Standing Instructions
Standing Instructions
Standing Instructions
All vessels will number voyages commencing with the first voyage performed during
each year, i.e. Voyage N°1, Voyage N°2, etc.
When at sea all vessels will transmit to the Company's Head Office their NOON
position and performance every 48 hours as follows:
23075 the first two numbers will represent the Latitude to the nearest degree, and
three following Longitude to the nearest degree at NOON on day of transmission.
450085 first three figures fuel oil and following figures diesel oil ROB at NOON on
day of transmission.
108153 first three figures will indicate the average r.p.m. and following three figures
the average speed to the nearest decimal since NOON of the previous cable.
4235 this whole number will represent the remaining miles to the next schedule port
of call.
21834 first three numbers indicate the course at NOON on the day of the cable,
fourth number represents the direction of the wind/sea (as per list hereunder) and
fifth number force of the wind as per Beaufort scale.
In addition Masters are to advise the Company's Head Office time and date their
vessel passed main points on route, i.e; such as Cape Finisterre, Gibraltar,etc.
On vessels with no Radio Officer on board, the positions and ETA's to the next port
of call must be given by V.H.F. by the Master at least once a day and whenever it is
deemed necessary.
On sailing from each loading/discharging port you are requested to cable this Office
as follows:
7) Draft on sailing for and aft (18' 06" fore – 19' 10" aft).
Item (9) should be explicit using abbreviations (LH2Lower Hold, LT2Lower Tween
Deck, UT2Upper Tween Deck, etc.) in order to cut the cable short and avoid
excessive charges.
When in port under loading or discharging operations you are kindly requested to
report to this Office by email, Telex or Cable through Agents each morning, progress
of load/discharge operations including the following :
2) Gangs worked
On arrival in a port the Master also has to make the Company's standard "Voyage
Report" and on sailing from a loading/discharging port he has to make the
Company's standard "Harbour Report" which has to be mailed to the Company as
soon as possible.
All outgoing correspondence from the Company's Office and duly signed by the head
of the appropriate department is Official and under no circumstances should be
considered as personal.
All correspondence to the Office must be addressed to the company and not to
individuals. Should you require that the attention of certain person be given, then you
could mark"… for the attention of …" but the latter should be addressed to the
Avoid long letters which include several subjects which require to be dealt with by
more than one department. It will be of assistance if separate letters are written
covering only one subject so that they may be directed to the appropriate department
responsible to ensure prompt action.
Deck and Engine log books entries should be made regularly, recording the events
very explicitly in readable and legible writing in English. The original log books should
always be kept on board the ship and only extracts should be sent out when
In case of serious accidents when the original may be required by Solicitors or the
Court, then the original is to be despatched by registered mail or preferably handed
to a responsible person from the Office.
1) Derricks and their attachments such as topping lift wires, blocks winches, etc.
must be inspected and thoroughly examined. Never lower or lift derricks by
putting turns of wires on winches. Do this by first securing the wire on the
winch drum by hook or shackle with an extra man always keeping watch on
topping left stopper in case something goes wrong.
2) Blocks are not to be used unless the safe working load is clearly stamped on
As you no doubt know, the problems of oil pollution in ports all over the world has
become acute and the Port Authorities everywhere require strict compliance with
their regulations and any violations are dealt with severely, with heavy fines and
penalties being imposed.
Masters and Chief Engineers are expected to pay particular attention to this matter
and take all necessary precautions in order to prevent oil pollution of harbours etc.
(See Marpol Convention for full details.)
It goes without saying that all possible causes for oil pollution such as pumping out
bilges, cargo or dirty ballast while in port or near the coast or even in the open sea
should be strictly avoided.
Furthermore, the plugging of deck scuppers with wooden plugs when bunkering
should be carried out and other precautions which you deem necessary, taken.
In order to keep proper records of lubricating oil analysis and to assist you with the
maintenance of your vessel's Main Engine Plan, the following procedure should be
followed regarding lubricating samples.
2. Sample Containers. Clean bottles or cans (which may also be available with the
oil company representative who is likely to board the vessel) should be provided.
The minimum quantity of product required for normal test purposes is 16 fluid
3. For accurate identification and in order to assist the oil company in providing the
owners with a fully informative report on the conditions of the product represented
by the sample, the following information should be shown on the labels.
d) Grade of oil.
e) Point of sampling
g) Remarks if the sample is not routine; any remarks on the trouble being
5. When taking bunkers i.e. Fuel oil and/or Diesel oil a sample of each grade must be
taken and retained on board for at least 90 days or until the next time of bunkering.
This is in case once you start using the bunkers the quality (viscosity) proves to be
below the specification required as per Delivery Note.
It is the company Policy that vessels will take sufficient bunkers where they are
cheapest taking into account the d.w.c.c. of the vessel. Therefore, Masters must
before arrival at any port advise this office bunkers ROB and their requirement of
bunkers in order for us to instruct our bunker agents accordingly
Fresh water is very scare, also very costly in some ports of the World (e.g. Red Sea
Ports). Consequently, Masters must ensure that when sailing to these ports they
have sufficient fresh water to cover their requirements till they arrive back in ports
where water is available in large quantities.
Agents are not authorised to advance cash to masters without the Head Office's
Masters are, therefore, to advise the Head Office by email, cable, V.H.F. or by telex
from the previous port at least 72 hours prior to the vessel's arrival at the Port of the
amount of cash required.
Such request should also state against which month advance is required.
The following will included the Purser's duties, in the Company's vessels.
1. He is to keep a time sheet of the vessels voyage wise. This record should be kept
without any break.
2. He should see that the Ship's Manifest, stowage particulars etc., are kept by the
time the vessel reaches any Port.
3. A proper crew list and customs declaration for personal belongings of officers and
crew should be prepared before vessel reaches any Port, in order to ensure that
4. He should ensure that the ship's cabins, pantry, saloons, alleyways etc., are
properly swept and kept clean by the pantry boys.
6. The Purser should carefully attend to the messing (victualing) of the officers and
crew in the vessel, within the ceiling stipulated by the Company. He should ensure
that the officers and crew are satisfactorily fed and required stores and provisions
ordered and secured in time, so that there will not be any occasion where officers
and crew are deprived of enough food due to delay/want of stores and provisions.
Any lapse in this respect, consequently resulting in disgruntlement by the officers
and crew, be the sole responsibility of the Purser.
7. He is to obtain the stock of Company's stores and provisions, bonded stock and
inventory of linen, cutlery and utensils on board. Stock taking, which should be
carried out monthly under the supervision of Master should be recorded in the
MMA and sent to the Head Office. ALL the above duties will be carried out by the
Purser in consultation/supervision of the Master.
Whenever there are no pursers on board the vessel, it is the duty of the master, after
having obtained the prior approval of the Company to entrust such duties to be
carried out by other capable officers on specific approval obtained from the
In order that Head Office is currently informed and is in receipt of accounts and stock
position of its vessels, a new Master Monthly Account (hereinafter called MMA) has
been introduced, which document should be prepared and sent to the Head Office
within the stipulated time duly signed and confirmed by both Master and the Purser.
It should be noted that the new MMA will included, apart from Accounting, certain
other Inventory/Statistical information, together with complete crew list and Wages
Statement. The following instructions should be adhered to with the preparation and
monthly submission of the MMA to Head Office.
In addition to this existing duties the Purser should assist the Master in the
maintenance of all record in connection with cash advances, inventories of bonded
stock, stores and provisions, linen and cutlery utensils, etc.
The MMA should be prepared and typed in duplicate and the original sent to Head
Office, to reach not later than the 15th of the following month to which it refers i.e.
August MMA should reach the Company not later then the 15th September and so
The MMA should be prepared in English and all figures should be in US Dollars,
Euros or Pounds Sterling as the case may be. The rate of conversion of Foreign
Currencies to Pounds Sterling (or other currency) should be indicated on the first
page of the monthly MMA.
Wages should be calculated correctly and wage sheets totalled and balanced
accurately. The total of wages paid should be reflected as a credit in the Masters’
Disbursement Account.
Whenever indicated on the MMA's the Master and Purser should certify and sign the
required certificates as acceptance of responsibility.
The MMA, should wherever relevant, be supported with vouchers and receipts
together with any explanatory notes that the Purser/Master may have to bring to the
notice of the Head Office to enable easy reconciliation.
Should there be any intermittent change of Master or Purser, the accounts and
records maintained in the vessel should be checked and handed over to the new
Master or Purser. Unless such proper "give Over/Take Over" is completed no Master
or Purser will be signed off the vessel or their accounts settled by the Company.
We wish to mention the following in connection with the preparation of the MMA.
The MMA should be prepared on a purely accounting basis correlated with the
records kept in the vessels and same reflected in the relative pages in the MMA.
The Purser will act independently of the Master in the preparation of the MMA and
will be responsible to the Company to account for the monies received, the value of
stores and provisions supplied, bonded stocks supplied and to the cash and stock in
hand at the end of each month. The Purser will also be responsible for the
maintenance and custody of the inventory of linen, cutlery and utensils on board the
The Master Disbursements Account shown in the MMA will be the summary of the
receipts and payments of the cash value of the receipts and issue of stocks and
provisions, and balances of same at the beginning and end of the month.
The following items should be shown on the left side (debit side) of the Master
Disbursement Account of the MMA.
Balance brought from the previous month. The aggregate of the cash in hand, value
of stores and provisions, value of bonded stocks.
Cash received for payment of advances and final wages of officers and crew on
Value of stores and provisions received for officers and crew messing (victualing).
This figure should tally with that shown in (ii) (b) on Page 4 and also the relevant
place of the Store Stock Statement.
The value of bonded stock received during the month (this figure should tally with
that shown in (i) (b) on Page 4 and also the relevant place of the Bonded Stock
The following items should be shown under the right side (credit side) of the Master
Disbursement Account on Page 3 of the MMA.
Value of stores and provisions issued for officers and crew messing (the figure
should tally as per details in (ii) (c) on Page 2.
Value of stores and provisions issued for general upkeep of the vessel, e.g. brooms,
mopping brushes, etc. which figure should tally as per details under (ii) (c) if page 2.
Any other payments made. These should be supported with the relevant
explanations and vouchers.
Balance carried forward to the next month which balance will appear as the opening
balance on the left side (debit side) in the next month's Master Disbursement
The MMA should be typed with a copy. The white set should be sent to the Head
Office and the Copy retained in the vessel with the Purser.
It is imperative that Masters and Pursers follow without exception these requirements
and despatch the MMA and relevant documents to the Head Office in time. The
Company wishes to warn Masters and Pursers that the Company will not have any
complacency in this connection and no shortcomings will be tolerated. Any
malpractices detected will result in not only such personnel being summarily
dismissed at their cost, risk and responsibility, but proceedings will also be taken to
reimburse the Company accordingly.
All agents receive instructions that no provisions, stores, spare parts etc. are to be
supplied without direct authority of the Head Office. Consequently to minimize delay
in receiving your requirements it is essential that such requirements are relayed in
the Office well in advance of the date and time required.
It is the Company's policy that all provisions, stores, etc. will be supplied in Northern
Europe at last a round voyage with the exception, of course, of perishable goods
such as fruit and vegetables where minimum quantities may be purchased after
obtaining our agreement at another port.
Engine, deck and catering departments, i.e. Purser, are to prepare a list of
requirements to last 3 months. Such lists to be prepared in triplicate and two copies
to be forwarded to the Head Office and one copy retained on board for future
On receipt of such requisitions they will be checked by the Head Office and the
appropriate order will be placed with a Ships Chandler/Supplier nominated by this
When intending for spare parts such requisitions should be made well in advance as
at times certain spares are not available. Also, as much information regarding the
part required is to be supplied on the requisition, such as:
1. Make of machine
3. Serial Number.
5. Any other information that you may consider will assist in identifying the part.
Masters are requested upon completion of each voyage to collect lashings, cargo
securing materials and dunnage, prepare an accurate inventory and forward it to the
Head Office for the attention of the Cargo superintendent.
The above mentioned materials should be kept on board and used for lashing
subsequent cargoes.
In the event of additional materials being required, you must apply immediately to the
Head Office for written approval or in case of urgency telex or telephone. (see also
2.3.3. Loading and Working Cargo).
Vessels with heavy lift gear, “Jumbos”, on board should pay special attention to the
maintenance of such gear.
Ship's “Jumbos” should be kept in perfect condition to operate as soon as they are
Therefore, their wires, blocks, shackles, pins etc. must be periodically inspected and
it there are any necessary repairs or replacements, you should not hesitate to apply
to the Head Office for approval of the required supplies.
Furthermore, you are requested to air mail a report on the condition of the heavy lift
gear every three months.
Prior to the ship's arrival at first loading port, this Office is to prepare a pro forma
stowage plan for the booking of cargoes.
We will telex or email you in time, all stowage plan details pertaining to cargo
quantities and compartments in which we suggest these be stowed.
You are requested to study carefully our proposed plan and if you are of the opinion
that you can arrange better stowage i.e. save space, have better stability, adjust
draft, hull stress restrictions, etc., then you may proceed with the necessary
alterations but always keeping us informed.
Masters having empty TEUs on board their ship northbound through the Suez Canal
are requested to stow these under the main deck and not include them in the
manifest to be presented to the Canal Authorities as otherwise the canal Authorities
will consider these as part of the cargo and charge un-necessary transit fees;
If there are any such claims these should be recovered from the officers concerned
and the messing account credited.
The above expenses, within the ceiling given in our instructions, should be prepared
in separate statements with all details of expenses incurred at various ports,
supported by relevant documents and forwarded to the Head Office.
On scrutiny, if any claim exceed our ceiling rate, the difference will be debited to the
Master's Account. Therefore, special attention should be paid to see that these are
kept to a minimum.
Masters are not permitted to waive any other expenses/claims on any account
without our prior approval.
Complete records of advances and wages of officers and crew employed on board
our vessels are maintained at the Company's Head Office.
1. All cash advances to officers and crew should not exceed fifty percent (50´%) of
their basic, repeat, wage per month.
2. All cash advance required in Foreign Ports must be routed through the Agents.
3. On arrival at each Port the Purser should ascertain the sailing program of the
vessel from the Agent through the Master, and then ascertain from the officers and
crew their cash requirements. He will then call for these from the Head Office
through the Agents.
(The name of the vessel, the Port at which the advance is required, the amount and
month should be filled in the blanks)
5. The Purser should submit the cash requisition from the previous Port in such a
way that at least 3 to 5 working days are available for the head Office to make the
required arrangements.
6. Agents will not pay cash advances unless relative approval is received from the
Head Office.
1) All cash advances drawn from Agents at Port should be fully distributed to
officers and crew, depending on their balance wages, according to our
instructions, within 24 hours of receipt of such cash advances.
3) A copy of the above statement should be sent to us along with monthly wage
It is from paramount importance that the Master and Chief Engineer comply with the
following instructions :
1) On ship's arrival in Port and during vessel's stay in Port for two days for
loading or discharging, the Chief Engineer is instructed to examine Main
Engine pistons which, according to class survey CSM items, are due for
overhauling. If overhauling is required the Head Office to be informed
accordingly in order to arrange for Class Surveyor to pass subject items.
4) Also ascertain the class CMS items, which are due for survey and inform this
office accordingly to arrange for Class Surveyor.
5) The Master and Chief Engineer are instructed always to maintain and keep
cargo gear in good working order and in case of any problems to inform this
office so that timely action can be taken to resolve these problems and avoid
unnecessary delays.
7) Master is instructed to always paint the vessel's hull on it's arrival in Port for
loading/discharging, and ship's accommodation at a convenient time when at
Masters should ensure that full inventories of the following are taken and forwarded
to the Head Office, along with monthly statements, duly signed.
This information is required once every three months to determine future supplies of
stores to vessels.
Masters must in the same manner check in advance and make sure what stores and
provisions they require and prepare a list which they must send to the Head Office for
our consideration. After we have had the opportunity to examine these lists we shall
inform them what supplies to get and from where to get them.
We have our arrangements with suppliers at various ports and YOU WILL NO
order to anybody who calls on board. We shall inform you who your supplier will be
and the supplier concerned also will be instructed by this office accordingly.
Likewise the delivery receipts will be signed for quantity and quality with any remarks
you may have to make, but always with the endorsement "Prices subject to Owner's
Approval". You must not settle direct these accounts neither the Agents must be
authorised to pay them. All accounts should be forwarded to this office for checking
and settlement. Before ordering your stores and provisions you must make clear to
the suppliers that payment will be effected from Head Office.
All requisitions for provisions, cabin, deck and engine room stores must be forwarded
to the Head Office at least 4 weeks prior to date that supply is required to give us
enough time to check, amend and forward orders to ship chandlers who are
nominated only by this office, unless otherwise stated.
All victualing provisions are to be ordered once every 2 months unless otherwise
notified by the Head Office. Fresh vegetables, fish, fruits and eggs can be ordered if
required on different dates, after taking into consideration the quality of the victuals
and the services rendered at the Port that the stores are required.
All other cabin, deck and engine stores are to be ordered every 6 months except
otherwise ordered by the Head Office. Costs of products should also be taken into
consideration as in some Ports these stores are excessively expensive and most of
the items are not found.
In order to get full utilization of all available space on our vessels, Masters and Chief
Officers are advised that stowage of cargo is planned in the most professional and
efficient manner.
In this regard care must be taken to stow all holds in such a way as to enable loading
and discharging to be completed with utmost speed, which will obviously save time at
all ports and subsequently enable our fleet to be in the correct position at all times.
The courts hold the view that ITF is not a legitimate labour union in the sense of the
law, especially Article 264 Labour Code.
It is evident therefore that Officers and Crew should never go on strike or seek the
assistance of any ITF representative(s) to solve their problems but discuss these with
the Masters and solve them amicably in case of any dispute.