"Software Engineering" Assignment 4 "Use Case Descriptions and Diagram"

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“Software Engineering”

Assignment 4
“Use Case Descriptions and Diagram”

Submitted By
Zain Ul Abiddin 21-BSCS-15
Mueed Sajjad 69-BSCS-15

Submitted To:
Dr. Adnan Khalid
➢ Use case: Sign In
Primary Actor: App user
Goal in context: To gain access to the application.
Precondition: The user must have an account to log in to.
• The app user opens the app.
• The app user enters his email or username.
• The app user enters his password.
• The app user presses the sign in button.
• The user does not have an account to login to.
• Wrong email or password entered.
• The user does not have an active internet connection.
Priority: Essential
When available: First increment
Frequency of use: Just once for logging in. This function won’t be required
until the user has signed out from the app.
Open issues:
Can a user access the application without having an account?

➢ Use case: Verify email/password

Base case: Sign In
Goal in context: To check if the email and password entered by the user
are correct.
Precondition: The user has entered an email and a password.

• It takes in the email or username and matches with the already stored
• It takes in the password and matches with the already stored user
• Misspelled username or password.
Priority: Essential
When available: First increment
Frequency of use: When sign in use case is executed then this use case is
always executed.

➢ Use case: Display login error

Primary Actor: App user
Goal in context: To display a login error message if username or
password is incorrect.
Precondition: User has entered his username and password.
• The user enters his username.
• The user enters his password.
• The user tries to sign in using the information he provided.
• Wrong information provided by the user.
Priority: Essential
When available: First increment
Frequency of use: Everytime user enters wrong username or password.

➢ Use case: Sign Up

Primary Actor: App user
Goal in context: To make an account of a user so that he can access the
Precondition: The person does not have an already existing account.
➢ The user opens the app.
➢ The user clicks on the sign up option.
➢ The user fills in all the required information.
➢ The user clicks enter.
➢ The user already have an account registered before on the same email
➢ The user enters his wrong personal information.
Priority: Essential
Frequency of use: Once in lifetime to access the application.
Secondary Actor: User profile

➢ Use case: Enter ingredients

Primary Actor: App user
Goal in context: To let users put the ingredients of their choice to make a
recipe out of it.
Precondition: User must know the name of the ingredient in English.
• User puts the name of the ingredient.
• User selects the matching ingredient from the drop-down list.
• The user enters something which is not an ingredient.
Priority: Essential
When available: First increment
Frequency of use: Every time a user wants to generate a recipe out of
some ingredients.

➢ Use case: Verify ingredients

Base case: Enter ingredients
Goal in context: To check whether the correct ingredients have been
entered by the user i.e the ingredients do exist or are in
the data base.
Precondition: The user has entered some ingredients.
• It matches the ingredients that are already present in the database.

Misspelled names of ingredients.
Priority: Essential
Frequency of use: Every time base case is executed then this use case is
also executed.

➢ Use case: Generate recipe

Primary actor: App user
Goal in context: To view a recipe for some food as requested by the user.
Precondition: The user has put in some valid ingredients.
• The user enters the items of his choice.
• The user clicks on the generate recipe button.
• Items entered by the user were not correct.
Priority: Essential
When available: First increment
Frequency of use: Every time the user wants to generate a food recipe.

➢ Use case: Rate recipe

Primary actor: App user
Goal in context: The user can rate recipes made or shared by the other
Precondition: The recipes are available publicly to be viewed.
• The user goes to the recipes section.
• He checks the different recipes made by different ingredients by different
• The user tries it.
• The user gives it a feedback and rating.
Exceptions: None.
Priority: Not compulsory
When available: Can be made available in later increments of the app.
Frequency of use: As desired by the user.
Secondary Actors: Recipe store

➢ Use case: Share recipe

Primary actor: App user
Goal in context: Share recipes made by you to friends or share them
Precondition: You have generated a recipe.

• The user puts some ingredients of his choice.
• The app generates a recipe out of them.
• The user tries it.
• The user shares it.
• No recipe generated by the user himself.
• Recipe generated. Tried but not upto the standard, so the user avoids
sharing it.
Priority: Not compulsory
When available: Can be made available in later increments of the app.
Frequency of use: As desired by the user.
Secondary Actors: Recipe store

➢ Use case: Save recipe

Primary actor: App user
Goal in context: The user can save the recipe generated by him.
Precondition: The user has got some recipe generated from the
ingredients that he put.
• The user generates the recipe.
• If the user likes the recipe then he saves it.
• The user generates a recipe. Tries it and then discards it.
Priority: Essential
When available: First increment
Frequency of use: As desired by the user.
Secondary Actor: User profile
➢ Use case: Settings
Primary actor: App user
Goal in context: The user can review the app settings.
Precondition: None.

• The user goes into the settings section.
• Changes the theme or sets up his profile.
Exceptions: None.
Priority: Essential
When available: First increment
Frequency of use: As desired by the user.
Secondary Actor: User profile
Use Case Diagram

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