Executive Leadership - V2 - 2018 - 06 - 27 PDF
Executive Leadership - V2 - 2018 - 06 - 27 PDF
Executive Leadership - V2 - 2018 - 06 - 27 PDF
A program which provides executive
leaders with advanced skills and know-
how for Strategic Leadership in a VUCA
§ Increase confidence and clarity § Energize the Leaders and
to drive strategic goals inspire teams to achieve
§ Build abilities to influence the Vision
stakeholders § Align key stakeholders
§ Enhance perspectives on driving towards common goals
organizational transformation
§ Understand, develop industry knowledge and best practices in the relevant market
VISION § Enhances knowledge of dealing with the current volatile and ambiguous business environment.
§ Application of self-mastery in creating a positive change in business, society and the world
SELF - MASTERY § Skills to deal with a diverse set of responsibilities and demands on time, while maintaining
balance and control.
§ Instills confidence through influencing skills to deal with people from different cultures
INSPIRING PEOPLE § Inspirational Communication skills to receive maximum positive output from team members
while constantly keeping them motivated.
BUILDING HIGH § Build and motivate high performance teams to achieve organizational goals
PERFORMANCE § Encourage team members to deliver value to the organization while gaining satisfaction from
TEAMS work
§ Skills and Attitude required to successfully leading and managing change initiatives in the
EXECUTION organization
§ Encourage creativity and innovation among team members to achieve business success