Tender No.:-1222 EMD RS: - 1,50,000/ - Tender Price: - Rs. 15,000
Tender No.:-1222 EMD RS: - 1,50,000/ - Tender Price: - Rs. 15,000
Tender No.:-1222 EMD RS: - 1,50,000/ - Tender Price: - Rs. 15,000
:- 1222
Serial No – DGP/17/6162/State Plan/Digital Network/Pune&Nagpur/122/2016
EMD Rs :- 1,50,000/- Tender Price :- Rs. 15,000/-
The Director General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai on behalf of the Hon’ble Governor
of Maharashtra invites online Tender in “Two Envelops System” (i.e. Technical Bid & Commercial Bid)
for supply of below mentioned ‘Modern Equipments’ for Maharashtra Police.
Details as Under
Name of Tenderer
Name of the Directors
Name of Proprietors
Name of Authorized Signatory
Registered office Address
Year of Establishment
Type of Firm Public Private Partnership Traders/
Ltd. Ltd.Co. Firm Authorised
Co dealers/
Please Tick () Mark
Telephone Number(s)
E-mail Address/website
Fax No.
Mobile Number
Registration Number under Indian
Companies Act, 1956
Total Annual Turnover
Annual Turnover Year Amount in Crores Rs. Audited
With CSPO Without
Rate Cont. CSPO
Rate Cont.
Sales Tax / VAT Registration Certificate Reg. Number Date
(ii) Earnest Money Deposit (EMD): The Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 1, 50,000/- (Rupees One
Lakh Fifty Thousand only) should be paid online using payment gateway. If the tenderer is
exempted from submitting the EMD, it should be mentioned on the original letter head along
with the copies of G.R. / Govt. order. The exemption must be for the tendered item i.e. the
firm must have the certificate mentioning registered with C.S.P.O. / D.G.S.& D. /NSIC / SSI unit
for the tendered item.
(iii) Registration Certificate of C.S.P.O. / D.G.S.& D. / NSIC / SSI with validity of registration
mentioned clearly.
(iv) Value Added Tax Clearance Certificate from the competent authority showing the VAT paid
up to March 2016. OR If VAT clearance certificate cannot be submitted, acknowledgement of
application made to the VAT competent authority for such clearance certificate should be
enclosed with technical bid. However VAT clearance certificate must be produced before the
opening of the commercial envelope, otherwise the tender shall be treated as invalid &
commercial envelop of such bidder cannot be opened. In case of Tenderers from the States
where VAT is not levied, they should provide the clearance certificate of Sales Tax or any
other equivalent tax levied, from the competent authority. Also, last Income Tax clearance
certificate from the competent authority should be submitted along with the documents.
(v) The tenderer should be an authorized distributor / dealer for the tendered item and he
should furnish current year valid Authorization Letter / Dealerships certificates from the
Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM). The Authorization letter should be specific for the
tendered item. Xerox copy of Authorization letter should be attested with valid dates. The
name of item should be clearly mentioned in Authorization Letter. (Original authorization
letter should be submitted for verification at the time of commercial bid opening).
(vi) The tenderer should obtain a letter from the manufacturer that the Model quoted in the
tender conforms to the specifications of the products manufactured as on date and latest.
Also the product should not be of old model and service be provided for the period as
mentioned in the specifications, or upto 03 years whichever is higher from the date of
acceptance of stores /date of installation. Also a letter showing that he is an authorized
distributor/ dealer for a minimum period of next 3 years.
(vii) Power of Attorney in favour of person signing the bids to be given in Technical envelope (if
(viii)Product Brochure clearly mentioning the features, Make/Model No. etc. If Brochure is not
available then Photograph of tendered product should be submitted.
(ix) Latest Test Report along with letter of the tenderer giving technical specifications to the
laboratory asking for latest report i.e. on or after March 2016, of the tendered item should be
(x) Tenderer should submit Comparative chart in the following format for each item.
by the tenderer
* Special / Additional feature should be mentioned below this comparative chart.
(xi) List of clients to whom the tenderer has supplied the tendered item mentioning the quantity
and date of supply. Copies of supply orders should be uploaded without disclosing commercial
(11) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, reserves the right to
select any vendor on the grounds of his experience, the clients, the capacity or turnover of
the vendor which can infuse confidence that selected vendor can complete the work within
given time.
(12) The tenderer who qualifies in technical bid will have to submit samples for testing /
demonstration / field trials, before a committee of officials selected by Director General of
Police, Maharashtra State, within four days positively from opening of technical envelop, on 'No
cost, No commitment' basis. If the tenderer failed to show the demonstration/ field trials within
given period, his offer will be liable for disqualify.
(13) The tenderer shall give an undertaking for supply of spare parts / batteries for the period
specified in specifications of the tendered item.
(14) The Tenderer shall give an undertaking in case the equipment or any part thereof have to be
imported from their OEM.
(15) That the possesses valid Dealer Possession License ”DPL” for the tendered item as on that date.
The entire order Quantity should be delivered within Eight Weeks or earlier from the date of
receipt of the valid DTG/AIP/DL/Import license from WPC whichever is later of this time schedule
is not adhered to then penalty.
1. The tenderer should submit all above mentioned compulsory documents in specified format
from Sr. No. 1 to 10 (xi). If the tenderer fails to submit any single document in the technical
envelope the tender shall be treated as invalid / rejected.
2. The bidder should note, that queries/ clarifications if any, should be raised during first week
only. From publication of this notice. Queries received after first week will not be
No information related to Price bid should be furnished/disclosed in the Technical Envelope
otherwise the Bid shall be disqualified.
(16) Tenderers should submit separate Commercial bid for each item in the following format clearly
mentioning each and every details of the price bid online:-
Sr. Name of Basic Trans VAT/ Insura Educa- Forwar- Packin Custo Excise Install Trai Final
item (Make / m
No. Model No.) Price - port Equiv- -nce tion ding/ g Duty ation ning price
charg alent Handling charge Duty charg Cha including
es Tax Cess charges es rges of all
(i) The price quoted must be in figures and in words and should be in Rupees.
(ii)The tenderer should note that Customs Duty Exemption Certificate will be given to those
tendered items which are included In the list of Govt. of India's Notification of
(iii) The price quoted must be inclusive of supplying the item anywhere in Maharashtra. No
request of extra payment of transportation charges will be entertained afterwards.
(iv) The warranty period of the tendered item should be mentioned in the Commercial
envelope & would start from installation of final product.
(v) Conditional offers and offers qualified by such vague and indefinite expression such as
"Subject to immediate acceptance, "Subject to prior sale" etc. will not be considered.
(17) Exchange Rate Variation (ERV) :- Bidders should indicate import content(s) and the
currency(ies) used for calculating the value of import content(s) in their total quoted price.
Which (i.e. the total quoted price) will be in Indian Rupees. The bidder should indicate the
Base Exchange Rate for each such foreign currency used for converting the foreign Exchange
content into Indian Rupees and the extent of Foreign Exchange rate variation risk they are
willing to bear. To work out the variation due to changes (if any) in the exchange rates(s). the
base dated for this purpose will be the due date of opening of tenders. The variation will be
allowed between the above base date and the date of remittance to the foreign principal. The
applicable exchanges rate as above will be according to the TT Selling Rates of Exchange as
quoted by the authorized exchange bankers approved by the Reserve Bank of India on the
date in question. No variation is prices in this regard will be allowed if the variation in the
Rate of Exchange remains within the limit of ± 2% (Plus / Minus Two Percent). Any increase
or decrease in the Custom Duty by reason of the variation in the Rate of Exchange in terms
of contract will be to the buyr’s account. In case delivery period is refixed / extended, ERV
will not be admissible. If this is due to default of the supplied. The following documents
should be furnished by the supplied for claiming ERV.
1. A bill of ERV claims enclosing working sheet.
2. Banker’s Certificate / debit advise detaining. F.E. paid date of remittance & exchange
3. Copies of Import Order(s) placed on supplier.
4. Invoice of Supplied for relevant Import Orders(s)
(18) The warranty period of the equipment / item will start from date of receipt / acceptance of
equipment, the period of the comprehensive warranty shall be applicable for 3 years or as
mentioned in specification.
(19) Comprehensive and Non-comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract (AMC) rates (if
applicable) must be mentioned after lapse of warranty period in Commercial envelope.
(20) Quantity of tendered item may vary subject to the final availability of funds.
(21) The selected vendor should be in a position to supply the equipment within Eight Weeks or
earlier from the date of placing of the order / customs duty exemption certificate / license
copy etc. The tenderer should be in a position to supply the goods to Police units as per
distribution list after inspection is completed.
(22) The testing charges of Government approved laboratories, if any of the samples tendered
will have to be paid by the shortlisted Bidders after the short listing of Technical Bids. The
rates of testing charges are likely to vary & the tenderer will have to pay the current
charges before sending the samples for testing. The samples will not be returned to the
(23) Octroi Exemption Certificate, if required, will be provided from this office on requirement and
intimation by the tenderer.
(24) The commercial envelopes of only those participants will be opened who have passed in
demonstration/ laboratory tests/ field trials.
(25) Though any vendor can participate in the tender, the Director General & Inspector General of
Police, Maharashtra State, reserves the right to select the vendor who has a manufacturing
facility, service center or repair workshop in Maharashtra.
(26) Participant should have after sales and service facilities at major cities in Maharashtra,
wherever applicable.
(27) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, reserves the right to
inspect the manufacturing unit wherever found necessary, while considering the tender.
(28) It is responsibility of the vender to take back Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) after finalization
of the tender. No interest will be paid at any cost on Earnest Money Deposit.
(29) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, reserves the right to
reject any part or the whole tender without assigning any reason.
(30) The conditions mentioned in Purchase Procedure Rules and Purchase Manual of Govt. of
Maharashtra, and instructions as per Government of Maharashtra, Industries Energy & Labour
Dept. Resolution ÛÎú. ³ÖÖÓÜÖÃÖ-1088/2512/ˆªÖêÝÖ-6, פü. 02/01/1992 & a l s o ÛÎú. ³ÖÖÓÜÖÃÖ-2014/¯ÖÏ.ÛÎú.82/ˆªÖêÝÖ-
4, פü. 30/10/2015 and recent amendments thereof will be applicable.
(31) The right to ignore any tender which fails to comply with the above instruction is reserved.
(32) Tenderers are at liberty to remain present or to authorize their representative at the
opening of technical or commercial bid at the time and date specified. Dates quoted for
opening of technical and commercial bids are subject to changes in case there is any
holiday abruptly declared by the Government or under certain unavoidable circumstances.
(33) The Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai does not
pledge himself to accept the lowest or any tender and reserves to himself the right of
accepting the whole or any part of the tender or portion of the quantity offered against
any item and tenderer should supply the same at the rate quoted.
(34) In the event of the order being placed against any of the tender and if tenderer fails to
supply any stores according to specifications or the terms and conditions of Acceptance of
Tender or fails to replace any stores rejected by the Director General & Inspector General of
Police , Maharashtra State, Mumbai. or by any person on his behalf within such time as may
be stipulated, the Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State,
Mumbai, reserves the right to purchase such stores from any other sources and at such price
as the Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai shall in his
sole discretions thinks fit.
If action as stipulated above is taken:-
(ii) The defaulting contractor will be penalized to the extent of the differences in the rates
or 10% of the value of the earlier orders whichever is higher.
(iii) If the defaulting contractor fails to pay the penalty he will be permanently de-listed
from the list of approved contractors of the Director General & Inspector General of
Police, MS, Mumbai and the registration deposit of the contractors will be forfeited to
(35) In case of no delivery and /or delayed delivery against an order placed after Acceptance of
Tender the Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai reserves
to himself the right to impose such penalty in his sole discretion as he thinks fit.
(36) (a) Successful Tenderer will be required to pay security deposit as fixed by the
Director General & Inspector General of Police, M.S., Mumbai and enter in an
agreement for the performance of the contract.
(b) Bidders convicted or involved in any criminal office shall be considered
ineligible for awarding contract.
(c) Bidder should submit undertaking as follows:
That he has not been blacklisted from participating in any tender initiated
by any State / Central Govt. Or UT of Govt.
That there are no criminal cases against the Company. If there are any cases
the same should be denoted in brief summary.
(37) As soon as it is apparent that contract dates cannot be adhered to, an application shall be sent
to the Director General & Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai.
(38) Without prejudice to the foregoing rights, if such failure to delivery in stipulated time as
aforesaid shall have arisen from any cause, which the Director General & Inspector General of
Police, M.S., Mumbai may admit as a reasonable ground for an extension of the time (and his
decision shall be final), he may allow such additional time considering the circumstances of the
case, which are justified. However, the decision taken by the Director General & Inspector
General of Police, M.S. will be final.
(39) Provided always that any failure or delay on the part of sub-contractors through their employee
shall not be admitted as a reasonable ground for any extension of time or for exempting the
tenderer from liability for any such loss or damage, as aforesaid and provided further that no
extension shall be allowed unless applied for and if shall, in the opinion of the Director General
& Inspector General of Police, Maharashtra State, Mumbai (which shall be final) have been made
and in his opinion, are justified.
(40) Any statutory increases or decreases in an Act of State or the Central Government relating to
Sales Tax and other taxes shall be borne by the tenderer.
(41) Tenderers should state the place of inspection of the stores offered, if the goods are offered for
inspection outside Maharashtra State, the tenderer will have to bear all expenditure of
inspection carried out by this office.
(42) Goods should be dispatched at carrier’s risk and should be properly covered by transit insurance
with Govt. Insurance Fund, Mumbai–400 032. However, the tenderer will be responsible till the
entire Stores contracted for arrived in good condition at destination.
(43) The tenderer should specifically mention whether they are licensed under Industries
Development and Regulation (IDR) ACT 1951 for the production of the item in tender and if
not, how prescribed and from whom they proposed to procure the material and what
arrangements are proposed for its assembly and supply.
I agree with all the above terms and conditions.
I agree with all the above terms and conditions.
1. Once a User has accepted these Terms and Conditions, he/ she may register on Merchants
website and avail the Services.
2. Merchant's rights, obligations, undertakings shall be subject to the laws in force in India, as
well as any directives/ procedures of Government of India, and nothing contained in these
Terms and Conditions shall be in derogation of Merchant's right to comply with any law
enforcement agencies request or requirements relating to any User's use of the website or
information provided to or gathered by Merchant with respect to such use. Each User accepts
and agrees that the provision of details of his/ her use of the Website to regulators or police
or to any other third party in order to resolve disputes or complaints which relate to the
Website shall be at the absolute discretion of Merchant.
3. If any Part of these Terms and Conditions are determined to be invalid or unenforceable
pursuant to applicable law including, but not limited to, the warranty disclaimers and liability
limitations set forth herein, then the invalid or unenforceable provision will be deemed
superseded by a valid, enforceable provision that most closely matches the intent of the
original provision and the remainder of these Terms and Conditions shall continue in effect.
4. These Terms and Conditions constitute the entire agreement between the User and
Merchant. These Terms and Conditions supersede all prior or contemporaneous
communications and proposals. whether electronic, oral or written, between the User and
Merchant. A printed version of these Terms and Conditions and of any notice given in
electronic form shall be admissible in judicial or administrative proceedings based upon or
relating to these Terms and Conditions to the same extent and subject to the same conditions
as other business documents and records originally generated and maintained in printed
5. The entries in the books of Merchant and/or the Payment Gateway Service Providers kept in
the ordinary course of business of Merchant and/or the Payment Gateway Service Providers
with regard to transactions covered under these Terms and Conditions and matters therein
appearing shall be binding on the User and shall be conclusive proof of the genuineness and
accuracy of the transaction.
6. Refund For Charge Back Transaction: In the event there is any claim for / of charge back by
the User for any reason whatsoever, such User shall immediately approach Merchant with his
/ her claim details and claim refund from Merchant alone. Such refund (if any) shall be
effected only by Merchant via payment gateway or by means of a demand draft or such other
means as Merchant deems appropriate. No claims for refund/ charge back shall be made by
any User to the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) and in the event such claim is made it
shall not be entertained.
7. In these Terms and Conditions, the term "Charge Back" shall mean approved and settled
credit card or net banking purchase transaction(s) which are at any time refused, debited or
charged back to merchant account (and shall also include similar debits to Payment Gateway
Service Provider's accounts, if any) by the acquiring rank or credit card company for any
reason whatsoever, together with the bank fees, penalties and other charges incidental
8. Refund for fraudulent / duplicate transaction(s): The User shall directly contact Merchant for
any fraudulent transaction(s) on account of misuse of Card / Bank details by a fraudulent
individual/party and such issues shall be suitably addressed by Merchant alone in line with
their policies and rules.
9. Server Slow Down/Session Timeout: In case the Website or Payment Gateway Service
Provider's webpage, that is linked to the Website, is experiencing any server related issues
like 'slow down' or failure' or 'session timeout', the User shall, before initiating the second
payment, check whether his/her Bank Account has been debited or not and accordingly
resort to one of the following options:
i. In case the Bank Account appears to be debited, ensure that he / she does not make the
payment twice and immediately thereafter contact Merchant via e-mail or any other mode of
contact as provided by Merchant to confirm payment.
ii In case the Bank Account is not debited, the User may initiate a fresh transaction to make
However the User agrees that under no circumstances the Payment Gateway Service Provider shall
be held responsible for such fraudulent/duplicate transactions and hence no claims should be
raised to Payment Gateway Service Provider. No communication received by the Payment
Gateway Service Provider(s) in this regard shall be entertained by the Payment Gateway
Service Provider,
Limitation of Liability
1. Merchant has made this Service available to the User as a matter of convenience. Merchant
expressly disclaims any claim or liability arising out of the provision of this Service. The User
agrees and acknowledges that he/ she shall be solely responsible for his/ her conduct and
that Merchant reserves the right to terminate the rights to use of the Service immediately
without giving any prior notice thereof.
2. Merchant and/or the Payment Gateway Service Providers shall not be liable for any
inaccuracy, error or delay in, or omission of (a) any data, information or message, or (b) the
transmission or delivery of any such data, information or message; or (c) any loss or damage
arising from or occasioned by any such inaccuracy, error, delay or omission. nonperformance
or interruption in any such data, information or message. Under no circumstances shall the
Merchant and/or the Payment Gateway Service Providers,
its employees, directors and its third party agents involved in processing, delivering or
managing the Services. be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential
damages, or any damages whatsoever, including punitive or exemplary arising out of or in any
way connected with the provision of or any inadequacy or deficiency in the provision of the
Services or resulting from unauthorized access or alteration of transmissions of data or arising
from suspension or termination of the Services.
3. The Merchant and the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) assume no liability whatsoever
for any monetary or other damage suffered by the User on account of:
(I) the delay, failure, interruption, or corruption of any data or other information transmitted in
connection with use of the Payment Gateway or Services in connection thereto; and/ or
4. The User shall indemnify and hold harmless the Payment Gateway Service Provider(s) and
Merchant and their respective officers, directors, agents and employees from any claim or
remand or actions arising out of or in connection with the utilization of the Services.
The User agrees that Merchant or any of its employees will not be held liable by the User for any
loss or damages arising from your use of, or reliance upon the information contained on the
Website, or any failure complete these Terms and Conditions where such failure is due to
circumstances beyond Merchant's reasonable control.