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The document lists hundreds of vocabulary words in alphabetical order spanning across 4 pages.

Some words related to abandonment include: abandon, aloof, homeless, and orphan.

Some words related to examinations include: examination, examine, error, and test.



1. abandon 27. bluff 53. coordinate

2. abdomen 28. blunder 54. coordination
3. abuse 29. borough 55. correct
4. achievement 30. boundary 56. correction
5. acre 31. bountiful 57. counsel
6. adjoin 32. bracelet 58. counter
7. admiration 33. brief 59. coward
8. admire 34. burro 60. cowered
9. admitted 35. burrow 61. cursor
10. adorable 36. cancel 62. dawdle
11. advanced 37. caution 63. deceive
12. afford 38. changeable 64. defeat
13. aloof 39. character 65. delete
14. alter 40. circuit 66. devote
15. alteration 41. circulate 67. devour
16. amazement 42. circulation 68. director
17. amusement 43. cite 69. discard
18. annoy 44. citizen 70. disciplined
19. appraise 45. cleanse 71. doubt
20. bamboo 46. coax 72. dreadful
21. baron 47. conceal 73. droop
22. barren 48. conceited 74. earnest
23. barrier 49. conceive 75. endeavor
24. batch 50. conclude 76. entirely
25. beige 51. confine 77. equaled
26. belief 52. consider 78. equipped
79. error 115. grammar 151. irrational
80. escalator 116. grief 152. irregular
81. examination 117. happening 153. irrelevant
82. examine 118. haughty 154. irresistible
83. exceed 119. hoist 155. irritation
84. excitement 120. homeless 156. junior
85. excluding 121. honored 157. kilometer
86. exhausted 122. horizontal 158. labored
87. expand 123. humane 159. laser
88. exploration 124. hurdle 160. leisure
89. explore 125. idleness 161. limited
90. faithful 126. illegal 162. litter
91. familiar 127. illegible 163. lonesome
92. favored 128. illogical 164. magnetic
93. feign 129. illuminate 165. maneuver
94. fiber 130. immobile 166. maroon
95. field 131. immovable 167. meadow
96. fierce 132. impartial 168. mental
97. fiery 133. impatient 169. merited
98. fitting 134. imperfect 170. mileage
99. flawless 135. impolite 171. modeling
100. flattering 136. improper 172. monarchy
101. foreign 137. inability 173. monitor
102. forgave 138. inadequate 174. mound
103. forgetting 139. inappropriate 175. mourn
104. formidable 140. inaudible 176. muscle
105. formula 141. independent 177. mussel
106. forward 142. individual 178. mute
107. freight 143. ineffective 179. mystery
108. frontier 144. inexcusable 180. neither
109. gallon 145. influx 181. omitted
110. gentleness 146. initials 182. oxygen
111. geyser 147. insecure 183. oyster
112. glistening 148. inspiring 184. panel
113. gloomy 149. intact 185. parcel
114. graceful 150. irate 186. pardoned
187. parka 223. relieve 259. soldier
188. particular 224. rely 260. somehow
189. patience 225. reprieve 261. source
190. perceive 226. reproach 262. sparkling
191. permitting 227. reserved 263. starch
192. perpendicular 228. retrieve 264. stationary
193. physical 229. review 265. stationery
194. polish 230. rhyme 266. statue
195. pollen 231. rhythm 267. strict
196. precisely 232. right 268. strive
197. preferred 233. rite 269. substitute
198. preservation 234. rival 270. substitution
199. preserve 235. rumor 271. subtract
200. principal 236. rural 272. subtraction
201. principle 237. salary 273. succeed
202. promptly 238. salmon 274. summary
203. punctual 239. scarcely 275. summery
204. purposeful 240. scarred 276. superior
205. quintet 241. scene 277. surface
206. radar 242. scholar 278. surrender
207. ratify 243. scoundrel 279. tapered
208. razor 244. scrapped 280. taut
209. reasoning 245. seize 281. tepid
210. receipt 246. senior 282. terrain
211. recover 247. separate 283. text
212. recurring 248. separation 284. thoughtful
213. recycle 249. serene 285. triangle
214. reflect 250. shuddered 286. turquoise
215. reflection 251. sight 287. tutoring
216. refute 252. similar 288. unlikely
217. regular 253. sincerely 289. urban
218. rehearse 254. site 290. usable
219. reign 255. skidding 291. vanish
220. reimburse 256. sloppy 292. vehicle
221. reject 257. smirk 293. veil
222. rejoice 258. solar 294. waist
295. waste
296. wield
297. wireless
298. write
299. yearn
300. yield

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