Art and Humanities
Art and Humanities
Art and Humanities
Art Refers to the arts :
Art of combining and regulating sounds of Children dance everywhere because it is pleasurable
varying pitch to produce compositions expressing to express happiness through bodily movements.
various ideas and emotions.
Primary function is to entertain.
Thus when sounds are not regulated or when a Drama
piece of music is played improperly or in full
blast, as in case of unrelated stereo , it ceases to
give pleasure or it fails in its purpose. Drama activities are usually part of every school
Great artwork of our civilization along with and community program.
literature , painting, sculpture architecture, and
dance Classes dramatize the events they are studying:
Deals with emotion. It’s being a “pure heart” Clubs ,Organizations and Institutions stage plays.
enables it convey emotions with great intensity
and can affect people directly.
Great music especially, radiates infectious joy.
Mexican dance
To celebrate religious festival
People experience excitement, pleasure, anger,
and all other emotional states in a way which is
Teenagers dance Parties very different from their intellectual responses.
A composer writes a song to be sung by talented Artists are highly sensitive persons specially
singers. aware of the things that surround them.
A dramatist or playwright writes a play to be staged by They notice the sounds, colors, and movements
a company of actors. of people and things.
A choreographer composes a ballet or sequence A study of arts is the study of humankind, for
which will be performed by a troupe of dancers. through the arts we can discover man’s major
interests, feelings, and problems through the ages.
A song cannot be considered complete until it The art of the ancient Egypt shows clearly how
has been sung; or a ballet until it has been the people of that time were pre occupied with
danced. the life after death, for many of their most
impressive monuments were erected as tombs for
Individual interpretations to their performers. the pharaohs. (Compton’s Encyclopedia, Vol 3,
Two great actors may play the same role in 1974)
Florante at Laura yet it gives vastly different
interpretations; two dancers may dance the same
ballet but render it quite differently.
Thus, in the performing arts, the ideas and the
interpretations of the performer are added to the
original ideas of the creator. This dual The second phase of creation in art concerns the
contribution gives added richness and meaning material which the artist uses to give form to his
to these fields of arts. idea.
The creative artists communicate directly with A painter uses pigments; a sculptor uses stone,
the observer. metal or wood; an architect, various building
materials. An author uses words; a composer,
musical sounds which he sets down as notes. A
choreographer uses people and their movements
Lesson 2
as the materials for his creations.
Arts and humanities
I. Painting
Art of creating meaningful effects on a flat surface by
the use of pigments. includes all processes in which printing is done from a
flat (plane) surface.
The materials of the painter are pigments applied to
wet plaster, canvas, wood, or paper.
1. Lithography is the art or process of printing from a
flat stone or metal plate by a method based on
repulsion between grease and water. The design is put
II. Drawing on the surface. The surface is then treated so that the
Is the art of representing something by lines made on a ink adheres only to areas where drawing has been
surface or the process of portraying an object, scene or done; ink is then transferred to the paper printing.
forms of decorative or symbolic meaning through 2. Silkscreen. Silk is stretched over a rectangular
lines, shading, and textures in one or more colors. frame and unwanted portions in the design are blocked
Mediums used include pencil, pen and ink, crayon, out. Pigment is forced through the clear areas. For
brush, and charcoal. multi color prints, a separate screen is used for each
City Planning Is a form of literature. It is listed or defined in the next
This refers to planning and arranging the physical page.
aspects of a large or small community. Structures and
areas concerned with all phases of living and working
are attractively and efficiently organized and related.
Industrial Design
Refers to design of objects for machine production. History, biography, letters, or journals, diaries, and
Examples are designs for automobiles and household other works not formally classed as literature often
appliances. have definite literary appeal and status due to the high
quality of the writing.
Music This is one of literature’s greatest dramatic art forms.
Is the art of arranging sounds in rhythmic succession It is a drama of serious nature in which the central
and generally in combination. Music is both a creative character comes to some sad or disastrous end. All
and a performing art. tragedies portray suffering.
Common forms are song, march, fugue, sonata, suite,
fantasy, concerto, and symphony.
Vocal Music
Is composed primarily to be sung. The voice/s are The emphasis is on action rather on character.
generally accompanied by one or more instruments. The action is sensational or romantic and usually has a
happy ending.
Instrumental Music
Four general types
Keyboard (piano, organ); stringed (violin, cello, Generally includes all plays with happy endings.
guitar); wind (flute, clarinet); brass winds, (trumpet,
saxophone); percussion (drums, xylophone) a. Romantic Comedy is a light, amusing tale of lovers
in some dilemma which is finally solved happily.
b. Farce is a light, humorous play. The emphasis in a
Music Combined with Other Arts farce is on jokes, humorous physical action, ludicrous
situations, and improbable characters.
c.Comedy of Manners sometimes called “drawing
room comedy” is sophisticated, sometimes satirical.
The characters are usually high-society types, and
Is a drama set to music. It is mostly or entirely sung
situations have a little to do with real life. The
with orchestral accompaniment. It is spectacularly
emphasis here is on witty dialogue.
staged with accomplished singers, elaborate scenery
and costumes.
Operetta and Musical Comedy a. Tragicomedy
This is also a set of drama set to music but is light, A drama blending tragic and comic elements but
popular, romantic, and often humorous or comic. which ends happily.
Operetta use spoken dialogue instead of recitative.
e. Piano Drama
Is based on piano works which revolve around the
A drama or play is a story re-created by actors on a
musical pieces composed under the inspiration of a
stage in front of an audience.
literary work. This piano drama which is a recent
innovation is combining the interpretation of music
with the recitation of poetry and the literary source of
Tragedy the music.
The Ballet
Musical Comedy