Planning Review
Planning Review
Planning Review
1. 6.00 mts. Minimum road width in a neighborhood 17. Comprehensive Appraisal of adequacy of a city's water and
development to ease traffic flow. Plan sewer systems needs of future land uses
are embodied in the .
2. Accurate Preparations of an accurate base map for
Aerial urban planning starts with . 18. Concentric A spatial organization concept a general
Mosaic Zone Concept view of the pattern of land use in a city
developed by Ernest W. Burgess. The city
3. Advocacy A type of planning which emphasizes that the
is conceived as a series of five concentric
Planning proper role of the planner is not to serve the
zones with the cores as the central
general public interest but rather to serve the
business district and fanning out from
interests of the least fortunate or least well
which are the residential and commuter
represented groups in society.
4. Agricultural The main reason why the nomadic existence
19. Daniel He conceptualized the 'City Beautiful
Surplus of early man metamorphosed to village
Burnham Movement'.
settlement and later to the birth of cities.
20. Deed Written document to transfer the property
5. Amortization A provision made in advance for the gradual
to one person to another.
liquidation of a future obligation by periodic
charges against the capital account. 21. Density In architectural terms, it is the relationship
of the number of residential structures and
6. Appraiser Determines the value of the house and also is
people to a given amount of space.
familiar with trends in the local market and in
the industry. 22. Developers They develop or improve the land as well
as construct houses.
7. Azimuths Angles measured clockwise from any
meridian, usually north; however, the National 23. Dwelling Unit A habitable room for 1 family only with
Geodetic Survey uses south. facilities for living, sleeping, cooking, and
8. Bedrooms Which building component receives priority
over the location to have the morning sun. 24. Earnest Money Sometimes called "subscription money",
this is a deposit given to the seller to show
9. Brasilia Niemeyer believed that relating large areas to
that the potential buyer has serious
each other is freedom as in the planned city
of .
25. Ecology The study of the dynamic relationship
10. Buildable The remaining space in a lot after deducting
between a community of organisms and its
Area the required minimum open spaces.
11. Capital Planning for roads, bridges, schools, parking
26. Ekistics The science of human settlement.
Facilities structures, pubic buildings, water supply, and
Planning waste disposal facilities. 27. Final Plat Usually the last stage of the final site
development process prior to issuance of
12. City A locale with a sizeable agglomeration of
building permit.
people having characteristics of an urban
being. 28. Freeways An efficient and rapid transport system for
automobiles to circulate across urban to
13. City The orderly arrangement of urban streets and
urban areas.
Planning public spaces.
29. Gabion Wall This is a type of a retaining wall made of
14. Cliff A very steep slope of rock or clay.
rectangular baskets made of galvanized
15. Code of Two major hindrances to the prefabrication steel wire or pvc coated wire hexagonal
Multiplicities industry. mesh which are filled with stones to form a
and wall.
30. Gazebo A lattice structure that serves as a summer
16. Common A wall that serves 2 dwelling units, known also house.
Wall as party wall.
31. Grass and In landscaping, ground cover is
Plants represented by .
32. Greenbelt A wide area of parks of undeveloped land
surrounding a community.
33. Growth and Urban Planning is defined briefly as the 51. Local This code mandates that all Local
Change guidance of . Government Government Units shall prepare their
Code, 1991, comprehensive land use plans and enact
34. Health and Lands for well-being like parks, plazas, and of
R.A. 7160 them through zoning ordinances.
General Use similar nature.
52. Meadow A piece of grassy land, especially one used
35. Hippodamus First Planner and developed the Gridiron.
for growing hay or as pasture for grazing
of miletus
animals; low grassy land near a river or
36. Housing Codes that deal with the use, occupancy, and stream.
Codes maintenance of existing buildings.
53. National The government arm responsible for the
37. Human By definition, settlement inhabited by man. Shelter development and implementation of low
Settlement Program cost housing in the Philippines.
38. Insula The rough equivalent of the present tenement 54. "Option to A written agreement between parties, but it
cities that existed in ancient Rome, which Buy" allows a specific period during which the
resulted from the population growth of the buyer can investigate the property and make
city and the congestion that existed in streets. a decision.
39. Land The part of the surface of the earth not 55. Parcel Of land, a contiguous land area which is
permanently covered by water. considered as a unit, which is subject to a
40. Land A line of demarcation between adjoining single ownership, and which is legally
Boundary parcels of land. recorded as a single piece.
41. Landmark A monument, fixed object, or marker used to 56. Physical The container of man, which consists of both
designate the location of a land boundary on Settlement the natural and man-made or artificial
the ground. element.
42. Land Survey A survey of landed property establishing or 57. Platting The process in which a piece of land,
reestablishing lengths and directions of referred to as the parent tract, is subdivided
boundary line. into two or more parcels.
43. Land-use The study of an existing pattern of use, within 58. Prefabrication Construct three-dimensional volumetric
Analysis an area, to determine the nature and Manufacturer units in a plant on a production line then
magnitude of deficiencies which might exist hauled to the site.
and to assess the potential of the pattern 59. Primitive, Three general types of structures.
relative to development goals. Vernacular,
44. Land-use The projection of a future pattern of use Grand
Plan within an area, as determined by 60. Productive A piece of land with an economic use for
development goals. Use farming.
45. Land-use A study and recording of the way in which 61. Promote Reason for planning.
Survey land is being used in an area. Human
46. Lane A narrow passageway bordered by trees, Growth
fences, or other lateral barrier 62. Ravine A long, deep, narrow valley eroded by
47. Latitude In surveying, the North-South component of a running water.
traverse course. 63. Real Estate Helps people find a place to live,
48. Lawn An open space of ground of some size, Broker specializing and matching wants of buyers
covered with grass and kept smoothly mown. with the local supply.
49. Lease A contract transferring the right of possession 64. Restriction On land, an encumbrance limiting its use,
of buildings, property, etc., for a fixed period usually imposed for community or mutual
of time, usually for periodical compensation protection.
called 'rent'. 65. Ridge A long, narrow chain of hills or mountains.
50. Leasehold A tenure by lease; real estate held under a 66. Site Planning The art of arranging buildings and other
lease. structures in harmony with the landscape.
67. Social Housing provided for low-income groups 82. Urban A 20th century problem emanating from rapid
Housing generally through government intervention Sprawl urbanization of areas surrounding a city which eats
and characterized by substantial subsidies up the remaining adjacent rural open spaces.
and direct assistance.
83. Zoning Designed to regulate land use, to ban industry and
68. Social Similarly as the cost of the land, commerce from residential areas and to separate
Implications neighborhood character have this effect. different types of living units.
69. Star The city of Washington conforms to the plan
type of .
70. Subdivision A tool used to control the manner in which
Regulations raw kind is subdivided and placed on the
marker for residential development.
71. Subsystems System building is the complete integration
of all .
72. Sustainable Phrase used to characterize development
Development that meets the needs of the present
generation without compromising the needs
of the future generations.
73. Sustainable In the Philippines, this type of land use
Land Use planning emphasizes the proper
Planning management of land resources to ensure
that the present generation can benefit from
its continued use without compromising
future generations.
74. Total System Are usually large concrete slabs or
otherwise panelized units fabricated in a
shop and assembled at the site.
75. Traffic. A Land Development Decision is also what
kind of decision.
76. Transportation Also called the blood-stream of a city.
77. Truebounded In urban geography, a concept where urban
City settlement is confined to the area within the
legal limits of the city and the congestion
and virtually all of this area is occupied by
urban residents.
78. Urban Area An area which is within the city limits, or
closely linked to it by common use of public
utilities and services.
79. Urban Blight A form of absence of all the principles and
organized development of a community.
80. Urban Design A profession which falls between planning
and architecture. It deals with the large-
scale organization and design of the city,
with the massing and organization and the
space between them, but not with the
design of the individual buildings.
81. Urban The improvement of slum, deteriorated, and
Renewal underutilized areas of a city.