Shinn Your Word Is Your Wand PDF
Shinn Your Word Is Your Wand PDF
Shinn Your Word Is Your Wand PDF
Published 1928
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I said: ʺWe bless the two dollars and know that you have
the magic purse of the Spirit; it can never be depleted; as
money goes out, immediately money comes in, under grace
in perfect ways.
Jesus Christ said: ʺYe shall know the Truth and the Truth
shall make you free.ʺ
Soon the sun came out, for man has dominion over ʺthe
elements—over all created things.ʺ
Every man has power to lift the fog in his life. It may be a
fog of lack of money, love, happiness or health.
I gave him the statement: ʺBehold I have set before thee the
open door of destiny and no man shall shut it!ʺ
She was working for a small salary when she read my book,
The Game of Life and How to Play It. The thought came in a
flash, to start in business for herself and open a Tearoom
and Candy Shop.
The idea staggered her at first, but it persisted, so she boldly
went forth and procured a shop and assistants.
She ʺspoke the word for supply,ʺ for she did not have
money to back her enterprise. It came in miraculous ways,
and the shop opened!
From the first day it was filled with people, and now it is
ʺcrammed jammedʺ; they stand in line and wait.
She says every morning she enters the shop with wonder
and gives thanks that she had the fearless faith that wins!
The decks are now cleared for Divine Action and my own
comes to me under grace in a magical way.
My seeming impossible good now comes to pass, the
unexpected now happens!
I sweep all before me for I work with the Spirit and follow
the Divine Plan of my life.
Behold! I have set before thee the open door of Destiny and
no man shall shut it, for it is nailed back.
I banish the past and now live in the wonderful now, where
happy surprises come to me each day.
The genius within me is now released. I now fulfill my
I give thanks that the walls of Jericho fall down and all lack,
limitation and failure are wiped out of my consciousness in
the name of Jesus Christ.
Doors fly open, gates are lifted and I enter the Kingdom of
fulfillment, under grace.
New fields of Divine activity now open for me and these
fields are white with the harvest.
I do not resist this situation. I put it in the hands of Infinite
Love and Wisdom. Let the Divine idea now come to pass.
What God has done for others He can do for me and more!
(See also The Game of Life and How to Play It.)
Man comes into the world financed by God, with all that he
desires or requires already on his pathway.
I now draw from the abundance of the spheres my
immediate and endless supply. All channels are free!
All that is mine by Divine Right is now released and reaches
me in great avalanches of abundance, under grace in
miraculous ways.
All channels are free and all doors fly open for my
immediate and endless, Divinely Designed supply.
Unexpected doors fly open, unexpected channels are free,
and endless avalanches of abundance are poured out upon
me, under grace in perfect ways.
In that wonderful moving picture, ʺThe Thief of Bagdad,ʺ
we were told in letters of light that happiness must be earned!
The man died and left part of his estate to a relative. The
woman was filled with resentment. She lost weight, was
unable to do her work, developed gall‐stones and became
very ill.
My happiness is Godʹs affair, therefore, no one can
My heartʹs desire is a perfect idea in Divine Mind,
incorruptible and indestructible, and now comes to pass,
under grace in a magical way.
With love usually comes terrific fear. Nearly every woman
comes into the world with a mythical woman in the back of
her mind who is to rob her of her love.
The Light of the Christ within now wipes out all fear,
doubt, anger and resentment. Godʹs love pours through
me, an irresistible magnetic current. I see only perfection
and draw to me my own.
Unless marriage is built upon the rock of oneness it cannot
stand; ʺTwo souls with but a single thought, two hearts that
beat as one.ʺ
The poet understood this, for unless man and wife are
living the same thoughts (or living in the same thought
world), they must inevitably drift apart.
Whenever the wife went out she haunted the Five and Ten
Cent Stores.
These two are one in their thought worlds. These are the
two ʺwhom God has joined together and no man shall (or
can) part asunder.ʺ ʺThe twain shall be made one,ʺ for in
the superconscious mind of each is the same Divine Plan.
ʺThe twain shall be made oneʺ now and for all eternity.
I call on the law of forgiveness. I am free from mistakes and
the consequences of mistakes. I am under grace and not
under karmic law.
There is never a slip ’twixt the right cup and the right lip.
It is dark before the dawn but the dawn never fails. Trust in
the dawn.
Never do today what intuition says to do tomorrow.
Be not weary of make‐believing. When you least expect it
you shall reap.
Before you call you are answered, for the supply precedes
the demand.
Sorrow and disappointment follow in the wake of deceit
and subterfuge. The way of the transgressor is hard. ʺNo
good thing will be withheld from him who walks uprightly.ʺ
Hope looks forward, Faith knows it has already received and
acts accordingly.
Adverse appearances work for my good, for God utilizes
every person and every situation to bring to me my heartʹs
I am the North!
Thy Kingdom is come, Thy will is done in me and my
What God has given me can never be taken from me for His
gifts are for all eternity.
Godʹs plans for me are built upon a rock. What was mine in
the beginning, is mine now and ever shall be mine.
I now prepare for the fulfillment of my heartʹs desire. I
show God I believe His promise will be kept.
I give thanks that I now receive the righteous desires of my
I now stand aside and watch God work.
If man loses anything it shows there is a belief of loss in his
subconscious mind. As he erases this false belief, the article,
or its equivalent will appear on the external.
Several weeks elapsed. One day she was with a friend who
wore about her neck on a cord, a beautiful gold pencil, who
turned to her and said: ʺDo you want this pencil? I paid
fifty dollars for it at Tiffanyʹs.ʺ
If a man is in debt or people owe him money, it shows that
a belief of debt is in his subconscious mind.
A woman who lived in a country town wished to sell her
house and furniture. It was in the winter with snow so deep
it was almost impossible for cars or wagons to reach her
I give thanks that this article (or property) is now sold to the
right person or persons for the right price, giving perfect
Always on manʹs pathway is his message or his lead.
Your will, not my will; Your way not my way; Your time
not my time—and in the twinkling of an eye it is done!
She entered and asked the price. The salesman said it was
worth a thousand dollars but the woman who owned it was
willing to take less. The man added: ʺWhat will you offer
for it?ʺ The woman paused and the price ʺTwo hundred
dollarsʺ came into her mind, so she answered: ʺTwo
hundred dollars.ʺ The man said he would let her know if
the offer were satisfactory.
Several days elapsed when she was notified that the woman
was willing to sell the cabinet for two hundred dollars.
ʺExcept the Lord build the house, they labor in vain that
build it.ʺ (Psalm 127‐1.)
ʺGod is the only power and that power is within me. There
is only one plan, Godʹs plan, and that plan now comes to
All doors now open for happy surprises and the Divine
Plan of my life is speeded up under grace.
When man is harmonious and happy he is healthy! All
sickness comes from sin or violation of Spiritual Law.
Jesus Christ said: ʺBe thou healed, your sins are forgiven.ʺ
Resentment, ill‐will, hate, fear, etc., etc., tear down the cells
of the body and poison the blood. (See The Game of Life and
How to Play It.)
Thou in me art:
Eternal life.
(Imperfect vision. Correspondences—Fear, suspicion, seeing
obstacles. Watching for unhappy events to come to pass—living
in the past or future—not living in the NOW.)
I have the crystal clear vision of the Spirit, I see clearly the
open road. There are no obstacles on my pathway. I now
see miracles and wonders come to pass.
I give thanks for my perfect sight. I see God in every face, I
see good in every situation.
My ears are the ears of Spirit. The Light of the Christ now
streams through my ears dissolving all hardness or
(Correspondence—Fault finding, criticism, etc.)
(Correspondence—Jealousy, hatred, resentment, fear, etc., etc.)
(Correspondence—Fear, Anger, etc.)
Man is made in Godʹs likeness and image (Imagination) and
is given power and dominion over all created things.
Fire is manʹs friend and is always in its right place doing its
right work.
The Christ within now rebukes the winds and the waves
and there comes a great calm.
I see clearly peace established on land and sea.
The thing you dislike or hate will surely come upon you, for
when man hates, he makes a vivid picture in the
subconscious mind and it objectifies.
She was jealous and resentful and he passed out of her life.
ʺI know what trouble is!ʺ and then wait for their words of
She looked down and at her feet was a two dollar bill,
which she picked up.
The others, thinking lack, had passed over it, but at her
words of faith it unfurled. So with the opportunities in
life—one man sees, another passes by.
I gave her the statement: ʺI give thanks that the room is now
rented to the right and perfect man for the right price,
giving perfect satisfaction.ʺ
Several weeks elapsed but the room had not been rented.
with certainty.ʺ
Unless you become as a little child and dig your ditches you
shall in no wise enter the Kingdom of manifestation.
When man realizes this he loses all greed for money, and is
fearless in letting it go out.
With his magic purse of the Spirit, his supply is endless and
immediate, and he knows also that giving precedes receiving.
The last day of July she said: ʺOh God! maybe I havenʹt
given enough!ʺ So she tipped all the servants more than she
had intended.
The first of August, her hostess said to her: ʺMy dear, I want
to make you a gift,ʺ and she handed her a check for five
hundred dollars!
I serve only faith and my unlimited abundance is made
Reveal to me the way, let me see clearly the blessing which
Thou hast given me.
Since I am one with the Only Presence, I am one with my
heartʹs desire.
I now have the single eye of the Spirit and see only
Thou in me art completion. As I have asked I must receive.
The law of God is the law of increase and I give thanks for
increase under grace in perfect ways.
ʺIt shall not return unto me void but shall accomplish that
whereunto it is sent.ʺ (Isaiah 55‐11.)
ʺBut I say, have they not heard? Yes, verily, their sound
went into all the earth and their words unto the end of the
world.ʺ (Romans 10‐18.)