8 Laws NSW
8 Laws NSW
8 Laws NSW
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/bringing_them_home
rightsED | Bringing them home
1900s Aborigines Protection Act 1909 Infant Convicts Adoption Act 1901
This Act gave the Board for the Where an infant under 19 years is
Protection of Aborigines statutory convicted of a felony or misdemeanour,
powers in relation to all reserves. the court may assign the care or custody
of the child to an applicant willing to
take charge of him and provide for his
aborigine – any ‘full blooded aboriginal maintenance if judged to be for infant’s
native of Australia, and any person benefit.
apparently having an admixture of
aboriginal blood who applies for or is in Repealed by Child Welfare Act 1939
receipt of rations or aid from the Board
or is living on a reserve’ State Children Relief Act 1901
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/bringing_them_home
rightsED | Bringing them home
(The Apprentices Act 1901 provided for a Children’s Protection Act 1902
minimum age of 14 years for apprentices
An offence for any person to receive a
and regulated the terms and conditions
child under three to adopt, rear, nurse or
of apprenticeships.)
otherwise maintain for payment a child,
The Board vested with power over all other than a guardian, manager or officer
reserves including power to remove of an institution or private charity or a
people from them. Entry onto reserves person exempted by Minister. An offence
by non-Aborigines forbidden. also to neglect or ill-treat a child. A child
so found may be boarded out, sent to
Regulations may be made for care,
an industrial school or committed to the
custody and education of Aborigines
care of a relation or other person.
and prescribing the conditions on which
certain children may be apprenticed Repealed by Child Welfare Act 1923
under the Act.
Neglected Children and Juvenile
Offenders Act 1905
Aborigines Protection Act Regulation
1909 – ‘every Aboriginal male under the Definitions
age of 14 years, and every unmarried neglected child – includes a child having
Aboriginal female under the age of 18 no visible means of support or no fixed
years shall, when so required by the abode; who sleeps in the open air;
manager, reside or take his or her meals who without reasonable excuse is not
and sleep in any building set apart for provided with sufficient and proper food,
such purposes. nursing, clothing, medical aid or lodging;
whose parents are habitual drunkards;
Aborigines Protection Act 1915 – ‘every
or who is living under such conditions as
able bodied aborigine, half-caste and
to indicate that the child is lapsing into a
other person resident on one of the
career of vice and crime.
Board’s stations shall do a reasonable
amount of work as directed by the Key provisions
Manager.’ Anyone persistently refusing A ‘neglected’ or ‘uncontrollable’ child
to do work when required shall have may be apprehended and brought
all supplies for himself and his family before a court which can release the
withdrawn until he resumes work and child on probation, commit the child to
shall be liable to be removed from the an institution until the age of 18 years or
station. to the care of a willing person. A child
Repealed by Aborigines Act 1969 in an institution may be apprenticed in
accordance with the Apprentices Act
Repealed by Child Welfare Act 1923
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/bringing_them_home
rightsED | Bringing them home
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/bringing_them_home
rightsED | Bringing them home
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/bringing_them_home
rightsED | Bringing them home
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/bringing_them_home
rightsED | Bringing them home
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/bringing_them_home
rightsED | Bringing them home
After Aboriginal Protection (Amendment) Act 1940, Aboriginal children were removed under the Child
Welfare Act 1939 and subsequent child welfare legislation.
© Australian Human Rights Commission 2010 | www.humanrights.gov.au/education/bringing_them_home