Smart Waste Management System Using Iot: Supervised By: Dr. A C
Smart Waste Management System Using Iot: Supervised By: Dr. A C
Smart Waste Management System Using Iot: Supervised By: Dr. A C
B.M RAKIB HASAN - 12321065
Supervised by:
Assistant Professor
Thesis report submitted to the BRAC University in accordance with the requirements of the degree of
Submitted On:
With the increasing population and industrialization of nations throughout the globe, waste has
become a great concern for all of us. Over years, researchers figured that only waste
management is not enough for its proper treatment and disposal techniques to preserve our
environment and keeping it clean in this era of globalization. With the help of technology
researchers have, introduced IoT based Smart Waste Management solutions and initiatives that
ensures reduced amount of time and energy required to provide waste management services
and reduce the amount of waste generated. Unfortunately, developing countries are not being
able to implement those existing solutions due to many factors like socio-economic
environment. Therefore, in this research we have concentrated our thought on developing a
smart IoT based waste management system for developing countries like Bangladesh that will
ensure proper disposal, collection, transportation and recycling of household waste with the
minimum amount of resources being available.
Numerous people have supported us during our research work. A few words’ mention here
cannot adequately capture all our appreciation.
We are very thankful to our thesis coordinator Dr.Amitabha Chakrabarty, Assistant Professor,
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, BRAC University for guiding us
throughout our thesis work. Due to his endless support and patience, we were able to achieve
our goals. We will always be grateful to him, for his kind words, his belief in us, his immense
support and guidance.
We are also grateful to Sayed Erfan Arefin and Fahim Azmain, students of BRAC University
for being with us throughout the thesis work.
Finally, yet importantly, we would like to thank our parents, our brothers and sisters, for all
their enduring support and always believing in us.
We hereby declare that this thesis is a presentation of our original work. Materials of work
found by other researchers are mentioned with due reference to the literature and
acknowledgement of collaborative research and discussions.
This work done under the guidance of Dr. Amitabha Chakrabarty, at the Department of
Computer Science and Engineering, BRAC University, Dhaka.
Date of Submission:08-July-2017
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1. INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Motivation ........................................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Thesis Contribution .......................................................................................................... 6
1.2.1 Problem Statement ........................................................................................................ 7
1.2.2 Solutions .................................................................................................................... 7
2. LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................... 8
2.1 Related Works .................................................................................................................. 8
2.2 Background Study ............................................................................................................ 8
2.2.1 Linear Regression .................................................................................................... 10
2.2.2 Decreasing-Time Algorithm .................................................................................... 11
2.3 Bio Degradable Oxy Bags .............................................................................................. 14
2.4 Using of Smart Bins .................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Smart Transport System ................................................................................................. 14
2.5 Recycling Waste ........................................................................................................ 15
3. RESEARCH DESIGN AND DATA COLLECTION ...................................................... 16
3.1 Study Area ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.2 MSW Generation and Characteristics ............................................................................ 17
3.3 Waste Handling Processing in Dhaka City .................................................................... 19
3.4 Collection of Solid Waste............................................................................................... 20
3.5 Solid Waste Generation in Bangladesh .......................................................................... 23
3.5.1 Solid Waste Generation Per Day ............................................................................. 23
3.6 Education Level of the Workers ..................................................................................... 23
3.7 Possible Sources of Waste .............................................................................................. 26
3.7.1 Commercial Sources ................................................................................................ 26
3.7.2 Household Waste ..................................................................................................... 26
3.7.3 Hospital and Clinic Waste ....................................................................................... 27
3.7.4 Tanning Waste ......................................................................................................... 27
4. Methodology ..................................................................................................................... 28
4.1 Algorithm for Automatic Employee Work Assign ........................................................ 28
4.2 Algorithm for Automatic Trucks/Collection Vehicle Assign ........................................ 30
4.3 Machine Learning Algorithms for Future Waste Prediction .......................................... 30
5. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS.......................................................................................... 34
6. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ......................................................................... 42
6.1 Future Work ................................................................................................................... 42
6.2 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................... 42
BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................................... 44
Figure List:
1. Fig: 01 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------10
2. Fig: 02 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------11
3. Fig: 03 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
4. Fig: 04 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
5. Fig: 05 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------14
10. Fig: 10 {Chemical composition in municipal solid waste in Dhaka city } -------------17
11. Fig: 11 {MSW management in Dhaka (adopted from Matter et al. (2013)} ---------- 18
12. Figure 12: Solid Waste Generation per Day in Tons --------------------------------------21
Table List:
1. Table 1: MSW composition (in %) at Dhaka between 1992 and 2005 --------------17
Waste management is one of the core concerns of modern age. As nations around the world
are developing, their concerns and accountability for a healthier and sustainable environment
is also increasing. While developed countries are inventing and implementing smart solutions
for waste management and bringing about huge positive impacts, waste management seems to
be a play out of the league for the under developed or developing countries. There are numerous
categories and each with different classifications of waste materials, like clinical to nuclear,
biodegradable to non-bio-degradable and common household to industrial toxic waste. While
developed countries are able to manage and treat these waste materials of different categories,
developing countries like India and Bangladesh are still struggling with the collections and
proper disposal of common household waste materials. Disorganized management and
dumping of waste is a noticeable cause for ruining the environment in the major cities of these
developing countries. Currently, according to a UNFPA report, Dhaka is one of the most
polluted cities in the world and one of the issues concerned is the management of municipal
waste. Implementing existing smart solutions for waste management systems in developing
countries like Bangladesh is a far greater challenge due to many different factors e.g.: socio-
economic environment, and the unplanned infrastructural issues. Waste are carried and thrown
improperly leading to unhealthy and inhabitable environment that costs the government insane
amount of money with not at all positive impact. Therefore, wastes and garbage need to be
packed, dumped, collected, transported, manipulated and recycled properly in such ways that
garbage becomes a precious wealth of the country.
In this research, we proposed to design and implement an effective smart waste management
system based on IoT in perspective of developing countries like Bangladesh, using Linear
Regression algorithme for smart decision making systems and Decreasing Time algorithm for
collection and sorting of waste.
1.1 Motivation
Smart Waste Management Systems based on IoT is one of the core component of modern age
hype Smart City. There are countless Smart IoT based Solutions for waste management
systems which are being implemented throughout the globe, in the developed and first world
countries to be specific. However, Waste management is also a great problem in poor
developing countries as waste is scattered all over roads due to improper methods of collection
and dumping thus polluting the environment. Due to lot of factors including socio-economic
and cultural drawbacks existing smart solutions are not compatible in developing countries like
Bangladesh, as there exists basic problems regarding the primary task of waste management
like proper disposal, collection, sorting, recycling etc.
In our thesis we are proposing Linear Regression Algorithm and Decreased Time Algorithm
for predictive analysis of waste accumulation on day to day basis so as to ensure effective and
efficient collection and sorting of disposed household waste materials accordingly. (The
implementations and comparisons of before and after applying these algorithms are discussed
and elaborated later in this paper).
The thesis proposes a Smart Waste management system in relevance to developing country
like Bangladesh. In last two decades there have been numerous initiatives taken with the help
of foreign aids and support but they have failed to achieve results which can be said to be
satisfactory and on acceptable level. This research aims to aid in achieving significant results
for proper collection and disposal of household waste thus leading to a cleaner environment.
The greatest problem regarding waste management in developing countries begins at the very
starting point of the process. Due to lack of proper systems for disposal and collections, wastes
and garbage’s end up in the roads and surrounding. According to a report Zurburg 2002, the
amount of waste generation in 2010 was around 20,000 tons per day, and it is estimated that
by 2025 the amount will be no less than around 47000 tons per day. With the existing methods
of collecting and disposal it is near impossible to manage such amount of waste in the future
as around 30% of waste end up on the roads and public places due to ineffective disposing and
collecting methods. Not only that, there is even no systematic methodology for the collected
garbage for treating and recycling thus most of them end up in landfilling and river water,
making the environment unhealthier. The prime impediment of implementing smart waste
management system based on IoT in a developing country is the social and economic
infrastructure of the country itself. The initial stage of this system comprises of proper disposal
and collection, which is the biggest challenge. In addition, to motivate and influence people to
follow proper waste disposal methods is also important.
1.2.2 Solutions
Previously there were numerous initiatives on waste management and educating people to
dispose waste properly, and as they failed to achieve significant results, we have figured out
the scopes that could be develop. To solve this problem, we have designed a process that
ensures proper disposal and efficient waste collection. The procedures we designed involves
creative initiative that will inspire people to dump in designated area or bins, and innovative
method by using Decreasing Time algorithm or DTA for monitoring garbage generation and
collection of the garbage’s.
In this chapter we have discussed about all the main sequences of our model along with the
background study and related works.
Several papers on waste management of Bangladesh like journals and research papers have
been published previously such as “Solid Waste Management System in Dhaka City of
Bangladesh”, “Waste Management in Bangladesh: Current Situations Suggestions for Action”,
solid waste (MSW) management in Dhaka City, Bangladesh” etc. It has been seen that no other
paper on our topic is there. In every paper, previous waste management of Bangladeshi is
discussed or statistics are shown but no accurate solutions are given using algorithms. In this
case, this paper would be a strong evidence along with solution as well on Smart Waste
Management System of Bangladesh.
The crucial part of our topic was to implement the whole process with the help of machine
learning algorithms after collecting yearly data of waste of Bangladesh. To select the
appropriate algorithm for our topic, we went through all the popular and effective machine
learning algorithms in order to evolve our paper.
Linear Regression
Logistic Regression
Decision Tree
Naive Bayes
Random Forest
Among above Machine Learning Algorithms, we have used Linear Regression very strongly.
On the other hand, for time scheduling, Decreasing-Time Algorithm (DTA) has been used.
Both algorithms are described with example to let know the basic idea of how algorithms work.
It is utilized to estimate real values (cost of houses, number of calls, add up to deals and so on.)
in light of ceaseless variable(s). Here, we set up connection among autonomous and
subordinate factors by fitting a best line. This best fit line is known as regression line and
represented by a linear equation Y= a *X + b.
The most ideal approach to comprehend straight relapse is to remember this experience of
youth. Give us a chance to state, you ask a kid in fifth grade to mastermind individuals in his
class by expanding request of weight, without asking them their weights! What do you think
the youngster will do? He/she would likely look (outwardly investigate) at the tallness and
work of individuals and orchestrate them utilizing a blend of these noticeable parameters. This
is straight relapse, in actuality! The tyke has really made sense of that stature and manufacture
would be corresponded to the weight by a relationship, which resembles the condition above.
In this equation:
Y – Dependent Variable
a – Slope
X – Independent variable
b – Intercept
These coefficients a and b are derived based on minimizing the sum of squared difference of
distance between data points and regression line.
Looking at the below example. Here we have identified the best fit line having linear equation
y=0.2811x+13.9. Now using this equation, we can find the weight, knowing the height of a
Fig: 01
Linear Regression is of for the most part two types: Simple Linear Regression and Multiple
Linear Regression. Straightforward Linear Regression is portrayed by one free factor. What's
more, Multiple Linear Regression (as the name proposes) is portrayed by different (more than
1) free variables. While discovering best fit line, you can fit a polynomial or curvilinear relapse.
Also, these are known as polynomial or curvilinear relapse.
In Decreasing-Time Algorithm (DTA), longer jobs are done first and shorter jobs are saved for
last. DTA creates a Priority List by listing the tasks in decreasing order of processing times
(longest task first, shortest task last). Tasks with equal processing times can be listed in any
Priority list is also called Decreasing-time List
Fig: 02
The Priority List using the Decreasing-Time Algorithm (the so-called decreasing-time list) is
X A F Q R (or X A Q F R).
Precedence relations always override the Priority List when there is a conflict between the
two. Here, task X cannot actually be assigned first even though it is first on the Priority List
since precedence relations demand that task Q precede task X.
Although the strategy of scheduling the longer tasks first sounds good, it does have a major
flaw. The DTA ignores any information in the project digraph that might indicate that one or
more tasks should be done early rather than late. For instance, if one or more tasks with long
processing times can't begin until task X (with a very short processing time) is finished, then
assigning task X early will probably result in a shorter finishing time even though assigning
task X early violates the DTA.
For example, suppose a project consists of five tasks: Y(6), Q(4), R(3), D(2), X(1) and the
only precedence relation is .
Using the Decreasing-Time Algorithm, the Priority List is Y Q R D X.
Now suppose there are two processors P1 and P2 . Task Y is the longest task but cannot be
assigned yet since .
So, let's assign the next longest task, Q, to processor P1 and the next longest task, R to P2.
At hour 3, processor 2 completes task R and is ready again and is assigned task D.
At hour 4, processor 1 completes task Q and is ready again and is assigned task X.
At hour 5, both processors are ready again and task Y can be assigned to processor 1.
At hour 11, task Y is completed for a total project time of 11 hours.
(See the diagram below.)
Fig: 03
But looks what happens if we temporarily ignore the DTA and go ahead and assign task X to
P1 in the beginning.
We still can't assign task Y (since task X is not done) but we can assign task Q to P2.
At hour 1, processor 1 completes task X and is ready again and can now be assigned task Y.
At hour 4, processor 2 completes task Q and is ready again and is assigned task R.
At hour 7, processors 1 and 2 both complete their tasks and are ready again and P1 is assigned
task D.
At hour 9, processor 1 completes task D for a total project time of 9 hours.
(See the diagram below.)
Fig: 04
As we can see, we were able to improve the project finishing time by violating the Decreasing-
Time Algorithm.
The first essential step to manage waste is packing garbage properly with bags so that it
becomes easier to carry for further process. In that case, bio degradable oxy bags for household
consumers would be the effective choice for packing garbage. Biodegradable bags that are fit
for being deteriorated by bacteria or other living organisms.
Household consumers will pack waste with biodegradable bags and bags will be picked by the
volunteers on right time. This packing system will make everything flexible for management
as no stench will spread and waste will remain in ordered form.
In this management system, smart bins will play the vital role to start the processing in an
organized way. There will be several bins in areas under one large regional office. Sonar sensor
will be used in every bin to detect the level of waste. If the wastes cross a certain predetermined
level of bin, it will notify employees to collect the waste.
Smart bins will also be able to determine the types of wastes. Virtual machines will be
programmed to identify 3 types of wastes such as biodegradable, metal-plastic and glass. This
differentiated information will later help Recycle Partners recycle the wastes. All information
from bins will be saved in a .JSON file and sent to the Regional Office when a bin is full.
All wastes from smart bins will be collected by Regional Waste Collection Office. After
collecting wastes, all information or data will be sent to Central Control Centre (CCC) in every
6 hours. Based on these data, CCC will assign trucks and employees. CCC will also have last
10 years data in its database to assign man power and transportation for every month as wastes
amount depend on seasons. To predict the amount of waste and scheduling man-power,
Machine Learning Algorithm (MLA) and Decreasing Time Algorithm (DTA) will be used
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects. If the
recycling process is used properly on our waste, country will get benefited economically.
Example can be given like based on the given data from Regional Office, Recycling Partners
will differentiate and separate biodegrading, metal-plastic and glass from wastes. After
separating wastes, they can send waste types to predetermined factories for further process or
recovery. If waste type is metal and plastic, then above process can be used to recycle metal
and plastic. For other types, digitalized recycling processes are now available to recycle waste.
Fig: 05
In this part, we are mainly working on threee major areas of Dhaka city. Those areas are
Mohakhali, Gulshan-1, Banani. Recently, the population are rapidly increasing, as a result,
different types of wastes are getting produced at a very fast rate. Lack of financial resources,
uneducated work force, inappropriate technology and lack of awareness of the community are
the major problem to control waste management for the rapid growing area of Dhaka city.
Fig: 08 (Mohakhali)
Many factors depend on producing waste in city areas like geographical condition, climate
conditions and waste collection system. For future waste management planning, we need
quality and valuable wastes. Total MSW generation in DCC area is 4634.52 tons/day, with a
per capital waste generation is 0.41kg/day (Concern, 2009). A percentage variation of the
wastes given in Table 1
Table 1: MSW composition (in %) at Dhaka between 1992 and 2005(Concern, 2009)
In % In %
From table, In Dhaka city MSW state that the highest percentage of waste is Metal/Organic
food waste. Due to lack of consumption of raw foods this mainly happens. Moreover, fraction
of organic waste decreased from 84% in year 1992 to 78% in year 2005. It reported in MSW
that the existence of large organic fraction for many other developing countries such as India
(40-60%) (Sharholy et al., 2008), Turkey (43%-64%) (Keser et al., 2012), China (57%-62%)
(Chen et al., 2010), Nigeria (52%-65%), Nepal (60-70%) (Pokhrel and Viraraghavan,
2005).Physical and synthetic composition of MSW in Dhaka is exhibited in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5.
As of late, level of plastics as bundling waste is changing because of huge scale process
sustenance generation in Bangladesh. Additionally, fast food culture that spreads broadly all
through the city is rolling out improvements in nourishment propensity and in addition the
arrangement of waste things.
Fig: 10 {Chemical composition in municipal solid waste in Dhaka city (Hamid Khan and
Fayyaz Khan, 2009)}
The strategy of waste handling and processing has coordinate impact on general wellbeing,
accumulation efficiency, asset recuperation of a MSWM framework (Talyan et al., 2008).Like
other creating nations, however chaotic and casual, MSW in Dhaka generally directed and
fixed by large informal sector. Executing source division conspire at source is a vital practice
as a major aspect of maintainable MSW administration and arranging (Troschinetz and
Mihelcic, 2009). However, there is no partition plot is right now accessible in Dhaka city.
Indeed, tragically that there is no hazardous waste gathering and transfer plot is available in
Dhaka city. Division of waste is a viable and manageable practice from the view purpose of
asset recuperation as well as reuse of materials. Division of waste is a viable and manageable
practice from the view purpose of asset recuperation as well as reuse of materials. Fig. 6.
Demonstrates squander dealing with and preparing stream, regularly practiced in Dhaka.
Flow of
Fig: 11 {Flow of waste, recyclables and money in MSW management in Dhaka (adopted
from Matter et al. (2013))}
Paper Product 4
Plastics 5
Metals 0.13
Wood 0.16
Moisture 65
Mainly three departments are control entire waste management. Those are conservancy,
transport and mechanical engineering. Already number of surveys were carry out time to time
by the World Bank, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Japan International
Cooperation Agency and DCC itself for calculation of waste generation. For waste
management in Dhaka city JICA also prepared “Clean Dhaka Master Plan”. Following table
shows the growth rate of solid waste in Dhaka city from 1991 to 2025.The growth rate of waste
is increasing dangerously
Department of DCC currently used 370 trucks and container carriers, 4,920 bin/container and
300 handcarts per day. In addition, 7,156 cleaners/ sweepers with 190 supervising officers and
only 1 supervise transport officer for all events (DCC, 2004). Nearly 20% of wastes mention
for repossession and recovering and more than 30% remains laying around on roadsides, open
spaces or in drains (Dhaka city sate of environment: 2005: 1). World Bank claims that the waste
generation of Dhaka Metropolitan area (360 sq. km) in 1998 was 3,944 tons/day (WB1998a in
BCAS, 2003). JICA and DCC specialists was prepared a project name “Solid Waste
Management Project” in 2000 and it displays that every day areas of Dhaka city generates
4,750 tons of solid wastes. Another report mention that the waste generation of DCC area was
no less than 3,700 tons per day (Imtiaz and Alam, 2002). Some reports also claim that the waste
generation of DCC is about 4,000 to 5,000 tons/day (The Daily Star, 21 June 2004). Similarly,
JICA team of “Clean Dhaka Master Plan” found the existing solid waste generation (dry
season) within Dhaka City Corporation area 3,340 tons/day, will increase to 4,600-5,100
tons/day in 2015 (JICA, 2004). The team also mentioned during the summer when fruits are
available richly, the waste generation would be a little higher than regular time which may
result in 3,500 tons of average waste generation.
1995:10742 tons/day
2001:17000-tons/ day
2025:4.064 tons/day (estimated)
Form several paper we collect some data where we find the level of educated workers. The
education level of workers of the capital Dhaka City of Bangladesh is given in the Table: 4
Uneducated 45
SSC pass 6
HSC pass 5
Graduated 2
Total 100
The above table showed that, the percentage of uneducated people was about 45% where
encompasses mostly the rickshaw puller, day laborer and other percentage shows that people
were educated in primary, SSC, HSC, Under graduate and graduate level.
There are several types of wastes that can be found in the environment. Let us discuss the
possible sources of waste.
One of the biggest sources of waste production are commercial sources. It means different
types of industries like garments, pharmaceuticals Company, hospital and other industry.
Different industries using huge number of chimerical like sulfuric acid, chromium, ammonium
sulfate, ammonium chloride, and calcium oxide. Those wastes may contain chromium salts
and/or tannic acid. Insect killer and fungicide used by the manufactures. Some sort of heavy
metals may produce in Metallic and non-metallic industries. Dust is also a source of pollution
for soil, which is discharge from smelter from those industries. If dust is not disposed of
appropriately, it will hamper our soil and agricultural fields.
Hospital and pharmaceutical industries produce three types of wastes-
Infectious waste -(Pathological tissues, organs, body parts, blood and blood products,
body fluids, placenta, human excreta, culture materials from laboratories and other
infectious materials.)
Sharp Waste(Needles, syringes, intravenous set, scalpel, saw, blades, broken glass,
nails and sharps generated from support service, etc.)
Non-infectious Waste (Expired drugs, waste contaminated with cytotoxic drugs and
leftover cytotoxic drugs & radioactive waste)
Another big source of waste is Household waste. The percentage of Household waste is around
49.08% and about 1718tons per day. Many types of wastes gather in Household waste. Like
vegetable peelings, onion seed coat, broken plastic and festal, spider etc. Soil and dust, pieces
of thread, animal fasces, grasses, used shoes, pieces of cloth, small bottles, soot, used car parts,
In Dhaka city, there are more than 500 clinics and hospital. Everyday all those hospitals and
clinics are generating vast amount of waste. The present average of medical waste generation
in hospitals and clinics are calculated using 1kg/bed/day and an extra 200 kg/year. Around 20%
of the whole waste (255 tons, 7.29 % of total solid waste generated per day) produced by
hospitals in Dhaka city is dangerous and transferrable. Each bed provide small bowls or plastic
bins used for gathering waste and emptied into larger containers. Wastes from operation
theaters, laboratories, and kitchens dumped into these municipal bins. As hospital waste are
more unsafe than other wastes because it contains toxic and infectious materials. All sorts of
medical wastes like syringes and needles thrown into the municipal dustbin in Dhaka city.
Therefore, inflectional diseases spread out easily.
Tanning waste is alternative type of industrial waste, which is also polluting then weather and
environment dangerously. In Hazaribag area of Dhaka city, there are around 149 tanning
industries and those industries producing 18,000 litres of liquid wastes and 115 tons of wastes.
Several types of chemical used in tanning factories like sulfuric acid, chromium, ammonium
sulfate, ammonium chloride, and calcium. The wastes of tanning factories have dangerous
impact on atmosphere in terms of health, welfare, and environment like fever, headaches,
respiratory and skin diseases and may bring unwanted changes in land use and fisheries. It has
also negative impact on groundwater, surface water, and the ecosystem in general.
4. Methodology
In the proposed system, we are implementing algorithms to make the system smart and
automatic. The existing system in the third world developing countries are not smart and
automated at all. However, we are specially designing the whole system for the developing
countries specially. The algorithms are mainly divided into two parts. One part is being used
for sorting and priority analysis for the job assigning task of the system for the employees or
freelancers who are going to work for the system. Another part is the machine learning part,
where we are using the previous data of the location to predict how much the waste might be
generated in the area on the exact time and how many workers or employees that the project
office or the system needs on that exact time so that the system always prepared and there
will be no shortage of employees.
We are using Decreasing Time Algorithm (DTA) for sorting and priority analysis for the job
assigning task of the system for the employees or freelancers who are going to work for the
system. When wasted are being filled up in the smart bins which will be connected in the
internet and equipped by sonar sensors, the data will be sent to regional office and then on the
basis of waste amount the algorithm creates a priority table is created in which we will get the
most time consuming as in the most filled up waste in the top and the least filled up waste as
in the least time consuming task in the last. So, we have the task list in decreasing order.
So, the bin which is almost filled up will be treated first. Also if available, the system will
assign more than one employee if needed to clear out an area with comperatively more waste
filling up in the bins. Here, the highest amount of waste collection by an employee is also
considered and if the amount is more than what an employee can carry, the algorithm will not
count the priority table as ‘done’ and will assign another employee or freelancer there.
The same way mentioned above, we are also assigning trucks to collect treated wastes from
the regional offices. The data will be sent to Central Control Centre (CCC) and then on the
basis of waste amount the algorithm creates a priority table is created in which we will get the
most time consuming as in the most filled up waste in the top and the least filled up waste as
in the least time consuming task in the last. So, we have the task list in decreasing order. So,
the Regional Site which is almost filled up will be treated first.
Trucks will do the same priority list and they will go to the regional office with most wastes
waiting for them to collected first and then the least amount of wastes. Here, the highest
amount of waste collection by a truck is also considered and if the amount is more than what
a truck can carry, the algorithm will not count the priority table as ‘done’ and will assign
another truck there.
The first algorithm that we had used was linear regression, which seeks to predict the high and
low amount of wastes as a linear combination of the features. The features that were used from
the data we have are:
Therefore, for the ith pair of consecutive days, x (i) ∈ R^7 is a seven-dimensional feature
vector, where we have x0 = 1 which is de-fined as the intercept term. There are 6 quantities to
be predicted for each week of 7 consecutive days. For next 7 days’ calculation, let y (i) ∈ R42
denote the seven-dimensional vector that contains these quantities for the i-th pair of
consecutive days.
Let’s take this as eq(1). Where m is the number of training examples. Letting X ∈ R m×7 be
defined such that Xij = x j (i) and Y ∈ R m×42 be defined such that Yij = y j (i) , the value of θ that
minimizes the cost in equation 1 is
The second algorithm that was used was a variation of functional regression, which searches
for historical waste amount patterns that are most similar to the current waste amount patterns,
then predicts the waste amount based upon these historical patterns. Given a sequence of nine
consecutive days, define its spectrum f as follows. Let f(1), f(2) ∈ R5 be the feature vectors
for the first day and the second day, respectively. For i in the range 3 to 9, let f(i) ∈ R 7 be a
vector containing the 7 points we are searching to predict for the i-th day in the sequence. Then
define a metric on the space of spectra,
where w is a weight vector that assigns weights to each feature. Since the first feature is the
waste amount classification and the difference between classifications is meaningless, the
squared difference has been replaced by an indicator function of whether the classifications are
Define a kernel,
and let neighk (f) denote the k indices i ∈ {1, . . . , m} of the k spectra in the training set that
are the closest to f with respect to the metric d.
That is,
for all i ∈ neighk (f) and j ∉ neighk (f), and | neighk (f) | = k.
Furthermore, define
Then, given the values f (1), f (2) of the first two days of a spectrum f, the remainder of the
spectrum f(i) for i in the range 3 to 9 can be predicted as,
A more useful error that will be used in lieu of this is the root mean square (rms) error, which
is defined to be,
As this is a thesis project and the whole proposed system cannot be build and implemented in
real life a year in under graduation level, we have built a close environment with virtual
machines which works as a smart bin itself generation controlled random number from a given
scale. The scale represents the actual amount of garbage that a smart bin can take in. There will
be a change in numbers as we compare the operation of our smart system and the traditional
system that the developing countries have nowadays. The random values are parsed in the
database through JSON files which have different information about different types of wastes.
Fig: 14
In our close environment, we have tested the results and the results are like this:
We started with 150 units of waste. The wastes are for example in 5 different places. Each has
wastes like following:
Fig: 15
We are also assuming that 1 worker or employee can work to collect 5 units of wastes / hour
and he works 8 hours in total including lunch and human system loss.
So, we are taking inputs from 9 am to 6 pm for close environment. As we will have freelancing
employment, we will have more workers who will work full time/ part time etc. we have taken
results after every 3 hours. So, one result is at 9 am. 2nd result is at 12pm, 3rd result is at 3pm
and 4th result is at 6pm.
Now, let us compare the data of our smart waste management system with the traditional waste
management system.
Fig: 16
Fig: 17
Fig: 18
Fig: 19
Fig: 20
Fig: 21
Fig: 22
Fig: 23
So, we can see that our system works better in terms of collecting more wastes and using the
workers or employees more effectively in comparison to the normal system that the developing
countries use nowadays.
In this chapter, we have concluded this thesis report with a discussion of our thesis contribution
as well as illustrated about our further work related to thesis.
1. We are already in talks with the local cantonment authority where they are al- ready planning
to impose our plan in Dhaka Cantonment as a pilot project. After this, within 3 years, we want
to implement this in Gulshan, Baridhara, Banani, Bashundhara R/A, Uttara.
2. We will sell the compost waste to the fertilizer producers and also bio gas treat- mint plants.
We also have plans to export some of the treated waste and earn foreign currency.
3. We also have plans to export some of the treated waste and earn foreign currency. So, this
is our revenue generation policy for the social business.
4. We will also have educational facility for the people under 18 and the children of the people
working for us. We are planning to merge with Jaago Foundation, BRAC NGO to be our
education facility provider.
6.2 Conclusion
Population of Bangladesh is increasing day by day and waste is also generating at the same
pace but the waste management system has not improved comparing to the waste production.
As a result, environment is getting polluted due to unarranged and unevolved management
system. Besides, utilization of waste is very improper whereas waste can be the precious wealth
of a country.
Therefore, above smart waste management system using IoT can be very effective process in
terms of manipulating waste for Dhaka City as well as other cities of Bangladesh. This model
will digitalize and modernize the cities by applying IoT in waste management system of
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