Content of 3rd Harmonic Voltage
Content of 3rd Harmonic Voltage
Content of 3rd Harmonic Voltage
1. General
The content of 3rd harmonics in system voltage is important for the accuracy of measuring
systems for Metal Oxide Surge Arresters based on 3rd harmonic analysis. Some of these
measuring systems are based on just measurement of the 3rd harmonics in the total arrester
leakage current, whereas other systems are compensating for the influence of the effect of 3rd
harmonics in the system voltage. The amount of 3rd harmonics in the system voltage is
dependent on many factors and will vary with time as the load situation is varying. If
compensation is not used therefore, it is not possible to say if the change in 3rd harmonic
content in the arrester current is due to an ageing of the arrester or due changes in the system.
The importance of using compensating systems to obtain reliable results is clearly illustrated
in IEC Document TC37/224/FDIS “Amendment to IEC 60099-5: Application Guide”.
The third harmonic is the largest harmonic component of the resistive current, and it is the
most commonly used for diagnostic measurements. The conversion from harmonic to
resistive current level, if required, relies on information supplied by the arrester manufacturer
or from measurements in the laboratory.
The method can be readily used for measurements in service. The main problem is the
sensitivity to harmonics in the system voltage, which is varying with the load and several
other system conditions. The harmonics in the voltage may create capacitive harmonic
currents that are comparable in size with the harmonic currents generated by the non-linear
resistance of the arrester. As a result, the error in the measured harmonic current may be
considerable. This is seen in figure 1, where the error in the evaluation of the third harmonic
in the leakage current is given as a function of the third harmonic content in the system
voltage. The figure includes the effects of different voltage-current characteristics and
capacitances, as well as the influence of the phase angle of the third harmonic in the voltage.
It is seen that 1 % third harmonic in voltage may give ± 100 % measuring error in the current.
of voltage or current
handling complexity
information quality
surface currents
Separate d.c. voltage source n.a. n.a. high high high limited 1
Service voltage or separate a.c. voltage source
Measurement of total leakage current low low mean low low extensive
Measurement of resistive leakage current
- using voltage reference A1 mean high high mean high limited 2
- using capacitor compensation A2 mean high high mean high limited 3
- using synthetic compensation A3 mean high high mean low n.i.a. 4
- using capacitive current cancellation A4 high high high low low limited 5,6
Harmonic analysis of leakage current
- using third harmonic B1 high low low mean low extensive 7
- using third harmonic with compensation B2 low low low high mean extensive 8,9
- using first order harmonic B3 low high high mean high limited 10
Measurement of power loss C low high high mean high n.i.a. 11
Evaluation error - %
0 Error range
0,0 0,5 1,0 1,5 2,0 2,5 3,0
Third harmonic in system voltage - %
Figure 1 – Error in the evaluation of the leakage current third harmonic for different
phase angles of system voltage third harmonic, considering various capacitances and
voltage-current characteristics of non-linear metal-oxide resistors
3.3 Measurements carried out in different stations and at different voltage levels in
Table 3: Stations B, C and D
4. Reasons for 3rd harmonics in system voltage
The main reasons why 3rd harmonics are generated in the transmission and distribution
systems are as follows:
1. The magnetizing current of transformers contains 3rd harmonic current. The current in
the three phases are non-symmetric due to the physical dimension of the transformer
core. A delta-connected transformer winding will only compensate for the
symmetric 3rd harmonic current.
2. In case of non-symmetric voltages phase-to-earth the non-symmetry in the
magnetizing current of the transformers will be even bigger and so also the content of
3rd harmonics in the system voltage.
3. Loads that generate non-symmetric 3rd harmonic current will generate 3rd
harmonic voltages on the transmission line side of the transformer. Only the
symmetric 3rd harmonic load is eliminated by the transformer delta-winding.
4. Configuration of the network (number of lines and transformers in use) and the load
situation will influence on the phase-to-earth voltages and indirectly on the non-
symmetry in the transformer magnetizing current and the following 3rd harmonic
content of the voltage.