What Clairvoyance Looks Like

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Clairvoyance - Psychic Seeing

What Clairvoyance Looks Like

The entertainment industry has set psychic development back--and I

mean waaaaaay back--a couple of centuries at least! That's because
every time you see a psychic on TV or in a movie, those special effects
people seem to get really, really busy with special effects machines: add
a little smoke here! Flash some mirrors here! Let's use that old poltergeist
face from the horror movie's prop closet here! Did someone say vampire?
Can we get some aliens, please? Oh, and we can always have the psychic
go into a coma-like trance, to show something's happening?

Okay, I'll give' em a pass for dramatic license.

But the truth is, clairvoyance or psychic seeing, doesn't look like that at

There is no smoke.

There are no mirrors.

You will experience no poltergeists in this Course.

And you most definitely will not pass out.

Hate to break it to you, but clairvoyance…. well, it's a pretty simple little

When you're actually doing it, it may not look dramatic or scary as
depicted in the movies. And yet when you're actually doing it, really in
direct connection with Universe/Divine/One/All, the value of your
visioning in your mind's eye will blow away all the Hollywood special
effects in the world.

Clairvoyance is Subtle

Once you know how to use psychic seeing or clairvoyance, you'll easily be
able to:

See visions in your head

See movies in your head

See the emotional truth of a situation

See the soul lesson of the situation

View events and objects from the past

View events and objects from the future

Picture missing object, pets and people

Find your way when you are lost

Gauge relationships between people

Picture the soul truth of situations

View illness in the body

See what is needed for healing

See hidden objects (remote viewing)

Travel astrally to different locations (astral projection)

Now, in this Course we won't have time to cover all of these topics--it's a
long list, and a full course of study well beyond the scope of this project!

However, we will get started on what the core of clairvoyance is: seeing
visions and moving pictures in your mind's eye, seeing the emotional
truth of a relationship or situation, and understanding the soul lesson of
anything we "see". In fact, you will be amazed at what this simple skill
will let you do, and how useful it is to your soul growth in this lifetime.

How Clairvoyance Works

Many people think clairvoyance is one of the more difficult psychic skills
to learn. Yet the truth is, it's no harder to learn than any other psychic

It's easy, once you know the steps to take.

With clairvoyance, you learn not just how to see with your third eye or
mind's eye, but also how to see at a deeper cosmic level--so that all of
the information in the universe is available to you.

Moreover, as you practice clairvoyance, you will become conscious of the

higher vibration that is at the core of intuitive understanding, the very
real way we can connect without separation to the ineffable One that
surrounds and is us. In this way, you will begin to experience
extraordinary changes in your own being and life.

This type of transformation is profound.

The "Rose" Technique

I teach clairvoyance a few different ways, but for this course, I'm going to
teach you the classic rose technique that has been used by psychics the
world over, for decades if not centuries. Nobody's quite sure where this
technique originated; my own sense is that it's based on techniques from
the ancient ancients; it fits what I understand when I read descriptions of
psychic seeing from historical works, especially eastern spiritual text.

But regardless of initial origin, the rose is simply a quick and easy way to
understand how psychic seeing works.

It's fast, it's clear, and it can help you see the truth of a situation and
make decisions quickly as in a blink of the eye.

How Does the Rose Work?

Basically, we will use the idea of a rose as a symbolic barometer of

meaning. You will put up a rose in your imagination, or your mind's eye,
or on what some folks call your psychic viewing screen, and you will let
this rose serve as a barometer or mirror or starting point for all the
cosmic information in the universe.

Once you're able to see or imagine or picture the rose in your mind, you
will begin to notice things about the rose, such as:

Its color

How big the petals are

If the stem is long or short, thin or thick

If there are leaves on the stem

If there are thorns on the stem

If it starts to move, or dance, or take you on a journey

Anything else that might start to happen

Now, when I teach this in workshops or private sessions, there's always

someone who doesn't feel comfortable with a rose. It's too feminine, or
they never liked roses, or they're allergic! If this is what happens to you
when you start thinking about "roses," don't stress it.

Switch to something that pleases you.

The rose itself doesn't matter.

It's just a barometer.

It's just a tool. A gauge. A symbol.

A tree, or anything else that lives, and can depict the actions of change,
growth, and movement, will do fine.

How You'll "See" Your Rose

As I've mentioned before, psychic seeing is far subtler than you'd think.
This "seeing" is more closely akin to sensing than anything else you've
experienced. That means that you will mostly see in the area that is
commonly called the "third eye", a point midway between your two actual
eyes. However you will not see with your third eye in the same way that
you do with your actual eyes.

Instead, you'll see inside your head, in a space or area you utilize for
these images. Some psychics call this their viewing screen, and it's a
great way to mentally reserve a spot for visual information in your mind's
eye. They imagine the viewing screen as a computer screen, or an old-
fashioned movie projector, or a green screen, or whatever comes to mind,
and they see the visual information that arrives on this screen.

Or, you can skip the viewing screen concept, and just understand that
you're going to get psychic information in what I call your mind's eye.

Either way works just fine.

Usually, you'll have the sensation of seeing or sensing this information

when you have your eyes closed; you'll feel like the information is
presenting on your viewing screen or in your mind's eye, about ten inches
out from your face, give or take.

Again, there is no actual viewing screen.

It is simply a construct of energy that we create because it is useful for


Again, this idea of psychic "seeing"? It's not like regular seeing. It's more
like sensing. That means it may feel like:

You're imagining it

You're picturing it in your head

You're "putting it up" in your mind

You're thinking about it

You're day dreaming it

You're in a state of lucid dreaming

For some of you, the subtle nature of psychic seeing may take some
getting used to. If you're expecting to see eight-foot angels in your
kitchen or massive smoke swirls in your backyard, this expectation may
mean your first experience of psychic seeing won't blow your socks off!

That said:

You probably won't see giant apparitions like in the movies.

You likely won't see huge apparitions in the room with you.

Now, you might; of course you might! Anything can happen in the psychic
realm. But usually, in most cases, and especially when you are starting
out, it's a very subtle type of seeing, that is more like sensing.

Seeing, sensing… it's all the same thing, to the Divine.

Pacing is Everything

One of the keys to successful psychic seeing is to control the flow--to be

able to receive information at a pace that's slow enough so you can
understand it.

For example, when you read, you picture the characters in your head. You
can see what they look like, what they're wearing and you can watch
them in action: marching around in battle or having torrid affairs or
committing treason or whatever it is they're doing in the book you're

The point is, when you read, you have a whole continuum of visual
information flowing through your head, and the pace is slow and steady
enough so that you can picture it easily, without confusion.

This is a pace you'll want to shoot for--the pace of visual information you
experience when you read.

Conversely, when you dream, it's not always as clear, and often the
information is paced for easy understanding. Sure, the same type of
visual continuum happens, but sometimes the information arrives too fast
to understand, or it's confusing or murky. It's a rare occasion to have
dream information arrive so clearly and well paced that you can see it and
understand it and remember it perfectly!
When you meditate, the pace of visual information is often too fast. In
meditation, you also see a visual continuum in your mind. However, the
information can arrive so quickly, one image arriving and dissolving and
flipping into the next, it's hard to make any sense of it.

Thus, one of the things we work on in psychic seeing is pacing. This


Asking to "slow the information down" so it's easier to understand

Asking to "pause" the information, so we can look at it more closely

Asking to "see more" when we are ready for more information

Asking for clarity whenever we get confused

Waiting for more information patiently, whenever our flow seems to stop

Trusting whatever presents is correct, authentic and Divinely guided

Understanding that there is no way to "do it wrong"

Understanding when we are asking what is not ours to know

Working with the Rose

Sometimes it's easier to just do rather than think, so let's go ahead and
jump in! Follow along with this example of how you might use the rose to
make a decision about where you should take a new job. Just read it,
then read it again, and then try it out for yourself!

1. Find a quiet space and sit in a way that is comfortable to you. Close
your eyes, and breathe deeply in through your nose, out through your
mouth, until you are relaxed.

2. Next, imagine that you have a viewing screen in your mind. Just put up
or imagine it your brain, and tell your mind that visual information is
going to be collected and presented there.

3. Now, practice creating and destroying some visual imagery on your

viewing screen. It's like brain gymnastics--a way of warming up your
clairvoyant muscles! Whenever you see or sense the images, try to
visualize as many details as you can. For example:

a) A red toy truck with one wheel broken

b) A red apple, a red apple with a bite out of it, then a red apple cut in
c) A pencil, unsharpened. A pencil, with a newly sharpened point.

d) The number three, in green, like a child's plastic refrigerator magnet.

e) The letter A, written in cursive, in ballpoint blue pen.

4. Once you can see or sense the above objects in your mind, then you're
ready to move on to your rose.

5. Remember: seeing, sensing, picturing or imagining. It's all the same

thing to the Divine. Whatever's happening for you, let it happen.

6. Put a rose up on your viewing screen. Write your own name

underneath it.

7. Notice the color of the rose, what the stem looks like, what the buds
look like.

8. Notice anything about the rose that catches your attention. For
example, are there thorns? How many? Lots of leaves? A few? How full
are the petals?

9. Whatever looks different, go to that aspect and say in your mind "tell
me more," or "show me more" to the rose.

10. You will notice that the imagery begins to change, as you go deeper
and deeper in this consciousness level. For example, the rose may begin
to open. It may begin to sway or dance. You may see a ladybug on the
petals. The rose may grow, get bigger, or turn into a whole rose bush.
Keep saying "show me more," and allow the images to come.

11. If you think you can't see anything, relax. Remember, sensing is the
same thing, at this stage! It's tricky at first, like wandering at night
without night goggles. But after a short time, your eyes will become
adjusted to the dark. It's the same with psychic seeing. Wait for it. The
imagery will come. You will sense first--with more practice, this sensing
will become more clear, and you will begin to see.

Roses are Symbolic

The rose is a symbolic interpretation of the situation you are looking into.
If the rose with your name on it was a black droopy rose with nothing but
thorns, might want to take a look at your health, your behavior, your
relationships and the general state of your life: an image like that would
suggest low energy, unhappiness, illness, depression.

In the other hand, if your rose was brightly colored, full and vibrant,
getting larger at every moment, this is a strong, confident rose: it's likely
your life is going quite well indeed, and that you are living at a high

If your rose was tightly budded, with just a few leaves, this might suggest
that you have not yet begun to "flower" or "bloom" in your own life. Or
you may be at the beginning of a new journey, at the starting point of a
stage of expansion.

Roses Take You Further

The rose is one way that the Universe/Divine/One/All sends information to

you; it's an energy creation that depicts the state of the rose (in this
case, you). This is why you will notice that the rose begins to change,
move, dance, travel and more, as the universe attempts to show you
visual clues of what you need to know about your life right now.

Sometimes the rose will start taking you on a journey, similar to a guided
journey or shamanic journey that you might experience in meditation. If
this is the case, you'll start to travel to different locations, meet guides,
meet others, and see all kinds of wonderful and informative things. If this
happens, hang on, and go with what happens! A rose taking you on a
journey or introducing you to spirit guides is always a good sign! Usually,
you will have great clarity about what your vision and your journey meant
to you.

Roses Show Relationship

Let's say you are unclear about a relationship you have with someone.
Boss, friend, family member, lover, it doesn't matter what the relationship
is. Put up a rose that is yourself on the left hand of your viewing screen.
Then, put up a rose that represents other person on the right side. Notice
the color of the first rose (you). Notice other aspects. Notice if the roses
are holding hands, smiling at each other, embracing--or if they're moving
away from each other. Notice if one rose is a bully, and the other being
bullied. And so on. You will be shocked as the roses you are observing
exhibit the emotional truth of the relationship--what's really going on, at
a heart level.

Roses in Love

Say you love someone, but you're not sure if your love is returned. We've
all been there! Put up a rose for yourself, and a rose for the other person.
Write your name and the other person's name underneath the respective
roses. Then watch 'em interact! In one case with a client, her rose
instantly turned bridal white, the other rose put on a tuxedo, and sure
enough, they were married a few months later. In another case, the
client's rose turned deep angry red, her love interests rose actually
started running away from her, and it was clear that relationship she
wanted was not going to happen. The roses can't lie; they show what is
real, in terms of the factual and the emotional truth of a relationship or

Roses Out of Love

If you love someone and they do not love you, your rose will tell you this
clearly. The rose, because it is a creation and a reflection of collective
soul, unified field, One/All/Divine etc, does not have the ability to lie or
misrepresent. Even if you think you can "force" an image, the truth is,
you can't. The roses will refuse!

Thus, if you put up two roses, and one rose starts running out of the
viewing screen, you can be sure that the love is not mutual. Similarly, if
someone is cheating on you, lying to you, etc, the rose technique will
show you this with absolute clarity.

Roses Make Decisions

Say you need to decide between Decision A and Decision B. For this
illustration, let's say they're both job offers. When you put job offer A on
the screen, as a rose, you notice it's all grey and droopy, and looks
tattered--tired. But it's also holding a big fat stack of cash. When you put
job offer B on the screen, it's lively and happy and jumping around doing
a little happy dance. Energetically, that's definitely the job to take--
regardless of if the pay is lower.

Roses will show the energy of a decision, situation, person. Always choose
the energy or vibration that is higher, more vibrant, more colorful. This is
your highest possibility, expressed as energy and vibration.

Roses Offer Options

Sometimes, you'll put Job A and Job B up on your viewing screen eye as
decision points, but there may also be another option that you haven't
considered yet. In this case, leave space on your viewing screen for
Option C--something you haven't yet thought of. This usually is a better
decision that the Universe is preparing for you--something that is your
highest possibility. As you survey each rose on your screen or in your
mind's eye: A, B and C, notice how each rose presents: what color, what
vibration, what it's doing, what it's showing you. Notice rose C, and ask
for information to understand this new decision, and the information it

Support for Further Expansion

If you're a surfer, you know: sometimes you get up on your board the
first wave, sometimes you have to wait for the next set. Same thing with
the rose technique: some people click into the rose from the first try;
others take a few sessions to get used to the idea. If you practice,
persevere, and also hold the idea of being detached from outcome, you
will have success.

If you get stuck at any point in the rose process, such as seeing a "blank
screen" or "nothing" or the rose doesn't mover or do anything, just take a
few deep breaths, relax, and wait. As the rose to "tell me more" or " show
me more," and then complete detach from what type of information you
will receive. Sometimes, the mind chatter in your brain is pretty fierce, all
those "I'm not doing it rights," and "This isn't workings". Let those go.
Relax. Pause. Ask the rose to show you. It will begin to happen. And, as
with any skill you want to learn, the more you practice, the easier it will

Roses Show Direction

Aside from a "tell me more" you can also ask the rose to move
directionally: to zoom in, zoom out, do a 360 view, change directions.
Imagine you're working a video camera, and you're filming the rose.
Anything you can do with the camera, you can do with the rose. Focus in
up close to see something in more detail. Zoom out and pan around, to
orient yourself to the bigger picture. Always, whenever something looks
interesting or catches your eye, go pay attention to it: such as, a rose
suddenly has a big green bug on it--go check out the bug! A leaf starts to
grow--go check out the leaf! Keep adjusting your visual perspective, and
notice how much more you receive.


Each time you finish a session, remember to call your energy or your aura
back into your body. Your spirit or consciousness has quite literally been
roaming around in the ethers of time and space, and now it's time to
head back into earth life. To do this, get grounded: simply ask your aura
to come back in, and sense as energy starts to rush back to your body.

To complete your grounding, go something earthy: eat lunch, get a

coffee, garden, take a bath, go for a run, play with your dog, whatever
works for you and reminds you to be fully present in this body, on this
earth, in this lifetime.

Work with the rose at least two more times this week. Keep sessions
short at first, 15-20 minutes maximum. Especially at the beginning, more
is not necessarily better. I've had folks in my intuitive training workshops
email me that they couldn't function clearly for two days afterwards, this
vibrational shift is so different! Even the pros get woozy if they're doing
readings all day!

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