Open House Letter 19-20

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6th Grade 

Mrs. Kamperschroer and Mrs. Menzel (Schultz) 

About Your Teachers 
Mrs. Menzel (Schultz)  Mrs. Kamperschroer 
★ I went to UW-Milwaukee for college. I  ★ I grew up in Muskego and graduated from 
have minors in Math and Social Studies.  MHS! 
★ I got married this summer, and my  ★ I attended UW-Whitewater for college 
husband’s name is Billy.  and minored in Spanish. 
★ I have a dog named Walt. He’s a teddy  ★ I have a husband named Hector and an 
bear poodle.  adorable cat named Kona. 
★ I have one older brother.  ★ I come from a big family! I have two 
★ My favorite place in the world is Disney  brothers and one sister. I am the oldest. 
World!   ★ My hobbies include reading, traveling, 
★ I coach poms at LDMS and am a former  hiking, kayaking, running, camping, and 
dancer.  rock climbing.  
★ I love playing board games and am a bit  ★ I coach cross country and track here at 
competitive.  LDMS. 
To easily communicate any questions or concerns you have,​ please include both of us on any emails you 
send throughout the year​ so that we can all stay on the same page. Here are the different methods of 
communication we will be using throughout the year.  
● Classroom Website- O ​ ur classroom website contains parent resources, student resources, and 
online links for assignments and projects.  
○ Classroom Website URL:​ w ​  
● Biweekly Newsletters- ​Biweekly newsletters will be sent home electronically every other week. 
These letters will include information about what we are currently learning, as well as reminders 
and photos of what is happening in our classroom. 
● Student Agendas (Planners)- ​Students receive an agenda from the school where they can record 
their homework. This can be used as a resource to check in with your child about their 
assignments. Please sign their agenda nightly to allow for daily communication between school and 
● Assignment Log- ​In addition to the student agendas, we also keep a running Google Doc of all 
activities worked on in class, along with all homework assigned (upcoming projects and tests 
included). You can use this document to ensure your child has completed all of their nightly 
homework if it isn’t written in their agenda. T​ his is also located on the homepage of the classroom 
● Infinite Campus Blasts- ​When we have information that is time sensitive (such as reminders about 
school-wide testing, field trips, late assignments, and other important information) we often send 
it out as an IC (Infinite Campus) blast. 
Emails and phone numbers are as follows: 
Nikki Kamperschroer- n ​​ , (262) 971-1820, ext. 7214 
Allison Menzel- ​​, (262) 971-1820, ext. 7213 
**Notes regarding doctor appointments or other absences should be emailed to Jodie Henneberry 
(​​) or Nicole Bitter (​​), our 
administrative assistants at Lake Denoon. Students may also bring in a handwritten note the day of the 
appointment to Student Services, and they will be issued a pass for dismissal. 
The Big Classroom:   
In our classroom, all subjects are co-taught, meaning Ms. Kamperschroer and Mrs. Menzel will both be 
teaching all four subjects. Below is a description of each subject.  
● Math M ​ ath will be taught through a program called Big Ideas, which is a Common Core based 
mathematics program. Aside from the lessons taught through the program and the practice that 
goes along with it, students will explore mathematical concepts through personalized goal setting 
and quarterly leveled math projects. Mathematical vocabulary will also be a huge focus this year, 
so the more often you can use that language at home while working on math, the better!  
● Literacy ​Literacy will be using the My Perspectives again this year. This is a shift from ReadyGen, 
which they used in 5th grade, but it has similarities as it is made by the same company, Pearson. 
The program combines whole group instruction, small group instruction, and independent work 
into the lessons throughout the unit, each culminating in a performance based assessment. 
Students will also be making quarterly reading goals and be expected to read 5 nights a week.  
● Science/Social Studies: ​Science and Social Studies will be taught on a unit-by-unit basis rather 
than both subjects each day. Some units will have an inquiry-based project in which the students 
will have an opportunity to showcase what they have learned. Others may culminate in a 
traditional assessment. 
Grading Practices:   
We will be using Infinite Campus to post grades. We use Standards Based Grading, so your child will 
receive a 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4 on assignments, projects, and assessments. Those grades will be entered as a 
formative or summative assessment and these will translate into a letter grade at the end of the quarter 
for their report card. Although all grades are important, only summative grades are used to calculate your 
child’s midterm and quarter grades. Formative grades tend to be in class activities, homework, or warm 
ups. You will be able to see a running grade throughout the quarter on Infinite Campus, making it easy to 
know how your child is doing throughout the quarter.  
Infinite Campus 
We will be using Infinite Campus for multiple things. We send out reminders, late assignment 
notifications, classroom updates, and post grades on IC. It is ​very important t​ hat all parents are able to 
log in to Infinite Campus frequently. If you don’t have a login or are unsure how to log in, please don’t 
hesitate to reach out to us or the office for help getting set up.  
Retake Policy 
Students will be allowed to retake any f​ ormative​ assessment that is below proficient (3). Students are 
responsible for picking up the retake form from the teacher and filling it out accordingly. A date and time 
will be set by the teacher for all students that need to retake the assessment at the same time. The 
student will be responsible for entering the retake date in their planner.  
Behavior System:   
Classroom Rules:  
★ Be Respectful 
★ Be Responsible 
★ Be Safe 
These are school wide rules and while they are simple, they encompass all behaviors that should be 
practiced throughout the school environment. We will be discussing these rules in depth with your child 
during the first week of school so that they have a complete understanding of what is expected of them. 
To support our behavioral goals, students will track and monitor their behavior through labels that are 
affixed to the inside of their planner. The purpose is to increase home-school communication, and provide 
reteaching opportunities to improve student behavior. Please review and discuss your child’s behavioral 
progress frequently, and reach out if you have any questions. 
Responsible and positive behaviors will be recognized and reinforced throughout the quarter. Students 
receive a new citizenship label every quarter. 

Students will be allowed to eat their snack at the start of their literacy block. We will be a p
​ eanut-free 
room, so please don’t pack any snacks that contain any type of nut. Water will be the only liquid that 
students will be allowed to have in the room.  
Birthday Treats: 
If your student would like to bring in a treat for their birthday, please keep in mind that our class has 
around 60 students. We understand that bringing treats for 60 students can be a lot! Because of this, you 
may want to consider having your child find another student who has a birthday around them to split 
birthday treats with.

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