Thomas Weisel Partners Case Study

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Thomas Weisel Partners

Thomas Weisel Partners LLC (TWP) is an investment bank specializing in the growth
sectors of the economy including the technology, healthcare and consumer sectors.
Their investment banking, brokerage, and equity research groups focus on servicing
U.S. and international emerging growth companies and institutional investors.

Thomas Weisel Asset Management includes four private no limit to the number of network applications that can
equity investment funds, growth portfolios and a be simultaneously displayed. Activu can also display
distribution management service for private equity and multiple video sources, from cable news channels to
venture capital funds. video presentations, providing traders with financial news
broadcasts in addition to centralized trading information.
The Challenge
Since Activu uses standard brand-name servers, it
TWP needed a new large-scale visualization and integrated smoothly into TWP’s existing network. Activu
collaboration solution in their San Francisco, Boston and systems in San Francisco, New York and Boston are
New York offices. The system needed to provide Thomas dynamically linked for video/data conferencing and
Weisel Partners with the most advanced information information sharing, supported by multi-point system
delivery and display solution available, including the ability control and remote systemmonitoring.
to dynamically link sites for data and video conferencing.
The Activu system at TWP’s San Francisco headquarters is
The Solution comprised of three display walls. The largest is 68’ long,
making it one of the largest display walls on a financial
Activu is a network-based software solution that easily trading floor to date. There are two 4’ by 11’ display walls
integrated into TWP’s existing computer network, allowing in their Boston office, and the New York office also has two
instant display and control of any local or remote computer display walls (4’ by 24’ and 4’ by 8’). All of these display
source. The visual information from any source can be systems use state-of-the-art modular LCD rear-projection
re-sized and positioned on any of the display walls, with panels which are just 16 inches deep.


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