Ritual To Use The Seals of Solomon

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Ritual to use the Seals of Solomon: by Tristan Butler

This ritual gives you the power to use the Seals of Solomon as given in The Key of Solomon the King to benefit yourself and
those around you. I originally was going to craft a separate charging sigil for each planet and it's respective sigils but it turned
out that I created (or was given) a universal sigil, for use with all of the Seals of Solomon. This ritual is longer than most and a
bit more involved, but I wrote down what I received. I wrote what came to me.

This sigil works to charge and consecrate the talisman. There is powerful protection built into this charging sigil. Please enjoy
the magick and I look forward to seeing your results!

1. Scan the talisman you will be using, taking in all the words and shapes. Hebrew is read from right to left.

2. Scan the stars on the outside. First top, then bottom, then right, then left. Then say: I greet the four corners.


A. Lean forward to the top star and intone in a whisper URIEL and breathe onto the star, giving it your life force.

B. Lean forward to the bottom star and intone in a whisper RAPHAEL and breathe onto the star, giving it your life force.

C. Lean forward to the right star and intone in a whisper

MICHAEL and breathe onto the star, giving it your life force.
D. Lean forward to the left star and intone in a whisper GABRIEL and breathe onto the star, giving it your life force.

E. Gaze into the triangle for a few moments and know it is a doorway to the Infinite Source.

Then lean forward and breathe onto the triangle and intone in a whisper EE-AH-OH-EH. Then say, "I greet the Source of the
Infinity that I AM."

4. Next, visualize a cold, dark, windswept, desolate and dreary landscape. You stand in this landscape amidst barren trees.
This represents your current lack of what you desire. It also represents the intensity of your desire and the lack you feel. This
represents that you have no idea how your desire will be fulfilled, there is no light, no path, no guideposts. You are lost and

Yet, you remember that you aren't helpless. You remember that regardless of the state of your external circumstances, you are
the Universal Dreamer dreaming this all into existence. You are the Power and Light of the Infinite. You are the manifestation of
the Omnipotent Source. Remembering this, you say:

"I am the Alpha and the Omega. The Beginning and the End. I am the Truth. The Way. The Light."

Suddenly you see large double doors appear. Ornate or simple as you like. Visualize yourself walking up to the doors and as
you do so raise your hands in front of you, hands together as if in prayer, then spread them apart as if you are opening the
curtains. As you do so, the double doors open and bright, brilliant, rich golden light and warmth flow out to greet you. Notice
what you see on the other side of the threshold. You may see a field of flowers, a beautiful garden of roses, a quiet and
peaceful lake or really anything.

Your subconscious is speaking to you at this point so listen in and really notice what you see. Step through the threshold into
this peaceful and abundant place. Once over the threshold, the doorway vanishes and you are surrounded by this peaceful and
abundant place.

Feel infinite gratitude for this abundance. And feel that your intention for the ritual you are about to perform is fulfilled just as
easily as you crossed this threshold. Feel gratitude, love, and joy. Then say:

"I am a path for the pathless. I am the light in the darkness. My will is the sword of truth that shatters the chains of bondage."
Now visualize yourself and the scenery all gradually dissolve into a bright white radiance.

5. Now scan the circles around the outside of the triangle. After scanning say:

In the name of:


And by the power of:


I call forth the Light of Life from the highest source of the universe to awaken and bring forth the powers contained within this

(At this point you can call to the powers and names listed in the talisman if there are any or read the psalm that circles around
the outside of the talisman. Or you can just say the call above and leave it at that. In order to get the names of the angels and
words of the psalm I recommend reading The Key of Solomon the King.)

6. Now visualize a bright golden ball of light as bright and powerful as the sun. It is full of primordial heat and radiance and as it
enters the talisman, see the talisman light up and come to life. Shining like the sun. Feel it's radiance fill the room you are in or
the surrounding area. Know that the powers of the talisman are now aware of you and awaiting your commands. And say:

"Ancient Powers, given life by my breath and power by my voice, I call upon you to fulfill my will as you were created to do."

(Know that if these powers weren't created to fulfill our will they never would have been allowed to be released to humanity.
Release any fear or unworthiness you may have. You are an infinite being created in the image and power of God. Placed on
this Earth to enact your Will in all that is pleasing to you.)

7. My will is ______________ (narrow it down to 2 or 3 sentences. Repeat your will 3 times.)

I seal this command with the words of power:


8. Flip the talisman over and write your name on the back of it. If it's metal and you cant write your name, simply lay your right
hand on it (If it's a double sided metal talisman with another talisman on the back, you can still do this, just ignore that image.) If
you're creating the talisman for someone else, lay your hand on it and focus on the other person and their need. After you do
this flip the talisman back over and say:


Now keep the talisman on the paper (if it separates while moving it, it is fine) and move it to a secret and safe location where it
will remain for 24 hours. If you have a clean white linen cloth then you can cover it with that, if not don't worry about it.

After 24 hours is up you can either keep it in that location or take it and carry it with you. Or if the talisman says to place it on
someone or reveal the image to someone (as in the Venus pentacle) you can do that. Otherwise, the talisman can remain right
there in that secret place, laying on the triangle because the talismans work on the astral plane beyond time and space.
Whether you carry them with you or not it does not matter. Quantum Physics states basically that once we have interacted with
someone or something, we are forever connected and "entangled" with them on an energetic level.

Time and space don't exist. You ARE this universe. The talisman can stay there and still work it's power as easily as you can
work a spell for someone distant and get results. A talisman is merely a spell in image form, given life and direction by your

Once the Talisman has fulfilled it's purpose and fulfilled your desire you take the talisman and the paper with the triangle on it,
place it before you and say:

I thank thee cosmic powers. My will is now fulfilled. All forces, entities, and energies shall go about their business until once
again I call. Go in peace! Shalom!

You can now burn it or bury it. If you burn it, exercise caution with the fire, be safe. If you bury it, be sure no one will find or
disturb it in the near future.

This is the end of the ritual.

As a final note each planet has a corresponding day, color, and incense. If you utilize and incorporate these it will raise the
energy and power of the ritual. It isn't necessary, but it can help. If you don't have the corresponding planetary color candle or
incense, a simple, white candle and Frankincense incense will work just fine. If you can't do it on the corresponding day, just do
it whenever.

For example if you are doing a ritual to Jupiter, the best day to perform the ritual would be Thursday. For a Jupiter ritual you
can use a blue candle and for incense you can use Sage, Cedar, Nutmeg, Ash, Basil, or of course, Frankincense.

I will not list all of the candle color and incense correspondences here. You can find them freely on Google.

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