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Kota Worksheet Chemical Bonding

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Exercise - II (One or more than one option correct)

1. CO2 is isostructural with : Sol.
(A) HgCl2 (B) SnCl2 (C) C2H2 (D) NO2

5. Which of the following have planar structure ?

(A) I3– (B) ICl3
2. The species/molecule is having same shape but (C) Cl2O6 (D) Be2Cl4
different hybridisation. Sol.
(A) XeF2, CO2 (B) I3–, HgCl2

(C) OCl , CO (D) SO2, OCl2

6. Which of the following have dipole moment ?

3. Which have fractional bond order ? (A) nitrobenzene (B) p-chloronitrobenzene
(A) O2+ (O) O2– (C) NO (D) H2+ (C) m-dichlorobenzene (D) o- dichlorobenzene
Sol. Sol.

7. In the structure of H2CSF4, which of the following

statement is/are correct ?
(A) Two C–H bonds are in the same plane of axial
S–F bonds
4. Which has (have) zero value of dipole moment ? (C) Two C–H bonds are in the same plane of equitorial
S–F bonds
(A) I2Cl6 (B) CHCl3
(C) Total six atoms are in the same plane
(D) Equitorial S–F plane is perpendicular to nodal plane
(C) CO2 (D) Cl Cl
of -bond.

394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No. 0744-2439051, 0744-2439052, 0744-2439053 www.motioniitjee.com, email-info@motioniitjee.com

Sol. 11. Which of the following compounds possesses zero

dipole moment ?
(A) Water (B) Benzene
(C) Carbon tetrachloride (D) Boron trifluoride

8. Which of the following compounds contain(s) both

ionic and covalent bonds ?
(A) NH4Cl (B) KCN
(C) CuSO4. 5H2O (D) NaOH

12. Wh ic h o f the f ollow in g c om pou nd is /are

predominantly ionic?
(A) KCl (B) Na2S (C) H2 (D) CaO

9. Which of the following statements are not correct

(A) All C–O bonds in CO32– are equal but not in H2CO3. 13. Si2O76– anion is obtained when
(B) All C–O bonds in HCO2– are equal but not in HCO2H (A) no oxygen of a SiO4 tetrahedron is shared with
(C) C – O bond length in HCO2– is longer than C – O another SiO4 tetrahedron.
bond length in CO32–. (B) one oxygen of a SiO4 tetrahedron is shared with
(D) C – O bond length in HCO2– and C – O bond length another SiO4 tetrahedron.
in CO32– are equal. (C) two oxygen of a SiO4 tetrahedron are shared with
Sol. another SiO4 tetrahedron.
(D) three or all four oxygens of a tetrahedron are
shared with other SiO4 tetrahedron.

10. Resonance occurs due to the

(A) delocalization of a lone pair of electrons
(B) delocalization of sigma electrons
(C) delocalization of pi electrons
(D) migration of protons
Sol. 14. Which of the following statements is/are true?
(A) Covalent bonds are directional
(B) Ionic bonds are nondirectional
(C) A polar bond is formed between two atoms which
have the same electronegativity value.
(D) The presence of polar bonds in a polyatomic
molecule suggests that it has zero dipole moment

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15. On heating to 400-5O0°C, relatively unstable

hydrides and carbonates decompose. Which of the 18. Given the species : N2,CO, CN– and NO+. Which
following will decompose when heated to 400-5OO°C of the following statements are true for these
(A) LiH (B) NaH (C) Li2CO3 (D) Na2CO3 (A) All species are paramagnetic
Sol. (B) The species are isoelectronic
(C) All the species have dipole moment
(D) All the species are linear

16. Which of the following have identical bond order?

(A) O 2
2 (B) NO+ (C) CN– (D) CN+
19. Which of the following have unpaired electron(s)
(A) O 2 (B) O 2– (C) NO (D) H2

17. Which of the following statement is/are correct

(A) The peroxide ion has a bond order of 1 while the
oxygen molecule has a bond order of 2 20. Which of the following specie(s) is/are having only
(B) The peroxide ion has a weaker bond than the one corner shared per tetrahedron.
dioxygen molecule has. (A) Si2O76– (B) Cr2O72–
(C) The peroxide ion as well as the dioxygen molecules (C) S2O7 (D) Si3O96–
are paramagnetic Sol.
(D) The bond length of the peroxide ion is greater
than that of the dioxygen molecule

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21. What is the state of hybridisation of Xe in cationic Sol.

part of solid XeF6
(A) sp3d3 (B) sp3d2 (C) sp3d (D) sp3

22. Rotation around the bond (between the underlined

atoms) is restricted in :
25. Which of the following species is (are) isostructural
(A) C 2H4 (B) H2 O 2 (C) C 2H 2 (D) C 2H6
with XeF4 ?
(A) ICl4– (B) I5– (C) BrF4– (D) XeO 4

23. According to MOT (Molecular Orbital Theory), the

molecular orbitals are formed by mixing of atomic
orbitals through LCAO (linear combination of atomic
orbitals). The correct statement(s) about molecular 26. In which of the following case central atom-F bond
orbitals is/are has partial double bond character?
Statement (A) :bonding molecular orbitals are formed (A) NF3 (B) CF4 (C) PF3 (D)OF2
by addition of wave-functions of atomic orbitals of Sol.
same phase
Statement (B) : anti-bonding molecular orbitals are
formed by subtraction of wave-functions of atomic
orbitals of same phase
Statement (C) : non-bonding molecular orbitals do
not take part in bond formation because they belong
to inner shells
Statement (D) : anti-bonding molecular orbitals
provide stability to molecules while bonding molecular
orbitals make the molecules unstable. 27. Which one of the following compounds has bond
(A) Statement a, d (B) Statement a, b, c angle as nearly 90°?
(C) Statement a, b, d (D) Statement a, b (A) NH3 (B) H2S (C) H2O (D) SF6
Sol. Sol.

24. NO X - X bond exists in which of the following 28 The linear structure is assumed by :
compounds having general form of X2H6 ?
(A) SnCl2 (B) NCO– (C) CS2 (D) NO2+
(A) B2H6 (B) C2H6 (C) Al2H6 (D) Si2H6

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IVRS No. 0744-2439051, 0744-2439052, 0744-2439053 www.motioniitjee.com, email-info@motioniitjee.com

Sol. Sol.

29. Which of the following statements is/are correct?

32. Shape of NH3 is very similar to :
(A) NH2 shows Sp2 - hybridisation whereas NH2– shows
Sp3 - hybridisation (A) SeO 2–
3 (B) CH3– (C) BH3 (D) CH3
(B) Al (OH)4– has a regular tetrahedral geometry Sol.
(C) Sp2 - hybridized orbitals have equal s-and p-
(D) Usually hybridized orbitals form  - bonds

33. There is change in the type of hybridisation when

(A) NH3 combines with H+
(B) AlH3 combines with H–
(C) NH3 forms NH2– (D) SiF4 forms SiF62–
30. Choose the correct option for the following
molecule in view of chemical bonding Sol.
Cl H
H Cl
(A) non-planar (B)   0
(C) A & B both (D)  = 0

34. Which of the following have same shape as NH2 ?

(A) CO2 (B) SnCl2 (C) SO2 (D) BeCl2

31. Of the following isoelectronic & isostructural species

are NO 3 – , ClO 3 – , SO3 & CO 3 2–

(A) NO 3 – & CO 3 2– (B) SO3 & CO32

(C) NO3 & ClO3– (D) CO32– & ClO3–

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35. Which of the following is (are) linear? (C) Maximum polarization is brought about by a cation
of high charge
(A) I3– (B) I3 (C) PbCl2 (D) XeF2
(D) A small anion is likely to undergo a large degree of
Sol. polarization

36. Which of the following statement is/are correct 39. Pick out among the following species isoelectronic
(A) Hybridisation is the mixing of pure atomic orbitals with CO2 :
having less energy difference
(A) N3– (B) (CNO)– (C) (NCN)2– (D) NO2–
(B) Sp3 d2 - hybrid orbitals are at 90° to one another
(C) Sp3 d - hybrid orbitals are directed towards the Sol.
corners of a regular tetrahedron
(D) sp3 d2 - hybrid orbitals are directed towards the
corners of a regular octahedron

40. Which is correct statement?

As the s-character of a hybrid orbital decreases
(I) The bond angle decreases
(II) The bond strength increases
(III) The bond length increases
(IV) Size of orbital increases
(A) (I), (III) and (IV) (B) (II), (III) and (IV)
37. Which of the following statements is/are true for (C) (I) and (II) (D) AI! are correct
BaO and MgO ? Sol.
(A) BaO is more ionic than MgO
(B) MgO is more ionic than BaO
(C) BaO has a higher melting point than MgO
(D) MgO has a higher melting point than BaO

41. Resonating strctures of a molecule should have:

(A) identical bonding
(B) identical ararngement of atoms
(C) nearly the same energy content
(D) the same number of paired electrons
38. Polarization may be called the distortion of the
shape of an anion by an adjacently placed cation.
Which of the following statements is/are incorrect:
(A) Minimum polarization is brought about by a cation
of low radius
(B) A large cation is likely to bring about a large degree
of polarization

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42. Which of the following conditions apply to 46. N2O has a linear, unsymmetrical structure that
resonating structures ? may be thought of as a hybrid of two resonance forms.
(A) The contributing structures should have nearly If a resonance form must have a satisficatory Lewis
similar energies structure, which two of the five structures shown
(B) The contributing structures should be represented below are the two resonance foms of N2O ?
such that like charges reside on atoms that are far (A) N  N  O (B) N  N  O
(C) N – N  O (D) N – N  O
(C) The more electropositive element should preferably
have positive charge and the more electronegative (E) N  N – O
element have negative charge.
(D) The contributing structures must have the same Sol.
number of unpaired electrons

47. A, B, C are three substances. A does not conduct

electricity in the solid, molten state and aqueous
43. A -bond may between two px orbitals containing solution B. Conducts electricity both in the fused and
one unpaired electron each when they approach each aqueous states, while C conducts electricity only in
other appropriately along : the aqueous state. In solid state neither B nor C
(A) x-axis (B) y-axis conducts electricity. Which of the following statements
(C) z - axis (D) any direction is/are true regarding A, B and C ?
Sol. (A) A has polar covalent linkage
(B) A has nonpolar covalent linkage
(C) B is ionic in nature
(D) Cation formed by C is highly polarizing

44. During the complete combustion of methane CH4,

what change in hybridisation does the carbon atom
(A) sp3 to sp (B) sp3 to sp2
(C) sp to sp (D) sp2 to sp3

48. Three centre - two electron bonds exist in :

(A) B2H6 (B) Al2(CH3)6
(C) BeH2(s) (D) BeCl2(s)
45. The octet rule is not obeyed in : Sol.
(A) CO2 (B) BCl3 (C) PCl5 (D) SiF4

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49. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct 52. Which of the following have a three dimentional
regarding ionic compounds ? network structure ?
(A) They are good conductors of electricity at room (A) SiO2 (B) (BN)x
temperature (C) P4 (white) (D) CCl4
(B) They are always more soluble in polar solvents Sol.
than covalent compounds
(C) They consists of ions
(D) They generally have high melting and boling points

53. To which of the following species octet rule is not

(A) BrF5 (B) SF6 (C) IF7 (D) CO
50. Most ionic compounds have : Sol.
(A) high melting points and low boiling points
(B) high melting points and nondirectional bonds
(C) high solubilities in polar solvents and low solubilities
in nonpolar solvents
(D) three-dimentional network structures, and are
good conductors of electricity in the molten state.

54. Which of the following do not exists ?

(A) SH6 (B) HFO4 (C) Fel3 (D) HClO3

51. In which of the following cases, the number of

lone pair on the central atom is two.
(A) XeF2 (B) XeF4
(C) ICl2 (D) SO2Cl2 55. The species which contain an odd number of
Sol. valance electrons and are paramagnetic :
(A) NO (B) NO2 (C) ClO2 (D) N2O4

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IVRS No. 0744-2439051, 0744-2439052, 0744-2439053 www.motioniitjee.com, email-info@motioniitjee.com

56. Among the following, the element which show 60. Which of the following factors are responsible for
inert-pair effect are. origination of van der Waals forces?
(A) Bi (B) Sn (A) Instantaneous dipole-induced dipole interaction
(C) Pb (D) C (B) Dipole-induced dipole interaction and ion-induced
Sol. dipole interaction
(C) Dipole-dipole interaction and ion-induced dipole
(D) Small size of molecule

57. Which of the following have an (18 + 2) electron

configuration ? 61. Which of the following are true?
(A) Pb2+ (B) Cd2+ (A) Van der Waals forces are responsible for the
(D) Bi (D) SO42– formation of molecular crystals
Sol. (B) Branching lowers the boiling points of isomeric
organic compounds due to decrease in vander Waals
forces of attraction
(C) In graphite, van der Waals forces act between
the carbon layers
(D) In diamond, van der Waals forces act between
the carbon layers

58. Which of the following pair of species is/are having

same bond order and same magnetic moment.
(A) He–H and H2– (B) O2+ and NO
+ +
(C) He2 and Li2 (D) N2+ and N2–
62. When H+ is going to be added to the PO53–, then
the obtained formula will not have the structure of
(A) (B)
59. Which of the following oxyacids of sulphur contain
S – S bonds ? (C) P (D)
(A) H2S2O8 (B) H2S2O6 O O O O
(C) H2S2O4 (D) H2S2O5
Sol. Sol.

394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No. 0744-2439051, 0744-2439052, 0744-2439053 www.motioniitjee.com, email-info@motioniitjee.com

63. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding increases the 67. Which of the following are paramagnetic?
enthalpy of vapourization of a liquid due to the: (A) B2 (B) O2 (C) N2 (D) He2
(A) decrease in the attraction between molecules Sol.
(B) increase in the attraction between molecules
(C) decrease in the molar mass of unassociated liquid
(D) increase in the effective molar mass of hydrogen
- bonded molecules

68. Which of the following species have a bond order

of 3 ?
(A) CO (B) CN– (C) NO+ (D) O 2

64. Wh ic h o f the fo llowing mo lec ules have

intermolecular hydrogen bonds ?
(A) KH2PO4 (B) H3BO3
(C) C6H5CO2H (D) CH3OH

69. Among the following, the species with one

unpaired electron are:
(A) O 2 (B) NO (C) O 2– (D) B2

65. Intramolecular hydrogen bonds occur in :

(A) 2-chlorophenol
(B) salicylic acid
(C) the enol form of acetylacetone
(D) paranitrophenol

70. Which of the following pairs have identical values

of bond order?
(A) N2 and O 2 (B) F2 and Ne2

(C) O 2–
2 and B2 (D) C2 and N2
66. Which of the following are diamagnetic ?
(A) C2 (B) O 2–
2 (C) Li2 (D) N2

394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No. 0744-2439051, 0744-2439052, 0744-2439053 www.motioniitjee.com, email-info@motioniitjee.com

71. Which of the following is correct ? 75. Choose the correct statements.
(A) CH3NCS molecule is linear
(A) During N2 formation, one electron is removed from
(B) SiH3NCS molecule is linear
the bonding molecular orbitals (C) GeH3NCS molecule is bent
(B) During O 2 formation, one electron is removed from (D) P(SiH3)3 molecule is pyramidal
the antibonding molecular orbitals.
(C) During O 2– formation, one electron is added to
the bonding molecular orbitals.
(D) During CN– formation, one electron is added to
the bonding molecular orbitals.
Sol. Reason-Assersion Type
In each question below a statement S and an
explanation E is given. Choose the correct answer
from the codes A, B, C, D given for each question.
(A) S is correct but E is wrong
(B) S is wrong but E is correct
(C) Both S and E are correct and E is correct
explanation of S
72. Which of the following species are linear ? (D) Both S and E are correct but E is not correct
explanation of S
(A) ICl2– (B) l3– (C) N3– (D) ClO2
1. (S) Among alkali metal cations, Li+(aq.) has highest
Sol. electrical conductance.
(E) Li+(aq.) is largest alkali metal cation because of
greater degree of hydration.

73. The structure of XeF6 is : 2. (S) Although PF5, PCl5 and PBr5 are known, the
(A) pentagonal bipyramidal (B) distorted octahedral penta halide of nitrogen have not been observed.
(C) capped octahedral (D) square pyramidal (E) Phosphorus has lower electronegativity than
Sol. nitrogen

3. (S) Al(OH)3 is amphoteric in nature.

74. sp3 hybridisation is in : (E) Al– O and O – H bonds can be broken with equal
ease in Al(OH)3
(A) AlH4– (B) CH3– (C) ClO 2– (D) NH2– Sol.

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4. (S) HNO3 is a stronger acid than HNO2 9. (S) Super oxide ion is paramagnetic whereas
(E) In HNO3, there are two N–O bonds whereas in peroxide ion is diamagnetic.
HNO2 there is only one. (E) Super oxide ion has one unpaired electron whereas
Sol. per oxide ion has no unpaired electron.

5. (S) P–Cl bond in PCl3 and PCl5 had different bond

(E) P in PCl3 and PCl5 is sp3 - hybridised.

10. (S) PCl3 on hydrolysis gives OH – P – OH and

6. (S) The first ionisation energy of N is greater than O. OH – P – OH

(E) N atom has half filled P-orbitals OH
Sol. (E ) H 3 PO 3 e xists in two tautom eric for ms :

HO – P – OH HO – P – OH

7. (S) Between SiCl4 and CCl4 only SiCl4 reacts with
water at room temperature.
(E) SiCl4 is ionic and CCl4 is covalent.

11. (S) C3O2 has linear structure

(E) Each C atom in C3O2 is sp-hybridised.
8. (S) H 2 molecule is more stable than He – H Sol.
(E) The antibonding electron in He – H molecule
decreases the bond order and there by the stability.

394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
IVRS No. 0744-2439051, 0744-2439052, 0744-2439053 www.motioniitjee.com, email-info@motioniitjee.com

12. (S) HCHO has sp2-hybridised carbon and the 16. (S) The melting point of LiCl is lower than that of
following geometry : H NaCl
(E) LiCl has predominantly covalent nature, whereas
116° C = O NaCl is ionic.
H 122° Sol.

(E) The bond angles are changed due to multiple bond-

bond pair repulsion.

17. (S) NH3 and CH3– both have pyramidal shape.

(E) N in NH3 and C in CH3– both have sp3- hybridisation

with one lone pair of electron on each.
13. (S) In case of pure atomic orbitals overlap having
same internuclear distance the relative strength order
is s – s > s – p > p – p.
(E) The radial distance of 's'-orbital is less compared
to that of p-orbital for a particular value of principal
quantum number.

18. (S) The bond angle in H2O is greater than H2S.

(E) H-bonding does not occur in H2S due to low
electronegativity of S.

14. (S) Boron does not show univalent nature but

unipositive nature of thallium is quite stable.
(E) Inert pair effect predominates in thallium.

19. (S) The bond angle in BF3 is smaller that in BF4–

(E) BF3 has sp2-hybridisation, whereas BF4– has sp3-

15. (S) BeCl2 can not be easily hydrolysed.
(E) BeCl2 is electron deficient compound.

20. (S) H3BO3 in water behaves as monobasic acid.

(E) the ionisation reaction is :
H3BO3 + H2O B(OH)–4 + H+

394 - Rajeev Gandhi Nagar Kota, Ph. No. 0744-2209671, 93141-87482, 93527-21564
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Sol. Sol.

21. (S) H2SO4 in more viscous than water.

(E) In H2SO4, S has highest oxidation state.
25. (S) F3– ion is known, which has same geometry as

X 3– ( X  Cl, Br, I)
(E) F is most electronegative element.

22. (S) White phosphorus is less stable where as red

phosphorus is more stable.
(E) White phosphorus exist an individual P4 having
more strained geometery while red phosphorus has P4
tetrahedron structure linked together. Match the Column
Sol. 1. Match the Column
Column-I Column-II
(A) I2Cl6 (P) All atoms are sp3 hybridised
(B) SiC (Q) have non planar structure
(C) Al2(CH3)6 (R) have 3c - 4e bonds
(D) S3O9 (S) have 3c - 2e bonds

23. (S) HgCl2 and SnCl2 exist together in an aqueous

(E) SnCl2 is a strong reducing agent.

24. (S) The p-isomer of dichlorobenzene has higher

melting point than o-and m-isomer.
(E) p-isomer is symmetrical and thus shows more
closely packed structure.

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Column-I Column-II Passage-1
(A) ICl3 (P) Hybridisation of central atom is Hydrogen bonding originates from the dipole-dipole
similar in both dimer and monomer interaction between H-atom and any of the other
form. atom like F, O, N and in some cases with Cl atom.
There are two types of H-bonding like intermolecular
(B) AlCl3 (Q) Both monomer and dimer forms are
and intramolecular H-bonding
1. Which of the following molecule does not consist
(C) AlF3 (R) In dimer form all atoms are sp3 of intramolecular H-bonding.
hybridised. (A) Chloral (B) Chloral hydrate
(D) NO2 (S) Does not exist in dimer form (C) ortho hydroxy benzaldehyde
Sol. (D) ortho chlorophenol

2. Which of the following plot for  (density) v/s T

(temperature) for liquid H2O is correct.

(A) (B)
4ºC 4ºC
0ºC T 0ºC T
3. Match the Column
Column-I Column-II
(Type of orbital) (Orbitals involved in hybridisation)

(A) dZ2  orbital (P) sp3 (Tetrahedral) (C) (D)

4ºC 4ºC
(B) s - orbital (Q) sp3d2 (Octahedral) 0ºC T 0ºC T
(C) dx 2  y2 3
(R) sp d (TBP)
(D) py - orbital (S) dsp2 (square planar)

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3. Which of following statement is incorrect

(A) Boiling point of H2O2 is greater that of H2O
(B) Ethylene glycol is less viscous than glycerol.
(C) o-nitrophenol can be separated from its meta and
para isomer using its steam volatile property.
(D) In ice each 'O' atom is tetrahedrally arranged by
four H-atoms which are all equidistant.
Sol. Passage-3
Hybridisation is the mixing of atomic orbital of
comparable energy and the number of hybrid orbitals
formed is equal to the number of pure atomic orbitals
mixed up and hybrid orbitals are occupied by -bond
pair and lone pair.
1. Which of the following geometry is most likely to
not form from sp3d hybridisation of the central atom.
(A) Linear (B) Tetrahedral
(C) T-Shaped (D) See-Saw
Phosphorus forms different halide compounds with
halogens. In crystalline state some of them exist as
ion pairs.
1. What is hybridisation of central atom of anionic
part of PBr5 in crystalline state.
(A) sp2 (B) sp3 (C) sp (D ) n ot

2. The orbital is not participated in sp3d2 hybridisation.

(A) px (B) dxy (C) dx 2  y2 (D) pz


2. What is the difference between bond angles in

cationic species of PCl5 and PBr5 in solid state.
(A) 60º (B) 109º28' (C) 0º (D) 90º

3. "The hybrid orbitals are at angle of Xº to one

another " this statement is not valid for which of the
following hybridisation.
(A) sp3 (B) sp2 (C) sp3d2 (D) sp
3. All possible bond angles in anionic part of PCl5 are :
(A) 109º28' (B) 90º, 180º
(C) 90º, 120º, 180º (D) 72º, 90º, 180º

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