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Security information 1

Overview 2
Part A, Requirements and
General Instructions 3
Part B, Installation 4
Process control system
SIMATIC BATCH Readme V9.0 SP1 Part C, Special Features and
Notes on Use 5
Update3 (online)
Part D Improvements and
Modifications 6

Version: 2019-07-02 (online)

V9.0 SP1 Update 3

Legal information
Warning notice system
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent
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symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are
graded according to the degree of danger.

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indicates that property damage can result if proper precautions are not taken.
If more than one degree of danger is present, the warning notice representing the highest degree of danger will be
used. A notice warning of injury to persons with a safety alert symbol may also include a warning relating to property
Qualified Personnel
The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by personnel qualified for the specific
task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified
personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding
potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
Proper use of Siemens products
Note the following:

Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical
documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or
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All names identified by ® are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. The remaining trademarks in this publication
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Disclaimer of Liability
We have reviewed the contents of this publication to ensure consistency with the hardware and software described.
Since variance cannot be precluded entirely, we cannot guarantee full consistency. However, the information in this
publication is reviewed regularly and any necessary corrections are included in subsequent editions.

Siemens AG A5E42687064-AD Copyright © Siemens AG 2019.

Digital Industries Ⓟ 07/2019 Subject to change All rights reserved
Postfach 48 48
Table of contents

1 Security information......................................................................................................................................5
2 Overview.......................................................................................................................................................7
3 Part A, Requirements and General Instructions ...........................................................................................9
3.1 Hardware requirements............................................................................................................9
3.2 Software requirements ...........................................................................................................10
3.3 McAfee Application Control....................................................................................................10
4 Part B, Installation ......................................................................................................................................11
4.1 Installing SIMATIC BATCH ....................................................................................................11
5 Part C, Special Features and Notes on Use...............................................................................................13
5.1 BatchCC.................................................................................................................................13
5.2 Process Historian archiving method.......................................................................................13
5.3 Application Programming Interface (API)...............................................................................13
5.4 General ..................................................................................................................................14
5.5 Support of large quantity structures .......................................................................................16
6 Part D Improvements and Modifications.....................................................................................................19
6.1 V9.0 SP1 Update1 .................................................................................................................19
6.2 V9.0 SP1 Update2 .................................................................................................................20
6.3 V9.0 SP1 Update3 .................................................................................................................20

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Table of contents

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Security information 1
Siemens provides products and solutions with industrial security functions that support the
secure operation of plants, systems, machines and networks.
In order to protect plants, systems, machines and networks against cyber threats, it is
necessary to implement – and continuously maintain – a holistic, state-of-the-art industrial
security concept. Siemens’ products and solutions constitute one element of such a concept.
Customers are responsible for preventing unauthorized access to their plants, systems,
machines and networks. Such systems, machines and components should only be connected
to an enterprise network or the internet if and to the extent such a connection is necessary and
only when appropriate security measures (e.g. firewalls and/or network segmentation) are in
For additional information on industrial security measures that may be implemented, please
Siemens’ products and solutions undergo continuous development to make them more secure.
Siemens strongly recommends that product updates are applied as soon as they are available
and that the latest product versions are used. Use of product versions that are no longer
supported, and failure to apply the latest updates may increase customer’s exposure to cyber
To stay informed about product updates, subscribe to the Siemens Industrial Security RSS
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Security information

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Overview 2
You have purchased the SIMATIC BATCH software package. Within the SIMATIC PCS 7
process control system, SIMATIC BATCH provides you with suitable solutions for automating
discontinuous batch processes in all sectors of industry.

Readme: Binding document
All the information in this document supersedes statements in other documents. This readme
file contains important information on the installation and use of SIMATIC BATCH. You should
therefore print out this information and read it carefully prior to installing and using the software.
Functional extensions as compared to previous versions are described in the Process Control
System PCS 7; SIMATIC BATCH manual, in the section "What's new?".

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Part A, Requirements and General Instructions 3
3.1 Hardware requirements
To be able to use SIMATIC BATCH V9.0 SP1 Update3 the same hardware requirements apply
as for PCS 7 V9.0 SP1 and PCS 7 V9.0 SP2.
These are listed in the files "PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP1 (Online)" and
"PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP2 (Online)". You can find the files "PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP1 (Online)"
and "PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP2 (Online)" for download under the entry IDs 109750097 and
109760505 in Industry Online Support:
Internet link (
Internet link (
SIMATIC BATCH also requires the following for a SIMATIC BATCH server:
● Approx. 400 MB of free hard disk space on the partition of your hard disk on which SIMATIC
BATCH is installed. Additional space is also required for projects and the database.
When working with SIMATIC BATCH, the database and batch data will increase and, if
there is not enough storage space, database problems can occur if the data can no longer
be stored because of the lack of storage space. For this reason, the user is advised to
ensure sufficient memory space (recommended: >1 GB).
● A printer for the recipe reports. All printers with graphics capability supported by Windows
are suitable.
● To achieve better performance with SIMATIC BATCH, note the following points when
installing SIMATIC BATCH:
– Set up the data storage of SIMATIC BATCH (shared folder "sbdata") on an additional
physical hard disk.
– If you use an SSD hard disk (Solid State Disk) approved by Siemens AG for the data
storage, the performance can be further improved.
– When using a hard disk RAID system on SIMATIC BATCH servers, make sure that the
cache of the RAID controller is enabled.
Note: Depending on the type of RAID system, battery backup may be necessary to
ensure that there can be no loss of data when the cache is enabled. The performance
may be lower if the cache is not enabled.
Please note that, in AS-based operation, increased requirements apply regarding type and
memory configuration of the AS used.

The CPU 410 SMART and CPU 410E (Entry) do not support the AS-based operating mode.

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Part A, Requirements and General Instructions
3.3 McAfee Application Control

3.2 Software requirements

SIMATIC BATCH V9.0 SP1 Update3 is approved for PCS 7 V9.0 SP1 and PCS 7 V9.0 SP2.
The software requirements for operating systems listed in the files
"PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP1 (Online)" and "PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP2 (Online)" apply to PCs
that are configured as BATCH server, as BATCH client and as BATCH single station.
To be able to use SIMATIC BATCH components, you require various licenses (basic license
type: floating or single). The licenses may be part of the scope of delivery.
You can find more information on licenses in the files "PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP1 (Online)" and
"PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP2 (Online)".
You can find the files "PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP1 (Online)" and
"PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP2 (Online)" for download under the entry IDs 109750097 and
109760505 in Industry Online Support:
Internet link (
Internet link (

3.3 McAfee Application Control

McAfee Application Control

When using McAfee Application Control for SIMATIC BATCH, note the following:
To ensure that the report templates are available for the "Print" and "Print preview" commands
in BatchCC, add the application "ReportingServicesService.exe" to the McAfee Application
Control whitelist. Depending on the configuration of the McAfee system, centrally via the ePO
or locally on the PC.
The application is part of the SQL Server and it is normally located in the following path:
<Path(1>)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSRSXX_XX.INFSERVER\Reporting Services\ReportServer
\bin\ - (XX_XX stands for the relevant SQL Server version)
Depending on the operating system installed

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Part B, Installation 4
4.1 Installing SIMATIC BATCH
Please observe the following points in addition to the procedures described in the
manual Process control system PCS 7; SIMATIC BATCH:
● Using virus scanners
You can find information about the virus scanners approved for "PCS 7 V9.0 SP1" and
"PCS 7 V9.0 SP2" in the files "PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP1 (Online)" and
"PCS 7 Readme V9.0 SP2 (Online)".
You can find the files for download under the entry IDs 109750097 and 109760505 in
Industry Online Support:
Internet link (
Internet link (
● Installing third-party programs

Installing programs not approved by Siemens and operating them at the same time as
BATCH can have negative effects on the system response of SIMATIC BATCH. You, as the
user, are solely responsible for such effects.
No additional software should be installed on runtime servers.
● Commissioning a SIMATIC Batch server
Configure the security settings on the SIMATIC BATCH server before you start the SIMATIC
BATCH system.
You can find information on this in the Process Control System PCS 7; SIMATIC BATCH
manual, in the section "Configuring the security settings on the SIMATIC BATCH server".

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Part B, Installation
4.1 Installing SIMATIC BATCH

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Part C, Special Features and Notes on Use 5
5.1 BatchCC
● An interruption on the replication connection (extra network adapter in both redundant
SIMATIC BATCH server PCs with network cable) has repercussions for the communication
between AS and BATCH server. The communication is blocked for approximately
20 seconds. This means that the process (batch) continues to run, but its visualization in the
BATCH Control Center or in the BATCH OS Controls will be updated with a delay of up to
20 seconds.

5.2 Process Historian archiving method

● The following applies as of SIMATIC BATCH V8.1 SP1:
– All measured values that are displayed in a report must be present in the PH. For this,
long-term archiving must be selected in WinCC.
– The settings in the recipes for recording of measured values is not relevant when using
a PH. The settings are ignored.
– There is a new "archiving" status between the batch states of "completed" and "archived"
when using the "PH" archiving method.
API clients need to be aware of this new status.

5.3 Application Programming Interface (API)

● GetObjectData
With the "PH" archiving method there is no guarantee that the alarms are up-to-date.
Furthermore, it can occur that a disrupted connection to the PH or to the PH computer is
temporarily unavailable.
This means an API client needs to know that the alarms, which are usually included in the
returned data, may be incomplete and therefore missing. There is no possibility to respond
to this part of the data.
Because of that, the alarms and measured values are completely removed from the result
of "GetObjectData" when the "PH"
archiving method is used. An API client needs to retrieve this data itself when appropriate.
To to this, use, for example, the PH or OPC (OLE for Process Control).
● TransferData2PH
Because the "PH" archiving method automatically provides the data in "approximate real-
time", there is no need to support this function any longer. For compatibility reasons, the
function provides only the return value ‘S_OK’ without any further action. However, this only
happens when the archiving method is "PH". If another archiving method is used, the return
value is the same as in the current version.

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Part C, Special Features and Notes on Use
5.4 General

● SetBatchState "Close"
Explicit "Closing" of batches is no longer necessary. For compatibility reasons, the "Close"
command is still accepted. The return value is "no error". However, no action is triggered
internally in the system.
● Life cycle of elements
Applications which communicate via the SB-API interface with SIMATIC BATCH have to be
prepared so that elements (batches, recipes, materials,...) can be modified and deleted by
other applications (e.g. BCC). If, in spite of this, an application accesses a deleted element
for example, a corresponding error value is reported by SB-API.
It is the responsibility of the operator/project to make sure that the life cycle of elements
(batches, recipes, materials,...) is managed independently across all connected systems
and PCS 7. This can be done by granting permissions in the SIMATIC BATCH system.
SIMATIC BATCH cannot coordinate the life cycle of elements across all connected systems
(Create -> Delete).

5.4 General
● Replacing old controls in WinCC process pictures
As of SIMATIC BATCH V8.1, the two controls "bfephprx.ocx" and "bfuniprx.ocx" are no
longer included in the setup of a SIMATIC BATCH WinCC Client. If you still want to use
these controls in a WinCC process picture, replace them with the much more convenient
block icons in the "@Template_Batch.pdl" file.
● Showing batch messages in WinCC Alarm Control
In the pictures in which you want to show batch messages, enable the following option at the
relevant Alarm Control:
– Open the configuration dialog box for the control
– Open the "Message lists" tab
– Select the "Edit" button in the "Fixed selection" section
– For the "Type" criterion, click on the "Settings" column
– Under the "OS process control system messages" item, enable the option "Batch"

System pictures
You decide on the Alarm Control in which you want to display Batch messages: for example,
in the "@AlarmNew.PDL" new list, in the "@AlarmActive.PDL" list of pending messages, or
in the "@AlarmOperation" operation list.
Make the settings within the Alarm Control again after every software update.

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Part C, Special Features and Notes on Use
5.4 General

● Display name/object name

As of version SB V7.1.2, object names are used instead of display names in the recipe as
identifiers for parameters and control strategies. This may cause recipes to become
implausible under specific conditions during migration if display name and object name do
not match. To prevent this from happening and keep using display names in the recipe, a
corresponding entry must be made in the registry of each SB client and of the SB server. To
do this, please contact the hotline. (See also FAQ 109482439)
With the use of the "OSC" functionality, the scheduled unit allocations are recalculated in
SIMATIC BATCH. Therefore, it can occur that, after the "OSC" function is ended, an
intended unit may be assigned to a different batch and not the same following batch.
● Representation of integer and real numbers on the SIMATIC BATCH APL faceplates
SIMATIC BATCH has faceplates for each of the IEPH, EIOP and UNIT_PLC blocks. The
interconnected IEPAR blocks, i.e. the integrated parameters, are integrated automatically
in these three faceplates. SIMATIC BATCH also has a faceplate for the SFC type in EPH or
EOP design with its parameters. Integer and real values are consistently displayed with
max. 7 digits in total in the corresponding APL faceplate. This applies to both input and
output fields. The position at which the decimal point is located is immaterial here. The range
of values is from -9999999 to +9999999.
Input field
Values outside of this range of values can be entered, but the value is not written to the AS.
Exception: If the range of values is only exceeded by the 1st decimal, the integer value is
rounded off in the AS.
Output field
Values outside of the range of values are not output.
Exception: If the range of values is only exceeded by the 1st decimal, the integer value is
rounded off and output.
● Display name/object name
As of version SB V7.1.2, object names are used instead of display names in the recipe as
identifiers for parameters and control strategies. This may cause recipes to become
implausible under specific conditions during migration if display name and object name do
not match. To prevent this from happening and keep using display names in the recipe, a
corresponding entry must be made in the registry of each SB client and of the SB server. To
do this, please contact the hotline. (See also FAQ 109482439)
● REFRESH - Trigger for reading setpoints/actual values
In PC-based operation, SFCs are read every second in the AS. For SIMATIC BATCH to be
able to reliably read a value at the REFRESH input of an SFC, the pulse duration must be
at least as long as the AS cycle time, which means more than 1 second in this case. If this
minimum duration is not observed, SIMATIC BATCH cannot read the signal reliably. The
same requirement also applies to a redundancy changeover, that means, the pulse duration
must correspond to at least the time period required for a complete redundancy failover.
● System ruggedness
To improve the system ruggedness in PC-based operation, the number of object activations
is monitored internally in the system. By default, the time interval is set to 30 s and the
maximum permitted number of object activations during this period is set to 200. This means
that an error is displayed and an OS alarm is triggered if an object (transition in loop, jump
and monitoring) is activated more than 200 times within 30 s. Before this new alarm can be
displayed, it needs to be downloaded to WinCC from SB Engineering. The default values
can be changed by service personnel.

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Part C, Special Features and Notes on Use
5.5 Support of large quantity structures

5.5 Support of large quantity structures

The performance of the BATCH server has been enhanced as of SIMATIC BATCH V9.0. The
BATCH server can now process large quantities (depending on the work memory and
computer performance).
The SIMATIC BATCH system can utilize almost the total work memory available. This makes
it easier to adapt the system to customer needs.
The usable work memory can be expanded with the "BATCH Expansion (500MB)" license key.
A SIMATIC BATCH server allows use of 1500 MB of work memory without additional licenses.
A license key "BATCH Expansion (500MB)" expands the available work memory by 500 MB.
Install the corresponding number of licenses if you want to expand the available work memory
by more than 500 MB. The license values are added up.

Due to the enhanced performance of the BATCH server, the basic work memory required (even
for small configuration limits) may increase by up to 50 % compared to previous versions.
Check the available work memory on the BATCH servers prior to an upgrade. If necessary,
expand the available work memory.
Contact Customer Support if you need specific support and information for the expansion.

Memory calculation
Licensing is based on a rough estimate of the memory requirements in the offer as well as in
the realization phase of projects.
The amount of work memory occupied by a batch primarily depends on the size of the master
recipe from which the batch was derived.
A master recipe consists of different objects.
Objects may include:
● Recipe procedure
● Recipe unit procedures
● Recipe operations
● Recipe phases
● Parameters
● Transitions

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Part C, Special Features and Notes on Use
5.5 Support of large quantity structures

In order to empirically determine the memory requirements, test series with differently sized
recipes were carried out for orientation and estimation.
● Medium-sized recipe

Number of recipe unit procedures 5

Number of ROPs and RPHs and transitions 200
Number of header parameters of the recipe 100
A batch based on this recipe uses approx. 12 MB of work memory.
● Large recipe

Number of recipe unit procedures 12

Number of ROPs and RPHs and transitions 3000
Number of header parameters of the recipe 300
A batch based on this recipe uses approx. 54 MB of work memory.
● Very large recipe

Number of recipe unit procedures 15

Number of ROPs and RPHs and transitions 8000
Number of header parameters of the recipe 1200
A batch based on this recipe uses approx. 119 MB of work memory.
The actual amount of work memory needed still depends on other factors in productive
These factors cannot be easily calculated in advance and can further increase memory
Factors may include:
● Batch runtime
● Number of loop runs
● Runs through alternative branches
● Messages
● Collection of trend values for batches
● Operator interventions
We therefore recommend monitoring the work memory requirement during operation of a plant,
at least in the commissioning or starting phase.
If the total of the work memory requirements for all batches in the work memory reaches 1.3 GB,
the following message is output:
● WinCC message
BATCH server "name" soon requires an additional expansion license: Memory limit of "x"
MB reached in "y" MB.
"x": Value for the licensed work memory
"y": Work memory still available with the current license before a license is required
If no further "BATCH Expansion" license is installed, no further batches can be released or
started at 1.5 GB.

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Part C, Special Features and Notes on Use
5.5 Support of large quantity structures

The following messages are output:

● WinCC message
BATCH server "name" soon requires "n" additional expansion license(s): Memory limit of "x"
MB exceeded by "y" MB.
"n": Number of required licenses
"x": Value for the licensed work memory
"y": Difference between the licensed and the used work memory subject to licensing
● BatchCC/OS messages
Batch could not be released, expansion license required on BATCH server "name".
Batch could not be started, expansion license required on BATCH server "name".
For each installed "BATCH Expansion" license, the limits go up by 0.5 GB each.
In order to ensure a high-performance operation, the computer must also have sufficient main
memory on the hardware side.
The work memory is allocated when a batch is released and released when the batch is
completed. Due to the memory management of Windows, the work memory may be displayed
as allocated even when the batch is completed.

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Part D Improvements and Modifications 6
6.1 V9.0 SP1 Update1
● Process values in the OS Property Control are once again updated without exception.
● The representation of integer and real numbers in the SIMATIC BATCH APL faceplates was
described in the "General" section.
● Incorrect Chinese characters in the BCC Alarm Control were corrected.
● The possibility that limit values for floating-point numbers are falsified by a migration under
certain conditions no longer exists with migration to SB V9.0.1.1.
● At the "UNIT_NAME" input of UNIT_PLC, the unit name that was defined in the plant
hierarchy is always shown. The "UNIT_NAME" input in the block cannot be modified.
● The problem when migrating control strategies to old blocks (IEPH/EPH) has been
● The "Data access layer" error, which was output under certain conditions when a batch was
opened in the OS control, no longer occurs.
● Process parameters of the data type BOOL are displayed correctly once again in the tooltip
at the recipe phases.
● The problem relating to display/object names was described in the "General" section.
● The sporadic crashing of PDLRT.EXE under certain time-related conditions has been
● The problem with multiple data types and control strategies during a PCell update has been
resolved.To enable this measure, you must run a PCell update immediately after installing
this update, regardless of whether or not something has changed in the system.
● Parameters at the container level can be edited again even if only the relevant parameters,
not all parameters, were configured as editable.
● Regardless of whether BCC is started from the operating system or from WinCC Runtime,
Alarm Control (including its columns) is displayed correctly again in the BCC.
● In AS-based operation, the last step of a batch is once again processed correctly,
regardless of the SFC type configuration. For this purpose, a new block library is supplied
which should be updated when AS-based operation is used
● Changes during batch runtime under certain conditions can be excluded again
● In the past, it was possible that certain multi-instances were swapped following a recipe
import with PCells that are not 100% identical. This possibility has been minimized. If it
nevertheless happens, the recipe will inform you of this through a plausibility check.
● Missing SFC instances in a unit used by the recipe are correctly recognized by the recipe
plausibility check.
● The XML which was returned with simultaneous changing of parameter values in different
containers with the API function Setparameter has been corrected.

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Part D Improvements and Modifications
6.3 V9.0 SP1 Update3

See also (

6.2 V9.0 SP1 Update2

● The problem with archiving a specific customer batch in V7.0 archive format has been
● Changes to any given transition no longer affect other transitions.
● In the Batch faceplates, the maximum number of characters for the DINT data format has
been increased from +/- 7 characters to +/- 10 characters at setpoints and limits.
● The problem with the migration of IEPAR_ENUM blocks (activated by the first opening of the
Batch configuration dialog box in the SM after an upgrade) has been corrected.
● Actual values in transition conditions are also displayed again in the AS-based operating
● The problems with the plausibility check when a new SFC type is created triggered by a
parameter change in a multi-instance have been corrected.
● Automatic deletion of batches works again.
● Batches can once again be archived in the PH without any problems.
● Following a PCell update, the correct PCell objects are referenced again in batches.
● You can once again create multiple batches simultaneously in the BCC.
● Batches can be archived again in different PCells via API.
● The plausibility check (recipe and batch) recognizes and reports values as errors that are
marked as NaN (not a number).
● The text "MSAA active! Max: 233" is no longer displayed in the background of an open
recipe in the recipe editor.
● The problem that the GetObjectData API function returns a non-existing unit under specific
circumstances has been resolved.
● Actual values in transition conditions are displayed again in the AS-based operating mode.
● The synchronization of the Batch configuration dialog box in the SIMATIC Manager is
always performed correctly even if the PCell name is changed several times in the SIMATIC

See also (

6.3 V9.0 SP1 Update3

● If the BATCH Control Center is started from the PCS7 OS, there is no access to the "Charm
bar" of the operating system.

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Part D Improvements and Modifications
6.3 V9.0 SP1 Update3

● The behavior during entry of the reference quantity, minimum quantity, and maximum
quantity of a batch has been adapted to previous versions.
● The deletion of batches has no effect on the transfer and archiving of other Batch data on
the PH.
● The connection establishment of the SIMATIC BATCH API after network errors has been
● In a master recipe with a library with interconnected parameters, the setpoint ID of a
parameter changes. The changed setpoint ID of the master recipe is applied in the batch.
● The display of OS message time stamps in the batch protocol are identical, regardless of
whether the protocol is created in BCC or via the Information Server.
● The validation of calculations in master recipes using Real parameters no longer returns an
error message in the calculation. These master recipes can be enabled again.
● The use and display of instances of an EPH type in a recipe is possible after changes are
made in the configuration.
● The print preview call time of batches with large volumes of data in conjunction with
messages has been improved.

See also (

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Readme, V9.0 SP1 Update 3, A5E42687064-AD 21
Part D Improvements and Modifications
6.3 V9.0 SP1 Update3

SIMATIC BATCH Readme V9.0 SP1 Update3 (online)

22 Readme, V9.0 SP1 Update 3, A5E42687064-AD

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