Aasjs vs. Datumanong 523 Scra 108 (2007)
Aasjs vs. Datumanong 523 Scra 108 (2007)
Aasjs vs. Datumanong 523 Scra 108 (2007)
Petitioner filed the instant petition against respondent, then Secretary of Justice Simeon Datumanong, the
official tasked to implement laws governing citizenship. Petitioner prays that a writ of prohibition be issued to
stop respondent from implementing Republic Act No. 9225, entitled "An Act Making the Citizenship of
Philippine Citizens Who Acquire Foreign Citizenship Permanent, Amending for the Purpose Commonwealth
Act No. 63, As Amended, and for Other Purposes." Petitioner avers that Rep. Act No. 9225 is unconstitutional
as it violates Section 5, Article IV of the 1987 Constitution that states, "Dual allegiance of citizens is inimical to
the national interest and shall be dealt with by law."
Petitioner contends that Rep. Act No. 9225 cheapens Philippine citizenship. He avers that Sections 2 and 3 of
Rep. Act No. 9225, together, allow dual allegiance and not dual citizenship. Petitioner maintains that Section 2
allows all Filipinos, either natural-born or naturalized, who become foreign citizens, to retain their Philippine
citizenship without losing their foreign citizenship. Section 3 permits dual allegiance because said law allows
natural-born citizens of the Philippines to regain their Philippine citizenship by simply taking an oath of
allegiance without forfeiting their foreign allegiance. The Constitution, however, is categorical that dual
allegiance is inimical to the national interest.
Whether or not Rep. Act No. 9225 is unconstitutional by recognizing and allowing dual allegiance.
No. Section 5, Article IV of the Constitution is a declaration of a policy and it is not a self-executing provision.
The legislature still has to enact the law on dual allegiance. In Sections 2 and 3 of Rep. Act No. 9225, the
framers were not concerned with dual citizenship per se, but with the status of naturalized citizens who maintain
their allegiance to their countries of origin even after their naturalization. Congress was given a mandate to draft
a law that would set specific parameters of what really constitutes dual allegiance. Until this is done, it would be
premature for the judicial department, including this Court, to rule on issues pertaining to dual allegiance.
Moreover, in Estrada v. Sandiganbayan, we said that the courts must assume that the legislature is ever
conscious of the borders and edges of its plenary powers, and passed laws with full knowledge of the facts and
for the purpose of promoting what is right and advancing the welfare of the majority. Hence, in determining
whether the acts of the legislature are in tune with the fundamental law, we must proceed with judicial restraint
and act with caution and forbearance. The doctrine of separation of powers demands no less. We cannot
arrogate the duty of setting the parameters of what constitutes dual allegiance when the Constitution itself has
clearly delegated the duty of determining what acts constitute dual allegiance for study and legislation by