Cytology Book?: (Based On Bethesda Form)
Cytology Book?: (Based On Bethesda Form)
Cytology Book?: (Based On Bethesda Form)
(based on bethesda form)
Parabasal cells
15-25 µm.
Round to oval shape.
Cyanophilic cytoplasm.
Large nuclei, high N:C ratio.
Intermediate cells
Pale cyanophilic cytoplasm, flattened.
Cell border teends to fold.
Glycogen-golden or pale brown.
Nuclei vesicular, reticular chromatin, chromocentre.
Superficial cells
Endocervical cells
Honeycomb pattern.
Naked nuclei with mucus.
Most tall columnar cells.
Well-defined cell borders.
Abundant clear cytoplasm,
distended, vacuoles.
Oval to round nucleus.
Endometrial cells
Ball like clusters, rarely as
single cells.
Nuclei small,round,
approximate size of
intermediate cell nucleus.
Scanty cytoplasm, may be
Pear-shaped / kite-shaped.
Oval / round cynophilic.
Range about 15 - 30 micrometer.
Nucleus is pale and eccentric.
Leptothrix may be seen while flagella rarely seen.
Eosinopilic cytoplasmic granules may be seen.
Candida spp
Small cocobacilli.
Covered on an individual squamous cell.
Also known as "clue cell".
Conspicuous absence of lactobacilli.
Actinomyces spp
Nuclear enlargement.
Endocervical cells maybe larger.
binucleation or multinucleation.
Nuclei maybe vesicular or hypochromatic.
Nuclear outline is smooth, round, uniform.
Mild hyperchromasia.
3x nucleus enlargement.
Abundant cytoplasm.
N:C ratio slightly increase.
Singly in sheet pattern.
Usually in Superficial & Immediate squamous cell.
Variation of nucleus size and shape.
Binucleation and multinucleation.
Nucleus membrane smooth/slightly irregular.
Nucleoli inconspicuous.
Distinct cytoplasmic border of the cells.
Vacuolated cytoplasm.
Rosette Pseudostratification
Adenocarcinoma – Endocervical
Abundant cellularity.
2 dimensional sheets; large thick groups.
Many features of AIS.
Dyscohesion more common.
Increasing N:C ratio.
Increasing nuclear size.
Chromatin clearing.
Tumour diathesis present.
Adenocarcinoma – Endometrial
Adenocarcinoma - Extrauterine
Cells present predominantly Singly or in small fragments. Cells occur singly and in sheets Cells occur in singles, in sheets Isolated and cluster Singly or in syncytial aggregates
Cell arrangement
singly and in few sheets. crowded sheet pattern or in syncytial-like aggregates. with poorly defined cell borders.
Polygonal cell shape. Cells size is large. Pleomorphic cell shapes Pleomorphic malignant Pleomorphic malignant cells.
Metaplastic cell Cells have distinct cytoplasmic cells
Cell configuration NONE
Small cohesive clusters of border. Bizarre cell shapes
atypical cell.
Minimal nuclear Enlargement Binucleation and multinucleation. Hyperchromasia Nuclear membrane may Inflammatory and necrotic
hyperchromasia Hyperchromasia Variable degrees of hyperchromasia Irregular nuclear membrane , be irregular. background.
Smooth nuclear membrane / Variation of nuclear size and shape prominent and grooves. Hyperkeratosis may be Some abnormal keratinised cells.
Nuclear morphology
midly irregular. Smooth or slightly irregular and present Blood and necrosis.
thickened Inflammation and
Nuclei approximately 2 ½ to 3x Nuclei about 1 ½ to 2 1/2x Enlarged nucleus > 3x nucleus of a Naked nuclei. Numerous dense opaque Naked and coarsely clumped
size of intermediate cell larger than normal. normal intermediate cell. Enlarged nuclei nuclei chromatin
Nuclei nucleus. Enlarged nuclei. Hyperchromatic nucleus. Have nucleolus Vary markedly in size irregular distribution
Hyperchromatic nucleus.
Enlarged nucleus
Finely granular, evenly Finely granular , evenly distributed Fine or coarsely granular Coarsely granular and
Chromatin NONE NONE
distributed irregularly distributed
Cytoplasm Dense orangeophilic Dense cytoplasm Vacuolated (koilocytes), dense or Variable, can be immature, lacy, NONE NONE
(parakeratosis) orangeophilic densely metaplastic, densely