Research Paper PDF
Research Paper PDF
Research Paper PDF
Abstract : The dry manure fuel is used for harnessing usage prevents people from working as they have to
electric power and helps us to reduce the environmental spend large amounts of time to search for and collect
emissions by accomplishing energy security and wood. It also causes respiratory problems and eye
sustainable development. This paper presents a strategy sickness due to carbon monoxide and smoke besides
for an approximate power production potential of dry
destroying the natural habitat for coexistence.
manure fuel in a country. In addition to this strategy that
has been applied to develop a plan for production of 1.2 Sustainability of biomass resources
authentic power in India. The recent study reveals that
about 7300 Mt/ year of dry manure fuel is initiated in the Biomass is a one of the renewable energy source, which
village known as Rajabhat Khawa, North Bengal, West is the most extensively used for heat and power demand
Bengal. The study contains a domestic biogas plant, which all over the world. A no. of economically viable
if acquired can reduce the biomass consumption by a technologies is accessible for transformation of biomass
sizeable percentage. From extensive research, a family with into the energy (Mckendry, 2002) (ref 2.). Besides, these
between 5 to 10 cows can produce a minimum of 2.5 𝐦𝟑 of sources are comparatively cheap as compared to
gas which is sufficient for lighting and cooking for an
conventional resources. Due to this, the biomass power
average rural household of six people .This will lead to a
better standard of living through ameliorate household is considered to be economic to produce and provide on
income from milk, meat, organic fertilizer, employment of the regular basis. The agricultural department produces a
biogas masons and preservation of environment by saving major part of superfluity biomass in India (India Council
the metric ton of trees being fell for firewood and charcoal. of Agricultural Research (ICAR,2014; Hilodhari,2014)(ref 3). The agricultural biomass is generally
Index Terms: Biogas, Biomass, Energy, Rajabhat Khawa,
Rural Household. produced during harvesting and processing of various
crops. Generally, this biomass is burnt in the open field
I. INTRODUCTION due to deficiency of time for preparing the fields for the
next crop. This results in disposal problems for this
1.1 Renewable energy sources and economic growth superfluous product causing environmental pollution at
The dissipation of electricity is increasing in India local and global level.
without a break due to rapid urbanization,
industrialization and increasing population .In order to
achieve energy security for long term, the installed Sector -wise global emissions as
capacity has to be increased at the same pace (800 GW on 2017
by 2031-2032) in the country (World Bank, 2011). The
Electricity and
native energy sources (fossil fuels) are not sufficient
enough to meet growing power requirements. Moreover,
these resources do not produce clean energy and their 10 Agriculture
use, results in environmental degradation (Chaurey et 25 and Forestry
al., 2004; Hiloidhari and Baruah, 2011) (ref 1.). 21
Therefore, the fossils fuels cannot inherently be Building
exploited to meet the targets of financial growth in
India. But it may be noted that the financial growth of a Transportation
country depends upon the energy scenario, which needs 14 24
to be reformed in the country. Due to this, the use of 6
alternatives and renewable energy sources becomes vital Industry
and unavoidable.
About 68.84% of India’s populations live in rural
Fig.:1. Global emissions as on 2017.
villages where there are almost no alternatives to
biomass fuel. Cooking takes a lot of round wood and the The International Panel on Climate change (IPCC) has
need to cook with cheap smarter charcoal in urban areas announced that the emission of green house gases
increased the situation of the rural people to engage in (GHGs) such asCO ,NO ,SO , CO ETC can be classified
charcoal production for sale to urban centers. Biomass by the economic activities that lead to their production.
ISSN(Online): 2349-9338, ISSN(Print): 2349-932X Volume -5, Issue -2-3, 2018
International Journal on Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJAECE)
It has been delineated that the use of burning fossil fuels factor of 11.1. Its
for heat, electricity and power generation is the vital flammability in air is
cause for emission of these gases. The major source of 6-25%(safer and
GHGs in the atmospheric environment isNO . other gasoline)
Therefore, curtailment of emissions from the agricultural Carbon 30-45 Green gas. Use for
sector depends upon a no of parameters such as crop dioxide photosynthesis
yield, climatic conditions, type of soil and the Nitrogen, 1-5
cultivation methods. Therefore, the outpouring of GHGs hydrogen
can be supervised substantially by eliminating the sulphide and
burning of the crop remnants in addition to production others
of power from fossil fuels.
The calorific value of biogas is approximately 20 MJ/m
BIOGAS CONCEPT (4700Kcal/m ) and methane is responsible for the
Biogas is engendered through a process of anaerobic energy acquired from biogas depending on the
digestion of organic materials from human and animal biological process and type of biomaterial. An average
waste, agro- industrial waste and other biomass dairy cow produces about 55 kg of solid waste each day,
materials. The energy acquired from waste materials like which adds to 20 metric ton of dung per annum.
plants, animals and humans is what is advert to as Unmanaged livestock waste can create negative
biomass energy. environmental impact. The methane created through
anaerobic digestion of manure has proven to be 21 times
Table 1: Composition of biogas more damaging than CO exacerbate to climate change.
Composition Percentage Properties and Around 3.0 kw/h of electricity could be engendered
of biogas Remarks daily from the dung and urine of just one cow.
Methane 55-70 Key source of POTENTIALS OF BIOGAS
energy, lighter than
air and has ignition Duggal, (2002) (ref 4.) found out that biogas contains
temperature of 400-6000 calories/m thus providing a convenient
approximately 700℃ source of energy at low cost. A comparison of biogas
with specific gravity with other forms of fuel energies and results are shown
of 0.86 and a flame in the table.
Table shows the Brobdingnagian potentials of the biogas 30:1. At any given time, the bacteria will find its own
as energy source. Biogas system can be designed for pH level and this is usually 7-8, but can have ±0.5. This
individual family or community use. is checked using a litmus indicator paper. Suitable solid
content (dry matter concentration) is 7-9%. More water
Factors that affect Biogas Production:
results in moreCO , while more solid content result in
Rai, (2002) (ref 5.) says the ideal temperature for scum formation all affecting gas production, therefore
methane producing bacteria is about 35℃, just about need for control and balancing. Toxic and harmful
blood temperature. Low temperature decreases gas substances result from medications and type of feeds
production and virtually stops at 10℃. Plants built given to the animals, but the effect is so minimal that
underground conduce to have stable temperatures within can be ignored.
daily allowable fluctuation of 1℃ and in Rajabhat
Khawa the minimum is 1.7℃ . The organic matter that
is to be digested in the digester in the postulated time is 1.1 Field Survey
called retention time and is called retention time. The
The raw material required for the plant sustainability
more the temperature the faster the bacteria use the food
was carried out by assessment of number of cattle per
in the slurry and the sooner it needs substitution. The
household. For construction preliminary surveys were
bacteria produced by methane is anaerobic, thus air
done to identify the availability of water and local
should be excluded. Bacteriology multiplication depends
material to evaluate the condition of proposed sites. The
on the sort of dung and the temperature level. The chief
number of persons per household was found to be seven
nutrients of anaerobic bacteria are carbon (in the form of
and they showed willingness to use biogas. The analysis
carbohydrates) and nitrogen (as proteins, nitrates,
and design was based on the information obtained from
ammonia, etc) for energy provision. The required ratio
other scholars like Rai, (2000) and field data. The
according to (Mathur and Rathore, 1992) (ref 6.) is 25-
ISSN(Online): 2349-9338, ISSN(Print): 2349-932X Volume -5, Issue -2-3, 2018
International Journal on Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJAECE)
average number of cows per household was found to be The amount of dung per cow = 10 kg given the fact that
10, and the quantity of dung per cow was experimentally the cows move far from home to graze. However, with
estimated to be 10Kg/ cow per day, during worse period zero grazing practice a dairy cow produces about 55 kg
dry season. For the design purpose, this study adopted 6 of dung day. The amount of dung to be used for the
persons per household as per the population census of design therefore= 4×10= 40kg per day.
2011. The success of a biogas plant in the rural areas
Gas requirement per day
primarily depend on the selection of the plant design,
size site, materials of construction, type of plant, method Size of household = 4 persons on average, (India
of construction and acceptability. Monitoring its population Census, 2011) (ref 7.)
operation, repairs and maintenance are required for
optimum working and utilization. Cooking
1.2 Components of Biogas Plant Quantity of gas required for cooking per person =
0.227m .
A complete biogas plant will have the gas generation
sub-system (the digester), feed and slurry handling sub- Therefore, required gas per day per household=
system (the inlet and outlet of the slurry), gas 0.227×4=0.908m of gas.
distribution and utilization sub-system (the pipe work Lighting
and terminal appliances).
Quantity of gas required for lighting per candle lamps
1.3 Selection of Model, Design and Construction (i.e 60 ≈watts electric bulb) = 0.125m per bhp-hour
This was based on technical, economic and social (Rai, 2000). Assuming 3 lamps are required per
considerations. The size to use depends on the household for hours per day, required gas per day per
availability of biodegradable materials and amount of household = 0.125×3×3=1.13 m of gas.
gas required. The factors of interest this case were Total volume of gas required
quantity if cow dung and the use o gas (cooking and
lighting), and hydraulic retention time. Construction Gas required for Cooking + Lighting =0.908+1.13
time and labour resources required to build a biogas =2.0308m of gas. Take 2.03m of gas for design.
plant vary depending on several factors. The most Basing on the amount of gas required per day, 1 kg of
important consideration is the availability of people fresh dung produces 0.05m of biogas, (Duggal, 2002)
interested in carrying out this kind of work. A biogas (ref 1.), this implies for 2.03 m = 2.03/0.05=40.6 kg of
digester an apparatus which is used to control anaerobic dung day.
decomposition was proposed to be constructed of brick Number of cows=40.6/10 = 4.06 cows≈4 cows. This is
masonry. A sealed tank or pit holds the organic adequate compared to household average of 2.
materials, and some means to collect the gas that is
produced. Many different shapes and styles of biogas Plant Capacity
plants have been experimented with horizontal, vertical, For the purpose of this project, the fixed dome type
cylindrical, cubic, and dome shaped. This project biogas plant was preferred. According to Rai, (2000) the
adapted the dome shaped shown in figure. The bottom digester volume is given by the formula:
line is that the construction should be simple with low
demand of materials, cheap labour and low in cost and V =V t ……………………………. (1)
easy to build. The foundation is constructed using the
Where V = digester volume, V = Volume of the fluid
plain concrete slab of M20.This can take a dead load of
(slurry) in the digester, and t =hydraulic retention time.
250kg/cm . The wall (Plastered) should be impenetrable
But also,
to avoid percolation of water from the sides. The slurry
mix tank (inlet chamber) is also provided using masonry V = …………………….(2)
construction. The size is decided in such a way that it
can hold charging material for at least one day. It is Where, M= mass of dry input and Ψ= density of dry
fitted with a pipe which leads into the digester. The material in the fluid.
outlet chamber/manure pit/ drying bed are constructed
Density of dry dung in the fluid is given by; Ψ= 50
having an outlet pipe leading the digested slurry from
Kg/m .
the digester into the chamber where it is removed and
utilized as manure. The gas is lead out from the top of Using eqn (2), Volume of daily slurry charge, V =
the dome to a pipe network for consumption. Mass/Density
DESIGN AND DIMENSIONS 1 kg of fresh cow dung = 0.18 kg of dry dung (measured
from the field). Therefore 40.6kg= 40.6×0.18=7.2 kg of
dry weight of dung per day. Wet dung contains about
The number of cows per household as found on average 82% water.
= 4.
Volume of fluid, V = 7.2/40.6= 0.177≈0.178 m /day.
ISSN(Online): 2349-9338, ISSN(Print): 2349-932X Volume -5, Issue -2-3, 2018
International Journal on Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJAECE)
Let Hydraulic Retention time to be 30 days (~8~50 days, day =2.03/0.45 will need 4.51m of digester volume; m
Rai, 2000). is adequate.
From equation (1), volume, Digester Dimensions
V =0.178×30=5.34m ………………… (3)
Height to Diameter ratio = 0.9, (U.N 1984).
Actual digester volume = 1.1 V (10% more to provide
allowance for disengagement of gas)
But V=0.785D H
Actual volume of digester therefore= 1.1 × 5.34=
5.874m 5.87=0.785×0.9D
Using United Nations data for fixed dome type biogas Dimensions: D=2.02 m; H=1.83 m.
plant, the gas production rate in tropical climate range
from 0.4 to 0.5 m /day per 1m of digester volume.
Taking an average of 0.45m , 2.03m gas required per
Adapted from the International Network for natural conversations of the environment, in line
Sustainable Energy, 2006 (ref 8.) to MDG 7.
Cost of owning and running a biogas plant per day on 5. Sickness due to the use of firewood and charcoal
average is, with a life of expectancy of 20 to 30 years. will be history.
The initial cost may be well above the average income
6. There will be job creation in form of construction
of the majority of the rural population. There is need for
and maintenance of biogas plant (MDG 1)
government intervention inform of biogas loans, plastic
digesters and also training of biogas technicians for 7. Will lead to improved economic status of the
construction and maintenance. population as the energy and time spared from
collecting firewood may be diverted to other
Durability and Reliability
activities like farming which will reduce hunger.
The average recorded life expectancy of a model is
8. May encourage cattle keeping which
important in deciding which model is best suited to rural
economically will provide milk, meat and also be
households in India. The user would expect to invest in a
used for ploughing.
model with the longest life expectancy. The average life
expectancy of the fixed dome plants was found to be 9. Effluent use as fertilizer will be lead to improved
form 20-30 years. Structurally the dome shaped has the agricultural output which is in line to MDG
required strength to carry the soil above and avoid the 1(Eradication of extreme poverty and hunger)
need for structural design and strict supervision during
construction. It also requires minimum repair and CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS
maintenance, (Singh et. al., 2005) (ref 9.). Conclusion
Benefits of Biogas Based on the findings of this project work, the following
1. Cheap and reliable source of domestic energy. conclusions and recommendations have been reached:
1. At a cost of US $ 2000 and 4 herds of cattle, a
2. Reduce foreign currency expenditures on electric
family of 4 people can acquire a biogas plants to
meet their daily cooking and lighting energy for
3. Methane being a green gas, its domestic use of between 20 to 30 years, (Sashul and Naimul,
cooking and lighting will greatly reduce its 2006)(ref 10). The average of 10 cows is
release to the atmosphere. adequate.
4. Thousands of metric tons of round wood cut for 2. The fixed dome type biogas plant was chosen
firewood and charcoal will be spared leading to because of low cost and cheap technology.
ISSN(Online): 2349-9338, ISSN(Print): 2349-932X Volume -5, Issue -2-3, 2018
International Journal on Advanced Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJAECE)
3. The size of the plant digester volume was [2] Mckendry,P.,2002.Energy production from
determined to be 5.874 m . biomass (part 1): overview of
4. The major economic activity of the rural
populance in the study area is cattle keeping and [3] Indian Council of Agricultural Research
subsistence farming which provides disposal (ICAR).Report: Crop Residues Management with
system for the by- product of the biogas plants in Conservation Agriculture : Potential, Constraints
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[5] Rai,G.d.,(2002). Non- Conventional energy
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It is recommended that: Delhi.
1. Biogas being cheap, reliable and easy to be [6] Mathhur A.N and Rathore, N.S., (1992), Biogas
construct can be sustainable, and as such is a Production, Management and Utilization.
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2. There is need to sensitize people about the use of Census Organisation of India.2011.Retrived 1
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3. Government should come in to promote the use [8] Indian Council of Agricultural Research
of biogas through financing of the construction at (ICAR).Report: Crop Residues Management with
a community level or initiate the creation of Conservation Agriculture : Potential, Constraints
biogas loans. This can be a good supplement to and Policy Needs.
the ongoing rural electrification programme. [9] Singh, J.,Myles , R., and Dhussa ,
4. Need for training technicians in biogas A.,(2005).Manual on Deenbandhu Biogas Plant.
technology as it is a new thing. Evaluation Study for Biogas Plant Designs.
Delhi, pg 28.
[10] Shamsul, M.H and Naimul, H.M,. (2006). Studies
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ISSN(Online): 2349-9338, ISSN(Print): 2349-932X Volume -5, Issue -2-3, 2018