [10]
Reflux Distillate

Steam distillation is commonly used in the

following situations: [12]
(tray or packing) a) To separate relatively small amounts of
volatile impurity from a large amount of
Batch b) To separate appreciable quantities of
Steam supply higher-boiling materials.
Bottom c) Recover high-boiling materials from
small amounts of impurity, which have a
Fig. 3 Batch Distillation with Rectifying Column higher boiling point.
d) Where the material to be distilled is
In principle, the alternative setup as shown in thermally unstable or reacts with other
Fig. 4 is also feasible. Here the vessel is located at components associated with it at the
the top of the column that is operated as a boiling temperature.
stripping column. Such a set-up is often known as e) Where the material cannot be distilled by
the inverted batch distillation or the batch stripper. indirect heating even under low pressure
During operation, the LVC are primarily separated because of the high boiling temperature.
from the system. The liquid is the still depletes in f) Where direct-fired heaters cannot be
LVC and enriches in MVC. [7] used because of fire hazards.
In a batch process, the main steps are
operated discontinuously. In contrast with a
continuous process, a batch process does not gas
deliver its product continuously but in discrete
manner. In practice, most batch processes are Crude Gasoline to
made up of a series of batch and semi-continuous distillation stabilizer
steps. A semi-continuous step runs continuously
with periodic start-ups and shutdowns. [6] Charge heater stripper
Gas oil
Steam Kerosene
Reboiler Gas oil

Crude oil
Initial charge Feed
placed in introduced
overhead at the Fig.5 Typical Crude Distillation with Steam
accumulator top of the
column Reboiler Strippers
Fig. 5 a typical crude distillation unit with
Bottoms as
steam strippers for its side draws products,
product namely kerosene and gas oil. Steam distillation
Fig. 4 Alternative Set-up batch Distillation with is most commonly employed in petroleum
Rectifying Column refining operation, usually in combination with
vacuum distillation.
4. Continuous Distillation Processes
The following types of distillation processes are 4.2 Vacuum Distillation
briefly discussed here:
This method of distillation similar to
conventional distillation except that it operates at
4.1 Steam Distillation
very low (near vacuum) pressure. This method of
Steam distillation refers to a process in which distillation allows the mixture to boil at a lower
live steam is in direct contact with the distilling temperature and thus avoids the thermal
system in either batch or continuous operation. degradation problem. [3]
The basis of steam distillation rests on the fact that In addition, to handle the larger volume of
water forms immiscible mixtures with most organic vapors that result from distillation at reduced
National Conference on Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer, FAMT, Ratnagiri, 30-31 October 2009

pressure, a vacuum distillation column usually b) It has a higher boiling point than water (187
have fairly large diameter and tray spacing. deg C at 1 atm).
An example flow sheet for a crude distillation c) It does not form an azeotrope with water.
column (using steam distillation) and a vacuum d) It has a molecular affinity for water (the
distillation column is shown in Fig. 6. hydroxyl –OH group forms a weak bond with
water molecule).
e) It is a relatively safe workplace material.
Crud oil
In the above system, the first column is the
ordinary azeotropic distillation that produces an
ethanol-water azeotrope as the distillate and
nearly pure water as the bottoms. The distillate is
fed to the second column for extractive
distillation, where propylene glycol is added.
Ethanol is produced as the distillate, leaving the
Steam Steam top of the column.
This column can be conceptually divided
Atmospheric distillation column
(steam distillation) Vacuum distillation column into three sections. The middle section is the
rectifying section where ethanol is purified by the
Fig. 6 Vacuum Distillation Column removal of water. Bonding of the water
molecules with glycol raises ethanol's relative
volatility with respect to water, thus facilitating
4.3 Extractive Distillation separation.
This process is very similar to azeotropic The top section reduces the concentration
distillation. Extractive distillation refers to those of propylene glycol in the ethanol distillate to
processes in which a high-boiling solvent is added negligible level. The bottom section strips
alter the relative volatilities of components in the ethanol from water. The bottoms from the
feed. [5] second column are sent to the third column, a
glycol stripper, where the glycol is recovered.
4.3.1 Comparison between Azeotropic and The propylene glycol leaves the stripper as a
Extractive Distillation: bottoms product and is recycled back to the
Using the example of ethanol-water, benzene extraction column as the source of solvent. The
is the entrainer. Ethanol is removed as the bottoms overhead from the glycol stripper (containing
product from the column. Benzene is too mainly water and some ethanol) is sent back to
hazardous for various reasons ranging from the first column where it combined with fresh
workplace to product to environmental safety. feed.

90% water 10% ethanol 4.3.2 Selection of a Solvent

The choice of solvent determines which of
10% water
100 ppm water the two components in the original feed is
1 ppm
propylene removed predominantly in the distillation. For
example, if the fresh feed to the distillation is a
Feed: mixture of 83 mole% ethanol and 17 mole%
85% water
15% ethanol T-200 T-300 water, and ethylene glycol (boiling point
extractive glycol
distillation stripper o
197.35 C) is the solvent; the volatility of ethanol
distillation is increased more than that of water. Therefore,
Aqueous bottoms
ethanol is removed as the distillate from the
10 ppm ethanol
2ppm propylene glycol Propylene extractive distillation column, and water is
separated in the solvent recovery column. [12]
Fig. 7 Extractive Distillation The separation of toluene (boiling point
An alternative to recover ethanol is to use o o
110.8 C) from isooctane (boiling point 99.3 C) is
extractive distillation. The solvent used is difficult using conventional distillation. Addition of
Propylene Glycol. Recall also that ethanol forms a o
minimum-boiling azeotrope with water at phenol (boiling point 181.4 C) results in the
approximately 89.4 mole% (96 wt %) ethanol. A formation of phenol-toluene mixture that leaves
process schematic for the process is shown in the extractive distillation column as bottoms,
Fig.7 while relatively isooctane is recovered as
For this separation, propylene glycol meets all overhead product. The phenol-toluene mixture is
the requirements of an ideal extractive solvent further separated in a second column (solvent
a) It is miscible with water at all concentrations. recovery column) whereby toluene appears as
National Conference on Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer, FAMT, Ratnagiri, 30-31 October 2009

distillate and the bottoms product, phenol, is octane booster for gasoline. The set-up is shown
recycled back to the first column. Fig. 8 shows in Fig. 10.
process flow sheet for separation of toluene and The pre-reactor provides reaction
isooctane using phenol as the solvent. equilibrium of over 90% MTBE, with the RD
pushing the reaction another 5-10% to almost
total conversion of the reactants. In the reactive
zone, bales containing beads of catalyst resins
are stacked on top each other. [8]
toluene +
iso-octane Raffinate C4
Methanol Methanol
C4 and C4
Water (5)

Phenol (2)
Phenol + (1)
C4 (3)
Fig. 8 Separation of Toluene and Isooctane using
Phenol as the Solvent Water and
contaminants MTBE
4.4 Reactive (Catalytic) Distillation
Fig.10 Production of MTBE by RD

The advantage of reactive distillation is the

Overhead elimination of complicated product recovery and,
Rectification (distillate)
section separation and recycling of unconverted
Feed 1
reactants, all of which lead to savings in
Feed 2
zone equipment and energy costs.

Stripping 4.5 Pressure-Swing Distillation

As mentioned earlier, some binary
azeotrope mixtures lose azeotropic behavior
when the system pressure is changed. In this
case, separation can be achieved without using
Fig. 9 Reactive Distillation Process an additional entrainer. For example, in the case
of ethanol-water mixture (azeotropic composition
This technique embodies simultaneous 89.4 mole% at 101.325 kPa), an azeotrope does
reaction and separation. Catalysts are enclosed in not form below a pressure of approximately 9.2
special packing inside a distillation column. This kPa. [2, 12]
method uses distillation to remove products as
they are formed in order to shift the chemical D1, XD1 D2

equilibrium of a reaction towards 100% conversion D2

shown in Fig. 9[4]. XD2
In reactive distillation (RD), one or more feeds Fresh
can be used, and the reactive zone can be F, XF
anywhere in the column and depending on the Column T-1
pressure P1
Column T-2
pressure P2
product, it may exit from either the overhead or F1, xF1
(combined feed)
bottom. Enhancement in conversion, selectivity,
energy utilization, reduction in equipment cost and
separation of otherwise difficult to – separate B1
(pure A)
(pure B)
mixtures are some of the motives behind its
several applications. [4, 8]] Fig. 11 Pressure-Swing Distillation Process
Today, RD is used mainly for etherification
and Esterifications reactions, but it has also been Pressure-swing distillation is a method for
successfully applied to alkylation and nitration separating a pressure-sensitive azeotrope that
reactions. Most early applications involved liquid- utilizes two columns operated in sequence at two
phase reactions; and if a catalyst was utilized, it different pressures.
was in solution. In more recent applications, solid As the pressure is reduced to P1, the
catalysts had been used. An example is the azeotropic concentration moves toward a smaller
production of methyl-tert-butyl-ether (MTBE), an
National Conference on Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer, FAMT, Ratnagiri, 30-31 October 2009

percentage of A (xP2 to xP1). The set-up for a trays. The flow depends on the length of the weir
pressure-swing distillation is shown in Fig. 11 and how high the liquid level on the tray is above
The total feed F1 to Column T1 operating at the weir. [11]
the lower pressure P1 is the sum of the fresh feed F
5.2 Tray Efficiency
at mole fraction xF, and the recycled distillate D2 at
mole fraction xD2 (close to azeotropic mole fraction Ideally, tray efficiencies are determined by
measurements of the performance of actual
xP2). The mole fraction of the total feed F1 is xF1, trays separating the materials of interest;
and it is richer in A than the azeotropic mole however, this is usually not practical in the early
fraction of xP1 at pressure P1. The bottoms leaving phases of a design. Estimates can be based on
column T1 is almost pure A. The distillate leaving theory or on data collected from other columns.
T1 is D1, having the mole fraction xD1. This mole
fraction is richer in A than the azeotropic mole Wiire
fraction of xP1, but less rich in A than the azeotrope
mole fraction of xP2 .
Distillate D1 is sent to Column T2 as feed F2.
Nearly pure B is obtained from bottom of T2, and
the distillate D2 is recycled to Column T1.The
change on the phase diagram is shown in Fig. 13

P2 > P1 hW
Pure XF2 XP2 Fig. 13 Tray Efficiency for Distillation Column
B Column T-2
xB2 The O'Connell correlation is based on data
feed collected from actual columns. It is based on
xF XF1 bubble cap trays and is conservative for sieve

feed to T-1 and valve trays. [9] It correlates the overall
efficiency of the column with the product of the
Column T-1
separation Pure feed viscosity and the relative volatility of the key
component in the mixture. These properties
xD1 xD2 Mole fraction A
should be determined at the arithmetic mean of
the column top and bottom temperatures. A fit of
the data has been determined:
Fig.12 Changes on the Phase Diagram for η = 0.492(µ α ) −0.245
oa F HK
Pressure-Swing Distillation This, or a similar data set, can be used to get
5. Equipment and Column Sizing preliminary estimates of efficiency numbers.

In order to have stable operation in a 5.3 Column Diameter

distillation column, the vapour and liquid flows Column diameter is determined based on
must be managed. Requirements are: [12] the constraints imposed by flooding. Before
a) Vapour should flow only through the open beginning a diameter calculation, we want to
regions of the tray between the know the vapour and liquid rates throughout the
downcomers. column. We then do a diameter calculation for
b) Liquid should flow only through the each point where the loading might be an
downcomers. extreme: the top and bottom trays; above and
c) Liquid should not weep through tray below feeds, side draws, or heat addition or
perforations. removal; and any other places where we suspect
d) Liquid should not be carried up the column peak loads. [9]
entrained in the vapour. Once we have calculated these diameters,
e) Vapour should not be carried down the we select one to use for the column, and then
column in the liquid. check it to make sure it will work.
f) Vapour should not bubble up through the
downcomers. 5.4 Flooding
5.1 Tray Constructions and Hydraulics Downcomer flooding occurs when liquid
Three main types of trays are: Bubble Cap backs up on a tray because the downcomer area
Trays, Sieve Trays and Valve Trays. Typically, a is two small. This is not usually a problem. More
weir on each tray governs the liquid flow between worrisome is entrainment flooding, caused by too
National Conference on Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer, FAMT, Ratnagiri, 30-31 October 2009

much liquid being carried up the column by the for the downcomer area, which is unavailable for
vapour stream. mass transfer. The resulting tray area can be
A number of correlations and techniques exist then used to calculate the column diameter. So,
for calculating the flooding velocity; from this, the with everything lumped together, we have:
active area of the column is calculated, so that the
actual velocity can be kept to no more than 80- DT = [6]
85% of flood; values down to 60% are sometimes  A 
VFlood .FDesign .ππρ 1 − d 
 A 
A force balance can be made on droplets
entrained by the vapour stream (which can lead to Trays probably aren't a good idea for
entrainment flooding). This balance yields an columns less than about 1.5 ft in diameter (we
expression relating the vapour and liquid densities can't work on them) - these are normally packed.
and a capacity factor (C, with velocity units) to the Packing is less desirable for large diameter
flooding velocity: columns (over about 5 ft in diameter).

5.7 Pressure Drop

ρ −ρ This gradient is normally expressed in
Vflood =C L V [2]
ρV terms of a pressure drop per tray, usually on the
order of 0.10 psi. Detailed calculations are
5.5 Capacity Factors possible, but these depend so much on the
The capacity factor can be determined from actual tray specifications that final values are
theory (it depends on droplet diameter, drag usually obtained from experts, but approximate
coefficient etc.), but is usually obtained from methods can be used to get values to put in your
correlations based on experimental data from design basis.
distillation tray tests. Depending on the correlation There are two main components to the
used, C may include the effects of surface tension, pressure drop: the "dry tray" drop caused by
tendency to foam, and other parameters. restrictions to vapour flow imposed by the holes
A common correlation proposed by Fair in the and slots in the trays and the head of the liquid
late 50s - early 60s for sieve trays is available in a that the vapour must flow through.
wide range of sources. The correlation takes the Htray = hd +hl [7]
form of a plot of a capacity factor (which must be
corrected for surface tension) versus a functional 5.8 Dry Tray Losses
group based on the liquid to vapour mass ratio: The dry tray head loss can be related to an
orifice flow equation:
L Mass ρV
FLV = [3]
VMass ρL  0.186  ρ  2
h d =  2  V .Vhole [8]
Enter the plot from the bottom with this  C o  ρ L 
number, and then read the capacity factor from the
This equation determines the dry tray drop
left. This capacity factor applies to non-foaming
in inches of fluid. The constant 0.186 takes care
systems and trays meeting certain hole and weir
of the units and is appropriate for sieve trays.
size restrictions. It will need to be corrected for
The orifice size coefficient Co depends on the
surface tension:
0.2 tray configuration and will usually fall between
 σ  0.65 and 0.85. The hole velocity can be obtained
C = C Fair   [4]
by dividing the vapour flow rate by the total hole
 20 
area of the tray.
Where, σ the surface tension is in dynes/cm.
5.9 Liquid Losses
5.6 Diameter The liquid head pressure drop includes the
Once we have the capacity factor, we can effects of surface tension and of the frothing on
readily solve for the flooding velocity: the tray. It is typically represented as the product
 σ  ρL − ρV of an aeration factor and the height of liquid on
VFlood = C Fair   [5] the tray:
 20  ρV
hl =β(hw + how) [9]
(This solution is for the Fair correlation, and adds Correlations are available for the aeration
the surface tension correction). factor (β); a value of 0.6 is good for a wide
We know that flow = velocity × area, so we variety of situations. The height of liquid on the
can calculate the flow area from the known vapour tray is the sum of the weir height and the height
flow rate and the desired velocity (a fraction of of liquid over the weir. The total height can be
flood). This area needs to be increased to account
National Conference on Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer, FAMT, Ratnagiri, 30-31 October 2009

calculated directly from the volume of liquid on the minimum reflux ratios because this is
tray and its active area. Another approach is to approximately the region of minimum operating
back the height out of a version of the Francis weir costs (more reflux means higher reboiler duty).
equation (which relates flow-off a tray to liquid
height and weir length). One version, for a straight 6.3 Vapour Flow Conditions
weir, in units of inches and gal/min is: Adverse vapour flow conditions can cause:
2/3 Foaming, Entrainment, weeping/dumping and
how =0.48l
L  Flooding.
 weir
Note that these equations depend on the size and 6.4.1 Foaming
shape of the weir. Foaming refers to the expansion of liquid
due to passage of vapour or gas. Although it
5.10 Column Height: provides high interfacial liquid-vapour contact,
The height of a trayed column is calculated by excessive foaming often leads to liquid buildup
multiplying the number of (actual) stages by the on trays. In some cases, foaming may be so bad
tray separation. Tray spacing can be determined that the foam mixes with liquid on the tray above.
as a cost optimum, but is usually set by
mechanical factors. The most common tray 6.4.2 Entrainment
spacing in 24 inches – it allows enough space to Entrainment refers to the liquid carried by
work on the trays whenever the column is big vapour up to the tray above and is again caused
enough around (> 5 ft diameter) that workers by high vapour flow rates. It is detrimental
must crawl inside. Smaller diameter columns may because tray efficiency is reduced: lower volatile
be able to get by with 18 inch tray spacing. material is carried to a plate holding liquid of
[1,2,10]. higher volatility. It could also contaminate high
In addition to the space occupied by the trays, purity distillate. Excessive entrainment can lead
height is needed at the top and bottom of the to flooding.
column. Space at the top - typically an additional 5
to 10 ft - is needed to allow for disengaging space. 6.4.3 Weeping/Dumping:
The bottom of the tower must be tall enough to This phenomenon is caused by low vapour
serve as a liquid reservoir. flow. The pressure exerted by the vapour is
insufficient to hold up the liquid on the tray.
6. Factors Affecting Distillation Column Therefore, liquid starts to leak through
Operation perforations. Excessive weeping will lead to
dumping. A sharp pressure drops in the column
The performance of a distillation column is
and reduced separation efficiency indicates
determined by many factors as given below: [10]
a) Feed conditions.
6.4.4 Flooding
b) State of feed.
Flooding is due to excessive vapour flow,
c) Composition of feed.
causing liquid to be entrained in the vapour up
d) Trace elements that can severely affect the
the column. The increased pressure from
VLE of liquid mixtures.
excessive vapour also backs up the liquid in the
e) Internal liquid and fluid flow conditions.
Downcomer, causing an increase in liquid holdup
f) State of trays (packings).
on the plate above.
g) Weather conditions.
6.4 Column Diameter
6.1 Feed Conditions
Most of the above factors that affect column
The state of the feed mixture and feed
operation are due to vapour flow conditions:
composition affects the operating lines and hence
either excessive or too low. [5,9,11] Vapour flow
the number of stages required for separation. It
velocity is dependent on column diameter.
also affects the location of feed tray. During
Weeping determines the minimum vapour flow
operation, if the deviations from design
required while flooding determines the maximum
specifications are excessive, then the column may
vapour flow allowed, hence column capacity.
no longer be able handle the separation task.
6.2 Reflux Conditions: 6.5 State of Trays and Packings
As the reflux ratio is increased, the gradient of The actual number of trays required for a
operating line for the rectification section moves particular separation duty is determined by the
towards a maximum value of 1. Minimum trays are efficiency of the plate, and the packings if
required under total reflux conditions, i.e. there is packings are used. [11] Thus, any factors that
no withdrawal of distillate. Most columns are cause a decrease in tray efficiency will also
designed to operate between 1.2 to 1.5 times the change the performance of the column. Fouling,
National Conference on Advances in Heat & Mass Transfer, FAMT, Ratnagiri, 30-31 October 2009

wear and tear and corrosion, and the rates at 2. R. H. Perry and D. Green, "Perry's
which these occur depends on the properties of Chemical Engineers' Handbook",
the liquids being processed affect tray efficiencies. Seventh Edition, McGraw-Hill, (1997).
3. King, C. Judson, Separation Process,
6.6 Weather Conditions Second Edition. McGraw Hill, Inc.,
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