Value Seeker 30 August 10
Value Seeker 30 August 10
Value Seeker 30 August 10
Money Market 41,187 28.53% 5.7%. Since the announcement of the Capital Gain Tax (CGT) implementation on
equities, investors have been shifting their funds more towards the income & money
Equity 40,996 4.71%
market funds categories (especially to the money market funds category, which
Index Tracker 240 7.66% showed an appreciation of a massive 142% during the last 7MCY10 while 29% growth
Balanced 4,662 -1.70% Income Funds category appreciated by minimal 1.5% in Jul-10
Islamic Equity 5,392 7.59% After a massive decline of 21% in the size during FY10, the income funds category has
shown a growth of only 1.6% in Jul-10, thanks to a newly launched income fund namely
Islamic Income 12,771 2.06%
PICIC Income Fund managed by the PICIC Asset Management (first open-end in-
Islamic Bal. & Alloc. 1,730 3.10% come fund by the asset manager) during the month. However, due to increased
Hybrid & Cap. Pr. 7,061 -17.23% volatility in the TFCs (price, ratings), the investors’ interest seemed missing to con-
sider placing funds in the income funds category in recent times. The category is
Fund of Funds 866 3.46%
showing a decline of 9% during 7MCY10 settling at Rs61bn.
Bond 1,515 0.60%
Money market funds - continuing upward momentum
Total 179,338 6.63%
The star-performer in FY10, the money market funds category still has a potential to
Source: FMR, InvestCap Research grow. As in Jul-10, the category again appreciated by a solid 29% reaching at Rs41bn
with an induction of two new open-end money market funds in the category. During
the last 7MCY10, the category boosted by 142%, from the levels of Rs17bn in Dec-09.
Equity category rose by 4.7% - KSE appreciation of 8.2% in Jul-10
In Jul-10, the KSE100 index appreciated by 8.4% with major activity witnessed in the
Power, Textile and Cement sectors. The equity funds category grew however by only
4.7% in Jul-10 while showed a decline of a massive 42% during 7MCY10, as compared
to the KSE100 index return of 3.6% recorded during the same period.
On last working day of Jul-10, the SBP inched up its policy rate by 50bps as against
the industry-wide expectations of no change in monetary stance of the central bank,
which has hurt the market sentiments for equity funds as well as the long-term-paper
investors. Meanwhile, in the last auctions of the T-bills, major participation was wit-
nessed in the short-tenure instruments showing that market participation remained
and is expected to be concentrated in the short-term instruments going forward.
Mazhar A. Sabir
+92 21 111 111 097 (Ext. 8635)
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Invest Capital Investment Bank Ltd.