Sacraments Questions: Anointing The Sick
Sacraments Questions: Anointing The Sick
Sacraments Questions: Anointing The Sick
The Sacrament of Extreme Unction is now called what sacrament? (Anointing of the Sick)
True or False: The priest anoints the sick person with holy water. (False)
True or False: Through prayer of the priest during the Sacrament of Anointing the Sick, the person’s soul
receives health and strength. (True)
True or False: The Sacrament of Anointing the Sick removes venial sins. (True)
True or False: The purpose of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is to revive the sick person into
awareness that he is not alone, God is with him. (True)
True or False: We should prepare for the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick by making a good Confession.
True or False: Family members should call a priest when someone is seriously ill, even if he is not in danger of
death. (True)
What Sacrament takes away mortal sin if the person is unconscious and has made an Act of Contrition (perfect
of imperfect) after sinning. (Anointing of the Sick)
True or False: If a person dies suddenly, the priest is not allowed to give absolution and the Sacrament of
Anointing of the Sick. (False)
True or False: If the person is conscious, he receives three Sacraments in this order: 1) Confession, 2)
Anointing of the Sick, and 3) the Holy Eucharist. (True)
An effect of this sacrament is comfort in sickness and strength against temptation. What sacrament is it?
(Anointing of the Sick)
Which sacrament gives our souls the new life of Sanctifying Grace, by which we become children of God and
heirs of heaven. (Baptism)
Why is the name of a saint given in Baptism? (In order that the person baptized may imitate his virtues and
have him for a protector.)
What is the duty of the godparent after Baptism? (To see that the child is brought up a good Catholic, if this is
not done by the parents.)
True or False: Is ordinary water poured on the forehead of the person being baptized? (True)
True or False: Baptism removes from the soul every sin. (True)
True or False: When you were born you had original sin. (True)
Who did you inherit original sin from? (Adam & Eve)
Which sacrament is the only sacrament that removes original sin? (Baptism)
What ceremony in church is somebody given a Christian name as well as being accepted into the church?
What sacrament do we receive a permanent mark on our souls and makes us members of the church? (Baptism)
Those who are to be confirmed are anointed on the forehead with holy _______ in the form of a cross. (chrism)
Confirmation is the Sacrament through which ____________ comes to us in a special way. (The Holy Spirit)
When do we receive The Holy Spirit during Confirmation? (When the minister of Confirmation lays his hands
upon your head.)
You receive a second anointing during this sacrament. What sacrament is it? (Confirmation)
True or False: These essential words said by the minister of Confirmation: I sign you with the sign of the cross
and I confirm you with the chrism of salvation, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy
Spirit. (True)
What are the effects of Confirmation? (Confirmation increases sanctifying grace, gives its special sacramental
grace, and imprints a lasting character on the soul.)
What does the sacramental grace of Confirmation help us to do? (It helps us to live our faith loyally and to
profess it courageously.)
The bishop anoints those being confirmed with chrism on the forehead in the form of what shape? (A cross.)
True or False: Jesus instituted the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist at the Last Supper. (True)
True or False: A deacon may consecrate the bread and wine into the body and blood of Jesus. (False)
True or False: The appearance of the bread and wine remain after the consecration. (True)
True or False: We receive the body and blood of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion. (True)
True or False: When Jesus said the words, “This is My Body” he was referring to the wine. (False)
True or False: Jesus is contained whole and entire in every single particle of the consecrated host. (True
True or False: Jesus is contained whole and entire in every drop of His Precious Blood. (True)
When did Christ institute the Holy Eucharist? (At the Last Supper.)
Who was present when Our Lord instituted the Holy Eucharist? (The apostles)
What is the change of the entire substance of the bread and wine into the body and blood of Christ called?
The part of the Mass in which the priest, using the words of Our Lord, changes bread and wine into the Body
and Blood of Christ is called what? (Consecration)
Holy Orders
True or False: Public promises made to God are called vows. (True)
True or False: The bishop is the minister of the sacrament of Holy Orders. (True)
True or False: Deacons are allowed to give Anointing of the Sick. (False)
True or False: Deacons are allowed to read the gospel at Mass. (True)
True or False: A deacon has the power to change ordinary bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
True or False: The priest has the power to change ordinary bread and wine into the Body and Blood of Christ.
True or False: Someone who is ordained to assist in the liturgy and perform works of charity is a deacon.
True or False: To preside at Mass and forgive sins are ministries of the priest. (True)
True or False: The crosier is the shepherd's staff used by bishops. (True)
True or False: When a priest retires from active service, he ceases to be a priest. (False)
True or False: Marriage vows bind a man and woman to love and be faithful to each other until death. (True)
True or False: The visible sign (but NOT essential) of love and faithfulness in marriage are rings. (False)
True or False: Children are the greatest natural gift God gives to married couples. (True)
True or False: Only the Catholic Church has the authority to make regulations about the Sacrament of
Matrimony. (True)
True or False: Indissolubility means that the marriage cannot be ended by any human authority. (True)
True or False: Adam and Eve were the first husband and wife. (True)
True or False: The laws of the Church require a Catholic to be married in the presence of a bishop, priest, or
deacon and before one witness. (False)
True or False: The Church teaches that every true marriage must have two properties: unity and indissolubility.
What are the chief duties of a husband and wife? (To be faithful to each other and to provide in every way for
the welfare of the children God may give them.)
True or False: Reconciliation is the sacrament by which sins committed after birth are forgiven through the
absolution of the priest. (False)
True or False: A deacon can also hear confessions and give absolution. (False)
True or False: We have to be sorry for our sins or they will not be forgiven. (True)
True or False: The prayers or good works assigned by the priest after one has confessed his sins is called
humility. (False)
True or False: If our sins are very serious and we have done them for a long time, they may not be forgiven.
True or False: If we have committed mortal sin, the eternal punishment is removed and at least part of the
temporal punishment is also removed. (True)
True or False: We must perform the penance the priest assigns as soon as possible after leaving the
confessional. (True)
True or False: The main effect of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is the forgiveness of sins. (True)