Wow Rol
Wow Rol
Wow Rol
Disclaimer: No responsibility will be taken for any world-ending disasters including but not limited to: Sargeras’ destruction of Azeroth, the complete corruption
of the world by the Old Gods and forces of the Void, any widescale changes of the planet including but not limited to The Sundering, the tearing in half of The
Barrens or the flooding of the Thousand Needles.
This work is purely recreational, and is not intended to contest and/or derive any commercial benefit in any way, shape, or form from any
Wizards of the Coast or Blizzard Entertainment products (the D&D 5th Edition Roleplaying game, and product identities including but not
limited to Warcraft, World of Warcraft, World of Warcraft: The Role-Playing Game; all text under the “Description” header of any creature,
spell, magic item, artifact, or NPC listing; any elements of the Warcraft setting, including but not limited to capitalized names, names of
artifacts, beings, characters, countries, creatures, geographic locations, gods, historic events, magic items, organizations, songs, and spells;
any and all stories, storylines, plots, thematic elements, and dialogue; and all artwork, symbols, designs, depictions, illustrations, maps and
CHAPTER 1: STEPlikenesses,
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logos, symbols, or 2: RACESdesigns),
graphic CONTENTS and use of this is non-commercial in purpose, and appeals to the ‘Fair
Use’ intent of copyright infringement laws.
CHAPTER 1: STEP-BY-STEP CHARACTERS...............6 CHAPTER 5: EQUIPMENT ................................. 118
Chapter 2: Races ......................................................................... 8 Tools ..........................................................................................119
Draenei .......................................................................................... 9 Treasures ..................................................................................121
Dwarf ........................................................................................... 11 Artifacts .....................................................................................131
Elf ................................................................................................. 13 Armor Sets ...............................................................................133
Forsaken..................................................................................... 16 Skill or Tool Products ...........................................................138
Gnome......................................................................................... 17 Poisons and Plagues..............................................................139
Goblin .......................................................................................... 18 Devices and Engineering ......................................................141
Human ........................................................................................ 19 CHAPTER 6: CUSTOMIZATION OPTIONS............. 147
Orc................................................................................................ 20
Pandaren .................................................................................... 21 CHAPTER7:USINGABILITYSCORES,SKILLS,ANDTOOLS.149
Tauren ......................................................................................... 22 Gathering Tools ......................................................................149
Troll ............................................................................................. 23 Production Tools ....................................................................152
Worgen........................................................................................ 25
CHAPTER 8: ADVENTURING ............................ 160
Half-Breed Race........................................................................ 26
Between Adventures ..............................................................160
CHAPTER 3: CLASSES....................................... 27
Structures and Strongholds.................................................161
Alchemist (ALC) ....................................................................... 27
CHAPTER 9: COMBAT .................................... 165
Death Knight (DKN) ................................................................ 33
Druid (DRD) .............................................................................. 40 CHAPTER 10: SPELLCASTING............................ 166
Hunter (HTR) ............................................................................ 46
Mage (MGE) .............................................................................. 53 CHAPTER 11: SPELLS ...................................... 174
Monk (MNK) .............................................................................. 58 Spells by Class ........................................................................175
Paladin (PLD) ........................................................................... 63 Spell Descriptions ..................................................................182
Priest (PRS)............................................................................... 69
APPENDIX A: CONDITIONS.............................. 222
Rogue (RGE) ............................................................................. 76
Shaman (SHM) ......................................................................... 82 APPENDIX B: GODS OF THE WARCRAFT UNIVERSE.224
Tinker (TNK) ............................................................................. 88
Warlock (WRK)......................................................................... 93 APPENDIX C: PLANES OF EXISTENCE..................228
Warrior (WAR) ......................................................................... 98
Special and Racial Specializations .................................... 104
APPENDIX D: CLASSES IN LORE.........................230
Measures: Confidence, eloquence, leadership
Measures: Natural athleticism, bodily power
Important for: Warlock
Important for: Death knight, paladin, and warrior
Racial Increases:
Racial Increases:
• Forsaken (+1), Goblin (+1), Human (+1), Orc (+1)
• Mountain dwarf (+2), Draenei (+2), Forsaken (+1), Orc
(+2), Human (+1), Tauren (+2), Worgen (+1) DETERMINING ABILITY SCORES
Measures: Physical agility, reflexes, balance, poise
This method leads to more focused characters with clearer
Important for: Hunter, monk, rogue
weaknesses. Before applying modifiers, choose a one focus
Racial Increases:
(an ability score you’re good at) and one foible (an ability
• Elf (+2), Forsaken (+1), Human (+1), Orc (+1),Troll (+1), score you’re bad at).
Worgen (+2), Focus. Mark this attribute as 18
Foible. Mark this attribute as 8
Set your remaining attributes at 10, and distribute 16
Measures: Health, constitution, vital force
points among the ability scores in any way you desire. You
Important for: Everyone
may reduce an existing attribute by up to 2 points to gain 2
Racial Increases:
points to add to another attribute.
• Dwarf (+2), Forsaken (+1), Gnome (+1), Human (+1), Orc
(+1), Pandaren (+2), Troll ( + 1, + 2 if ice troll)
This method leads to generally stronger characters than by
INTELLIGENCE normal rolling.
Measures: Mental acuity, information recall, analytical skill For each ability score, roll 2d6 + 6
Important for: Alchemist, mage, tinker
Racial Increases: BEYOND 1ST LEVEL
• Darklands dwarf (+1), High elf (+1), Void Elf (+1), The rules in the World of Warcraft 5e RPG also include
Nightborne (+1), Gnome (+2) Goblin (+2), Forsaken (+1), crafting sub-systems and classes (such as the Alchemist and
Human (+1), Orc (+1) Tinker), and various options (such as the Infusionist feat)
that can translate wealth into character power.
“The Legion’s end draws near.”
As one of the enlightened cousins of the Eredar, the
Draenei arrived in Azeroth after the reopening of the Dark
Portal. Living out the last centuries in exile and escape from
the Burning Legion, the Draenei are steadfast champions of
the Light, and will do anything in their power to prevent
another world from falling to the Flame.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength increases by 2.
Affiliation. Alliance. Unbroken draenei have found that
they have strong bonds with humanity and dwarvenkind due
to their shared worship of the Light, and kinship with the
now-mortal night elves.
Gift of the Naaru. You can use your bonus action to
channel holy energy, casting the renewing light spell as if
cast as a 1st level spell. This can be used once until a short
or long rest.
At 6th level, you gain another use of the ability or choose
to heighten the spell’s effective level to a 3rd level spell. You
can make the same choice at 11th and 16th levels (4th or
5th level, or additional uses). While a creature benefits from
this ability, they have a glowing blue mark above their
forehead (shedding light equal to dancing lights).
Gemcutting. You are proficient with artisan’s tools
(jewelcrafting kit).
“You will learn our ways…”
The Broken, also known as Krokul in Draenei, are a
mutated and devolved subrace of draenei who lived in
Outland. They, like most of the orcs, fell prey to the demons'
sinister influence and were changed by the corruption.
Though they lost some of their former powers, the Broken
still present a clear danger to all races through Outland. The
largest known faction of Broken in Outland, the Ashtongue
Deathsworn, is currently led by Akama. They are supposedly
allied with Illidan Stormrage.
HUMAN to be 80.
Affiliation. Humans tend toward no particular alignment.
“Go with honor, friend.” The best and the worst are found among them. Most are
loyal to the Grand Alliance, but there are pockets of
Humans are among the youngest races on Azeroth, but
independents, horde-allied, or even those tied to the Burning
they make up for it by being the most populous. With life
Legion or Scourge as demon-worshipping Warlocks and
spans generally shorter than the other races, humans strive
Scourge-following Necromancers, respectively.
all the harder to achieve great heights in empire building,
Size. Humans vary widely in height and build, from barely
exploration and magical study. This aggressive and
5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. Regardless of your position in
inquisitive nature leads the human nations to become active
that range, your size is Medium.
and influential in the world.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
As a human, your people value virtue, honor and courage,
Feat. You gain one feat of your choice.
though like all races they also pursue power and wealth.
Human Spirit. You may grant yourself advantage to any
Humans have spent generations battling dark forces and
one saving throw. After you use this ability, you can’t use it
have lost some of their greatest kingdoms to them. This loss
again until you finish a short rest.
embitters humans, and they have a warlike view of
Skillful. You gain proficiency with one skill or tool of your
diplomacy — swing first, ask questions later. Aided by belief
choice. You may not choose alchemy, engineering, or
in the Holy Light, humans have fought the hardest and
infusion tools.
endured the most during the wars against the Horde and the
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
Burning Legion. You may hail from the ruins of once-
one extra language of your choice. Humans typically learn
glorious Lordaeron, the island-nation of Kul Tiras, the
the languages of other peoples they deal with, including
mountains of Alterac, the highlands of Stromgarde, or the
obscure dialects. They are fond of sprinkling their speech
rebuilt capital of Stormwind, amongst other nations.
with words borrowed from other tongues: Orc curses, Elven
Despite all their tragedies, humans remain hardy and
musical expressions, Dwarven military phrases, and so on.
brave — thoroughly committed to building strong societies,
reinforcing their kingdoms and reclaiming their nations.
Male Names. Merander, Gyram, Derrick, Hebry.
Years of war have tempered human resolve, and they are
Female Names. Lilla, Merian, Richelle, Ammi.
more hardened and determined than ever before.
Family Names. Renn, Townguard, Silversmith, Runetouch.
ORCISH TRAITS Male Names. Grom, Thrum, Drog, Gorrum, Harg, Thurg,
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2,
Female Names. Groma, Hargu, Igrim, Agra, Dragga, Grima.
and your Stamina increases by 1. You may also choose one
Family Names. Doomhammer,
third ability score and increase it by 1.
Deadeye, Foebinder, Elfkiller,
Age. Orcs mature and age a little faster than humans,
reaching adulthood around the age of 20 and rarely live up
to be 100 years old.
Affiliation. Horde. Thrall formed the Horde with
determination and sheer will, and created an alliance of
races that has shaken the foundations of the world to its
core. Having destroyed the legacy of Grom Hellscream by
bringing the orcs out of the depths of demon worship and
servitude to unseen powers, Thrall rules the Horde in
Kalimdor with wisdom and temperance. The orcs are as
much a part of the Horde as the Horde is part of what the
orcs have become.
The Warcraft universe also has its share of mixed-origin
characters (or half races), most commonly half-elves (human
and elves of any type), half-orcs (human and orcs, or draenei
and orcs), and half-ogres (orcs and ogres). Some of the more
famous examples are Garona Halforcen and the half elven
Alodi, the first Guardian.
Mixed races are treated as both races with spells, magic by their ancestry, such as 'Halforcen,' 'half elven', or even
effects, and mechanical purposes, but may be looked down 'half human' depending on their actions and history.
upon by their parent races. For example, Drann Halforcen, (orc father, draenei
mother) can choose his father's ( + 2 to Strength, + 1 to
HALF-BREED TRAITS Stamina) or his mother's ( + 2 to Strength, + 1 to Spirit)
Ability Score Increase. The creature chooses one of either racial attribute bonuses. The character may then make a
parents' racial attributes. decision on which race is he closer biologically to (gaining
Affiliation. The creature usually either falls to either all Draenei racial traits if the maternal side is dominant, or
parents' affiliation or is independent. all Orc traits if their paternal side is dominant).
Size. The creature is the average in size of both parents (if He would gain both Common, Orcish, and uncorrupted
they are not both Medium sized). Eredun in either case.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
At 1st level, you know a number of cantrips equal to your
proficiency bonus. As normal for alchemist spells, you
cannot cast them, but can turn them into potions. Cantrips
do not require a formula book, and are always memorized.
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice
by 1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above
20 using this feature.
Starting at 7th level, your exposure and experimentations
in alchemy left your body more resilient to certain effects,
such as a rogue’s poison gas or a stinking cloud spell.
When you are subjected to an effect that allows you to
make a Stamina saving throw to take only half damage or a
reduced effect, you instead take no damage or effect if you
succeed on the saving throw, and only half damage (or the
reduced effect) if you fail.
For example, a clay golem’s reduction to maximum hit
points is negated on a successful saving throw, and you
take half the effect if you fail.
Starting at 9th level, you may maintain two quick potions at
the same time.
Starting at 6th level, you add all necromancy spells from the
Mage spell list to the Alchemist spell list, and can make
potions out of them.
Starting at 10th level, you can secrete or develop poisons
and diseases in your body. You may declare development of
a disease or poison 24 hours before you can secrete it. After
24 hours have passed, you can conjure a number of doses of
the chosen poison or disease equal to your proficiency
bonus, with no maximum rarity higher than your maximum
potion rarity, or DC higher than 10 + half your class level.
This can be done once in a 24-hour circle.
You cannot develop a disease or poison that would
otherwise affect you in this way. Gaining acquired immunity
to poisons or diseases also requires only one-quarter the
normal time.
Also starting at 3rd level, you can spend a use of your quick
See the Poisoner’s Kit for the ability to gain immunities
potions ability to change any potion you have into a potion of
against diseases or poisons.
the rejuvenation spell. The spell level is unchanged, up to
SOUL SCIENCE the maximum spell level of the spell you can access. You
Starting at 14th level, whenever you create or summon also add the rejuvenation spell to your formula book, if you
undead or constructs via alchemy (conjure spell), you may didn’t already have it.
grant the creature gain Blindsight against living and undead
creatures, as well as constructs and devices that work off an
Starting at 6th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
electrical source.
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. This only
applies when you benefit from the mutate spell.
Upon gaining a level in this class, you may permanently
pledge your soul as well, turning yourself into an undead
creature (permanently gaining the below Undead Nature
ability, and counting as the undead creature type).
You don’t require air, food, drink, or sleep. You are also
immune to nonmagical poisons and diseases, and have
advantage to effects that cause the exhausted and poisoned
Also, an uncorrupted draenei who takes on the mantle of
death knight may alter their Gift of the Naaru ability, casting
the death hex spell instead, as the draenei takes a unique
shadow-fel shade of their Eredar heritage in exchange of the
holy powers of the Naaru. This extremely uncommon
sacrifice also takes its toll on the draenei’s body, slowly
morphing their appearance through extended exposure to
fel magic to be more like the Eredar, but turning their skin
sickly pale blue instead of red.
As a death knight, you have the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d10 per death knight level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Stamina modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Stamina
modifier per death knight level after 1st
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Spirit
Skills: Choose four from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation,
Medicine, Deception, and Religion.
Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your death knight
spells, since their power derives from the strength of your
convictions. You use your Charisma whenever a spell refers
to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your
Charisma modifier when setting the saving throw DC for a
death knight spell you cast and when making an attack roll
with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Charisma
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Charisma modifier
You can make a druid quickly by following these
suggestions. First, Spirit should be your highest ability
score, followed by Stamina. Second, choose the hermit
As a druid, you have the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per druid level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Stamina modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Stamina
modifier per druid level after 1st
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: Clubs, daggers, darts, javelins, maces,
quarterstaffs, sickles, slings, spears
Tools: Herbalism kit
Saving Throws: Charisma, Stamina
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Animal Handling,
Insight, Medicine, Nature, Perception, Religion, and
You start with the following equipment, in addition to
the equipment granted by your background:
You prepare the list of druid spells that are available for
DRUIDIC you to cast, choosing from the druid spell list. You can also
You know druidic, the secret language of druids, fey, and change your list of prepared spells when you finish a long
spirits of the wild. You can speak the language and use it to rest by meditating in nature and consulting your druidic idol
leave hidden messages. You and others who know this (treat as a spellbook). Preparing a new list of druid spells
language automatically spot such a message. Others spot requires time spent in prayer and meditation: at least 1
the message’s presence with a successful DC 15 Spirit minute per spell level for each spell on your list.
(Perception) check but can’t decipher it without magic. If
you can speak druidic, you can communicate one-way with
You can cast a druid spell as a ritual if that spell has the
all other druids and fey creatures, even if you don’t
ritual tag and you have the spell in your idol. You don't need
otherwise share a language. Natural beasts understand
to have the spell prepared.
simple commands in druidic.
SPELLCASTING Spirit is your spellcasting ability for your druid spells, since
Drawing on the divine essence of nature itself, you can cast your magic draws upon your devotion and attunement to
spells to shape that essence to your will. You cast Druid nature. You use your Spirit whenever a spell refers to your
spells. spellcasting ability. In addition, you use your Spirit modifier
when setting the saving throw DC for a druid spell you cast
CANTRIPS and when making an attack roll with one.
At 1st level, you know a number of cantrips equal to your
proficiency bonus. Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Spirit
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Spirit
A druid can conjure and bind aberrations, beasts, modifier
elementals, fey, oozes, and plants.
PREPARING AND CASTING SPELLS At 1st level, your idol contains six 1st-level druid spells of
Each druid level provides you with 1 caster level in the druid your choice. When you level up, you gain 2 additional druid
class. You follow the normal progression to unlock spell spells of your choice. You may also acquire new spells by
levels (see the table under the Mana section). research, tutelage, or from the spellbooks and scrolls of
spellcasters who have spells you can cast.
Azerothian Druids usually choose from one of the below WORLD IN BALANCE
three circles. Starting at 14th level, you can command the world to hear
your call, and call a solar or lunar eclipse (depending on the
BALANCE time). Once this ability is used, it cannot be used again until
You achieve a balance between the powers and influence of after a long rest.
the moon and sun. Balance druids usually stand in the back Solar Eclipse (Day only). The sun’s light is covered by a
lines, invigorating their allies and calling down shooting shadow which blankets the earth in a 5-mile radius centered
stars on their foes. on the druid for one hour. The area becomes dim light or
normal light (your choice), and creatures sensitive to
BALANCE CIRCLE SPELLS sunlight do not take penalties from sunlight. All your druid
Level Spells spells that deal arcane damage do so as if your Eclipse pool
3rd barkskin, entangling roots was full. You also gain one Eclipse Point per minute.
5th call lightning, plant growth
Lunar Eclipse (Night only). The moon’s light is bright
7th divination, freedom of movement
9th commune with nature, tree stride and cloaked in the shadow which blankets the earth in a 5-
mile radius centered on the druid for one hour. The area
becomes either dim or normal light (your choice), and
Your magical talents bring you closer to beasts of the wild,
making you prime and paragon above them. Feral druids
often take up traits of the beasts they shape to.
You can make a hunter quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Agility your highest ability score,
followed by Spirit. (Some hunters who focus on two-weapon
fighting make Strength higher than Agility.) Second, choose
the outlander background.
As a hunter, you gain the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d10 per hunter level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Stamina modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Stamina
modifier per hunter level after 1st
Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Agility
Skills: Choose three from Animal Handling, Athletics,
Insight, Investigation, Nature, Perception, Stealth, and
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
Spirit is your spellcasting ability for your hunter spells, since
your magic draws upon your attunement to nature. You use
your Spirit whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting
ability. In addition, you use your Spirit modifier when setting • The Suffused Arrows hunter talent.
the saving throw DC for a druid spell you cast and when • The Flash Bomber rogue talent.
making an attack roll with one.
Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Spirit
modifier At 3rd level, you choose an archetype that you strive to
emulate: the Beast Master who bonds with an animal, a
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Spirit Marksman who always finds their target and excels in
bringing them down, and a Survivalist, who has several
SPELLBOOK – IDOL terrain-based abilities and is an expert ambusher, all of
At 2nd level, your idol contains three 1st-level hunter spells which are detailed at the end of the class description. Your
of your choice. When you level up, you gain 2 additional choice grants you features at 3rd level and again at 7th,
hunter spells of your choice. You may also acquire new 11th, and 15th level.
Starting at 2nd level, whenever you successfully deal arcane
damage to an enemy through a spell or ability, you gain one
Arcane Sphere. You cannot gain more than one per round.
Arcane spheres may be used to empower your abilities.
Arcane spheres may be spent for the following.
You ignite enemies with bolts of flame and exploding fire,
heating up until you deliver the final strike. Fire mages are
well-appreciated engines of destruction in war.
Beginning at 2nd level, you can create pockets of relative
safety within the effects of your fire evocation spells. When
you cast a fire evocation spell that affects other creatures
that you can see, you can choose a number of them equal to
1 + your intelligence modifier. The chosen creatures
automatically succeed on their saving throws against the
spell, and they take no damage if they would normally take
half damage on a successful save.
Also, for a number of times equal to your proficiency
bonus, your fire evocation spells can be used to set a target
single on fire, inflicting the burning condition on a failed
Stamina saving throw. The burning damage is equal to 1d6
points of fire damage, or one-quarter the number of dice
the spell dealt (whichever is higher).
You may use multiple uses on a single spell. You regain
all spent uses at the end of a short rest.
TRANSMUTATION MASTERY: TRANSFUSION Also beginning at 2nd level, you may scribe evocation spells
Starting at 6th level, any hostile target of a transmutation with other energy types as fire spells in your spellbook. The
spell that transforms them (such as polymorph, flesh to spells act the same way, unless the DM rules it is
stone, etc.) you cast takes damage as if hit by your arcane unreasonable (such as a slippery effect on a fire sleet spell).
blast once the spell’s duration ends, if you choose it, You also gain resistance to fire damage.
regardless of the actual range. On a successful saving throw,
they take no damage. The choice is made when the spell is
Starting at 6th level, you may cast Fire Bolt as a bonus
first cast.
action. Also, you may critically hit with any ranged fire spell
ABJURATION MASTERY: SPELL-FLARE attack on a 19 and a 20, dealing double damage. Also,
At 10th level, you may twist a spell when it is dispelled by whenever a creature suffers the burning condition from your
your abjuration spells. Whenever you dispel an ongoing fire spells, they also have disadvantage to ability checks so
magical effect on a target, they also take damage as if hit by long as the condition remains.
your arcane blast.
This damage applies only once per round, regardless of
Starting at 10th level, you may spend a bonus action when
how many effects you dispel. Whenever you cast spell with
targeting a creature that is immune or resistant to fire
‘mana’ in the name (such as detonate mana, mana burn,
damage, reducing its resistance to damage. If it is immune, it
mana shield, etc.), it also costs you one less point of mana.
becomes resistant instead. If resistant, it takes damage
RUNE OF POWER normally. If it takes normal damage, it is instead vulnerable.
Starting at 14th level, you may use an action to create a rune This remains for one hour, and one creature cannot be
of power up to 30 feet away that focuses the ley lines of the subjected to this effect more than once for 24 hours.
You can make a monk quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Agility your highest ability score,
followed by Spirit. Second, choose the hermit background.
As a monk, you gain the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per monk level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Stamina modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Stamina
modifier per monk level after 1st
Armor: None
Weapons: Simple weapons, shortswords, darts,
Tools: Choose one type of artisan’s tools or one musical
Saving Throws: Strength, Agility
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, History,
Insight, Religion, and Stealth
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and
not wielding a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Agility
modifier + your Spirit modifier.
At 1st level, your practice of martial arts gives you mastery Starting at 2nd level, your training allows you to harness the
of combat styles that use unarmed strikes and monk mystic energy of ki (or Chi within Pandaren circles). Your
weapons, which are shortswords and any simple melee access to this energy is represented by a number of ki
weapons that don’t have the two-handed or heavy property. points. You have a number of Ki points equal to your monk
You gain the following benefits while you are unarmed or level.
wielding only monk weapons and you aren’t wearing armor You can spend these points to fuel various ki features. You
or wielding a shield: start knowing three such features: Flurry of Blows, Patient
Defense, and Step of the Wind. You learn more ki features
• You can use Agility instead of Strength for the attack and
as you gain levels in this class.
damage rolls of your unarmed strikes and monk weapons.
When you spend a ki point, it is unavailable until you finish
• You can roll a d4 in place of the normal damage of your
a short or long rest, at the end of which you draw all of your
unarmed strike or monk weapon. This die changes as you
expended ki back into yourself. You must spend at least 30
gain monk levels, as shown in the Martial/Movement
minutes of the rest meditating to regain your ki points.
column of the Monk table.
Some of your ki features require your target to make a
• When you use the Attack action with an unarmed strike or
saving throw to resist the feature’s effects. The saving throw
a monk weapon on your turn, you can make one unarmed
DC is calculated as follows:
strike as a bonus action. For example, if you take the
Attack action and attack with a quarterstaff, you can also Ki save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Spirit
make an unarmed strike as a bonus action, assuming you modifier.
haven't already taken a bonus action this turn.
Certain monasteries use specialized forms of the monk
Immediately after you take the Attack action on your turn,
weapons. For example, you might use a nunchaku (club that
you can spend 1 ki point to make two unarmed strikes as a
is two lengths of wood connected by a short chain) or a
bonus action.
kama (sickle with a shorter, straighter blade), or even a large
tankard of alcohol (club). Whatever name you use for a PATIENT DEFENSE
monk weapon, you can use the game statistics provided for
You can spend 1 ki point to take the Dodge action as a
the weapon in chapter 5 of the PHB.
bonus action on your turn.
Beginning at 4th level, you can use your reaction when you
fall to reduce any falling damage you take by an amount
equal to five times your monk level.
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
Starting at 5th level, you can interfere with the flow of ki in
an opponent’s body. When you hit another creature with a
melee weapon attack, you can spend 1 ki point to attempt a
stunning strike. The target must succeed on a Stamina
saving throw or be stunned until the end of your next turn.
This is a strike effect.
Starting at 6th level, your unarmed strikes count as magical
for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to
MONK TRADITION non-magical attacks and damage.
When you reach 3rd level, you commit yourself to a monk EVASION
tradition: the way of the Brewmaster, who excels in
At 7th level, your instinctive agility lets you dodge out of the
mysterious drinks, the way of the Mistweaver, who heals
way of certain area effects, such as a blue dragon’s lightning
themselves and others, or the way of the Windwalker, the
breath or a fireball spell. When you are subjected to an effect
adventurous and evasive combatant.
that allows you to make an Agility saving throw to take only
All traditions are detailed at the end of the class
half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed on
description. Your tradition grants you features at 3rd level
the saving throw, and only half damage if you fail.
and again at 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
Upon reaching 6th level, you gain the following new Ki
powers and add them to your repertoire.
Destroy Mana [strike] (2 Ki + 1 per spell level above
2nd). As an action, you can cast mana burn as a 2nd level
spell. This requires touching the effect or creature that is
You can make a paladin quickly by following these
suggestions. First, Strength should be your highest ability
score, followed by Charisma. Second, choose the noble
As a paladin, you have the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d10 per paladin level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Stamina modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Stamina
modifier per paladin level after 1st
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Stamina, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from Athletics, Insight, Intimidation,
Medicine, Deception, and Religion.
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
You can use your holy libram as a spellcasting focus for your
paladin spells, as well as the store for them.
Starting at 3rd level, your mastery over aura spells begins to
manifest. You always have the following aura spells
Your path allows you to channel divine energy to fuel DIVINE HEALTH
magical effects. Each Channel Divinity option provided by
Starting at 6th level, the divine magics flowing within you
your path explains how to use it. When you use your
Channel Divinity, you choose which option to use. You must grant you immunity to diseases and advantage against
poison, as well as resistance against poison damage.
then finish a short or long rest to use your Channel Divinity
again. Some Channel Divinity effects require saving throws. IMPROVED CRUSADER STRIKE
When you use such an effect from this class, the DC equals
your paladin spell save DC. By 11th level, you are so suffused with the might of the Light
You may always Turn Undead, and you gain an additional that all your melee weapon strikes carry its divine power
choice from your Path. with it. Whenever you hit a creature with a melee weapon,
the creature takes an extra 1d8 holy damage. If you also use
your Crusader Strike with an attack, you add this damage to
the extra damage of your Crusader Strike.
Beginning at 14th level, you can use your action to end one
spell on yourself or on one willing creature that you touch.
You can use this feature a number of times equal to your
Charisma modifier (a minimum of once). You regain
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Also starting at 18th level, you have advantage to any check
to maintain an aura, and may extend the range of any aura
spell by 100%. Any effect that would normally dispel the
aura instead suppresses it for 1 minute instead.
An Azerothian Paladin chooses from one of the below three
As an action, you present your holy symbol and speak a
prayer censuring fiends and undead, using your Channel OATH OF HOLINESS
Divinity. Each fiend or undead that can see or hear you
Your oath is to heal and inspire your allies. Holy paladins are
within 30 feet of you must make a Spirit saving throw.
common, and are usually well-regarded battle healers.
If the creature fails its saving throw, it is turned for 1
minute or until it takes damage. A turned creature must OATH OF HOLINESS SPELLS
spend its turns trying to move as far away from you as it can, Level Spells
and it can’t willingly move to a space within 30 feet of you. It 3rd protection from evil and good, sanctuary
also can’t take reactions. For its action, it can use only the 5th lesser restoration, zone of truth
Dash action or try to escape from an effect that prevents it 7th beacon of hope, redemption (revivify)
13th freedom of movement, guardian of faith
from moving. If there’s nowhere to move, the creature can 17th commune, redemption (mass revivify)
use the Dodge action.
ABILITY SCORE IMPROVEMENT When you take this oath at 3rd level, you can spend a
When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and Channel Divinity use and an action, to present your holy
19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice symbol and release an outburst of the Holy Light of
by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by Creation, allowing one friendly creature within 30 feet to use
1. As normal, you can’t increase an ability score above 20 a hit dice as if they rested. The ally also gains temporary hit
using this feature. points equal to double your Charisma modifier.
You can make a priest quickly by following these
suggestions. First, Spirit should be your highest ability
score, followed by Strength or Stamina. Second, choose the
acolyte background.
As a priest, you gain the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d8 per priest level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Stamina modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Stamina
modifier per priest level after 1st
Armor: Light armor
Weapons: All simple weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Spirit, Charisma
Skills: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine,
Persuasion, and Religion
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
As a practitioner of divine magic, you may choose from the Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Spirit
priest spell list which spells you wish for every day.
Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your Spirit
CANTRIPS modifier
At 1st level, you know a number of cantrips equal to your
proficiency bonus. PRIESTHOOD SPELLS
Each priesthood has a list of spells—its priesthood spells—
CONJURING AND BINDING that you gain at the priest levels noted in the priesthood
A priest can conjure and bind aberrations, beasts, celestials, description. Once you gain a priesthood spell, you always
elementals, fey, fiends, monstrosities, oozes, and undead. have it prepared, and it doesn’t count against the number of
PREPARING AND CASTING SPELLS spells you can prepare each day.
Each priest level provides you with 1 caster level in the If you have a priesthood spell that doesn’t appear on the
priest class. You follow the normal progression to unlock priest spell list, the spell is nonetheless a priest spell for you.
spell levels (see the table under the Mana section). SPELLBOOK – LIBRAM
You prepare the list of priest spells that are available for At 1st level, your libram contains six 1st-level priest spells of
you to cast, choosing from the priest spell list. your choice. When you level up, you gain 2 additional priest
You can also change your list of prepared spells by spells of your choice. You may also acquire new spells by
consulting your libram (treat as a spellbook) after a long
Beginning at 10th level, you can call on your deity to
intervene on your behalf when your need is great.
Describe the assistance you seek, and roll percentile dice.
If you roll a number equal to or lower than your priest level,
your deity intervenes. The DM chooses the nature of the
intervention; the effect of any priest spell or priesthood spell
would be appropriate.
Imploring your deity’s aid requires you to use your action.
If your deity intervenes, you can’t use this feature again for
7 days. Otherwise, you can use it again after you finish a
long rest. At 20th level, your call for intervention succeeds
automatically, no roll required.
Death priests exchange the ability to Turn Undead with
Turn Living.
Turn Living. You may turn any living creature instead of
turning undead. This has no effect on constructs. This is a DISCIPLINE PRIESTHOOD
fear effect.
You follows the tenets of balance and self-improvement,
LICH KING’S FAVOR balancing the forces of Light and Shadow within you—a
Starting at 2nd level, you add all necromancy spells from all concept often called Chakra training. Your magics can shield
spell lists to your spell list. Using necromancy spells that are allies from taking damage as well as heal their wounds.
not on your spell list cost 1 additional mana point. Discipline priests do not advertise themselves, but act as
DESTROY LIVING other priests.
Starting at 5th level, when a living creature fails its saving
throw against your Channel Divinity feature, the creature is
Priest Level Spells
instantly destroyed if its challenge rating is at or below a 1st arcane armor, sanctuary
certain threshold, as shown in the Destroy Living table. It 3rd power word shield, levitate
disintegrates, leaving only a pile of dust, so commands the 5th remove curse, warding bond
Lich King. 7th death ward, stoneskin
9th hold (5), telekineses
Priest Level Destroys Living of CR…
Beginning at 1st level, while you are wearing no armor and
5th 1/2 or lower
8th 1 or lower not wielding a shield, you take 3 less damage from all
11th 2 or lower slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning damage (minimum 1).
14th 3 or lower
Drawing on mysterious shadow-magics, you can cast spells
to shape that essence to your will. You cast spells drawn
from the Mage spell list, and are restricted to spells from the
Conjuration, Evocation, Enchantment, and Illusion schools.
You may also scribe spells in Thieves’ Cant. You also gain a
spellbook as a 1st-level mage.
You gain bonus spells on your 8th, 14th, and 20th level.
These spells can be of any schools.
Cantrips. At 1st level, you know a number of cantrips
equal to your proficiency bonus.
One of your cantrips must be the mage hand cantrip.
Starting at 6th level, when you roll elemental damage from a
shaman spell of spell level 1 1st or higher, you can apply one
of the following effects.
Starting at 8th level, you may conjure an elemental and
Your ability to command the elements at long ranges, and render its duration permanent. If the elemental dies, you can
influence and aid their allies at equal distance is renowned perform the ritual again to summon another. This elemental
and respected. Elementalists make up most adventuring does not require concentration to maintain and does not
shamans. count against the normal limit for the bind spell, with a
maximum spell level rendered permanent equal to one-half
the maximum spell level of the elemental you can bond.
Shaman Level Spells
1st fog cloud, elemental shock ELEMENTAL STORM
3rd animal messenger*, gust of wind When you reach level 17, you gain the ability to summon a
5th call lightning, sending
thunderstorm, snowstorm, or firestorm at your location. The
7th control water, ice storm
9th maelstrom, teleport circle† earth is blanketed by a 5-mile radius centered on you for one
hour. This otherwise acts as control weather, and takes 10
* takes the form of an animal spirit
minutes to cast as normal. However, so long as the
† to areas of elemental power elemental storm is active, you may also use an action to
cause a 10-foot wide cylinder of elemental wrath that deals
Starting at 13th level, your cobbled devices function twice
before malfunctioning. The chance you can discover a new
blueprint increases to 2% per cobble attempt.
When a device superfunctions, it does not roll for a You can also repurpose an existing gadget you have
malfunction for the duration of the effect (see below, affected instead of paying the cost for a cobbled device. After being
by energy source). It also gains a bonus depending on its used twice as a cobbled device, the gadget gains the
energy source. Choose one benefit the device qualifies for. malfunctioned condition, but returns to its normal purpose.
• Harder: The device cannot lose charges by taking damage You cannot repurpose a cobbled gadget.
(as usual for mechanical engines)
• Better: The next malfunction condition is negated, and the
next use of the device consumes no fuel charges (so long You reduce the malfunction rating by your proficiency bonus
as it doesn’t have only one use) instead of one-half your proficiency bonus (minimum 1).
• Faster: The device gains a 25% increase in movement You may also deal double damage to objects and
speed (if a construct or vehicle) constructs with your melee attacks as a strike effect.
• Stronger: The device deals maximum damage (no need to
roll) with the next (or current) damage roll it makes.
Also starting at 15th level, you may permanently alter the
COOLNESS UNDER FIRE invested properties of any device you handle (even those not
Starting at 7th level, you may take 10 on any attack roll with used by you). This takes the same time to cobble a device.
an engineered device or ability check with engineer’s tools. For example, this allows you to increase the damage or
This can be done a number of times equal to your range of a firearm, reduce the hit dice of a construct or
proficiency bonus, and may be replenished with a long rest. vehicle, or triple the malfunction rate of any device you
handle. You may not alter the engine of an engineered
Starting when you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you
increase the range of your bombs and rockets by 15 feet,
and the range of your mine’s detection to its blast radius
(beyond its actual position).
Also, any explosive you use is automatically modified by
the careful explosion effect, with no cost to the modification.
You can make a warlock quickly by following these
suggestions. First, Charisma should be your highest ability
score, followed by Stamina. Second, choose the charlatan
background. Third, choose the light, prestidigitation, firebolt,
and chill touch cantrips, along with the 1st-level conjure
fiend and immolate.
Second, choose the charlatan background. Third, choose
the light, firebolt, and chill touch cantrips, along with the
following 1st-level spells for your grimoire: burning hands,
charm fiends, chaos bolt, conjure fiends, immolate, and
As a warlock, you gain the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d6 per warlock level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 6 + your Stamina modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d6 (or 4) + your Stamina
modifier per warlock level after 1st.
Armor: None
Weapons: Daggers, darts, slings, quarterstaffs, light
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Charisma, Spirit
Skills: Choose two from Arcana, Deception, Insight,
Intimidation, Persuasion, and Religion
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the
equipment granted by your background:
At 1st level, your grimoire contains six 1st-level warlock
spells of your choice. When you level up, you gain 2
additional warlock spells of your choice. You may also
acquire new spells by research, tutelage, or from the
spellbooks and scrolls of spellcasters who have spells you
can cast.
Your grimoire is effectively your spellbook, and you may
add spells by scribing in new spells or your insights
regarding the planes and the powers you serve.
You can use an arcane focus as a spellcasting focus for your
warlock spells.
At 3rd level, you may choose to focus on one of two warlock
At 2nd level, you tap into a deep and mysterious magic of focuses.
souls. This wellspring is represented by soul shards, which
• Fiendish Power: The warlock permanently increases their
allow you to weaken your enemies or strengthen your own
maximum amount of soul shards by 2.
• Fiendish Alliance: The warlock gains a permanent bound
SOUL SHARDS companion that accompanies you on your adventures,
You gain one soul shard by reducing living creatures to 0 hit advises you in the ways of demonology, and teaches you
points or less with your warlock spells or melee attacks, or if magical spells upon the completion of tasks (determined
any creature is killed by one of your demon summons. This by the DM). See Bound Companion for details.
does not also trap the souls of the creatures killed. This companion must be a demon you can summon and
You can have a maximum number of soul shards equal to bind to your service (see the bind spell) that is no larger
your Warlock level. Soul shards fades at a rate of one per than Medium and that has a challenge rating equal to the
hour (or 1 per short rest) if not used. The creature must be a highest level demon you can bind fiends spell. See Bound
qualifying threat to you (such as by having a Challenge Companion and the bind fiend spell for more details.
comparable with your level, or if it is able to reliably or
consistently harm you).
When a fiend you are bound to is reduced to 0 hit points, you
• Enhanced Conjuring: You may spend one soul shard per may transfer to them your own hit points as a reaction, so
spell level, and quicken any Conjure spell of a casting time long as you are within 10 feet of them. You may only transfer
of 1 minute to cost only a 1 action (though you cannot enough hit points to leave them at 1 hit point. You can also
move for that round). always prepare the conjure fiend spell, even without your
• Enhanced Concentration: When you cast a conjuration spellbook.
warlock spell that requires concentration, you may spend If the bound fiend is killed, you must succeed against a DC
one soul shard to concentrate on the spell, instead of 20 Stamina saving throw or suffer 1d10 arcane damage per
having to concentrate on it yourself. You cannot Challenge of the demon, as its life-force is torn from yours.
concentrate on more than two conjured creatures using As the fiend is dead, you must bond with another.
this ability. When your concentration is disrupted, you
You can make a warrior quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Strength or Agility your highest
ability score, depending on whether you want to focus on
melee weapons or on archery (or finesse weapons). Your
next-highest score should be Stamina. Second, choose
the soldier background.
As a warrior, you gain the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d10 per warrior level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Stamina modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your
Stamina modifier per warrior level after 1st
Armor: All armor, shields
Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
Tools: None
Saving Throws: Strength, Stamina
Skills: Choose two skills from Acrobatics, Animal Handling,
Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, Perception, and
• Action Surge (short rest). You can push yourself beyond
your normal limits for a moment. On your turn, you can
take one additional action on top of your regular action
and a possible bonus action. Once you use this feature, you
must finish a short before you can use it again. Only
warriors may take this talent. This talent can be taken
again at proficiency + 6, gaining another use.
• Aggressive. You may use your bonus action to take the
Dash action, but only to approach a hostile creature that
you can see.
• Berserker Rage. You may cast the berserker rage spell on
yourself as a bonus action. When you rage using this
talent, you do not gain a level of exhaustion at the end
(regardless of how long you rage). This rage continues
until you end it with a bonus action, or until the rage ends
early (as per the spell’s description). This spell cannot be
dispelled, but can be overwhelmed by a calm emotions • Brutal Critical. You can roll one additional weapon
spell or similar effect that would suppress this ability. damage die when determining the extra damage for a
You can enter a rage this way a number of times equal to critical hit with a melee weapon attack. This talent can be
your proficiency bonus before replenishing on a long rest. taken again up to two times (resulting in three additional
Only warriors may take this talent. dice).
• Bladestorm. You may enter this stance with an action. • Execute. Make a normal melee attack or a ranged attack
While in this stance, you whirl with your weapon within 5 feet as an action (you cannot benefit from Extra
outstretched, automatically dealing your melee weapon Attacks). If the attack is successful and the target's
your Strength score, treat the result as your Strength weapon damage equal to your proficiency bonus.
score instead. • Taunting. One target within range is affected as if you
• Persistent Rage (requires proficiency of + 4 or higher, cast the compelled duel spell. Maintaining the shout
and the berserker rage talent). Your rage only ends if you maintains the spell.
are knocked unconscious or if you end your rage willingly. • Intimidating. One target within range is affected as if you
• Reckless Attack. When you make your first attack on your cast the cause fear spell. Maintaining the shout
turn, you can decide to attack recklessly. Doing so gives maintains the spell.
you advantage on melee attack rolls using Strength on this • Rallying. One target within range is affected as if you cast
• Fel Hide. You gain the benefit of the demon skin spell (up
to the highest-level spell you can cast), and gain resistance
to fel damage.
• Fel Might and Might. Your Strength and Charisma scores
increases by two points (up to a maximum of 18 each).
• Fel Physiology. You gain wings, horns, and claws.
• Wings. You can glide, and your jump distance is tripled MOUNTAIN KING (WARRIOR)
(this can stack with the jump spell).
The mountain kings, or thanes as they are known in Khaz
For every 10 feet of distance you fall, you can glide 30
Modan, are the mightiest dwarven warriors under the
feet in any direction. You can also instead take no fall
mountain. Wielding both enchanted warhammers and hand
damage so long as you can exercise your wings. If you
axes, these fierce fighters live to test themselves against
are restrained or otherwise encumbered, you cannot
worthy opponents. Unconcerned with their race's
make use of your wings.
preoccupation with mechanical devices and mining precious
• Horn and Claw. You gain a horn and claw attack as an
minerals, Mountain Kings live only for battle. Dedicated to
unarmed strike. These are light melee weapon attacks
safeguarding the Alliance which saved their kingdom during
that deal 1d6 piercing and 1d4 slashing damage
the Second War, the mountain Kings can be counted upon
(respectively, plus your Strength or Agility as normal).
to rally behind any banner that stands between freedom and
These weapons are also magical (with + 1 to attack and
the ever looming shadow of evil.
damage rolls).
Mountain kings boast prodigious combat abilities. They
While in this state, you are treated as a fiend for all spell are ferocious in melee combat, wielding the traditional
purposes (such as charm and dominate spells). This is weapons of their race to decimate their foes. Their attacks
considered a shapeshifting effect. leave opponents stunned and reeling.
Once this feature is used, it cannot be used again until While they do not focus their efforts on discovering the
after a short rest. Also, choose one of the following features secrets of the titans, they have long known of a powerful
to remain in your normal form: wings, claws, or horns. spark within every Ironforge dwarf - and mountain kings
draw upon this spark and fan it into a raging flame. They
• The chosen feature remains indefinitely. You can retract
conjure magic hammers and axes to hurl at their targets,
your claws, but you cannot hide your wings (besides
stunning and slowing them so they can get close enough to
wrapping them around you as a cloak) or horns.
Also starting at 3rd level, you gain the Thunder Clas warrior
talent (if you didn’t already have it), and can use it a number
of times equal to your proficiency bonus before requiring a
rest, not once per rest.
Starting from 3rd level, you can wear various Rush'kah
masks can provide blessings, channeling the power of
chosen Loa. It costs a bonus action to wear a mask, and
each can be used once before a long rest.
Starting from 7th level, you may triple the casting time of
your hunter spells via a magical (and often noisy) mask-
dance to heighten it by one spell level. This increase does
not stack with itself, and can increase the spell level beyond
your normal maximum.
If the spell cost an action, it costs 3 actions instead. If it
costs a minute, it costs 3 minutes. If it cost an hour, it costs
3 hours, etc., applying to ritual spells normally.
At 10th level, whenever you dispel a magical effect from a
creature, you destroy 1 point of mana per spell level, dealing
2 arcane damage (as the mana burn spell). If you dispel an
effect from an ally, you may direct the mana-burning effect to
any hostile creature within 30 feet of you (though in this
case they are entitled a Spirit saving throw).
You may also cast dispel magic (as per Abjuring Knight) as
a strike effect, as if you possessed the Spell Strike feat (if
you don’t already have it).
Gear Name Cost Mass Properties
Powder Horn 25 gp 2 lb. 2 pounds of gunpowder, or 12 uses
Powder Keg 350 gp 20 lb. 20 pounds of gunpowder, or 120 uses
Bullets (20) 1 gp 1 lb. Firearm deals piercing damage
Pellets (20) 1 gp 1 lb. Firearm deals bludgeoning damage
Coal (x4) 12.5 gp 1 lb. Four pounds of coal grant 1 charge to steam devices
Battery 50 gp 1 lb. One battery grants 1 charge to electric devices (can refuel)
Gas/Oil (Pint) 50 gp 1 pint One pint grants 1 charge to oil/gas devices
A strategic game played on a flat checkered black-and-white Weapon (attack claws), very rare
board, jihui players navigate their pieces to defeat their You gain + 1 to attack and damage rolls made with this
opponents’ pieces (as Chess, popular with Stormwind and magic weapon.
Dalaran’s elite). Unlike with chess, however, jihui pieces This weapon has 3 charges. When attuned to it, you can
also include ships. expend 1 charge to cast the haste spell on yourself. The
Jihui encapsulates much of pandaren philosophy. It weapon regains 1d3 charges every dawn.
simultaneously encourages thoughtfulness and incorporates The Bladefist is a well-known example of orcish attack
impulsiveness. It balances deliberation with chance, but claws. It is well known as the weapon of Kargath Bladefist,
chance can also be punished. For a player to lose to a foe Chieftain of the Shattered Hand Clan and self-proclaimed
who has more pieces on the board is not a great loss. To Warchief of the Fel Horde. This weapon can also be used as
yield to a superior position, regardless of the pieces in play, a prosthetic.
is not considered an honorless loss. While the game's aim is
to eliminate all the opposition's pieces, playing to that point
Weapon (glaive), rare
is considered ill-mannered and even barbaric. Usually, one
You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
player finds themselves out-maneuvered and surrenders,
this magic weapon.
though some rely on chance to turn their fortune around and
achieve victory. Playing to a standstill, having both players' Upon a successful attack against a creature, you may
forces balanced, is considered the greatest victory of them declare that the weapons’ blight ability activates as a bonus
all and shows not only skill, but restraint and discipline. action. If blight takes place, the target must succeed against
a Stamina saving throw of 15 or be subject to a random
disease (as the contagion spell). This property can't be used
again until the next dawn.
Weapon (mace or tauren totem), very rare (requires
You gain + 2 to attack and damage rolls made with this
magic weapon.
When attuned to and wielding this weapon, you may cast
the fear ward spell, treating the mace as the totem. Once
used, this cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Weapon (longsword), legendary (requires attunement)
DEMONIC FIGURINE You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
Wondrous item, legendary this magic weapon.
This sword has 3 charges. While attuned to it, you can
This onyx figurine is told of in legends as powerful artifacts
send by the Burning Legion to pave the world for its expend 1 charge and cast any one of the following spells as
an action.
inevitable return. Featuring a baleful demon with claws
outstretched and a single hoof raised, the figurine can be • Flame Strike
pointed to a creature, unleashing a ray of doom. This is • Elemental Tongue (Fire only), spell level 4
treated as the demonic doom spell, and the figurine
Special. Felo'melorn can always be remade when
maintains channeling until the entire duration has ended.
destroyed, and gains an additional charge if destroyed by a
The figurine possesses malevolent cunning, and uses the
foe and reforged by who was attuned to it. It can have a
spell to wreak the most devastation it could before it is
maximum number of charges equal to 6.
ended. Destroying a figurine unleashes the Doomguard,
If the blade itself is used to kill who it is attuned to, it loses
which is fully present (as if by an uncontrolled bind spell).
all extra charges and returns to its original number of
Weapon (warhammer), uncommon (greater attunement) Flamestrike in common, Felo’melorn is an ancient
Beyond the bonuses of the weapon upon attunement (see Highborne runeblade once wielded by Dath'Remar
Greater Attunement), this weapon is treated as a thrown Sunstrider, even before the War of the Ancients. It is
weapon (20/60 feet). Also, the elemental tongue spell costs rumored to have once been his favored weapon, and over
instead one less point of mana. If you cannot cast the spell, it many generations was passed down through the Sunstrider
can be cast two times (spell level 1) before uses are dynasty. During the Third War, Anasterian Sunstrider
replenished at dawn. wielded the sword in battle against Arthas Menethil, but
The Doomhammer is a powerful enormous hammer that Frostmourne severed the blade and he was defeated. Later,
was crafted long ago in a pool of elemental lava on the orc Kael'thas Sunstrider, last of the Sunstrider line, recovered it
homeworld of Draenor. It is a namesake relic passed down and had it reforged, with ‘magic, hatred and a burning need
from father to son, and was given to Thrall as a testament of of revenge.’
faith and honor during the salvation of the orcs. Although GOREHOWL
the hilt of the hammer has been replaced, the actual
Weapon (greataxe), legendary (requires attunement)
hammerhead itself, crafted of elementally-treated black
You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
granite, has endured as a testament of the crafter's skill.
this magic weapon.
EMBRACE OF THE TWISTING NETHER You may swing the axe as an action to cast the fear spell.
Armor (chainmail), rare (requires attunement) Furthermore, once attuned to this axe, you may choose to
You gain a +1 bonus to AC while you wear this magic armor. gain one of the following warrior talents:
By speaking the command word, you become ethereal (as • Brutal Critical
if subject to the banishment spell). The banishment spell • Weapon Mastery
remains for full duration (one minute) unless the command
word is spoken to cancel it. If the command word is not Gorehowl, the axe of Hellscream, has a heavy blade that is
spoken and the duration of one minute passes, you are notched and stained, with sharp, wicked curves. Small holes
banished to the Twisting Nether, the realm of demons and dot the blade near the handle; when the wielder swings the
axe, air whistles through these holes. The sound keens over
• Augment. With an action, you may cast the enhance ability Merging. Prismatic blades can be merged together in very
spell. This can affect anything touching the blade rare instances, such as the blades Shalla'tor and Ellemayne
(including yourself or any ally you touch). This costs 1 merging into Shalamayne.
charge. If a character manages to merge two prismatic blades, the
• Guard. With an action, you can cast the power word shield blade turns into a greatsword (such as Quel’Zaram), and
spell. This can affect anything touching the blade occupies only one attunement slot. The rarity of the merged
(including yourself or an ally you touch). This costs 1 blade is one step higher than the average of the two, and
charge. gains a + 1 additional bonus to attack and damage.
• Weave. With an action, you may cast the prismatic spray Shalla’tor and Ellamayne are act as normal Prismatic
spell. This costs 4 charges. Blades, but are Very Rare in quality and have a +2 bonus to
• Unweave. You may cast the dispel magic spell as part of attack and damage. They have the Augment, Guard, and
drawing the blade (free action), or with an action if it is Unweave abilities. By merging together, Shalamayne
already drawn. This spell is limited to touch range, becomes Legendary rarity, has a +3 bonus to attack and
however, and can affect anything touching the blade damage rolls, and its Unweave ability functions as spell level
(including yourself, an ally you touch, or any spell targeting 8.
you). This costs 2 charges. The spell’s level is equal to 4 if PUZZLE BOX OF YOGG-SARON
the rarity is Rare, 6 if Very Rare, and 8 if Legendary. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement)
There are many Prismatic Blades. Three of the best This cube of metallic-like material is actually a puzzle box.
known are Quel'Serrar, Quel’Zaram, and Quel'delar. All Its sides can be manipulated by pushing and twisting,
such blades are ancient, forged by dragons long ago and though it is unknown of anyone managed to solve it.
gifted to the kaldorei to aid them in the War of the Ancients. The user may attempt a DC 25 Intelligence check to begin
Currently, most remain dull and forgotten, though it can cracking the puzzle box. Upon each success, the bearer of
be re-forged by heating in dragon-fire, and being quenched in the box gains an additional ability as they make significant
dragon blood (which gives it the reputation of being a advancement to opening the puzzle-box. The user should
dragon-slaying blade). record successes and failures simultaneously.
A dulled Prismatic Blade has 0 charges, but otherwise
acts otherwise same way. Successes Ability
1 Can cast confusion 1/long rest
The greater the rarity of the prismatic blade, the more
2 Advantage to saving throws versus mind-affecting
abilities it may have. effects
3 Gain + 1 to your Intelligence score
SECRETS OF THE PRISMATIC BLADES: AWAKENING AND 4 Can cast mind blank 1/long rest
REFORGING 5 Gain + 1 to your Intelligence score
6 Gain immunity to the Confusion effects, and has a
"What I offer to you now is one such blade, unfired, permanent tongues effect
unheated, untreated - the most raw and basic form. Now
you merely need to find a dragon that will willing enchant
the blade…"
Wondrous item, rarity varies (requires attunement)
Verdant spheres are mana stones attuned to ley lines to the
point of drawing power from them. Many types of verdant
spheres exist, each with different powers drawn upon the ley
line's attunements. Legend has it the orb siphons a portion
of the essence of every evil outsider slain by its owner. The
orb draws on the essence of these demons for its own
powers, the spirits writhing in torment within it for all
eternity. The truth of the matter, however, is that there are
simply powerful arcane tools, sometimes known as
mooncrystals in Quel’Thalas. The Blood Mage Prince
Kael'thas Sunstrider is known to have the largest collection
Weapon (greatsword), artifact (requires attunement)
ANATHEMA AND BENEDICTION This sword can be wielded as a magic greatsword that
Weapon (staff), artifact (requires attunement) grants a + 3 to attack and damage rolls made with it. Any
This staff can be wielded as a magical quarterstaff that undead destroyed by this sword is burnt to ash, utterly
grants a + 3 to attack and damage rolls made with it. destroying the corpse. The weapon’s additional damage is
The staff has 50 charges. It regains 4d6 + 2 expended treated as fire or holy damage (whichever is most beneficial).
charges daily at dawn. If you expend the last charge, roll a Ashen Strike. If this blade slays an undead spellcaster
d20. On a 1, the ancient wood that keeps the Anathema and who has bonded (or animated) undead, the spells are
Benediction heads away from one another crumble, and the instantaneously dispelled.
two gravitate towards one another, before clashing, and Light-Blessed Sight. While attuned to this blade, you have
disappearing. On a 20, the staff regains 1d6 charges. After the benefits of true seeing against undead, but only to the
one year of disappearing, the staff re-forms elsewhere in range of 30 feet.
Azeroth with full charges. During the assault on Blackrock Spire in the Second War,
Strike of the Cursed and Blessed. When you hit with a Highlord Mograine of the Silver Hand claimed a mysterious
melee attack using the staff and use 1 charge, you can dark crystal from a dead orc warlock. The crystal was the
expend 1 charge to cause one of the two opposing heads to "living embodiment of shadow," and originated from
strike. If choosing Anathema, the staff deals an extra 2d8 Draenor. Upon touching it, Mograine's hand became tainted,
shadow damage to any target it hits. If choosing his hand becoming like that of an undead's, which could not
Benediction, the staff instead deals 2d8 holy damage to any be healed. It was soon realized that the crystal could be
target it hits. This is a strike effect and requires a bonus purified when subjected to the Holy Light, absorbing it to
action to activate as normal. become a crystal of purity. Set into a greatsword and forged
Channel Divinity. You can use 3 charges to regain a use by King Magni Bronzebeard of Ironforge, it became a
of your channel divinity ability (if you have it). This can be weapon to strike down and cripple the relentless onslaught
used once until the next dawn. of the Undead Scourge in Lordaeron. Although it succeeded
in containing the Scourge's efforts to spread south
throughout the Eastern Kingdoms, its true strength can
possibly rival that of Frostmourne.
Atiesh, Greatstaff of
the Guardian
Blackened Defias
Silver Hand
Blessed Plate
Weapon (thrown weapons), one step
This weapon can be thrown to ricochet off one target and
into another. If it does not normally have the thrown
property, it becomes a thrown weapon 20/60 ft.
When you make a ranged attack with this weapon, it can
fly out and target another creature within range, counting its
current target as its point of attack for the purposes of range.
This costs an attack action. When the weapon cannot make
any more attacks (such as you running out of attack actions),
it returns to your hand at the end of your turn in the same
The weapon can ricochet up to a maximum number of
times equal to once per rarity grade (twice if uncommon, six The Warcraft universe has its own share of epic boons, as
times if legendary, etc.), so long as you have the attacks to described in the Dungeon Master’s Guide.
Night elven huntresses often enhance their moonglaives Your effective proficiency bonus for engineer’s tools
with this weapon. increases by 1. This does not stack with other proficiency-
STORM WEAPON increasing effects.
Weapon (thrown weapons), one step BOON OF GRAND SORCERY
This weapon deals extra thunder damage equal to 1 per step Your caster level increases by 1.
of rarity. Furthermore, when thrown, the storm weapon
returns at the same round, and may be used again with
Your mana pool increases by 5 points, provided you have an
another attack action.
active mana pool.
Sparing Potion. By using this potion, a creature that has SERPENT VENOM
0 hit points becomes stable. This has no effect on undead or Injury, uncommon
constructs. A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a
Smoke Bomb. By using this potion, a 20-foot-radius Stamina saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison damage on a
sphere of fog arises from the point of use. The sphere failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
spreads around corners, and its area is heavily obscured. It This is a mundane natural poison, created from drawing
lasts for 1d6 x10 minutes (30 minutes) or until a wind of poison from a snake’s venom sacs. The rarity affects the
moderate or greater speed (at least 10 miles per hour) venom’s power.
disperses it.
Rarity Damage
Uncommon 3d6
POISONS Rare 5d6
Very Rare 7d6
Poisons can be weaponized and employed in battle, usually Legendary 9d6
by holding them in containers and releasing them to form
clouds (if inhaled), coating them with weapons (if injury), or
any other method as detailed under the poisoner’s kit (see Injury, rare
below). A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a
Stamina saving throw or become poisoned for 1 hour. The
EXHUMED CORPSE FUMES Poisoned creature recovers only one-half the normal amount
Inhaled, common
of healing from spells and effects that restore hit points. This
A creature subjected to this poison must succeed on a includes regeneration and similar effects, doubling the
Stamina saving throw or take 7 (2d6) poison damage. At the duration between healing (alternatively, halving the healing
beginning of their turn every round the poison remains gained).
active, the character takes 7 (2d6) poison damage again, and This is a magical manufactured poison, created by mixing
is treated as if poisoned until the beginning of their turn the deathweed (a natural herb) and essence of agony (a magical
next round. On a successful saving throw, the poison ends. component derived from blood of strong demons).
Rare, ingested
Any creature that is affected by this disease must succeed on
a DC 15 Stamina saving throw against disease or become
poisoned until the disease is cured.
Name Quality Damage Properties
Bomb, big one Legendary 4d6 6:5 EP: 20 ft. sphere (disadvantage 1 round), reliable
Bomb, fire Common 1d6/1d10 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere (firebolt)
Bomb, flash Common 1 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere (disadvantage 1 round)
Bomb, smoke Uncommon 1d6 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere, (fog cloud, 1 minute.)
Bomb, stun Common 1d6 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere (thunderstorm)
Concussive mine Uncommon 2d6 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere (push 10 feet)
Grenade, hand Common 2d6 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere
Grenade, heavy Uncommon 3d6 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere
Mine, breach Common 2d6 2 EP: 5 ft. sphere (sapper)
Mine, default Common 2d6 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere
Mine, goblin Rare 4d6 5 EP: 20 ft. sphere
Mine, sapper Rare 4d6 5 EP: 20 ft. sphere (sapper)
Mortar shell Common 2d6 3 EP: 10 ft. sphere (sapper)
Rocket, default Common 2d6 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere (60/120 ft.)
Rocket, fire Common 1d6 2 EP: 10 ft. sphere (60/120 ft.), firework
Rocket, siege Rare 1d6 5 EP: 25 ft. sphere (60/120 ft.), (sapper)
Torpedo Common 2d6 2 EP: 5 ft. sphere (60/120 ft.) (water)
Name Quality Damage Ammunition Mass Properties
Blunderbuss Uncommon 2d8 2 15 lb. 3 EP: Heavy, two-handed (scattershot, 15 ft.)
Boomstick Common 2d6 2 15 lb. 2 EP: Medium, two-handed (200/800)
Crossbow, auto Common 1d10 1 15 lb. 2 EP: Heavy, two-handed (80/320)
Crossbow, air Common 1d8 1 5 lb. 2 EP: Medium, two-handed (80/320), (silent)
Gun, machine Rare 3d8 3 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy, two handed, (automatic 30 ft.)
Longrifle Rare 3d8 3 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy, two-handed (400/1,600); (sniper)
Pistol, flintlock Common 2d4 2 5 lb. 2 EP: Light, one-handed (150/600)
Pistol, revolver Rare 2d4 6 5 lb. 3 EP: Light, one-handed (150/600), reliable
Siege canon Rare 4d12 1 50 lb. 3 EP: Heavy (400/1,600), (Siege)
Sniper rifle Rare 2d8 2 15 lb. 4 EP: Heavy, two-handed (400/1,600); (silent, sniper)
Note. Potions of Healing (of all types) are exempt from the
normal rules creating alchemical items, costing 50 gp (or 2 GATHERING TOOLS
crafting points) for the normal potion of healing (restores
2d4 + 2 hit points).). Any tool that allows for the collection or preservation of
raw materials may be used to gather raw materials. These
raw materials have a value that can be spent for crafting,
such as alchemy (Alchemy Points), engineering
(Engineering Points), Infusion (Infusion Points), or other
crafting tools.
Crafting potions consumes alchemy points (usually in the
form of herbs, creature body parts, etc.), while engineering
consumes minerals, wires, etc.
Alchemist's supplies function as described normally in the
Player's Handbook, but you may gain increased benefit and
mastery with the Alchemy ability (as granted by the
Alchemist class).
Using alchemist's supplies allows you to craft magical
potions that hold the power of a spell within them. A
character who has access to a spell and the Alchemy ability
can craft potions of the chosen spells. This costs the same
resources as casting the spell normally in material
components (or mana, if required), and costs alchemy
crafting points (AP) in materials.
The Alchemist class do not need to spend mana to
CRAFTING RULES prepare spells into potions, and have their own spell list.
Crafting takes four components: If you do not normally have access to magic spells, but
have an effective spellcaster level (or caster level) due to the
• Time roughly equivalent to the complexity of the end
Alchemy ability (such as from the Alchemist class), you may
choose which spell list to access for your alchemical potions.
• Raw materials equal to one-third that of the end product.
If you have neither (such as by training to gain proficiency in
• Proficiency with the tools (or skill) relevant.
alchemist’s supplies), you treat your caster level as 1, and
• Success on the Crafting check.
access to one spell list you have. You cannot make potions of
At the end of the allotted crafting time, and if the check is level higher than 1 (due to the limitation of caster level).
successful, the user crafts the item in question. Prerequisites. Alchemy requires at least 1 level in a
spellcasting class and proficiency in the tools.
Crossbows are similar to firearms, using mechanical
(clockwork) engines. The reload property counts as a single
charge. By default, crossbows do not have malfunction
chances, however, but can be upgraded as firearms (gaining
malfunction chances as normal). Crossbows start with 1
If upgraded, crossbows lose the loading property, and
require an action to reload, but have increased damage and
ammo capabilities.
When making a melee attack with a firearm ready (such as GADGETS
fighting with a saber and then shooting, or stabbing with a
Examples. Mind remote (gnomish), rocket boots (goblin),
bayonet and then firing), you may declare a touch-blast
pulley gun, and rocket launcher.
strike. In this case, you may use a bonus action to shoot the
firearm, and you do not take disadvantage from shooting in Using Gadgets. These technological devices act like items
melee. If the melee attack already successfully hit the target, that replicate spells. Gadgets have eight charges of a spell
the firearm attack is furthermore made with advantage. This upon creation. Using a gadget takes the same action it takes
is a special strike effect. to cast the spell. Each use of a gadget consumes one charge.
After being used, a gadget must cool down for 1 minute.
MODIFICATIONS Casting a spell through a gadget is not counted as a real
Automatic Fire (1 EP). The firearm deals damage in a line spell, and thus is not subject to effects dependent on magic
instead of a direct attack (and therefore does not suffer from type, schools, and can be used against creatures that are
disadvantage when used in melee, and does not require immune to or resistant to magic. A gadget may store one
proficiency). The damage is in a 5-foot wide line with length spell level every two Engineering Points invested (maximum
equal to the firearm’s initial range. This uses three bullets or 3rd level spells).
pellets. A shot calls for an Agility saving throw the device’s A gadget’s properties and charges depend on its energy
DC for half damage. source, which must be chosen during creation (such as
Alter Capacity ( + /- 1 EP). The firearm alters its current electricity, gas/oil, mechanic, etc.), subject to DM approval.
ammo capacity by 2 points. If adding to its ammo capacity,
reduce the EP by 1 point. If reducing its ammo capacity, GADGET HARNESS
increase EP by 1 point. If the spell replicated by the gadget has a range or target
Reliable Device (1 EP). The device’s function is controlled. of self or personal, or grants or affects movement speed
Its malfunction rating is reduced by 2 points for each EP (such as fly or feather fall), the gadget must also be worn on
a harness, which is treated as leather armor. One cannot
STRUCTURES AND prevent, such as by sending outriders to harry or defeat the
crew, sabotage with thieves’ tools, use their own siege
STRONGHOLDS weapons, building the stronghold in marshy terrain or
behind moats, or preparing (or digging) tunnels that end
DAMAGING STRONGHOLDS behind enemy lines. The below chart assumes average
damage, and walls one foot thick. Interior walls are half as
Each 10 x 10 foot section (whether it be wall, room, or door)
thick (and take half the time to destroy).
of a stronghold can be damaged. It has AC and hit points
Note. This assumes concentrated bombardment on the
relevant to its material, and is immune to poison and psychic
same 10 by 10 foot section. Usually in war, attacking
commanders open multiple points of entry to overwhelm
Reducing a section to 0 hit points destroys it and might
and demoralize defenders.
cause connected sections to buckle and collapse at the DM’s
discretion (usually if the attacker has the plans of the Damage
stronghold or is knowledgeable of masonry, such as having Weapon per Minute Stone (1 ft. Thick) Wood (1 ft. Thick)
proficiency with the relevant artisan tool). A destroyed Ballista* 160 2 minutes 1 minute 6 rounds
Cannon* 440 9 rounds 7 rounds
section suppresses a stronghold function (such as punching
Trebuchet* 440 1 minute 7 rounds
into a storage room or prison wall, exposing the contents or Mangonel* 270 1 minute 4 rounds 1 minute 2 rounds
releasing prisoners, respectively). Ram 160 2 minutes 1 minute 6 rounds
A stronghold can be damaged with one spell that affects
* With these weapons, it is assumed the attacker has a full crew
all sections in the spell’s area. If the effect or spell affects to maintain one attack per round (crew ranging from 3 to 5 for 3
only one side of the stronghold (such as from the outside), to 5 actions each, see the individual descriptions of siege
add all hit points together, with the damage causing an weapons in the Dungeon Master’s Guide, page 256). Without a
indent equal to the amount of increments of damage full crew for the siege weapon, the damage takes longer (five
times the normal time for trebuchets, for example).
compared to inches.
Collapsing Buildings. A collapsing structure damages
Therefore, a cottage made of wood that is enveloped in the
nearby creatures within half the structure’s height. Said
area of an earthquake or death and decay spell applies its
creatures must make an Agility saving throw or else take
damage to all sections; possibly bringing down the
5d6 bludgeoning damage, and is knocked prone, and is
stronghold with the single spell. If attacking with a fire bolt
buried in the rubble, requiring a DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
spell cast by an 11th level spellcaster (3d10, average of 16
check as an action to escape. The DM can adjust the DC
damage), however, every two hits cause 32 damage,
higher or lower, depending on the nature of the rubble. On a
equivalent to 1 inch of wood burnt out.
successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and
Hit Points per Damage doesn’t fall prone or become buried. The DM can waive the
Material AC Inch Wall (1 foot) Threshhold damage entirely and entrap a character in a small area that
Stone 17 30 360 10 has not caved in, though this still requires the above check to
Wood 25 25 300 5
With spells like death and decay and earthquake, it typically VEHICLES
takes one minute of damage to reduce a building’s floor to
Vehicles that move without their own power (such as being
rubble with this spell (average of 21 damage per round for
pushed or dragged by muscle or wind) are not constructs at
death and decay and 50 per round for earthquake, before
all, and are treated as normal vehicles in the Dungeon
comparing to the Damage Threshold).
Master’s Guide. Siege weapons that are not attached to
SIEGE WEAPONS AND BOMBARDMENT constructs must also be driven this way.
Siege weapons take a number of rounds on average, to Engines may be added to a non-construct vehicle or siege
destroy or breach a wall section. Setting up siege weapons is weapon, altering its speed and reducing the crew required to
therefore a critical step that stronghold defenders must move it. Engines are considered gadgets.
Type Cost Speed Crew/ Passengers Cargo AC HP Threshold
Goblin Zeppelin 25,000 gp 9 mph 20/40 10 tons 15 300 10
Juggernaut 40,000 gp 3 mph 60/400 250 tons 17 600 20
Goblin Zeppelin (or Goblin Balloon). The goblin zeppelin traps. Exploring a smaller section or a trap takes one
has one medium-sized engine, which counts as 10 crew action as normal.
members (5,000 gp), leaving the ship requiring only 10 crew
A character can perform these activities with a 1-hour
members. Without the engine, the goblin zeppelin acts as a
normal airship, and loses ½ a mile of speed, and 9 tons of
cargo. • Cast a spell with a casting time of 1 hour
Juggernaut. The juggernaut has one huge-sized engine • Take a short rest.
that counts as 30 crew members (costs 15,000 gp), leaving
For eight hours, a character can take a long rest. At the
the ship requiring only 30 crew members. Without the
end of every hour, the following occurs:
engine, the juggernaut acts as a normal warship, and loses
½ a mile of speed, and 50 tons of cargo • One torch is fully exhausted
• One-sixth of a lantern’s oil is burnt out
VEHICLE AND SIEGE WEAPON ENGINES • Carefully search a large area (such as a large room or
Engines are uncommon-quality devices, and count as 10
small structure) for secret rooms, doors, or traps.
crew members if medium-sized, cost 5,000 gp, and consume
• A random encounter occurs (as appropriate for the region)
fuel as a construct (in 1-hour increments)
For each size category larger, they count as 10 more crew A character can perform these activities with a 1-day
members, cost an additional 5,000 gp, and consume double action.
the same fuel per size category. Creating an engine is a • Finding a resource node is usually easy and within plain
complexity 4 task (28 days). sight, such as a grove with uncommon herbs or a vein with
special minerals. If they are not recognized, searching for
ADVENTURING SCALES them (such as via prospecting) takes a day for each 1-mile
square, and may require a Spirit check with the
ENCOUNTER appropriate tool proficiency.
This is the scale appropriate for combat and adventuring • Gather materials from a resource node (see harvesting
(wherein a round is 6 seconds), other scales become more under gathering skills)
appropriate with different activities to help manage and
organize the players’ times. LORE – RESURRECTION AND
When exploring a region (such as the tunnels of Ironforge,
the woods of Quel’Thalas or Zul’Aman), unmapped
dungeons (such as the Deadmines or Blackrock Mountain), Resurrection in the Warcraft universe’s lore is a contentious
or 1 minute or 1 hour rounds. The DM may decide to work subject; player characters can be revived, but important
on 1 minute rounds (if the region is small, densely NPCs usually die permanently.
populated, or if the characters have high movement speeds Resurrection is possible and expensive, although several
or are mounted), 1 hour rounds (if the region is large, factors make it easier, and some make it impossible.
sparsely populated, or if the characters are on foot), or 1 day
• Intact Corpse. An intact corpse is required for
rounds (if the activities take long, but not longer than
resurrection with the following spells: Revivify (3rd level),
moderate-complexity tasks).
and Raise Dead (5th level). Missing body parts are not
Overland travel usually takes place while using
restored with these spells, and an armless corpse becomes
exploration rounds.
an armless raised character. If the limb is required for life
The below rules supplant those in the Dungeon Master’s
(such as a head), the resurrection fails.
• Free Soul. Some spells and effects trap the soul, such as
A character can perform these activities with a 1-minute
the imprisonment spell (9th level), or the capture essence
spell (minimum 2nd level). Being alive also prevents
• Cast a spell with a casting time of 1 minute returning to life, as the soul is technically trapped in the
• Carefully search a moderate area (such as a room or body it inhabits. An animated undead is treated as an
hallway, roughly 20x20 feet) for secret rooms, doors, or imprisoned soul. A trapped soul must be freed before
resurrected (such as breaking the imprisonment spell, Alliance, Horde, and Independent (see Scourge) city of
destroying the capture essence focus, or destroying an populace 1,000 or higher, or any fort or citadel (but not
animated undead). every small military outpost), and is also attuned to its
If a soul is trapped in a focus (such as the capture essence military and civil leaders. Access to the Altar is usually
spell or a soul-stealing sword), the one who casts the spell restricted--as those who sabotage it undermine a great
or evokes the effect must contest their spellcasting weapon.
attribute with the target. On a success of two out of three The altar cannot resurrect a creature that is not dead, or
rolls, the focus that traps the soul is broken and the soul is one not willing to return, or a creature that has already
freed. Focuses that can be broken this way are explicitly underwent a transformation that changed what it was (living
stated to be subject to this effect. being into an undead, or a demon), or a creature whose soul
• Willing Target. The target must be willing to return. Some is stolen or trapped.
characters, upon a fulfilled life, find that they cannot (or
• Altar of Kings. Made by materials provided by Kirin Tor to
are unwilling) to be revived. This cancels the spell without
serve the Alliance and her people, the Altar of Kings, acts
consuming any material components.
as a harness for the derelict life forces of fallen human
• Material Components. Spells that raise the dead require
champions (including their allies the dwarves and high
expensive material components, such as diamonds (or
elves). The specifics of this building's magical properties
their dust), alchemical reagents, or anything that can stand
are among the most guarded secrets in all human realms.
in for the price. For example, a cherished wedding band
• Altar of Storms. Used by the Orcish Horde and created by
can pay the price of the spell if it has a comparable price
utilized elven runestones corrupted by fel magic, the altars
(even if not exact), as well as a magical item with an
of storms were used to create Ogre Magi during the
infusion cost comparable to the spell’s cost.
Second War (and to a lesser extent, the Third War). After
Resurrection Sickness. Spells that revive inflict the war ended, they became reinfused with shamanistic
resurrection sickness. The target takes a -4 penalty to attack magic to recall the lingering spirits of heroes back to life.
rolls, saving throws, and ability checks. Whenever they take • Altar of Darkness. Built with dark magics in blighted
a long rest, the penalty decreases by 1 point until it is grounds, this structure serves as a channeling nexus for
eliminated entirely. the Scourge's dark restorative powers. When a hero falls
in battle, his essence may be recalled to this site, where it
is given new, unholy life. Altars of darkness are utilized by
Altars of resurrections are known center points of power,
the Forsaken and the Scourge.
usually built in intersections of lay energies or in hallowed
• Altar of Elders. So powerful is the Night Elven bond with
areas. It is these sites, once erected, that heroes may be
the Ancients, that even upon their death and the death of
resurrected to do battle once again (for an offering of gold).
their ancient allies, their life energies may be recalled, and
To be restored via an Altar of Resurrection, a character must
their spirit made tangible in the waking world once again.
be at least of 5th level or higher and attune themselves with
For this to occur, a nexus must be constructed, a
one altar (which takes a day of being less than 30 feet from
channeling place to collect and restore life energies. This
it, and costs nothing). The offering may be paid with coin, or
place is the altar of elders.
with the sacrifice of any similarly-valued object (such as
breaking an ancestral blade, or the sacrifice of a being IMMORTALS
within two levels from the target). If a creature dies on a
Immortals such as celestials and fiends (sometimes known
plane different from where its altar is located, it cannot be
as outsiders), undead, and fey have different natures than
revived by the altar.
mortals such as humanoids, beasts, etc. and do not age or
The Altar takes one hour to revive a creature whose spirit
die of aging.
is called out to, and besides the offering and a sure way to
Additionally, outsiders cannot be destroyed unless killed
identify the target, the target’s corpse is not required. The
under certain conditions.
resurrected creature appears unarmed, unarmored, and
unclothed, and has no starting possessions. If the character • They must be killed on their native plane (the Twisting
died while affected by a curse, they retain the curse, but their Nether for demons, and the native realm for celestials), or
bodies are free from any nonmagical diseases or poisons. a plane heavily influenced by it, or
The character is also at full hit points and mana, and retains • They must be gated in physically (via a gate or plane shift,
any prepared and set spells, and takes a penalty of -4 on all or similar effects) such as when the lich Kel’Thuzad
d20 checks. Each long rest removes -1 from this penalty invited the archdemonic Archimonde via a gate to Azeroth
until the penalty is wholly removed. during the Third War.
Summoning a character’s spirit this way costs 100 gold
Few spellcasters know that outsiders do not die unless
per level of the target. Altars of Resurrection are in every
under these conditions (most of those who do know are
warlocks who share this information sparingly). If a creature before the beginning of the Third War, the Plague of
is bonded without being invited or gated in, they reform as Undeath is the strongest and most reliable tool to create
normal. intelligent undead (see equipment).
Due to the difficulties of killing demons under these Should the Lich King’s telepathic control of his undead
conditions, they are usually banished, trapped (either in minions waver (either by suffering damage to himself of the
gems, or spell focuses such as by the capture essence spell, Frozen Throne), there is a chance that these free-willed
or by spells such as Imprisonment), or imprisoned instead of undead will summon back their spirits to their bodies,
destroyed. In the case of the capture essence spell, becoming intelligent undead—in many cases, joining the
ambitious spellcasters might even use the creature’s spirit to ranks of the Forsaken.
fuel infusions or to power engineering devices, though they Intelligent undead usually appear in traumatic events that
run the risk the creature escapes. would cause their spirit to linger and return (executed
Forsaken and other intelligent undead is another special unjustly, betrayed and killed by a loved one, died with
case. So long as an undead is intelligent, it can be raised or broken oaths or severe regrets, slain on unholy ground, etc.,
revived by the normal raising spells (Revivify, Raise Dead, as determined by the DM). Spellcasters may attempt to
and Resurrection). Unintelligent undead are usually ‘revived’ replicate these circumstances with the bind undead spell.
by repeated animation. Casting the bind spell on a corpse in an area that was
Some undead often have special conditions to destroy significant to the person while alive may summon his spirit
beyond resurrection. For example, liches can only be killed if to be bound as an undead. Animating and then binding a
their phylacteries are destroyed. human farmer in the ruins of a market he used to sell his
Although undead also require their body parts to be wares in, an elven farstrider in her archery range, or an orc
available to be raised through these spells, it is easy to in his hut are all likely to return a sliver of the creature’s
simply stitch body parts together with a sewing kit (or use spirit, returning their mental attributes to normal. These
body parts from other corpses), although the undead’s head undead, if released from the binding, join the ranks of the
is a vital and irreplaceable part. Forsaken.
The resurrection spell can, however, revert an undead Fey. Fey slain reform in the Emerald Dream, but do not
creature to living, so long as its soul is free, but only if it is regain physical bodies, such as the elder fey Cenarius.
heightened to 9th level (also known as True Resurrection). Constructs. Constructs are considered functionally
Creating intelligent undead requires more than just immortal, and can be fixed and recrafted by a character with
animating them; the Plague of Undeath was an unholy a sufficiently high proficiency in engineering, although they
concoction suffused with necromantic and soul magics, and cannot be restored if missing critical components (subject to
animated by semi-sentient will. Created by the Lich King joint DM-player adjudication).
When using an action to make an attack, some abilities
(such as the Extra Attack feature or Haste) allow multiple
attacks. In this case, each attack is called a single attack
action. can choose to make it heal them instead. Death Coil is also a
This conversion also makes use of several effects that [healing], though it can only heal the undead and demons,
affect combat, such as strike and stance effects. The while dealing shadow damage at the will of the caster to
character must choose to use their bonus action to fight other creatures.
(with an off-hand weapon or cast a spell or use an item) or to DAMAGE TYPES
use a strike effect if they have one. Different attacks, damaging spells, and other harmful effects
• Strikes and Shots. These are abilities or spells that deal different types of damage. Damage types have no rules
consume a bonus action to execute and grant an additional of their own, but other rules, such as damage resistance, rely
effect on the first successful attack (or a number of on the types. The damage types follow, with examples to
successful attacks, depending on the description). When help a DM assign a damage type to a new effect.
using a strike effect, the use of a bonus action prevents Arcane. Arcane is pure magical energy focused into a
using two-weapon fighting and use of off-hand natural damaging form. Most effects that deal arcane damage are
attacks. Any character using a strike or shot effect can spells, including magic missile and spiritual weapon. Effects
declare whether or not to use them for each attack action, that used to deal force damage deal arcane damage instead.
or to withhold the effect until before the end of the Concussive. Concussive damage is half bludgeoning, half
duration. Shot spells are strike spells, but are restricted to thunder. Most effects that deal concussive damage as fueled
ranged weapons. by explosives.
• Stances. These are abilities or spells that restrict the Holy. Holy is a form of divine power focused to harm or
character’s movement, but grant the bonus so long as they heal (if it also has the healing descriptor), such as a paladin’s
are conscious and acting. They usually require an action or smite or a holy light spell. Most effects that deal holy
a bonus action to enter (depending on the description). damage are fueled by divine beings. Effects that used to deal
Some stances require moving less than half a character’s radiant damage deal holy damage instead.
maximum speed, while others require constant movement. Shadow. Shadow is the polar opposite of the holy light,
• Tether. A character can tether another using rope, chain, and can also be used to harm or heal different creature
or another mechanism to restrain its range of movement, types, such as a death knight’s runic strike or death coil.
without having to restrain the character (such as by a spell Most effects that deal shadow damage are fueled by dark
or using grappling). beings such as void lords. Effects that used to deal necrotic
• If tethering two creatures, one side can perform the shove damage deal shadow damage instead.
action, but instead of pushing away, the creature moves Fel. Fel damage is a semi-sentient form of magic that
closer on a successful check. The creatures moves the suffuses and corrupts living beings, and are usually spells,
same distance as they would if they were shoved normally. such as a warlock’s orb of annihilation or a fiend’s explosive
• If a character uses a grappling hook, they can tether a death. Most effects that deal fel damage are fueled by fiends
target reliably with a successful ranged attack roll, and or the lords of the Burning Legion. Effects that used to deal
then use their action the next round to pull them closer. necrotic damage and were of a demonic source deal fel
damage instead.
A character can only benefit from aura at any given time
(their choice), and auras can usually counter other ones. DAMAGE CLASS
Often times, certain abilities describe damage classes.
DAMAGE AND HEALING Physical damage includes bludgeoning, piecing, slashing
Effects that deal holy damage and can heal the living give Elemental damage includes acid, cold, fire, and lightning.
the option for the spellcaster to either heal or deal damage. Magic damage includes arcane, holy, shadow, thunder,
The same goes for effects that deal shadow damage and and fel.
heal (though it can only heal the undead or demons). These Some damage effects deal one-half one damage and one-
spells have the [healing] descriptor, or otherwise only harm. half another, such as concussive damage. In this case, divide
For example, the holy light spell is a [healing] spell that the damage into its component halves before applying
can deal holy damage. If targeting a living being, the caster resistances.
Whether it comes in the form of a healer’s gentle touch or high elves and humans. Demons are the masters of the
the wrath of a warlock’s fiery rain, magic is a way of life in arcane, and the Lich King and his Scourge spellcasters are
Azeroth. For good or evil, magic has infiltrated the world also talented.
and shows no sign of leaving. The dark siren call of the The path of the divine is less fraught with paradox and
arcane and the gentle but firm tapping of divine energies doom. Arcane casters call it the weaker path, while divine
both color the world and affect its inhabitants. The way of casters calmly state that it is the subtler of the two. Focused
magic is often a dangerous road to travel, yet most set out on support magic and healing, adherents of the divine can
confidently on a journey that they do not expect to end in also call down the destructive forces of nature. Divine
doom. practitioners are usually orcs, tauren or night elves.
The path of the arcane magic user is dark and Ironforge dwarves and humans also have their divine magic
questionable. Arcane power is undeniably the strongest users.
magic branch; arcanists can command elements, monsters This chapter introduces the mana system, and the
and even undead with their power. It was the use of these mechanics that facilitate its function.
powers, however, that attracted the most destructive forces
to Azeroth — not once, but many times in the past ten SPELLCASTING ABILITY
thousand years. Even with history proving time and again Depending on the character’s class or race, they may gain
that arcane use leads to damnation, there is no lack of spellcasting abilities (also known as a caster level).
arrogant new arcanists on Azeroth who believe that they can Spellcasting can either be arcane (drawn from studying
control the forces at work. Arcane magic users are usually esoterica,
Superscripted denotes the source of the spell if it is not
These spells are most demanding concentration spells, and
from the Player’s Handbook.
require the investment of one action every round to maintain
the spell. If the caster cannot invest the required actions, the • EE = Elemental Evil (Also appears in Xanathar’s Guide to
spell ends. Above the required action, the spellcaster cannot Everything
• XGtE = Xanathar’s Guide to Everything.
Array. Spells with the array tag have several sub-spells.
When preparing a spell with the array tag, you must choose
to prepare one spell of the array (each of which may have
their own spell levels and different effects). Some arrays give
circumstantial access to other spells. In this case,
heightening the spell in the array count as if heightening that
Blessings. This array includes beneficial spells that are
activated by consuming half your movement, and may target
yourself or an ally. A creature can have only one blessing
active on them at any given time, with most blessings active
on a duration of five minutes (and are thus mostly useful for
one encounter). These are considered beneficial spells.
Channel. These spells are most demanding concentration
spells, and require the investment of one action every round
to maintain the spell. If the caster cannot invest the required
actions, the spell ends. Above the required action, the
spellcaster cannot move faster than half their speed. As for
• Bonded for a Task. You may bond a creature for a task you
specify (such as retrieving information, casting a spell,
stealing an object, or helping you clear a dungeon) with the
parameters you specify. Upon completion of the task, the
bond lessens, and the creature returns to its native realm
(or to its original form). If you specified reporting back as
part of its bond, it cannot return unless it reports to you the
results of its task. The creature can wait until it is certain
beyond reasonable doubt that you cannot (or will not)
return, at which case it returns to its original realm.
5th-level necromancy
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet.
Components: V, S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute.
You cripple any living target within range. Make a ranged
spell attack. On a success, the target takes -2 to AC and to
Agility saving throws, can’t use its reactions, and may make
either an action or a bonus action every turn (not both).
Regardless of the creature’s abilities, it may only make one
melee or ranged attack on its turn, and they deal only half
damage with weapon attacks that use Strength or Agility.
If the creature attempts to cast a spell with a casting time
of 1 action, roll a d20. On an 11 or higher, the spell doesn’t
take effect until the creature’s next turn, and the creature
must use its action on that turn to complete the spell. If it
can’t, the spell is wasted. At the end of each of the target’s
turns, it can make a Stamina saving throw against the spell.
On a success, the spell ends.
3rd-level abjuration [aura]
Casting Time: 1 bonus action
Range: Self (15-foot radius)
Components: V
Duration: Concentration (partial), up to 1 hour
Invigorating energies radiate from you in an aura with a 15-
foot radius. Until the spell ends, the aura moves with you,
centered on you. All allied creatures within the aura’s range
increase their movement speed by 10 feet, and are
automatically stabilized when reduced to 0 hit points.
Aura Spike. Causing this aura to spike allows you
designate any number of creatures in your aura that have
been reduced to 0 hit points and stabilized, and heal them all
1 hit point. This healing does not affect undead or
Note. This spell suppresses and is suppressed by the
Unholy Aura spell.
2nd-level necromancy [sigil] [curse]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You curse one living target within range with searing agony,
setting their nervous system ablaze. Make a ranged spell
attack against the target. On a hit, the target suffers 2d4 fel
1st-level evocation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S, M (empty egg shell)
Duration: Instantaneous, or up to 3 rounds
You draw power into the material, and then release it to
explode either instantaneously or delayed for up to three
rounds. This explosion deals 2d6 concussive damage in a
10-foot radius sphere and knocks them prone. If a creature
passes an Agility saving throw, they take only half damage
and are not knocked prone.
The explosion also releases a splash of damage beyond
the explosive’s area, dealing 2 point of damage of the same
type 5 feet away from the blast. A successful Agility saving
throw against this effect negates the damage entirely.
Heightened. For each level above 1st, you add an
additional 1d6 damage (and one additional point of splash
Special. When preparing the spell, you can instead make
the explosion deal fire, cold, lightning, or acid damage.
1st-level illusion
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Components: S
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Any creature you touch is heavily obscured from all viewers
for one minute, or until they attack a creature.
1st-level abjuration [totem]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 15 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: 1 minute
1st-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Five minutes
A wreath of faith burns within a creature you designate
within range. The creature gains +1 bonus to damage rolls,
and their armor increases by 1. This is an aura bonus.
Heightened. You can increase the bonus to AC and
damage rolls by + 1 each for every two spell levels above 1st
(up to a +3 bonus to AC and damage rolls at spell level 5).
Evocation cantrip
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 30 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Instantaneous
You can create one of the following effects:
You create a tiny, harmless illusion that predicts the
weather for the next 24 hours; your voice booms three times
as loud; you conjure a spark of lightning or flame that can
light or snuff a small campfire, torch, or candle; cause such
flames to flicker and change color for 1 minute; you cause
harmless tremors for 1 minute; you chill, warm, a small
amount of liquid, or freeze it for 1 minute.
You can have up to three of these 1-minute effects active at
2nd-level evocation [sigil]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You blast your target with sticky elemental lava. Make a
ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target is
affected by the spell, taking 2d6 fire damage. At the
beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a spell
attack roll to affect the target again.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target suffers
additional half damage ( + 50%) from any Elemental Shock
2nd-level conjuration [sigil]
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S
Duration: Up to 1 minute
You summon a parasitic conjured creature into the target.
Make a ranged spell attack against any creature within
range. The target suffers 2d6 poison damage. At the
beginning of every round, the caster must succeed on a sigil
roll to affect the target again.
Also, so long as the spell is active, the target is treated as if
If the creature dies while under the effects of parasite, its
poisonous fume arises from the corpse, dealing 2d6 damage
in a 5 foot-radius sphere, centered on the corpse. The
parasite is summoned on the spot of its death, and it
remains for a minute, as if you conjured it.
You can implant any creature that as part of the spell so
long as it is one size category smaller than the target, and if
the conjure spell you refer to is lower than the parasite spell
in spell level.
Heightened. The damage increases by 1d6 per spell level
above 2nd.
Note. You must choose the creature to serve as the
parasite beforehand, and it must be a creature you can
4th-level transmutation
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 60 feet
Components: V, S, M (a caterpillar cocoon)
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 hour
This spell transforms a creature that you can see within
range into a new form. An unwilling creature must make a
Spirit saving throw to avoid the effect. The spell has no
effect on a shapechanger or a creature with 0 hit points.
1-3 The firearm jams, requiring a minute to clean it out to use On a second malfunction with an activation roll with a
4-6 The gunpowder inside backfires (see backfire below) construct (regardless of type), it either shuts down, is
haywire, burns fuel, or runs slowly (roll a d4).
Backfire. The firearm deals its normal damage in a 10-
Roll Effect
foot-sphere centered on the firearm itself. The user and any
1 Construct remains inactive for one hour
affected creature may perform an Agility check against the 2 Construct activates normally, but is hostile to anything in
device DC for half damage. The damage dealt is half fire, sight (until restarted), or cannot target any creature (if a
half bludgeoning, and the firearm takes the same damage, mecha). If a vehicle, nothing happens
and does not apply resistance of any type, automatically 3 The construct is active, but burns fuel at double normal rate
(until restarted)
bypassing its damage threshold (if possible). 4 The construct is active, but be slowed (as the spell) (until
On a second malfunction with the activation roll with a SCORCHED
gadget, it is either drained or overheated. There is a chance
for each (roll 1d4). Usually inflicted by fire spells, the scorched condition
reduces the target’s weapon damage by a number of points
Roll Effect equal to 2 (or if brought on by a hostile creature, a number of
1-2 The device loses 1d4 charges. If this reduction takes it to -1 damage points equal to their proficiency bonus).
charge, the gadget cannot be used until it regains full
3-4 The device’s cool down is one hour (or short rest)
Construct (or Vehicle). On a second malfunction with an
activation roll with a construct (regardless of type), it either
shuts down, is haywire, burns fuel, or runs slowly (roll a d4)
Dozens of entities are revered in the Warcraft universe, some races personify their faiths in the form of a god, but
often forming cults, churches, and organizations around understand that their “god” is really just a symbol of their
central tenants. philosophical beliefs, not an actual being. Others, such as
Most races possess some sort of cultural faith that reflects Firelord Ragnaros, are seen by some to have achieved a god-
their values, fears, and hopes. Some worship gods or like status. The Warcraft universe does has powerful,
demigods as actual beings (either as a God, gods, or immortal beings, such as Elune, the Old Gods and the
demigods is debatable among the races themselves), while Titans, and their influence greatly affects the world.
The three virtues of the Forgotten Shadow are death (where
death is the gateway to ascension, but must be balanced
with life), compassion (though often reserved for other
cultists, the forgotten shadow believes that bettering the self
positively influences the universe in a positive cycle), and
ascension (where the follower of the forgotten shadow gains
the power to transcend death, becoming invulnerable,
invincible and eternal. In essence, he becomes a god.)
The cult is acknowledged only in the lands of the Forsaken.
The Cult of Forgotten Shadows (or Cult of the Forgotten
Shadow) is a group considered heretical by most, who
believe that dark energy practitioners are just as vital to the TENANTS
survival of life and reality (which they call "the Shadow") as The Lich King has no real tenants, but idolizing him as a
wielders of the Light. The cult preaches balance, mandating paragon of mastery over death led to the development of the
that shadow priests must never forget the dangers of falling priesthood of the Forgotten Shadow. The Lich King himself
too deep into the dark energies they manipulate, for it is desires complete dominion over Azeroth and banishing the
often too hard to find one's way back to the Shadow from Burning Legion from it. Whether the army he builds is to
the deep reaches of the darkness. Those who upset the stand against the Void Lords’ attempts to take over the
balance end up mad, or worse, serving the Void Lords. planet and conquer the world-spirit Azeroth for himself is
The Cult of Forgotten Shadow teaches that the Forsaken known only to him.
of Azeroth were too weak to ascend. Their undead state is a
curse brought on by that weakness. Once the Forsaken learn REPRESENTATIVES
to master themselves and control the world around them, The Scourge and the Cult of the Damned
they shake off that curse and become what they always Created initially as the precursor to an invasion by the
should have been. Burning Legion after their previous failures, the Scourge
broke free from their demonic masters and aided in the
HOLY LIGHT Legion’s defeat at Mount Hyjal in the Third War. Under the
iron rule of the dread Lich King, a being formed of Ner’zhul
TENANTS (the former orc shaman and warchief of the Shadowmoon
Tenants. The three virtues of the Holy Light are respect clan) and Arthas Menethil (the former human paladin and
(where one must respect all that is, and the connections crown prince of Lordaeron), the Scourge built up their
things share with one another in the universe), compassion power base on the Arctic continent of Northrend. Their
(as a follower of the holy light believes that bettering the influence spreads throughout Northrend, as well as the
universe benefits himself in return as a positive cycle), and Plaguelands in northern Lordaeron and southern
tenacity (training under the Holy Light that weeds out the
Quel’Thalas, and even Kalimdor to a small degree. A
The virtues of titans are order (banishing chaos and
ordering the Great Dark Beyond), compassion (imbuing
their power and protecting lesser races until they reach their
full potential), and preservation (destroying corruptive
influences such as Old Gods, Void Lords, and demons of all
The creations of the Titans are usually considered their
representatives. Although most are missing in Azeroth, there
are yet relics left from the primordial days where Titans
visited the planet.
The titans are a race of colossal, planet-sized cosmic VOID LORDS
beings, composed of arcane magic and the primordial
matter from which the universe was born. They roamed
Polar opposite of the Holy Light
across the cosmos like walking worlds, imbued with the raw
power of creation itself. The titans used this incredible force REPRESENTATIVES
to find and awaken others of their kind. Hailing from the far The Old Gods and their servants
reaches of the cosmos, they shaped and brought life and The void lords are monstrous entities composed of pure
order to countless worlds across the Great Dark Beyond. shadow energy who dwell within the Void, a terrifying and
They were described as perfect and majestic beings who are nightmarish outer realm. Merciless and cruel beyond
akin to gods. Knowledge of them is very scarce, and there imagination, they seek only to twist reality into a realm of
are more legends and theories of them than facts, with the eternal torment, and ultimately to devour all matter and
only ones who have an inkling of their powers (or even their energy and the universe itself.
existence) are beings the Titans directly interacted with eons However, only the most powerful of the void lords can
ago, such as the leaders of the Dragonflights, the Old Gods, actually manifest in the physical universe, and only for
and the Titans’ creations (such as the Earthen). limited amounts of time for their energies quickly seep into
Unknown to most in Azeroth, the Titans are heavily tied to nothingness. They thus must consume untold amounts of
the cosmic force known as the arcane. In fact, it is their very matter and energy to maintain their presence.
lifeblood, for the original Well of Eternity, an enormous lake In their struggle to impose dominion over reality, they
of volatile arcane energies, was literally the literal blood of conflicted with the Titans, and, lacking the power to subdue
Azeroth's world-soul. They are also uniquely susceptible to or dominate them, have targeted them in their infancy,
fel magic. A world-soul is the name given to the spirit of a corrupting still-sleeping World-souls. Void Lords send seeds
titan. The first and most vulnerable stage of a titan's life, of corruption and create servitor beings in other realms,
world-souls are powerful, nascent titan souls who originate creating the Old Gods, monstrous beings of ancient power
as masses of energy spun out into the cosmos at the that spread across a World-soul’s surface, eventually
moment of its creation, eventually finding comfort in the corrupting the Titan sleeping within into rising as a Dark
warmth of a sun. In time, a planet coalesces around the Titan who serves the Void Lords.
newly-formed world-soul, protecting it as it grows. These The Void Lords are a font of shadow power, being what
nascent titan souls exist within the fiery cores of a small could be considered the true embodiment of the Forgotten
number of worlds scattered throughout the Great Dark Shadow’s ideals. However, that is not the only
Beyond; there they slumber for ages, suffusing the planets interpretation. Followers of the Forgotten Shadow may wish
they inhabit with Spirit energy as generations of life live and to struggle against the wills of the Void Lords and the Old
die upon them, before eventually awakening as living worlds, Gods, just as the practitioners of fel magic may struggle
and emerging as titans. Azeroth is one such world, and the against the influence of the Burning Legion. Perhaps, when
titan within it is feared to possibly be the greatest titan of all, all is said and done, the Forgotten Shadow is able to
should he awaken. distance itself as a philosophy from its origin as an
expression of the Void Lords’ will.
Draenei alchemists are often support-based, and although
they are few in number and influence, are appreciated for
what they could lend to war efforts, especially healing or
exorcism potions. Draenei often take the construct
homunculi, crafting constructs that appear as Elekk, the
draenei racial mount.
Ironforge dwarves appreciate the flexibility potions serve.
Ironforge dwarf alchemists often use potions to support
their allies and scatter their foes, such as the explosion and
mold earth potions. In many cases, dwarves who take the
alchemist class mix their craft with brewery, making beer-
potions that have the distinct taste, but without the undead monstrosities.
intoxicating effect that might jeopardize allies’ safety in war.
Ironforge dwarves often take the homunculus weird science,
Gnomes compete for dominance with goblins over alchemy.
choosing to craft constructs that also look like mechanical
Gnome alchemists primarily choose to support their allies
with healing and battlefield support potions. To gnomes,
Dark Iron dwarves are excellent alchemists, and usually
alchemy is a long game that emphasizes preparation for
focus on fire-based offensive and support potions. Their
every contingency, survivability, and sustainability. Gnomes
volcanic homeland (Blackrock Mountain and the
usually take the path of the transmutor.
surrounding areas) provide many nodes for alchemy. Dark
irons often choose the explosive potions weird science GOBLINS
(choosing fire). Goblins find themselves the kings of the alchemical
profession. A goblin alchemist takes advantage of explosion
potions to scatter their enemies and destroy their
Night Elves of Kalimdor do not have a strong tradition of
fortifications, and mutation potions to empower homunculi
alchemy, preferring to instead rely on divine magics for
and their allies. Goblins often take the path of the mutant or
support. In other cases, night elven alchemists often choose
the transmutor.
spells that appear on the hunter or druid spell lists.
High Elves, Nightborne, Void Elves, and Blood Elves often HUMANS
treat alchemy as an inferior art to arcane magic, but would Human alchemists usually share the perception of power
be foolish to discount its flexibility. Whether they be mana, and mystery with mages. Isolated hermits may follow the
healing, or revivifying potions, alchemy is respected—at least path of the mutant, while more studious ones take the path
as a tool. of the transmutor.
Forsaken alchemy is more than an economic commodity or Orc traditions of alchemy are rare, but an increasing amount
a frivolity—it is the origin of their suffering. As most of orcs studied troll alchemy from witch doctors. Orcs often
Forsaken were created after succumbing to the Lich King’s take the path of the mutant.
dreaded Undead Plague, most see alchemy as a tool that
could make or break them. Being undead, Forsaken
Pandaren traditions of alchemical discovery are well-
alchemists find surviving failed experiments easier, should
entrenched, and almost always follow the path of the
they explode into poisonous fumes (only so long as the
transmutor. Such potions often have tasty twist, or touch of
poisons or diseases are not magical in nature). Forsaken
alcohol in them, as the tradition of alchemy with pandaren
alchemists are always in demand, as healing does not come
originates from the culture’s appreciation to fine drink.
easily to the dead. Most choose to join the apothecary path,
Draenei Death Knights are new, as per the War of the Lich ORCS
King, being third-generation Death Knights. Their Orc tradition in being Death Knights is shrouded in mystery
previously-holy powers become tainted and lost, gaining a and myth. Originally, the wicked warlock Gul’dan bound the
necromantic twist instead. souls of the Shadow Council (warlocks that once served
ELVES him) into the corpses of the strongest knights of Stormwind
Night Elves that were forced into servitude often eschew during the beginnings of the Second War, granting the
heavy armor and rely on stealth, or choose to be battle- undead creatures scepters of power, first among which was
archers, drawing shortsword runeblades only to end Teron Gorefiend. These orc spirits bound in human bodies
wounded enemies. have a stronger tradition of warlock and fel magic than most
High Elves and Blood Elves forced into servitude to the Death Knights, and it shows in their list of chosen spells;
Lich King are usually the embittered remnants of the taking spells that intersect and cross over from the Warlock
citizens of Quel’Thalas slain in Arthas’s march to conquer and Death Knight spell lists.
Silvermoon during the Third War (making most of them TROLLS
second or third-generation death knights). Such elves are Ice Trolls death knights are the only type of Troll familiar
usually thought to be dead by their surviving families. with the art. Due to powerful ice troll witch doctor magics
FORSAKEN and potions (which conferred protection against the undead
Forsaken Death Knights personify tragedy and spiritual plague) and a strong Ice Troll state of Zul’Drak in Northrend
misfortune; slain and raised to the service of the Lich King (which protected against repeated Scourge incursions and
once, and then bonded to the Frozen Throne once more, starvation tactics), the Scourge was unable to fully conquer
Forsaken death knights are bitter, cynical individuals whose them until the War of the Lich King took place. However, the
Wildhammer Dwarves have a minor tradition in druidism, Forsaken and Humans traditions in druidism are primitive
but they usually lean to shamanism instead. Those who do and mostly faded, usually reserved for village wise-folk in
take this path often choose to adopt a gryphon as a flying Tirisfal Glades before the Third War devastated Lordaeron.
form, and a wolverine for a ground form. Should these mysterious druids survive both Arthas’s
undoing of their homeland and the following Forsaken
conquest of the land, they might have many things to share
with the world. Those who have survived to become
Forsaken are often known as blight druids—mysterious
figures who eschew shapeshifting and focus on alchemical
remedies to ailments that affect the dead.
Tauren druids have a complex history. It is believed that
Tauren learned druidism from Cenarius the same way Night
Elves did, with Cenarius appearing to them in a different
form, with the tauren Xarantaur possibly being an earlier
student than Malfurion Stormrage. However, due to tauren
nomadic lifestyles, several calamities that decimated their
numbers in Kalimdor, and a propensity for adopting
shamanistic traditions and ancestor-worship, druidism faded
over the millennia. Tauren druids are adept shapeshifters to
large creatures, and often cast druid spells that deal
ELVES elemental damage.
Night Elves were the first druids, learning from Cenarius, TROLLS
the demigod son of Elune (the goddess of the moon) and Forest Troll and Ice Troll druids are connected with the Loa
Malorne (the Ancient stag-god, bound to earth). The first of in a way different than Witch Doctors or Shadow Hunters.
such students is the archdruid Malfurion Stormrage (and his Whereas the two channel their semi-divine powers, druids
twin brother, the wayward Illidan). It was through Malfurion (or shapeshifters) channel their animal forms.
Stormrage was druidism introduced into night elves as a
cultural and religious movement, and it was druidism which
was a strong weapon that was ultimately instrumental in Worgen traditions in druidism are new, taught by Night
stopping the Burning Legion from conquering Azeroth in the Elves once the Worgen chose to join the Alliance to temper
War of the Ancients ten-thousand years before the First War their natural shapeshifting tendencies with distinct druidic
even started. Night elf druids draw from a powerful and traditions thousands of years old.
ancient tradition, as druids have been awakened from HTR: HUNTERS
enchanted slumber during the Third War to fight once more
against the Legion and its demon pawns. DWARF
Night elven druids fall into distinct orders, depending on Ironforge Dwarf traditions are usually sharpshooting,
which wildshape form they prefer: the Druids of the Claw eschewing magical talents and substituting them with
(bears), Talon (stormcrows), Fang (snakes), Antler (stags), precision dwarven engineering. Animal companions of
and the Pack (or Scythe, wolves). dwarves are usually those found in the high altitudes of
High Elf tradition of druids is hidden and often confused Khaz Modan, such as bears or boars.
for esoteric arcane techniques. Finding spiritual connection Wildhammer Dwarves who take the path of the hunter
with their distant night elven brethren after the high elves’ often join the gryphon riders—adopting a gryphon as an
exile, high elf druids aided in crafting and raising the animal companion once they acquire an egg and are
Runestones that protected the forests of Quel’Thalas against powerful enough to assert control over the fiercely
the sight of the Burning Legion. Circles of high elf druidism independent creatures. Wielding stormhammers (see magic
are most likely faded or dead following the conquest and items) or taking the Heroic Throw talent, these hunters clear
Night Elf hunters usually join the ranks of the army, Orcs of the Horde first learned the ways of the hunter from
especially the respected Sentinels as archers or huntresses forest trolls on Lordaeron, or developed such skills from
(who employ thrown moonglaives (see equipment).) and take evolving their scouting traditions from Draenor. Animal
the favored by Elune hunter talent. Animal companions of companions for orcs are usually boars.
night elves are usually saber cats (who also double as
combat mounts).
Forsaken hunters are often known as dark rangers.
Nightborne do not often follow the path of the hunter, as
Reflections to Quel’Thalas’s Farstriders just as a Death
the urbanized dwellers of Suramar have little exposure to
Knights to a Paladin, these hunters adopt elven traditions
the elements. Now that the dome has fallen, Nightborne may
with a deathly twist, employing poisons, conjuring undead
follow in the footsteps of their elven kin.
via black arrows, preparing spells such as Silence and
High Elf, Void Elves, and Blood Elf hunters with special
taking talents like the Suffused Arrows, Terrifying Tracker,
skills join the ranks of the ancient and prestigious Farstrider
Essence Touch, Iron Willed Hunter, or Magic-User’s
order, led by the Ranger-General of Silvermoon (often kept
Nemesis, these dark rangers are a terror to enemies of the
in House Windrunner). Silent and adept in deploying
Forsaken who find easily themselves all alone or separated
guerrilla tactics, these rangers have guarded the forests of
from their allies. Forsaken animal companions are usually
Quel’Thalas against its many foes ever since the exile of
wildlife who carry mundane plagues the Forsaken is
High Elves from Kalimdor. Slipping as ghosts between the
immune to.
woods, dancing a deadly dance with troll hunters, be they
axe-throwers or headhunters, Farstriders are always a sight HUMANS AND WORGEN
to sore Elven eyes. The most renowned ranger-general is Human and Worgen traditions usually follow elven or
Sylvannas Windrunner. dwarven traditions.
Chosen talents are usually suffused arrows, primeval
awareness, favored terrain (forests), dread ambusher, and
Tauren have been masters of the hunt since the dawn of the
master of tactics, or talents that help infiltration and
world. Such tauren are usually known as plains walkers, and
sabotage of enemy ranks. Animal companions of night elves
employ thrown spears (taking the Heroic Throw talent).
are usually dragonhawks (who often double as flying
mounts), or none at all as the hunter relies on themselves or TROLLS
their allies instead.. Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls traditions are either
headhunting, axe-throwing, or even bat-riding. Headhunters
are spear-throwers who often rely on rage carrying them
through thick and thin, releasing spears or setting traps
from the shadows or behind the cover of trees. Axe-throwers
are more versatile, using handaxes as melee and ranged
weapons, favoring their versatility, often taking the Leap
talent). Animal companions for trolls are usually raptors
drawn from distant isles.
The Shadow Hunter archetype is one trolls often takes to
cement their authority by tapping into shamanistic and
ancestral magic touched and tempered with Loa power.
Draenei mages are well-respected, often employed in war
efforts to raise up abjurations and ward off demons or
capture them (via banishment, magic circle, and capture
GNOMES essence), as well as supporting and empowering allied
Gnomes and Goblins often become sharpshooters due to troops and debilitating enemies (via time magic such as
their natural aptitude for engineered weapons. Animal haste or slow) and employing dimensional magic such as
companions are usually eschewed due to proficiency with plane shift to lead charges. Such mages often take the
arcane specialization.
Night Elves have long since shunned arcane magic for what
it has done to the world, and due to it being the beacon that
attracted the attentions of the Burning Legion. Night Elves
who answered the call to master the arcane arts are known,
however, such as Illidan Stormrage, who walked the page of
the mage, then warlock, then demon hunter. The Highborne,
an ancient faction of Night Elves who refused to abandon
the art after the conclusion of the War of the Ancients were
exiled by the great druid Malfurion Stormrage. These elves
have sailed across the sea to a new land, and named it
Quel’Thalas, slowly changing in appearance to become High
Nightborne consider themselves the inheritors of the
Highborne, the caste of elite Night Elven society who
mastered magic. This isolation caused them to perfect their Highborne, an ancient faction of Night Elves who refused to
magic, but not test it to the times. Nightborne magi may abandon the art after the conclusion of the War of the
have more exclusive spells than other magi, or sophisticated Ancients were exiled by the great druid Malfurion
uses of existing spells, but are sure to hungrily pursue Stormrage. These elves have sailed across the sea to a new
knowledge to learn what advancements made by the world land, and named it Quel’Thalas, slowly changing in
in the field of arcane magic. appearance to become High Elves.
High Elves and Void Elves may not have invented arcane
magic, but they did invent organized study and utilization of FORSAKEN
it. It was the High Elves who taught humanity to wield Forsaken mages who take the path of the school of
magic, and high elven mages are known as the authors of necromancy are often ostracized as Lich-Kings-to-be,
many (if not nearly all) ancient spellbooks and treatises on causing many Forsaken mages to take the frost or arcane
mysterious ley magic. High elven mages often look down specialization (if not turning to the Warlock’s fel magics). In
upon other spellcasters and employ pure arcane spells with most cases, however, Forsaken mages take a supporting
pride (such as arcane missile, mana burn, detonate mana, role in Forsaken armies, slowing down and debilitating their
and teleport), and are overwhelmingly of the arcane foes.
specialization. Void Elf mages often take up the title ‘Locus GNOMES
Researcher’ after transforming. Gnomes who take the path of the mage adopt high elven
Blood Elves who survived the coming of Arthas and the practices in working the arcane, finding themselves well
Scourging of Quel’Thalas have grown embittered indeed; suited (and possibly even poised to surpass the old masters).
the scourge’s necromantic magics has sullied their land and Gnome mages see little conflict in the idea of mixing magic
slew 90% of their populace, scarring their homeland. Many and engineering, and are often the pioneers in arcane
mages have abandoned their old magics, taking up fel magic technologies, such as crafting arcane golems, magical
and becoming Warlocks instead. Those few who didn’t are sensors, and other technologies.
known as magisters, and act similarly in fashion as how high
elves acted, though focusing more on destruction than GOBLINS
utilityNight Elves have long since shunned arcane magic for Goblin mages are inclined to adopt the fire specialization
what it has done to the world, and due to it being the beacon and choice transmutation spells, often adopting such spells
that attracted the attentions of the Burning Legion. Night into potion forms. Although goblins are relatively new to
Elves who answered the call to master the arcane arts are accessing arcane power, they adopt it with zeal, usually
known, however, such as Illidan Stormrage, who walked the employing such magics to gain an edge over rivals in
page of the mage, then warlock, then demon hunter. The business and politics.
Elves who take the holy vows are only High Elves or Blood
Elves. Although High Elves have membership in the Silver
Hand, having retained their ties with the Alliance as the
priestly brethren despite Quel’Thalas’s distance, Blood
Elves are a weapon of necessity. Following the re-opening of
the Dark Portal, newly Horde-aligned Quel’Thalas has
attacked and defeated a Draenei garrison, capturing the
Naaru M’uru. To feed their mana addition, the elves began
to drain mana from it, but Magister Astalor Bloodsworn felt
this was not the true potential of their treasure; he drained
holy power from the Naaru, and granted it to blood elf
warriors, turning them into paladins. Lady Liadrin, a former
Forsaken who once walked the path of the Light could not
channel holy power without feeling immense pain—a stark
difference from the serenity and comfort it once provided.
Few such individuals continue down such a path, often
forsaking it for the path of the warrior or adopting to their
tragic fate and becoming death knights.
Tauren paladins are something of a curiosity—some would
explain their origins as druids who followed the sun rather
than the moon, and some would point to ancient traditions
lost even to Tauren, who once heard the whispers of the
Holy Light eons ago. Although few druids can explain the
intricacies of the origin of their strength, tauren paladins
exist regardless, channeling light drawn from the sun.
Suffused with divine powers, these warriors are known as
Draenei have been worshipers of the Light for at least as
long as they have known the Naaru, and draw their wisdom
and power from them, becoming the first known race that
has adopted the holy priesthood. The most well-known
draenei priest is the prophet Velen.
Ironforge dwarves that followed the Holy Light were many
before the Third War and the recent discoveries of the
HUMANS Titans, the possible fathers of the dwarves. Despite an
Human have a strong tradition to hold up to. Archbishop apparent conflict of faith (as the Titans wielded pure arcane
Alonsus Faol perceived that the pious Clerics of Northshire, rather than divine might), dwarf priests remain as pillars of
who suffered such terrible attrition in the First War, were ill- order in their respective societies.
suited for the dangers of combat. Along with many of the Wildhammer dwarves lean more towards shamanism, but
surviving priests, he sought those of only the greatest virtue may take up the discipline priesthood once they learn of the
among the knighthood of Lordaeron and tutored them in the balance between Light and Shadow.
ways of holy magic, or sought out priests with strong Dark Iron dwarves, should they turn to faith, often choose
physiques and combat training. Led by Uther the to heed the echoes of the Void and become Shadow Priests,
Lightbringer, it rested upon these paladins — christened the due to the history of Elemental (and thus Old God) dominion
Knights of the Silver Hand — to heal the wounds sustained over their peoples.
in combat and to restore faith in the promise of freedom ELVES
from orcish tyranny. The Order of the Silver Hand suffered Night Elves of Kalimdor have a ten-thousand year old
greatly in the Third War: Lordaeron, the spiritual heart of tradition of a female-only priesthood, the Sisterhood of
humanity fell; Prince Arthas Menethil, one of the most Elune. Night elf priestesses of this sisterhood are proficient
Orc priesthoods are uncommon, as shamanism is closer to
FORSAKEN their cultural traditions. Cultists who hear the call of the
Lich King or the echoes of the Void join the death or shadow
Forsaken who once followed the tenets of the Holy Light
priesthoods, respectively.
altered their philosophy upon their transformation. Most
Forsaken have abandoned religion, just as they believe it PANDAREN
abandoned them. Some still adhere to their old faiths, such Pandaren practices show they have an understanding of the
as the Holy Light. Priests of the Holy Light in particular Holy Light. They, like some practitioners of the faith, believe
struggle to reconcile the philosophy that guided their life in peaceful resolutions at all times. Their clerics emphasize
with their unfortunate new condition. Some balance their the control of negative emotions like fear, sorrow, anger,
old beliefs with their new forms, but most Forsaken priests fury, or any other form of emotional turmoil. The clerics of
belong to The Cult of Forgotten Shadow, adopting the this race do in fact refer to the power they wield as "the
shadow priesthood. Lost and hurt, these priests founded a Light." Although their inclinations align with holy
Tauren priesthoods are relatively new and mysterious
institutions, as shamanism is more entrenched and
established. These priests tap into the Sun for divine
power, drawing from the Holy Light of creation, becoming
part of the holy priesthoods.
Forest Trolls and Ice Trolls, much like the witch doctors of
troll tribes, are comprised of spiritual advisers and
caretakers. With trolls being naturally superstitious and
spiritual, it allows the various troll priests to manipulate
the spiritual energy of the world in order to either heal or
harm their targets. The Loa (semi-divine animal spirits)
have elements of Light and Shadow within them, leaving
the troll priests who draw their power from them to be of
the discipline priesthood. Tapping into darker voodoo
magic, however, reaches into the Void, treating the priest
as of the shadow priesthood.
WORGEN (blink step), and talents that would help initiate and escape
Worgen history of any priesthood is still new, and follows
combat (fan of knives, hunter’s dread ambusher, and leap).
their human origins.
High Elves, Void Elves, and Blood Elves who take up the
RGE: ROGUES rogue path often take up the subtlety or assassination
specializations, focusing on talents that have an ambushing
DRAENEI or magical theme (hunter’s dread ambusher, cloak of
Draenei rogues are few and far in between except among shadows). Void Elf rogues often take up the title of
the Broken—who lean towards the subtlety specialization, Ghostblade..
due to shadow or fel influence on them.
DWARVES Forsaken who take up the rogue class often take the path of
Ironforge dwarves who take up the rogue class often serve the Lightslayer, extinguishing light wherever they find it —
as elite scouts or infiltrators, taking the assassination specifically, the followers of the Holy Light. The lightslayer
specialization, or the outlaw if sailors on airships or one of embraces the teachings of the Forgotten Shadow and
the Alliance’s naval fleets. develops personal power by slaying their hated foes.
Wildhammer dwarves who take up the rogue class often Embracing the subtlety path and choosing hunter talents
take the outlaw specialization, serving as ambushers and (favored enemy, scarred hunter, fading shadow, hunter’s
scouts in the highlands, often taking the hunter talent sense, and primeval disruption), these fanatical assassins
favored terrain (hills) put out the Holy Light to make way for the Forsaken’s way
Dark Iron dwarves who take up the rogue class act as of life. Since the awakening of the Lich King, a few
Ironforge dwarves in this respect, but also lean towards Lightslayers have joined the Scourge, hunting in the
employing poisons and traps and talents such as the flash darkness and making many moves against the Lord of the
bomber, and hunter’s dread ambusher. Frozen Throne end with a knife in the dark. Deathstalkers
are Forsaken rogues who take up the assassination
ELVES specialization and focus on poisons and ambushing, and
Night Elves who take the rogue path are either advanced
often employ high elven or blood elven ambush tactics.
scouts that serve the Sentinels, or one of the mysterious
Wardens, who hunt and capture enemies of the Night Elves. GNOMES AND GOBLINS
Sentinels who do not take the hunter class take the Gnomes and Goblins who take up the rogue path usually
assassination specialization. Wardens take up the subtlety take the assassination rogue and employ poisons (usually
specialization, and prepare spells that would incapacitate inhaled) and explosives or alchemical products, respectively.
and capture their quarries (such as shadow word pain, Taking the reliable talent and flash bomber talents to aid
which wardens call shadow strike), evade their enemies
Wildhammer dwarves who take up the shaman class are
very common, and often invoke not only elemental power,
but also tapping into ancestral magic. Due to dwarves’
affinity with earth magic (being descendent from Earthen),
the path of the shaman comes easy to them when
conversing with earth spirits, and is similarly easy to
negotiate with air spirits, as Wildhammer dwarves balance
both being Wildhammer and being dwarf.
Night Elves who take the shaman path are very rare, but
are not wholly ignored. Often serving as guardians to crypts
and meditators to ancestors, their presence has become
more pronounced following the Third War, when Night
Dwarves are the first tinkers of Azeroth, having advanced
from normal blacksmithing to crafting the first firearms
and explosives. Wildhammer dwarves shirk from these
disruptive technologies, but Ironforge and Dark Iron
dwarves both maintain them and utilize them on large
Elves do not often take up the tinker path, most preferring
to follow the path of the arcane or nature magic to fulfill
their needs.
Gnomes learned engineering from the dwarves, and
surpassed their teachers. Most gnomes take the gadgeteer
path, maintaining scouting vehicles or protective suits such
as the Gnomish Combat Suit and employing rocket-
launchers. Gnome tinkers prefer efficiency and reliability,
often sacrificing power for sustainable use. Well-known
gnomish inventions are the gyrocopter, mind remote, and
the army knife.
Forsaken warriors are common and spread across multiple
specializations. They usually adopt talents that increase
their power at the expense of their safety, such as reckless
attack, rage, and heroic leap, as Forsaken can naturally heal
themselves faster than others with cannibalize. Forsaken
warriors are also adept at ambushing, either by lying in wait
underground or underwater, and often take the dread
ambusher talent as well.
Beyond the Dark Portal [Book] / auth. Rosenberg Aaron The Well of Eternity [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A. // War
and Golden Christie. - 2008. of the Ancients Trilogy. - 2004.
Cycle of Hatred [Book] / auth. DeCandido Keith R.A.. - Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects [Book] / auth. Golden
2006. Christie. - 2011.
Dawn of the Aspects [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A.. - Tides of Darkness [Book] / auth. Rosenberg Aaron. - 2007.
Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde [Book] / auth. Stackpole
Day of the Dragon [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A.. - 2001. Michael. - 2013.
Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War [Book] / auth. Golden War Crimes [Book] / auth. Golden Christie. - 2014.
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World of Warcraft Chronicle [Book] / auth. Blizzard
Lord of the Clans [Book] / auth. Golden Christie. - 2001. Entertainment. - 2016. - Vol. 1.
Night of the Dragon [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A.. - World of Warcraft Chronicle [Book] / auth. Blizzard
2008. Entertainment. - 2017. - Vol. 2.
Of Blood and Honor [Book] / auth. Metzen Chris. - 2001. World of Warcraft Chronicle [Book] / auth. Blizzard
Entertainment. - 2018. - Vol. 3.
Rise of the Horde [Book] / auth. Golden Christie. - 2006.
World of Warcraft: Wolfheart [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard
Stormrage [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A.. - 2010.
A.. - 2011.
The Demon Soul [Book] / auth. Knaak Richard A. // War of
World of Warcraft; Illidan [Book] / auth. King William. -
the Ancients Trilogy. - 2004.
The Last Guardian [Book] / auth. Grubb Jeff. - 2002.