Most Important Fcps Mcqs Solved: 6-Distruction of Ant - Pituatary Gland Causes Dec - Functioning of Glom - Fasiculata
Most Important Fcps Mcqs Solved: 6-Distruction of Ant - Pituatary Gland Causes Dec - Functioning of Glom - Fasiculata
Most Important Fcps Mcqs Solved: 6-Distruction of Ant - Pituatary Gland Causes Dec - Functioning of Glom - Fasiculata
1- Patient with bone pains having normal Calcium,Inc Alkaline phosphatase most
likely suffering from = Pagets Disease (note ;
●Osteoporosis = Labs are normal
●Pagets disease = only ALP is raised
●Osteopetrosis = Only Ca is dec
●Osteomalacia = Vit D dec → dec Ca & phosphates → inc PTH & ALP )
2-.Erythropoises occurs in middle trimester mainly from = liver
(Regarding Fetal erythropoiesis
●3 to 6 weeks = Yolk sac
●6 weeks till birth = Liver
●10 to 28 weeks= Spleen
●18 weeks to adult = Bone Marrow)
3-Vertebrae is derived from = Sclerotome,
4-Memory center is located in = Temporal lobe ( note ; for Dejavu = temporal lobe)
5-The most common type of salivary gland tumor is = Parotids
6-Distruction of Ant.pituatary gland causes dec.functioning of = Glom.fasiculata
( Remember the Mnemonic GFR ie
●Glomerulosa → aldosterone and this one is under the control of Angiotensin not
●Fasiculata → Cortisol and this one is under the control of pituitary
●Reticularis → Sex steroids )
7- A normal looking Girl came to you with primary amenorrhea, on examination she
was having short blind vagina wid normal vulva, scanty pubic n axillary hairs, normal
breasts, absent uterus, her karyotype is = 46XY ( blind vagina and absent uterus
always mean XY until proved otherwise )
8-Nerve supply to extensors of arm is supplied by = Post cord (Radial nerve is from
posterior cord )
9-Nerve injured in Ant dislocation of Shoulder joint is = Axillary
10-Damage to scaphoid bone causes injury to = Radial Artery
11-Common site of fracture at rib is = Angle
12-Following is not a tumor marker = Acid Phospatase
13-Most common histology found in lung tumors is = Adenocarcinoma
14-Patients comes with Rt. deviation of tongue, Dec.sense of touch and vibartions,the
artery commonly involved in brain is = Ant.Spinal artery ( whenever u see deviation
of tongue in such a scenario, look for ant spinal artery in options )
15-Soldier comes with heavy bleeding,the ideal fluid replacement would be = Whole
blood for 3 days ( same for same, ie for heavy blood loss, prefer blood )
16-Maxillary sinus opens into = Middle meatus
17-Patient having increased levels of IgE,most probably suffering from = Parasitic
18-Autospy done on the patient having CRF,most prabable finding would be =
Hypertrophied PTH gland