CV of Md. Rashel Khan

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Rashel Khan
Village: Joshomontodulia, Post: Poradanga.
Upzila:Santhia Dist:Pabna.
Cell: 01761329911


Looking for hard, challenging and interesting job where I will have the scope to utilize my potentiality,
adaptability and skill to do something innovative and from where I will be able to enhance my knowledge.

Educational qualification:

 Masters Of Social Science

Passing Year: 2013
Department: Economics
Result: 2 Class
Govt. Edward Collage, Pabna.
Board: National University

 Bachelor Of Social
Science Passing Year: 2011
Result:2 Class
Dr. Johurul Kamal Degree Collage, Pabna.
Board: National University

Higher School Certificate (HSC)

Passing Year: 2008
Group: Commerce
GPA: 2.50 (out of 5)
Dr. Johurul Kamal Degree Collage, Pabna.
Board: Rajshahi

 Secondary School Certificate

(SSC) Passing Year: 2006
Group: Commerce
GPA- 3.31 (out of 5)
Board: Rajshahi
Jahanara Kanchon Smrity High School
Personal skills:
 Ability to cope up with different situation.
 Very good temperament and enjoy challenges.
 Co-operative, Innovative & hardworking.
 Organizing & leadership competence.
 Good communication skills and a very good team player.
Computer skills:

 Operating System: Windows XP/7/8/10.

 Office Programs: Microsoft Office.
 Internet Application: Internet Browsing, Mailing etc.
Language proficiency:

 Bengali (Native)
 English (Both Verbal & writing)
Personal information:

Name : Md. Rashel Khan

Father's Name : Md. Alauddin Khan
Mother's Name : Mst. Rashida Khatun
Date of Birth : 17-11-1991
Mailing Address : Village: Joshomontodulia, Post: Poradanga.
Upzila: Santhia Dist:Pabna
Permanent Address : Village: Joshomontodulia, Post: Poradanga.
Upzila: Santhia Dist: Pabna
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Unmarried
Religion : Islam
Nationality : Bangladeshi (by Birth)
Blood Group : A+
Height : 5’ 9”


Eng. Md Kabibur Rahman

Superintending Engineer (Rtd.)
Bangladesh Water Development Board.
Cell- 01711 323312
I hereby declared that the information given above is correct.

Md. Rashel Khan

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