Computers: The Emergence of Internet of Things (Iot) : Connecting Anything, Anywhere
Computers: The Emergence of Internet of Things (Iot) : Connecting Anything, Anywhere
Computers: The Emergence of Internet of Things (Iot) : Connecting Anything, Anywhere
The Emergence of Internet of Things (IoT):
Connecting Anything, Anywhere
Md Arafatur Rahman 1,2,3, * and A. Taufiq Asyhari 4
1 Faculty of Computer Systems & Software Engineering, University Malaysia PAHANG,
Kuantan 26300, Malaysia
2 IBM Center of Excellence, University Malaysia PAHANG, Kuantan 26300, Malaysia
3 Centre for Earth Resources Research & Management, University Malaysia PAHANG,
Kuantan 26300, Malaysia
4 School of Computing, Electronics and Mathematics, Coventry University, Coventry CV1 5FB, UK;
* Correspondence:
Received: 14 May 2019; Accepted: 17 May 2019; Published: 17 May 2019
Abstract: Internet of Things (IoT) plays the role of an expert’s technical tool by empowering physical
resources into smart entities through existing network infrastructures. Its prime focus is to provide
smart and seamless services at the user end without any interruption. The IoT paradigm is aimed at
formulating a complex information system with the combination of sensor data acquisition, efficient
data exchange through networking, machine learning, artificial intelligence, big data, and clouds.
Conversely, collecting information and maintaining the confidentiality of an independent entity,
and then running together with privacy and security provision in IoT is the main concerning issue.
Thus, new challenges of using and advancing existing technologies, such as new applications and
using policies, cloud computing, smart vehicular system, protective protocols, analytics tools for
IoT-generated data, communication protocols, etc., deserve further investigation. This Special
Issue reviews the latest contributions of IoT application frameworks and the advancement of their
supporting technology. It is extremely imperative for academic and industrial stakeholders to
propagate solutions that can leverage the opportunities and minimize the challenges in terms of using
this state-of-the-art technological development.
We are living in a new era of computing, information, and communication technology, that,
as many are saying, pushes forward seamless interaction between humans, nature, and physical objects
and is captured within the ecosystems of Internet of Things (IoT). The anticipated rich connectivity of
environment-to-machine, machine-to-machine, and machine-to-backbone internet infrastructure starts
to be seen and developed almost everywhere in the world. As a result, massive amounts of data is
being propagated, which are being subsequently processed into some useful decision-making and
intelligent actions to make our lives easier and safer [1]. Concurrently, however, the massive amount
of data being exchanged as well as the way it is being processed in the cloud and edge devices of IoT
platforms may not always leverage upon secure and reliable protocols and mechanism.
This Special Issue addresses the research and development of the latest contributions to IoT
application agendas and the corresponding supporting technology where many issues are being
inherited by IoT due to enabling smart applications.
Among the submissions received, all of which went through a rigorous peer-review process,
five papers have been selected for publication. In a manuscript entitled “Resource Allocation Model
for Sensor Clouds under the Sensing as a Service Paradigm”, the authors considered data sharing
issues embedded within sensor and cloud environment and attempted to design a service-oriented
model based on sensing functionality [2]. The paper “Making Sense of the World: Framing Models for
Trustworthy Sensor-Driven Systems”, facilitates the introduction of two important concepts, namely
frames of reference and frames of function that can be used to assist in organizing sensor-driven models
and their intended uses [3]. The article “Ontology Middleware for Integration of IoT Healthcare
Information Systems in EHR Systems” describes IoT facilities for Electronic Healthcare Record
(EHR) to improve the healthcare service by provisioning towards out-of-clinic automatic monitoring
services to the patients [4]. In the manuscript “Performance Evaluation of HARQ Schemes for the
Internet of Things”, the authors sought to provide a comprehensive performance comparison of
power-constrained short-packet Hybrid Automatic Repeat reQuest (HARQ) transmission schemes,
tailored for IoT applications [5]. To conclude, the paper “Connecting Smart Objects in IoT Architectures
by Screen Remote Monitoring and Control” considered remote control and monitoring issues for
IoT-enabled intelligent streaming services and proposed middleware organizational structure with
multiple platform compatibility [6].
The papers are described in more detail as follows:
1. Resource Allocation Model for Sensor Clouds under the Sensing as a Service Paradigm, by Joel
Guerreiro, Luís Rodrigues and Noélia Correia
The Internet of things (IoT) produces so many verses of service for sensing and data sharing purposes.
In this proposed scheme, a resource model is designed for procuring sensors as well as cloud stores
toward the client’s end. This model has taken into account an emerging IoT based multi-sensing
function and mashups of things at the cloud for supporting of a business model. Based on the
heuristic algorithm, it can integrate the allocation of most suitable devices according to the needs of
the application at the same time.
2. Making Sense of the World: Framing Models for Trustworthy Sensor-Driven Systems, by Muffy
Calder, Simon Dobson, Michael Fisher, and Julie McCann
A sensor device can produce information and data that can simplify real-time decision making
and actuate independent action and policies. In this paper, the authors theorized two features,
namely frames of references and frames of function. Their approach inherently implies frames-aided
communications between modelers and analysts, as well as relevant parties, and further differentiates
the objective and use of each model that can confide the purpose of the system requirements.
3. Ontology Middleware for Integration of IoT Healthcare Information Systems in EHR Systems,
by Abdullah Alamri
IoT has obtained a leading acceptance to provide effectual support in healthcare to affirm diagnosis
and treatment. The IoT technology can procure the data from patients, and can incorporate an electronic
healthcare records (EHR) system. However, the majority of the existing EHR systems are not able to
desegregate with IoT services to maintain a patient-centric support system. Therefore, the availability of
IoT in EHR can improve patience healthcare by facilitating a remote monitoring system of patients, who
are located outside the clinic. From this facility, the physician is able to retrieve data from the patient
via an IoT connection and, more significantly, the IoT platform may offer authentic interoperability
and incorporeality. Finally, this research proposed a mechanism to assist in semantically integrating
and enabling collaboration between IoT healthcare and EHR systems.
4. Performance Evaluation of HARQ Schemes for the Internet of Things, by Lorenzo Vangelista and
Marco Centenaro
The long-term evolution of cellular technologies is based on the HARQ, which is a widely used
medium access control scheme for wireless communications. Despite becoming enormously popular,
Computers 2019, 8, 40 3 of 4
the data block length settings of a HARQ scheme still leave room for further investigation. In particular,
the new communication trends of IoT model require short packet (low latency) and ultra-reliability
(low bit error rate), which motivate research in designing and implementing more efficient HARQ
schemes. This research provides a complete comparison of several types of power-constrained HARQ,
emphasizing the use of short packet transmission. The authors derived optimal power allocation
strategies (OPAS) and achieved 50% energy saving after bidding a few transmissions and enabling
combined packets at the receiver end.
5. Connecting Smart Objects in IoT Architectures by Screen Remote Monitoring and Control, by Zebo
Yang and Tatsuo Nakajima
In the area of touch-screen interaction of multimedia outputs, the electronic visual display is very
popular. It is convenient to gain control with an intelligent machine through the support of display
content. Remote screen sharing is very much predominant today. This paper proposes a middleware
arrangement based on remote streaming and facilitating maintenance of the control and monitoring
functionalities of artificially intelligent devices and appliances, such as smart home, smart TV, smart
watch, smart refrigerator, etc. This method provides a remote controlling and monitoring system for
a particular device selected from all the connected devices. The platform has been implemented as
a distributed network, containing several modules of servers and clients, and is compatible across
different operating systems, including Linux, MacOS, Windows, etc.
As we know that the concept of IoT is exploited in different domains of research [7–12]; however,
it is still in its infancy. Many open research issues can be solved using this technology; therefore,
we will further prepare some interesting Special Issues in the same domain.
Acknowledgments: The work has been partially supported by an Internal Grant RDU1703232 which is funded by
University Malaysia Pahang.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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3. Calder, M.; Dobson, S.; Fisher, M.; McCann, J. Making Sense of the World: Framing Models for Trustworthy
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Computers 2019, 8, 40 4 of 4
11. Rahman, M.A.; Kabir, M.N.; Azad, S.; Ali, J. On Mitigating Hop-to-Hop Congestion Problem in IoT Enabled
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12. Wang, T.; Bhuiyan, M.Z.A.; Wang, G.; Rahman, M.A.; Wu, J.; Cao, J. Big Data Reduction for Smart City’s
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