On The Design of Stabilizing Cycles For Switched Linear Systems
On The Design of Stabilizing Cycles For Switched Linear Systems
On The Design of Stabilizing Cycles For Switched Linear Systems
Abstract—Given a family of systems, identifying preserve stability, are constructed as concatenation of negative
stabilizing switching signals in terms of infinite walks weight cycles [3] (henceforth, also referred to as stabilizing
constructed by concatenating cycles on the underlying cycles).1 This class of results was first introduced in [8] for
directed graph of a switched system that satisfy certain switched linear systems, and was later extended to the setting
conditions, is a well-known technique in the literature. This
letter deals with a new method to design these cycles for
of switched nonlinear systems in [9]. A primary feature of
stability of switched linear systems. We employ properties the stability conditions proposed in [8], [9] is their numerical
of the subsystem matrices and mild assumption on the tractability compared to the prior results that rely on point-
admissible switches between the subsystems for this wise properties of the switching signals [10], [14]. In contrast
purpose. In contrast to prior works, our construction of to verifying certain conditions on the number of switches and
stabilizing cycles does not involve design of Lyapunov-like duration of activation of unstable subsystems on every interval
functions and storage of sets of scalars in memory prior to of time, one needs to detect negative weight cycles on the
the application of a cycle detection algorithm. As a result, underlying weighted directed graph of a switched system.
the techniques proposed in this letter offer improved
numerical tractability. Existence of these cycles depends on two factors: (i) connec-
tivity of the directed graph, and (ii) weights associated to the
Index Terms—Switched systems, stability, stabilizing vertices and edges of this graph. While (i) is determined by the
cycles, algorithms, directed graphs. admissible switches between the subsystems, the elements of
(ii) are scalar quantities calculated from Lyapunov-like func-
tions, the choice of which is not unique. This feature leads to
I. I NTRODUCTION the problem of ‘co’-designing Lyapunov-like functions such
A. Motivation that the underlying weighted directed graph of a switched
SWITCHED system has two ingredients — a family system admits a stabilizing cycle. This design problem, in
A of systems and a switching signal. The switching sig-
nal selects an active subsystem at every instant of time, i.e.,
general, is numerically difficult, see [9, Sec. 3] for a detailed
the system from the family that is currently being followed As a natural choice, the existing literature considers the
[12, Sec. 1.1.2]. In this letter we work with switched systems Lyapunov-like functions and the corresponding vertex and
in the setting of linear dynamics in discrete-time. edge weights to be “given”, and detects negative weight cycles
Given a family of systems, identification of classes of on the underlying weighted directed graph of a switched
switching signals that preserve stability of the resulting system. However, non-existence of a negative weight cycle
switched system is a key topic in the literature [12, Ch. 3]. with the given choice of vertex and edge weights does not
In the recent past this problem has been studied widely by conclude that a family of systems does not admit such cycles
employing multiple Lyapunov-like functions [4] and graph- at all. In addition, storing the vertex and edge weights prior to
theoretic tools. A weighted directed graph [3] is associated the application of a negative weight cycle detection algorithm
to a family of systems and the admissible transitions between requires a huge memory when the number of subsystems is
them; the vertices of this graph are weighted by a measure of large. These features motivate the search for a method to con-
the rate of growth or decay of the Lyapunov-like functions cor- struct stabilizing cycles that is independent of the choice of
responding to the subsystems, and the edges are weighted by Lyapunov-like functions and works without complete knowl-
a measure of the jump between these functions. A switching edge of the vertex and edge weights of the underlying directed
signal is expressed as an infinite walk on the above directed graph of a switched system. In this letter we report our result
graph. Infinite walks whose corresponding switching signals that addresses these requirements.
subsystems, we first identify sufficient conditions on cycles where x(t) ∈ Rd is the vector of states at time t,
on the underlying directed graph of the switched system such P = {1, 2, . . . , N} is an index set, Ai ∈ Rd×d , i ∈ P
that they are stabilizing. These conditions are derived in terms are constant matrices, and
of properties of the subsystem matrices, and hence the use of ◦ a switching signal σ : N0 → P that specifies at every time
multiple Lyapunov-like functions is avoided. In particular, we t, the index of the active subsystem, i.e., the dynamics
rely on (matrix) commutators between the subsystem matrices from (2) that is being followed at t.
and mild assumption on the admissible switches between the The solution to (1) is given by
subsystems for this purpose. Our stability condition involves
the rate of decays of the Schur stable matrices, upper bounds x(t) = Aσ (t−1) . . . Aσ (1) Aσ (0) x0 , t ∈ N, (3)
on the Euclidean norms of the commutators of the subsys- where we have suppressed the dependence of x on σ for
tem matrices, certain scalars capturing the properties of these notational simplicity.
matrices individually, and the total number of subsystems. In Definition 1 [1, Sec. 2]: The switched system (1) is globally
contrast to prior works, our directed graphs are unweighted, exponentially stable (GES) under a switching signal σ if there
and the detection of our stabilizing cycles depends only on the exist positive numbers c and γ such that for arbitrary choices
activation of a vertex whose corresponding subsystem satis- of the initial condition x0 , the following inequality holds:
fies certain conditions. We then present an algorithm to detect
cycles on the underlying directed graph of a switched system x(t) ≤ c exp(−γ t)x0 for all t ∈ N. (4)
that satisfy our conditions. We are interested in the following problem.
Matrix commutators (Lie brackets) have been employed to Problem 1: Given a family of systems (2) (containing both
study stability of switched systems with all or some stable stable and unstable components) and a set of admissible
subsystems earlier in the literature [1], [6], [7], [13]. However, switches, find a class of switching signals S such that the
to the best of our knowledge, this is the first instance when switched system (1) is GES under every σ ∈ S .
they are employed to construct stabilizing cycles for switched Prior to presenting our solution to Problem 1, we catalog
systems. some required preliminaries.
In summary, the main contribution of this letter is in extend-
ing the technique of employing stabilizing cycles to construct
stabilizing switching signals, by proposing a new method for B. Family of Systems
designing these cycles. Our class of stabilizing cycles offers Let PS and PU ⊂ P denote the sets of indices of Schur
better numerical tractability in terms of detecting its elements stable and unstable subsystems, respectively, P = PS
PU .2
compared to the existing results. Let E(P ) denote the set of ordered pairs (i, j) such that a
switch from subsystem i to subsystem j is admissible, i, j ∈ P .3
C. Paper Organization
The remainder of this letter is organized as follows: we M = maxAi . (5)
formulate the problem under consideration and catalog the
required preliminaries for our result in Section II. Our main The following fact follows from the properties of Schur
result appears in Section III. We also discuss various features stable matrices.
of our result in this section. In Section IV we present numer- Fact 1: There exists m ∈ N and ρ ∈ ]0, 1[ such that the
ical experiments. We provide a comparison of our result with following set of inequalities holds:
the existing methods in Section V, and conclude in Section VI. A ≤ ρ, i ∈ PS . (6)
A proof of our main result appears in Section VII.
We will employ the set of (matrix) commutators defined
below in our stability analysis4 :
D. Notation
N is the set of natural numbers, N0 = N ∪ {0}. · denotes Ep,i = Ap Ai − Ai Ap , p ∈ PS , i ∈ P \{p}. (7)
the Euclidean norm (resp., induced matrix norm) of a vector
(resp., a matrix). For a matrix P, given by a product of matrices C. Switching Signals
Mi ’s, |P| denotes the length of the product, i.e., the number We associate a directed graph G(V, E) with the switched
of matrices that appear in P, counting repetitions. system (1) in the following manner:
◦ The set of vertices V is the set of indices of the
subsystems, P .
II. P RELIMINARIES ◦ The set of edges E contains a directed edge from a vertex
A. The Problem i to a vertex j whenever (i, j) ∈ E(P ).
We consider a discrete-time switched linear Recall that a walk on a directed graph is
system [12, Sec. 1.1.2] an alternating sequence of vertices and edges
2 A matrix A ∈ Rd×d is Schur stable if all its eigenvalues are inside the
x(t + 1) = Aσ (t) x(t), x(0) = x0 , t ∈ N0 (1)
open unit disk. We call A unstable if it is not Schur stable.
3 Clearly, (i, i) implies that it is allowed to dwell on a subsystem for two
generated by or more consecutive time steps.
◦ a family of systems 4 These matrix commutators will be employed in rearranging the matrix
products on the right-hand side of (3). An exchange between Ap with itself
x(t + 1) = Ai x(t), x(0) = x0 , i ∈ P , t ∈ N0 , (2) is undefined, and hence i ∈ P \{p}.