Knowledge Management in Multinational Organiza-Tions: A Literature Review

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International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)


Knowledge Management in Multinational Organiza-

tions: A Literature Review
Mr. Shailesh Kumar (Research Scholar), Ph.D. (Computer Science), Banasthali Vidyapith,
Banasthali (Rajasthan)
Prof (Dr.) Sanjeev Gupta (Research Guide), Director General, Academy of Technology & Management, Ashok Vihar, New Delhi

Abstract lot to various types of multinational organizations. This is

The concept of Knowledge Management (KM) is an integral clear from the literatures of various disciplines such as current
to business world in current scenario. This fact is proved when business, management, organization and technology. At first
we go through the current business, management, technology hand its looks as if knowledge management just appeared to-
and organization literature. This paper provides a review and ward the end of the 1990‟s.Some regard knowledge manage-
interpretation of knowledge management literatures in multi- ment as a business fad or craze [1], but a closer examination of
national corporations. This paper provides a detailed process the concept reveals that there has been considerable thought
view of organizational knowledge management with a focus and research into it, and many of the world‟s most successful
on the potential role of information technology in form of corporations, businesses, and organizations are investing con-
Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) in various types of siderable resources in this enterprise [2]. Prussak [3] estimated
multinational corporations. Drawing upon the literature review that approximately 80% of the global 1000 businesses are
and analysis of knowledge management processes, we discuss conducting knowledge projects underway. Attendance in
several important research issues surrounding the use of Knowledge Management(KM)conferences, workshops etc is
Knowledge Management systems in support of these increasing and there are many books, articles and special is-
processes. The main purpose of this study is the compilation of sues on knowledge and its management during the last few
literature on Knowledge Management (KM) and to understand decades is a fact recognized by all.
the basic concepts/key terms, traditional definitions involved
to Knowledge Management (KM).This paper also presents KM had start taking shape and come into sight on the maps of
various approaches to Knowledge Management(KM) process seminars and conference organizers in the beginning of 1990s,
and their connections and differences are discussed. At the end but it is important to note here that debate had started much
we have summarized the benefits of Knowledge Management earlier ([4];[5]). Drukes [6] was the first to coin the term
(KM). knowledge worker. Organization can learn from past expe-
riences stored in corporate memory systems [7]. Barton-
Leonard [8] documented the case of chappual steel as KM
KEYWORDS: Knowledge, Knowledge Management
(KM), Knowledge Management Systems (KMS), KM Ben- success story. Nonaka and Takenchi [9] studied how know-
efits ledge is produced, used, and diffused within organizations and
how such knowledge contributed to the diffusion of innova-
tion. A number of people, perceiving the value of measuring
Introduction intellectual assets, recognized the growing importance of or-
We live in the world of knowledge economy where informa- ganizational knowledge as a competitive asset ([10]; [11]; and
tion plays an important role. To get the information, business [12]).Many of the practices set up in organizations can be
uses different types of information systems. Information is broadly construed as contributing to the knowledge agenda.
everywhere and it depends on us how to collect this informa- These knowledge projects range from setting up an intranet,
tion and use it for our business purpose. Information must be using Lotus Notes or other team-oriented software, creating
refined and stored into the database better known as know- personal development plans, mentoring, or sharing information
ledge base. The success of organization depends on how that on best practices. Increasingly, organizations are creating spe-
organization is dealing with the information. The world is cific initiatives or programs with a knowledge focus. Know-
changing very fast which is imperative to the success of firm‟s ledge teams and knowledge leaders are emerging in multina-
in the rapidly changing setting of knowledge arena. Success in tional organizations.
today‟s global, interconnected economy springs from the fast,
effective and efficient sharing of information so that effective Why are businesses and organizations devoting considerable
decision can be taken on time. money, time and effort into knowledge management projects?
Knowledge Management is a key concept in today‟s business The answer is they want to survive. McCampbell, Clare, and
world. It is very emerging filed which can and contributing a Glitters [13] maintain that in an economy of uncertainty, the

Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations: A Literature Review
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
only sure source of lasting competitive advantage is know- Knowledge
ledge.” Successful companies are those that consistently create The last century has seen the re-discovery of the knowledge
new knowledge, disseminate it widely throughout the organi- debate, starting with scholars from economics ([38]; [39];
zation, and quickly embody it in new technologies and prod- [40]), organizational theory [41] and philosophy [42]. These
ucts” (p.172) .They argue that the new business environment is perspectives concerned with the characteristics of knowledge
characterized by radical and discontinuous change. The envi- and its role within the organization has led to invigorating de-
ronment requires organization members to anticipate changes bate among scholars and practitioners from other disciplines in
and carry out a faster cycle of knowledge creation and action the last decade. Knowledge received explicit acknowledge-
based on the new knowledge [13, P.173]. ment in economic analysis by the neo-classical economist, Al-
fred Marshall ([40], p. 115), who argued that capital consists,
The study of human knowledge has been a central subject mat- in the greater part, of knowledge and organization and that
ter of philosophy and epistemology since the ancient Greeks. knowledge is the most powerful engine of production organi-
An historical perspective of KM reveals that it is an old quest zations increasingly focused on management. In 1959, Druck-
pursued both by Eastern and Western philosophers. Eastern er [43] coined the term "knowledge worker" and later argued
philosophers, Tzu and Confucius in China and their contempo- that, in the "knowledge society", the basic economic resource
raries in India, have an equally long and well-documented tra- is no longer capital, natural resources or labor but is, and will
dition of emphasizing knowledge and understanding for the be, knowledge. The ability to use intellectual capability and
conduct of spiritual and secular life. Practical knowledge or create new solutions for human needs now takes central place
"know how" has always been important although KM was, and in the global info-economy. Human knowledge and capabili-
often still is, an implicit task. The first attempts at KM, such as ties have always been at the core of value-creation, but this
capture, storage and retrieval, began with the Cuneiform lan- truism has become more visible in the info-age where the "in-
guage in about 3000 BC. Knowledge was inscribed with a sty- tellective" component of work is increasingly important [44].
lus in wet clay and then baked. Through centuries, new tech- For years, organizations paid lip service to the management of
nologies found their way in influencing KM processes. For ex- knowledge, being concerned with more tangible and physical
ample, the craft guild culture of the thirteenth century intro- assets. The knowledge component of the value-chain had been
duced more explicit and systematic KM practices [14]. obscured by the tendency to think of work as fundamentally a
physical activity [44]).
Table-1 presents some of the important research contributions
to the field of KM, which are considered today as reference Knowledge is seen at the center of global economic transfor-
points for further research. mation [45], competitive advantage of an organization [46]
and a shift from "info-war" to "k-warfare" (knowledge war-
fare) [47]. Increasingly, knowledge is seen as outstripping tra-
S.No. KM Topics Generation Authors ditional resources such as land, labor and financial capital and
1 Explicit, Tacit and Ist Gen Polyani [16]; Nonaka and is considered the key source of comparative or competitive
Implicit Takeuchi [17] advantage ([48]; [49]). For some, knowledge is "economic
KM fundamentals Ist Gen Wiig[18],Liebowitz &
ideas" [50] or "intellectual capital" ([51]; [52]) and is talked
Beckman [19] about in terms of "stockpiles", "reservoirs", "exchange", "cap-
3 KM frameworks IInd Gen Holsapple and Joshi[20] , ture" and "utilization", without questioning whether it can ac-
Rubenstein et al.[21] tually be managed or understanding its epistemology - know-
4 KM projects IInd Gen Davenport et al. [22] ing it exists and understanding its context and, hence, its im-
5 KM and AI IInd Gen Fowler [23], Liebowitz, [24]
6 KM and decision IIIrd Gen Courtney[25], Bolloju et al.
portance [49].
support [26]
7 KM surveys IIIrd Gen Liao[27] , Kakabadse et al.
[28], Singh[29] Anan- Plato [53] first defined the concept of knowledge as "justified
tatmula & and
true belief" in his Meno, Phaedo and Theaetetus. Plato's [53]
Kanungo[30], Wong &
Aspinwall[31] concept was debated from Aristotle [54], a student of Plato,
8 KM software tools IIIrd Gen Tyndale[32] throughout continental rationalism [55]; British empiricism
9 KM in SMEs IIIrd Gen McAdam and Reid [33], [56]; German philosophy ([57];[58];[59]) to twentieth-century
Wong & Aspinwall [34] philosophers([60];[61];[62];[63];[64];[65];[66];[67]; [68];
10 KM in higher edu- IIIrd Gen Rowley [35]; Metaxiotis and
cation Psarras [36]
[69]; [70]). Although imperfect in terms of logic, this defini-
11 KM standardiza- IIIrd Gen Weber et al.[37] tion has been predominant in Western philosophy [71].
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
The terms "knowledge" and "information" are often used inter-
changeably in the literature and praxis but a distinction is help- According to Nonaka and Takeuichi [17] knowledge could al-
ful. The chain of knowledge flow is data-information- so be categorized into two types, explicit and tacit knowledge.
realization-action/reflection-wisdom (see Figure 1). Tacit knowledge is obtained by internal individual process and
stored in human being like experience, reflection, internaliza-
tion or individual talent. Explicit knowledge is possible to be
stored in a mechanical or technological way, like in handbooks
or information systems, or database, manual, internal newslet-
ter and documentation. You can refer table 3 for the characte-
ristics of tacit and explicit knowledge and table 4 for generic
Figure 1 Chain of knowledge flow
knowledge types.
Data represents observations or facts out of context that are,
therefore, not directly meaningful [72]. Information results
from placing data within some meaningful content, often in the TACIT KNOWL- EXPLICIT
form of a message [72]. Knowledge, as a "justified true be- EDGE KNOWLEDGE
lief", is that which people believe and value on the basis of the
meaningful and organized accumulation of information (mes- Inexpressible in a codifi- Codifiable
sages) through experience, communication or inference ([73]; able form
[74];[75]). To obtain information that one needs and to assess Subjective Objective
the value of information, one has, or needs, to acquire both Personal Impersonal
theoretical and practical knowledge - it implies operation of Context Specific Context Independent
discipline or action [76]. Thus realization/("knowledge") can Difficult to share Easy to share
be conceived of as information put to productive use. There is Table 3: The characteristics of tacit and explicit
a body of literature on KM dealing with important issues such knowledge [89]
as the distinction between explicit and tacit knowledge ([42];
[71]), the composition and organization of knowledge [70] and INDIVIDUAL SOCIAL
the systems and structures for optimum efficacy ([72];[77]). It
delineates an analytical space and, in consisting of an area of Explicit Conscious Objectified
knowledge, provides the basis for action and intervention [78]. Tacit Automatic Collective
Through action and reflection one may also gain wisdom. Table 4: Generic Knowledge Types [90]
Knowing how to use information in any given context requires
wisdom. Wisdom is a mode of symbolic processing by a high- Explicit Knowledge [86]
ly developed will. It is a dialectical integration of all aspects of The increasing reliance on many decision makers in organiza-
the personality: including affect, will, cognition and life expe- tions has increased the need for people to develop and share
rience [79]. Table 2 provides a summary of knowledge flow their accrued knowledge. Explicit knowledge is knowledge
and its links. However, there is a range of theoretical positions that can be shared with others-it can be documented, catego-
dealing with the "movement" of knowledge. For example there rized, transmitted to others as information, and illustrated to
is the "stickiness" of knowledge and the factors inhibiting the others through demonstrations, explanations and other forms
flow of knowledge from one location to another ([80]; [81]; of sharing. Declarative knowledge, that is, sets of principles
[82]), the characteristics of that knowledge [83], speed of and facts which can be explained to others, and procedural
transfer [84] and the contrast between knowledge and knowing knowledge, which enables the application of processes, are
[85]. two major forms of explicit knowledge. Explicit knowledge is
a key organizational resource which is increasingly important
as the nature of work evolves towards a knowledge focus.
Many work roles are now based on processing, producing or
disseminating knowledge within or beyond the workplace.
Workers who spend most of their time generating, applying or
conveying knowledge are called knowledge workers. Explicit
knowledge is key resource for such workers and the organiza-
tion, in that it has the capacity to be distributed, shared and
adapted. However, it is only one element of the knowledge
which supports organizations.
Table 2: Knowledge links
Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations: A Literature Review
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
Tacit Knowledge [86]
It can be difficult for people to explain how they apply their Figure 2: Sources of Organizational Knowledge
expertise to resolve new challenges. Expert knowledge is hard [86, Page: 19]
to duplicate, replace or interpret, as it is grounded in a blend of Experience
experience, research and induction which may have been re- INDIVIDUAL
fined over many years. A beginning doctor, for example, may
take significant time to analyze information about a patient,
examine expert resources and perhaps seek advice. A very ex-
perienced doctor, on the other hand, will be able to draw infe-
rences and guidance from a range of those explored by the ju- KNOWLEDGE
nior doctor. Although they will largely remain hidden from an KNOWLEDGE
observer. Knowledge which draws on the accumulated expe- Intranet
rience and learning of a person and which is hard to reproduce External Sources Library
or share with others is called tacit knowledge. Although tacit History ArchivesInformation
knowledge is hard to document, categorize and share organiza- Systems
tions depend on it to ensure good-quality choices and judg-
ments [87].In a work setting, many staff will have high levels
of tacit knowledge which they have developed through their Increasingly, organizations are recognizing the importance of
experience, learning and ongoing investigation of sources. The capitalizing on and cultivating those who can guide and en-
difficulty of translating this knowledge into a tangible product hance the strategic priorities of the organization. Strategic
or process raises two issues for organizations: How to identify knowledge-expertise and understanding that support the stra-
who holds such knowledge, and how to enable others to access tegic direction of the organization-is increasingly valued as an
it when they need it. This is a key concern of knowledge man- organizational asset. The challenge for an organization is to
agement. have a clear understanding of desirable strategic knowledge
and the sources of such knowledge in its community. An or-
Organizational Knowledge ganization aiming to develop a knowledge base first needs to
Organizations seek to use a range of authoritative sources, in- identify the sources of knowledge available, and then to cap-
cluding knowledge held by individuals and within knowledge ture and manage these sources appropriately [92]
systems maintained by the organization. Organizational know-
ledge draws on different organizational knowledge sources, In various literatures knowledge has received many defini-
[88] including data housed in organizational records and sys- tions. Table 5 represents some more major definitions
tems, explicit knowledge which is documented and accessible, which are relevant to the topic of KM:-
and tacit knowledge held by employees, customers, sharehold-
ers and other organizational stakeholders. Some major corpo- TABLE 5: DEFINITIONS OF KNOWLEDGE[15]
rate knowledge systems include information databases, the
company web site, the library and archives. Figure 3 indicates S.No. DEFINITIONS OF KNOWLEDGE REFER-
the variety of sources which may contribute to organizational 1 Knowledge is a factor of production Nonaka &
knowledge. When important decisions need to be made, it is Takeuchi
common to seek guidance from these varying authoritative [17]
sources, and to build a richer and more informed response by 2 Knowledge resides in the head of the indi- Grant[93]
learning and considering the different perspectives each may viduals . . . knowledge is that which is
offer. Canvassing opinion, examining past experience, and known
analyzing facts and statistics are important processes when de- 3 Knowledge consists of truths and beliefs, Wiig[94]
veloping organizational knowledge. The creation of effective perspectives and concepts, judgments and
organizational knowledge relies on many things.First, the expectations, methodologies and know-
sources of knowledge that can be accessed need to be known, how.
4 Knowledge is information in context cou- Davenport
available and useful. An organization relies on the knowledge
pled with an understanding of how to use it & Pru-
held by individuals. Expert knowledge sources are key strateg- sak[72]
ic forces which should be recognized by others and accessible 5 Knowledge is information combined with Davenport
to them [91]. experience, context, interpretation, and re- &
flection Long[95]

International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
6 Knowledge is reasoning about information Beck- knowledge workers); social science (understanding motiva-
to actively guide task execution, problem- man[96] tion, people, interactions, culture, environment); management
solving and decision-making in order to science (optimizing operations and integrating them within the
perform, learn and teach enterprise); information science (building knowledge-related
7 Knowledge is defined as understanding the Bohn[97] capabilities); knowledge engineering (eliciting and codifying
effects of input variables on the output.
knowledge); artificial intelligence (automating routine and
8 Knowledge as new or modified insight or Kock &
predictive understanding. Queen[98] knowledge-intensive work) and economics (determining prior-
9 Knowledge is the whole set of insights, ex- Van der ities). As a result, there are a host of working definitions of
periences, and procedures which are con- Spek & KM and embryonic philosophies circulating in the literature
sidered correct and true, and which there- Spijkervet and around corporations of the world.
fore guide the thoughts, behaviors, and [99]
communication of people. For some, KM is a "conscious strategy of getting the right
10 Knowledge is justified personal belief that Alavi & knowledge to the right people at the right time and helping
increases an individual‟s capacity to take ef- Leidner[10 people share and put information into action in ways that strive
fective action. 0] to improve organizational performance" [104, P. 4). For oth-
11 Knowledge refers to an individual's stock of Alexander ers, it is "formalization of, and access to, experience, know-
information, skills, experience, beliefs and &
memories. Schallert[1
ledge and expertise that create new capabilities, enable supe-
01] rior performance, encourage innovation and enhance customer
12 Knowledge originates in the head of an in- Bender & value" [105,pp. 1-6]. A total of 73 percent of 260 UK and Eu-
dividual (the mental state of having ideas, Fish[102] ropean corporations voted for the business definition of KM as
facts, concepts, data and techniques, as re- the "collection of processes that govern the creation, dissemi-
corded in an individual‟s memory) and nation and utilization of knowledge to fulfill organizational
builds on information that is transformed objectives" ([106, P.29]). However, most working definitions
and enriched by personal experience, beliefs in the literature point to fundamentally the common idea that
and values with decision and action-relevant KM can incorporate any or all of the following four compo-
meaning. Knowledge formed by an individ-
nents: business processes, information technologies, know-
ual could differ from knowledge possessed
by another person receiving the same in- ledge repositories and individual behaviors [107]. With the
formation aim of improving organizational productivity and competitive-
ness, these four permit the organization to methodically ac-
quire, store, access, maintain and re-use knowledge from dif-
Knowledge Management ferent sources [107]. A consistent theme in all espoused defini-
Knowledge management (KM) is very important for organiza- tions of KM is that it provides a framework that builds on past
tion because it will help organization to have competitive ad- experiences and creates new mechanisms for exchanging and
vantage and effective work through sharing and re-use of creating knowledge.Knowledge management is a formal
knowledge in an organization. In the market place of e- process of determining what information a company has that
business, KM initiatives are used to systematically leverage in- can benefit others in the organization and making the informa-
formation and expertise to improve organizational responsive- tion easily available for use by those who need it. The process
ness, innovation, competency and efficiency. There are many includes formal procedures to collect such information as les-
reasons why knowledge should be managed properly in an or- sons learned during a project‟s execution and the best practices
ganization. Among the reasons are as follows: information occurring throughout the organization, a well established in-
overloads, technology advancement, increased professional frastructure, networks for transferring knowledge between
specialization, competition, workforce mobility and turnover, employees, and tools to facilitate the process. Once the process
and capitalizes on organizational knowledge. captures the organization‟s knowledge, the real power occurs
when the users utilizing the information use it by putting the
Knowledge Management is about building organizational in- shared into action. [108].
telligence by enabling people to improve the way they work in
capturing, sharing and using knowledge. It involves using the Many definitions of knowledge manage-
ideas and experience of employees, customers and suppliers to
improve the organizations‟ performance. Building on what
ment exist in the literature. Selected defi-
works well leads to better practice, strategy and policy [103]. nitions are summarized below.
Variety of disciplines have influenced and informed the field Successful knowledge management applies a set of approaches
of KM thinking and practice - prominent being philosophy, in to organizational knowledge-including its creation, collection,
defining knowledge; cognitive science (in understanding codification, personalization and dissemination-leading to
Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations: A Literature Review
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
achievement of corporate goals, meeting performance targets usually formulated in terms of the four basic operations on
and implementation of business-wide strategies in support of knowledge that can be found in organizations: development,
those objectives. Yu [109] distribution, consolidation and combination. These four basic
knowledge processes are described as follows:-
Community is the most significant differentiator between
Developing knowledge: Companies survive by the continuous
knowledge management and information management. The
spirit of knowledge management may be defined as knowing development of new knowledge based on creative ideas, the
individually what we know collectively and applying it, know- analysis of failures, daily experiences and work in R&D de-
ing collectively what we know individually and applying it, partments. Corporate memories can support these processes
and knowing what we don‟t know and learning it. Havens & by, for instance, recording failures and successes.
Consolidating knowledge: Knowledge must be safeguarded
Knapp [110]
against lost due to different causes (e.g. people retiring, docu-
Knowledge management is about supporting innovation, the ments that cannot be accessed any more, etc.). Consolidation
generation of new ideas and the exploitation of the organiza- could be supported by, for instance, corporate memories,
tion‟s thinking power. Knowledge management also includes knowledge transfer programmes, etc.The knowledge, thus
capturing insight and experience to make them available and stored, must be available at the right time and place.
useable when, where and by whom it is required. Parlby & Distributing Knowledge: Knowledge must be actively distri-
Taylor [111] buted to those who can make use of it. The turnaround speed
Knowledge Management is a business process that formalizes of knowledge is becoming crucial for the competitiveness of
management and leverage of a firm‟s intellectual assets. companies. To support this process, corporate memories need
Knowledge Management is an enterprise discipline that pro- a facility for deciding who should be informed about a particu-
motes a collaborative and integrative approach to the creation, lar new piece of knowledge. Actions to improve knowledge
capture, organization, access and use of information assets, in- distribution include the installation of help desks and the use
cluding the tacit, uncaptured knowledge of people. Harris of intranets.
[112] Combining Available Knowledge: A company can only per-
The author defines knowledge management as a well planned, form at its best if all available knowledge areas are combined
structured approach to manage the creation, dissemination, in its new products. If an organization is unable to combine the
sharing, harvesting, leveraging of knowledge as an organiza- knowledge available, it will miss opportunities and eventually
tional asset, to enhance a company‟s ability, speed and effec- lose market share. Products and services are increasingly being
tiveness in delivering products or services for the benefit of developed by multi-disciplinary teams. Corporate memories
clients and organization both, in line with its business strategy. may facilitate this by making it easier to access knowledge de-
Knowledge management takes place on four levels, namely veloped in other parts of the organization.
the individual level, team level group level and organizational
level. Knowledge Management Benefits [124]
Knowledge management deals with the management of both In this section we would like to elaborate KM benefits in mul-
tacit and explicit knowledge, where tacit knowledge is most tinational corporations or organizations. In this knowledge
probably the area of greatest leverage. It is a complete solution based economy, organizations increasingly have to deal with
incorporating a variety of outlooks or perspectives, namely issues like products and processes complexity, increased rele-
people, processes, culture and technology perspectives. Know- vant knowledge base both technical and non-technical, shorter
ledge Management gives equal weightage to various perspec- product life cycles, increased focus on the core competencies,
tives while managing knowledge. The Knowledge Manage- etc. KM can facilitate organizations to encounter various is-
ment process includes formal procedures to collect informa- sues related to the emergence of the knowledge-based econo-
tion such as lessons learned during a project‟s execution and my (Anantatmula & Kanungo [121]; Beijerse [65]). The nu-
the best practices occurring throughout the organization, a well merous benefits can be achieved through implementing KM.
established infrastructure, networks for transferring knowledge Many authors have investigated the potential benefits of using
between employees, and tools to facilitate the process. KM in the organizations as per the literature survey which are
given below:-
The Knowledge Management Architec-

Best decision making( Singh[116], Dalkir[117],
ture Chase [118])
In the literature on knowledge management, four components  Smoother collaboration (Singh[116], Dal-
of knowledge management architecture have been described kir[117])
[114], [115], and [116].The analysis plans and actions are  Enhanced learning (Dalkir[117])
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
 Improved communication (Chase [118]) ogies) and knowledge itself, interact to comprise a knowledge
 Improved employee skill( Dalkir[62] Chase [118]) management system. Feedback and control aspects of KMS
 Increased employee satisfaction(Dalkir[117]) are those processes that ensure the KMS is performing the
 Better way of working(Chase[118]) knowledge management tasks intended.
 Sharing best practices (Davenport[119], Singh[116], Dalkir[117], Chase[118]) Knowledge management systems are defined as systems de-
 Enhanced the continuity of the organiza- signed and developed to give decision makers/users in organi-
tion(Beijerse[120]) zations the knowledge they need to make their decisions and
 Improved employee loyalty and retention (Anantat- perform their tasks [126]. These systems extend beyond the
mula & and Kanungo[121], Beijerse[120]) traditional information systems in that they must provide “con-
 Improved productivity/efficiency( Singh[116], text” for the information presented. Examples of some current
Anantatmula & and Kanungo[121],Chase [118]) computer-based systems that practitioners are calling know-
 Increased empowerment of employees(Anantatmula ledge management systems are some applications of Lotus
& and Kanungo[121]) Notes and “intranets”.
 Increased sales/profits (Singh[116] Anantatmula
& and Kanungo[121],Chase[118]) Knowledge management systems are concerned with the man-
 Cycle time reduction (Singh[116], Chase [118]) agement of knowledge in the organization. Essentially, man-
 Develop new business opportunities(Anantatmula & agement is the stewardship of a resource; that is, the genera-
and Kanungo[121], KPMG[123]) tion or acquisition of that resource, the storing of the resource,
 Developing core competencies (Beijerse[120]) and the caring, security and on-going support of that resource.
 Enhanced flexibility (Singh[116] Chase [118]) Typically, most KMS‟s fulfill a number of these functions.
 Improved business processes (Anantatmula & and
Kanungo[121]) In summary, knowledge management systems can be thought
 Faster new product development (Beijerse[120]) of as systems composed of people, tools and technologies, and
 Improved responsiveness (Singh knowledge that interact to provide knowledge to people in the[116]Dalkir[117] Chase [118]) Organization that need it.
 Reduced risk (Beijerse[120])
 Enhanced customer relation (Dalkir[117])
 Enhanced products or services quality (Chase [118] , Conclusion
Dalkir[117]) Knowledge Management helps a learning community to learn
 Enhanced customer satisfaction (Dalkir[117]) more easily and effectively. Knowledge Management and
 Better management of intellectual capital (Demar- Knowledge Management Systems are very important for any
est[122]) multinational organization. In this paper we have tried to study
 Increased speed of innovation (Davenport[64], Singh the concepts of Knowledge, Knowledge Management, and[116],Dalkir[117], Chase[118]) Knowledge Management Systems in multinational organiza-
 Improved revenues through licensing of patents tions.
(Singh[116], Anantatmula & and Kanun- In this global scenario, knowledge creation and management
go[121]) has been the key question that has attracted the interest of the
 Reuse of information and Knowledge (Singh researchers from different areas. Various Studies shows that[116]) number of articles, books have been published on a theoretical
level on the topics Knowledge, KM & KMS. We have come
Knowledge Management Systems [125] through the conclusion that Knowledge Management does not
The fundamental concept providing the basis for KMS is the belong to one area. People from different disciplines are work-
systems concept. In general, a system is defined as “a set of ing on it. Through our literature study we have tried making
elements that interact to achieve some common goal” (Web- the reader to understand about the role of knowledge manage-
ster‟s Dictionary, 1995). In terms of organizations, systems are ment and is advantages in multinational organizations. We
typically composed of people, technologies and da- have compiled fundamentals related to the concept of Know-
ta/information. These components interact with one another ledge, Knowledge Management, which gives idea about the
for some specific purpose (e.g. product distribution system). historical background, contribution of different authors & re-
Feedback and control are used to keep the system working in searchers, fundamentals & concepts, definitions of Know-
the way it is intended. In terms of knowledge management ledge, KM and KMS. In Last the focus of this study has been
systems, the components of people (knowledge workers, man- on the numerous benefits that can be achieved through imple-
agers, etc), technologies (manual and computer-based technol- menting knowledge management in multinational, organiza-
Knowledge Management in Multinational Organizations: A Literature Review
International Journal of Advanced Computer Technology (IJACT)
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colleagues at Institute of Management & Research, Ghaziabad Management,, Volume 7 Number 4 2003 pp. 75-
(U.P.) for their support. The author would also like to convey 91,Copyright © MCB University Press ISSN 1367-
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Authors Biography
Author 1: Shailesh Kumar is both MCA & MBA. He is having
12 years of experience in IT Education & Training.
He is pursuing his PhD (Computer Science) from Ba-
nasthali Vidyapith, Banasthali (Rajasthan). His area
of research is Knowledge Management Systems. Pre-
sently he is with Institute of Management & Re-
search, Ghaziabad as Associate Professor (IT) since
2007. He can be contacted, Mobile: 09759992403

Author 2: Prof. (Dr.) Sanjeev Gupta is having 25 years expe-

rience in academics. He has worked with many re-
puted institutes like IMT Ghaziabad as Professor (In-
formation Technology) and Chairman (Placement
Division). He was also with Institute of Management
and Research (IMR), Ghaziabad as Director General.
Presently he is with Academy of Technology and
Management, New Delhi as Director General. He can
be contacted, Mobile:


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