Rowan's Law 15+
Rowan's Law 15+
Rowan's Law 15+
This resource will help you learn more about concussions so you can
keep yourself and others active and safe – whether you’re an athlete,
student, parent, coach, official or educator.
• Dizziness • Sadness
• Blurred vision
“Red flags” may mean you have a more serious injury. Treat
red flags as an emergency and call 911.
• Double vision
• Seizure or convulsion
Anyone who has been removed from sport with a suspected concussion
should see a physician or nurse practitioner as soon as possible. That
person should not return to unrestricted participation in training, practice
or competition until they have received medical clearance.
The table below provides a list of steps and activities that are commonly found in
most return-to-sport protocols and return-to-school plans.
2 Light aerobic activity Light activities that increase the Increase heart rate
heart rate just a little, such as walking
or a stationary bicycle for
10 to 15 minutes
5 Unrestricted practice Unrestricted practice - with contact Restore confidence and assess
where applicable functional skills