A Brief Taxonomy of Numbers
A Brief Taxonomy of Numbers
A Brief Taxonomy of Numbers
This article is both adapted and extended from a piece that I originally wrote
on Q&A siteQuora.com back in 2017.
The types of numbers I cover are as follows, most of them are labelled with a
capital letter in a Blackboard Bold font:
Natural Numbers,
The notation indicates that what falls between the curly brackets is a set, a collection of things. All
animals is a set, all cats is a subset of this. So here is a label for all the numbers listed between the curly
brackets, including those hinted at by the
Some people nowadays also include in this set, but I’m a traditionalist and
would call this set non-negative Integers (see below).
• The above implies that the Natural Numbers go on for ever. There is no
end to the Natural Numbers, or to put it another way, there is no biggest
Natural Number.
• To see this, suppose on the contrary that the largest Natural Number is ,
then clearly is also a Natural Number and bigger than , a
contradiction. If a statement leads to a contradiction in this manner, the
statement itself must be false.
• We use the word infinity to describe sets like that go on for ever.
• As we will see soon, there are different magnitudes of infinity. The size of the
Natural Numbers is labelled , pronounced Aleph Null. Any infinite set which
has a size of is called Countably Infinite as we can use the Natural Numbers
to count them (see An aside about Counting below).
Prime Numbers
• Prime numbers are Natural Numbers that have precisely two factors,
themselves and 1.
• Prime Numbers are important for many reasons, notably because any Natural
Number can be expressed as a unique product of Prime Numbers (if you
ignore the order in which they are multiplied). This is the Fundamental
Theorem of Arithmetic.
Here we going to introduce the symbol , which is used to denote that something is a member of a set, for
example .
For a proof of this and some examples, see Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 8 –
• There are an infinite number of Primes as well. To see this, assume the
contrary and that is a complete list of all Prime Numbers.
Then construct the following number, . No
number , which is greater than 1, divides , so this means than none of
our list of Primes can divide . Therefore either has no prime divisors and
so is prime itself, or it has some other prime divisor, say , which does not
appear in our finite list. Either way a contradiction arises, so our assumption
that the Primes were finite is erroneous.
This proof is a modern recasting of the one originally devised by the eminent Greek
Mathematician Euclid circa 300 BC.
• The Primes also have precisely the same size as the Natural Numbers, .
Here we note one of the odd things about infinite sets, a subset can be as big
as the whole set – in the same way the set of all even Natural Numbers is the
same size as the size of the Natural Numbers – or, as Richard Feynman put it,
“there are twice as many numbers as numbers”.
This may sound a bit esoteric, but if I say that what we do is to point at the
first duck and say “one”, point at the second duck and say “two”, the third
and say “three” and so on, then the process hopefully becomes a more
familiar one.
As this is a written article and not a vlog, I’m going to use some notation to
describe this process. I will write to mean pointing at a duck (or
something else) and saying “one”. Similarly I will write if I want to
point at the second frog in a set. We will come back to this notation below
when talking about both Integers and Real Numbers.
• As with Natural Numbers and even Natural Numbers above, perhaps
counterintuitively, there are the same number of Integers as Natural
Numbers. Recalling our duck-centric notation, if we define to mean
pointing at and saying “one” and as pointing at and saying “two”,
then we can count the Integers like this: , , , ,
, , , , then we have matched each element of with
each element of and thereby established that they are the same size.
For more background on the Natural Numbers and Integers, see: Glimpses of
Symmetry,Chapter 2 – What is a Group?
Rational Numbers,
• Rational Numbers are fractions both positive and negative, so numbers like:
and so on.
Here we introduce some more notation. To date, we have generally been explicit (or at least indicative) about
which numbers make up a set. Instead, what we have above is a sort of recipe for creating the members of a
set, namely the Rational Numbers. The bit directly after the first curly bracket and before the vertical bar
shows the general pattern of set members. The bit after the vertical bar and before the second curly bracket
provides restrictions on the general pattern. The vertical bar itself can be read as “such that”. For example,
consider the set . This is the even Natural Numbers; the set of numbers of format such
that is a Natural Number.
So our definition of the Rationals can similarly be read as “numbers consisting of a divided by b, such that a is
an Integer and b is a Natural Number”.
This definition alone is enough for me to argue that keeping zero free is
worth it.
• Perhaps strange to say, there are no more Rational Numbers than Natural
Numbers. If we create an array of the Rational numbers as follows:
It may be readily seen that any Rational Number will appear in it somewhere.
If we again use our convention that is pointing at and saying “one”,
we can count the Rational Numbers by tracing a winding route through the
array as follows:
, , , , , , , , , ,
Real Numbers,
If we consider a line extending out from zero in both a positive and a negative
direction, never ending on either side, the the Real Numbers are the
inhabitants of this line.
Above we use the symbol which indicates infinity. Where the context is counting to infinity – as it clearly
is above – this means the version of infinity, i.e. the size of the set of Natural Numbers.
• Any Rational Number can also be expressed using this approach, but the
numbers after the decimal point will settle down to a pattern, e.g.:
Where the are constants, typically Integers or Rational Numbers, called coefficients and is the variable, or
unknown; the thing that is to be found. The general idea is to find which number, or numbers, when substituted
for result in a value of .
The highest power of that appears is called the degree of the polynomial. Some polynomials of small degree
have special names. Degree one polynomials (where the highest power is itself) are called linear. Degree
three polynomials (where the highest power is ) are called cubics. Nestling in between these are
polynomials of degree 2, or as every schoolchild is taught, quadratics. An example of a quadratic is the
For more complicated quadratics, the same schoolchildren are taught a standardised formula which yields the
solution of , namely:
The above indicates that, as in our simple example, there are two values of x that satisfy the quadratic
equation, one is calculated using a in the formula, the other a instead. All quadratics have two solutions.
In general, a polynomial of degree n will have n solutions (some of which may be repeated), these are often
referred to as roots of the polynomial.
Transcendental Numbers are Irrational Numbers that are not the root of any
finite polynomial equation with Rational coefficients. The two best known
Transcendentals are , most commonly defined as the ratio of a circle’s
circumference to its diameter [3], and Euler’s Number, [4]. However, again
Transcendentals are more common than non-Transcendental, Irrational
Numbers, though not all have the special properties of and .
Below we show each of , and on our Real Number line:
• Readers may have been getting the feeling that the size of all sets of numbers
is the same as the Natural Numbers. Here we come across a counter-example.
The size of the Real Numbers is actually larger than the Naturals, the Real
Numbers are not countable. This result is derived from a famous proof
by Georg Cantor. This runs as follows:
• First of all, let’s assume the opposite, that the number of Real Numbers
(Rationals plus Irrationals) is countably infinite. To make our work easier, let’s
just focus on the segment of the number line , you can easily
generalise from here. So any Real Number in this interval can be written
as , where the are digits in .
• If these numbers are countable, then we can (by definition and like with the
little ducks above) set up a one-to-one correspondence between the Natural
Numbers and the Real Numbers in this interval, something like:
and so on (this is the essence of counting of course).
• Now consider the diagonal of this array (highlighted in bold above) and use
this to create a new number as follows. Pick different
from , different from , different from , and so on. Clearly this
new number doesn’t appear anywhere on the original list, it is different from
the first number in the first place after the decimal point, different from the
second number in the second place after the decimal point and so on. So we
have assumed that the Reals are countable and used this to create a Real
Number which is not in the list of Real Numbers paired to the Natural
Numbers, a contradiction. Therefore the Real Numbers cannot be countable.
There are some technicalities to be considered in the above argument, for example
and being precisely the same number, these have been elided here for the sake of clarity.
• It might be tempting to assume that the size of the Real Numbers is , i.e. the
next biggest type of infinity. However, this opens a can of worms. The Real
Numbers are sometimes also known as the continuum. The size of the
continuum is denoted by and it may be shown that . The statement
that is known as the continuum hypothesis. This margin is too small to
contain [5] a full review of the continuum hypothesis and the reader is invited
to research this elsewhere [6].
More background about both Rational and Real Numbers may be read
in Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 4 – Rationality and Reality
Complex Numbers and Gaussian Integers, and
• The Complex Numbers are an extension of the Real Numbers that we met
above. The extension is achieved by introducing a new number, , which is
defined as . The set of Complex Numbers is denoted by and the way
that the extension works is by setting:
• The number is not an artificial one. In the section on Real Numbers, we saw
how a non-rational number, , arose by considering the solutions (roots) of
the quadratic equation, . The number arises in a similar way by
considering the roots of a different quadratic, , or .
• Given the way that addition and multiplication work, one important way of
visualising Complex Numbers is the Complex Plane, a coordinate system
where the Real part of a Complex Number is plotted on the horizontal, or x-
axis and the Imaginary part is plotted on the vertical, or y-axis as follows
(note the position of the Complex Number ).
• It can be seen that taking the conjugate of a Complex Number is equivalent to
reflecting it in the x-axis.
• We can use the Complex Plane and some basic Trigonometry to further our
understanding of Complex Numbers.
Before going any further, let’s pause for a brief refresher on the basics of Trigonometry. Consider a generic
right-angled triangle as in the figure below:
Here the bottom left-hand angle has a value of , the hypotenuse has length , the adjacent side has length
and the opposite side has a length of . We then have the following definitions:
• Now let’s construct a triangle by drawing a line from the origin of the
Complex Plane ( , or just ) to a Complex Number and
dropping a perpendicular to the x-axis as follows (where is the angle that
makes with the x-axis):
• First of all, we can define the size of , written as being the length of the
line we have drawn. Using Pythagoras, we can see that . Then
Trigonometry gives us and . So we can
write .
• So far, we have been expanding out our number definitions, however we can
move in the opposite direction. Let’s consider a subset of the Complex
Numbers defined as follows:
These are know as the Gaussian Integers, which are denoted by . In the
Complex Plane, if you consider horizontal lines running through each
of and vertical lines running through each
of , then the Gaussian Integers appear at the
intersections of these sets of lines. You can add, subtract, multiply and even
divide (with remainder) Gaussian Integers. There is even the concept of prime
Gaussian Integers.
The following section is adapted from a box entitled “The Sign of the Four”
which appears at the end of Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 7 – Imaginary
• We can use these definitions to form a table capturing how the various
elements combine as follows:
• We can also fairly readily see that numbers in are well-behaved, you can
add, subtract, multiply and divide them in ways analogous to what we have
demonstrated for earlier in this article. One point to note however is that
multiplication is not commutative [9] (i.e. ), indeed in general if are
two distinct generators (i.e. each a different one of ) then , as
may be seen in the table above.
• Of course a natural follow-on would be to wonder whether or not we can take
this process of extending the concept of number further. There is one further
extension, the Octonions, which unsurprisingly have eight generating
elements analogous to the four for the Quaternions. However that is then it,
there is no meaningful set of numbers with 16 generating elements or indeed
any more. The reason is that we lose features of the number system along the
way, the Quaternions are not commutative, the Octonions are not
associative [10] – i.e. – and there is nothing much left to lose
beyond this while retaining meaning as a number system.
Here we will stop our journey into the realms of Numbers. There are other
towns and villages that we could have taken in along the way. We have not
mentioned other number bases, such as Hexadecimals, or the Binary System;
both of which are important in Computing. We could also start to put our
numbers (of whatever sort) into tables with rows and columns, also known
as matrices. Beyond these, Modular Numbers [11], p-adic
Numbers and Hyperreal Numbers come to mind, as does the important area
of Finite Fields. However hopefully the trip has still been a pleasant and
stimulating one, albeit that we skipped on some esoterica.
It is a long and winding road from the Natural Numbers to the Octonions. I
trust that I have been able to show that it is a navigable path and that there
are some inherent properties shared by all the numbers we have looked at
above; they can be added, they can be multiplied and so on. I also trust that I
will have helped at least some readers to expand what they view as being a
number. It is a big Mathematical Universe out there and, if my brief notes
have whetted your appetite, there is a wealth of helpful material available at
different levels of sophistication and just a quick Google away.
<< Glimpses of Symmetry When I’m 65 >>
Part of the peterjamesthomas.com Maths and Science archive.
See a footnote to Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 4 – Rationality and Reality.
See a second footnote to Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 4 – Rationality and Reality.
However, also see More π in the sky – Quora.
See a section of Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 20 – Power to Truth and also a Quora artcile Mi a
name I call myself.
Pierre de Fermat – Wikiquote.
The Continuum Hypothesis – Wikipedia.
In particular:
13 – First Contact – U(1),
14 – Determination – U(2) & SU(2) and
21 – SU(3) and the Meaning of Lie
The author’s answer to How can you prove that eiπ = – 1? – Quora.
See a section of Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 3 – Shifting Shapes.
See a section of Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 2 – What is a Group?.
For a brief introduction to Modular Numbers, see Glimpses of Symmetry, Chapter 2 – What is a
Text & Images: © Peter James Thomas 2017 – 2018.
Published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.