Photosynthesis: 6CO2+6H2O+light Energy C6H12O6 + 6O2

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Plants are known as autotrophs or organisms that are able to make their own food. The process of
food-making in plants is called photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that requires sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water. This
reaction later on produces oxygen and sugar. The formula for the reaction is:

6CO2+6H2O+light energy→C6H12O6 + 6O2

Photosynthesis in plants takes place within
specialized organelles called chloroplasts. It is believed that these organelles originated as
independent bacteria cells, but then developed a symbiotic relationship with eukaryotic cells after
being engulfed by them.

This theory is supported by the fact that chloroplasts, like bacteria, contain DNA plasmids and
ribosomes and are able to make their own proteins. Indeed, chloroplasts closely resemble
cyanobacteria, which evolved over 3 million years ago, long before the
existence of eukaryotic cells.

The Chloroplast
Inside the two protective membranes of a chloroplast is an area called thestroma. Suborganelles
called thylakoids are located in the arranged flattened stacks called grana.

Chlorophyll is green pigment of plants. It is found on the surface of the thylakoids. This is the
substance that gives a plant its green color, because its pigments absorb red and blue light, but not
the green light. It is also where the light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis takes place.

The Process of Photosynthesis

The process of photosynthesis is divided into two parts; (1) light-dependent reaction and (2) light-
independent reaction.

The light-dependent reaction converts the sun’s light energy into a type of chemical energy
called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). Inside the chlorophyll are two photosystems that
absorb photons (light-carrying particles) from the sun.

During the absorption process, the light photons lose an electron, giving the photosystem a positive
charge. This, in turn, attracts electrons away from water (H2O).

In total, four electrons are removed from water which creates four positive hydrogen ions and two
oxygen molecules.

These hydrogen ions are actively pumped across the thylakoid membrane against their
concentration gradient. The energy for the pumping is generated by the coupled oxidation-reduction
reactions created by an electron transport chain.

Once protons are on the other side of the membrane in an area called the lumen, they diffuse back
across to the stoma through a membrane-bound protein called ATP synthase. Because the ions are
now going down their concentration gradient, which is also an electrical gradient because they are
charged, energy is released. This energy is used by the ATP synthase enzyme to create a molecule
of ATP.

During the second part of the photosynthesis, called the light-independent reaction, ATP is used
to make sugar. The Calvin cycle, takes place in the stroma of the chloroplast. The Calvin cycle is a
metabolic pathway consisting of three phases.

Carbon fixation

 During this phase, catalyzed by the protein rubisco, carbon dioxide (CO2)is attached to the
five-carbon sugar ribulose biphosphate (RuBP).
 The new six-carbon molecule then splits in half forming two molecules of 3-


 ATP is used to convert some of the 3-phosphoglycerate into a sugar precursor molecule
called glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate (G3P).

 The remaining 3-phosphoglycerate molecules are converted again by ATP back into rubisco
so the cycle can continue.

In total, the Calvin Cycle spends three molecules of CO2 and nine molecules of ATP to make one
molecule of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate.

What molecule produces oxygen in photosynthesis?

What do you think?

How does the Calvin cycle produce more ATP than NADPH?

Key Points
 Photosynthesis is the food-making process in plants.
 It is composed of two processes: (1) light-dependent reaction and (2) light-independent
 Photosynthesis yields sugar and its waste product: oxygen.

What do you think will happen if plants will not undergo photosynthesis?

 Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction that requires sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water.
 Chlorophyll is green pigment of plants. It is found on the surface of the thylakoids.
 The light-dependent reaction converts the sun’s light energy into a type of chemical energy
called ATP.
 The second part of the photosynthesis is called the light-independent reaction, ATP is
used to make sugar.

 What is the formula for photosynthesis?
 Which of the following molecules is a waste product of photosynthesis?
 Photosynthesis is a multistep process. In which of the following steps is ATP created?
 Which color(s) of light are converted into sugar during photosynthesis?
 Which of the following organisms makes its own food from the sun's energy?
 Which of the following aspects of photosynthesis is not beneficial to animals?
 When hydrogen ions are moving back across the thylakoid membrane into the
stroma, why is energy released?
 At the beginning of the light-dependent reaction, where inside the chloroplast is the concentration of hydroge
n ions at its greatest?
 Which type of organism could not have evolved without the advent of photosynthesis?

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