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Most Important Fcps Mcqs Solved: 6-Distruction of Ant - Pituatary Gland Causes Dec - Functioning of Glom - Fasiculata

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1- Patient with bone pains having normal Calcium,Inc Alkaline phosphatase most
likely suffering from = Pagets Disease (note ;
●Osteoporosis = Labs are normal
●Pagets disease = only ALP is raised
●Osteopetrosis = Only Ca is dec
●Osteomalacia = Vit D dec → dec Ca & phosphates → inc PTH & ALP )
2-.Erythropoises occurs in middle trimester mainly from = liver
(Regarding Fetal erythropoiesis
●3 to 6 weeks = Yolk sac
●6 weeks till birth = Liver
●10 to 28 weeks= Spleen
●18 weeks to adult = Bone Marrow)
3-Vertebrae is derived from = Sclerotome,
4-Memory center is located in = Temporal lobe ( note ; for Dejavu = temporal lobe)
5-The most common type of salivary gland tumor is = Parotids
6-Distruction of Ant.pituatary gland causes dec.functioning of = Glom.fasiculata
( Remember the Mnemonic GFR ie
●Glomerulosa → aldosterone and this one is under the control of Angiotensin not
●Fasiculata → Cortisol and this one is under the control of pituitary
●Reticularis → Sex steroids )
7- A normal looking Girl came to you with primary amenorrhea, on examination she
was having short blind vagina wid normal vulva, scanty pubic n axillary hairs, normal
breasts, absent uterus, her karyotype is = 46XY ( blind vagina and absent uterus
always mean XY until proved otherwise )
8-Nerve supply to extensors of arm is supplied by = Post cord (Radial nerve is from
posterior cord )
9-Nerve injured in Ant dislocation of Shoulder joint is = Axillary
10-Damage to scaphoid bone causes injury to = Radial Artery
11-Common site of fracture at rib is = Angle
12-Following is not a tumor marker = Acid Phospatase
13-Most common histology found in lung tumors is = Adenocarcinoma
14-Patients comes with Rt. deviation of tongue, Dec.sense of touch and vibartions,the
artery commonly involved in brain is = Ant.Spinal artery ( whenever u see deviation
of tongue in such a scenario, look for ant spinal artery in options )
15-Soldier comes with heavy bleeding,the ideal fluid replacement would be = Whole
blood for 3 days ( same for same, ie for heavy blood loss, prefer blood )
16-Maxillary sinus opens into = Middle meatus
17-Patient having increased levels of IgE,most probably suffering from = Parasitic
18-Autospy done on the patient having CRF,most prabable finding would be =
Hypertrophied PTH gland

19-Excitation of hypothalamus would cause = Shivering

(note for hypothalamus remember that
ANTERIOR is for cooling and POSTERIOR is for heating
ANTERIOR is parasympathetic center while POSTERIOR is sympathetic)
20-Foetal period starts after which week =8th
(3-8 weeks = Embryonic period, this is most sensitive to teratogens, while fetal
period starts after week 8)
21-Patient having dec levels of factorII,VII,IX,X,most likely have = Dec Vit.K
( memorize vit K DEPENDENT FACTORS by 1972 ie factor 2,7 .9 ,and 10 consider 1 as
= Factor 10 )
22-Young pt having Hb:6.0,TLC:3.5/ul,Plts:1lac is suffering from = Aplastic anemia
23-Nucleus ambigus supplies = Larynx
(Nucleus ambigus is for IX,X,XI ie cranial nerves 9, 10, 11 also remember that the
parasympathic nucleus for vagus nerve is DORSAL NECLEUS, ASKED REPEATEDLY IN
24-Olfactory area is present in = temporal gyrus ( this the only sensation that doesn’t
pass through thalamus )
25-Patient with injury to left 8th cervical segment of spinal cord will not show
following sign = Dec sense of pain and temperature below the lesion on same side
(pain and temp loss are contralateral ie opposite to the lesion , while position and
vibrations senses are ipsilateral)
26-Feature of Rickets and Osteomalacia is = Decreased bone density
27-Most common site of malignancy in pts suffering from nuclear outbreak =
Hematopoietic (don’t confuse it with head and neck radiations that causes papillary
thyroid cancer)
28-Virus acts on cells by = Involving protein synthesis
29-Most sensitive cells to hypoxia are = Neurons
30-Myelin in CNS is formed by = Oligodendrocytes
31-Feature not associated with irreversible cell injury is = Myelin figures
(For cpsp always remember Myelin figure = Reversible injury)
32-Ureter is not constricted at = Psoas muscle
33-Common relation of ureter is = Ant.to gonadal vessels and post.to iliac Artery
34-Patient feels pain after she underwent surgery for fibroids, structure injured
would be = Ureters
35-Least common site for ectopic pregnancy would be at = Ovaries
36-Gall bladder is supplied by = Only Cystic Artery
37-Venous drainage of urinary bladder is into = Internal Iliac Vein
(those who appear in Gynea exam, should cram the whole anatomy of urinary bladder)
38. Patient with fluid loss now show metabolic acidosis e hypokalemia. most fluid
loss will be through = Colon ( colon is reservoir of HCO3 & POTASSIUM, and in
diarrhea both are lost resulting in acidosis and hypokalemia
39-Patient having hyperplastic bone marrow, anaemia, Increase Platelets is probably
suffering from = Leaukemia
40-Stimulus for Erythropoietin secretion is = Hypoxia
41-Erytropoiten is always raised in = Sec.polycythemia
(Polycythemia vera is only type of polycythemia in which there is Dec. EPO)
43-Patient after gastrectomy is on VitB12,the cells lost in the gastrectomy = parietal
44-Fat tags attached to the walls of large intestine are known as = Appendeces
45-Bile salts are reabsorbed from the = Ileum
46-Following is an autosomal dominant disease is = Hereditary spherocytosis
47-Type of defect in Hereditary spherocytosis = Structural defect
48-Patient with jaundice, anaemia,high reticulocyte count is having = Hemolytic
49-Ejaculatory duct opens into = Prostatic urethra
50-Terminal part of CBD in relation to pancreas is = Embedded into pancreas
51-Following would cause massive infarction and destruction leading to patient
death = Thromboembolism
52- A 22yrs female pt.with 13th week of pregnancy after having crush fractures in
RSA dies after 3 days, most likely cause of death is = Fat embolism
(Note that if fracture and 3 days duration are not mentioned then better option will
be amniotic fluid embolism ie it causes immediate deaths)
53-Patient with old history of adenoCA of colon is operated for polypectomy,on
histologic evaluation pathologist labelled it as benign growth with no chances into
malignant transformation,it would be = Tubular adenoma
54-Tyrosine derivative doesn’t include = Prolactin
55-Precursor of steriod hormone is = Cholesterol
58-Wasting of thenar eminence,loss of sensation over thumb and index finger,nerve
involved is = Median ( Regarding wasting of the thenar eminence always click median
59-The base of urinary bladder is made by = Post surface
60-Shock without having vasodilation is likely associated with = Burns
61-Following doesn’t form the layer of inguinal canal = rectus abdominus
62-Femoral sheath is formed by = Fasica transersalis and Fasica iliaca
63- The muscle involved in unlocking of knee joint is = Poplitus,
64-External spermatic fascia is formed by: = External oblique
65-In Turner syndrome, the genotype would be = XO
66-Organ having least chances of infarction = Liver
67-Type of necrosis in brain infarction = Liquefactive
68-Pt.with cervical lymphadenopaty,+ve AFB sputum,sign to look for TB on
microscopy is = caseous necrosis
69-Thyroid gland moves with swallowing because it is enclosed in = Pretracheal
70-Neurovascular bundle in chest wall lies between = Internal and Innermost layers
71-Fibrous pericardium and mediastinal pleura is supplied by = Phrenic Nerve
( Remember the Mnemonic i-e
●Fibrous pericardium = Phrenic (frenic) nerve
● Visceral pericardium = Vagus nerve)
72-Man is suffering from testicular ca,the lympahtic drainage of testis is into = Para
aortic Lymph nodes
73-In exercise,the venous blood returns to the heart by = Muscle pump in calves
74-Circulation in heart is maintained by = Local metabolites
75-Fisherman is presented with gingival bleeding and ecchymosis,he is suffering
from = Vit C deficiency
( NOTE ; In vit B12 def due to Diphylobotram Latum among the fishermen, they won’t
mention points like gingival bleed and ecchymosis)
76-Factor affecting collagen synthesis during healing is = Vit C
77-Mesothelioma is associated with = Asbestos
78-Child having meckels diverticulum is having bleeding per rectum,it is due to =
Ectopic gastric tissue
79-During lactation,Amenorrhea is due to = Inhibition of LH and FSH
80-Presence of pancratic tissue in gastric mucosa is termed as = Choristoma
( The other site for choristoma is Brain tissue in Nasal cavity )
81-Main difference between primary and secondary intention wound healing is =
Wound contraction
82-Child with sore throat after 3 weeks developed oedema,haemturia,cause would
be = post streptococcal GN
83-Microscopic feature of polyarterites nodusa is = Fibrinoid necrosis (for any
vasculitis remember fibrnoid nerosis, for brains liqufactive and for solid organs
remember coagulative necrosis , TB also has a type of coagluative necrosis)
84-Angiotension II exerts its effects by activating = Aldosterone
85-Tumor compressing optic chiasma would cause = Bitemporal haemianopia
86-Growth hormone is maximally rasies in = Exercise
( ●For max growth hormone sec NREM sleep > Exercise > REM
● if only sleep is mentioned then prefer Exercise and if NREM sleep is mentioned
then click it)
87.Lymph drainage of perianal skin is from one of the following = medial group of
horizontal superficail nodes
88.Lesser omentum = .connects with deudenum
89.Which of the following is not a feature of shock = increased urine output
90.Which is most imp indicator of muscle protein loss = urinary nitrogen
91. what is true about DNA = .Double stranded in which two strands are antiparallel
to each other
92. Least chances of renal stones is associated with = Hyperlipidemia
93.A pt came to you with primary amenorrhea, webbed neck, short stature
diagnosed as Turner syndrome, what is her karyotype = A.45XO
94.supply of sphincter urethra comes from = .Pudendal nerves
95.Thymus develops from = endoderm of 3rd brachial pouch
96.A pt presented with an opening in the ant wall of sternocledomastoid muscle with
pussy discharge coming out of it.this problem occurred due to abnormality in one of
the following = 2nd pharyngeal cleft
97.Diaphragmatic hernia occurs due to = absence of pleuro-peritoneal membrane
98. Adult derivative of notochord is: = Nucleus pulposis
99.Superior parathyroid gland develops from = .4th brachial pouch
100.In cervical carcinoma,what is the lymph drainage = both internal & external iliac
01. Cervical rib attached to transverse process will compress = T1
(though it can Compresses both C8 and T1 )
02. Aortic aneurysm which structure not compressed = Phrenic nerve
03. Resting membrane potential achieved by =Diffusion of potassium outside the cell
(Achieved by K efflux, maintained by N-K ATPase Pump while depolarization is
maintained by Na influx)
04. Liver weight = 1.5 kg (1.44-1.66 kg is Range)
05. What is median if values are 20 20 25 30 35 40 25 30 = 27.5
(Arrange in Ascending order 20 20 25 25 30 30 35 40 than take middle two values
06.. Dead organisms in vaccine = Pertussis
(Pertusis, Cholera, Influenza ,Inj Polio & Rabies all Killed vaccines while Tetanus is
Toxoid and MMR is Live attenuated)
07.Esophagectomy done , stomach is mobilized to upper portion of thorax, To
anastomosis with pharynx Which artery is responsible for stomach supply = Right
08. Patient is pregnant and suddenly faints. She'll be positioned in left lateral and not
right lateral to avoid compression to which abdominal structure = IVC
09. Post op wound having greenish pus discharge organism involved = Pseudomonas
10. Prevalence is = All cases
(Prevalence: All current cases (old & new) while incidence is just new cases)
11. Common carcinogen of CA Cervix = HPV
12.Apex of the heart = 8 cm from median plane
13.After normal delivery in primigravida the alive n healthy new born is given feed =
After half hour ( Nelsons states 1 hour, but prefer half hour if in options )
14. Diagnostic tumor marker for ovarian CA = CA 125
15. Which of the following prolong use of drug will cause persistent increase in
Gastrin secretion = PPI
16. A pt presented to his dentist due to inability to put his dentures, dentist referred
back to physician saying there is no dental problem, where is the lesion = Substantia
17. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia = Chromosome 9 & 22
18. Steroids drug action on cells = Act on Genes (all steroids & thyroxin act on genes)
19. ADH is inhibited by = Alcohol
20. A tumor with all germ layers = Teratoma
21. Following has high clearance value = . PAH
22. Scanty bar bodies = . Turner (REMEBER IF ASKED
● Bar body diagnostic of then = klienfilter
● scanty bar body or no bar body then = turner
● bar body TEST is diagnostic for = turner)
23. Which parasite is not transmitted thru orofecal route = Trichenella Spiralis
(Humans get it when they eat infected meat/pork )
24. Organelle having microtubules in its structure = Centriole
25. S1 nerve root lesion = . Loss of Ankle jerk
26. Mucus not secreted by = Terminal bronchioles
27. Which of the following increases lower esophageal tone n speeds up gastric
emptying time = Metoclopramide
28. Diphtheria vaccine reaction = :type 3 ( remember any serum will cause serum
sickness ie type 3 hypersensitivity )
29. Femoral nerve drived from which section of spinal cord = . L2 L3 L4
30. Deep coma is caused by lesion of which nucleus = . Nucleus cerelous
● Deep coma then nucleus cerelous
● Prolonged coma then Periq aquiductal gray matter ( p for prolonged & p for
periquiductal &
●permanent coma = thalamus )
32. A man of 70 has recurrent UTI cause = Outflow Obstruction
(old age →chances of BPH → lead to outflow obstruction→ leading to recurrent UTI)
33. Normal FEV/FVC1 Ratio = 0.8
34. Compression effects on esophagus by which organ enlargement = Left Atrium
35. Plasma Protein Binds With All Except = Oxygen
36. Patient presented in emergency, deeply comatosed,not responding to nalaxone: =
37. Cause of Mental retardation = Fragile X Syndrome ( if down syndrome is
mentioned then click it, because Fragile X syndrome is the 2nd most common cause)
38. In IV drugs abusers = Bacterial Endocarditis ( STAPH ARUEUS)
39. Highest bioavailability of anti-emetics = Metacloprmide
40. X.ray of elbow of 12 yr girl, which Secondary ossification center will appear last
on x.ray = Lateral Epicondyle
(capitellum > radial head > medial epicondyle > trochlea > olecranon > lateral
epicondyle → 1 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 9 , 11 (ODD Numbers so 11 is lateral epicondyle)
41. Baby born on 4th day most common cause of Meningitis = E.Coli(REMEBER : in
newborns, GROUP B STREP GROUP ie strep agalactea IS ON THE TOP)
42. A tall man with normal external genitalia married but had no kids he had normal
ejaculation period but semen analysis showed azospermia cause may be= Sertoli cell
43. Pregnant lady anaemic, Best lab investigation = CBC
affected by pregnancy)
44. Highest percentage of protein in = HDL
45. Soft Keratin with no nucleus found in = Stratum corneum
46. A newly married female came with pain in rt illiac fossa her TlC 12000 she has
fever n vomiting her lmp was 3 weeks back what is diagnosis = Acute Appendicitis
47.Open wound healing includes = Contraction of myofibroblast
48. Patient aged 65 years, is diagnosed to have severe aplastic anemia. HLA
compatible sibling is available. The best option of treatment is: = Anti thymocyte
globulin followed by cyclosporine(REMEMBER ;
●ATG & CYCLOSPORIN = 1st line for non-severe aplastic anemia , or severe aplstics >
40 years og age or sever aplastic who have no HLA identicl sibling donor ....
●HSCT (transplant ) = 1st line for the patients who have sever aplatic and have HLA
MATCHED sibling donor)
49. Most common S/E of use of histamine 1 blocker = Sedation
50. Decrease Insulin will = Ketogenesis in Liver
51. An obese man with h/o atherosclerosis underwent laparotomy due bleeding in
abdomen and during surgery his small gut was purple n sup mesenteric vein was ok
so what is dx = Wet gangrene
52. First heard sound is produced during = Isovlumic contraction
53. A patient came with c/o bitmep hemianopia so a blockage was seen at = Upper
part of optic chiasma ( best ans is optic chiasma, but if both upper and lower part are
in options, prefer the upper part of optic chiasma )
54. 30 yr male newly diagnosed wth HTN, on ECG lt ventricular hypertrophy, serum
cholesterol 200, FBS 88 mg%, urinary sugar ++ RFTs were normal, K 2.5 , Na 140,
what is cause of his HTN = Primary hyperaldosteronism
55. Man With Weakness And Dysphagia, Blood Profile With Target Cells = Iron
Deficiency Anemia
56. Which of the following in maternal serum for rubella should b an indication for
termination of pregnancy = Ig M
57. Epithelium of Conjunctiva = Stratified Columnar Epithelium ( non-keratinized )
58. Antioxidant Vitamin = vit E (REMEMBER IF ASKED
●Potent one then = Glutathion > vit E
●among vitamins then = vit E > vit C)
59. Which of the following does not increase in stress for surgery = Insulin
60. Monitoring of HEP B virus can be done via = . SGPT (or ALT)
61. Diseased ovary pain radiating to medial thigh of body due to nearby presence of =
Obturator Nerve
62. Biguanides side affects = Diarrhea and flatulence
63. Patient with Gastrectomy presents with Anemia after One and half year, what will
you give = Vit B12
64. Data is collected for some clinical trial based on presence or absence of Vomiting.
What type of data it is = Nominal (whenever asked about nominal remember = it’s
the data type where u have to ans between the two variables like YES OR NO, RIGHT
OR WRONG , PRESENCE OR ABSCENCE etc while ordinal gives u order like PRIMARY >
65. Aphasia (Non-fluent) after stroke or Trauma which area of Brain is involved =
Brocas (fluent aphasia is due to wernickes area involvement)
66. What cytoskeletal structure connects Extracellular matrix to Intracellular =
intermediate filaments (Also remember that C for Cadherin and C for cell; so it
mediates cell to cell attachments and is important in case of metastasis)
68. Cardiac defects in fetus of mother suffering from rubella infection will occur if =
5 th to 10th week
69. Dorsal Column Medial Leminsical carries = Proprioception
70. Contralateral loss of pain and temp at T9 and ipsilateral loss of proprioception
below T8, bilateral normal reflexes = Lesion of spinothalamic tract at T8
( In these scenarios always decide the level of lesion by the level at which there is loss
of peropioception like in this case T8 is given so lesion should be at T8 )
71. Downs Syndrome = Increase incidence with increasing mother age
72. Pulmonary vasoconstriction occurs due to = Reduced systemic PO2 ( this concept
is repeatedly asked in many ways but the basic concept remains the same ie HYPOXIA
73. Most imp buffer in blood = HCO3
74. Gastrin secretion is inhibited by = Somatostatin
75. Which vitamin act as cofactor in oxidation of fatty acids = Biotin
76. Oxytocin and vasopressin originated from = Hypothalamus
77. If FACTOR IX not available = FFP
(cyropreciptate is for factor 8, so to memorize pronounce it as CRYOPRICEPIT-8)
78. All of the following will cause lesion at genital tract except = Gonorrhoea
79. Vagus decreases HR by which mechanism = Na (permeability) ( the mechanism is
, parasymp system decreases Na CHANNELS INWARD CURRENT THAT IS
80. Maximum absorption of water = Jejunum
81. Patient with beta blocker ECG show increase PR = Drug induced block
82. Drug causing peripheral neuro and pancreatits = Diadenosine
83. Left Kidney is not related to = Diaphragm
84. What age the head of fetus become exactly half the length at CRL = 3rd month
85. Prostatic carcinoma spread to skull bones through = Vertebral plexus
86. First heart sound = Isovlumic contraction
87. Pregnant women 1st trimester develops Atrial fibrillation what would u give = IV
88. The tumor which is the ovarian counter part of seminoma of the testis is =
89. Patient came in with sore throat, fever and lymphadenopathy. His monspot test
was positive. His blood shows atypical leukocytosis. What is the type of cell that is
●Type of cell affected then = B CELLS
●Atypical cells that proliferate in response then = T CELLS)
90. Pt was brought into the Emergency Department and his family wanted to
accompany him. What is the most appropriate response = Only pt should be allowed
in the ER
91. A pregnant full term patient came into the ER with pre-eclampsia. Her Blood
pressure was 190/110. She was admitted for emergency ceserean section. What is
the best medicine to bring down the blood pressure = Hydralazine
92. Patient was admitted in the ICU. HE had a central venous catheter for 10 days. HE
started having fevers. Blood cultures were sent. It came back positive for Gram
positive cocci in clusters. What medication will you start = Vancomycin
(Always mark Vancomycin if CVP line,Indwelling catheter or double lumen site
Infection especially in hospitalized patient and that too in ICU or dialysis units. High
prevalence of MRSA.)
93. Pt comes in to the emergency department with seizures. His BP is 90/60. His
serum calcium level is 6, serum cortical level is 6 microg/dl , blood sugar level is 80
mg/dl. What is the diagnosis = Tetany
94. About Lignocaine what is true = Prevents influx of Na ions across membrane
95. INR is for = Oral anticoagulation therapy:
( For warfarin monitering INR >>> PT )
96. A Person wid malignant melanoma. Risk factor = Xeroderma pigmentosum
97. Diabetic patient with DKA died due to = Mucormycosis
98. Urethra is narrowest at = External meatus
99. Married man had no children for few years and was diagnosd as sterile with
azoospermia wat is investigatn of choice = Serum FSH and LH
200. A man goes to a high altitude 02 delivery to tissues is maintained by = Hb conc
is increased
01. Regarding indication of furosemide = Acute pulmonary edema
02. A patient was brought to the hospital after a roadside accident. On examination
he was pale with low blood pressure and fracture of left 10th rib. Which organ is
most likely to be injured = Spleen
03. Most common cause of premalignant change in mouth in adult = Lichen planus
( some colleagues saying chronic ulcer, none of the authentic books support that , and
one more question often asked, that’s , what will beetle nut chewing cause and ans is
submucosal fibrosis,)
05. Tumor in children with blue cells and high levels of catecholamines =
06. Ligament that prevents anterior dislocation of femur on tibia = Posterior cruciate
(NOTE; if anterior dislocation of tibia on femure is mentioned then anterior cruciate
07. Cholangiocarcinoma caused by = Cholonorchis Sinensis
08. Trauma to left 10 rib causes damage to = Spleen
09. Farmer wid migratory lesion on foot = Cutaneous Larva migrans
10. Washed RBCs are used for prevention of = Hypersensitive Reaction
11. Eating raw or undercooked meat can cause infection by = Tapeworm
12. Man comes 1st time to Pakistan develops fever than coma, on investigation
retics10%..Platelets wbcs ↓ = Falciparum
13. Correct about Aorta =. Gives renal arteries at L2
14. Scrotum drains to = Superficial Inguinal Nodes
15.Small muscles of hand are supplied by = T1
16. Pancreatitis(acute) will cause fluid accumulation in = Lesser sac
17. Deep ring present in = Fascia transversalis
18. Eversion is done by = Peroneus longus
19. True about Thoracic duct, drains into = At Confluence of left Subclavian and left
20. Gustatory sweating is caused by = Superficial Parotidectomy
(Freys Syndrome produces flushing and sweating instead of salivation in response to
taste of food after injury of AURICULOTEMPORAL which carries Parasympathetic
secretomotor fibers to PAROTID gland and Sympathetic fibers to SWEAT gland. When
the nerve is severed the fibers can regenerate along each pathway and innervate the
wrong gland. It can occur after Parotid surgery and may be treated by cutting the
tympanic plexus in middle ear- Ref BRS Anatomy)
21. Analgesic causing tachycardia in therapeutic dose = Pethidine
22. Following is a good analgesic but weak anaesthetic = NO
23. About Posterior Triangle of Neck what is true: = Contains subclavian , three
trunks of brachial plexus
24. Herpez simplex virus transmitted by = .droplet
25. Pt came in with abdominal pain, his amylase was high, he was diagnosed with
Pancreatitis. What is his omentum going to show = Fatty necrosis
27. Which carcinoma doesnt show distant metastasis = Basal cell Carcinoma
28. Orofecal transmission = HEV
29. When tension in muscle increases near to rupture which does the relaxation =
Golgi tendon organs
30. Golgi tendon organs respond to = Tension ( FOR BOTH 129 AND 130 QUES
REMMEBER = TENSION AND TENDON i.e when tension on a muscle increases golgi
tendon organs starts firing and relaxes it )
31. Pacemaker of Heart = SA Node ( reason for being master is, SA node generates
impulses at faster rate, if asked , never be confused by points like automaticity etc)
32. Parasympathetic stimulation = Decreases HR
33. Sacral hiatus is formed due to = Failure of fusion of laminae of 4th and 5th sacral
vertebrae (Sacral Hiatus is used to administer Caudal (Epidural) anesthesias)
34. Effect of drug on a body = Pharmodynamics
( MNEMONIC = D FOR DRUG & D FOR DYNAMICS ie drug on the body is dynamic )
35. Which is not blood supply of scalp = Maxillary artey
36. Hydroxyindol-acetic acid in urine = Carcinoid syndrome
37. Pt came with testicular mass. It was diagnosed as a yolk sac tumor. What is the
follow up marker for this patient = Alpha-Fetoprotein
38. In the hospitals most common cause of wound infection = Staph aureus (Ecoli 2nd
most common)
39. Nerve loss in urogenital triangle which nerve involved = Pudendal Nerve
40. Neck of femur supplied by = Medial and lateral circumflex arteries
41. A man having recurrent bacterial infections with streptococci also having
diarrhea which on examination showed giardiasis, urther exam revealed normal T
cells but ↓B cells levels of igM,igG and igA were given = Bruton's
42. True about Pituitary = Drains to dural sinuses
43. About Quadrate lobe, true is = Drains by left hepatic duct
45. Barr body is found in the following phase of the cell cycle = Interphase ( both
DNA and choromsomes replicate (Karyotyping is done in metaphase stage to study
for chromosomes )
46. Old woman with swelling on external ear she also had gout wd -ve bifringent type
crystals scenario was given = Monosodium urate
47. After Cholecystectomy surgeon places drains into = . Right Subhepatic Region
48. Pt having H/o cough cloudy yellow colour effusion fluid containing 98 %
neutrophil nd 2% lymphocyte the fluid was dull to percussion = Purulent exudate
49. Isoniazid causes side effects which can be prevented by taking which vitamin =
50. Gas gangrene. Cause of death = Toxemia
51. Not a feature of malnutrition in adults = Thrombocytopenia
53. A tumor with all germ layers = Teratoma
54.Down’s syndrome = Trisomy 21
55. Ankylosing spondylitis is associated with = HLA B27 ( PAIR ie
56. Female with fever for 10 days and chest pain that aggravates on lying down. Pain
is originated at = Pericardium
57. 6 years old patient presents with rhinitis, edema and urticaria on external
surfaces = Type I hypersensitivity
58. Immediate effects of severe hypotension = Oliguria
59. Transfusion reaction will occur if we transfuse a person with A+ve blood group,
the following group = AB-ve
60. Epidural space is widest at =. L2 (5mm)
61. Commonest cause of hepatocellular carcinoma in developing countries = Both
62. Connections that connect cells; with movement of ions across =. Gap junctions
63. HLA B27 associated disease = Reiter’s Syndrome ( if ankylosing spond present in
options prefer that )
64. Pregnant lady with bile duct obstruction. Diagnostic investigation = GGT (FOR
65. About Trichomonas vaginalis what is correct = Is sexually transmitted
66. Anion gap = Diff between measured cation and measured anion
67. Occulomotor nerve supplies = ciliary ganglion
68. Infective endocarditis diagnostic investigation = Blood culture (blood culture for
69. Essential fatty acid = Linoliec acid (Also Linolenic Acid is among essentials)
70. Patient was brought to the ER unconscious. The doctor gave Naloxone but it was
not working. What is the likely cause of toxicity = Phenobarbital
71. Patient lacerated the dorsal part of his wrist accidentally. He came in with
difficulty to adduct the fingers and difficulty abducting the thumb. Which nerve was
paralysed = Ulnar Nerve
80. Pain from lower inferior segment of Diaphrgam = Subcostal Nerves ( Phrenic
supplies central tendon of diaphrgam)
81. Cingulate gyrus blood supply = Anterior cerebral Artery
82. Dorsal Vein of penis drains into = Greater Saphenous Vein
83. Internal carotid bleeding stopped by compressing = C6
84. A patient has nodule on vocal cord. The most unlikely mechanism = Atrophy
( Hyperplasia = click it if asked the most likely )
85. Edema of acute infection. Feature = Proteins >3gm (EXUDATE)
86. Vein not draining to great cerebral vein = Occipital
87. Extent to which a tissue gets disturbed by occlusion of its blood supply depends
on = Rate of development of thrombosis
88. A 15 years old girl with fixed dilated pupils. Lesion is at = Oculomotor nerve
89. Axon arise from conical shape part of neuron cell body called = Axon hillocks
90. Peptic ulcer profusely bleeding from posterior wall of duodenum which artery
involed = Gastroduodenal Artery
91. Proteins that escape into tissues from blood vessels = Reabsorbed by lymphatic
92. Epithelium of kidney = endoderm + mesoderm
93. 8 mnth Baby boy with repeated rhinitis 2episodes of pneumonia in less then 2
mnth.low plasma B cells n decreased immunoglobulins = IgA deficency
94. Which is not a 'basic tissue of body = . Blood
95. A 30 years old man had a road traffic accident and sustained fracture of femur.
Two days later he developed sudden breathlessness. The most probable cause can be
= Fat Embolism
96. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome = Wasting of thenar muscles
97. Which of the following statements about carcinogenesis is false = Papilloma
viruses produce tumors in animals but not in humans
98. Max potassium absorption occurs in = PCT
99. Lung capacity increased in inspiration by 2/3 by = Diaphragm
300. Pitutary Gland Causng Bitmemporal Hemianopia .Where is the lesion = Optic

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