Course Syllabus: GENERAL BIOLOGY 1: The Living Cell

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Course Syllabus

GENERAL BIOLOGY 1: The Living Cell

Hybrid Section 09
BIOL 1740, 5 credits Fall Semester, 2019

Instructor: Dr. Kristyn VanderWaal Mills, Ph.D. (Call me Dr. V., or Kristy)
Office room: Room 3440 Office phone number: 651-846-1696
Mailbox: Room 1401. #191.
Email: (Preferred contact method)

Office Hours: Monday 3:30-4:55pm, 8-8:55pm, Thursday 10:30-11:25am, Friday 10:30-11:55am

In my office, unless noted otherwise on D2L. Use these times to stop by and ask
questions without an appointment. Also, please email me questions anytime and I
will try to respond within 48 hours.

Course Description: This course is a study of biological processes including cell chemistry, metabolism,
reproduction, genetics, and complex cell physiology. The lab component covers the
application of concepts through observation, experimentation, and problem
analysis. This course is intended for biology majors and students requiring a strong
biological background for selected majors, including nursing and other allied health
fields, and interested non-majors. (Prerequisite: READ 0722 with a grade of "C" or
better, or concurrent enrollment, or appropriate assessment score) (MnTC: Goal 3)

Weekly Schedule: Lab: Fridays 12-2:55pm, room 3240 (Includes labs, review activities, and tests)
Lecture: Online anytime, but I suggest you put 3 hours a week on your calendar
Study time: Online, in groups, in Biology Study Room (3220), but allow 5-10
additional hours a week for homework and study

Required Materials: Textbook: Biology. Avissar et al. OpenStax College, ISBN 978-1938168093.
Several formats of the book are free, see You can
view it on your browser (free), download an ePub file for use in e-readers (free),
download a pdf of it (free, and you can print any pages you want copies of), buy
a traditional hard bound copy with color images ($52,, or buy a
black and white copy through the bookstore ($22).
Lab Book: Lab Manual for General Biology 1. This custom lab manual is only for
sale at the college bookstore. Cost is about $12. Please do not use or borrow a
copy of the manual from a previous semester. We make changes most semesters.
Lecture material and online homework: Lecture material must be accessed and/or
printed weekly by the student from D2L Brightspace online course management
program. The Online Homework is through D2L quizzes.

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(What am I going to learn in this course?)

BIOL 1740 Learning Outcomes (the parenthesis show related MNTC goals):
1. Apply the scientific method for problem solving and laboratory investigations. (3b)
2. Communicate experimental data and analysis through a written lab report. (3c)
3. Identify and summarize appropriate sources from scientific literature. (3d)
4. Demonstrate operation of a compound microscope.
5. Describe biological processes including cellular chemistry, structures, metabolism, reproduction,
and genetics. (3a)
6. Connect biological concepts to current scientific issues. (3d)
7. Evaluate scientific data through peer collaboration. (3b)

Minnesota Transfer Curriculum (MNTC) Goal Areas:

Natural Science (3): a) Demonstrate understanding of scientific theories. b) Formulate and test
hypotheses by performing laboratory, simulation, or field experiments in at least two of the natural
science disciplines. One of these experimental components should develop, in greater depth,
students' laboratory experience in the collection of data, its statistical and graphical analysis, and an
appreciation of its sources of error and uncertainty. c) Communicate their experimental findings,
analyses, and interpretations both orally and in writing. d) Evaluate societal issues from a natural
science perspective, ask questions about the evidence presented, and make informed judgments
about science-related topics and policies.


(How is the course laid out, what work do I need to do, what are the rules?)

What can I as a student expect from my professor?

 I firmly believe that each of my students can succeed in this course with the right amount and type
of work and motivation.
 My students can expect that I will make the lectures informative, augmented with activities to
enhance learning, and relevant; and the labs fun and realistic.
 I will grade assignments in a timely manner, and usually will get a grade into the D2L grade book
within a few days of the assignment.
 I will also periodically ask for feedback on my teaching activities and use your feedback to improve
my teaching. If you have any problems, please come to see me or contact me by email.

What are the TECHNOLOGY requirements for this course?

 You will access many of the course materials through D2L Brightspace. D2L is the primary
means of communication about the course. You can access the D2L Brightspace login screen
through the following website:
 You must set-up your Saint Paul College email account. This is the official means of
communication and is the only way for me to contact you directly. I cannot email personal
information or course progress/ grade information to other email accounts! Go to click on “student portal” on the left of your screen to find email information.
 You will need a computer and high-speed internet access through your home or school or
library for watching lecture videos, doing online homework, accessing online components of the
book, typing assignments, and tracking your grades. You need software for or access to email,
web searches, word processing, and D2L. Room 3225 is the open computer lab on campus.

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ATTENDANCE: What happens if I don’t attend the first week or stop attending?
 FN Grade Policy. If you have registered for this (or any) class, you have purchased your seat
and are responsible for paying for it. If you do not both log in to D2L AND complete
assignments for the class during the first week you will be reported and will receive a grade of FN
(failure for no-show) AND you will not receive financial aid payments. You WILL still be
responsible for paying for the class. If you will miss the first day of any class, you need to contact
your instructor ahead of time if possible!
 FW Grade Policy. If you miss two weeks or more of class total at any time in the semester you
will be assigned a grade of FW (this is equivalent to an “F” grade = Failure to Withdraw). This
may affect financial aid payments. You can change a grade of FW to a W (Withdraw) if you
withdraw before the Withdraw Deadline.
 Upon receipt of a FN or FW grade, you are not permitted to continue participating in the course.

What is your LATE WORK and MAKE-UP policy if I miss one day of class?
 Try to make it to every class if at all possible. Most in-class lecture or lab activities CANNOT be
made up. These points will be lost and there are not alternate assignments. But, some assignment
categories have “drops” built in for absences. See the ASSESSMENT section for information.
 Generally, for work that can be made up, I take 30% off for late work. Again, see
ASSESSMENT section for more information.
 It is your responsibility to communicate with me, the instructor, when you have a situation
affecting attendance. If possible, let me know ahead of time.

What IN-CLASS EXPECTATIONS do you have for us as students?

 Students who regularly attend class do better in the course overall. You are expected to stay for
the entire period of each class. If you miss class, you are responsible for obtaining the needed
material from a classmate.
 Students whose behavior is disruptive will be asked to leave. They will receive a zero for any
assignments from the day. Please do not use cell phones or do unrelated activities during class.
This includes sending or receiving messages, checking email, or doing homework for other classes.
Not only is this disrespectful to the instructor and other students, but it also is a distraction and
undermines the learning process. If you absolutely must stay in contact, discuss with the instructor
and do so as unobtrusively as possible.
 We often will use cooperative learning so I expect all students to be respectful while considering
the opinions of others in the class. Participation and critical thinking about the material are
necessary to enhance understanding and enrich everyone’s experiences.
 Please make all efforts to come to class on time, turn in assignments on time, and bring needed
materials. This saves all of us time so we can focus on learning.
 Be enthusiastic! Positive attitudes make a significant difference to the learning environment. When
you care about your success and believe you can succeed, other students will follow your lead!

What should I expect to do as HOMEWORK?

 There is a lot of material in an intensive science course, and the pace will move quickly. But, my
students are successful with the right attitude, work ethic, and paying attention to suggested study
strategies and the course schedule.
 Should do at least the following outside of class:
1) Budget 5-10 hours of reading and homework outside of class each week. Put study time on
your calendar and make it a priority. Always look 1-2 weeks ahead on the schedule and
change your study time as needed based on upcoming assignments and tests.

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2) For each lecture topic, first look over the assigned chapter in the book, then watch the
assigned lecture videos and take notes, and then read the assigned chapter.
3) Once you’ve read and watched the material, complete the student learning outcomes for
each chapter. (Some students complete the outcomes while watching the videos).
4) As a knowledge check (and for points), take that chapter’s online assessment. Also,
participate in the review activities in class (that may also be worth points).
5) Before each lab, read the lab ahead of time and complete the pre-lab sections (for points).
6) When the lab activities are finished, you will need to complete the lab sections and will
turn in the lab at the beginning of the next lab class.
7) Bring your questions to your classmates, my office hours, or class. You can also email me.

SAFETY AND DRESS CODE in lab: What do I do in a science lab?

 All students are expected to pull their weight in lab exercises and help their group members.
 Lab activities take extensive set up and specialized equipment and cannot be made up!
 Also, students should pay attention to safety procedures and proper lab etiquette to reduce the
chances of accidents in the lab.
 Everyone is required to wear long pants or skirts and closed toe shoes to lab sessions, unless told
otherwise. Students who are dressed inappropriately cannot participate in the lab activities.

Can I WITHDRAW from the class voluntarily?

 If, for any reason, you decide not to complete the course, please officially withdraw as soon as
you have made your decision. If you do not withdraw officially (and I cannot do it for you), you
will receive a failing (F) grade for the course. The last day to withdraw is November 27, 2019.

What if I CHEAT or commit PLAGIARISM?

 You should know and understand the Saint Paul College Student Policies described in your
student handbook. This material is available on the school’s website and can be downloaded
from the student portal.
 Academic integrity policy: It should be self-evident that you are expected to do your own
work. Individuals who violate the College Academic Integrity Policy, will receive sanctions as
described in the Saint Paul College Student Handbook: “Students who violate academic integrity
shall, after due process, be subject to College sanctions that may include failure on assignments
and examinations, failure in courses, and suspension or expulsion.”
 Any student judged to have engaged in academic dishonesty in course work will receive a failing
grade (0%) for the work in question as a first warning, and could receive an F in the course.
Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to: looking at someone else’s paper during a
quiz or test; claiming credit for work done by others; stealing the words or ideas of another;
copying word for word from the textbook, internet or a classmate; or assisting another to commit
any of the above. Having anyone else take your online assessments is also cheating. If you are
caught, you will forfeit all assessment points and may face additional disciplinary action.
 Citations are required for all assignments if you obtain information from any source (this includes
my lecture notes and the textbook). You should cite your source even when paraphrasing
information, but should use page numbers and quotations for word-for-word answers.
 When working in groups, your assignments should not be exactly the same as your partners. I
expect the answers to be similar, and some phrases to be the same, as you are a group.

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(How am I going to be graded? What about late work?)

Passing Lab Grade Policy: In order to receive what is normally considered a passing grade in this course
(C or above) you MUST PASS the lab components of the course. By passing this course you are
getting a lab credit and thus you must actually pass the lab part of the course. This means that if you
receive less than 60% of the lab points then you will not be able to receive a grade higher than a
D in this course.

Final Grade Calculation: Assuming that you have passed the lab portion of the course, your final letter
grade will be based on the percent of the total points that you earn. See the scale below for more
information. If a student is within 0.5% of the next highest grade level, I reserve the right to consider
things like course participation, and improvement over the semester when considering a student’s
grade. If you are more than 0.5% away from the next highest category your grade will not be
considered further.

Final grades will be determined as follows:

A = 90-100% D = 60-69.9%
B = 80-89.9% F = below 60%
C = 70-79.9% Incomplete grades are given only in extreme cases.

Assessment Types:
Assessment Type Description Make-up, Drop and Late Policy
Grading Details
1. Exams
280 pts, 50% Cover material from lecture and lab; No make-ups or re-takes, but lowest
5 total; top 4 scores kept not cumulative (last exam is given score will be dropped; if you miss an
70 pts each during finals week); combination of exam, arrange an alternate time
multiple choice & short answer beforehand, or use that exam as dropped
2. Online/Lecture
assessments Accessed through D2L and in-person; No make-ups; only top 19 scores kept,
85 pts, 15% occur approximately weekly so can miss for sickness, religious
~20 total, top 19 scores throughout the course holidays or other reasons
kept; 5 pts each
3. Labs
160 pts, 29% From Lab Manual. Pre-lab questions No make-ups, partial credit given on a
17 total; top 16 scores due at beginning of class (2 pts); lab case-by case basis; top 16 scores kept,
kept check-off questions due at end of so can miss a lab session for sickness,
10 points each class (3 pts); completed lab due at the religious holidays or other reasons
beginning of the next lab class (3 pts)
4. Lab Report
35 pts, 6% Each student will write a lab report; Late work will be accepted on a case by
1 total format will be discussed case basis with a 10 point penalty

5. Lab Report Activities

10 BONUS pts Each student completes an online No late work or make-ups accepted
activity and a lab report rough draft
for EXTRA points
570 pts total, 100%

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Technology Help: Contact the IT Helpdesk on campus. The phone number is (651-846-1440).
Otherwise, email or for D2L specific questions, More information and on campus walk-in hours available through

Student Services at Saint Paul College: The school offers a variety of student services such as
counseling, financial aid, and transfer help. You can find a complete list with links to these
services here:

The Academic Support Center: The Academic Support Center offers all students free walk-in peer
tutoring for a wide range of subjects. For more information: .
You can also visit room 1205.

Office of Access & Disability Resources: Saint Paul College is committed to providing equal access
to education for all students. Students who have a disability, or believe they may have a disability,
are invited to contact the Office of Access & Disability Resources as soon as possible to determine
eligibility and/or request accommodations. Accommodations are determined on a case-by-case

Please contact the Director of Access & Disability Resources at or

651.846.1547, or in office 1302 (inside Enrollment Services) to request reasonable
accommodations. For additional information, visit

The accommodations authorized on your forms should be discussed with your instructor. All
discussions will remain confidential. Accommodations are not provided retroactively, so it is
essential to discuss your needs at the beginning of the semester. Additionally, only accommodations
approved by the Office of Access & Disability Resources will be provided.

This syllabus is available in alternate formats upon request as are most of the course documents
associated with this course within D2L. Saint Paul College is an equal opportunity employer and
educator and member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system.

Biology Study Room: The biology study room (3220) is where most biology tutoring takes place and
also provides computers and other materials for our Biology students to use. Please remember this
room is a privilege and not a right – follow common courtesy and the rules of conduct!

Safety Alerts: Saint Paul College values the safety of all students. In the event of an identified campus
emergency, the College will notify students through the College Emergency Notification System
(CENS). Students will need to take action in one of the following ways: 1) Evacuation – Fire,
Bomb Threat; 2) Lockdown – Violent intruder or active shooter; 3) Shelter-in-place or relocation
to a safe area – Severe weather, Chemical or hazardous waste spill. When you receive a message
from CENS, follow the instructions provided and wait until the “All Clear” message is received.
Further information regarding campus emergencies can be found at:

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(What is happening each week and when are assignments due?)

Note: This is a tentative schedule. I will keep you updated on schedule changes on D2L Brightspace.
Date Topics Graded Assignments
F 8/30 Introduction to course and Syllabus In-Class Assessment (#1) (5 pt, in class)
Lab Safety Lab 1 and 2 (pre-lab and post-lab on
Lab 1, Scientific Measurement 8/30; completed lab due 9/6)
Lab 2, Graphing
Online Ch. 1-2, Scientific Method and Chemistry Ch. 2 Online Assessment (#2) (5 pt
(Watch videos, read chapters, and complete Online Quiz due by 9/6 11:30am)
learning outcomes)
F 9/6 Review In-Class Assessment (#3) (5 pt, in class)
Lab 3, Scientific Method Lab 3 (pre-lab and post-lab on 9/6;
Introduce Scientific Literature completed lab due 9/13)
Online Ch. 3, Biological Molecules Ch. 3 Online Assessment (#4) (5 pt
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes) Online Quiz due by 9/13 11:30am)
F 9/13 Review In-Class Assessment (#5) (5 pt)
Lab 4, Macromolecules Lab 4 (pre-lab and post-lab on 9/13;
completed lab due 9/20)
Online STUDY for Exam 1
F 9/20 Exam 1 covering Ch. 1-3 and Labs 1-4 Exam 1 (70 pt)
Lab 5, Microscopes Lab 5 (pre-lab and post-lab on 9/20;
Scientific Literature completed lab due 9/27)
Online Ch. 4, Cells Ch. 4 Online Assessment (#6) (5 pt
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes) Online Quiz due by 9/27 11:30am)
Lab Report Intro Activity (5 bonus pts,
Online Quiz due by 9/27 11:30am)
F 9/27 Review In-Class Assessment (#7) (5 pts)
Lab 6, Cells Lab 6 (pre-lab and post-lab on 9/27;
Lab Report Rough Draft Reviews completed lab due 10/4)
Lab Report Draft Activity (5 bonus pts)
Online Ch. 5, Membranes Ch. 5 Online Assessment (#8) (5 pt
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes) Online Quiz due by 10/4 11:30am)
F 10/4 Review Lab 7 (pre-lab and post-lab on 10/4;
Lab 7, Diffusion and Osmosis completed lab due 10/11)
In-Class Assessment (#9) (5 pts)
Online STUDY for Exam 2

F 10/11 Exam 2 covering Ch. 4-5 and Labs 5-7 Exam 2 (70 pt)
Lab 8, Enzymes (shortened) Lab 8 (pre-lab and post-lab on 10/11;
completed lab due 10/25)
Online Ch. 6, Cell metabolism & 7, Cell Respiration Ch. 6 and 7 Online Assessments (#10
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes) and #11) (5 pt Online Quizzes due by
10/25 11:30am)
F 10/25 Review In-Class Assessment (#12) (5 pts)
Lab 9, Respiration and Fermentation Lab 9 (pre-lab and post-lab on 11/1;
completed lab due 11/8)
Final Lab Report Due (35 pt)

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Online Ch. 8, Photosynthesis Ch. 8 Online Assessment (#13) (5 pt
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes) Online Quiz due by 11/1 11:30am)
STUDY for Exam 3
F 11/1 Lab 10, Photosynthesis (shortened) Lab 10 (pre-lab and post-lab on 11/1;
Exam 3 covering Ch. 6-8 and Labs 8-9 completed lab due 11/8)
In-Class Assessment (#14) (5 pts)
Exam 3 (70 pt)
Online Ch. 10, Cell Reproduction & Ch. 11, Meiosis Ch. 10 and 11 Online Assessments (#15
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes) and #16) (5 pt Online Quizzes due by
11/8 11:30am)
F 11/8 Lab 11, Mitosis In-Class Assessment (#16) (5 pts)
Lab 12, Meiosis Lab 11 and Lab 12 (pre-lab and post-lab
on 11/15; completed labs due 11/22)
Online Ch. 12, Mendelian Genetics & Ch. 13, Ch. 12-13 Online Assessment (#17) (5
Chromosomal Genetics pt Online Quiz due by 11/15 11:30am)
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes)
F 11/15 Review In-Class Assessment (#18) (5 pts)
Lab 13, Patterns of Inheritance Lab 13 (pre-lab and post-lab on 11/15;
completed lab due 11/22)
Online STUDY for Exam 4
F 11/22 Exam 4 covering Ch. 10-13 and Labs 10-13 Exam 4
Lab 14, DNA Replication and Gene Lab 14 (pre-lab and post-lab on 11/22;
Expression (start, some as homework) completed labs due 12/6)
Online Ch. 14, DNA; Ch. 15, From Gene to Protein Ch. 14 and 15 Online Assessments (#19
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes) and #20) (5 pt Online Quizzes due by
12/6 11:30am)
F 12/6 Lab 14 (finish) In-Class Assessment (#21) (5 pts)
Lab 15, DNA Isolation Lab 15 and Lab 16 (pre-lab and post-lab
Lab 16, RFLP on 12/6; completed labs due 12/13)
Online Ch. 17, Biotechnology; Ch. 18, Principles of
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes)
F 12/13 Review In-Class Assessment (#22) (5 pts)
Lab 17, Natural Selection Lab 17 (pre-lab and lab check AND
completed lab due on 12/13)
Online Ch. 19, Evolution of Populations Ch. 18-19 Online Assessment (#23) (5
(videos, chapters, and learning outcomes) pt Online Quiz due 12/20 11:30am)
STUDY for Exam 5
F 12/20 Exam 5 covering Ch. 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, and Exam 5
Labs 14-17

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