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org online simulations and more

Lattice Dynamics
Timothy S. Fisher
Purdue University
School of Mechanical Engineering, and
Birck Nanotechnology Center

ME 595M
May 2007

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 1 online simulations and more

Phonon Heat Conduction

• Phonons are quantized • Wave solutions
lattice vibrations ♦ wave vector K=2π/λ
• Govern thermal properties ♦ phonon energy=ħω
in electrical insulators and ♦ dispersion relations gives
semiconductors ω = fn(K)
• Can be modeled to first
order with spring-mass optical branch
ω acoustic branch
spring atom,
constant mass
g m sound speed
(group velocity)
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 2 online simulations and more

Heat Conduction Through Thin Films

• Experimental results
for 3-micron silicon

3 micron
• Non-equilibrium
scattering models
work fairly well
• Crystalline structure
often has larger
impact than film
Asheghi et al., 1999
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 3 online simulations and more

Heat Conduction Through Multiple Thin Films

• Fine-pitch 5 nm


• Cross-thickness
conductivity measurement
• Measured values are
remarkably close to bulk
alloy values (nearly within
measurement error)
• Expected large reduction
in conductivity not
observed Cahill et al., 2003
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 4 online simulations and more

Lattice Vibrations
• Consider two neighboring atoms that share a
chemical bond

• The bond is not rigid, but rather like a spring with
an energy relationship such as…

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 5 online simulations and more

Lattice Vibrations, cont’d

• Near the minimum, the energy is well
approximated by a parabola
1 2
U = gu
♦ u = r – r0 and g = spring constant
• Now consider a one-dimensional chain of
molecules spring atom,
constant mass
g m

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 6 online simulations and more

Lattice Energy and Motion

• Harmonic potential energy is the sum of potential
energies over the lattice
= g ∑{u[na ] − u[( n + 1)a ]}
harm 2
2 n

• Equation of motion of atom at location u(na)

d 2u ( na ) ∂U harm
F =m =− = − g {2u ( na ) − u [ ( n − 1)a ] − u [ ( n + 1)a ]}
dt 2
∂u( na )
• Simplified notation
d 2un
m 2 = − g {2un − un −1 − un +1}
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 7 online simulations and more

Lattice Motion, cont’d

• Seek solutions of the form

un (t ) ~ exp {i ( Kna − ωt )}
• Boundary conditions
♦ Born-von Karman: assume that the ends of the chain are
• uN+1 = u1
• u0 = uN

N 1

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 8 online simulations and more

Lattice Motion, cont’d

• Then the boundary conditions become
uN +1 ~ exp i ⎡⎣ K ( N + 1) a − ωt ⎤⎦ }
u1 ~ exp {i [ Ka − ωt ]}
→ 1 = exp [iKNa ] → KNa = 2πn,
where n is an integer
• Let λ be the vibration wavelength, λ = aN/n
2 πn 2 π
K= = K = wave vector
aN λ
• Minimum wavelength, λmin = 2a = 2(lattice spacing)

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 9 online simulations and more

Solution to the Equations of Motion

• Substitute exponential solution into equation of
motion 2 i ( Kna −ωt ) i ( Kna −ωt )
−mω e ⎡
= − g ⎣2 − e − iKa
−e ⎦e

= −2 g (1 − cos Ka ) e
i ( Kna −ωt )

• Solve for ω
2 g (1 − cos Ka ) g
ω( K ) = =2 sin( 12 Ka )
m m

• This is the dispersion relation for acoustic phonons

♦ relates phonon frequency (energy) to wave vector
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 10 online simulations and more

Dispersion Curve
• Changing K by 2π/a leaves u unaffected
♦ Only N values of K are unique
♦ We take them to lie in -π/a < K < π/a


- π/a π/a
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 11 online simulations and more

Wave Velocities
• Phase velocity: c = ω/K
• Group velocity: vg = ∂ω/∂K = a(g/m)1/2cos(Ka/2)
• For small K: lim ω = a
K →0 m
g ω
→ lim v g = a = =c
K →0 m K
• Thus, for small K (large λ), group velocity equals
phase velocity (and speed of sound)
• We call these acoustic vibration modes

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 12 online simulations and more

Notes on Lattice Vibrations

• For K = ±π/a, the group velocity is zero
why? un +1 = exp iKa = exp i π = cos π + i sin π = −1

{ } { }
♦ neighbors are 180 deg out of phase

• The region -π/a < K < π/a is the first Brillouin zone
of the 1D lattice

• We must extrapolate these results to three

dimensions for bulk crystals

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 13 online simulations and more

Density of Phonon States

• Consider a 1D chain of total length L carrying M+1 particles
(atoms) at a separation a
♦ Fix the position of atoms 0 and M
♦ Each normal vibrational mode of polarization p takes the form of a
standing wave
un ~ sin( nKa ) exp( −iωKp t )
♦ Only certain wavelengths (wavevectors) are allowed
λmax=2L (Kmin=π/L), λmin=2a (Kmax=π/a=Mπ/L)
♦ In general, the allowed values of K are Note: K=Mπ/L is not included
π 2π 3π ( M − 1)π because it implies no atomic
K = , , ,..., motion, i.e.,
L L L L L sin(nMπa/L)=sin(nπ)=0.

See Kittel, Ch5,

Intro to Solid-State
Physics, Wiley 1996 0 1 M
a M-1
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 14 online simulations and more

Density of States, cont’d

• Thus, we have M-1 allowed, independent values of K
♦ This is the same number of particles allowed to move
♦ In K-space, we thus have M-1 allowable wavevectors
♦ Each wavevector describes a single mode, and one mode exists in
each distance π/L of K-space
♦ Thus, dK/dN = π/L, where N is the number of modes

Discrete K-space representation


π/(M-1)a π/L π/a

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 15 online simulations and more

Density of States, cont’d

• The phonon density of states gives the number of

modes per unit frequency per unit volume of real
1 dN 1 dN dK 1 1
D ( ω) = α=1 = =
L d ω L dK d ω π d ω / dK
♦ The last denominator is simply the group velocity,
derived from the dispersion relation
1 ⎡ g ⎛1 ⎞⎤
D(ω) = = ⎢ πa cos ⎜ K (ω)a ⎟ ⎥
πvg (ω) ⎣ m ⎝2 ⎠⎦
Note singularity for K = π / a
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 16 online simulations and more

Periodic Boundary Conditions

• For more generality, apply periodic boundary
conditions to the chain and find
2π 4π Mπ
K = 0, ± , ± ,...,
♦ Still gives same number of modes (one per particle that
is allowed to move) as previous case, but now the
allowed wavevectors are separated by ΔK = 2π/L

♦ Useful in the study of higher-dimension systems (2D and


T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 17 online simulations and more

2D Density of States
• Each allowable wavevector K-space
(mode) occupies a region of
area (2π/L)2
• Thus, within the circle of
radius K, approximately K
N=πK2/ (2π/L)2 allowed
wavevectors exist
• Density of states
dN 1 dN dK K (ω) 1
D(ω) = = =
Lα= 2 d ω V dK d ω 2π vg (ω)
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 18 online simulations and more

3D Density of States
• Using periodic boundary conditions in 3D, there is
one allowed value of K per (2π/L)3 volume of K-
• The total number of modes with wavevectors of
magnitude less than a given K is thus
⎛ L ⎞ ⎛4 ⎞ VK
N = ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ πK 3 ⎟ = 2
⎝ 2π ⎠ ⎝ 3 ⎠ 6π
• The 3D density of states becomes
dN 1 dN dK K (ω)
1 1
D(ω) = = =
α= 3 d ω V dK d ω 2 v (ω)
L 2π g
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 19 online simulations and more

Glossary for Lattice Descriptions and

Lattice Dynamics

T.S. Fisher
Purdue University

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 20 online simulations and more

Lattice Structure
• a = lattice constant
• Common crystal structures
• Body centered (bcc)
• Face centered (fcc) a
• Diamond (dia)
• Bravais lattice: an infinite array of discrete points
whose position vectors can be expressed as:
R = n1 a1 + n2 a2 + n3 a3
and n i are integers

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 21 online simulations and more

Primitive Unit Cells

• A primitive unit cell is a volume of real space that , when
translated through all R, just fills all space without overlaps
or voids and contains one lattice point
• 2D examples

Jarrell (2) Fig2

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 22 online simulations and more

Lattice with a Basis

• Often, we need to
describe a
crystalline material’s
structure by placing
a primary atom at
each lattice point
and one or more
basis atoms relative
to it
♦ For compound
materials (eg CuO2),
this is an obvious
♦ Also applies to some
monoatomic crystals Jarrell (2) Fig3
(eg Si)
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 23 online simulations and more

Reciprocal Lattice
• More convenient to express spatial dependencies
in terms of wave vectors, instead of wavelengths
• Reciprocal lattice (RL) is like the inverse of a
Bravais lattice
• G is the vector that satisfies
G • R = 2π× integer G = m1 b1 + m2 b2 + m3 b3

♦ mi are integers, and

a 2 × a3 a3 × a1 a1 × a2
b1 = 2π ; b2 = 2π ; b3 = 2π
a1 i a2 × a3 ) (
a1 i a2 × a3 ) (
a1 i a2 × a3 )
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 24 online simulations and more

Primitive Cells & Miller Indices

• Primitive Cell: A region of space that is closer to
one point than any others
• 1st Brillouin Zone: The primitive cell of the
reciprocal lattice
• For a given lattice plane, Miller indices are
coordinates of the shortest reciprocal lattice vector
normal to the plane
♦ A plane with Miller indices (hkl) is perpendicular to the
G = hb1 + kb2 + lb3
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 25 online simulations and more

Dispersion Curves
• Phase velocity: c = ω/q
• Group velocity: vg = ∂ω/∂q
• Acoustic phonons: determine the speed of sound in a solid
and are characterized by ω ~ q for qÆ0
• Optical phonons: occur for lattices with more than one atom
per unit cell and are characterized by flat dispersion curves
with relatively high frequencies
• Branch: acoustic or optical
• Polarization: defines the direction of oscillation of
neighboring atoms of a given dispersion curve
♦ Longitudinal: atomic displacements aligned with wave direction

♦ Transverse: atomic displacements perpendicular to wave direction

Animated chains from
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 26 online simulations and more

• Phonon: a quantized lattice vibration (i.e., one that
can take on only a discrete energy, ħω)
• Normal mode: a lattice wave that is characterized
by a branch, polarization, wave vector, and
• Occupation number (or excitation number) nKp: the
number of phonons of a given wave vector (K) and
branch/polarization p
♦ Note that nKp depends on frequency, which in turn
depends on wave vector and branch/polarization as
defined by the dispersion curve
♦ Note also that, in this context, the term p implies both
branch and polarization
T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 27 online simulations and more

Overview of Phonon Simulation Tools

• Boltzmann Transport Equation (BTE)
♦ Requires boundary scattering models
♦ Requires detailed understanding of phonon scattering and
dispersion for rigorous inclusion of phonon physics
• Molecular Dynamics (MD)
♦ Computationally expensive
♦ Not strictly applicable at low temperatures
♦ Handling of boundaries requires great care for links to larger
scales and simulation of functional transport processes
• Atomistic Green’s Function (AGF)
♦ Efficient handling of boundary and interface scattering
♦ Straightforward links to larger scales
♦ Inclusion of anharmonic effects is difficult

T.S. Fisher, Purdue University 28

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