Senrnal: Baneko
Senrnal: Baneko
Senrnal: Baneko
ctRcurAR No.L04l
Series of 2019
The Monetary Board, in its Resolution No. 1104 dated 25 July 2OLg, approved
the amendments to the Guidelines for Days Declared as Public Sector Holidays as
prescribed in Appendix 88/e-a9 of the Manual of Regulations for Banks (MORB)/
Manual of Regulations for Non-Bank Financial Institutions (MoRNBFI).
Section 2. References under Sections 254, 6Ot and 802 of the MORB and
Section 4256Q and Subsection 4601e.6 of the MORNBFT to public sector holidays
shall be changed to philippine holidays.
Section 3. Effectivity. This circular will take effect fifteen (15) calendar days
after publication in the Official Gazette or in a newspaper of general circulation.
QRugust 2or9
lRegular Holidays
New Y€/s Day (January 1)
F Araw ng Kagilingan (April 9)
- Maundy Thursday (March or April)
- Good Fdday (March or Apdl)
- Labor Day (May 1)
- Indep€ndence Day (June 12)
- National Heroes' Day (Last Monday of August)
- Bonifacio Day (November 30)
- Christrnas Day (December 25) Ofiice is closed but PCHC
- Rizal Day (Decemb€r 30) Closed Closed Closed Non-reserve system remains open
Closed Closed Closed
- Eidl Filr (no definite day or month) only to accept clearing
- Ei'dl Adha (no definite day or month) transactions
Announcement of PhlPaSS
opening/closing will be done on or
before 6:00 a.m. by BsP-Payments
and Settlements Office (PSO).
Appendix 88/Q.49
(o Sentral no Pil
Financial Market OperationsSuEEEd6i
Trading and Seftlement POTC EQ Depositoq
Type of Holiday Regional Offices
Ovemight Cash Dept Reserve BTr / BAP / MART / PDTC Fl Depository
PhlPaSS and Branches PDS PCHC
ODF Withdrawal Position DVP
- Typh@n signal no. 2y3 lf PhlPaSS opens, it wiil be for Open if FMOSS is
- H€vy rains (Red) InstaPay only. Settlement for all other open
- L@aliz€d iooding PhtlPaSS transactions (including GS
- ConffagEtion
trading, FX trading) will not be Announcement of
- Massive lransporatid strike Opening on the third and succeeding days will be available. Settlement of all other USD/PHP spot
. Amed d civil confiict
based on BSP-IMT's favorable assessment Open if FMOSS is
' Strmg €rthquakE and tsunamis PhlPaSS transactions will oe Opening on the Affecred ROBs will trading will be done
which can be released as eady as 6:00 a.m. Non-reserve open
. Forc€ majeuro ev€nts
Day 3 available when FMOSS and Cash third day will be opm after favrable by BAP. Open if BSP PhIPASS
ooen. day when assessmenl of
onwards based on BSP- will open to settle Checks
Announcement of FMOSS operations will be FMOSS is condilions and Announcement of Fl
IMT's favorable Announcement of and PESONeI
done by BSP-FMOSS immediatelv after said closed. rcommendalion of fixed income trading Seftlem€nt will be
Announcement of phrTpaSS assessment Transactions
assessment. opening/closing will be done on or
head of ROB.
will be done by PDEx done by POEX / PDS
/ PDS Group. Group
before 6:00 a.m. by BSp-pSO.
Affected ROBs
Under good will close for
,veather Open Open Open Reserve ocalized holidays, Open Open Normal
:onditions other ROBs will
oe open.
3ause of
roliday will
tlOT require Open Open Open Reserve Open Open Open Normal
Open if FMOSS is