Ex12 - Inventory Exercise Part 1: Unit: Inventory Topic: Setting Up Inventory: Items and Warehouses

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Ex12 –Inventory Exercise Part 1

Unit: Inventory
Topic: Setting up Inventory: Items and Warehouses

At the conclusion of this exercise, you will be able to:

 Name which values are defaulted from item groups into the
item master
 Create item master records
 Customize search windows for items

In this exercise, you review the default settings in the item group
for scanners. You create item master records for two scanners.
You customize settings for the list of items.

1-1 Check if an item group has been defined for scanners.

If the item group has not been defined for scanners, create an item group now.
Which default values for items are set at the item group level?
Planning Method, Procurement Method, Order Interval, Order Multiple,
Minimum Order Qunatity, Lead time, Cylce Group, Default Valuation

1-2 Create item master records.

1-2-1 Create the item Photo Scanner.

Field Name or Data Type Values

Item Number A2000
Description Photo Scanner
Item Group Scanner
Choose Base Price List 60
Inventory Item Set indicator
Sales Item Set indicator
Purchased Item Set indicator

Choose the Purchasing Data tab page.

Field Name or Data Type Values
Preferred Vendor V10000
Length 18
Width 10
Height 4.5
Weight 3kg
1-2-2 Create the item Digital Flatbed Scanner.

Field Name or Data Type Values

Item Number A2001
Description Digital Flatbed Scanner
Item Grouping Scanners
Choose Base Price list 80
Inventory Item Set indicator
Sales Item Set indicator
Purchased Item Set indicator
Choose the Purchasing Data tab page.
Field Name or Data Type Values
Preferred Vendor V10000
Length 14
Width 19
Height 6
Weight 5kg
1-3 Find item master records and work with the List of Items function.

1-3-1 Choose Item Master Data. In the Item Number field, type in A and choose
Enter or Find. Which item master records do you find?
_____________Window List of Items

1-3-2 Customize the window List of Items.

Into the first free row, enter the Field Name Item Group by using the drop-
down list, for the Displayed Name, type in, for example, Group. Check the
box in the Group column and choose Update and OK.
Cancel the List of Items, and start the search again by using Find. The List of Items
window opens again, but is now grouped by the item group. You can expand one
group by clicking + icon or you can choose Expand All to view all the groups.
1-3-3 True or False: The changes to the List of Items function are applicable for all
1-3-4 Restore the original settings in the List of Items window.

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