Parallel Weighings: 1 Ancient Coin Problems

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Parallel Weighings

arXiv:1310.7268v1 [math.HO] 27 Oct 2013

Tanya Khovanova
October 29, 2013

I introduce, solve and generalize a new coin puzzle that involves
parallel weighings.

1 Ancient Coin Problems

I heard my first coin problem when I was very young:

Given 9 coins, one of them fake and lighter, find the fake coin in
two weighings on a balance scale.

I believed that this problem was thousands of years old, that Pythagoras
could have invented it. But surprisingly its first publication was by E. D.
Schell in the January 1945 issue of the American Mathematical Monthly [9].
This does not prove that Pythagoras did not invent it, but it makes the said
event highly unlikely.
I will not be surprised if everyone who reads this paper has heard this
problem before and knows how to solve it. But I still need to discuss it to
establish the methods that are used later in my featured problem.
First, the problem implies that all real coins weigh the same, and that we
need to find a strategy that guarantees finding the fake coin in two weighings.
By the way, two weighings is the smallest number of weighings that guar-
antee finding the fake coin. In addition, 9 is the largest number of coins such
that the fake coin can be found in two weighings. Rather than discussing the
solution for the 9-coin problem, I would like to generalize it to any number
of coins:

Given N coins, one of them fake and lighter, find the minimum
number of weighings that will guarantee finding the fake coin.

Here is a way to think about it. In one weighing divide all coins into three
piles: the coins that go onto the left pan, the coins that go onto the right
pan, and the coins that do not go on the scale. Clearly, we need to put the
same number of coins on the pans, otherwise, we do not get any meaningful
information. If the scale balances then the fake coin is in the leftover pile.
If the scale does not balance, then the fake coin is in the pile that is lighter.
Either way, the coin is in one of three piles and we have to start all over with
this smaller pile. So to minimize the number of weighings, we need to divide
all the coins into three piles so that the largest pile is the smallest. Oops,
that didn’t sound right. I mean, we need to minimize the size of the largest
pile. Dividing the coins into three piles as evenly as possible allows us with
n weighings to find the fake coin among up to 3n coins. In particular, we can
find the fake coin among 9 coins in two weighings.
Another famous coin puzzle appeared almost at the same time as the
previous puzzle [3].

There are 12 coins; one of them is fake. All real coins weigh the
same. The fake coin is either lighter or heavier than the real
coins. Find the fake coin and figure out whether it is heavier or
lighter in 3 weighings on a balance scale.

The solution is well known and quite beautiful. Unsurprisingly it gen-

erated more publications than the 9-coin problem [1], [5], [6], [11]. Readers
who do not know the solution should try it.
What is the minimum number of weighings in this puzzle’s setting for
any number of coins? I just want to point out that we need to assume that
the number of coins is more than 2, otherwise we cannot solve it at all.
If there are N coins, then there are 2N possible answers to this puzzle. We
need to pinpoint the fake coin and say whether it is heavier or lighter. Each
weighing divides information into three parts, so in n weighings we can give
3n different answers. Thus, the expected number of weighings should be of
the order log3 2N. The exact answer can be calculated using this additional
constraint of having the same number of coins on each pan in each weighing.
The exact answer is (3n − 3)/2, see [2], [4].
In the following important variation of the latter puzzle we need to find
the fake coin, but do not need to tell whether is it heavier or lighter [2].

There are N coins; one of them is fake. All real coins weigh the
same. The fake coin is either lighter or heavier than the real
coins. What is the maximum number of coins for which you can
guarantee finding the fake coin with n weighings on a balance

This problem is very similar to the previous one. Let me call the previous
problem the find-and-label problem, as opposed to this problem that I will
call the just-find problem.
The answer to the just-find problem is (3n − 1)/2, see [8]. In particular,
13 coins is the best we can do in 3 weighings.
Notice that for every strategy for the find-and-label problem that resolves
n coins, we can produce a strategy for the just-find problem that resolves n+1
coins by adding a coin that is never on the scale. Indeed, in the find-and-
label strategy by the last weighing at least one of the weighings needs to be
unbalanced to label the fake coin. Thus, if all the weighings balance at the
end, the fake coin is the extra coin.

2 The Original Parallel Weighings Puzzle

We have all been hearing about parallel computing, and now it has turned up
in a coin-weighing puzzle invented by Konstantin Knop. The puzzle appeared
at 2012 Russia-Ukraine Puzzle Tournament [10] and in Konstantin Knop’s
blog [7].

We have N indistinguishable coins. One of them is fake, and it is

not known whether it is heavier or lighter than the genuine coins,
which all weigh the same. There are two balance scales that can
be used in parallel. Each weighing lasts one minute. What is the
largest number of coins N for which it is possible to find the fake
coin in five minutes?

3 The Road Map

Section 4 describes the similarity of the original puzzle with a multiple-pans
problem: a coin weighing puzzle involving balance scales with not two, but
any number of pans. The notion of a coin’s potential—a useful technical

tool in solving coin weighing puzzles—is defined in Section 5. How many
coins with known potential can be processed in n minutes is discussed there
too. Section 6 provides a solution to the parallel weighing problem in case
we have an unlimited supply of real coins. It is followed by a solution to the
original puzzle and its generalization for any number of minutes in Section 7.
Section 8 generalizes these results to the use of more than two scales in
parallel. The find-and-label variation of this problem for any number of
minutes is discussed in Section 9. The last Section 10 compares the find-
and-label problem with the just-find problem.

4 Warm-up: Multiple Pans Problem

Knop’s puzzle reminds me of another coin-weighing problem, where in a
similar situation you need to find a fake coin by using five weighings on one
scale with four pans. The answer in this variation would be 55 = 3125. Divide
coins in five groups with the same number of coins and put four groups on
the four pans of the scale. If one of the pans is different (heavier or lighter),
then this pan contains the fake coin. As it is one out of four pans, then after
the weighing we will know the deviation of the fake coin. Otherwise, the
leftover group contains the fake coin. The strategy is to divide the coins into
five piles as evenly as possible. This way each weighing reduces the pile with
the fake coin by a factor of five. Thus, it is possible to resolve 5n coins in n
I leave it to the reader to check that, excluding the case of two coins, any
number of coins greater than 5n−1 and not greater than 5n can be optimally
resolved in n weighings.
One scale with four pans gives you more information than two scales with
two pans used in parallel. We can expect that Knop’s puzzle requires at least
the same number of weighings as the four-pan puzzle for the same number
of coins. So the answer to Knop’s puzzle should not not exceed 3125. But
what will it be?
If you know Russian, you can read the author’s solution to the original
puzzle at Knop’s blog [7], otherwise, bear with me and you will get the answer
to this puzzle, as well as the answers to this puzzle’s generalizations.

5 Coins Potential
While weighing coins, we may be able to determine some incomplete infor-
mation about a coin’s reality. For instance, we may be able to rule out the
possibility that a given coin is fake-and-heavy, without being able to tell
whether that coin is real or fake-and-light. Let us call such a coin potentially
light; and conversely, let us say a coin is potentially heavy if it could be real
or fake-and-heavy but cannot be fake-and-light.
How many coins with known potential can be processed in n minutes?
If all the coins are potentially light then we can find the fake coin out
of 5n coins in n minutes. Indeed, in this case using two scales or one scale
with four pans (see Section 4) gives us the same information. The pan that
is lighter contain the fake coin. If everything balances, then the fake coin is
not on the scales.
What if there is a mixture of potentials? Can we expect the same answer?
How much more complicated could it be? Suppose there are five coins: two
of them are potentially light and three are potentially heavy. Then on the
first scale we compare one potentially light coin with the other such coin.
On the other scale we compare one potentially heavy coin against another
potentially heavy coin. The fake coin can be determined in one minute.
Our intuition suggests that it is a bad idea to compare a potentially
heavy coin on one pan with a potentially light coin on the other pan. Such a
weighing, if unbalanced, will not produce any new information. On the other
hand, if we compare a potentially heavy coin with a potentially heavy coin,
then we will get new information. If the scale balances, then both coins are
real. If the scale does not balance, then the fake coin is the heavier coin out
of the two that are potentially heavy.
Does this mean that we should only put coins with the same potential on
the same scale? Actually, we can mix the coins. For example, suppose we
put 3 potentially light coins and 5 potentially heavy coins on each pan of the
same scale. If the left pan is lighter, then the potentially heavy coins on the
left pan and potentially light coins on the right pan must be genuine. The
fake coin must be either one of the three potentially light coins on the left
pan or one of the five potentially heavy coins on the right pan.
In general, after each minute, the best hope is to have the number of
coins that are not determined to be real to be reduced by a factor of 5. If
one of the weighings on one scale is unbalanced, then the potentially light
coins on the lighter pan, plus the potentially heavy coins on the heavier pan

would contain the fake coin. We do not want this number to be bigger than
one-fifth of the total number of coins being processed. So, divide coins in
pairs with the same potential and from each pair put the coins on different
pans of the same scale.
In one minute we can divide the group into five equal, or almost equal,
groups. If there is an odd number of coins with the same potential, then the
extra coin does not go on the scales. The only thing left to check is what
happens if the number of coins is small. Namely, we need to check what
happens when the number of potentially light coins is odd and the number
of potentially heavy coins is odd, and the total number of coins is not more
than five. In this case the algorithm requires us to put aside two coins: one
potentially heavy and one potentially light, but the put-aside pile cannot
have more than one coin.
After checking small cases, we see that we cannot resolve the problem in
one minute when there are 2 coins of different potential, or when the 4 coins
are distributed as 1 and 3. On the other hand, if there are extra coins that
are known to be real, then the above cases can be resolved. This means that
the small cases are only a problem if they happen in the first minute. Hence,
Lemma 1. Any number of coins N > 4 with known potential can be resolved
in ⌈log5 N⌉ minutes.

6 Unlimited Supply of Real Coins

We say that the coin that is potentially light or potentially heavy has known
potential. The notion of known potential is important in solving Knop’s
puzzle and many other coin weighing puzzles due to the following theorem:
Theorem 2. In a coin-weighing puzzle, where only one coin is fake, any coin
that visited the scales is either genuine or its potential is known.
Proof. If the scale ever balanced, all coins that were on it on any such occa-
sion are real. Any coin that appeared on both a heavier pan and a lighter pan
is also real. Otherwise, the coins that only visited lighter pans are potentially
light and the coins that only visited heavier pans are potentially heavy.
Now let us go back to the original problem, in which we do not know the
coins’ potential at the start. Let us temporarily add an additional assumption
to the original problem. Suppose there is an unlimited supply of coins that

we know to be real. Let u(n) be the maximum number of coins we can
process in n minutes if we do not know their potential and have an unlimited
supply of real coins.

Lemma 3. u(n) = 2 · 5n−1 + u(n − 1).

Proof. What information do we get after the first minute? Both scales might
be balanced, meaning that the fake coin is in the leftover pile of coins with
unknown potential. So we have to leave out not more than u(n − 1) coins.
On the other hand, exactly one scale might be unbalanced. In this case,
all the coins on this scale will have their potential revealed. The number of
these coins cannot be more than 5n−1 , so u(n) ≤ 2 · 5n−1 + u(n − 1). Can
we achieve this bound? Yes. On each scale, put 5n−1 unknown coins on
one pan, and 5n−1 real coins from the supply on the other. Thus, u(n) =
2 · 5n−1 + u(n − 1).
We also can see that u(1) = 3. Indeed, on each scale put one coin against
one real coin and have one coin in the leftover pile. Thus, the corollary:

Corollary 4. u(n) = (5n + 1)/2.

Thus, the answer to the puzzle problem with the additional resource of
an unlimited supply of real coins is (5n + 1)/2. Clearly the answer without
the additional resource cannot be larger. But what is it?
We assumed that there is an unlimited supply of real coins. But how
many extra coins do we really need? The extra coins are needed for the
first minute only, because after the first minute at least one of the scales will
balance and many coins will be determined to be real. In the first minute,
we need to put 5n−1 coins from the unknown pile on each scale. The coins
do not have to be on the same pan. The only problem is that the number of
coins is odd, so we need one extra real coin to make this number even. So
our unlimited supply need not be unlimited—we just need two extra coins,
one for each scale.

7 The Puzzle Solution

Now let us go back and remember that the formula for u(n) assumes an
unlimited supply of real coins. The unlimited supply need not be more than
two real coins.

So, how can we solve the original problem? We already know that the
only adjustment that is needed is in the first minute. In the first minute we
put unknown coins against unknown coins, not more than 5n−1 on each scale,
and, since the number on each scale must be even, the best we can do is put
5n−1 − 1 coins on each scale. Thus, the answer to the puzzle is (5n − 3)/2.
Do not forget that we cannot find the fake coin out of 2 coins, ever.

Theorem 5. Given two scales in parallel, the number of coins N that can be
optimally resolved in exactly n minutes is: (5n−1 − 3)/2 ≤ N < (5n − 3)/2,
with one exception: N = 2, for which the fake coin cannot be identified.

Going back to the original puzzle: the largest number of coins that can
be resolved in 5 minutes is 1561.

8 More Scales
It is straightforward to generalize the just-find problem to any number of
scales used in parallel. Suppose the number of scales is k. The following
problems can be solved in n minutes:

Known Potential. If all the coins have known potential, then any number
of coins up to (2k + 1)n can be resolved.

Unlimited Supply of Real Coins. If we do not know the potential of

any coin and there is an unlimited supply of real coins, the maxi-
mum number of coins that can be solved is defined by a recursion:
uk (n) = k · (2k + 1)n−1 + uk (n − 1) and uk (1) = k + 1. Any number of
coins up to ((2k + 1)n + 1)/2 can be resolved.

General Case. If we do not know the potential of any coin and there are no
extra real coins, then any number of coins between 3 and uk (n) − k =
((2k + 1)n + 1)/2 − k can be resolved.

Let me draw your attention to the fact that if k = 1, then the general
case is the classic problem of just finding the fake coin. So plugging in k = 1
into the formula ((2k + 1)n + 1)/2 − k above should give the answer given in
Section 1: (3n + 1)/2 − 1. In particular, for n = 3, it should be 13. And it is.

9 Find and Label
The methods described above can be used to answer another common ques-
tion in the same setting: Find the fake coin and say whether it is heavier
or lighter. If all coins have known potential, then the just-find problem is
equivalent to the find-and-label problem.
The find-and-label problem can be solved by similar methods to the just-
find problem. Namely, let us denote by Uk (n) the number of coins that can
be resolved in n minutes in parallel on k scales when there is an unlimited
supply of extra real coins. Then the recursion is the same as for the just-find
problem: Uk (n) = k · (2k + 1)n−1 + Uk (n − 1). The difference is in the starting
point: and Uk (1) = k.
Similarly, if we do not have an unlimited supply of real coins, then the
bound is described by the following theorem:
Theorem 6. There are N coins one of which is fake, and it is not known
whether it is heavier or lighter. There are also k balance scales that can be
used in parallel, one weighing per one minute. The maximum number of coins
that requires n minutes to find and label the fake coin is ((2k+1)n +1)/2−k−1.
If N = 2, then the problem cannot be resolved.
Again, if k = 1, then this is the classic problem of just funding and
labeling the fake coin. So plugging in k = 1 into the formula ((2k + 1)n +
1)/2 − k − 1 above should give the answer from Section 1: (3n + 1)/2 − 2. In
particular, for n = 3, it should be 12. And it is.

10 Lazy Coin
You might have noticed that the answer for the just-find and for the find-
and-label problems differ by one:
Lemma 7. In the parallel weighing problem with one fake coin, the maximum
number of coins that can be optimally resolved in n weighings for the just-find
problem is one more than the maximum number of coins that can be optimally
resolved in the find-and-label problem in the same number of weighings.
We already proved the lemma by explicitly calculating the answer. It
would be nice if there was a simple argument to prove it without calculations.
And such an argument exists if we restrict ourselves to static strategies. In a

static or non-adaptive strategy you decide beforehand what your weighings
are. Then, seeing the results of the weighings you can find the fake coin and
label it if needed.
In a static strategy for the find-and-label problem every coin has to visit
the scales at some point, or, otherwise, if the coin does not visit the scales
and it happens to be fake, it can not be labeled. In a static strategy for
the just-find problem if every coin visits the scale, then all the coins can be
labeled. Suppose we add an extra coin that is never on the scales. If all the
weighings balance, then the extra coin is the fake one. We can not have two
such coins. Indeed, if one of them is fake we can not differentiate between
them. If all the coins visit the scales in the just-find problem, then all the
coins can be labeled at the end.
Let us call a strategy that resolves the maximum number of coins in
a given number of weighings a maximal strategy. We just showed that a
maximal static strategy for the just-find problem has to have a coin that does
not go on the scales. Therefore, there is a bijection between maximal static
strategies for the just-find and the find-and-label problems. The strategies
differ by an extra coin that sits lazily outside the scales all the time.
In dynamic or adaptive strategies the next weighing depends on the re-
sults of the previous weighings. With dynamic strategies the story is more
complicated. There is no a bijection any more.
On one hand it is possible to add a lazy coin to a strategy in the find-
and-label problem to get a strategy in the just-find problem. But there exist
maximal strategies in the just-find problem where all the coins can end up
on the scale.
For example, consider the following strategy to just-find the fake coin
out of 4 coins in 2 weighings on one scale. In the first weighing we balance
the first coin against the second. If the weighing unbalances, we know that
one of the participating coins is fake, and we know the potential of every
participating coin. Then in the second weighing we balance the first and
the second coins against the third and the fourth. In this example, all coins
might visit the scale and 4 is the maximum number of coins that can be
processed in 2 weighings.
Alas! There is no simple argument, but at least it is easy to remember,
that the maximal strategies for these two problems differ by one coin.

11 Acknowledgements
I am grateful to Daniel Klain and Alexey Radul for helpful discussions.

[1] B. Descartes, The twelve coin problem, Eureka, 13 (1950) 7, 20.

[2] F. J. Dyson, Note 1931—The problem of the pennies, Math. Gaz., 30

(1946) 231–234.

[3] D. Eves, Problem E712—The extended coin problem, Amer. Math.

Monthly, 53 (1946) 156.

[4] N. J. Fine, Problem 4203—The generalized coin problem, Amer. Math.

Monthly, 53 (1946) 278. Solution, 54 (1947) 489–491.

[5] R. L. Goodstein, Note 1845—Find the penny, Math. Gaz., 29 (1945)

227–229. [Erroneous solution]

[6] H. D. Grossman, The twelve-coin problem, Scripta Math., 11 (1945) 360–


[7] K. Knop, Weighings on two scales, available at

2013/04/blog-post_11.html (2013) (in Russian)

[8] J. G. Mauldon, Strong solutions for the counterfeit coin problem, IBM
Research Report RC 7476 (#31437) (1978)

[9] E. D. Schell, Problem E651—Weighed and found wanting, Amer. Math.

Monthly, 52 (1945) 42.

[10] 2012 Ukraine-Russian Puzzle Tournament, available at: http://kig. (in Russian)

[11] Lothrop Withington, Another solution of the 12-coin problem, Scripta

Math., 11 (1945) 361–363.


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