YFC Advocacy Manual 2016
YFC Advocacy Manual 2016
YFC Advocacy Manual 2016
Over the past years, YFC has been equipped and empowered to be true to its vision, “Young
people being and bringing Christ wherever they are.” YFC has become a witness of God’s
transforming love through the different programs namely Campus Based, Community Based,
High School Based and TORCH. Moved by the Holy Spirit, YFC now takes active and aggressive
roles for personal conversion, faith into action and social transformation thus proclaiming Christ.
YFC has introduced its four advocacies namely: 100% Free, G-Project, A+, and Revolution of
Uplifting the Poor (Rev-Up) that comes with its principles and convictions to guide the young in
having a Christ centered lifestyle and creating relevant impact to the society. And in order to
live out the vision and address the growing needs of the world, the YFC Advocacies Manual is
created and cascaded to all areas for its implementation.
God created man a rational being, conferring on him the dignity of a person who can initiate and
control his own actions. “God willed that man should be ‘left in the hand of his own counsel,’ so
that he might of his own accord seek his Creator and freely attain his full and blessed perfection
by cleaving to him.” –CCC 1730
Man is made to be with God. Man’s dignity is the presence of the divine image in him, his being
created “in the image and likeness of God”. But the union of man and his Creator was broken
because of the devil’s deceit in the Garden that led to sin, disfiguring the divine image in man,
and tempting man to make use of his freedom not to pursue God’s truth and goodness, but
choices inclined to error and evil.
In man, true freedom was supposed to be an “outstanding manifestation of the divine image”,
but “man, enticed by the Evil one, abused his freedom at the very beginning of history. (Gaudium
et Spes 13, 17)
This has been especially true for the past decades, as God’s truths got more and more lost
beneath man’s self-centered, individualistic choices. Freedom, which was intended to be an
instrument to manifest God’s holiness, love, joy and all things good in man, became the excuse
for man to manifest the world’s mistranslation and misinterpretation of what God designed to
be true, good and beautiful. It has been evident in, as Pope Francis calls it, the “moral decay”
with respect to family, sexuality, marriage, and life. As a consequence, the virtues that would
have led the ministry to live the dignity as human beings suffered, including and in particular, the
virtue of chastity.
Chastity is the virtue that enables man to exercise his God-given freedom conscientiously. The
Catechism defines it as including “an apprenticeship in self-mastery which is training in human
freedom.” (CCC 2339) Man’s reception of chastity, however, has become less and less
enthusiastic. Instead, people especially the youth consider chastity as a restriction to freedom, a
set of NOs that limit what man, in his dignity, can initiate. In a word, the truth of chastity as a
virtue is almost lost, and would be lost if there is no effort at all to reclaim it and make people
understand the urgent need for it.
Thus, a great task has been laid in the hands of the Church by Christ Himself. It is a task to reclaim
God’s truths about man’s dignity, freedom and chastity – to advocate its authentic meaning and
faithfulness to it. CFC YFC, being a part of the Church and her mission, desires to take part in this
task. In its ministry to the youth, CFC-YFC has integrated teachings on purity and chastity in its
formation and activities. And aiming to advocate these virtues to not just its members but
including all young people, the ministry was inspired to establish the 100% Free advocacy.
“For you were called for freedom, brethren, but do not use your freedom as an opportunity of
the flesh. Rather, serve one another through love.” –Gal. 5:13 (NASB)
As one of the 7 identities, 100% Free is embedded in the ministry’s formation track. Each member
goes through teachings that reinforce the truth that all human persons are designed by God for
holiness, and that chastity is one of the virtues that will lead each one to fulfill it.
As one of the 4 advocacies, it is also meant to be shared to every young person. 100% Free is
YFC’s response to the threat that this generation’s individualistic, rationalistic notions of freedom
pose. It aims to reclaim and promote chastity as a lifestyle of the youth in the context of three
(3) of the essential qualities of the youth of today:
As young people, today’s youth are filled with the vibrancy and energy to explore
and satisfy their curiosity, especially in their quest for identity and freedom. 100%
Free sets its goals at instilling in the heart of young people the value of self-mastery
and the virtue of chastity, which will be their guide as they pursue their youthful
100% Free believes that the youth possess the strength to break free from the traps
of temptation and sin that cause disorder to God’s truth about life, love and human
person. The advocacy thus aims to remind and exhort the young that they are
blessed with the strength to say yes to God’s truth and no to everything else that
are not in line with it.
Called by Christ to live the freedom that God intended for each one, the youth is
challenged to make the most of their freedom to serve one another in love instead
of misusing and making it an opportunity of the flesh. Yes, the youth are free, but
the ministry capitalizes on this freedom to further the Lord’s cause of loving and
serving. This is what 100% Free also envisions to highlight as a lifestyle and an
In other words, 100% Free proclaims: chastity is a lifestyle that allows you to BE
This advocacy stands on THREE BASIC PRINCIPLES and made firm by EIGHT CONVICTION
STATEMENTS. These principles give the ministry a good foundation on the understanding on the
meaning of living out the conviction of a FREE LIFE. By being 100% Free one is:
FREE to LIVE stands by the conviction statements that support the ministry in taking
care of their bodies and lives. It seeks to fight for the quality of a healthy life,
discouraging any form of substances abuse. It also sees the danger that these
substances might lead the ministry to. More than just an unhealthy body, with the
misuse and abuse of these substances, the ministry believes that this will lead the
young people to sin and an unhealthy soul.
Zero Drugs
The advocacy says no to substance abuse.
Smoke Free
The advocacy says no to smoking.
0% alcohol
The advocacy believes that drinking alcohol is not a sin itself but in
this early age, the bodies of the young people may not be able to
handle and control alcoholic content. 100% Free believes in
practicing self-control and clean fun. The advocacy stands by the
fact that young people don’t have to drink alcoholic beverages and
get drunk, in order to experience fun.
FREE to BE stands by the conviction statements that uphold being true to one’s self,
both in name and in essence. This means seeking to fulfill the purpose in life and
seeing the true value in which God created humans to be. It encourages living out
the roles of a man and woman, in accordance to God’s plan.
FREE to LOVE stands by the basic principles of upholding the genuine kind of love
that the Lord has given us. This means loving the way that God has taught us,
unconditional and unfailing. This means believing in the kind of love that is learned,
experienced, and given in God’s time.
This means that the young people don’t have to enter into a romantic relationship
to feel the genuine and real kind of love. As sons and daughters of God, everyone
has the privilege and the ability to love.
The first chapter of Genesis tells about the beautiful story of creation and how God has fearfully
and wonderfully made each human. He created the heavens and earth on the first day and on
the sixth day He ended it with the creation of mankind. The Lord God placed the man in the
Garden of Eden for a mission and a reason and that is to cultivate and to guard it (Genesis 2:15).
The call to take care of God’s creation has been passed on to the ministry as one of the youth’s
purposes. Everyone is called to be stewards of His creation. This call still continues to speak to
the youth as the ministry hears the cry of the environment upon experiencing calamities and
disasters. This is the effect of the actions that people do, even unintentionally to harm the only
living planet. Instead of taking care of it, people seem to take it for granted. Its beauty and
magnificence slowly fade because the very hands that are supposed to take care of it are the
same hands that destroy it. People sometimes become selfish with personal convenience and
continue to enjoy the benefits that everyone is taking from the surroundings, but people also
tend to forget to take actions of returning the care that it supposed to receive.
Pope Francis has also given this generation the profound gift of drawing attention to care for all
the earth in his encyclical, the Laudato Si. He weaved together the wisdom of faith tradition and
its moral demands to take proper place in God’s creation, in God’s ecosystem, with humility and
It is time that the youth, as members of YFC take a stand in fighting the apathy towards nature
and start taking proactive measures in helping reverse the effects of all previous actions. The
steps and convictions that the ministry will take will be the answer to the call of being stewards
of God’s creation. This way, the youth don’t just give back the care that the environment deserves
but also serve God more by protecting the blessings that He has blessed everyone with.
YFC G-Project is an advocacy of YFC for the environment. It aims to resound the call to the present
time to be a “green generation for a greener nation.” This is YFC‘s response to the call for
responsible stewardship that is deeply rooted to the attitude of Catholic stewardship. It
acknowledges that everything that the youth is enjoying right now came from God -- the food
eaten, the places where the houses are built on and even the things that are used domestically
in order to survive.
None of these will be in existence if it isn’t because of God’s wisdom and providence. The youth
are now living in an era where taking care of the environment is sometimes given the less priority
and wherein sometimes the creation is recognize more instead of the Creator. The YFC G-
project’s specific actions are directed towards how the ministry will appreciate the gift that the
Creator has allowed the youth to experience and thus, glorify Him even more by protecting the
earth and preserving it.
This advocacy is anchored on the verse from John 1:3 "Through Him all things were made;
without Him nothing was made that has been made."
As Christians, the ministry acknowledges that the life the youth are enjoying
including the air breathed, the planet inhabited and the resources used are all parts
of God’s creation and thus, receiving all of it is a gift. By receiving these gifts, the
response that the ministry is supposed to make is a response of gratitude. The
ministry will never cease in thanking the source and creator of all of these things
who is God Himself.
Receiving God’s gift also entail a responsibility of cultivating them and making sure
that it is used properly without causing any harm to the entire humanity and the
creation alike. People are not just to consume and use what is given to mankind
but, more importantly, preserve and nurture them.
The gifts that the youth receive are not only intended for personal use. It is also
meant to be enjoyed by the future generations that are yet to experience its
abundance and beauty. Thus, it is also the youth’s calling to responsibly make sure
that there are still enough resources for all and for the future generations to have
a taste of the goodness of God’s love exhibited through His wonderful creations.
With all of these things, the ministry continues to envision that as the youth
answers the call of being stewards of God’s creation, the youth will be a GREEN
Unplugging appliances and turning off the lights when they are not
in use will save much energy. Plugging out devices which are in idle
can save much energy. Aside from the savings that can be achieved
from unplugging, the ministry is also helping the environment in
general as this action also lessens the harmful effect that the youth
might get from global warming.
A water faucet leaking only a drop every second will waste over
160 gallons of water in a month.
Less than 1% of all the water on Earth can be used by people. The
rest is salt water. (http://www.epa.gov/WaterSense)
GOVERN stands by the conviction to manage and prevent waste and trash that
causes pollution. It supports the principle that the ministry, as consumers should
be responsible on what the youth consumes and disposes.
Plastic Less
Plastics are dangerous to human and animal health. It can be
considered as a scourge if it is excessively used. Improper plastic
disposal results to degradation of natural resources. Reducing the
use of plastic could lead to bigger benefits not only in health but
also to the dangerous effects of global warming. Using reusable
eco-bags when shopping, carrying a reusable water bottle and
minimizing the use of plastic wares are just some ways of reducing
plastic waste in everyday life.
GROW stands by the conviction to nurture the things that the Lord has blessed
people with especially the creations that are also living things.
Trees clean the air, water, and soil. They also add greatly to
people’s health, sense of well-being, quality of life, and economic
future in many ways. The presence of trees and healthy
ecosystems provide a strong foundation for a sustainable urban
infrastructure in the future. Of all the benefits from trees, the
ministry’s major action in exchange is to plant and take care of
A single tree will absorb one ton of carbon dioxide over its lifetime.
God called everyone to not just cultivate the environment but also
to protect the animals. People already have lost hundreds of
species of animals to extinction. Once they are gone, they can
never come back. These animals play an important part in the food
chain as well as in assisting other animals and plants. That is why it
is important to take care of them. The ministry can do this by
fighting against animal abuse or by simply respecting animal rights.
A cow can give far more milk that a human can consume their
lifetime. Almost 200,000 glasses full of milk!
The ministry should take care of God’s creation because this is how
the youth can give glory to Him. Because of His great love for all,
He didn’t allow anyone to live alone with nothing but, He placed
and made every creation on earth with a special design and
purpose. As stewards of God’s creation, the ministry’s role is clear
and that is to enjoy the gifts that He has given the youth
responsibly. People do not just live in this earth as visitors, but
people live here to respond with joyful obedience to the call to
care for the earth.
Education, as an experience, has formative effects on the mind, character or physical ability of a
person. This process transmits acquired knowledge, skills, and values from one generation to
another. It plays a significant role especially in molding the minds of the youth through intensive
and critical thinking.
Closely connected with the formation of conscience is the work of education, which helps
individuals to be ever more human, leads them ever more fully to the truth, instils in them
growing respect for life, and trains them in right interpersonal relationships (Evangelium Vitae,
97). Being one of the basic needs of man, education molds and equips a person for his/her future
and to face the rapid changes in the society.
Despite the importance of the role of education, it continues to face pressing issues from the
declining interest of the youth, the divided attention between learning versus social media and
computer games, the lack of facilities in public schools, the frequent interruption of classes
because of unpredictable weather, and the alarming number of dropouts due to poverty and
other limitations.
In this regard, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI affirms that social networks "tend to substitute natural
social and communicative spaces, often becoming the only point of reference for information
and knowledge. The family and schools no longer appear to be the primary or most natural fertile
ground where younger generations receive the lifeblood of their existence. Schools and
universities seem to have become incapable of creative projects leading to a transcendental
teleology able to attract young people in the very depths of their being. Today's world and its
responsible adults are not able to provide them with the necessary points of reference".
CFC-YFC has taken notice of these issues and is taking active participation in seeking solutions
through basic paradigm shifting. The ministry desires that moment when good quality education
is shared to all and social transformation is achieved through education.
This gave birth to A+, the education advocacy of the CFC-YFC. Aligned with the ministry’s vision
of “Young People Being and Bringing Christ Wherever They are,” A+ moves the young to put faith
into action through appreciation and furthermore excellence through education. A+ challenges
the young to be “Models of Excellence” with the anchor verse taken from the book Romans 12:11
“Work hard and do not be lazy. Serve the Lord with a heart full of devotion.” In the hopes of a
bright, renewed and united world, the youth can walk the talk by living out this YFC identity.
As students, the youth have been blessed to be given the opportunity to grow and learn in
schools, campuses, and universities. A+ advocates the young to embrace education as a right, a
gift and a tool.
Education is a fundamental human right and essential for the exercise of all other
human rights. It promotes individual freedom and empowerment and produces
important development benefits. Yet a lot of youth remain deprived of
educational opportunities, many as a result of poverty.
A+ advocates that education is not a privilege that only a few should get to
experience. The youth should own education as God wills that the students own
this right. Upon owning it, it becomes the youth’s responsibility as brothers and
sisters; no one is deprived of not just education but Quality Education.
Education is a gift graciously given to the youth by the Lord. The youth must
acknowledge and honor the Giver of this gift. By striving for excellence in
academics and not settling for mediocrity, the youth can glorify and magnify the
This gift allows the youth to gain knowledge as an equipping for the challenges in
this world. Having a bright and secured future for the youth and their families, plus
all other dreams and hopes will be possible if only the youth will treasure the gift
of education and not waste one bit of it.
This advocacy teaches that the transformation in the society the youth longs for
can be achieved by educating the young along with teaching them the right values,
principles, and convictions. "Education is for improving the lives of others and for
leaving your community and world better than you found it."— Marian Wright
EDUCATE stands by the principle of acquiring both knowledge and values through
appreciating education/studying. It’s about having the right mindset in studying
and understanding that the youth will get more out of it compared to the amount
of time given for it. Life is lived based on how it’s presented by reality; a few tricks
to get through life can be learned from studying. With acquired knowledge and
earned values through education, it allows the youth to have a great future ahead.
The challenge for the youth to EXCEL is not limited in academics but in everything
that the youth does. To excel is not about being the best all the time because there
will always be someone better in some way. To excel is to be at their best all the
time, to give 100% despite all the difficulties. Nothing comes easy but what
matters is the continuous effort to develop. The ministry strives to be number one
(1) not for personal glory but to make the most of this gift of education.
+ Factor (Excellent student)
It is not about competing with others for the top most position.
Competing with others as a motivation will most likely leave the
youth frustrated. Excellence is about competing with how the
youth used to be and not just settling. Distractions clutter the
minds of the youth with unnecessary things that the youth ends up
losing focus on academics and giving what is due. This challenge
will always entail hard work but the ministry faces it head on
because the Lord deserves nothing less.
With managing time, this would also mean that anything of lesser
importance must be avoided (computer games, social media,
television, party nights, etc.) So as to maximize the youth’s time in
studying. More of the right habits will provide fewer tendencies to
waste time with the unnecessary. The more effective the study
habit is the lesser difficulty in school.
Education being a personal experience for a youth can also be a tool for
EVANGELIZATION. Sharing one’s time and knowledge to someone through
education by means of tutorial or peer group study can achieve evangelization.
More so, if someone helps another to go to school through sponsoring or
scholarship, it gives more premium to evangelization through education as it
becomes a tool for social transformation. While the youth experiences the fullness
that studying and education brings, the ministry also go all-out to letting others
experience the same.
Teach it forward
Promoting education in a large scale is one of the things that A+
wants to achieve. YFC believes that a big part of how this will all
turn-out is through person to person evangelization. Teach it
Forward is a campaign to encourage the youth to share time and
knowledge through peer tutorial. This makes learning fun and easy
with a greater sense of fulfillment as it helps others in their studies
Even with God's original plan, the reality remains that there are still poor people. However,
people all over the world give donations and alms which only help them survive daily, ignoring
the real needs of the poor.
Over the years, the Couples for Christ community has been advocating and moving towards
poverty alleviation. The community has started programs to help the poor, regain their
confidence and their lives. The CFC with its mission of Building the Church of the Poor has the
program of ANCOP (Answering the Cry of the Poor). This program aims to alleviate poverty in the
country through education, community development, and health and nutrition. This is the way
of CFC to help alleviate poverty in the country.
As YFC, the ministry believe that the young people have the capacity to be of great help especially
to those closest to the ministry, the fellow youth. YFC are called Champions of the poor. The
ministry are to help alleviate poverty in the country by sparking hope in the hearts of the fellow
youth as well as to start change in the society by changing their minds with regard to poverty.
Through these, the trend of poverty may stop.
Physical needs have to be satisfied, but more than fulfilling their immediate needs, the youth are
called to give the poor a sense of hope and reminder of the promise given by the Lord. The youth
are thus called to start a revolution, a revolution of love. YFC, being a Champion of the poor, is
called to REV UP to start a Revolution of Uplifting the Poor.
YFC Revolution of Uplifting the Poor (YFC REV-UP) is a call for YFC to be young
people moved by the Holy Spirit to work with the poor as an expression of God’s
transforming love.
A response to the YFC Identity of being a Champion of the Poor, and rooted on the verse “The
Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to bring glad tidings to the poor,”
(Luke 4:18), the youth is encouraged to actively take part in poverty alleviation and
empowerment of the poor. REV Up can be defined as:
God is a generous God. He provides for every need. As such, everything that the
youth possesses comes from God. He gives the youth enough to sustain their
needs. More often, God gives undeserved and unexpected gifts. This is where
grace comes in. God gives out of grace. His providence exceeds expectations and
human standards. Being mindful of His grace, the youth are moved to be good
stewards of His gifts because the ministry realizes that whatever the youth has is
His, and the ministry is simply entrusted to make good use of and to cultivate His
The young are pro-active; they have fresh ideas, a burning desire to serve and to
start change. This means that the youth have a lot to offer in terms of changing
the nation and serving the poor. Even though most of the youth are still studying
and not yet earning income, they are of great contribution to the poor. In their
missionary zeal of helping in uplifting the poor lies their faithfulness and ardent
desire to serve God and their neighbor.
REV UP is geared towards uplifting the poor by empowering them to stand on their
own, to dream for themselves and to be Christ’s witness to everyone despite their
state. Empowering poor brothers and sisters means allowing them to see that they
are part and parcel of their own development—that they play a significant role in
uplifting themselves from poverty. With God’s providence, right mindset and
appropriate skills/knowledge, they can break free from their physical poverty.
Working with the Poor is more than simply taking care of their immediate needs.
Inspiring them
to change their viewpoint of life, culture and lifestyle are also important fa
ctors to help alleviate poverty.
Poverty Alleviation first requires a change in the mind set when it comes to
poverty. Helping the poor requires more than just giving alms and monetary
support, it is necessary to first give people a new outlook on their lives, to move
people to realize the blessedness of life.
Know more. No less.
The community builds up the young with the constant reminder
that every individual is blessed. This posture is not for YFCs only,
but also for all the young people alike - no matter what state they
are in. Changing the way the ministry perceives the poor leads the
youth to how to act towards these brothers and sisters. Knowing
the youth are all equally blessed must be a reminder to treat the
poor as never inferior or different. The ministry should not settle
for less when it comes to treating them.
Evangelistic Sensitivity
In REV UP, the Lord calls the youth to help not only those who are
financially poor but also those who are poor in other aspects of
their lives — may it be physical, emotional or spiritual. To know
who the poor are is the first step by which the ministry can help
alleviate them from the poverty that they are experiencing. By
being sensitive of other people’s needs and answering to God’s
leading for the youth to bring glad tidings to the poor, the ministry
is able to put faith into action.
Living out the advocacy should be evident in words, actions and behavior. As God
transforms the young people’s lives, He also transforms the ministry to be an
instrument to the least brothers and sisters. Making a powerful change in the
lifestyle of the youth, in speech and in action will lead the ministry to make a
powerful change in the lives of others.
Save Up
Responsible stewardship of God’s blessings reminds the ministry to
use properly what the youth have and to not abuse these
blessings. The ministry encourages a lifestyle of simplicity. Making
a change in how the youth uses their treasures will allow them also
to extend help for others, even thru monetary means. As God has
blessed the youth, the ministry shares these blessings to other
I Live to Give
Apart from a lifestyle of simplicity, the ministry is called to make
kindness a lifestyle through generosity and charity. It is a
conviction that lets go of self-centeredness and individualism. The
ministry recognizes the higher purpose of giving one’s self as an
offering to God and to the "least, lost and last" brothers and
sisters. Guided by generosity and charity, the ministry is called to
spark change in society by starting the revolution of bringing glad
tidings to the poor.
Living for a cause, more than being a state of mind, is a call to walk
the talk hence in whatever means the ministry can, despite being
young, the youth can contribute a lot in sending more scholars to
school. Moreover, the ministry is also called to constantly guide
and to be personally involved in the scholar’s spiritual growth to
ensure that they will have holistic development of both their mind
and their spirit.