Otto Eduard Neugebauer The Exact Sciences in Antiquity
Otto Eduard Neugebauer The Exact Sciences in Antiquity
Otto Eduard Neugebauer The Exact Sciences in Antiquity
Second Edition
in Friembhip emil Gratitude
List of Plates. . • . • . • • . • . . . . . . • • . . . • . . . . • • • . . • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • . . • • • • xiii
Introduction • . . • •. . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . •. . • • •. • •. . 1
Chapter I. Numbers.....................•......................... 3
Bibliography to Chapter I .........•............................. 23
Notes and References to Chapter I ....•..•......•......••..•••.•.• 23
Chapter II. Babylonian Mathematics ....••.•......•....•.....•...... 29
Bibliography to Chapter II ..•.....•....•......•...••........•... 49
Notes and References to Chapter II •......•••••...••..•.....•..... 49
Chapter III. The Sources; their Deciphennent and Evaluation •.•..•..•.• 53
Noles to Chapter III. • • . • . • . . . . . • • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . . . . • • . . . . . . . . . . . 66
Chapter IV. Egyptian Mathematics and Astronomy •...............•..• 71
Bibli.aphy to Chapter IV.•...•.••....•.....•....••.......•..•• 91
Notes and References to Chapter IV •..•.•..•.••••.....•••••.••••• 92
Chapter V. Babylonian Astronomy ....•.•.•.•.....•.........••..••.• 97
BibHography to Chapter V .•.•••.......•••••.••••.•••.••••••.•.. 138
Notes and References to Chapter V ..••..•.••..•••••••••••••••.•.• 139
Chapter VI. Origin and Transmission of Hellenistic Science•••••.•••.••. 145
BibUos:raphy to Chapter VI•••••.•..•......•••..•.....•••••••.••. 177
Notes and References to Chapter VI ....••.•••••....•..••..••••••. 178
Appendix I. The Ptolemaic System •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 191
Bibliography to Appendix. I ......•.•....•....•............••.... 206
Notes and References to Appendix I •..•.......••............••.•• 206
Appendix. n. On Greek Mathematics .••...•••••••.••...•..•...••.•.• 208
Bibliography to Appendix II•..•••...••••••••.••••.•••••.••.••••• 225
Notes and References to Appendix II .•.•.•.••.•.•.•...••••••••••• 226
The Zodiacal and Planetary Sips .....•.....••.•.•....•.•••.•.•••••• 228
Chronological Table..•...........•....••.•••••..••••..•••••.•.•... 229
Index ••••••••.••••..•.•.•.••••••.•.•.•.•••••••••••••••.•..•.•..• 230
(Plates 1-14 appear followiDI p. 240)
IneLta Iran Mesopota Syria Egypt Asia lIlinor Greece Italy Spah\
Sumer ............
Pyrami. -2500
Alclcecl OIc1Ki~_
UrJl[ ...........
Middle Crete -2000
H kills Line.. B
'Rtr,ocl Hittites -1500
Greelc -1000
Auyru." Empir. AlplaaW
Buddha Medea
-.sao P....lan Emplre -.500
earth. .
0 0
Roman ElIlplre
Saanians By~.ntlum
SOO 500
The investigation of the transmission of mathematics and as-
tronomy is one of the most powerful tools for the establishment
of relations between difTerent civilizations. Stylistic motives, religi-
ous or philosophical doctrines may be developed independently
or can travel great distances through a slow and very indirect
process of diffusion. Complicated astronomical methods, how-
ever, involving ·the use of accurate numerical constants, require
for their transmission the direct use of scientific treatises and will
often give us very accurate information about the time and
circumstances of contact. It will also give us the possibility of
exactly evaluating the contributions or modifications which must
be credited to the new user of a foreign method. In short the
inherent accuracy of the mathematical sciences will penetrate
to some extent into purely historical problems. But above and
beyond the usefulness of the history of the exact sciences for the
history of civilization in general, it is the interest in the role of
accurate knowledge in human thought that motivates the following
The center of "ancient science" lies in the "Hellenistic" period,
i. e., in the period following Alexander's conquest of the ancient
sites of oriental civilizations (Frontispiece). In this melting pot of
"Hellenism" a form of science was developed which later spread
over an area reaching from India to Western Europe and which
was dominant until the creation of modern science in the time
of Newton. On the other hand the Hellenistic civilization had its
roots in the oriental civilizations which nourished about equally
long before Hellenism as its direct influence was felt afterwards.
The origin and transmission of Hellenistic science is therefore
the central problem of our whole discussion.
2 Introduction
1. When in 1416 Jean de France, Duc de Berry, died, the work
on his "Book of the Hours" was suspended. The brothers Lim-
bourg, who were entrusted with the illuminations of this book,
left the court, never to complete what is now considered one of
the most magnificent of late medieval manuscripts which have
come down to us.
A "Book of Hours" is a prayer book which is based on the
religious calendar of saints and festivals throughout the year.
Consequently we find in the book of the Duke of Berry twelve
folios, representing each one of the months. As an example we
may consider the illustration for the month of September. As
the work of the season the vintage is shown in the foreground
(Plate 1). In the background we see the ChAteau de Saumur,
depicted with the greatest accuracy of architectural detail. For us,
however, it is the semicircular field on top of the picture, where
we find numbers and astronomical symbols, which will give us
some impression of the scientific background of this calendar.
Already a superficial discussion of these representations will
demonstrate close relations between the astronomy or the late
Middle Ages and antiquity. This is indeed only one specific
example of a much more general phenomenon. For the history
of mathematics and astronomy the traditional division of political
history into Antiquity and Middle Ages is of no significance. In
mathematical astronomy ancient methods prevailed until Newton
and his contemporaries opened a fundamentally new age by
the introduction of dynamics into the discussion of astronomical
phenomena. One can perfectly well understand the "Principia"
without much knowledge of earlier astronomy but one cannot
read a single chapter in Copernicus or Kepler without a thorough
Chapter I
day. This corresponds very well to the facts. Because it takes the
sun slightly more than 365 days to travel the 360 degrees of the
whole zodiac, the average daily travel must be slightly less than
one degree per day. If we repeat our computation for all the
12 folios of our calendar we find, however, a faster movement
of 10 per day for November, December, and January. This is
counterbalanced by a slower movement of about 56 minutes in
the months from March to July. This again reflects facts correctly.
The sun moves fastest in Winter, slowest in Summer; and we
shall see that this phenomenon was accurately taken into con-
sideration both in Greek and in Babylonian astronomy of the
Hellenistic period. One calls this irregularity of the solar motion
its "anomaly". It is certainly not to be expected a priori to find
this concept carefully represented in a prayer book of the early
15th century.
6. An additional numerical notation occurs in the inner ring
of the calendar. Here we find associated with symbols of the
moon the following letters: b k 8 9 f d m a i etc. If we assign
to these letters numbers according to their position in the alphabet
we obtain:
2 10 18 7 6 4 12 1 9 17 6 14 3 11 19 8 16 5 13
These numbers are obviously connected by the following simple
law: always add 8 to the preceding number in order to get the
next number; in case the total exceeds 19, subtract 19. Thus
2 +8 = 10 10 +8 = 18 18 +8 = 26; 26 - 19 = 7.
The next number should be 7 +
8 = 15 = P followed by
15 + 8 = 23; 23 - 19 = 4 = d. The text, however, has f
followed by d. Henee we must correct f into p, and this correetion
is confirmed by the calendars for the other months where we
always find the arrangement 9 p d. The remaining part of the list
is correct. In the last plaee we have 5 +
8 = 13 to be followed by
21 - 19 = 2 whieh is the first number of our list. Thus the list
repeats itself after 19 steps.
Numbers 7
this way one obtains February 18 for the next new moon, (30
days after January 19), then March 19 (29 days) after February
18, etc. Continuing this process1) we reach September 13 as a
new-moon date for "year aU and indeed the letter "a" is given
at this date below a little crescent in our calendar miniature for
September. Continuing with alternating
29 and 30 day lunations we reach Janu-
ary 9 of the second year, called &lb." For
September we find "b" marked at day 2;
for October one finds October 1 and Oc-
tober 31 for year "b," etc. This procedure
leads eventually to an arrangement of
It letters, representing the numbers from
• a = 1 to t = 19, exactly in the form which
• we see in the special ease of September.
J.- "
--, , .,,.
, .1.'• • II " o •
I o • IJ
" ciple could continue this system.
• I~ " 9. Much more important, how-
IJ • o • IJ
, ,
'I.' Jr 0
• I ,." ever, is another modification of
• IJ fl. the alphabetic numerationwhich
,, .." .-
,I.' ~
~ 0
• III. fl.
, ,.
I If 0
• f&C is extensively used in Greek ma-
,.. ,
, 14
, II
• IJ
~ thematics and astronomy and
II.' • tIC 0
• I also in economic and literary
I .
•• I~
0 ,
,.,~ documents, e.g. in Greek papyri.
c •• I., 0 •• IJ 14 Though this system of Greek
c --
• IJ ,..
• " .,"" '"..
ct: 0
" 0 « II
numerals is often described in
• •" -,
... ... •
I., books on the history of mathe-
10 tIC 0
• IJ
• • ,
., 00 • IJ lC matic and elsewhere, I shall
• tIC ~ 0 • IJ I.,11 sketch the way one Rlight be able
..., .-.
'1.' •
• ,,
• to decipher this system in any
,\ 0 « IJ IIJ
• "I.' • • 00 •
IIJ k •
.t sufficiently elaborate mathema-
" tical or astronomical text. This
Fig. 2. can at the same time serve as
an illustration of how one proceeds in similar cases with less
well known context.
I take as our example a table from Ptolemy's Almagest" U
(Fig. 2). The heading says "Table of straight lines in the circle,"
i. e. table of chords. The first column is described as "arcs."
In this column we find in every second line the familiar Greek
letters in the arrangement of the alphabet. We are obviously
dealing with numbers; thus we make the simplest assumption
tX = 1 P = 2 y = 3 d = 4 8 = 5. Thereafter one should
expect C = 6 but Cappears only one step later and we are forced
to read the intermediate symbol ~ as 6... Thereafter we obtain
again a regular sequence C= 7 fJ = 8 9 = 9 t = 10. Following
the alphabetic order one might expect ,,= 11 ,\ = 12 etc.
Actually, however, we find ux = 11 tP = 12 etc., in other words,
Numbers 11
+ +
combined symbols 10 1, 10 2, etc. This is readily confirmed
by the continuation of our table (not reproduced here) where at
the proper place &8 = 19 is followed by x =20 ~ =21 etc. Con-
tinuing in this fashion one will meet once more a disturbance of
the standard alphabet when after n = 80 a strange sign 9 signifies
90. Then follows e = 100 a = 200 'I' = 300 until (» = 800,
followed again by a special sYmbol '1' (or h.. or ep) = 900.
Though the three symbols ( 9 and t:p are not members of
the classical Greek alphabet they are well known to the historian
as remnants of the earliest form of the Greek alphabet which still
shows these three letters in actual use. Consequently the alphabetic
numerals were invented when the Greek alphabet had not yet
eliminated these three sounds which it took over with the rest
of the alphabet from the Phoenicians. Considerations of this
type allow us to date the origin of the Greek alphabetic number
system to about the 8th century B.C. and to localize its invention
with great probability at the city of MUetus in Asia Minor.
Returning to our table we have still omitted every second line.
It is obvious, however, that one would guess that the sign l'
represents 1 because we then can read
1 1 Ii 2 2i 3 3i etc.
We can confirm this hypothesis immediately by means of the
second column. This column contains three subcolumns which
we already can transcribe by means of our previous decipherment
with the exception of the new symbol 0 in the very first place.
Calling this symbol x we read
x 31 25
1 2 50
1 34 15
2 5 40
2 37 4
3 8 28
ele. The structure of these three columns of numbers is obvious.
In the second and third column we observe alternatingly smaller
and larger numbers whereas the numbers in the first column
either remain unchanged or increase by one. This last obser-
vation compels us to assign to x the value "zero." Consequently it
12 Chapter I
31 31 + 31 = 60 + 2 62 + 32 = 60 + 34
60 + 34 + 31 = 120 + 5 120 + 5 + 32 = 120 + 37
The increase is either 31 or 32 and it is 32 when and only
when 60 units of the third column have accumulated. And when-
ever 60 units of the second column have accumulated, the number
in the first column increases by one. Thus we have a system of
numbers which behave exactly like degrees, minutes, and seconds,
or like hours, minutes, and seconds; the fractions are sixtieths
of the next higher unit. We call such fractions Usexagesimal
fractions" and write numbers of this type in the following form:
We can say that these numbers show a constant difference 0,31,25.
Later in our table the differences become smaller and smaller,
but this is exactly what one should expect. If the first column
indicates arcs increasing by i degree, as is indicated by the
numbers already known, then we must expect that the chords
do not grow simply proportionately with the arcs, though this
might hold for very small angles at the beginning of the table.
But what are the units used in our table? That the first column
indicates degree~ is obvious from the fact that the table ends with
180, i. e., with the straight angle. The chord to 180° must be the
diameter; the table gives for this entry the value ex 0 0 = 120,0,0.
Thus the radius is 60. This is confirmed by the chord 60 for 60°,
Numbers 13
preceding the empty line in the upper part of the papyrus, one
finds representing zero a sign which looks like ...... In other
astronomical papyri are found similar symbols varying from
forms like T or ~ to m. In the form is and related variants
this zero symbol is found until the latest periods in Arabic geo-
graphical and astronomical manuscripts where numbers were
written in the alphabetic notation. Only in Byzantine manu-
scripts do I know of the bare a-like shape which is usually
considered as the first letter of Greek aV()811 "nothing... The
papyri do not support this explanation (which is in itself very
implausible since omicron already represented a numerical value,
namely 70) but suggest an abitrarily invented symbol intended
to indicate an empty place. This would correspond exactly to the
Babylonian zero symbol which is also not a letter or a syllable but
a mere separation mark.
11. In order to make this remark fully understandable, I have
to explain briefly a main point in the chronology of "Babylonian"
mathematical and astronomical source material. The texts of
which I speak are clay tablets, generally about the size of a hand,
inscribed with signs which were pressed into the surface of the
once soft clay by means of a sharpened stylus. This script is
called "cuneiform," i. e. wedge-shaped, because the individual
impressions have a deeper "head" and a finer line at the end,
thus resembling a wedge. Cuneiform tablets with mathematical
contents are known to us mostly from the so-called "Old-Babyl-
onian" period, about 1600 B.C. (cf. PI. 3). No astronomical texts
of any scientific significance exist from this period. while the
mathematical texts show the highest level ever attained in Ba-
The second period from which we have a larger number of
texts is the latest period of Babylonian history, when Mesopotamia
had become a part of the empire of Alexander's successors,
the "Seleucids." This period, from about 300 B.C. to the beginning
of our era, has furnished us with a great number of astronomical
texts of a most remarkable mathematical character, fully com-
parable to the astronomy of the Almagest. Mathematical texts
from this period are scarce, but they suffice nevertheless to
demonstrate that the knowledge of Old-Babylonian mathematics
had not been lost during the intervening 1300 years for which
texts are lacking.
Numbers 15
Obviously we must read these signs as 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 if the
first sign represents 10 as we have established in our first list.
But what follows is
each III indicating a broken line. These signs continue the previous
ones if we interpret the first "1" as 60 and then read 1,10 as
16 Chapter I
+ +
60 10 = 70 and 1,20 as 60 20 = 80. The broken lines should
contain 90, 100, and 110. The next sign "2" should be 120, in
excellent agreement with our interpretation of "I" as 60, while
the last sign 2,10 must be 120 + 10 = 130. Thus we have
obtained all multiples of 10 from 10 to 130, line by line, corres-
ponding to the numbers 1 to 13. In other words, our table is a
multiplication table for 10, which we now can transcribe as
1 10
2 20
3 30
4 40
5 50
6 1
7 1,10
8 1,20
9 1,30
10 1,40
11 1,50
12 2
13 2,10
1 2,9;37,22,36°
2 4,19;14,45,12
3 0,28;52,7,49 etc.
where we (and Ptolemy) would write for the integers 129, 259,
and 28 respectively.
The perfection to which Islamic scholars developed numerical
methods has only recently become clear, especially through the
work of P. Luckey on aI-Kishi, the astronomer royal of Ulugh
Beg in Samarqand. AI-Kishi died in 1429; one of his last works
is a treatise on the circumference of the circle in which he de-
termines (correctly) 2n as 6;16,59,28,1,34,51,46,15,50. And since
he had invented, a few years earlier, the decimal analog of the
sexagesimal fractions, he also converts the above number into
decimal fractions: 6.2831853071795865.
The best existing book on numbers and number systems is Karl Menninger,
Zahlwort und ZifTer. Aus der Kullurgeschichte unserer Zahlsprache, unserer
Zahlschrift und des Rechenbretts. Breslau, Hirt, 1934. The sections about the
Babylonian number system are not always reliable. In general, however, this
work is far superior to the majority of books on the history of numbers and of
elementary computing.
Kurt Sethe, Von Zahlen und Zahlworten bei den alten Aegyptern und was
fur andere V6lker und Sprachen daraus zu lemen ist. Schriften d. wiss. Ges.
Strassburg 25 (1916). This work is fundamental for the understanding of the
role of fractions within number systems in general.
For calendar computation in general see F. K. Ginzel, Handbuch der
mathematischen und technischen Chronologie, 3 vols., Leipzig, Hinrichs, 1906-
1914. The lunar calendar of Western Europe during the Middle Ages is discussed
in vol. III.
An excellent introduction to Babylonian civilization is given in Edward
Chiera, They Wrote on Clay, Univ. of Chicago Press; several editions since
Note in PI. 5 the signs for 6 and 900. The sign for 1000 (in 1600) is an (¥
with an attached loop. The multiples of 10000 are written as a II (first letter of
the Greek word for 10000) with the factor written over it. The last column gives
a list of the fractions of the drachma; preserved are the symbols for the following
unit fractions: 8, 12, 24,3, 6,8, 48. Note that the unit fractions are written with
the ordinary number signs plus an a£cent. The only exception is p' which does
not mean} but f denoted here by 3. Its corresP.9nding drachma sYmbol is a
combination of the symbols for 2 and 6. Indeed, 3" = 2 6. +
Ordinarily the arrangement of the alphabetic numerals is stricOy from higher
to lower numbers. In datings, however, one finds also the inverted order: ct. for
examples from Mesopotamia Yale Classical Studies 3 p. 30 fT. (clay bullae
from Uruk); Excavations in Dura-Europus, Preliminary Report IX, 1 p. 169 fT.;
Klio 9 p. 353. For Macedonian inscriptions (between 131 B.C. and 322 A.D.)
cf., e. g., Tod. The Maeedonian Era; The Annual of the British School at
Athens, No. 23 (1918-1919) p. 206-217 and No. 24 (1919-1921) p. 54-67.
That the Arabic form for the zero sYmbol (a litOe circle with a bar over it
and related forms) is simply taken from Greek astronomical manuscripts was
recognized by F. Woepcke in 1863 (Journal Asiatique, Sere 6 voL 1 p. 466 ft.).
A table showing dift'erent forms in Arabic manuscripts as well as in Greek
papyri is given by Rida A. K. Irani, Arabic numeral forms, Centaurus 4 (1955)
p. 1-12. In a Byzantine manuscript, written about 1300 A.D. a sign like II is
used for zero beside 0 (Vat. Graec. 1058 fol. 261 ft.), apparently under Islamic
ad 13. The most comprehensive collection of the evidence on early number
signs is found in the fIrSt edition of Anton Deimel, Sumerische Grammatik der
arehaistisehen Texte, Roma, Pontificium Institutum Biblicum, 1924 (Chapter IV).
More recent evidence, especially concerning the decimal system, is given in
A. Falkenstein, Archaisehe Texte aus Uruk, Leipzig 1936, (sign list at the end).
For the picture of a stylus see, e. g., S. Langdon, Excavations at Kish, vol. 1,
Paris 1924, PI. XXIX and Falkenstein, 1. c., p. 6.
The texts from Uruk also revealed the existence of a system of fractions
strictly proceeding on the principle of repeated halving. A very important
feature of cuneiform numerical notation is the existence of special signs for },
-1-, I, and t which are in very common use also in later periods, even occasionally
in mathematical texts. These "natural fractions" undoubtedly play an important
role in the arrangement of metrological units. Obviously one will group higher
units in such a form that they admit directly the forming of these most common
parts. This leads naturally to a grouping in 12 or 30 or 60. All these ratios do
occur in one or another of the parallel systems ofunits in Mesopotamian metrology.
Notes and References 27
Babylonian Mathematics.
15. The following chapter does not attempt to give a history of
Babylonian mathematics or even a complete summary of its
contents. All that it is possible to do here is to mention certain
features which might be considered characteristic of our present
I have remarked previously that the texts on which our study
is based belong to two sharply limited and widely separated
periods. The great majority of mathematical texts are "Old-
Babylonian"; that is to say, they are contemporary with the
Hammurapi dynasty, thus roughly belonging to the period from
1800 to 1600 B.C. The second, and much smaller, group is
"Seleucid", i. e. datable to the last three centuries B.C. These
dates are arrived at on quite reliable palaeographic and linguistic
grounds. The more than one thousand intervening years influenced
the forms of signs and the language to such a degree that one is
safe in assigning a text to either one of the two periods.
So far as the contents are concerned, little change can be
observed from one group to the other. The only essential progress
which was made consists in the use of the "zero" sign in the
Seleucid texts (cr. p. 20). It is further noticeable that numerical
tables, expecially tables of reciprocals, were computed to a much
larger ex~ent than known from the earlier period, though no new
principle is involved which would not have been fully available
to the Old-Babylonian scribes. It seems plausible that the
expansion of numerical procedures is related to the development
of a mathematical astronomy in this latest phase of Mesopotamian
For the Old-Babylonian texts no prehistory can be given.
We know absolutely nothing about an earlier, presumably
30 Chapter II
2 30 16 3,45 45 1,20
3 20 18 3,20 48 1,15
4 15 20 3 50 1,12
5 12 24 2,30 54 1,6,40
6 10 25 2,24 1 1
8 7,30 27 2,13,20 1,4 56,15
9 6,40 30 2 1,12 50
10 6 32 1,52,30 1,15 48
12 5 36 1,40 1,20 45
15 4 40 1,30 1,21 44,26,40
The last pair contains the number 44,26,40 and also all the
other two-place numbers mentioned above occur as numbers
of the second column. On the other hand, with one single excep-
tion to be mentioned presently, the gaps in our expected list of
multiplication tables correspond exactly to the missing numbers
in our above table of reciprocals. Thus our stock of multiplica-
tion tables is not a collection of tables for all products a . b, for
a and b from 1 to 59, but tables for the products a • b where b
is a number from the right-hand side of our last list. The character
of these numbers b is conspicuous enough; they are the reciprocals
of the numbers b of the left column, 'written as sexagesimal frac-
i = 0;30
1 = 0;20
1 = 0;15
1.~1 = 0;0,44,26,40.
\Ve can express the same fact more simply and historically more
correctly in the following form. The above "table of reciprocals"
is a list of numbers, band h, such that the products b • bare
1 or any other power of 60. It is indeed irrelevant whether we
2 • 30 = 1,0
2 • 0;30 = 1
0;2 • 30 = 1
0;2 . 0;80 = 0;1 etc.
Babylonian Mathematics 33
8,34,16,59 < ,.
8,34,18 > 7.
Indeed, the correct expansion of" would be 8,34,17 periodically
repeated. It is needless to underline the importance of a problem
Babylonian Mathematics 35
which is the first step toward a mathematical analysis of infinite
arithmetical processes and of the concept of "number" in general.
And it is equally needless to say that the new fragment raises
many more questions than it solves. But it leaves no doubt that
we must recognize an interest in problems of approximations for
as early a period as Old-Babylonian times.
This is confirmed by a small tablet, now in the Yale Babylonian
Collection (cf. Pl. 6a). On it is drawn a square with its two diag-
onals. The side shows the number 30, the diagonal the numbers
1,24,51,10 and 42,25,35. The meaning of these numbers becomes
clear if we multiply 1,24,51,10 by 30, an operation which can
be easily performed by dividing 1,24,51,10 by 2 because 2 and
30 are reciprocals of one another. The result is 42,25,35. Thus we
have obtained from a = 30 the diagonal d = 42;25,35 by using
VI = 1;24,51,10.
The accuracy of this approximation can be checked by squaring
1;24,51,10. One finds
corresponding to an error of less than 22/60'. Expressed as a
decimal fraction we have here the approximation 1.414213 ..
instead of 1.414214 ... This is indeed a remarkably good approx-
imation. It was still used by Ptolemy in computing his table of
chords almost two thousand years later.
Another Old-Babylonian approximation of VI
is known to be
1;25. It is also contained in the approximation of V2
which we
find in the Hindu Sulva-Siitras whose present form might be
dated to the 3rd or 4th century B.C. There we find
I II ( .. b) III(-d) IV
[1,59,0,]15 1,59 2,49 1
[1,56,56,]58,14,50,6,15 56,7 3,12,1 2
[1,55,7,]41,15,33,45 1,16,41 1,50,49 3
[1,]5[3,1]0,29,32,52,16 3,31,49 5,9,1 4
[1,]48,54,1,40 1,5 1,37 5
[1,J47,6,41,40 5,19 8,1 6
[1,]43,11,56,28,26,40 38,11 59,1 7
[1,]41,33,59,3,45 13,19 20,49 8
[1,]38,33,36,36 9,1 12,49 9
1,35,10,2,28,27,24,26,40 1,22,41 2,16,1 10
1,33,45 45 1,15 11
1,29,21,54,2,15 27,59 48,49 12
[1,]27,0,3,45 7,12,1 4,49 13
1,25,48,51,35,6,40 29,31 53,49 14
[1,]23,13,46,40 56 53 15
This text contains a few errors. In 11,9 we find 9,1 instead of 8,1
which is a mere scribal error. In 11,13 the text has 7,12,1 instead
of 2,41. Here the scribe wrote the square of 2,41, which is 7,12,1
instead of 2,41 itself. In 111,15 we find 53 instead of 1,46 which
38 Chapter II
As band d are known from our list, we can compute I and find
holds still more accurately for the ratios ~ themselves (Fig. 3).
This observation suggests that the ancient mathematician who
composed this text was interested not only in determining triples
of Pythagorean numbers but also in their ratios :. Let us inves-
Babylonian Mathematics 89
tigate the mathematical character of this problem. We know that
all Pythagorean triples are obtainable in the form
I = 2 pq b = pi - ql d = p'l. + q2
where p and q are arbitrary integers subject only to the condition
that they are relatively prime and not simultaneously odd and
p > q. Consequently we obtain for the ratio 1d the expression
d = 1(p . q + p . q)
where p and q are the reciprocals of p and q. This shows that I
are expressible as finite sexagesimal fractions, as is the case in
our text, if and only if both p and q are regular numbers.
This fact can be easily checked in our list of numbers by
computing the values of p and q which correspond to the I, b,
and d of our text. Then one finds a very remarkable fact. The
numbers p and q are not only regular numbers, as expected,
but they are regular numbers contained in the "standard table"
I"'-.. ~
r-.... ~
-~ ..... ~
'0, 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 10 " 12 /3 1+ 1$
Fig. 3.
(:r = 1;0,0,33,20,4,37.46,40.
;: = b _
y- = 1;0,0,16,40 - 0;0,44,43,20 = 0;59,15,33,20.
Indeed, z and x are reciprocal numbers and their sum equals the
given number b.
This problem is typical in many respects. It shows, fIrst of all,
the correct application of the "quadratic formula" for the solu-
tion of quadratic equations. It demonstrates again the unrestricted
use of large sexagesimal numbers. Finally, it concerns the main
type of quadratic problems of which we have hundreds of ex-
amples preserved, a type which I call "normal form": two num-
bers should be found if (a) their product and (b) their sum or
difference is given. It is obviously the purpose of countless ex-
amples to teach the transformation of more complicated quadratic
problems to this "normal form"
from which the solution then follows as
simply by transforming the two original equations into two linear
z =F y = y-bS-=F-
4 -a.
In other ;words, reducing a quadratic equation to its "normal form"
means finally reducing it to the simplest system of linear equations.
The same idea can be used for finding three numbers, a. b, c,
which satisfy the Pythagorean relation. Assume that one again
started from a pair of linear equations
42 Chapter II
realizing that
all = bl + ell if ell = 4xy.
Assuming that x and yare integers, then a and b will be integers;
but e = 2 xy will be an integer only if xy is an integer. This
condition is satisfied if we assume that x and U are squares of
x = pi y = ql
and thus we obtain the final result that a, b, and e form a Pytha-
gorean triple if p and q are arbitrary integers (p > q) and if we
b = pi _ qll e = 2pq.
Investigating such series, one finds that they all have the same
pair x = 30 Y = 20 as solutions. This indicates that it was of
no concern to the teacher that the result must have been known
to the pupil. What he obviously had to learn was the method of
transforming such horrible expressions into simpler ones and to
arrive finally at the correct solutions. We have several tablets of
the first class which solve one such example after another from
corresponding collections of the second class.
From actually computed examples it becomes obvious that it
was the general procedure, not the numerical result, which was
considercd important. If accidentally a factor has the value 1
the multiplication by 1 will be explicitly performed, obviously
bccause this step is necessary in the general case. Similarly we
find regularly a gencral explanation of the procedure. Where
we would write x + y the text would say "5 and 3, the sum of
length and width". Indeed it is often possible to transform these
examples directly into our symbolism simply by replacing the
ideograms which were used for "length,., "width", "add",
"multiply" by our letters and symbols. The accompanying
numbers are hardly more than a conycnient guide to illustrate
the underlying gcneral process. Thus it is substantially incorrect
if onc dcnics the use of a "general formula" to Babylonian
44 Chapter II
for use in scribal schools, in which the trying life of a schoolboy in such a
"Tablet House" is dramatically described. Cf. S. N. Kramer, Schooldays, a
Sumerian Composition Relating to the Education of a Scribe. J. Am. Oriental
Soc. 69 (1949) p. 199-215.
ad 18. The structure of the system of tables of multiplication and reciprocals
was first described by the present author in a series of papers entitled "Sexagesi-
malsystem und babylonische Bruchreehnung" I-IV published in Quellen und
Studien zur Geschichte der Mathematik, Abt. B., vols. 1 and 2 (1930-1932).
The methods for the computation of reciprocals not contained in the standard
table were analyzed by A. Sachs, Babylonian Mathematical Texts I, Journal
of Cuneiform Studies 1 (1947) p. 219-240. The transformation of sexagesimal
fractions to unit fractions was discussed by the same author in "Notes on
Fractional Expressions in Old Babylonian Mathematical Texts", J. of Near
Eastern Studies 5 (1946) p. 203-214.
That a scribe was sometimes not quite sure when a number was regular or
irregular is shown by a statement found in a text now in the British Museum
(MKT I p. 224,12 and p. 184), to the effect that "4,3 does not divide". This is
wrong because 4,3 == 3·1,21 and both 3 and 1,21 are regular numbers whose
reciprocals can be found in the standard table.
ad 19. Approximations of V2 can be found as follows. Obviously 1 == 1;30
is a first approximation, though larger than the correct value because (ir II:::
== = 2;15. Consequently we obtain an approximation which is too small by
dividing 2 by The result is • == 1;20. The mean value of these two opposite
approximations is 1;25 which is one of the two attested values. We can
repeat this process; 1;251 == 2;0,25 is too large. Thus 2 divided by 1;25 or
1;24,42,21, ••. is too small. The mean value of 1;25 and 1;24,42,21 is 1;24,51,10
which is the second approximation found in our texts.
We have no proof that this was the way in which these values were found
but there is also no way to disprove this possibility. Cf. also below p. 52.
ad 20. In linie 2 of column III of the Plimpton tablet we find for d the value
3,12,1 instead of 1,20,25. Following a suggestion by R. J. Gillings (The Australian
Journal of Science 16, 1953, p. 54-56) one might explain this mistake as the
result of two errors: In computing
the scribe replaced - 2pq by + 2pq and then wrote down only 2·27·1,0 =
54,0 instead of 2 ·27 . 1,4 == 57,36. Thus he found not d - 2,18,1 - 57,36 ==
1,20,25 but 2,18,1 + 54,0 = 3,12,1.
A different suggestion was made by E. M. Bruins, in Sumer 11 (1956)
p. 117-121 which contains, however, incorrect and unfair statements as to the
readings of the text.
It may finally be remarked that the construction of Pythagorean triples by
means of two numbers p and q from
1=2pq b=pl_qI
Notes and References 61
A following IIcatch line" points to a succeeding table for the cube roots of 1,
1,3,3,1 etc. The knowledge of the binomial coefficients lies, of course. fully
within the 'reach of Babylonian algebra.
ad 24. It is of interest to remark that not only were similar triangles frequently
used in the solution of problems which have geometrical backgrouDd. but that
the arithmetical concept IIratio" had a special term. MKT I p. 460 Jr. we have
series of examples where the IIratio" xll/ is to be computed from quadratic
equations. That the ratio of two numbers is treated as an entity is indeed a
very important step in the development of algebra.
The area A of a circle is usually determined from its circumference c in the
A = 0;5· ell
where 0;5 = 1/12 is an approximation of 4 . For many examples d. MCT
~«M~~ n
Problems concerning circular segments are published MCT 56, MKT I p. 188.
Cf. also MKT I p. 177, p. 230; MCT 134ft. All these problems cause trouble-
which is a certain indication that we have not yet found the proper key to this
part of Babylonian geometry. A very interesting early text concerning ornamental
patterns of clrcles and squares was published by J. C. Gadd (d. MKT I p. 137ft.).
Unfortunately no solutions are given.
52 Notes and References
For the inaccuracy of figures ct. MCT p. 46 and p. 54. For the approximate
determination of volumes see MKT I p. 165, p. 176; for areas MCT p. 46.
For a clear case of a figure which must be exactly a right triangle in order to
make the following simllarity relations correct, d. the tablet published by
Sayyid Taha Baqir, Sumer 6 (1950) p. 39-54.
ad 2.f. a. The paper referred to in the text was preceded by a preliminary
note in the August 1950 issue of the French popular journal UAtomes. Tous les
aspects scientiftques d'un nouvel age", (p. 270 f.). This article also gives a
photograph of a triangle with its circumscribed circle.
The value V3 ~ 1;45 can be obtained immediately by the process described
above p. 50 in the case of VI. StartiDg with the obvious estimate V3 ~ 1:30,
one obtains as the next value 1;30 = 2 and hence i (2 + 1;30) = 1;45. The
same approximation is found in Heron, Metrica XXV (who uses 1;44 also).
Metrica XXI contains VI ~ 1;25.
The value n "., 31 does not seem to be attested in the preserved literature
of antiquity. As its first appearance, Tropfke (Gesehichte d. Elementarmathe-
malik IV(8) p. 279) quotes a passage from DUrer in 1525. In Babylonian material
this value was hesitating1y mentioned as a possibility in MCT p. 59 note 152k.
This conjecture is now fully confirmed.
for which the work in the field is only the preliminary step.
Here a sad story indeed must be told. While the field work
has been perfected to a very high standard during the last half
century, the second part, the publication, has been neglected
to such a degree that many excavations of Mesopotamian sites
resulted only in a scientifically executed destruction of what was
left still' undestroyed after a few thousand years. The reasons
for this fact are trivial. The time required for the publication of
results is a multiple of the requirements for the field work. The
available money is usually spent when a fraction of the original
planned excavation has been completed, benefactors are hard
to find to pay for many years of work without tangible or spec-
tacular results, and the scholars get interested in special aspects
60 Chapter III
12 gar-gar us d[ ah ]5
13 a-ra 2 e-tab
us dah-ma 1
16 -
sag dah-ma 35
a-ra 2 e-tab
17 dah-ma 50
64: Chapter III
Several terms can be translated directly; gar and dah are words
known to indicate addition; a-ra is known from the m~ltiplication
tables, corresponding to our "times". The same word occurs,
e. g., in each line of the multiplication table of PI. 4 a. The words
ui and sag are known to mean length and width respectively.
Because no numbers are directly associated with them, we
transcribe them by x and y. The particle -ma represents some-
thing like "and thus"; we represent it simply by an equal sign.
The phrase e-tab seems to suggest another addition because tab
is the counterpart to lal "minus" which we know already (p. 5)
from the number sign 20 lal 1 = 19. In order not to complicate
our discussion unnecessarily we shall anticipate the result that
here the whole phrase a-ra 2 e-tab must mean "multiply by 2"
without any reference to addition. This is indeed in line with the
original meaning of the sign "tab" which consists of two parallel
wedges, thus indicating "duplication". We finally remark that we
invert for the sake of convenience the order of "x" and "add"
and write + x instead of x +. Then we obtain the following
12 ++ x[= )5
13 ·2
14 +x = 1
15 + y = 35
16 ·2
17 +( ) = 50
Weare now facing a new difficulty. At the beginning we tried
to read the text as a unit and found that we had to break it
up into single problems. Now we have the single problems but
they are obviously too short to make sense. Line 15, e. g., requires
that y is added to something and then gives the sum 35. And
exactly the same difficulty arises in the other examples. Thus
we are compelled to introduce an unknown quantity f, which
might depend on x and y, to which all the other quantities are
added. Thus we interpret line 15 as
f+ y = 35.
The Sources; Their Decipherment and Evaluation 65
x[= ]5
n (2,40 - (x + y»
+(55 - y).
2 (+ x = 1,0
(+ y = 85
2 (+ y = 50
where f stands for the above-mentioned expression. Obviously
these equations do not suffice, if one takes them singly, to deter-
mine x and y. On the other hand they cannot be used simulta-
neously because there are too many. Thus one has to look for
additional information higher up in the text. Applying exactly
the same procedure to preceding sections, one finds a simple
scheme. There exist several larger sections which define similar
functions g, h, etc., always followed by variations of the above
form 9 +x, 2g +x, etc. At the very beginning, however, we find
one more condition which turns out to mean
xy = 10,0.
This condition is common to the whole text as one relation
between x and y. All subsequent sections contain individual linear
relations between these unknowns, thus leading to quadratic
equations for x and y. We know already that x = 30 y = 20
are the common solutions. Thus our decipherment is completed.
What I have described here is, of course, a simplified story
of what actually happened when texts of this type became known,
but the essential s1eps were precisely the same. In this way it
was possible to establish many technical terms. The results can
be tested in other classes of texts which contain the details of
the working out of given problems. And it is clear that the deter-
mination of the meaning of a text is generally the easier the more
complicated the mathematical context is because this leaves
fewer possibilities for the interpretation of the procedure. A con-
text which contains only a few numbers combined by addition
or subtraction is of almost no help in the determination of ter-
minology. The advanced algebraic level of Babylonian mathe-
matics was of the greatest help in its being decoded.
The same holds, to my knowledge, for the papyri (cf. P. Warren 21 from the
early third century A.D. and Archiv f. Papyrusforschung 1, 1901, p. 501, a
papyrus of the second century A.D.; furthermore Karl Preisendanz, Die griechi-
sehen Zauberpapyri, Leipzig 1928-1931, vol. II, index p. 213). Ordinarily,
however, the names of sun, moon, and planets are written out in full. Demotic
planetary I tables of the Roman imperial period contain symbols for the planets
and for the zodiacal signs, apparently based on their Egyptian names and with
no relation to the mediaeval symbols.
That there is stm much left to be done even with the great classics might be
mustrated by the fact that Books V to VII of Apollonius's Conic Sections were
never edited because they are only preserved in Arabic. The only existing
(Latin) translation was made by Edmund Halley in 1710.
One of the many desiderata in the publication of mediaeval tables is the
"Alfonsine Tables" which were completed around 1270 under the auspices and
active support of Alfonso X (who ruled from 1252 to 1282). Of the Spanish
original only the introduction is preserved, but for the Latin versions Haskins
(Studies in the History of Medieval Science, p. 17) mentions 75 manuscripts
and 13 early editions. Cf. Alfred Wegener, Die astronomischen Werke
Alfons X. Bibliotheca Mathematica ser. 3 vol. 6 (1905) p. 129-185.
No aecurate estimate can be given about the quality and importance of
Byzantine astronomical handbooks but it seems evident from the most superficial
use of catalogues that this material must amount to many thousands of folios
of texts and tables. It is not known to what extent these treatises continue the
1) Also in composite words like en (f) for mlHtM~ (epicycle).
68 Chapter III
problem texts of the Old Babylonian period was given by Taba Baqir in Somer 7
(1951) p. 28 f. According to the field records of the recent excavations in Tell
~armal these texts come from a private house. The joint expedition of the
University Museum of the University of Pennsylvania and the Oriental Institute
of the University of Chicago to Nippur has now finally established that the
"Tablet Hm" which Hilpreeht, the original excavator, thought should represent
the "Temple Library", actually belongs to "residential quarters of varying
date" (D. E. McCown in J. Near Eastern Studies 11, 1952, p. 175).
ad 99. A more extensive description of the method of decipherment of
algebraic problem texts is given in my paper "Der VerhiUtnisbegrift' in der
babylonisehen Mathematik", Analecta Orientalia 12 (1935) p. 235-257.
1 25
I 2 50
4 100
8 200
I 16 400
total 450
n twice Ii
3 2 6
5 3 15
7 4 28
9 6 18
This means that 1 contains 3 thirds and 3 two thirds. Thus the
remaining factor contains a total of 5 thirds. This is the amount
of which 5 has to be taken. But 5 fifths are one complete unit and
this was a third of the original higher unit. Thus we obtain for
the second part simply 3 and thus twice 5 is represented as 3 15.
This is exactly what we find in the table.
For the modern reader it is more convenient to repeat these
clumsy conclusions with modem symbols though we must re-
member that this form of expression is totally unhistorical. In
3 = 6 +2
and this is the relation 3 = 2 i which we quoted at the beginning.
All other eases in the table for ii's which are multiples of 3 show
the same d ecomposltion ··t
operating WIh - 1 as one t erm.
It is clear that one can proceed in the same manner by operating
with 4, 8, etc. or with 6, 12, etc. In this way, more and more
eases of the table can be reached and it seems to me there is
little doubt that we have found in essence the procedure which
has led to these rules for the replacement of 2 Ii by sums of unit
87. For our present purposes it is not necessary to discuss in
detail all steps in the structure of Egyptian fractional arithmetic. I
hope, however, to have made clear the two leading principles, the
strict additivity and the extensive use of the "natural fractions".
78 Chapter IV
thus producing the change of night and daylight, but it also has a
slow motion of its own relative to the stars in a direction opposite
to the daily rotation.
This eastward motion of the sun (completed once in one year)
delays the rising of the sun from day to day with respect to the
rising of S. Consequently, the rising of S will be more and more
clearly visible and it will take more and more time before S fades
away in the light of the coming day. Obviously, after some lapse
of time, it no longer makes sense to take S as the indicator of the
last hour of night. But there are new stars which can take the
place of S, and this procedure can be repeated all year long until
the sun comes back to the region of S. Thus year after year S
may serve for some days as the star of the last hour, to be replaced
in regular order by other stars T, U, V, ....
It is this sequence of phenomena which led the Egyptians to
measure the time of night by means of stars (or groups of nearby
stars) which we now call the decans. In the above description,
we left unanswered the tacit question: how long shall we wait
until we replace S by T, T by U, etc.? Obviously, one could be
very strict and choose daily a different star which is just in the
phase of "heliacal rising". But this sort of impractical pedantry
was not characteristic of those Egyptians, who intended to devise
some method of indicating the times of office for the nightly
service in the temples. They adjusted these times to their calendar.
As the months were divided into decades, so were the services of
the hour-stars. For 10 days, S indicated the last hour of night, then
T was chosen for the next 10 days, and so forth. During each
decade the end of night receded from dawn toward darkness, only
to be pushed back toward dawn by the heliacal rising of the next
"decantl as we shall now call the stars S, T, U, ....
So far we have only described the definition of the end of
"nighttl or the last "hour". We have made one choice: we applied
the decimal order of the civil calendar to these decanal hours.
What follows is a necessary consequence of this vital decision.
We go back to the time of year when S serves as the decan of
the last hour. Ten days later, T takes the place of S. By this time
the rising of S is clearly visible in full darkness. Since the last
hour is now indicated by T, we shall naturally say that the rising
of S marks the hour next to the last. After another ten days, U
Egyptian Mathematics and Astronomy 85
Our knowledge of Egyptian mathematies is primarily based on the following
texts, an of whieh were written in the Middle Kingdom or the Hyksos period.
1. Mathematical Papyrus Rhind published first by Eisenlohr in 1877.
Modem publieation by T. E. Peet, London, 1923; additional material and
photographs in Chaee-Bull-Manning-Arehibald, The Rhind Mathematical
Papyrus, Oberlin, Ohio I 1927, II 1929.
2. MOICOW Mathematical PaPlJrus published by W. Struve, Quellen und
Studien zur Gesehiehte der Mathematik, sere A. vol. 1 (1930).
3. P. Berlin 6619. Published by Sehaek-Sehaekenburg, Zeit8ehr. f.
aegyptisehe Spraehe 38 (1900) p. 135 fl. and 40 (1902) p. 65 f.
4. P. Kahun. Published by F. 11. Griffith, Hieratie Papyri from Kahun
and Gurob, London 1898 Pl. VIII and p. 15 fl.
5. Leather roll British Museum 10260 by S. R. K. Glanville in J. Egyptian
Archeology 13 (1927) p. 232 fl.
6. Wooden tablet. Cairo 26367 and 26368. ReeueD de travaux relatifs i la
philologie et i l'areheologie egyptiennes 28 (1906) p. 62 fl. and Catalogue
generale ... du Musee du Caire, Ostraea, 1901 Pl. 62-64 and p. 95 f.
For the late period, Demotie papyri should be added. One large Demotie
text was found in Tunah el Gabal aecording to m. London News 104 (1939)
p. 840 and Chronique d·~te 14 No. 28 (1939) p. 278. No information about
this text could be obtained. Fragments of geometrical Demotie texts are in the
Carlsberg Colleetion of the University of Copenhagen, to be published by
A. Volten.
Greek papyri are very closely related to the Egyptian texts. For this material
ef. Andre Deleage, Les eadastres antiques jusqu'i Diocletien, £tudes de
papyrologie 2 (1934) p. 73-228. K. Vogel, Beitrige zur grieehisehen Logistik I.
SitzuDgsber. d. Bayerisehen Akademie der Wissenseh., Math.-nat. Abt. 1936
92 Chapter IV
ad 96. A detailed analysis of the table for ~ of the Papyrus Rhind is given
in my book "Die Grundlagen der igyptischen Bruchreehnung", Berlin, Springer,
1926. This theory is summarized in my "Vorlesungen" p. 137 fI. Modifications
were proposed by van der Waerden "Die Enlstehungsgesehichte der aegyp-
tisehen Bruchreehnung" in "QueUen und Studien zur Gesehichte der Mathematik"
sere B vol. 4 (1937) p. 359-382.
ad 97. As stated in the text we find already in the New KiDgdom an exception
to the rules of the Papyrus Rhind for the duplication of unit fractions. William
C. Hayes, Ostraca and Name Stones from the Tomb of Sen-Mut (No. 71) at
Thebes, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Egyptian Expedition [Publications
No. 15] New York 1942, published an ostracon (No. 153) which contains the
following computation1)
1) The restoration of the original problem given by Hayes seems to me very
doubtful. In the ftrst line one can read safely only i i4 i 2i and I see no reason
for restoring "cubit, palm(t)" at the beginning. The four fractions obviously form
two pairs but I do Dot undentand their relation to the subsequent operations.
Notes and References 93
1 '7 (black)
3 (red)
2 6 14 21 (black)
3 2 121 (red)
4 "2 14 (black)
102 1 2 (red)
where the numbers below the main lines ue written in red. Obviously we He
deaIiDg here with a multiplication of 7. The standard procedure would be
1 '7
2 '428
4 2 14
Thus we see that the ostracon uses a ditJerent (and more complicated) expression
for twice 7. The analysis of this decomposition is useful for the understanding
of the method which we have described in the text. The standard decomposition
would operate with the natural fraction '4 and determine the fraction which
remains for 2 - i of 1. The result is i.
In the ease of the ostracon we find "auxiliary numbers" written in red below
the fractions. Under 21 we find 1. This means that 21 is introduced as a new
unit; consequently we find 3 below 7. This shows us that we are dealing, not
with the natural fraction i of the sequence 2, i, ..., but with S which belongs
to the sequence I, 3, i, ... Hence we obtain now 21 as one term an«!,.must
find the remainder_which is obtained by multiplying 7 by 2 - 3 = 1 3. We
know already that 3 = 2 i. Thus we have to multiply 7 by 1 2 6. Here again
auxiliary numbers must be introduced, counting '6 as 1, which will lead to
2 3
I 6 1
If we take here the first and last term we have 7 new units. Thus we see that
1 i of '7 is i. There remain "2 of 7 which is 14. Thus we have found for the
remainder '6 14 and for the whole of twice '7 the form
6 14 21.
The above computation shows how important it is to begin with the proper
natural ~ction. The use of i leads to a two-term expression, whereas the use
of 3 forced us into a three-term decomposition. I am sure that the Egyptians
never saw behind the underlying reason of divisibility but simply operated by
trial and error. The reader might find the above explanation exceedingly clumsy
and hypothetical. Only a systematic study of many available examples can give
the necessary experience so that one becomes rea1ly famlliu with this type of
uithmetieal rules. A useful illustration, however, is a group of problems from
the mathematical Papyrus Bhind which I have analyzed in detail in my"Vor-
94 Chapter IV
lesungen", p. 139ft. Fortunately, these examples also deal with '7 and its sub-
fractions, and in the majority of cases all the auxiliary numbers which help to
"multiply" fractions are preserved.
ad 39. For Egyptian time reckoning see K. Sethe, Die Zeitrechnung der
alten Aegypter im Verhlltnis zu der der andern Vtilker. Nachr. d. k. Gesellschaft
d. Wissensch. zu Gtittingen, Phil.-hist. Kl. 1919 and 1920. Also L. Borchardt,
Die altlgyptische Zeitmessung, Berlin, De Gruyter, 1920. The Egyptian lunar
calendars are discussed by R. A. Parker, The Calendan of Ancient Egypt,
University of Chicago Press, 1950.
For the later history of the decans see W. Gundel, Dekane und Dekanstem-
bilder. Studien d. Bibliothek Warburg 19 (1936).
ad 39a. For the origin of the Egyptian calendar cr. O. Neugebauer, Die
Bedeutungslosigkeit der "Sothis-periode' fiir die iilteste igyptische Chronologie,
Acta Orientalia 17 (1938) and The Origin of the Egyptian Calendar, J. Near
Eastem Studies 1 (1942). Also H. E. Winlock, The Origin of the Ancient
Egyptian Calendar, Proc. Am. Philos. Soc. 83 (1940), and R. A. Parker in
the book quoted in the preceding section.
The "diagonal calenders" were first discussed by A. Pogo, Isis 17 and 18
(1932) and Osiris 1 (1936). The location of the decans from their period of
invisibility was given by O. Neugebauer in "Vistas in Astronomy" (ed. by
Arthur Beer) vol. I p. 47-51 (London, 1955). For the tomb of Senmut see
A. Pogo, Isis 14 (1930).
The Seti Cenotaph was published by H. Frankfort, in Memoir 39 of the
Egypt Exploration Society (2 vols.) London 1933. For the discussion of the
astronomical ceiling cf. H. O. Lange-O. N eugebauer, quoted p.69 ad No. 29.
A very puzzling text from a Ramesside papyrus (concerning lucky and
unlucky days) was published by J. Cerny, Annales du Service des Antiquites
de rEgypte 43 (1943) p. 179 f. There we find a scheme for the length of daylight
and night from month to month, varyiDg linearly between a minimum of 6
hours and a maximum of 18 hours. Another scheme for the variation of
daylight is discussed by J. J. Clere. Un texte astronomique de Tanis, K6mi
10 (1949) p. 3-27.
ad 41. For the planetary tables cr. O. Neugebauer, Trans. Am. Philos.
Soc., N.S. 32 (1942) with additions in Knudtzon-Neugebauer, Zwei aslro-
nomische Texte, Bull. de la soc. royale des lettres de Lund 1946-1947 p. 77 ft.
Discussion by van der Waerden, Egyptian "Eternal Tables', Koninkl. Nederl.
Akad. van Wetensch., Proc. 50 (1947) p. 536 ft. and p. 782ft.
The dating of four of these planetary tables was related to a peculiar accident
which is worth mentioning as an example of how the most unlikely cOmbinations
may occur and mislead us in our conclusions. The four tables under discussion
are inscribed on wooden tablets which were originally bound together like the
pages of a book by meaDS of strings which were strung through holes in one side
of the wooden frame (cf. PI. 13 which shows Tablet II). These tablets were first
published in 1856 by Brugsch, one of the great pioneers of Egyptology. Each
tablet mentions regnal years and it was natural to arrange them accordingly,
because these years formed a complete sequence as fonows
Notes and References 95
Tablet I year 9 to 15
Tablet II year 16 to 19 and 1 to 3
Tablet III year • to 10
Tablet IV year 11 to 17
Because these texts were obviously written in the Roman period, Brugsch
concluded that the first ruler must be Trajan, whose reign lasted 19 years and
whose successor was Hadrian, whose reign lasted longer than 17 years. These
conclusions proved to be correct, however, only for tablets I, II, and IV. Checking
of the astronomical data showed immediately that No. III could not be the
continuation of No. II nor could it be the predecessor of No. IVI). Indeed it
was easy to show that the years ". to 10" were not the years of Hadrian but of
Vespasian, 30 years before Trajan. Hence we know that by mere accident
Tablet III seems to fit between II and IV. Similar eases may occur, more often
than we think, in historical research but escape discovery simply because the
rigorous astronomical check is not applicable.
The 25-year cycle was discovered in the Demotic papyrus No.9 of the Carls-
berg collection, published by O. Neugebauer and A. Volten in Quellen und
Studien zur Gesehichte d. Mathematik, ser. B, vol.• (1938). This 25-year cycle
was well known and often used in Hellenistic astronomy. Ptolemy, e. g., arranges
his tables of syzygies according to it (Almagest VI, 3).
One must not misinterpret the expression "25-year cycle" as a parallel to
the previously mentioned "19-year cycle" (or "Metonic cycle"; d. p. 7). In
the first case the 25 years are Egyptian calendar years of exactly 365 days each.
In the second ease the years are tropical years, i. e., time intervals which are
astronomically defined and which involve fractions of days. The first cycle
comprises 309 mean lunar months at the end of which the same Egyptian civil
day appears again as the date of a new moon or full moon. In the second cycle
235 mean lunar months bring the same lunar phase back to the same season,
but it depends on the local calendar whether or not this restores also the calendar
date. Because the Greek astronomers operated consistently with the Egyptian
calendar in their tables, the 25 year cycle was by far the most convenient cycle
to use.
From the enormous wealth of written documents from ancient Egypt we
have only one doubtful reference to a partial solar eclipse of 610 B.C. -assuming
that this is the correct interpretation of the text (d. W. Erichsen in Akad. d.
Wiss. u. Lit. Mainz, Abh. Geistes- u. Soz. Wiss. 1956, No. 2.1) Not a single
Egyptian observation is quoted in the Almagest, although Ptolemy gives extensive
references to earlier observations on which his theory is based. There exists one
Coptic eclipse record of 601 A.D.(I), first identified by Krall and Ginzel
I) This was correctly realized by William Ell is, Memoirs Roy. Astron. Soc.
25 (1857) p. 112 but, strangely enough, Ellis did not determine the correct date
of No. III.
S) The alleged eclipse report of Osorkon (9th cent. B.C.) does not concern an
actual eclipse, as was shown by R. Caminos in Analecta OrientaUa 37 (1958)
p. 88 fr.
96 Chapter IV
(S. B. Akad. d. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Cl. 88, 2 [1883] p. 655) and again by
E. B. Allen, J. Am. Oriental Soc. 67 (1947) p. 267.
Ap~. The reader may have missed a reference to the astronomical or
mathematical significance of the pyramids. Indeed, a whole literature has been
built up around the "mysteries" of these structures, or at least one of them, the
pyramid of Khufu (or "Cheaps"). Important mathematical constants, e. g., an
accurate value of n, and deep astronomical knowledge are supposed to be
expressed in the dimensions and orientation of this building. These theories
contradict flatly all sound knowledge obtained by archeology and by Egypt-
ological research about the history and purpose of the pyramids. The reader
who wants to see an excellent account of these facts should consult the paper
by Noel F. Wheeler, Pyramids and their Purpose, Antiquity 9 (1935) p. 5-21,
161-189, 292-304 and L. Borchardt. Gegen die Zahlenmystik an der grossen
Pyramide bei Gise, Berlin 1922.
For the very complex historical and archaeological problems connected with
the pyramids, cr., e. g., J. P. Lauer, Le probl~me des pyramides d'~te,
Paris 1948, and I. E. S. Edwards, The Pyramids of Egypt, Penguin Books,
1952. How little one knows about the significance of the arrangement of rooms
and corridors in the interior is particularly evident in the case of the "Bent
Pyramid" at Dahshur: cr. A. Fakhry's recent excavation reports in Annales
der Service des Antiquites de l'Egypte 51 (1954) p. 509 ft and 52 (1955) p. 563ft.
Babylonian Astronomy.
4-t. There is scarcely another chapter in the history of science
where an equally deep gap exists between the generally accepted
description of a period and the results which have slowly emerged
from a detailed investigation of the source material. This discre-
pancy has its roots as far back as the Hellenistic tradition about
the "Babylonians" or "Chaldeans" who are innumerably many
times mentioned in ancient writings. especially in the astrological
literature. Thus magic. number mysticism. astrology are ordinarily
considered to be the guiding forces in Babylonian science. As far
as mathematics is concerned. these ideas have had to be most
drastically revised since the decipherment of mathematical texts
in 1929. But for more than 70 years the same sort of revision
resulted from the discoveries of Epping and Kugler in Babylonian
astronomy. Thanks to the work of these scholars. it very soon
became evident that mathematical theory played the major role
in Babylonian astronomy as compared with the very modest
role of observations. whose legendary accuracy also appeared
more and more to be only a myth. Simultaneously the age of
Babylonian astronomy had to be redefined. Early Mesopotamian
astronomy appeared to be crude and merely qualitative. quite
similar to contemporary Egyptian astronomy. At best since the
Assyrian period. a turn toward mathematical description becomes
visible and only the last three centuries B.C. furnished us with
texts based on a consistent mathematical theory of lunar and
planetary motion. The latest astronomical text has been identified
recently by Sachs and Schaumherger. with the date of 75 A.D.
These late theories. on the other hand. proved to be of the highest
level. fully comparable to the corresponding Greek systems and
of truly mathematical character. Simultaneously it had to be
98 Chapter V
celestial objects to the next. The text ends with the customary
Hsuch is the procedure" and the names of the scribe who copied
the text and the one who verified the copy.
This text and a few similar fragments seem to indicate some-
thing like a universe of 8 different spheres, beginning with the
sphere of the moon. This model obviously belongs to a rather
early stage of development of which no traces have been found
preserved in the later mathematical astronomy, which seems to
operate without any underlying physical model. It must be
emphasized, however, that the interpretation of this Nippur text
and its parallels is far from secure.
Another group of probably contemporary texts represents a
division of the sky into three zones of 12 sectors each. Each
zone contains the names of constellations and planets and simple
numbers in arithmetic progression like 1 1,10 1,20 etc. up to
2 and down again 1,50 1,40 until 1. This is probably the earliest
occurrence of an arithmetical scheme which was later developed
into an important tool for the description of periodic phenomena,
the so-called zigzag functions. In the present ease, the numbers
are so simple and so obviously schematic that many different
interpretations which explain them equally well or equally badly
can be proposed.
There is another class of early documents which deserves
mention because it contains the earliest records of actual ob-
servations in Mesopotamia. For several years of the reign of
Ammisaduqa the appearances and disappearances of Venus
were recorded. Because the dates are given in the contemporary
lunar calendar, these documents have become an important
element for the determination of the chronology of the Ham-
murapi period. From the purely astronomical viewpoint these
observations are not very remarkable. They were probably made
in order to provide empirical material for omina; important
events in the life of the state were correlated with important
celestial phenomena, exactly as specific appearances on the livers
of sacrificial sheep were carefully recorded in the omen literature.
Thus we find already in this early period the fIrst signs of a
development which would lead centuries later to judicial astrology
and, finally, to the personal or horoscopic astrology of the Hel-
lenistic age.
Babylonian Astronomy 101
Ion. From the inventory numbers of the British Museum, one can
conclude that these texts reached the museum between November,
1876 and July, 1882. During these six years the number of tablets
increased from over 32,000 to more than 46,000 and one could
expect that many hundreds of astronomical texts would be among
these masses of texts. Indeed, in 1953 it became known that
T. G. Pinches, before 1900, had copied some 1300 pieces of
astronomical texts. This material was then put at the disposal of
A. J. Sachs who published it with the addition of many related
pieces in 1955. Thus we have now the major part of one ancient
archive at our disposal, as far as it had reached the British Museum.
46. The mathematical astronomical texts fall into two major
groups: "procedure texts" and "ephemerides". The texts of the
first class contain the rules for the computation of the "ephem-
erides", which, in turn, are similar to a modern "nautical alma-
nac", giving for a specific year (or for some specific sequence
of years) the lunar or planetary positions at regular intervals. If
the "procedure texts" were complete and if we fully understood
their technical language, they might suffice for the actual com-
putation of the ephemerides. In fact, however, none of these
assumptions is satisfied. The preserved texts are badly damaged
or totally missing for many of the steps; their terminology is far
from clear, at least to us; and it might be justly asked if even
a complete set of procedure texts would not have required sup-
plementary oral explanation before it could be used for actually
computing an ephemeris. Consequently the ephemerides them-
selves form the major basis for our researches, and the procedure
texts often play the role of very welcome testing material for the
rules which we finally abstract from the completed ephemerides.
In the subsequent discussion we shall, however, make no sharp
distinction between these two groups of sources and we shall act
as if we had explicit rules at our disposal, though they are often
actually only obtained from a very complex interplay between
related fragments of both classes of texts.
The number of available astronomical tablets from the Seleucid
period is not at all large. I know of less than 250 ephemerides,
more than half of which are lunar, the rest planetary. The number
of procedure texts is about 70, the majority of which are only
small fragments. Thus our knowledge of Babylonian mathematical
106 Chapter V
30°; the moon, however, traveled not only 30°, but completed
one additional whole rotation of 360°. Hence 390° are covered
in about 30 days; this shows us that the moon must cover about
13° per day.
Now the real difficulties begin. In order to make the mst
crescent visible the sun must be sufficiently deep below the
horizon to make the moon visible shortly before it is setting
(Fig. 4). The evening before, the moon was still too close to the
sun to be seen. Hence it is necessary to determine the distance
from the sun to the moon which is required to obtain visibility.
'\U1s j
Western Horl zon
Fig. 4.
The distance between them depends on the relative velocity 'Of the
two bodies. We have found that the moon moves 13° per day,
the sun 1° per day; thus the distance in question, the so-called
"elongation", increases about 12° per day. But this estimate is
no longer accurate enough to answer the question as to the
moment when the proper elongation is reached. Neither the sun
nor the moon moves with constant speed. Thus the daily elon-
gation might vary between about 10° and 14° per day. This shows
that our problem involves the detailed knowledge of the variation
of both solar and lunar velocity.
But even if we had insight into the variable velocity of both
bodies the visibility problem would not be solved. For a given
place, all stars set and rise at fixed angles which are determined
by the inclination of the equator and the horizon. The relative
motion which we were discussing before is a motion in the ecliptic,
which makes an angle of about 24° with the equator. Consequently
we must know the variations of the angles between ecliptic and
horizon. For Babylon we find a variation from almost 30° to
almost 80° (Fig. 5). Thus the same elongation produces totally
different visibility conditions at different times of the year.
Let us assume that also the problem of the variation of the
108 Chapter V
..... . .. Horizon
... .
. ~
...... ~l.
Ecl.\ I
Fig. 5.
I +5-
\ I
•• I
• I
w. I
•I I
Fig. 6.
the moon nearer to, or farther away from, the horizon (Fig. 7).
Thus we need also the knowledge of the variation of the latitude
of the moon.
All these effects act independently of each other and cause
quite irregular patterns in the variation of the length of lunar
months. It is one of the most brilliant achievements in the exact
sciences of antiquity to have recognized the independence of
Babylonian Astronomy 109
these influences and to develop a theory which permits the pre-
diction of their combined effects. Epping, Kugler, and Schaum-
berger have indeed demonstrated that the lunar ephemerides of
the Seleucid period follow in all essential steps the above outlined
Before turning to the description of these ephemerides we can
observe that the solution of the problem of first visibility readily
w. Hor.
Fig. 7.
. M
.. ..... .
....... .. .. ..
' '
' .
..... y .....
From similar tables one can demonstrate that the same extremal
values were used. Consequently our linear zigzag function is
bounded by a fixed maximum M and a fixed minimum m and
therefore forms a periodic function of amplitude
LI =M - m = 1,51,19,20
and mean value
p. = t (M + m) = 29,6,19,20.
Finally we introduce the concept of "period" P. The abscissa in
our graph is divided into equidistant steps, each of which repre-
sents a mean synodic month. We now can ask for the distance
between two consecutive points of maximum (or minimum)
112 Chapter V
Fig. 9.
This shows not only the value which was adopted here for the
length of the year, measured in mean synodic months, but we
can read this relation also in the form
13,30 years = 2,46,59 months
810 years = 10019 months.
It seems as if this relation would imply the use of observational
records going back more than 800 years. This conclusion is,
however, too hastily drawn. First of all, it can be shown that
other columns of the same type of ephemerides are based on
the simpler relation
= 46,23 = 12;22,8 months
225 years = 2783 months.
But neither can this relation be taken as the direct result of
observations. The period of a zigzag function is given by the
quotient of 2Lt and d where LI is the amplitude M - m and d
the difference. The values of d in a linear zigzag function are
usually simple numbers-in our example 18,0,0 and not, per-
haps, 17,59,59-as is easy to understand in view of the practice
of computing an ephemeris, where the value of d has to be
added or subtracted in every single line. The accuracy of the
value of LI = M - m is reflected in the number of sexagesimal
114 Chapter V
I J1Jl~
Fig. 10.
(cf. Fig. 10). It is easy to show that this corresponds exactly to
the relation which we mentioned at the end of the last section,
1 year = 12;22,8 months
and which also occurs otherwise in ephemerides of both systems.
Obviously it seems to be a much more natural assumption to
let the solar velocity vary continuously instead of having discon-
Babylonian Astronomy 115
of a sun and a moon, each moving with its own mean velocity.
In column G this assumption is partially abolished insofar as
only the sun is moving with its mean velocity and the answer
is given to the question how much a given variation in the lunar
velocity influences the spacing between consecutive conjunctions.
Obviously G will show the same period as F; the value of G will
be small and the month will be short if the moon moves fast,
i. e., near the maximum of F. This is indeed the relation between
F and G.
The next step, J, gives the necessary corrections to G because
of the variable solar velocity. In System B, column J is a dif-
ference sequence of second order due to the fact that column A
is a linear zigzag function. Here it becomes evident why the
inventor of System A preferred to assume a simple step-function
for the solar velocity; the corrections for variable solar velocity
are much more complicated in System B than in System A. After
the correction J has been found, the algebraic sum K of G and J
gives the length of the synodic month as it results from the
variability of both sun and moon. If the moment of one con-
junction is known, one need only add to it the amount of K
found for the length. of the following SYnodic month and one
obtains the moment for the conjunction of the next month.
Actually a slight complication is introduced here by the use of
the Babylonian calendar, which requires that the beginning of
a day be counted from actual sunset and not from midnight.
Hence a correction for the transformation from midnight epoch
to evening epoch is required. This can be done easily by means
of columns C and D which give us the length of daylight or night.
After this transformation is carried out, we obtain in column M
the dates and moments of all consecutive conjunctions referred
to sunset. Thus the first goal of the lunar theory has been reached:
the moments of the actual conjunctions or oppositions are known.
51. For the computation of eclipses no more information is
needed than has been collected thus far. We have in column M
the time of the conjunction or opposition expressed in its relation
to sunset or sunrise. From column '1', we know the distance of
the moon from the shadow. The ephemerides and eclipse tables
show with full clarity that one knew that solar and lunar eclipses
were subject to the same conditions, namely, sufficiently small
Babylonian Astronomy 119
1) Fig. 11 illustrates the results obtained for the magnitude of lunar eclipses,
expressed in digits such that 12 means totality. The omission of modern values
indicates that no eclipse would have been visible, according to modern computation.
The same is indicated by ancient values ~ o.
120 Chapter V
.' "r
-'L -rL-'\ ~.,
..;'~' ,.... \
---A--,--,~-.+---)- \. r-\~---+IO
{-t----...po...='--.,.--4-~y Col- 0
30 35
. _.•"elen! •••••-tnocl.rft
Fig. 11.
Fig. 12a-b.
all motions the motion of the earth. Thus we see that by arresting
the motion of the earth we obtain the appearance that the sun
moves around the earth once per year. Its apparent path is called
the ecliptic (cf. Fig. 12a and b).
Secondly we consider an "inner" planet. Mercury or Venus.
which moves closer to the sun than the earth (Fig. 13a). If we
stop the earth we need only repeat Fig. 12 in order to obtain
again the motion of the sun. The orbit of the planet remains a
circle with the sun in its center. Hence the geocentric description
of the motion of an inner planet is given by a planet which moves
on a little circle whose center is carried on a larger circle whose
center is the earth. The little circle is called an "epicycle". the
large circle is the "deferent".
Fig. 13a-b.
" ·'C
Fig. 15.
Fig. 16.
0< ..::., "
, '
~/ J'
. ~-, " 'I:.
IIll.. "
.... /"!
~ (
~6 ~Uthq,tf
':' J~r
,,' 0:<{".S-~
- ,• , ,
. ., "
, ".
Fig. 17. Fig. 18.
as we have seen also in the case of the two systems of the lunar
theory. The different systems of the planetary theory are obviously
modeled after the two main systems of the lunar theory. They
either operate with step functions (type "A") or with linear zigzag
functions (type UB"). The variations within ephemerides of type A
consist in the use of different numbers of steps for each period.
There exists. for instance. a theory of Jupiter with only two
ecliptical zones of different velocity. while another method
operates with four zones. two intermediate steps being inserted
between the extremal values of the previous model. The variations
of texts of type B consist in small changes (rounding-off) of
parameters; similar variations are also known in System B of
the lunar theory.
The basic idea of all planetary ephemerides is, however. the
same. It consists in the separate treatment of each characteristic
phenomenon by itself as if this phenomenon were an indepen-
dent body moving in the ecliptic.
Let us consider. as an example. the first appearance r of
Mercury as a morning star. We assume that we are given (by
observation or by previous computation) the moment to and the
longitude Ao of Mercury when it again became visible in the
morning after a period of invisibility at inferior conjunction (cf.
Fig. 16 and 17 p. 126 f.). We call this point r o in our diagram
Fig. 19. If both the sun and Mercury would move with constant
velocity and if this motion would fall in the equator. then sub-
sequent morning appearances I. r r.. ... would be spaced
equidistant in the diagram. keeping a fixed distance from the
graph of the solar motion. Actually. however. these assumptions
are not satisfied. Therefore the spacing of the points r o• r l , r ll•
. . .. shows periodic irregularities. The Babylonian theory tries
to describe these irregularities precisely in the same fashion as
the solar and lunar theory described the variable velocity of
these bodies. Hence for an ephemeris of type A the ecliptic is
divided into zones such that the progress of the phenomenon r
in each zone is given by the same amount, with discontinuous
changes at the boundary.
For Mercury and r we have three zones with discontinuities
at n 1. 1116. and n o. Suppose that r o is given to be in n 17.
The velocity in the zone which stretches from n1 to 11 16 is
130 Chapter V
-':'3 '
o ,,' 0
, ,,
-=-2. "
0 J;
"0 ~
o, " ,
" 0 r;
Fig. 19.
/ ~
( 1\ ~
J \ ~
i\---- / '
Fig. 20.
all rows are determined as soon as the first row is given. The
rules in each later line are thus a eonsequenee of the rule which
determines the relations in the first line. In other words. one
must cheek the consistency of a rule which leads from a r to 4)
to ... D with the previously given methods of computing vertically.
This problem has been correctly solved in some eases. in other
cases the rules are clearly intended only to serve as approxima-
tions. In all eases one sees. however. the tendency to restrict the
empirical data to a minimum. Indeed for a consistent system of
rules for computing in lines as well as in columns one single
value suffices for computing all following phenomena. This is
the ideal of a mathematical astronomy of the purest kind.
For all planets there arose the final problem of describing
their daily motion. We have now in principle reached the know-
ledge of all longitudes and dates for the typical phenomena.
Using our graphs we can say that we know the positions of all
points whieh we have denoted by Greek letters. The problem
remains to determine the intermediate curves. Though only few
texts are preserved which permit an investigation of this problem.
we at least know that interpolation schemes were devised such
that one could start from one given value and reach in a number
of steps. given by the difference in date. the next characteristic
value. These interpolation schemes are built upon difference
sequences of second or even third order. Using modern termin-
ology. one may say that one determined simple polynomials
which satisfy with sufficient accuracy the conditions which are
expressed by the relative position of consecutive characteristic
points in our graph of the planetary motion. One can only admire
the elegance and skill which is reflected in all these arithmetical
136 Chapter V
All texts known to me by 1955 which concern mathematical astronomy are
published in O. Neugebauer, Astronomical Cuneiform Texts, London, Lund
Humphries. 1955 (3 vols.). This edition contains complete transcriptions.
translations, and commentaries. Henceforth quoted as ACT.
Copies of all other available texts from the British Museum with much
information about unpublished material are given in T. G. Pinches-J. N.
Strassmaier-A. J. Sachs. Late Babylonian Astronomical and Related Texts.
Providence. Brown University Press, 1955.
For a modem comprehensive discussion of the role of divination and astrology
see J. C. Gadd. Ideas of Divine Rule in the Ancient East, The Schweich Lectures
of the British Academy 1945 (London 1948).
The reader should be warned against the use of Jeremias, Handbuch der
altorientalischen Geisteskultur. With the use of an enormous learned apparatus,
the author develops the 'panbabylonistic" doctrine which flourished in Germany
between 1900 and 1914. only to be given up completely after the first world
war. The main thesis of this school was buDt on wild theories about the great
age of Babylonian astronomy, combined with an alleged Babylonian "Welt-
anschauung" based on a parallelism between "macrocosm and mierocosm".
There was no phenomenon in classical cosmogony. religion, literature which
was not traced back to this hypothetical cosmic philosophy of the Babylonians.
A supreme disregard for textual evidence, wide use of secondary sources and
antiquated translations, combined with a preconceived chronology of Babylo-
nian civilization, created a fantastic picture which exercised (and still exercises)
a great influence on the literature concerning Babylonia. Kugler was one of the
few scholars in Germany who did not fall for these theories. In a little book
called "1m Bannkreis Babels" he demonstrated drastically the absurdities which
can be reached by the panbabylonistie methods. He collected 17 pages of
striking parallels between the history of Louis IX of France and Gilgamesh,
showing that Louis IX was actually a Babylonian solar hero.
Notes and References 139
IV 14,48,45 .no
V 12,56,15 III
VI 12,56 ~
VII 12,56 Il
VIII 12,56 t
- r\
The dotted lines indicate the discontinuities at lIl13 and )( 27 where the monthly
solar velocity changes from 28;7,30 0 to 30 0 and vice versa.
The agreement with System B is quite close for the last month of the year.
For 2,58 XII. System B gave "Y' 22;8,18,16 as compared with "Y' 22;18,45. For
2,59 XII we had "Y' 11;30,48,56 against "Y' 11;56,15 now. But for the middle of
the year the linear zigzag function leads to III 14;58,18,18 as compared with III
12;56,15 just before the discontinuity.
ad.60. O. Neugebauer, "Saras" and lunar velocity in Babylonian astronomy.
Kgl. Danske Vide Selsk., mat.-fys. medd. 31,4 (1957).
ad 61. The "Saros". It has become customary to call the relation
223 synodic months - 242 draconitic months
the "Babylonian Saras" and to assume that it was the basis for the prediction
of eclipses by the Babylonians and their successors.
Unsuccessf1J1 protests against the use of this terminology have been made by
Ideler (1825 1», Tannery (1893'», SchiaparelU (19081», Bigourdan (1911 4 and
PaDDekoek (19176 Only Ideler, however, gave an aecount of the origin of this
term, and it therefore seems to me worthwhile to outline the main steps as a
beautiful example of the creation of generally accepted historical myths.
The Sumerian sign IAr has, among others, the meaning "universe'· or the
Ute. As a number word it represents 3600, thus being an example of the trans-
formation from a general concept of plurality to a concrete high numeral.
In the special meaning of 3600 years, "Saras" is used by Berossosl) (about
290 B.C.) and, following him, by Abydenus') (second cent. A.D.) and by
Synkellosl) (about 800 A.D.).
1) Handbuch der ••. Chronologie I p. 213•
•) Recherches sur l'histoire de l'astron. anc. p. 317
8) Seritti I p. 75.
C) L'astronomle p. 33.
I) The origin of the Saros. Koninklijke Atad. van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam,
Proceedings 20 (1917) p. 943-955. Cf. also Quellen und Studien z. Gesch. d. Mathe,
Ser. B. voL 4 (1937-1938) p. 241 ft. and p. 407 ft.
t) Fragm. 29 ft. (Schnabel, Berossos, p. 261 ft.). ,
') Schnabel, Berossos, p. 263, 30a (in line 29, correct
') Schnabel,B~08,p.261ft.
"to read xal ,,,).
142 Chapter V
Sachs and I have succeeded only in explaining the meaning of one of these texts
to a reasonable degree of certainty (J. Cuneiform Studies 10, 1956, p. 131-136).
ad 59. The secrecy of ancient oriental sciences has often been assumed
without any attempt to investigate the foundation for such a hypothesis. There
exist indeed examples of "cryptographic" writing both in Egypt and Mesopo-
tamia. The Cenotaph of Seti I, for instance, contains cryptographic passages
in the mythological inscriptions which are written around the sky goddess. Some
of the passages use rare readings of hieroglyphs. some are simply incorrectly
arranged lines of the original from which the artist copied. In a related text
concerning a sun dial the words are written backwards, as if reflected by a
mirror, but this causes no real difficulty in reading the text. On the whole,
however, all texts with mathematical or astronomical context show not the
slightest intention of concealing their meaning from the reader. I think one
can only agree with T. E. Peet, the editor of the mathematical Papyrus Rhind,
that we have no reason for assuming the existence of any secret science in Egypt.
The same holds for Babylonia. The Old Babylonian mathematical texts are
as plainly written as possible. From the latest period there exist a few texts
which give lists of numbers and signs obviously for coding and decoding
purposes. A few words and proper names are written in such a code in the
colophons of two ephemerides. The ephemerides themselves as well as the
procedure texts show no trace of an attempt to hide their contents. If many
details remain unintelligible to us, it is our ignorance and missing texts which
cause the difficulties, not an intentionally cryptic writing. I think the remark
found occasionally in colophons of Uruk texts that the text should only be
shown to .. the informed" is not to be taken too seriously. It hardly indicates
much more than professional pride and feeling of importance of members of
the scribal guild.
Cryptographic devices occur also in Greek manuscripts of the Byzantine
period, hased, e. g., on a simple substitution of letters and their numerical
values in inverse order; d. e. g., V. Gardthausen, Griechisehe Palaeographie II
(2nd ed., Leipzig 1913) p. 300 tI. Magical texts are, of course, full of secret
combinations of letters; astrological texts, however, are practically free of such
The sixth chapter of the SOrya-Siddhlnta deals with a graphical representa-
tion of the different phases of an eclipse. It ends with the remark, "This mystery
of the gods is not to be imparted indiscriminately: it is to be made known to
the welltried pupil, who remains a year under instruction". Burgess says rightly,
"It seems a litUe curious to find a malter of so subordinate consequence •..
guarded so cautiously ...... The same holds for the construction of a celestial
globe (S.-S. XIII, 17 and similarly Paiica-S. XIV, 28). Similarly one of the
most trivial chapters in the Paiica-Siddhintika (XV) is called the "secrets of
astronomy". Here one gets the impression that we are dealing with a very old
section which could have been omitted without any harm to the understanding
of the rest.
The name of Kidenas == Kidinnu is customarily associated with the city of
Sippar and its school of astronomers, mentioned by the Greek writers cited
above p. 137. A. Sachs has realized, however, that the passage in question was
misread by Strassmaier (d. Neugebauer, ACT I p. 22 colophon Zo). We have
not a single astronomical text which came from Sippar.
omy are far more involved than is the case with mathematics.
Furthermore Greek mathematical procedures are directly intel-
ligible to a modern mathematician whereas ancient astronomical
treatises operate with a terminology and with problems and
empirical and numerical methods which are no longer familiar
in our time. This situation is also reflected in the modern discussion
of these problems. For the history of Greek mathematics, there
are quite competent and complete presentations but we are far
from this goal in the history of ancient astronomy.
61. To say that Greek mathematics of the Euclidean style is a
strictly Greek development does not mean to deny a general
Oriental background for Greek mathematics as a whole. Indeed,
mathematics of the Hellenistic period, and still more of the later
periods, is in part only a link in an unbroken tradition which
reaches from the earliest periods of ancient history down to the
beginning of modern times. As a particularly drastic example
might be mentioned the elementary geometry represented in the
Hellenistic period in writings which go under the name of Heron
of Alexandria (second half of first century A.D.). These treatises
on geometry were sometimes considered to be signs of the decline
of Greek mathematics, and this would indeed be the case if one
had to consider them as the descendants of the works of Archi-
medes or Apollonius. But such a comparison is unjust. In view
of our recently gained knowledge of Babylonian texts, Heron's
geometry must be considered merely a Hellenistic form of a
general oriental tradition. The fact, e. g., that Heron adds areas
and line segments can no longer be viewed as a novel sign of the
rapid degeneration of the so-called Greek spirit, but simply
reflects the algebraic or arithmetic tradition of Mesopotamia.
On this more elementary level, the axiomatic school of mathe-
matics had as little influence as it has today on surveying. Conse-
quently, parts of Heron's writings, practically unchanged, survived
the destruction of scientific mathematics in late antiquity. Whole
sections from these works are found again, centuries later, in one
of the first Arabic mathematical works, the famous "Algebra"
of al-Khwarizmi (about 800 to 850). This relationship can be
especially easily demonstrated by means of the figures. In order
to make the examples come out in nice numbers, the figures were
composed from a few standard right triangles. One of these
Origin and Transmission of Hellenistic Science 147
Fig. 21.
W/lilffh,'~/IffllM y
~ y
Fig. 22.
of area A such that one of its sides falls on b but in such a way
(cf. Fig. 22) that the rectangle of equal height and of length b
is either larger or smaller by a square than the rectangle of area A.
The identity of this strange geometrical problem with the Babylon-
ian "normal form" is at once evident when we formulate it
algebraically. Let us call, in both cases, a: and y the sides of the
rectangle. Then we are given
xy =A.
In the first ease a square should remain free; its sides are y and
we must require
x + y = b.
In the second case, a square should exceed the rectangle of side b;
thus we should have
x - y = b.
Fig. 23.
Fig. 24.
Fig. 25.
3 6 9 12 3 6 9 12
Syst. A Syst. :B
Fig. 26.
- /
- ~
, r--
3 , 9 ,2.
Fig. 27.
say, two minima of the lunar velocity is 248 days. This interval
covers 9 complete oscillations of the lunar velocity, or 9 "anomal-
istic months", but the length of one of these anomalistic months
is not an integer number of days. Its length is given by our zigzag
. 248 • I .
function as the quotient 9 = 27;33,20 days. This va ue IS
slightly too large and was obviously chosen in order to obtain a
conveniently round number for the difference of this zigzag
function, namely, 0;18 degrees per day. A more accurate value
can be derived from the Babylonian lunar theory itself, namely,
from the columns Fand G(cf. p. 117 f.). One finds 27;33,16,26,54,
assuming full accuracy of the numbers used for F and G. Thus
it is clear that we are dealing again with two concurrent and
slightly different methods of Babylonian astronomy for the
description of the lunar motion. The one is based on highly
accurate values and is used implicitly in the lunar tables for full
and new moons. The other, for the day-by-day motion, is based
on conveniently rounded-off parameters. It is the history of this
second method which we will now analyze.
The first step was made by Schnabel in his paper of 1927.
In a short appendix he remarked that the relation 9 anomalistic
months = 248 days was not only known to Geminus but also
occurs in Hindu astronomy. This was fully in line with a discovery
which had been made by Kugler in 1900, namely, that the ratio
3: 2 of longest to shortest day used by both systems in columns
C and D of the Babylonian lunar ephemerides also apPears in
Hindu astronomy, though this ratio is totally incorrect for the
main parts of India.
The next step was in a new direction. E. J. Knudtzon identified
as astronomical the fragments of two Greek papYri in the Library
of the University of Lund, Sweden, and sent me photographs
shortly after the end of World War II. One of these fragments
turned out to be part of a papyrus now at the University of
California, belonging to the larger class of Demotic and Greek
papyri dealing with planetary motion (cf. above p. 95). The
other fragment, however, proved to be a new type of lunar ephem-
eris based on the Babylonian relation: 9 anomalistic months =
248 days. The calendar used is based on Egyptian years (of
365 days each) and, in the fragment at hand, on the regnal years
Origin and Transmission of Hellenistic Science 163
of Nero and Vespasian. The papyrus gives dates, 248 days apart;
and corresponding longitudes, 27;43,24,56° apart. The following
example of 3 consecutive lines will illustrate the procedure:
•• • • •• •
• • • •
• • ••••
means 7 zodiacal signs and 19;5,1°. Nevertheless they carried out
long computations for the determination of the magnitude.
duration, beginning and end of an eclipse with numbers which
run into the billions in their integral part and with several sex-
agesimal places for their fractions. Simultaneously they used
memorized tables for the daily motion of the sun and moon
involving many thousands of numbers. Certain elements can be
dated astronomically as referring to an epoch of 1200 A.D. But
the Patlca SiddhAntiki already demonstrates the existence of
186 Chapter VI
1) This includes, of course. the Romans; also the Periplus speaks only about
"Greek" ships sailing for India. Conversely, the "Romans" of Islam are the Byzantine
168 Chapter VI
The reason for this arrangement is unknown; the commonly
given explanation that the first two planets are beneficiary, the
last two malevolent, with Mercury doubtful, does not appear in
cuneiform sources. The ordinary arrangement in the Greek
horoscopes is
except for eases where an arrangement is chosen which depends
on the special horoscope, that is, following the positions of the
celestial bodies in the zodiac at the given moment. I think these
two lists reflect the difference between the two astronomical
systems very clearly. The Babylonian system has nothing to do
with the arrangement in space. The Greek system, however,
obviously follows the model which arranges the planets in depth
according to their periods of sidereal rotation. This is reflected
even in the arrangement of the days of the planetary week which
we still use today. Here the Sun is placed between Mars and
Venus, and the Moon below Mercury. Every one of the 24 hours
of a day is given a "ruler" following this sequence. Beginning,
e. g., with the Sun for the first hour one obtains
hour 1 2 3 4 5 24
day 1
Sun Venus Mercury Moon Saturn... Mercury
day 2
hour 1 2 3 ...............
Moon Saturn Jupiter ...............
day 3
hour 1 ...... ...
. etc.
bodies according to their distance from the earth but also because
it supposes a division of the day into 24 hours, a form of reckoning
which is not Babylonian but a Hellenistic product of ultimately
Egyptian origin (cf. p. 86). It is totally misleading when this
order is called "Chaldeanu in modern literature.
As we have said before, the astrology which is known to us
from the Assyrian period is quite different from the Hellenistic
personal astrology. The predictions concern the king and the
country as a whole and are based on observed astronomical
appearances, not on computation and not on the moment of
birth. In addition, the zodiac never appears. Hellenistic horo-
scopes, however, concern a specific person and depend upon
the computed position of the seven celestial bodies and of
the zodiacal signs in their relation to the given horizon, for
a given moment, the moment of birth. Around this is woven
an enormous system of doctrines concerning the evaluation of
these data and of secondary data which can be derived by
all kinds of artifices so as to obtain a greater variety of pos-
sibilities. It is interesting to observe that the actually preserved
horoscopes contain very little, if anything at all, of these theoretical
speculations. The great majority contain nothing but the bare
results of the computations for the given moment. This makes
these texts useful documents for the study of purely astronomical
and chronological questions, but they help us very little for the
history of astrology as such and of the astronomical methods
imbedded in its doctrines. Nevertheless, the patient work of
scholars like Bouche-Leclercq, Cumont, Boll, Bezold, Kroll, Rehm
and many others has shown the existence of different components
of diverse origin. There exist predictions which fit only very
specific circumstances, like the destruction of the Persian empire
by Alexander or the wars between his successors in Syria;
finally, there is a great mass of references to Egypt under the
rule of the Ptolemies. The references to constellations, especially
their simultaneous risings and settings, made it possible to dis-
tinguish between two widely different celestial maps, a "sphaera
barbaricau and a "sphaera graecanicau • Yet the fact remains that
the evidence for direct borrowings from Babylonian concepts
remains exceedingly slim. The main structure of the astrological
theory is undoubtedly Hellenistic. On p. 68 we have discussed
Origin and Transmission of Hellenistic Science 171
the remnants of the oldest available catalogue of stars, contained
in the astrological writings which go under the name of Hermes
Trismegistos. The fact that these star coordinates correspond to
the time of Hipparchus or his direct followers (cf. p. 69) is an
added argument for the origin of this major work of astrology
in the second century B.C.
Though it is quite plausible that the original impetus for
horoscopic astrology came from Babylonia as a new develop-
ment from the old celestial omens, it seems to me that its actual
development must be considered as an important component of
Hellenistic science. To a modern scientist, an ancient astrological
treatise appears as mere nonsense. But we should not forget that
we must evaluate such doctrines against the contemporary back-
ground. To Greek philosophers and astronomers, the universe
was a well defined structure of directly related bodies. The concept
of predictable influence between these bodies is in principle not
at all different from any modern mechanistic theory And it stands
in sharpest contrast to the ideas of either arbitrary rulership of
deities or of the possibility of influencing events by magical
operations. Compared with the background of religion, magic and
mysticism, the fundamental doctrines of astrology are pure
science. Of course, the boundaries between rational science and
loose speculation were rapidly obliterated and astrological lore
did not stem-but rather promoted-superstition and magical
practices. The ease of such a transformation from science to
humbug is not difficult to exemplify in our modern world.
70. To the historian of civilization, astrology is not only one
of the significant phenomena of the Hellenistic world but an
exceedingly helpful tool for the investigation of the transmission
of Hellenistic thought. As an example may be quoted Abu
Ma'shar, who died in 886 and is an early representative of
Hellenistic astrology among the Arabs. Boll has shown that he
utilized a Persian translation, made in 542, of the "Sphaera
Barbarica" of Teukros. Thus Abu Ma'shar becomes an impor-
tant source for an early Hellenistic lore of constellations. The
famous astrological paintings in the Palazzo Schifanoja in Ferrara,
made in the second half of the 15th century, are influenced by
the doctrines of Abu Ma'shar's astrology. On the other hand,
his writings were translated into Latin, into Greek, into Hebrew,
172 Chapter VI
and from Hebrew into Latin. These "translations" are often only
freely handled versions, incorporated in other material of diverse
origin. There exist even complete cycles of translations and
borrowings from Greek back into Greek. For example, chapters
from an astrological poem in hexameters by Dorotheos of Sidon
(first century A.D.) were used by Abu Ma'shar, who in turn
provided the prototype for a Byzantine dialogue "Hermippos".
Similar cycles can be established for astronomical tables and
treatises which reached Byzantium in the 13th century.
There is found, however, in Abu Ma'shar's writings another
component which makes them of great interest for our problem
of tracing the transmission of Hellenistic science. Indian asterisms
appear in Abu Ma'shar, and their source is found in the astro-
logical writings of Varlba Mihira, the same author of the sixth
century A.D. in whose astronomical work we found the use of
the linear methods for the lunar motion, otherwise known to
us from Greek papyri and finally from cuneiform tablets. Fol-
lowing the unmistakable traces of very specific astrological doc-
trines, one can reconstruct the road which connected Hellenistic
Mesopotamia with Hellenistic Egypt, with pre-Islamic Persia,
and with India. We are obviously entitled to aSSUlne that the
same road was followed by the transmission of mathematical
astronomy even if no more is available to us than the two extremal
ends in Mesopotamia and India.
In the ease of the lunar theory, at least one missing link, the
papyri, were available. In the ease of the planetary theory,
however, not even that much is known from Greek sources.
Nevertheless, we can now understand whole sections in Variba
Mihira's Pailca Siddhlntiki by means of the Babylonian plan-
etary texts. We have seen how the planetary phenomena were
described in Babylonian texts by means of step functions which
we generally called "System AU. Precisely the same idea is
found in the Pailca Siddhintiki. The same holds for fundamental
period relations and even for special parameters. A few examples
may be quoted. For Saturn and Jupiter we know from cuneiform
sources the synodic periods
94,16 = 28;26,40
and 6,31
= 10;51,40
Origin and Transmission of Hellenistic Science 173
and for Venus the synodic arc of 3.35;30°. All three values are
used by Varlha Mihira.
Very strange values seemed to be assigned by Varaha Mihira
to the duration of the synodic revolutions of the planets; for
Mars 768f days
Mercury II4/, days
Jupiter 3931 days
Venus 5751 days
Saturn 3721 days.
Sudines and Kidenas for the moon", relates him directly with
the linear methods of the Babylonians, and with whatever
geometrical or al"ithmetical methods were used by Hipparchus.
If we assume that these sources reached Persia without being
modified by the scientific theories of Ptolemy, then we have a
satisfactory explanation for the main features both of the linear
and of the geometrical methods found in the Paiica Siddhintiki.
72. The way back leads again via Persia. It is well known
that the scientific activity of Islam originated under the Abbasid
Khalifate in Baghdad; al-Khwirizmi, Thibit ibn Qorra, Abu
Macshar belong to this period (9th century).
Al-Khwirizmi's astronomical tables have been preserved
through Latin translations; they show a curious mixture of Hindu
and Greek methods. The relation between his mathematical writ-
ings and the Hellenistic tradition has already been mentioned. A
century later appears al-Biriini, another native of Khorazm. He
not only transmitted Hindu knowledge to the West, but the tells
us that "most of their books are composed in Sloka [verses],
in which I am now exercising myself, being occupied in com-
posing for the Hindus a translation of the books of Euclid and
of the Almagest, and dictating to them a treatise on the con-
struction of the astrolabe, being simply guided herein by the
desire of spreading science". On the other hand, al-Birnni trans-
lated an astrological work of Varlha Mihira into Arabic!).
The history of the transmission of Hellenistic science throughout
the Islamic world need not be told here. The general trend is no
longer in doubt and has often been described. What is less
generally known, however, is the fact that for every specific
question of astronomical or mathematical theory we are still
groping in the dark because of a most deplorable lack of edited
source material. With the splendid exception of al-Battini's
tables, none of the great astronomical tables of the Middle Ages-
Arabic or Latin, Hebrew of Greek-is available in modern editions
for the period between Ptolemy and Copernicus. The history of
the ancient mathematical sciences is a field in which one need
not go far to find fertile soil ready to be cultivated.
73. We have come to the end of our discussion, which has
brought us back to the civilization of the Middle Ages from which
1) India XIII and XIV (Sachau I. p. 137 and p. 158).
Origin and Transmission of Hellenistic Science 177
A good introduction to the political and cultural history of Hellenism is
w. W. Tarn and G. T. Griffith, Hellenistic Civilisation, London, Arnold,
The following work gives an excellent picture of the multiple paths of scientific
contacts duriDg the Middle Ages in the West: Charles Homer Haskins, Studies
in the History of Mediaeval Science. 2nd ed. Cambridge, Harvard University
Press. 1927.
One of the most remarkable books about Hindu science and its relations to
the Muslims is Alberuni's India, An Account of the Religion, PhDosophy,
For the influence of Iranian thought during the Hellenistic period see Joseph
Bidez et Franz Cumont, Les mages hellenises; Zoroastre, Ostanes et Hystaspe
d'apres la tradition greeque; 2 vols. Paris, 1938.
For the early relations between Greeks and India see W. W. Tarn, The
Greeks in Bactria and India, 2nd. ed. Cambridge 1951 and A. K. N arain, The
Indo-Greeks, Oxford 1957.
As a summary of Hindu science should be quoted the chapter on science by
W. E. Clark in "The Legacy of India" (edited by G. T. Garratt, Oxford 1937).
A detailed summary of the literature up to 1899 is given by G. Thibaut in his
article "Astronomie, Astrologie und Mathematik" in vol. III, 9 of the uGrundriss
der Indo-Arisehen Philologie und Altertumskunde". Very useful is James
Burgess, Notes on Hindu Astronomy and the History of our Knowledge of It
(J. of the Royal Asiatic Soc. of Great Britain and Ireland, 1893, p. 717-761)
where one finds complete references to the early literature which contains much
important information which is no longer available otherwise.
The translation by E. Burgess of the SOrya Siddhinta, quoted below p. 186,
contains extensive commentaries which must be read by any serious student
of this subject. For the "linear methods" in Hindu astronomy cf. the references
to Le Gentil and Warren on p. 186. For the form which the Greek theory
of epicyclic motion of the planets took in India and then in al-KhwirizmI, see
O. Neugeba uer, The transmission of planetary theories in ancient and medieval
astronomy, Scripta Mathematica, New York, 1956.
E. S. Kennedy, A survey of Islamic astronomical tables, Trans. Amer.
Philos. Soc., N.S. 46 (1956) p. 123-177 is a publication which shows the great
wealth of material still available but barely utilized for the investigation of
medieval astronomy, its Greek, Islamic and Hindu sources and their interaction.
Fig. 28.
The fact that a Hebrew treatise is part of this tradition (d. S. Gandz, The
Mishnat ha-Middot; Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte der Math., Abt. A.
vol. 2, 1932) is perhaps not as isolated a phenomenon as it may appear. The
Heronic corpus itself contains several references to Hebrew units of measure
(Heron. Opera V p. 210-219). Similarly, many concepts of Judaism are found
in the magical papyri and in related practices involving numbers and the
alphabet, the so-called gematria. There is certainly some basis in the ancient
terminology which uses Umathematici" in the sense of magicians or astrologers.
Another example for the transmission of mathematical knowledge is found
in al-BlrOnl's India XV (Sachau I p. 168 f.), where he says uBrahmagupta
relates with regard to Aryabhata ... that he fixed the circumference as 3393, ...
the diameter as 1080". The reason for this expression. which contains a common
factor 9, becomes obvious if one recalls that 1080 is an important metrological
unit in oriental astronomy. As an example can be mentioned the division of
one hour in 1080 parts (chelakim) in Hebrew astronomy. The sexagesimal
equivalent of :~:~ is 3;8.30 which is the approximation of n used in the Almagest
(VI. 7).
In the same section al-BlrOnl states that "Pulisa employs ... in his calcula-
tions ... 3 11;:0' ... The same relation is derived from the old theory, which
Ya~~ub ibn rlri~ mentions in his book. Compositio Sphaerarum, on the
authority of his Hindu informant ..... Indeed the same value is used by al-
Khwlrizml (Algebra, ed. Rosen p. 72 198 f.). Its decimal equivalent is 3.1416,
its sexagesimal equivalent 3;8,29.45,36. For a discussion of these and related
values see B. Datta, Journal and Proceedings of the Asiatic Society of Bengal.
N.S. 22 (1926) p. 25-42. esp. p. 26 f.
The use of the value 3 for n is commonly found in Hellenistic texts and goes
back to Old Babylonian mathematical texts. Another example common to
Babylonian and Heronic mathematical education is the computation of the
volume of "ships" of prismatic form (d. Neugebauer, MKT II p. 52 and
Heron, Opera V pp. 56, 128, 130, 172).
Traditionally it is assumed that Hellenistic science reached the Arabs through
the intermediate stage of Syriac versions of the Greek works. Though this may
be so in many cases it is certainly an oversimplification. G. Bergstrlsser edited
and translated in 1925 a work of Hunain ibn Ishlq concerning the translations
of the writings of the physician Galen, a contemporary of Ptolemy (Abh. fiir
die Kunde des Morgenlandes 17, No.2; d. also Max Meyerhof, New Light
on ~unain ibn IshAq and his Period, Isis 8, 1926, p. 685-724). ~unain, a
Nestorian, played a central role in the early phase of Arabic translation. He
was born in 809 and died in 877; his search for Greek manuscripts led him an
over the Near East and to Alexandria. He must have seen and compared
hundreds of them and accumulated a large collection of his own. From his
report one learns how these translators worked, comparing defective manuscripts,
restoring, explaining, excerpting. There is no such simple sequence, Greek ~
Syriac ~ Arabic, visible. By far the greatest number of works is directly trans-
Notes and Referenees 181
lated from Greek either into Arabie or into Syriac. There are many eases where
Syriac translations were the basis for Arabie versions but also the opposite
order oeeurs. ~unain's report covers about 50 years and concerns more than
130 books ascribed to Galen or his sehool. Only 10 titles were not translated
aecording to ~unain. From the rest 179 Syriae and 123 Arabie versions were
listed by lIunain, of whieh he himself contributed 96 and 46 translations
respectively, not counting revised versions. Of these translations 81 were made
for Arabie eustomers, 73 for men who read Syriae.
~ ~,~
.. ..
~" ,
, '
.....-=--•;•;p. "5'"
", :
", :
Fig. 29.
What is said here about medical literature mayor may not hold for mathe-
matieal or astronomical works. One must not forget that praetical need and
local conditions might have been widely different for different fields of learning.
For astronomy, e. g., a transmission via India undoubtedly plays a great role
whereas we have very little evidence for a Syriae intermediary.
ad 62. The theory of "applieation of areas" attained great importanee in
ancient mathematies beeause of the diseovery that the eonie seetions could be
incorporated in this theory. Indeed, our modem names ellipse, hyperbola, and
parabola are direetly taken from this theory. The ease of the ellipse might be
quoted as an example. Assume as given two "coordinated" directions (from
which our use of the word "coordinates"), here denoted as the tE- and II-direetion
(Fig. 29). Let E and 11 be two given parameters, to be represented by line segments
in the tE-direetion and perpendieular to it, respeetively. Then a point P(tE, 11)
will be a point of an ellipse with OQ == E as diameter and with the II-direetion
as conjugate direction if the area of the square with side 11 equals the area of
the rectaDgle :a;' whieh is "applied" to OR == 11 in sueh a way that a small
reetangle (RS) remains whose sides have the given ratio of 11 to E. This is only
182 Chapter VI
In the case of the hyperbola one requires an excess for the rectangle :a:', whereas
the parabola corresponds to exact equality of If and :I:fJ. For detaDs and figures
ef. O. Neugebauer, Apollonius-8tudien, Quellen und Studien zur Geschichte
der Mathematik, Abt. B vol. 2 (1932) p. 215-254.
The historical sequence of these discoveries seems to be as follows. Since
Old-Babylonian times the knowledge of solving the main types of quadratic
equations existed. The discovery of irrational quantities led to the geometrization
of these methods in the form of application of areas (4th century B.C.). Shortly
afterwards the conic sections were discovered, as I think, from the investigation
of sun dials (cf. p. 226). At any rate the conic sections were at first considered
as curves in space, unrelated to algebraic problems. Finally the relation to the
application of areas was established. as found in Apollonius (3rd century B.C.).
Figures which illustrate the configurations in space from which the relations
between the plane areas were derived are given in Quellen und Studien zur
Gesehiehte der Mathematik, Aht. B vol. 2 (1932) p. 220 f.
ad 63. The relationship between mathematics and Plato's theory of Ideas
has been the subject of innumerable publications. For a realistic discussion of
the whole problem cf. H. F. Cherniss, The Riddle of the Early Academy,
University of California Press, 1945.
The uneasiness which a good Platonist felt when he was dealing with astro-
nomical theories based on observations is nicely seen in the introduction of
Proclus to his "Hypotyposis" (Greek with German translation by Manitius,
Leipzig, Teubner, 1909).
ad 64. The eight-shaped curve on which a planet P moves according to the
combined motion of two inclined spheres was called "Hippopedett • Its qualities
can easily be deduced from the fonowing consideration (Fig. 29a). We project
the motion of the planet on the plane of the great circle BP0T, which corresponds
to the horizontal eirele in Fig. 24 p. 154. The planet itself moves on the inclined
plane BP' which appears in our projection as an ellipse. If the motion of the
planet started. at R, we can obtain its position after a motion of angle IX by
first moving by this amount from R to p' and then turning P' back by -IX. Since
p' as point of an ellipse is the vertex of a right triangle OPT0' we see that P is
the vertex of a congruent right triangle SPR. Thus P runs once through a eirele
of diameter RS while P' moves through the semicircle RT. And since the angle
at 0 and therefore also at S is IX, we see that the are from R to P is 2 IX. Thus P
moves on its circle with twice the angular velocity of P'. Since P in Fig. 29a
represents only the projection of the planet, the orbit on the sphere is the inter-
section of the sphere with a straight circular cylinder of diameter SR. This gives
the two loops of the Hippopede, with R as double point (Fig. 24).
A detailed comparison between the Ptolemaic theory of the motion of the
moon and the modern theory was given byA. F. Mobius, Gesamme1teWerke IV
Notes and References 183
. I
,,• ·
'. '.
Fig. 29a.
("Meehanik des Himmels"). Cf. also Paw Kempf. Untersuchungen tiber die
ptolemiische Theorie der Mondbewegung. Thesis. Berlin 1878; C. J. Schu-
macher. Untersuchungen tiber die ptolemiiische Theorie der unteren Planeten;
MUnster, Aschendorfl. 1917; P. Boelk. Darstellung und PrUfung der Mereur-
theorie des Claudius Ptolemaeus. Thesis. Halle. 1911. The transformation from
the geocentric to the heliocentric system is often hailed as one of the greatest
discoveries of modem science. though foreshadowed by the Greek genius. In
fact. however. the equivalence of these two modes of description of the observable
phenomena had scarcely been forgotten by the astronomers of the Middle Ages.
Aryabhata (about 500 A.D.) argued for a movable and rotating earth (Aryab-
hatiya IV. 8; trsl. Clark p. 64 fl.) and al-Biriini (1030 A.D.) remarks in his
"India" (trsl. Sachau I p. 276 fl.) rather casually. "Besides, the rotation of the
earth does in no way impair the value of astronomy. as all appearances of an
astronomic character can quite as well be explained aecording to this theory
as to the other:'
ad 65. Cf. also O. Neugebauer, Notes on Hipparehus. Studies presented to
Hetty Goldman, New York 1956. p. 292-295.
ad 66. It seems to me possible that a horoscope for the year 137 A.D. (P. Paris.
19. lines 11/12) has preserved for us the ancient name for the "linear methods".
If we are correct in restoring this passage, the astrologer tells us that he computed
the position of the sun according to the method of "greatest and smallest [veloc-
ity)". This would be an appropriate description of a linear zigzag function. as
used for·the solar velocity in System B of the Babylonian theory.
The development of the ancient and mediaeval concept of "clima" can
be described quite simply. In Babylonia originated the norm that the ratio M:m
of longest to shortest daylight was 3:2 as well as the two "systems" A and B
for the rising times which determine the variation of length of daylight during
the year.
These arithmetical methods were transplanted to Alexandria. In the second
century B.C. we find Hypsicles using the System A of rising times for the computa-
tion of the length of daylight in Alexandria. the only modification being that
184 Chapter VI
Fig. 30.
M:m is now given the value 7:5, or M = 3,30° == 14b, m = 2,30° == lOb. The
same can be done, of course, for any given ratio M: m. But it is characteristic
that this expansion to arbitrary localities was again made in a strictly linear
fashion by varying M in constant steps of 4°. In this way seven zones or "cli_
mates" were distinguished, number one being Alexandria (M == 3,30), number
two M == 3,34, and so forth to 3,38 ••• up to a seventh climate with M == 3,54
(about 43° north). Unfortunately, the classical value M == 3,36 for Babylon
does not fall into this scheme. Consequently, we find a second type of division,
again in steps of 4°, but now with Babylon and M == 3,32 as the starling point
(though always ealled "second e1ima", a fact which demonstrates the Alexandrian
origin of all these devices). Since we have a choice, in all eases, between System A
and System B for the rising times, we have in principle four possibilities for the
rising times in each "clima": either M == 3,30 (Alexandria) plus a multiple
of 4°, or M == 3,36 (Babylon) plus a multiple of 4° to be used either with rising
times of System A or of System B. This explains the great variety of figures found
in the texts for the rising times for different climates.
As in so many other eases, no trace of these primitive schemes is tolerated
in the Almagest There Ptolemy gives (in Book II) a table of rising times for
ten zones (beyond the equator, which is the so-called "sphaera recta") such
that M increases from zone to zone by one-half hour. Alexandria with M == 14b
(here called "the low country of Egypt") is obviously part of this system, which
is extended until M == l7 h (" = 54;1°). In practice, however, again only seven
of these zones were accepted as "climates", this Ume beginning with the second
of Ptolemy's zones ("Meroe" with M == l3b ) and ending with M == 16b or
M:m == 2:1 (Southern Russia). In this system Alexandria lies in the third
e1ima, the next being "Rhodes", the fifth "Hellespont" (M == l5b).
In later periods new additions were introduced according to special needs.
For example, for Byzantium M == 15;15b was adopted, but sueb new zones
did not interfere with the standard system of the "seven climates" which re-
mained a basic element in mediaeval geography. Only gradually did the geo-
graphical latitude replace the greatest length of daylight as the defining parameter
of a locality. This development reaches its climax in the tables of rising times of
al-KlshP) which proceed from degree to degree of geographical latitude, from
sphaera recta to " == 60°.
I) Hipparehus divides not only the ecliptic but also the equator into 30 0 sections
and denotes them by the names of the zodiacal signs (d. Manitius's edition of
Hlpparehus's Commentary to Aratus p. 295). In the Stirya Slddhlnta. the zodiacal
signs are used in similar fashion to denote arcs on any great circle.
II) The use of ..tithls". that Is, of tbfrthieths of mean synodic months. was first
discovered in Babylonian planetary texts by Pannekoek (Koninklijke Akad.
van Wetensch. te Amsterdam. Proceedings 19. 1916. p. 684-703) and by van der
Waerden (Eudemus 1. 1941. p. 23-48). For the oceurenee of these units in Babylo-
nian lunar ephemerides d. O. Neugebauer, ACT I p. 119. In late Hindu astronomy
Notes and References 187
The occurrence of the ratio 3:2 for the longest and shortest days might be taken
as a sign of direct Mesopotamian influence though also this element is a part
of the Hellenistic tradition of the "climates". Also the arrangement of the planets
aeeordiDg to the "rulers" of the days of the week (d. p. 169) indicates primarily
Hellenistic intluence.
For the Roman sea-routes and for Roman settlements in India, see R. E. M.
Wheeler, Arikamedu: An Indo-Roman Trading-Station on the East Coast of
India. Ancient India. No. 2 (1946) p. 17-124. For a summary see Martin P.
Charlesworth, Roman trade with India. Studies in Roman Economic and
Social History in Honor of Allan Chester Johnson. Princeton 1951, p. 131-143.
A translation. with extensive commentary. of the Periplus was published by
W. H. Schoff. The Periplusofthe Erythrean Sea. New York-Philadelphia 1912.
A relatively early date for Greek-Persian-Hindu contacts seems to be obtain-
able from a passage in the D6nkart. Book IV. according to which Hindu books
on grammar and on astronomy and horoscopy as well as the Greek Almagest
reached the court of Shapur I (about 250 A.D.); d. Menasce, Journal Asiatique
237 (1949) p. 2 f.
ad 68. Hipparchus is often quoted in the astrological literature. As an
example 'might be mentioned Vettius Valens I, 19 for the elongation of the
moon. This method uses the same epoch (Augustus - 1) as P. Ryl. 27 and is
therefore not genuinely Hippuehian. Nevertheless it may go back to Hippuchus
just as other linear methods were developed from Babylonian originals. It was
F. Boll who first emphasized that the ancient reports connecting Hippuchus
with astrology have to be taken seriously in view of the time of origin of astrol-
ogical doctrine in the second century B.C. (d. Boll's lecture "Die ErforsehUDg
der antiken Astrologie" in Neue Jahrbiicher fiir das Klassische Altertum 21.
1908, p. 103-126). F. Cumont speaks about "Hippuque. dont Ie nom doit
atre place en tAte des astrologues comme des astronomes grecs" (KHo 9. 1909.
p. 268).
ad 69. The earliest known horoscope is cast for the year 410 B.C. (A. Sachs.
Babylonian horoscopes, J. of Cuneiform Studies 6 (1952) p. 49-75). The
remaining cuneiform horoscopes belong to the Seleucid period. The earliest
Greek horoscope is the horoscope of the coronation by Pompey of Antioehus I
of COlDlllllgene in 62 B.C. on the Nimrud Dash. Horoscopes on papyrus or in
Greek literature start at the beginning of our era.
An early indication of knowledge of Babylonian astrology in Greece was
pointed out to me by Professor H. Cherniss. Proclus (who died in A.D. 485) in
his commentary to Plato's Timaeus (III, 151 Diehl) quotes Theophrastus, the
successor of AnstoUe (died 322 B.C.). as saying that the Chaldeans were able to
prediet•.in his time, not only the weather from the heavens but also life and
death of all persons.
the tithis have become of variable length. being thirtieths of the true lunar months.
Thus one finally introduced the variability of these units which had been invented
in order to avoid the fluctuations of the true lunar calendar. In the classical mndu
astronoqay. however• (e. g.. in the Sorya Siddbinta) the titbis are of fixed mean
length; cf. Olaf Schmidt. On the Computation of the Ahargana. Centaurus 2 (1952)
188 Chapter VI
1) In case this name is based on ancient tradition one could not be sure that
Teukros was a citizen of Babylon, because "Babylonian" is also used for inhabitants
of Seleucia on the Tigris; cf. Tarn, The Greeks in Bacbia and India, p. 15.
190 Chapter VI
In our discussions we have frequently used the word "Greek" with no further
qualiftcation. It may be useful to remark that we use this term only as a convenient
geographical or linguistic notation. A concept Uke "Greek mathematics", however,
seems to me more misleading than helpful. We are fairly well acquainted with
three mathematicians-Euclid, Archimedes, and Apollonius-who represent one
consistent tradition. We know only one astronomer, Ptolemy. And we are
familiar with about equally many minor figures who more or less follow their
great masters. Thus what is usually called "Greek" mathematics consists of the
fragments of writings of about 10 or 20 persons scattered over a period of 600
years. It seems to me a dangerous generalization to abstract from this material
a common type and then to establish some mysterious deeper principle which
supposedly CODDeets a mathematical document with some other work of art.
Fig. 31.
Fig. 32.
Fig. 34.
~---., ..
,, ,
, ,
,,, ' ,
. \
\ ",
\ ,,
\ '
'\ '
.. ,
\ ,,
Fig. 35.
Fig. 86.
the simple lunar model (Fig. 32 and 33), that is, the angle under
which CM would be seen from 0 if the distance of C were R = 60.
The column c.(,,') gives the amount by which the equation of
center increase if C were at minimum distance from 0; finally
c.(2,,) indicates the fraction of c. due to the fact that for 2" < 180 0
the actual distance of C from 0 lies between the two extrema for
which the equation of center is c, and c, + c. respectively. Thus
one finds for the final equation the value
" = c, + c• . c.
180 or 1 = 1 + "
and hence for the true longitude A = A- " if y' <
if ,,'> 180. The numerical values given in Almagest V,8 are
graphically represented in Figs. 38 and 37.
Fig. 37.
p"'" .... . ,
".... .... y'. ,
.. '... \,
.. ...... \, G
......'\ e
. ~
Fig. 38.
now equal to the sense of mean motion, thus giving the planet
its greatest direct motion near the apogee of the epicycle and
producing retrogradation near the perigee.
In ~greement with our general analysis of heliocentric and
geocentric motion (p. 124 Fig. 14) the direction CP is parallel
to the direction from 0 to the mean sun in the ease of an outer
200 Appendix I
Fig. 89.
The Ptolemaic System 201
opposite direction from the apsidal line OA. For fX = ± 120 the
radius GC of the deferent passes through E and thus brings C
nearer to 0 than for IX = 180. In other words the orbit of C with
respect to 0 has one apogee in the apsidalline but two perigees
symmetric to it at IX = ± 120.
81. The practical computation of planetary positions follows
much the same lines as for the moon. Almagest XI,11 gives
tables in 8 columns for each planet. Columns 1 and 2 contain
the common arguments 8 and 360 - 8. Columns 3 and 4 are
only used in the combination,
c' a (IX) = Ca (IX) + C.(fX)
for identical values of the mean distance IX in both columns. In
later works-Theon's tables and Islamic tables-these two
columns are always combined into one (c' a in Fig. 38), leading
from the mean apogee H to the true apogee T. Ptolemy kept the
two columns separate for didactic reasons because he wanted the
reader to see how c' a had been obtained from first locating the
center of the deferent at E and then moving it to G.
With the argument y' = " +
c' a three tables are computed:
c.(,,') gives the angle «5(,,') under which the radius r = CP of
the epicycle appears from 0 under the assumption that C is
located at mean distance from O. The column CIi("') gives the
amount of the correction which must be subtracted from c. such
that C. - Cli represents 6(,,') for the case of C at maximum distance
from O. Similarly C. + c7 gives «5(,,') for minimum distance of
C from O. Finally CS(IX) gives the coefficient by which Cli or C7.
respectively, have to be multiplied in order to give the correction
of Cli at a distance IX of C from the apogee.
Now we can formulate the whole procedure for the computation
of the true longitude A of a planet. For the given moment t the
following elements are known:
10 longitude of the apogee A
fX mean distance of C from A
" mean anomaly of the planet.
Then the true longitude A = l( t) is given by
A = Ao+ IX - C' a(fX) +6
202 Appendfx I
The Ptolemaic System 203
Fig. 41a.
sun occur in Libra whereas the greatest values are not observed
opposite to Libra in Aries but two signs before or after, in Aquarius
and Gemini. In order to account for this observation, Mercury is
made to move on a straight line segment such that its distance
from the center of its orbit varies with the proper period. A
movement on a straight line seems not quite in conformity with
the postulate of circular motions of the celestial bodies but
fortunately Copernicus had at his disposal a device of at-TOfi,
who had shown that a point of the circumference of a circle of
radius i moves along the diameter of a circle of radius s inside
of which the first circle rolls (cf. Fig. 41 b).
204 Appendfx I
, .. ---- ....... ,
" ,,
I \ ,
P, \
, :Q
'•,, ,l '\~~~~~:.....-
, \
" . . . . ."
~ _~'20.
Fig. 41b.
For the history of Greek and medieval astronomy three works must be
consulted: Delambre, Histoire de l'astronomie ancienne (2 voIs., Paris 1817)
and his Histoire de l'astronomie du moyen age (Paris 1819). Norbert Herz,
Gesehichte der Bahnbestimmung von Planeten und Kometen (2 parts, Leipzig,
Teubner, 1887 and 1894). J. L. E. Dreyer, History of the Planetary Systems
from Thales to Kepler (Cambridge 1906, reprinted New York 1958 under the
tide A History of Astronomy").
On Greek Mathematics
84.. I do not consider it as the goal of historical writing to
condense the complexity of historical processes into some kind of
"digest" or "synthesis". On the contrary, I see the main purpose
of historical studies in the unfolding of the stupendous wealth of
phenomena which are connected with any phase of human
history and thus to counteract the natural tendency toward over-
simplification and philosophical constructions which are the
faithful companions of ignorance.
To a modern mathematician who wants to get some insight
into the mechanism of Greek mathematics, the access is made
easy. The major works of Archimedes, Apollonius, Euclid, etc.,
are well edited and competently translated. The careful reading
of a treatise by Archimedes or a book of Apollonius takes time
and effort-as does the pursuit of all worthwhile knowledge-but
one is repaid with a much deeper understanding of ancient
mathematical methods than the reading of all summaries could
provide. After a solid basis has been established, works like
T. L. Heath's will provide a competent guide to related material
and give the general background.
The astronomical material is much less directly accessible and
consequently certain mathematical methods which were devel-
oped in close relationship to astronomy are much less generally
known than, e. g., Euclid's procedures. The conventional picture
of Greek mathematics-a very sophisticated branch of geometry
followed by some not quite successful attempts at algebra and
number theory during the later periods of decline-is wrong for
two reasons. First, as we have seen on many occasions in the
preceding chapters, we are not dealing with a decline from scien-
tific geometry to less exact methods of algebraic tendency, but
with two contemporary phenomena: a comparatively rapid
On Greek Mathematics 209
a = -2,0 crd2(X a = c sin (X
b = -2,0 crd(180 - 2(X) b = c cos (X
a crd 2(X a
crd (180 - 2(X)
-b = tan (X
Since the tables extend from 0 to 180 the fIrst two cases are just
as easy to handle as in our system. The only real inconvience
lies in the lack of tables for the ratios corresponding to tan (X.
As an example for the use of trigonometry in an astronomical
problem, I shall describe the method followed in Almagest IV, 6
210 Appendix II
for finding the length of the radius r of the lunar epicycle and the
position of the apogee. Weare dealing here with the simple
model of the lunar motion (as in Fig. 32 p. 193) in which the
center C of the epicycle moves on a fixed deferent of radius
R = 60. This problem is of interest for several reasons. It re-
presents a method which was certainly used and probably
invented by Hipparchus. It is the simplest case of a much more
general problem, namely, to determine the parameters of an orbit
from a set of observed positions. It has, finally, close relations to
an important problem in geodesy, namely, to find the position of
an observer with respect to three given points.
In the case of the moon the essential steps are as follows.
Observation of the motion of the moon with respect to the stars
from day to day easily reveals that its velocity is not constant.
About once every month this progress is at a minimum of about
12 0 and then again at a maximum of about 14 0 per day. Conse-
quently it is easy to count the number of periods of the lunar
velocity corresponding to a given number of lunar months.
Within a few years of observations the mean length of this
"anomalistic" period can be determined with sufficient accuracy.
If we then decide to describe this variation of velocity by means
of an epicyclic model, as in Fig. 32 (p. 193), we can consider as
known the rate of change of the "anomaly" 'Y as well as the rate of
change of the mean longitude A of the center of the epicycle. The
problem now faced consists in the determination of r and of the
moment at which the moon is exactly at its minimum speed, i. e.,
in the apogee of the epicycle.
To this end the moments and longitudes of 3 lunar positions
are determined by means of 3 lunar eclipses the longitudes of
which are accurately known through the diametrically opposite
solar positions. The reason for this procedure is very character-
istic: one reaches greater accuracy by means of a computed solar
position than from a direct comparison of the position of the
moon with respect to stars, since the coordinates of stars would
involve the measurement of angles by means of instruments the
accuracy of which is difficult to control.
The three moments for the midpoints of the eclipses and the
three corresponding longitudes furnish us with two sets of differ-
ences Llt 1, Lit., and LlA l , L1A s (cf. Fig. 43 for the first pair of posi-
On Greek Mathematics 211
Fig. 43.
tions). Our knowledge of the mean values for the change of "
and A furnishes us. in combination with Llt 1 and Lit•• with the
values LI" l' LI" I and Lll 1• Llli by which y and l have changed
between consecutive eclipses. Fig. 43 illustrates the situation for
the first two eclipses. From the data which we have so far assem-
bled. we know that the observer at 0 sees the segment MIMI of
the epicycle under the angle Lll 1 - Lll 1 whereas this same segment
is subtended at the center C of the epicycle by the angle LlYI. A
similar situation holds for the second pair of eclipses and this
provides us with the final formulation of the problem (Fig. 44):
Three points MI' MI' M 8 on a circle of radius r subtend at its
center given angles jXl' tXl and are seen from an observer in 0
under given angles ()1' ()I. Find r and the position of 0 with
respect to MI' MI. M 8.
This problem is solved as follows (Fig. 44): consider the
Fig. 44.
212 Appendix II
point B on the straight line OMI and call 8 the distance OB. We
then have for the perpendicular B0 1 :
and thus:
crd 2'1
M.B = s d p.
cr 2 1
• •
Similarly, since
+ 1'. = (¥1 +2 tX. - «(II + ui)
.I ..I
MaB • crd2(~ + a.)
BP = - crd (180-(¥.) = - . . crd(t80 - t:¥.).
120 120 crd 2(PI fl.) +
M.P = M.B - BP = 8 • ( •••• )
is known in terms of 8 and the given angles and therefore also
Fig. 45.
BMI = -crdlX,
and OMI = s + BM = S . ( •••• ).
e B r c
Fig. 46.
Fig. 47.
defined: (Xl and (XI in the coordinate planes and Pin the vertical
plane through X. Each pair (XltXl or tXIP or (XIP can be used to
define the position of X. To this "the ancients" added one more
angle. For given geographical latitude qJ the position of the equator
plane is given; its intersection with the plane SX defines a new
angle 'Y and it is clear that also the pairs tX I'Y and P'Y can be used
to define the position of X since for given 'Y also the arc tX l is
fixed and vice versa.
Ptolemy would not tolerate such inelegant definitions. Using
the same three orthogonal axes he would pass three planes
through X and one of the axes, respectively. Then six angles
«I" ..• Ps are defined, as indicated in Fig. 48, two of which
always suffice to define the position of X. The arrangement is
strictly cyclical. all angles are acute and counted from one of the
three orthogonal axes.
Fig. 48.
On Greek Mathematics 217
S o-----=--OO---..:...L.-B~':----o' I'
t "
" '~"
• .'
,, I
Fig. 49.
1) Obviously DA/DC gives the ratio of daylight to night for the date In question.
218 Appendix II
constructions such that they can rapidly be carried out for any
geographical latitude fJ and for arbitrary solar longitude 1. All
eases have some elements in common which do not depend on
fJ and A, e. g. in Fig. 49 the circle of the meridian and the parallels
to the equator. These circles are to be engraved on a plate of
metal or stone or-in a cheaper model painted in black or red
on a wooden disk. About the center is drawn the meridian and
concentric with it a circle which indicates the angles fJ correspond-
ing to the seven "climates" which have longest daylight of lSb
lS1b ••• 16b respectively. On the proper diameter are indicated
points which correspond to the hourly position of the sun at
equinox. The plate is then covered with wax so that additional
lines which depend on the special values of A and fJ can be easily
drawn. The disc can rotate about its center and a straight edge
with right angle permits one to connect points of the different
graduated circles corresponding to the swing of the projections
about the proper axes. In this way it is possible to determine the
angles in question by a procedure which is now called nomo-
graphical. In principle it is of the same character as the determina-
tion of angles on the celestial sphere by means of the circles and
disks of an astrolabe. This is a good illustration of the fact that
"Greek" mathematics was by no means rigidly restricted to some
"classical" problems, as so many modern authors seem to believe.
88. In the notes to Chapter VI No. 62 (p. 181) I have given an
example of the relationship between the theory of conic sections
and "geometric algebra" as it existed in the time of Archimedes
and Apollonius. This aspect does not exhaust by far the importance
of the ancient study of the theory of conic sections. A large part
of Apollonius's work on conic sections deals with problems which
were later, in the 19th century, classified as projective or synthetic
geometry-fields, which were developed in direct continuation
of the ancient theory. Islamic and late medieval optics (Ibn al-
Haitham, Kepler) are concerned with the focal properties. In
antiquity the conic sections are needed for the theory of sun-
dials and I have conjectured that the study of these curves
originated from this very problem.
In another ease the astronomical use of the theory of conic
sections is almost certain, that is, the proof of the fact that stereo-
graphic projection maps circles on the sphere into circles in the
On Greek Mathematics 219
.,. "
.. ....
,, , ... ,
,, I
.• •,
I ·•
I ••
,, ,,
• .
• ,
...... _...... .'.-,'
Fig. 50.
1) Conics I, 5.
I) Heath is incorrect when he says (Greek Mathematics II p. 292) that Ptolemy
proves our theorem in special eases. The proofs, referred 10 by Heath, concern the
fact that also the images of great eireles intersect each other in diametrically opposite
poinls hut these proofs make use of the circularity of the images.
220 Appendix II
r=f+ c q; = 90 - f
lJ = 180 . cos fo . L.
n(fo + c)
;;1 + c
--- = COSfl
90 +c
222 Appendix II
(1) r = ~ + c.
For the circular arcs which now represent the meridians we
determine three points by the following conditions: preservation
of length on the parallel of Thule (9'1 = 63), on the parallel of
Syene which lies on the Tropic of Cancer (fIJI = 8 = 23;50), and
on the parallel of Anti-Meroe 9'8 = - 16;25. Consequently we
(2) - r,ll = L cos fIJ, i = 1, 2, 3.
-30 o
Fig. 52.
There is no lack of histories of Greek mathematics and every library catalogue
will suffice to identify many of them. I therefore restrict myself here to quoting
a few comparatively recent publications which have not yet become commonly
A work of Archimedes on the regular heptagon has been recovered through
an Arabic translation, a German summary of which was published by C. Schoy
in his work "Die trigonometrischen Lehren des persischen Astronomen ...
Al-BfrQnY" (Hannover 1927) p. 74-91.
The "Sphaerica" of Menelaos,likewise only preserved in Arabic translation,
or version, by Abu Na,r Man,Ul (about 1000 A.D.) is available in a critical
edition with German translation by Max Krause (Abhandlungen der Gesell-
schaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottingen, philol.-hisl. Kl., 3 Folge, Nr. 17, Berlin,
Weidmann, 1936).
A new edition of one of the earliest Greek mathematical works that have
come down to us (written perhaps about 330-300 B.C.) was given by J. Mo-
genet "Autolycus de Pilane; histoire du text, suivie de redition critique des
traites de la Sphere en Mouvement et des Levers et Couchers (Louvain 1950,
1) Translation of Analytica priora I, 4 25 b 37 by Lukasiewicz (Aristotle's Syllogistic
p. 3 and p. 10).
226 Appendix II
cr. also the Frontispiece.
Dates are only approximate.
AbO 'I-FaraJ 179 anomaly of solar motion 6. 192 <lee also
Abil'l W6fa 207 solar theory)
Abil Ma'shar 172, 176, 229 Antiochus of Athens 189
Abydenus 141 Antiochus I of Coll1JlUlgene 187
acrophonic numerals _ numbers Apononius 67. 145, 155, 182, 218. 219,
ACT 138 225.229
additivity 73 application of areas 149, 181
Adelard ot Bath 229 ap~oDmationsofNclprocals34
ahargana 187 - y2 35.47,50.52
Akkadian 31, 58 - fa 47,52
al- lee second part of name - n 78. 180
Alexandria, length ot daylight 158. 184 Arabic lee Islam
Alfonsine tables 67, 229 Aratus, commentary to 69. 185. 186. 229
algebra 208, 225 Archibald 66,91
- Babylonian 40, 42, 44. 51 Archimedes 145. 229
- geometrical aJg. 147, 149, 181. 218 - Arabic trsl. 225
- al-Khwlrizmf 146 Archytas 148. 229
algorithmic fractions 75 Arlkamedu 167. 187
Allen 96 Aristarchus 229
Almagest 13, 55. 145. 214 Aristotle 151. 224. 225. 227. 229
- approximation ot n 180 arithmethic progression 40, 100 ( _ .
- al-Blriinl. translation 176 difference sequences; zigzag func-
- catal. ot stars 68. 185 tions)
- computations 33, 72. 158 arithmetical methods _ Unear methods
- edition 54 arrangement of the planets 169, 187
- hl PersIa 187 Arsaeid era 103
- planetary theory 126, 198 Aryabhala 180. 183. 229
- table of chords 10,85,209 aI for l/u 27
- table of syzypes 95 ascension _ rising time; right ase.
- transl. hlto Sanskrit 176 Ashurbanipal 59. 229
- Vi 35 Assyrian period XVI, 101. 170
(see also Ptolemy) astrolabe 54. 161, 176, 185,219
almanac, type of cuneif. records 139 astrology. eatal. of Greek 1D98. 56. 68
alphabetic numerals _ numbers - Henenistic 171, 187, 188
Ammi~duqa 100, 139 - Mesopotamian 18, 139, 168. 171. 187
amphora letters 25 - origin 100, 171, 188
Anastasi pap. 79 - time of origin 100. 187. 187
Angelo PoUziano 54 - trausmission 168, 171, 187
anomaHstic month. 121. 162. 166, 185, (_ also horoscopes)
193,210 atomistic theories 149
Index 231
P. Lund. Inv. ~5 H.
n. Plimpton 322.
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