Cartesian Form Mention The Size of Matrix and Its Content For Different Transformations?
Cartesian Form Mention The Size of Matrix and Its Content For Different Transformations?
Cartesian Form Mention The Size of Matrix and Its Content For Different Transformations?
2. What is the fraction of the total refresh time per frame spent in retrace of the electron
beam for interlaced raster system with a resolution of 1280 by 1024, a refresh rate of
60 Hz, a horizontal retrace time of 5 microseconds, and vertical retrace time of 500
microseconds? Describe the architecture of raster-graphics system with attached display
processor with suitable block diagram? [2+2]
3. Write the general matrix form which is capable of performing basic transformations in
Cartesian form; mention the size of matrix and its content for different transformations?
Show that two successive reflections about any line passing through the coordinate origin
is equivalent to a single rotation about the origin using homogeneous coordinate? [2+2]
4. Differentiate between Window and Viewport? Clip the line L1 (1, -2, 3, 3) against the
rectangular window R (-3, 1, 2, 6) using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm? [1+3]
5. Why is it easier to locate hidden surfaces when parallel projection is used? Describe Scan
line method for hidden surface detection technique with suitable example and also lists its
advantage over Z-buffer method? [1+3]
6. When a light source is relatively far away from a polyhedron, the diffuse reflection
determined by the Phong formula varies little within each polygonal face. Why? How can
you compute the color of P using Intensity interpolation technique from the given figure?
P’ P P”
7. Write Short notes on: [2+2]
a. RGB Color model
b. Generation of in between frames
[2Q.× 8 =16 marks]
Attempt ANY TWO questions.
8. Compare and contrast between Bresenham and Mid-point approach for drawing 2D
Geometrical shapes? Derive all the required decision parameters and write an algorithm
for plotting the line with |m|≥1 using Mid-point algorithm? Digitize a circle with radius 5
and center at origin using Mid-point agorithm? [1.5+ 5+1.5]
10.a) Differentiate between phong shading and Gouraud shading? Explain diffuse reflection
with supporting mathematical relations? [2+3]
b) Reflect the diamond-shaped polygon whose vertices are A(-1,0), B(0,-2), C(1,0), and
D(0,2) about the horizontal line y = 2? [3]
End Semester Examination
August, 2018
Level : B.E. / B.Sc. Course : COMP 342
Year : III Semester: II & I
Exam Roll No.: Time: 30 mins. F.M. : 10
2. While drawing a line with end point (20, 10) and (30, 18) using DDA algorithm, the Xinc
and Yinc valuewill be ___________________
[ ] (1.25, 1) [ ] (0.8, 1.25) [ ] (1.25, 0) [ ] (1, 0.8)
3. While drawing a circle section from x = 0 to x = y in the first quadrant with radius 10 and
center (50, 50) using midpoint algorithm, the decision parameter P1 will be ________.
[ ] -9 [ ] 4950.25 [ ] -6 [ ] 110
4. In high quality raster display systems with two frame buffers , frame buffers can be
alternately used for:
a. Refreshing
b. Filling intensity values
c. Mixing the frame buffer image with an input image from television camera
[ ]a&b [ ]a&c [ ]b&c [ ] a only
5. In architecture of a raster system with a fixed portion of the system reserved for the frame
buffer, the video controller has direct access to:
a. System Memory
b. Frame Buffer memory
c. Monitor
[ ]a&b [ ]b&c [ ] b only [ ] c only
6. How long would it take to load a 640 by 480 frame buffer with 12 bits per pixel, if 105
bits can be transferred per second?
[ ] 3.072 S [ ] 3686400 S [ ] 36.864 S [ ] 25600S
8. In y-direction shear relative to the line x = xref, with shearing factor Shx and Shy, the
transformed x- coordinate will be ________________
[ ] x + Shx * y [ ]x
[ ] x + Shx (x – x ref)*y [ ] shy*(x - xref) + y
9. The new coordinate of the point P(2, -4) after rotation by 30o will be ____________
[ ] (√3 , 1- 2√3) [ ] (√3 +2, 1- 2√3)
[ ] (√3 , 2√3) [ ] ( 2, 3√3)
10. What will be the value of r1 for the line with endpoints (2, 3, 8, 4) against rectangular
clipping window (1, 2, 9, 8) in Liang- Barsky algorithm?
[ ] -1 / 6 [ ]7/6 [ ] -1 [ ]5
11. In Sutherland-Hodgeman Polygon Clipping algorithm, if first vertex is inside the window
boundary and second vertex is outside the window boundary, what is added in the output
vertex list?
[ ] Intersection point & first vertex [ ] First vertex
[ ] Intersection point [ ] Nothing
13. In which type of parallel projection, the direction of projection makes equal angles with
all of the three principal axes?
[ ] Isometric [ ] Cabinet [ ] Cavalier [ ] Dimetric
15. In A-buffer Method, when depth field is negative, data for each surface in the linked list
a) Average intensity of each pixel
b) Opacity parameter
c) Percent of area coverage
[ ]a&b [ ]a&c [ ]b&c [ ] a, b & c
16. While determining the intensity of the specular reflection at a surface point, Vector R
(Vector in the specular-reflection direction) can be calculated in terms of _____________
[ ]N&H [ ]N&L [ ]V&H [ ] V &N
(Where N- direction of normal vector, L-light source direction vector, H-Halfway
17. Which of the following characteristics hold true for point source of light?
a. Rays follow radially diverging paths
b. Light source is closer to the scene
c. Size of light source is small compared to object in the scene
[ ]a&b [ ]a&c [ ]b&c [ ] a, b & c
18. How can Mach bands be reduced?
a) Dividing the surface into a greater number of polygon faces
b) Using normal vector interpolation shading
c) Using intensity interpolation shading
[ ]a&b [ ]a&c [ ]b&c [ ] a, b & c
20. Which technique is often used to specify the animation paths between key frames in
Computer animation?
[ ] Morphing [ ] Direction motion specification
[ ] Key-frame specifications [ ] Curve-fitting