Cordeiro 2011
Cordeiro 2011
Cordeiro 2011
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Ottawa, 451 Smyth Road, Ottawa, K1H 8M5, Canada
Received: August 18, 2010; Accepted: September 9, 2010; Revised: October 16, 2010
Abstract: The chicken eggshell and its membranes are an inexpensive and abundant waste material which exhibit
interesting characteristics for many potential applications. The eggshell is formed mainly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3)
and is used widely as an animal feed, lime (Ca(OH)2) substitute or a fertilizer. Moreover, the associated eggshell
membranes have a high content of bioactive components, as well as properties of moisture retention and biodegradability
which have potential use for clinical, comestic, nutraceutical and nanotechnology applications. The eggshell membranes
have been also used for biosorption of heavy metals and dyes and as a template to synthesize metal nanoparticles. The
combination of nanosized calcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) biomaterials synthesized from eggshell and eggshell membrane
show promise to develop drug delivery system and nanowires for electronic devices. In addition, a derived product, the
soluble eggshell membrane protein (SEP) has applications in tissue engineering. This review discusses the patented
applications of eggshell membrane waste: shell and membrane for the last 10 years as well as their future applications.
Keywords: Bioremediation, clinical, collagen, cosmetics, eggshell membrane, nanotechnology, nutraceutical and shell.
Fig. (1). Scanning electron micrographs illustrating the morphology of the eggshell and eggshell membranes. (A) Eggshell cross-fractured to
reveal the shell membrane (SM), mammillary layer (ML) and palisade layer (PL); (B) higher magnification of the membrane/mammillary
body interface. Outer shell membrane fibres (OSM) insert into the tips of the mammillary bodies (MB). Inner shell membranes (ISM); (C)
Enlargement of the shell membrane fibres (SMF), revealing their interwoven and coalescing nature; (D) inner aspect of the inner shell
membrane (ISM), demonstrating the limiting membrane (LM) that surrounds the egg white (here removed) during sample preparation. Scale
bars: a, 50 μm; b, 20 μm; C and D, 2 μm.
Reprinted from Matrix Biology,19, Hincke MT, Gautron J, Panheleux M, Garcia-Ruiz J, McKee MD, Nys Y, Identification and localization
of lysozyme as a component of eggshell membranes and eggshell matrix, 443-453, Copyright (2000), with permission from Elsevier.
Table 1. Relevant Patents for Shell and Membranes.
Separation of membranes and shell from hatchery eggshell waste by particle size reducing [12]
Separation of membranes and shell with processing chamber impact zone [13]
Separation of membranes and shell with pulsed energy separation unit [14]
Separation of membranes and shell using solutions of EDTA and hexane [17]
(Table 2) [33, 44] who patented a device for abrading the useful amounts of a large number of microelements such as
membrane from shell and a tank with water where the strontium (Sr), fluorine (F) and selenium (Se) [48]. The
eggshell and membranes are passively separated. The health benefits of consuming chicken eggshell powder as a
eggshell particles tend to settle to the bottom of the tank and calcium supplement have shown significant and beneficial
the membrane remains in the liquid. After that, two devices results for decreasing bone loss. Clinical studies with post-
communicate with the tank: one for shell recovery and other menopausal women and in persons with osteoporosis or
for membranes recovery. Some optimization for eggshell osteopenia showed that the intake of calcium extracted from
membrane separation was developed using a vacuum suction chicken eggshell powder is associated with increases in bone
system to recover hatchery waste shells from live chicks and mineral density (BMD) of hips and lumbar spine [48, 49].
unhatched eggs [12] or even using a processing chamber to Eggshell powder has also been compared to purified calcium
create impact zone conditions where the size of remaining carbonate as a calcium source in animal feed for piglets [50].
eggshell is reduced [13]. Moreover, the separation of shell A heating process was developed to obtain eggshell powder
from membranes in the liquid medium was also improved from waste eggshell in order to use as a calcium supplement
with the application of a pulsed energy separation system in food and drink [22] Table 2. A patented process claims the
[14] or the application of cavitation [15]. The use of multiple use of food grade hydrochloric acid to extract calcium
overlap-ping vanes of defined specific gravity in the interior carbonate from eggshell providing calcium carbonate
of tanks where the membranes are separated from shell product without heavy metals in its composition for clinical
mineral allows total recovery of membrane and shell [16]. A and nutraceutical applications [23]. The eggshell powder
chemical method to separate the membrane from shell waste is also a source for the synthesis of new compounds
involving the use of a combination of EDTA and hexane has such as calcium glutamate which can be used as calcium
been patented [17]. Separation of eggshell into its mineral supplement, salt substitute and flavoring agent [24].
and membrane constituents allows different applications for Monocalcium and dicalcium phosphate were produced using
each material to be developed. For example, the membrane- eggshell and can be used as calcium and phosphate
free shell powder can be used in the paper industry as supplements for farm animal feed [25]. New organic calcium
coating pigments for ink-jet printing paper [46], as chalk for with good absorption by the human body such as calcium
drawing on blackboard which does not chap the skin fumarate and calcium maleate were obtained using eggshell
compared to the common chalk [21] or in agriculture as lime [26]. Eggshell as a bone substitute suitable for grafting to
substitute [47]. promote bone healing has been explored in animal models
using rat calvaria and cranial defects in rabbits [51, 52]. A
II. NUTRACEUTICAL & CLINICAL APPLICATIONS chemical extraction of active polypeptides from soft and
hard eggshell tissue was patented [27] for application to
Shell stimulate osteoblast growth. These eggshell polypeptides
Eggshell is a great source of dietary calcium; it is showed potential benefit on osteoblast cell growth which
composed of about 39% elemental Ca which also contains suggests a possible oral medication for treatment of bone
Synthesis of ceramic powder containing hydroxyapatite nanoparticles from calcined eggshell [32]
4 Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, 2011, Vol. 3, No. 1 Cordeiro and Hincke
Extraction of bioactive components from membranes with anti- inflammatory properties [35,36]
Membranes as template for carbon doped TiO2 porous nanometer photocatalyst [41]
Therapeutic, nutraceutical and cosmetics applications for eggshell membrane and processed eggshell membrane [44]
Applications for Eggshell & Membranes Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, 2011, Vol. 3, No. 1 5
acid wastewater. Carbonate hydroxylapatite (CHAP) and chitosan [18]. Moreover, eggshell has also been patented
(Ca5(PO4CO3)3OH) synthesized using eggshell waste also as cosmetic products such as a facial cleansing agent [30]
shows high affinity for heavy metals including cadmium, and friction agent [31]. Eggshell particles showed better effi-
copper and lead ions present in aqueous solution [63, 64]. ciency to remove sebum and dust from clogged skin pores in
The carbon doped TiO2 porous nanometer photocatalyst can comparison to other facial cleansers.
be successfully applied to degrade organic contaminants in
Shell and eggshell membranes have been a starting point
Eggshell membranes can be used as natural solid phase for synthesis of new biomaterials. The synthesis of bioactive
support for biomimetic chemical processing in a variety of materials based on calcium phosphate (CaP) structures using
nanotechnology applications. Many studies have shown the eggshell as the main source of calcium have been employed
use of eggshell membrane to synthesize metal nanoparticles in many clinical applications [70-72]. Among many CaP
(NPs) of various core sizes which have many applications structures, hydroxyapatite (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 is well known
for catalysis, medical imaging and optics [65-68]. For as a biocompatible material with chemical similarity to the
instance; barium nano-structures of chromate (BaCrO4) may mineral component of bones and teeth. The hydroxyapatite
be synthesized using eggshell membrane as a biotemplate produced from eggshell has been used as bioinert implants,
[65]. In situ synthesis of lead sulphide (PbS) nanoclusters for prosthetics and bone filler [72, 73]. Moreover, when hydro-
optoelectronics applications has been achieved on eggshell xyapatite is synthesized as nanostructures, the biocom-
membrane fibres [66]. In a study, thin films with a macro- patibility of hydroxyapatite is enhanced with a consequent
porous network structure made up of crystalline ZrO2 were increase in the range of applications [74]. For instance,
synthesized using eggshell membrane template. ZrO2 was eggshell-derived hydroxyapatite nanoparticles have been
coated onto eggshell membranes by the sol-gel minerali- used as a scaffold for tissue engineering, suitable drug
zation method. The assembly of biotemplate and sol-gel delivery agent and as carriers for non-viral gene delivery
approach is very effective since the synthetic metal oxides [74-76]. The synthesis of hydroxyapatite nanopowders from
with similar structure to natural metal oxides can be eggshell and also mollusk shells using mechanochemical
produced [67, 68]. In another application, electrodialysis of activation was developed [77]. Nano-hydroxyapatite can also
racemic mixtures of amino acids through eggshell mem- be produced from calcined eggshell by a hydrothermal
branes resulted in selective chiral separation [69]. A patent method with a cationic surfactant template [74]. The produc-
claims the use of eggshell membrane as template for pre- tion of ceramic powder containing nano-hydroxyapatite
paring a carbon doped TiO2 porous nanometer photocatalyst particles from calcined eggshell for use as a bone substitute
[41]. is the subject of a patent claim [32]. Nanocrystalline
hydroxyapatite synthesized from eggshell waste showed
V. COSMETICS improvements in some properties such as stability at high
temperatures and osteoblast cell adhesion compared to syn-
Eggshell membranes are a potential source of bioactive thetic and commercial hydroxyapatite [78]. Eggshell mem-
proteins, proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans which are brane has been employed as a biotemplate for the develop-
associated with the fibers composed of collagen types I, V ment of metallic nanostructures such as a Tris (8-
and X. These compounds are present in eggshell membrane hydroxyquinoline) aluminum (III) (Alq3) nanowires [79].
in significant amounts compared to other known sources and Alq3 nanowires can be used as building blocks for electronic
may require less processing to isolate them [4, 44]. Collagen devices [80]. A combination of hydroxyapatite and
extracted from eggshell membrane has potential applications nanoribbon spherulites treated with fluorescein using
in food, cosmetic and biomedical industries due to its tested eggshell membrane template might be a promising candidate
safety properties including low autoimmune and allergic for a delivery system to be used for medical and pharma-
reactions compared to collagen extracted from other sources ceutical uses [81]. Hydroxyapatite nanoribbon spherites were
[33]. Many cosmetics are based on eggshell membrane and also used to produce nanocomposite spheres containing
collagens which are hydrolysed to generate an eggshell silver nanoparticles using eggshell membrane as template.
membrane hydrolysate. Such a hydrolysate is composed of These nanocomposite spheres formed with hydroxyapatite
hexosamine, chondroitin sulfate, hyaluronic acid, collagen, improve the antibacterial effect of silver nanoparticles [82].
and/or other proteins and has been the main composition of
some cosmetics for example: emulsion, cold cream or
powder makeup [44]. In other patents, eggshell membrane
hydrolysate was used to produce cosmetics possessing great The eggshell membrane is a promising natural bioma-
promise to prevent the formation of skin wrinkles [43] as terial which can be used for nutraceutical, clinical,
well as improvement of the elasticity and thickness of skin bioremediation, chemical process support and cosmetic
[42]. Combining various active compounds is becoming a applications. Despite its many virtues, the shape, size and
trend to enhance the efficacy of cosmetic products and has thickness of eggshell membranes cannot be modified, and
become more attractive for large scale commercialization. insolubility due to the presence of disulfide bounds in its
For instance, a patent claims that a water soluble bio-cream / molecular structure considerably reduces the range of
bio-lotion which activates skin can be produced by com- eggshell membrane applications [83]. However, many
bining lactic acid - treated pulverized eggshell membrane studies have considered a soluble eggshell membrane protein
6 Recent Patents on Food, Nutrition & Agriculture, 2011, Vol. 3, No. 1 Cordeiro and Hincke
(SEP) as an alternative biomaterial [84, 85].The preparation [14] Oren, E. Eggshell membranes and eggshells separation system
of SEP is based on the dissolution of eggshell membrane by comprises supply conduit, pulsed energy separation unit, and
separator for separating membranes from liquid medium.
reductive cleavage of disulfide bonds [83] and causes US126912 (2010).
modification of the morphology, thickness and solubility of [15] Vlad, V. Eggshell membrane separation method. US7584909
the eggshell membrane. SEP has been extensively used in (2009).
tissue engineering and in the biomedical field [83, 86]. [16] Floh, R.V., Jalfen, S.L. Apparatus for separating the organic
membrane portion and the mineral portion of broken egg shells.
Another future potential application for eggshell membranes US206009 (2009).
is in the pharmaceutical domain, since Ovocalyxin-36 [17] Nakkarike, M.S., Narayan, B., Patiram, Z.S., Namadev, S.M.
(OCX-36), a novel potential antibacterial protein associated Process for separation of shell membrane from wet egg shells.
with the eggshell membrane was recently identified. IN00315 (2006).
Analysis of its protein sequence showed significant identity [18] Yozo, I. Moisturising lotion or cream contg. aminoacid - is prepd.
by adding chitosan to soln. obtd. by diluting eggshell with water or
to mammalian lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP), ethanol. JP7223935 (1995).
bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (BPI), and Plunc [19] Kura, Y., Nagao, T., Toru, F. Method for producing flowable
family proteins that are all known to be important elements formulation using eggshell, use method and removal method after
of the innate immune response [87]. However, a better use. JP8137900 (2008).
[20] Arias, J.L., Quijada, R., Toro, P., Yazdani-Pedram, M. Polypro-
understanding of the properties of the purified protein are pylene composites with reinforcement based on eggshells:
required to define potential therapeutic applications of procedure to obtain the said composite, reinforcement based on
OCX-36. eggshells, and procedure for obtaining it. US7459492 (2008).
[21] Simo, H. Chalk for drawing picture on blackboard, is obtained by
removing egg membrane from eggshell, drying, grinding, mixing
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS sizing agent with ground product, and solidifying. JP120280
The authors would like to thank the support provided by (2005).
[22] Kimura, Y. Eggshell powder useful as calcium supplement in pet
the Canadian Natural Sciences and Engineering Research foods, tablet, foodstuff and drink, obtained by heat-processing shell
Council, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural of hen's egg, removing thin layer and obtaining fine powder of the
Affairs, and the Poultry Industry Council. eggshell. JP017827 (2008).
[23] Yu, J. Biological calcium carbonate extract for medical, health-
care, and food additives, comprises eggshell or shell, and edible
CONFLICT OF INTEREST hydrochloric acid. CN101554387 (2009).
[24] Wang, J., Wei, Y. Synthesis of calcium glutamate chelate for use as
The authors declare no conflict of interest. calcium supplement, salt substitute and flavoring agent comprises
using shell processing waste as calcium source, reacting glutamic
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