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Listening Section 1 Questions 7–10

Answer the questions below.
Questions 1–10 Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
Questions 1–6 AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer.
Complete the flow-chart below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS 7 How long does it take to process a transfer?
AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. ..........................................................

MAKING AN INTERNATIONAL MONEY 8 How much does it cost to make each transfer
TRANSFER from the Wesley bank?
Step 1: Access global payments system 9 What is the maximum amount of each
Log on to Wesley Bank Internet Banking transfer? ........................................................
Select ‘Transfer Money’
Select ‘International Money Transfer‘ (under 10 What is a security token?
International Services) ..........................................................

Step 2: Click on ‘Payment Destination Listening Section 2

Scroll down and choose the place Questions 11–20
Questions 11–17
Step 3: Label the plan below.
Enter 2 ‘.............................. Details’ Write the correct letter, A–I, next to questions
Name, address, phone number 11–17.

Step 4: ‘Transaction Details’ PLAN FOR UPGRADE OF BAYFIELD TOWN

Select transaction, savings or CENTRE
3 .............................. account
Enter reason (e.g. medical care,
4 ..............................)

Step 5: ‘Recipient Account Details’

Account name and number
(NB: complete the page within 5
.............................. hours)

Step 6: ‘Recipient Bank Details’

Name, branch, address

Step 7: ‘Confirmation Page’

Press Submit
Print receipt or write down Transaction 6

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11 Supermarket ......... ● Market Culture

12 Park ......... – values 25......................... with e.g. clients or
13 Market ......... suppliers to improve competitiveness
14 Office block ......... – this culture produces the best
15 Gymnasium ....... 26......................... (due to emphasis on
16 Library ......... competitiveness and success)
17 Council .........
● Clan Culture
Questions 18–20 – family-like
Complete the sentences below. – focus on ‘doing things together’ leads to high
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each degree of worker 27.........................
answer. – paternalistic, mentoring style of leadership
– employee development
18 The key issue for residents is ..................... – company expects 28......................... from
workers, with similar ideas and shared goals
19 The Council needs to buy suitable
..................... for playgrounds. ● Adhocracy Culture
– workers must be adaptable and accept
20 The Council’s first choice for controlling the change
movement of vehicles on Swan Road is – focus on 29............ and innovation with quick
...................... responses to outside factors
– dynamic and entrepreneurial leaders looking
for 30.........................
Listening Section 3 – employees encouraged to experiment with
new ideas
Questions 21–30 – might seem disorganised but inventive and
Complete the notes below. progressive
each answer.
Listening Section 4
Questions 31–40
Studies by Quinn and Cameron propose: Questions 31–34
“COMPETING VALUES FRAMEWORK” Complete the summary below.
● Hierarchy Culture answer.
– obeys rules, 21 ......................., bureaucracy
– several layers of management, workers ENVIRONMENTAL EFFECTS OF
should follow the 22 ......................... PESTICIDE USE
– stable, structured environment Most pesticides are carried into other
– leaders use power, 23 ........................., and environments. They travel along rivers or
position to deal with employees streams or are carried by the 31
– common among 24 ......................... ........................ They can harm animals or
organisations and large companies remove their 32 ........................ causing

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starvation. Pesticides that remain in the soil

cause a decrease in the quality and number of
33 .......................... Furthermore, 34
.......................... can be caused by repeated
use of pesticides over time.

Questions 35–40
Complete the table below.
Technique Procedure Comment

Handpicking Remove Effective and low-cost; but

insects with 35 ..........................
gloves so not useful for large farms

36 ..................... Breed ‘good’ Risky due to 37 ..........................

insects to attack outcomes

Companion Use plants with Low risk, but additional plants

planting ability to compete for space and
38 ...................... soil nutrients
certain insects

Crop rotation Change plant Unappealing for big businesses

varieties after as 40 .......................... are
each harvest – reduced
insects must
39 ......................
to access food

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Reading Passage 1 willow tree (Salixalba) was capable of reducing

fevers and relieving pain. Surviving evidence
Questions 1–8 suggests that early civilisations across the
Reading Passage 1 has eight paragraphs, Middle East and in North America also used
A–H. willow bark for these purposes. It was not until
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs 1826, however, that the active component of
A–H from the list of headings below. Write the willow bark was finally distilled and given a
correct number, i–xi, in boxes 1–8 on your name – salicin– by Johann Andreas Buchner, a
answer sheet. German pharmacologist at the University of
Munich. A few years later, the process of isola-
LIST OF HEADINGS tion was perfected and the Italian chemist
Raffaele Piria completed the development of
i Availability to the public salicylic acid through a chemical conversion.
ii Use as a digestive aid By the end of the nineteenth century, the
iii Risks of application to the skin German company Bayer was successfully
iv Edible sources of salicylic acid marketing the drug as tablets under the Aspirin
v Early popularity in Europe trademark, and it quickly became a staple in
vi Unwanted side effects of swallowing aspirin the medicine chest of households in the
vii Discovery and development Western world.
viii Appropriate and inappropriate long-term
uses B
ix External uses of salicylic acid Although salicylic acid is still used most widely
x Benefits for plant life in over-the-counter painkiller tablets, over the
xi A remedy for sick children years its applications have broadened
considerably. In the field of dermatology, for
1 Paragraph A instance, salicylic acid in the form of skin cream
2 Paragraph B is lauded for its function as an exfoliator,
3 Paragraph C brightening and enhancing the complexion.
4 Paragraph D Because it softens and dissolves keratin, a kind
5 Paragraph E of ‘glue’ in the skin’s structure, salicylic acid is
6 Paragraph F able to treat many conditions in which the skin
7 Paragraph G has suffered from an excessive accumulation
8 Paragraph H or clogging of skin cells. These conditions
include acne, dermatitis, psoriasis and
SALICYLIC ACID folliculitis, all of which have proved remarkably
This natural powdery substance has helped resistant to other treatments. As a further
to ease the troubles of human life for benefit, salicylic acid also has
centuries. anti-inflammatory properties and, as a result,
can soothe troubled skin where other
medicines often tend to exacerbate the
A problem.
The benefits of salicylic acid were first
`documented in the 5 Century BC, when the C
Greek physician Hippocrates noted how Although it has a reputation as a ‘gentle’ chemi-
powder derived from the bark of the white cal compared to harsher alternatives, in high

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concentrations and in some circumstances for all feverish children and teenagers.
salicylic acid creams can prove harmful, and
very occasionally, even fatal. Highly F
concentrated salicylic acid, particularly Salicylic acid has many uses for humans and
concentrations used for wart, corn or callus other animals, but several species of flora, too,
removal, can cause chemical burns if applied rely on its benefits. It seems to protect against
to skin for long periods of time. fungicidal and bacterial infections by acting as
Hyper-pigmentation – a blotchy discolouration a signal for pathogenic invasion. It also acts as
of skin tone – may also result in users who a kind of therapeutic agent by playing a role in
have darker skin and those who follow plant responses to abiotic, or external,
application with excessive exposure to stresses, such as in situations of drought,
ultraviolet light. Most over-the-counter facial excessive cold or heat and heavy metal
lotions are limited to a relatively mild 2–3% toxicity.
concentration for this reason.
D It is a naturally occurring substance in most
Salicylic acid also has a number of other less fruits, including berries, dates, raisins, kiwifruit,
widely known uses. Due to its antimicrobial olives and tomatoes. A few vegetables and also
properties, it is used in the formation of bismuth mushrooms and almonds have a strong
subsalicylate, the active ingredient in a number salicylic acid content. Some herbs and spices,
of popular remedies for upset stomachs and such as turmeric and curcumin, possess so
other intestinal problems. Some evidence much of the substance that, according to the
suggests that salicylic acid destroys E. Rowett Research Institute, a very spicy curry
colibacteria and consequently reduces contains more salicylic acid than a dose of
symptoms of diarrhoea and gastrointestinal aspirin!
distress in many sufferers. Long-term use,
however, is discouraged because an H
accumulation of bismuth subsalicylate in the Some physicians recommend aspirin as a
body is toxic. continuous medication in low dosages to
provide a defence against heart attacks,
E strokes and blood clot formation in some
Salicylic acid in the form of aspirin tablets is patients. Early results from studies show it may
commonly used to reduce fever, aches and even be effective in warding off certain types of
pains and inflammation but when ingested, it cancer. However, it is not suggested that
can cause gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach healthy people should start taking daily aspirin
irritation or bleeding and other undesirable side as a prophylactic measure, as there are
effects – an issue for many users of aspirin positive lifestyle changes that can be made
over the years. Children seem to be particularly instead: quitting smoking, consuming little or
sensitive, with epidemiological research no alcohol, and maintaining a normal weight by
demonstrating a connection between aspirin eating a wholesome diet and getting regular
use in children suffering from a viral illness and exercise. These adjustments to lifestyle may
a damaging, and potentially fatal, condition not be effortless but in the long run are
known as Reye’s syndrome. As a result, the extremely beneficial. If symptoms of withdrawal
Food and Drug Administration has (from nicotine or caffeine, for example) are
recommended parents avoid the use of aspirin painful, you could take a couple of aspirin to
overcome the temporary discomfort.

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Questions 9–12 Reading Passage 2

Complete each sentence with the correct
ending, A–G, below. You should spend about 20 minutes on
Write the correct letter, A–G, in boxes 9–12 on Questions 14–26, which are based on
your answer sheet. Reading Passage 2 below.

9 Salicylic acid is used on the skin because ADA LOVELACE

it... The first computer programmer?
10 Some users of salicylic cream have
problems because it... Augusta Ada King (now commonly known as
11 Aspirin is used for stomach problems Ada Lovelace) was born on December 10,
because it... 1815, to the well-regarded poet Lord Byron and
12 Young people should not take Aspirin his wife Anne Byron. Lord Byron, a restless
because it... man who had conceived other children out of
wedlock, left his wife in a bitter divorce just
weeks after Ada’s birth. Following the
A can cause high temperatures and sore separation he headed immediately to Europe,
muscles where he died in Greece several years later,
B is usually sold in high concentrations never having seen his daughter again.
C kills germs inside the body Anne Byron, forever averse to what she
D may result in a serious disease or even perceived as ‘dangerous’ poetic tendencies
death after her troubling experiences with her
E reduces the sticky effects of blocked up wayward former husband, began from an early
cells age trying to prevent the young Ada from
F resists the progress of many diseases following too closely in her father’s footsteps.
G changes the colour of the skin Some of Anne’s strategies were relatively
draconian – Ada was not permitted, for
Question 13 example, to look at any portraits of her father
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. until she reached adulthood at twenty years of
Write the correct letter in box 13 on your age. But others proved fortuitous. Attempting to
answer sheet. nudge Ada away from poetry, literature and
other pursuits that she feared would encourage
What is the writer’s overall purpose in writing caprice and self-indulgence in her daughter’s
this article? young mind, Anne instead focused Ada’s
A. To outline uses and effects of salicylic acid in attention on areas of study that required more
various contexts discipline and sober calculation instead: music
B. to examine the key properties of salicylic and mathematics. It was through the latter that
acid and how it functions Ada found her calling, and eventually her place
C. To show the benefits of salicylic acid in the history books.
compared to other treatments Although it was unusual for young women of
D. To warn against the dangers of misusing her era to pursue mathematics as a discipline,
salicylic acid and Ada did not enjoy the privilege of formal
education, her position in society allowed her
access to some of the greatest minds of her
day. Among these tutors was Mary Somerville,

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a noted mathematician and astronomer, whose notes some more speculative, show an
legacy is continued in the naming of women’s awareness of computing potential that went
colleges around the world. Another tutor, beyond mere number crunching. Ada
logician Augustus De Morgan, informed Anne anticipated advances, such as computer
that her daughter had the potential to become generated music, which would not be fully
‘an original mathematical investigator, perhaps realised until a century and a half later. For
of first-rate eminence’. these contributions, Ada has been dubbed the
It was through Somerville, however, that Ada ‘first computer programmer’.
was introduced to the researcher who would Not everyone is convinced that Ada deserves
play the greatest role in shaping her this title, however. Some historians have
legacy: Charles Babbage. Babbage, a suggested that Ada functioned more as an
professor of mathematics at Cambridge, was editor or compiler rather than as a
widely known for having invented and mathematician in her own right. These critics
developed the Difference Engine, a calculating note that, although published under her name,
machine more advanced than any of its time. In the algorithms had been completed by
1834, Babbage wanted to develop another, Babbage several years earlier, and that her
even more sophisticated apparatus, an correspondence with Babbage indicates that
Analytical Engine. Although he enjoyed great Ada relied a great deal on his guidance and
prestige, being a founder of the Astronomical authority in composing her appendices, while
Society, and a member of international making only minor corrections herself. Other
organisations including the American Academy historians defend her role. According to
of Arts and Sciences, his sponsors were Benjamin
reluctant to support his Analytical Engine Woolley, Ada’s biographer, Ada’s great
project, and for some time it appeared as if contribution lies in her discussion of the
Babbage’s intentions would never be fulfilled. implications of Babbage’s work and her
Assistance eventually came from the Italian conceptual vision of what computing might
mathematician Luigi Menabrea, who produced become. In accomplishing this, Woolley
a memoir documenting the Analytical Engine. suggests, Ada ‘rose above the technical
The memoir was published in French, however, minutiae of Babbage's extraordinary invention’
and Babbage recruited Ada to help make it and revealed its ‘true grandeur’. For his part,
accessible to an English-speaking audience. Babbage always insisted that Ada’s work, while
Over a nine-month period during 1842–1843, the product of an extensive dialogue between
Ada devoted herself to completing the work, them, was entirely her own.
eventually producing not only an English Disputes aside, Ada’s legacy in both computing
version of Menabrea’s work, but a set of and the wider popular imagination is now firmly
appendices longer than the original document established. The British Computer Society now
itself. In these appendices, Ada wrote a awards a medal bearing her name, and the
detailed account, in Section G, of how a United States Department of Defence has
sequence of Bernoulli numbers could be named a computer language, Ada, in her
calculated using the Analytical Engine. honour. In addition, a number of organisations,
Although the Engine was never built, inspired by the example she set, also exist to
retrospective studies have concluded that foster the development of women in the fields
Ada’s calculations would have been correct of computing, science and technology.
had the Engine existed at the time. In addition
to her mathematical accuracy, Ada’s other
Bernoulli numbers (named after Swiss mathematician Jakob Bernoulli) are the sequence of rational numbers; extremely important in number theory and analysis
and the subject of the first computer program.

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Questions 14 – 19 25 What is the best summary of Ada Lovelace?

Do the following statements agree with the A She was an original mathematician.
information given in Reading Passage 2? B She was a pioneer in women’s education.
C She was a visionary thinker.
In boxes 14–19 on your answer sheet, write D She was a famous woman in her time.
TRUE - if the statement agrees with the
information 26 What is the writer’s purpose in Reading
FALSE - if the statement contradicts the Passage 2?
information A to examine scholars’ conflicting views
NOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this surrounding Ada’s work
B to introduce Ada and her significant
14 Ada Lovelace was born after her father’s achievements
death. C to provide a general overview of Ada’s life
15 Ada was never allowed to see any images D to explain how Ada invented the first
of Lord Byron as a child. computer
16 Ada wanted to read books and poems as a
child. Reading Passage 3
17 Ada did not go to school.
18 Mary Somerville was a greater You should spend about 20 minutes on
mathematician than Augustus de Moran. Questions 27–40, which are based on
19 Ada met Charles Babbage at university. Reading Passage 3 below.

Questions 20–24
Fill in the gaps in these sentences using NO HAAST’S EAGLE
MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the ‘Tiger of the skies’
Write your answers in boxes 20–24 on your A
answer sheet. As a result of being separated for tens of
millions of years from other mainland
20 Babbage did not receive any help for his ecosystems such as Australia or continental
Analytical Engine from ..................... Asia, the biota of New Zealand evolved to
21 Ada translated Menabrea’s work and include some of the most unique plants and
created a .................... for him. animals on earth. Until the arrival of humans
22 Long before its time, Ada predicted the and their associated introduced species, such
development of .................... . as rats and dogs, New Zealand was not home
23 Ada’s .................... suggests that the work to a single ground mammal, and this
she did for Menabrea was not completely encouraged bird-life to prevail. Another
original. common feature of island ecosystems,
24 Ada’s biographer felt that she had a whereby some species significantly outgrow
.................... of the future of computer their mainland relatives, also occurred in
science. New Zealand. From these twin forces – the
dominance of birds, and the tendency toward
Questions 25–26 larger body sizes in island ecosystems –
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D. emerged one of the most formidable flying
Write the correct letter in boxes 25 and 26 on predators known on earth: the Haast’s eagle.
your answer sheet.

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B other extinct animals, the Haast’s eagle could

The largest known eagle ever documented, not diversify its behaviours and adapt to
this fearsome creature weighed up to fifteen changing circumstances quickly enough to
kilograms and sported wings spanning two to survive. Moa, an easy source of prey for the
three metres in diameter. Although this eagle, were likewise an easy source of food for
wingspan is comparatively small (the Maori tribes people when they began to settle
Wandering Albatross and Andean Condor, for in New Zealand around AD 1200. These
instance, each have wing spans in excess of settlers quickly drove the moa to extinction,
three metres), the Haast’s eagle possessed a and with it went the primary food supply of the
much larger body mass to wing ratio. While Haast’s eagle. This enormous predator then
stubbier wings made the eagle ill-suited to faced a scarcity of food. Undoubtedly, the
prolonged flight, they did enable the Haast’s horror stories of human encounters with the
eagle to nimbly and swiftly manoeuvre its large eagle in Maori legend are true to some extent;
frame around trees, which would have been if the Haast’s eagle could take down a two
vital for pursuing prey through New Zealand’s hundred kilogram moa, some Maori tribesmen
dense forest and scrubland. would have fallen prey to its massive claws at
some point. The occasional human victim was
C insufficient to sustain the dietary requirements
The most impressive aspect of the bird’s of a creature its size, however, and when the
anatomy, however, was its enormous talons. At moa disappeared, the Haast’s eagle soon
almost 23 centimetres in length, these are followed.
comparable to those of some wild cats and
have justifiably earned the Haast’s eagle the E
nickname ‘Tiger of the Skies’. With these talons Mythology surrounding the existence of the
the eagle would attack its prey in the only way Haast’s eagle has been passed down through
it knew how – grasping the animal’s pelvis with Maori tradition for centuries, but due to a lack of
one talon while crushing its skull with the other physical evidence (only three full skeletons
in a strike that, according to New Zealand have ever been recovered), much about this
researcher Richard Holdaway, is akin to that of bird remains a mystery. Artists have depicted
a 15 kilogram concrete block dropping from an the plumage of the Haast’s eagle in different
eight-storey building. This force was enough to ways;; for example, some see it as more of a
bring down very large animals, and indeed the muted brown, in line with other large forest
Haast’s eagle preyed primarily on the moa – a eagles still in existence today, whereas others
clumsy, flightless bird nearly fifteen times its envision it displaying extravagant hues of
size. Once immobilised, a large catch could green, red and purple. All of this is speculation,
feed the eagle over several days. With no other however; recovered bones and further DNA
large predators, the Haast’s eagle could afford evidence can tell us about the genealogy of the
to take its time with the carcass of its prey until Haast’s eagle and its size and skeletal
ready to return to the hunt. structure, but the colour of its feathers, along
with many other specifications, will forever be
D guesswork.
This leads to an important question: How did
such a ferocious predator fall from the top of F
the food chain and rapidly become extinct It is difficult to say whether the demise of the
around AD 1500? The answer is that, like many Haast’s eagle was tragic or fortuitous. No doubt
the sight of this majestic bird swooping down

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swooping down from its perch at eighty evolved?

kilometres per hour would have been an A New Zealand has many unusual birds and
awe-inspiring sight, and it is easy to see why plants.
some early Maori settlers exalted the eagle in B New Zealand had no natural bird predators.
their imaginations as some kind of ‘Bird God’. If C New Zealand has no native mammals.
it were still around, however, there is no doubt D New Zealand settlers brought other
that hiking, camping or even just taking a creatures with them.
leisurely stroll through the woods in E New Zealand is an isolated island.
New Zealand would be a far more dangerous
activity. With a force of impact powerful enough Question 37
to knock an adult male unconscious, many Choose the best answer. Write the correct
people would never know what had hit them. letter, A–D, in box 37 on your answer sheet.
Which of the following is NOT true?
Questions 27–34
Reading Passage 2 has six paragraphs, A The Haast’s eagle could only fly for short
A–F. distances.
Which paragraph contains the following infor- B The Haast’s eagle was adapted to flying
mation? through forests.
Write the correct letter, A–F, in boxes 27 - 34 C The Haast’s eagle’s wings were shorter than
on your answer sheet. other large birds.
D The Haast’s eagle had small but very
27 A description of how the Haast’s eagle efficient claws.
attacked its prey
28 A discussion about whether the Haast’s Questions 38–39
Eagle killed humans Choose TWO letters, A–E.
29 An explanation of how the body proportions Write the correct letters in boxes 38 and 39 on
of the Haast’s eagle made it an efficient your answer sheet.
hunter Which TWO of the following are given as
30 The mental image that the Maori people had reasons why the Haast’s eagle died out very
of the Haast’s eagle quickly?
31 Facts about the early ecology of
New Zealand A The first settlers ate all the moa.
32 Conflicting views on the appearance of the B The eagle was hunted by the first settlers.
Haast’s eagle C The eagle could not survive by eating
33 A comparison between the Haast’s eagle people.
and other birds D The settlers destroyed the eagle’s habitat.
34 An explanation of why the Haast’s eagle E The eagle flew slowly and was easily caught.
could eat its kills slowly
Question 40
Questions 35–36 Choose the best answer. Write the correct
Choose TWO letters, A–E. letter, A–D, in box 40 on your answer sheet.
Write the correct letters in boxes 35 and 36 on Which of the following is NOT the author’s
your answer sheet. opinion?
Which TWO of the following are given as A If the Haast’s eagle had not died out it would
reasons why the Haast’s eagle originally have attacked people.

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B It is sad that the Haast’s eagle died out

because it was beautiful.
C We can understand why the first settlers
worshipped the Haast’s eagle.
D The Maori people should have preserved
the Haast’s eagle.

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Writing Task 1
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.

The pie chart below shows where energy is used in a typical Australian household,
and the table shows the amount of electricity used according to the number of
occupants. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features,
and make comparisons where relevant.

Amount of electricity used in a typical

Australian home
Number of people Electricity used:
in the house Kilowatt hours (kWh) per year

1 5,000 – 6,500

2 6,000 – 8,000

3 7,500 – 10,000

6 or more 12,000 – 16,000

Write at least 150 words.

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Writing Task 2
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Most people accept that we now live in a globalised world but not everyone agrees
that this is beneficial.
To what extent is globalisation a positive or negative development?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or
Write at least 250 words.

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Speaking PART 1 Speaking PART 3

Initial questions about name, where you AGE AND MEETING PEOPLE
live, work or study and other personal - Where do young adults and teenagers
topics. usually meet their friends?
- How has the Internet changed the way that
COMPUTERS people have relationships with each other?
- Are there a lot of computer shops where you - Do older people enjoy meeting new people
live? [Why / Why not?] as much as the younger generation does?
- What do most people in your family use a [Why?]
computer for?
- Do you think people spend too much time GLOBALISATION AND RELATIONSHIPS
using computers in your country? - Increasing number of people today are
- What are the most popular computer forming relationships on social network sites.
programmes that people use in your country? Why might this happen?
[Why?] - It is often said that we live in a global village.
How true is this really?
CHILDREN - Some people fear that globalisation will result
- Do you enjoy spending time with children? [ in societies becoming increasingly similar. Is
Why / Why not?] this an advantage or a disadvantage?
- What sort of activities do children enjoy
doing? [Why?]
- Do you think children often enjoy stories that
have animals? [Why?]
- Do you think cities are a good place to bring
up children? [Why / Why not?]

Speaking PART 2
Talk about someone you met who was
You should talk about:
- Where he/she was
- who he/she was
- what you did together
And explain why you think this person was

You will be expected to talk about the topic for

one to two minutes. You will have one minute to
think about what you are going to say in
advance. You can make some notes to help
you if you wish.

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