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Metal detectors
For more than
equipment protection
Guaranteed safe –
Quality control and equipment protection for your benefit – simple, economical, dependable

Sartorius metal detectors serve While the food industry gives maximum priority to consumer protection, most other branches of
diverse branches of industry: industry attach more importance to protecting their expensive production equipment from damage and
chemicals, plastics, recycling, rub- their personnel from injury. Like our very successful DISCOVERY, DISCOVERY PLUS and the new
ber, wood, textiles, nonmetallic OBSERVER series, the alternatives dealt with here provide equipment protection to the satisfaction of
minerals, power generation, our “habitually” high standards.
mining, tobacco, clay and foods.

Evaluation electronics Search coils

Premium model:
Electronic evaluator, MDB-8E

Multi-channel technology
This MDB-C|MDB-R search coil An MDB-C search coil with
Flexible phase adjustment in a fall-shaft assembly with conveying belt enables maxi-
diverter-valve ejector protects mum accuracy of detection,
Menu-driven operation
grinding mills, kneaders, rollers even for large clear heights. It
Continuous self-test and extruders. Its typical areas protects processing equipment
of application include the in the chemicals, textiles and
40 product-type memory
plastics, chemicals and food chipboard sectors.
100% traceable documentation
Advanced internal function

Standard model:

These made-to-measure
Extra-economical single-channel
MDB-R round gates for
merchantable bowls and logs
Microprocessorized in the timber industry are also
used in pneumatic conveying
Manual phase adjustment
systems serving the textile
Extremely simple function-key industry.
Internal function control
MDB-D search coils offer all The underbelt coil MDB-US|
the advantages of dependable MDB-UB, with its particular
detection coupled with ease of ease of installation and good
installation, thanks to a split detection sensitivity, guaran-
detector requiring no dismant- tees an optimal value-for-
ling of the belt to install it. money ratio.

An MDB-D search coil protects
Our huge MDB-DL and MDB-DH
downstream mills and crushers
search coils are designed for use
from the dreaded risk of
in open-pit mines, power plants,
damage in the recycling, plas-
mining and the timber industry,
tic, chemical, tobacco, clay
where they protect excavators,
and wood industries.
grinding mills, chippers and
System components –
In harmony with your production line

For lumpy material and bulk goods Marking

Diverting slide Sandbag dropper

Tilting conveyor Spray marker

Overhead magnetic separator Rod dropper

For free-flowing products Conveyors

Diverter valve Diverter funnel Belt conveyor Plastic chain-link belt

Sartorius Aachen GmbH & Co KG
Am Gut Wolf 11
52070 Aachen, Germany
Phone +49.241.1827.0
Fax +49.241.1827.210\cwd

Specifications subject to change without notice.

Printed in Germany on paper that has been
bleached without any use of chlorine.
W/sart-253 · G
Publication No.: BOE1005-e07013
Order No.: 98649-004-21

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