Academic Test 4 - BC Book P& P T For IELTS PDF
Academic Test 4 - BC Book P& P T For IELTS PDF
Academic Test 4 - BC Book P& P T For IELTS PDF
MAKING AN INTERNATIONAL MONEY 8 How much does it cost to make each transfer
TRANSFER from the Wesley bank?
Step 1: Access global payments system 9 What is the maximum amount of each
Log on to Wesley Bank Internet Banking transfer? ........................................................
Select ‘Transfer Money’
Select ‘International Money Transfer‘ (under 10 What is a security token?
International Services) ..........................................................
Questions 35–40
Complete the table below.
Technique Procedure Comment
concentrations and in some circumstances for all feverish children and teenagers.
salicylic acid creams can prove harmful, and
very occasionally, even fatal. Highly F
concentrated salicylic acid, particularly Salicylic acid has many uses for humans and
concentrations used for wart, corn or callus other animals, but several species of flora, too,
removal, can cause chemical burns if applied rely on its benefits. It seems to protect against
to skin for long periods of time. fungicidal and bacterial infections by acting as
Hyper-pigmentation – a blotchy discolouration a signal for pathogenic invasion. It also acts as
of skin tone – may also result in users who a kind of therapeutic agent by playing a role in
have darker skin and those who follow plant responses to abiotic, or external,
application with excessive exposure to stresses, such as in situations of drought,
ultraviolet light. Most over-the-counter facial excessive cold or heat and heavy metal
lotions are limited to a relatively mild 2–3% toxicity.
concentration for this reason.
D It is a naturally occurring substance in most
Salicylic acid also has a number of other less fruits, including berries, dates, raisins, kiwifruit,
widely known uses. Due to its antimicrobial olives and tomatoes. A few vegetables and also
properties, it is used in the formation of bismuth mushrooms and almonds have a strong
subsalicylate, the active ingredient in a number salicylic acid content. Some herbs and spices,
of popular remedies for upset stomachs and such as turmeric and curcumin, possess so
other intestinal problems. Some evidence much of the substance that, according to the
suggests that salicylic acid destroys E. Rowett Research Institute, a very spicy curry
colibacteria and consequently reduces contains more salicylic acid than a dose of
symptoms of diarrhoea and gastrointestinal aspirin!
distress in many sufferers. Long-term use,
however, is discouraged because an H
accumulation of bismuth subsalicylate in the Some physicians recommend aspirin as a
body is toxic. continuous medication in low dosages to
provide a defence against heart attacks,
E strokes and blood clot formation in some
Salicylic acid in the form of aspirin tablets is patients. Early results from studies show it may
commonly used to reduce fever, aches and even be effective in warding off certain types of
pains and inflammation but when ingested, it cancer. However, it is not suggested that
can cause gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach healthy people should start taking daily aspirin
irritation or bleeding and other undesirable side as a prophylactic measure, as there are
effects – an issue for many users of aspirin positive lifestyle changes that can be made
over the years. Children seem to be particularly instead: quitting smoking, consuming little or
sensitive, with epidemiological research no alcohol, and maintaining a normal weight by
demonstrating a connection between aspirin eating a wholesome diet and getting regular
use in children suffering from a viral illness and exercise. These adjustments to lifestyle may
a damaging, and potentially fatal, condition not be effortless but in the long run are
known as Reye’s syndrome. As a result, the extremely beneficial. If symptoms of withdrawal
Food and Drug Administration has (from nicotine or caffeine, for example) are
recommended parents avoid the use of aspirin painful, you could take a couple of aspirin to
overcome the temporary discomfort.
a noted mathematician and astronomer, whose notes some more speculative, show an
legacy is continued in the naming of women’s awareness of computing potential that went
colleges around the world. Another tutor, beyond mere number crunching. Ada
logician Augustus De Morgan, informed Anne anticipated advances, such as computer
that her daughter had the potential to become generated music, which would not be fully
‘an original mathematical investigator, perhaps realised until a century and a half later. For
of first-rate eminence’. these contributions, Ada has been dubbed the
It was through Somerville, however, that Ada ‘first computer programmer’.
was introduced to the researcher who would Not everyone is convinced that Ada deserves
play the greatest role in shaping her this title, however. Some historians have
legacy: Charles Babbage. Babbage, a suggested that Ada functioned more as an
professor of mathematics at Cambridge, was editor or compiler rather than as a
widely known for having invented and mathematician in her own right. These critics
developed the Difference Engine, a calculating note that, although published under her name,
machine more advanced than any of its time. In the algorithms had been completed by
1834, Babbage wanted to develop another, Babbage several years earlier, and that her
even more sophisticated apparatus, an correspondence with Babbage indicates that
Analytical Engine. Although he enjoyed great Ada relied a great deal on his guidance and
prestige, being a founder of the Astronomical authority in composing her appendices, while
Society, and a member of international making only minor corrections herself. Other
organisations including the American Academy historians defend her role. According to
of Arts and Sciences, his sponsors were Benjamin
reluctant to support his Analytical Engine Woolley, Ada’s biographer, Ada’s great
project, and for some time it appeared as if contribution lies in her discussion of the
Babbage’s intentions would never be fulfilled. implications of Babbage’s work and her
Assistance eventually came from the Italian conceptual vision of what computing might
mathematician Luigi Menabrea, who produced become. In accomplishing this, Woolley
a memoir documenting the Analytical Engine. suggests, Ada ‘rose above the technical
The memoir was published in French, however, minutiae of Babbage's extraordinary invention’
and Babbage recruited Ada to help make it and revealed its ‘true grandeur’. For his part,
accessible to an English-speaking audience. Babbage always insisted that Ada’s work, while
Over a nine-month period during 1842–1843, the product of an extensive dialogue between
Ada devoted herself to completing the work, them, was entirely her own.
eventually producing not only an English Disputes aside, Ada’s legacy in both computing
version of Menabrea’s work, but a set of and the wider popular imagination is now firmly
appendices longer than the original document established. The British Computer Society now
itself. In these appendices, Ada wrote a awards a medal bearing her name, and the
detailed account, in Section G, of how a United States Department of Defence has
sequence of Bernoulli numbers could be named a computer language, Ada, in her
calculated using the Analytical Engine. honour. In addition, a number of organisations,
Although the Engine was never built, inspired by the example she set, also exist to
retrospective studies have concluded that foster the development of women in the fields
Ada’s calculations would have been correct of computing, science and technology.
had the Engine existed at the time. In addition
to her mathematical accuracy, Ada’s other
Bernoulli numbers (named after Swiss mathematician Jakob Bernoulli) are the sequence of rational numbers; extremely important in number theory and analysis
and the subject of the first computer program.
Questions 20–24
Fill in the gaps in these sentences using NO HAAST’S EAGLE
MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the ‘Tiger of the skies’
Write your answers in boxes 20–24 on your A
answer sheet. As a result of being separated for tens of
millions of years from other mainland
20 Babbage did not receive any help for his ecosystems such as Australia or continental
Analytical Engine from ..................... Asia, the biota of New Zealand evolved to
21 Ada translated Menabrea’s work and include some of the most unique plants and
created a .................... for him. animals on earth. Until the arrival of humans
22 Long before its time, Ada predicted the and their associated introduced species, such
development of .................... . as rats and dogs, New Zealand was not home
23 Ada’s .................... suggests that the work to a single ground mammal, and this
she did for Menabrea was not completely encouraged bird-life to prevail. Another
original. common feature of island ecosystems,
24 Ada’s biographer felt that she had a whereby some species significantly outgrow
.................... of the future of computer their mainland relatives, also occurred in
science. New Zealand. From these twin forces – the
dominance of birds, and the tendency toward
Questions 25–26 larger body sizes in island ecosystems –
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. emerged one of the most formidable flying
Write the correct letter in boxes 25 and 26 on predators known on earth: the Haast’s eagle.
your answer sheet.
Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
The pie chart below shows where energy is used in a typical Australian household,
and the table shows the amount of electricity used according to the number of
occupants. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,
and make comparisons where relevant.
1 5,000 – 6,500
2 6,000 – 8,000
3 7,500 – 10,000
Writing Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Most people accept that we now live in a globalised world but not everyone agrees
that this is beneficial.
To what extent is globalisation a positive or negative development?
Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.
Speaking PART 2
Talk about someone you met who was
You should talk about:
- Where he/she was
- who he/she was
- what you did together
And explain why you think this person was